
Gravity Falls Mysteries

Mar 2nd, 2015
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  1. Douglas, this isn't exactly a question, but I figured out this'd be the quickest way to reach you. We both know that the "Northwest Mansion Mystery" episode analysis is coming, but I'm tired of every YouTuber that talks about Gravity Falls pointing out only the same repetitive details (in this episode, this happens especially near the end).
  2. Since your channel has more work and quality than the others, I figure out I could tell you a few things I've noticed on this episode, unrelated to what most people already talked about:
  4. 1. I think this is the very first (and most likely only) episode in which Dipper does not wear his hat, so there's not a single pine tree symbol in it (maybe this was a symbolism, since we also don't see Stan, Soos or Wendy at this episode?)
  5. 2. Toby Determined is known to be a mediocre reporter with an incredible lack of equipment, yet he's the reporter of an official breaking new with an actual microphone and camera. I also noticed that they're interrupting the parodied "History Channel" to announce local news, which is particularly strange.
  6. 3. It is worth pointing out how Alex is pushing the limits of Disney's censorship, as he said he does, especially in scenes like the blood from the possessed animal heads and Dipper's exorcism. It also caught my attention that another character died in this episode, even though we don't see all of it. It also reminds me that when you said that Henry from "The Golf War" was the first character to die in-screen, it was actually Ma and Pa from "The Inconveniencing".
  7. 4. We all know how the pose of Dipper becoming wood was the same as in "Into The Bunker", but what's more intriguing for me is that the shape-shifter said it was going to be his last form, which matches that the apocalypse would be in the very next day. If it weren't, Dipper's last form would have less chance of being that (at least that's what I think).
  8. 5. One thing that keeps bugging me is why the Northwests built a room just for the lumberjack's ghost? That room was clearly "reserved" (in a way) for him, and it even had a painting of him. If the Northwests were unkind with the lumberjacks, why would they have a painting of one of them?
  9. 6. Isn't it funny how Gompers arrive in the party, even though Wendy, Soos and Stan don't? What would make Gompers find the manor if Dipper and Mabel got there by car?
  10. 7. How come Dipper become the topic of a news article? Wouldn't that get him more attention than he currently have? And why wasn't him covered in some of his previous "heroic acts"? Maybe it was because Toby was part of the Blind Eye society, and now that it's gone he didn't see why not publish about the supernatural?
  11. 8. It just got me as I'm writing this: in the beginning of the episode, we see replicas of the totem from the Mystery Shack over a fireplace in the mansion. Was that just a coincidence or do the Northwest have anything to do with Stan's secrets? I also just realized how it was also in the end page. It's GOT to be related somehow!
  12. 9. Wendy's father is at the party, but none of his children are. Maybe that's why Wendy isn't there? So she could take care of her brothers?
  13. 10. Noticed how Dipper didn't mind that Pacifica saw his Journal? I mean, he probably knows she wouldn't give him any problems, but if he hid it from Stan all this time (even though Stan is his grand-uncle), why wouldn't he mind that Pacifica would see it?
  14. 11. Small detail I also just noticed: when the animal heads start repeating "Ancient Sins" and objects float around, one of them is the Ball 8, just like the one in Stan's cane. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but it's certainly worth pointing out.
  15. 12. After Pacifica says "Hurry! Read there your dumb book already!", am I the only one who thinks that what Dipper says sounds like a swear word?
  16. 13. Isn't "Apple Cider" an alcoholic drink? Maybe Alex finally got over Disney's censorship of alcoholic drinks? Because in "Gideon Rises", Stan asks for the most expired apple "juice".
  17. 14. Funny thing: when Preston asks Pacifica to get in the panic room, he says "There's enough mini-sandwiches and oxygen to last you, me, and a butler a full week". Is it on purpose that he didn't even mention his wife, or was this just a goof?
  18. 15. When McGucket mentions the apocalypse, he says as if he didn't know earlier about it. In case this wasn't a problem with his weak memory and he ACTUALLY just found out about the apocalypse, that means he also didn't know about the bunker. If so, how did his laptop end up there? Why would the author take his laptop if it's password-protected?
  20. I hope I helped in some way, since I'm a great fan of your show and of Gravity Falls as well! Keep up the AMAZING work and the quality that makes your channel stand over the others!
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