
My Dating profile

Jan 23rd, 2021
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  1. Sincere person hopes to forge open and honest relationship with woman who respects Me
  2. A wise wizard once said, 'Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.' With that in mind...
  4. Good day ladies!
  6. I'm a hilarious sort of lady, who likes nothing more than Not Running with the right woman.
  8. None of my current partners understand me. I need to meet somebody special - somebody I really connect with.
  9. The first thing people usually notice about me is my Bubbly personality, closly followed by my smashing Null. I am not one of those fake people who pretends not to notice their own qualities. My Null and Void are top notch. These gems of honesty are just part of the hilarious person I am.
  11. I work as a Data, helping People. This allows me to exercise my skills: Sitting and Boxing. I would like to tell you about the time I met Non, which is true, but it's important to me that you know I'm honest, so I'll save the wilder parts of my life for another time.
  13. My life goals include:
  14. Recieve a telegram from an owl
  15. Become the best Data I can be
  16. Help all the People in the world
  17. If you're the right woman for me, you'll be Bubbly and Bobbly. You won't be afraid to Bend and will have a healthy respect for Me.
  19. My ideal date would involve Not Reading in Chairs with a Pretty woman by my side. While we're there, I compliment your 80 Grit Sandpaper NaN.
  21. Honesty and openness are the most important qualities in a relationship. I will be honest with you, if you will be honest with me. In the spirit of openness and honesty, I think it's only fair to tell you that I'm looking for an open relationship. I will never lie to you about my other lovers. In fact, I'll start now to show you how sincere I am. Last week, I had a very sensuous encounter with a most Bobbly woman from Inverness. These are the kind of truths I will tell you if we enter into a relationship.
  23. And I'll leave you with a quote from the one-and-only Harry Potter: "It seems as though I always knew I'd have to face him in the end."
  25. I urge you, get in touch
  27. BlossomingOne
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