
Sleeping apex

Jan 28th, 2020
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  1. [16:19] The young boy made his way towards the weird substance in the cave and what he noticed was a fiery liquid that seemed to have chucks of rock floating in it. This has always been interesting to Andrew, but he's never been close enough to test it out until now; however, he wasn't sure how to go about testing this theory of his out.
  3. There was always a chance that he was crazy and there was nothing he could do with this, but he wouldn't be able to learn unless he took the first step. Andrew made his way towards the lava pool the only one he ever seen in his life.
  5. He'd lightly cover his hand in earth and paused to think about what he was about to do.
  7. The plan was simple and sounded good in his head and before going though with the place he's repeat the steps out loud again trying to clam his nerves.
  9. "I understand fire magic, and I understand earth magic. This substance seems to contain them both...… I should be able to"
  11. The boy took a deep breath and slowly descended his hand into the lava, and the sensation that course thought his body, and traveled up his spin.
  13. He'd quickly pull his hand out and begin shaking the lava from his hand while he winced in pain. The boy started to thing something like this would never work, but he couldn't leave until he was complete sure.
  15. He took a short break before he recoated his arm in stone while preparing to dive his back into the lava.
  16. (Andrew Mercia)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [16:42] After a brief moment of him resting his arm, and attending to the burns his arm was already coated in the next layer of stone. He wasn't sure if this was going to workout, but he wouldn't give up trying until he was complete sure of himself.
  21. He'd coat his arm in a bit of fire as well and slowly put his hand into the lava again. While the sensation wasn't instant Andrew begin feeling the magma burning though his layer of stone while causing his skin discomfort.
  23. He'd wince again at the pain again and while he pulled his arm out he quickly wiped the magma from his arm. He noticed the magma left slight burns on his arm
  25. At this moment Andrew wanted to leave and mark this off as a fail, but something deep inside of him made him feel that something was a little off.
  27. "Hmm"
  29. He took a short break and lightly begin coating his arm in stone again. He needed figure out how to hold this without causing himself physically harm.
  30. (Andrew Mercia)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [17:19] After taking a moment to figure some thing out the young boy noticed that the magma/lava was burning thought the thin layer of rock. This might have been the key to the entire situation he found himself in at the moment.
  34. He couldn't cheat himself at all if he wanted this to workout in his favor.
  36. Andrew begin forming a thick layer of earth around his arm yet he wasn't sure if this was enough to keep the magma from burning his skin. There was a lot of doubt in the boys mind though it wasn't enough to keep him from quickly forcing his hand into the pool of lava again
  38. Andrew thought:
  40. "The pain is barely there, but what was different this time? Something wasn't right about this time. It's possible I figured out what I what I was trying to understand or maybe the rock was so thick I jsut cant' feel it?"
  42. In reality:
  44. The lava begin to tear thought the thick layer or rock slowly converting it into magma. There was steam blowing in Andrew's face clouding his vision.
  46. The intense amount of heat caused Andrew to pass out while his boy slowly inched into the pool of lava.
  48. He was likely on his death bed one that he slowly made himself for lack of preparation.
  50. This was the end of Andrew or maybe this was another test of his fate, but he likely wouldn't know that anytime soon.
  52. The young boy found his body slowly being pulled into the lava with no protection, and the smell of flesh filled the cave while he was being cooked alive.
  54. Andrew's mana circuits:
  56. While Andrew's physical body was being cooked by the lava his circuits were slowly working by combining his fire attunement with his attunement to earth.
  58. As the mana tired to find a middle ground it was left up to Andrew to survive the overwhelming about of force coming from the lava.
  60. Andrew's body:
  62. The body of Andrew begin to darken as the lava being cooking him alive allowing the magma to cover his body inside and out.
  64. Slowly pulling his life away from him, and leaving him jsut another missing face that the word had never seen.
  66. Yet he could hear something calling out to him while he was on his left breath of life.
  68. The Sleeping Apex
  70. (Andrew Mercia)
  71. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. While Andrew's entire body was going though a change it seems he wasn't in-control at the moment and faith was the only thing left for him to have.
  73. For a brief moment the boy was awakened only to fill his body in deep pain from being cooked alive. Andrew gives off a loud scream only causing the lava to fill his lungs.
  75. The boy passed out again.
  77. Andrew's mind:
  79. Being trying to process what his body was feeling, and yet tried to process the information it was getting from his mana circuits. Trying to process pain, and information wasn't the greatest idea; however, there wasn't much of a choice at the moment
  81. Andrew's circuits:
  83. Begin combining his attunement with fire, and earth into one. As his boy attempt to accept the magma not as something that fills the body with pain, but power.
  85. Andrew's circuits were still hard at work, but what happened to his body?
  87. Andrew's body:
  89. Begin to harden, and the suddenly vanished the lava seem to sit in cracks of the damaged flesh though it didn't hurt him.
  91. The boy slowly begin to wake up thought he thought he was dead; however that wasn't the cause.
  93. He begin swimming to the top, and quickly jumped out of the lava, and noticed that he was creating small pools over lava around him; however, he wasn't use to the power coursing though his body.
  95. The body passed out again causing the magma shell to break, and he seemed unharmed yet his mana was surely affected by these events.
  97. An unknown miner found the boy, and dragged him to the nearest medic to be patched up.
  99. The end:
  101. Andrew wasn't sure what happened that day, but he continued to feel weird and the name Sleeping Apex kept ringing In his head from time to time.
  102. (Andrew Mercia)
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