

Feb 9th, 2013
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  1. --Splits a string according to a pattern into a table              
  2. local function split(str, pattern)
  3.   local t = { }
  4.   local fpat = "(.-)" .. pattern
  5.   local last_end = 1
  6.   local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)
  7.   while s do
  8.     if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
  9.       table.insert(t,cap)
  10.     end
  11.     last_end = e+1
  12.     s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)
  13.   end
  14.   if last_end <= #str then
  15.     cap = str:sub(last_end)
  16.     table.insert(t, cap)
  17.   end
  18.   return t
  19. end
  21. --[[ Main code ]]--
  23. textStore = { }
  24. --The number of characters on the present line, and the number of lines on the present page
  25. local charCount, lineCount = 0, 0
  26. --The maximum char and line count
  27. local charMax, lineMax = 25, 21
  28. --The command line arguments
  29. local tArgs = {...}
  30. --The wrapped peripheral
  31. local printer = nil
  33. --We locate the printer first
  34. for k,v in pairs(rs.getSides()) do
  35.     if peripheral.getType(v) == "printer" then
  36.         printer = peripheral.wrap(v)
  37.     end
  38. end
  39. if not printer then
  40.     print("No printer attached!")
  41.     return
  42. end
  44. --Catching missing arguments
  45. if #tArgs == 0 then
  46.     print("Usage: printpage <filename>")
  47.     return
  48. end
  50. local filePath = shell.resolve(".").."/"..tArgs[1]
  52. --Files use relative pathing, catching missing files
  53. if not fs.exists(filePath) then
  54.     print("File not found")
  55.     return
  56. end
  57. --Catches trying to print entire directories
  58. if fs.isDir(filePath) then
  59.     print("Cannot print directory")
  60.     return
  61. end
  63. --We rip the file open and cut it up here
  64. local file =, "r")
  65. textStore = split(file.readAll(), "\n")
  66. file.close()
  68. --Finishes the page, fires the new page down and keeps going
  69. function finishPage()
  70.     printer.endPage()
  71.     lineCount = 0
  72.     wordCount = 0
  74.     rs.setOutput("bottom", true)
  75.     sleep(0.1)
  76.     rs.setOutput("bottom", false)
  78.     printer.newPage()
  79.     charMax, lineMax = printer.getPageSize()
  80. end
  82. --This will print the word with a basic write command but updates
  83. --the char and line fields, and starts a new page if it needs to
  84. function safePrint(word)
  85.     printer.write(word)
  86.     charCount = charCount + #word
  87.     if charCount >= charMax then
  88.         print("Safe print: Writing new line")
  89.         nextLine()
  90.     end
  91. end
  93. --Moves to the next line, or the next page if need be
  94. function nextLine()
  95.     charCount = 0
  96.     lineCount = lineCount + 1
  97.     if lineCount >= lineMax then
  98.         print("End of page!")
  99.         finishPage()
  100.     else
  101.         local _,oy = printer.getCursorPos()
  102.         printer.setCursorPos(1,oy + 1)
  103.         print("Now at line "..(oy + 1))
  104.     end
  105. end
  107. --The pagination script.
  108. printer.newPage()
  109. charMax, lineMax = printer.getPageSize()
  110. for i=1,#textStore do
  111.     local word = textStore[i]
  112.     --We replace tab characters with spaces, for convenience
  113.     string.gsub(word, "\t", " ")
  114.     --We split by space for each subword
  115.     local subwords = split(word, " ")
  116.     for j=1,#subwords do
  117.         local subword = subwords[j]
  118.         print("Printing "..subword)
  120.         --If the word goes over the line, we just print as much of it as we can
  121.         --until it's short enough to fit on one line
  122.         while #subword > charMax do
  123.             safePrint(subword)
  124.             subword = string.sub(subword, charMax - charCount)
  125.             print("Word too big! Reduced to "..subword)
  126.         end
  128.         --If the word is blocked by other stuff on the line, we just go to the next line
  129.         if #subword + charCount > charMax then
  130.             print("No space on line (length = "..#subword..", count = "..charCount..")")
  131.             nextLine()
  132.         end
  134.         --We then print our word (or what's left of it)
  135.         print("Printing "..subword)
  136.         safePrint(subword)
  138.         --Finally, if there's room a space character is added
  139.         if charCount < charMax then
  140.             print("Adding space character")
  141.             safePrint(" ")
  142.         end
  143.         os.pullEvent("key")
  144.     end
  145.     print("Reached NL- next line")
  146.     nextLine()
  147. end
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