
A Thousand Son in Equestria, part 36 (Feeling Good)

May 11th, 2012
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  1. >Oh Tzeeentch Oh Tzeentch Oh Tzeentch.
  2. "Twilight no! Dinky is NOT watching us-you know what, we aren't doing what you're planning anyway!"
  3. >Twilight doesn't answer.
  4. >She's too busy drooling and trying to lick your crotch.
  6. >When did we name it, horsebrain?
  8. >Twilight starts scowling as you twitch your crotch this way and that, keeping her face off of it.
  9. >"Trying to play hard to get, huh? We're not having that! Hold still~..."
  10. >Her horn glows, and for the first time, you know what it feels like to have your crotch molested by telekinesis.
  11. >It is not a good feeling.
  12. >You hear the pounding of tiny hooves, and Dinky charges into Twilight from behind.
  13. >"Leggo of my Daddy, meany!"
  14. >When you get out of this, you are buying Dinky all the ice cream.
  15. >All of it.
  18. >Twilight Sparkle lets out a growl that would make a Khornate Berserker proud before rounding on Dinky.
  19. >Okay, that is NOT the gaze of a sane mare.
  20. "Run Dinky, run!"
  21. >The little filly doesn't need to be told twice, and she scampers away from the insane gaze of Twilight Sparkle.
  22. >But she doesn't make it far.
  23. >She lifts the filly up with her magic, glaring at Dinky with twitching eyes.
  24. >"You! Be a good little filly, and sit in the corner. You've been very bad, you know that? I have some...experiments I need to do on your, err..'daddy,' so hush while I finish."
  25. >Then she tosses Dinky across the room.
  26. >Spike, bless his scaly ass, is there to break Dinky's fall, and he lets out a quiet 'oof!' as the pony slams into him.
  27. >We mad, horsebrain?
  28. >We mad.
  29. >Time to pull out your blackest sorcery.
  30. >A scheme filled with such darkness you would hesitate to use it on a being you once called friend.
  31. >But she had tossed a filly.
  32. >YOUR filly.
  33. >There would be no mercy.
  35. >She rounds on you, those eyes staring at you insanely.
  36. >Then she pounces, rubbing a hoof on your chains and Little Sorcerer.
  37. >"Yeeessss, Anon? Are you ready now!? Doesn't feel like it....hold on, I have a spell for that."
  38. >You glare up at her, full of defiance and rage, and you utter the darkest words you could say to her.
  39. >Tzeentch have mercy on your soul.
  40. "Eldar. Dicks."
  41. >She topples like a felled tree.
  44. >Alright, good job, Anonymous. You've managed to knock out the crazed rape-mare and...
  45. >Not much else really.
  46. >You start tugging at the chains holding you tied to the wall with your teeth, but that isn't that effective.
  47. >Your horn lights up, and you carefully unwrap the chains from your body.
  48. >This is taking far too long.
  49. "Dinky, are you alright?"
  50. >A purple-grey hoof rises from the entangled filly and dragon.
  51. >" M'fine, Anon. Spike's groaning a bit though. Tell him to stop being such a baby!"
  52. >Dinky, I remain proud.
  53. >Taking her first battle injury like a sir.
  54. >You cast off the last chain and take a step towards Dinky when you hear Twilight stir.
  55. >You prepare for horse-to-horse combat.
  56. >Not very well, hooves are terrible weaponry.
  57. >"Uuuugh. What happened?"
  58. >Is that...sanity?
  59. >She glances around, noting you, the chains, and Dinky and Spike collapsed in the corner.
  60. >Alright Anonymous, regain your composure, and take control of the situation.
  61. >"Did I....I did something bad, didn't I?"
  62. "You could most definitely say that, Twilight."
  63. >She suddenly sniffs, and her eyes start shrinking to pinpricks.
  64. >"It's that day, isn't it? Oh no oh no oh no how did I even get out!? I had two wards on that door! Two! I shouldn't be out here! I could hurt somep0ny!"
  65. >She looks over at you in a way that makes you distinctly uncomfortable.
  66. "Calm down, or I'll use the you know what again."
  67. >She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, but she's still shaking.
  68. >"Right, focus. Sorry Anonymous. It's...well, THAT day, and you're right here and it is NOT helping me focus right now, believe me. I mean, you're so BIG and you've got that horn and that smell and those unshorn fe-"
  69. "So change me back."
  72. >"Change you back? But how would that help at all? I mean, when I snap again I'll just try to change you back into...mmmm~, all of this!"
  73. "Eldar..."
  74. >She holds up her hooves.
  75. >"Stop, stop! Still me, still me! I can't help it Anon, I'm in heat!"
  76. >Well at least if she's thinking and in terror, she's not trying to rape you in front of children.
  77. "Then teach me how to perform your little spell. So I can change back if you ambush me again."
  78. >"That....that could work. Spike!"
  79. >"Bwuh?"
  80. >The dazed dragon pops his head up from over Dinky's back.
  81. >"Research time!"
  82. >"Now? So I'm NOT in charge of hitting you in the head with a baseball bat if you get loose?"
  83. >"Research first!"
  84. >Spike grumbles, gets to his feet, and they get to work.
  85. >You have to hand it to Twilight, nothing gets in the way of her desire to teach people, or ponies, new things.
  86. >Even an overwhelming biological drive to reproduce.
  87. >You trot over to Dinky, and set her on your back as you watch Twilight and Spike comb the library for her notes on the transformation spell.
  88. >Occasionally, you have to mention one or two letters of the Dreaded Invocation to keep her focused.
  89. >Dreaded Invocation sounded better than 'tormenting your friend with visions of alien dongs'.
  90. >Eventually, after an hour of research, running, and endlessly terrible flirting via Twilight, she collapses.
  91. >"Alright, found it! Read the notes, learn the spell, and change back before I go CRAZY!"
  92. "Eld-
  93. >"In about four minutes, even THAT isn't going to stop me!"
  94. >As you pore over Twilight's hastily written notes on the magic, you come to a dreadful realization.
  95. >You can't read her writing.
  98. >That makes no sense, at all.
  99. >They speak perfectly legible Gothic, why can't you read her writing?
  100. >These characters RESEMBLE High Gothic, to be sure, but they AREN'T High Gothic, all the same.
  101. >And that made the spell unusable.
  102. >A single miscast, a single mistake when casting a transformation spell like this, and the Warp would reduce you to a gibbering blob of tentacles and madness.
  103. >You grip the edges of her writing desk (ineffectively, what with the hooves), and glare down at Twilight's notes.
  104. >You hear an impatient growl from behind you.
  105. >"WELL?"
  106. "I...I can't read it."
  108. >You hear the sound of hooves trotting up to you from behind, and then a sudden THUMP, followed by a quieter thump.
  109. >You turn around, to see a heaving Spike standing behind Twilight, a baseball bat in his claws.
  110. >"Sorry about that, Anon. She enchanted this bat so I could keep her locked up for the next couple of days. Couldn't get her earlier. Now if you'll excuse me..."
  111. >He grabs Twilight's back legs and starts pulling her towards the unlocked basement door.
  112. >Dinky waves at Spike, smiling.
  113. >"Thanks for helping us, Spike!"
  114. >He grins up at her as she pulls.
  115. >"No problem, Dinky! Any time!"
  116. >You scowl to yourself. Going to have to keep an eye on that dragon.
  117. >Where did THAT come from?
  118. >No time for this internal dialogue now, horsebrain, it's time to learn.
  119. >You stare at the paper for another ten minutes before scowling and giving u-
  120. >"Anon?"
  121. "Yes, Dinky?"
  122. >"I could read that for you, if ya want! Miss Cheerilee's already taught us all our letters!"
  125. >You turn around and stare at the filly on your back.
  126. "I would LOVE that, Dinky, thank you."
  127. >She leans over your shoulder and starts reading off Twilight's little incantation to you.
  128. >It's quite simple, really, even with you substituting her more stable magic with your own Warp-trickery.
  129. >After an hour of repetition on Dinky's part, you think you've got it.
  130. >Your horn glows, and you take a deep breath as you feebly grasp at the Warp with this unfamiliar instrument.
  131. >As you rattle off Twilight's little spell in your head, red-white light blinds you and Dinky as your body swells and you rise, changed back into your Astartes form.
  132. >You have never been so happy to have hands.
  133. >"Whoa, Dad! I knew you weren't a pony, but you're hu-"
  134. >The rest is cut off as you wrap her in a giant power armored hug and spin her around.
  135. >When her giggling dies down, you stop and muss up her hair with your free hand.
  136. "Dinky, I owe you, I owe you big time."
  137. >She gives a sneaky smile up at you.
  138. >"All the ice cream I could want, and you won't tell Mommy."
  139. "Deal."
  140. >Two hours later, you are carrying home a little filly with a terrible stomachache.
  141. "I love you, Dinky."
  142. >She murmers a weak response before groaning again, and you smile.
  145. >Back home, you carefully tuck Dinky into her tiny bed before making your way into the living room, where Ditzy awaits.
  146. >She's been sort of...twitchy since you got back, and it's a mite disturbing.
  147. >"You really shouldn't have given her all that sugar, you know."
  148. >You take your helmet off and raise an eyebrow at Ditzy.
  149. "And YOU should have told me that today was some sort of pony mating season."
  150. >She blushes, but doesn't stop glaring at you.
  151. >You glare back, until the both of you burst into quiet laughter.
  152. >You sit down next to the couch as she reclines on it.
  153. >Apparently Carrot Top left in the afternoon to go "satisfy herself".
  154. >Ditzy's quiet for a while, just lying against your shoulder and humming.
  155. "What's on your mind, dear Ditzy Doo?"
  156. >"So many things, Anon. Too many. I had a....a visit from an old...friend this morning. We fought."
  157. >You stiffen in anger.
  158. "Do I need to...?"
  159. >"No! You don't need to. Ever, Anon. Ever. I can handle it. It wouldn't even be a problem, but tomorrow I know...the thing you saw today."
  160. "Is that why you didn't tell me about it?"
  161. >She blushes.
  162. >"It's kind of embarrassing. I'm gonna be just a bit crazy for the next few days and I didn't want you But now you're back to your regular shape, so I'll just handle it on m-"
  163. >You put a finger to her lips, silencing her.
  164. "Next few days, hmm?"
  165. >She nods, still silent.
  166. "Well then, I say we get a head start."
  167. >You focus, snapping your fingers and transfiguring yourself back into your pony shape.
  168. >Ditzy's wings go straight up.
  170. Music:
  171. >For the next three and a half nights, no one in Ponyville sleeps soundly.
  172. >Not even the stallions.
  173. >It was later declared that "not even the dead can know peace from this evil," in the Ponyville newspaper.
  174. >You stay over for those days, enthusiastically helping Ditzy with her little 'problem'.
  175. >And when THAT'S over, you stay to help fix a patch of roof that's been missing.
  176. >And help tutor Dinky in some magic.
  177. >Days stretch into weeks, which stretches into a month as you live with Ditzy Doo and Dinky.
  178. >It takes a day out at market, where you buy apples, muffin mix, milk, and some carrots, for it to hit you.
  179. >This is your life now.
  180. >No more war. No more suffering. No more watching as men in the thousands bleed their lives away, grunting and gasping in the dirt.
  181. >Only love, and happiness, and life.
  182. >Your new life.
  183. >And it feels good.
  184. >The realization makes you smile, wider than you have in years.
  185. >You've found what some Astartes have spent 10 millennia seeking.
  186. >Peace. True and everlasting.
  187. >It is at dinner that you ask Ditzy the question.
  188. >She's baked a batch of muffins, along with some salad and apples.
  189. "Ditzy Doo?"
  190. >"Yes, Anon?"
  191. "How do you feel about me moving in with you and Dinky?"
  192. >Ditzy and Dinky look at each other and start laughing.
  193. >"That's the craziest thing I've ever heard!"
  194. >For a second, your hearts stop.
  195. >"You're already living with us, silly!"
  196. >The three of you laugh at your silly question over a delicious dinner prepared with loving hooves.
  199. >You wake up the next morning, and to your amusement, you wake up smiling.
  200. >You have not had the ability to smile for, well, a long time.
  201. >You hadn't WANTED to smile for even longer.
  202. >You turn and kiss Ditzy while she's sleeping, before hopping out of the bed, getting dressed, and changing back into a more natural shape.
  203. >You hadn't talked to Trixie in a month.
  204. >You felt you owed it to her to explain where you'd been.
  205. >You were going to give everything to her.
  206. >The house, the couch, everything.
  207. >You just wanted your blade and your portion of the bits.
  208. >You teleport to the house in the wee hours of the morning, gently opening the door.
  209. >Trixie had...well, she said she had expensive tastes, didn't she?
  210. >The ratty couch you had purchased so long ago was replaced by a much nicer, fancier couch, upon which Trixie was currently sleeping.
  211. >New chairs lined the walls, along with filled bookshelves and some things you didn't even have words for.
  212. >The scent of smoke filled the house.
  213. >You made your way to your sword, lying where you'd left it against the wall, when a voice behind you speaks up.
  214. >It is not Trixie.
  215. >"I was wondering when you'd get back."
  216. >You stiffen at the familiar voice. In YOUR house? Trixie's now, you suppose, but still.
  217. "What did you do to Trixie?"
  218. >"Nothing she didn't enjoy, friend. Now come on, calm down and let's chat."
  219. >You turn around, to see a brown coated earth pony reclining in a chair, a cigarette in his mouth.
  220. >"We have a lot to chat about, you and I. A talk, between gentlemen, about Ditzy and Dinky and minding one's place. I don't think we were ever properly introduced. You're Anonymous, of course."
  221. "And you are?"
  222. >"My dear boy, I'm The Doctor."
  224. Afterword.
  225. >That morning, there were three ponies in Ponyville who hadn't got any sleep.
  226. >Bad dreams had kept them awake.
  227. >Three little ponies, running from who?
  228. >Discord caught one, and then there were two.
  229. >"Come now, dear Scootaloo, there's Chaos to wreak!"
  230. >Two little ponies, still on the run.
  231. >Justicar trapped them, and then there was one.
  232. >"Your magic's no use against him, Sweetie Belle. Come along now, it's time we put your gifts to use!"
  233. >One little pony, all alone.
  234. >The Necron beat her soundly, and then there were none.
  235. >"Applebloom, dear Applebloom, my favorite little creation. We've got work to do, yes we do."
  236. >Three little ponies, consumed by Chaos.
  237. >"Ah, it's good to have you back, My Little Cultists. Your God has a command."
  238. >They bowed before him, there wills broken.
  239. >"As Chaos wills, Lord."
  240. >The next night, all of Ponyville had dreams of the laughter of a mad God
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