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Apr 21st, 2018
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  1. [21:47:09 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading the config and all scripts...
  2. [21:47:10 INFO]: Loaded a total of 79113 english aliases
  3. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 16: binfo: &bBan Information')
  4. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 17: kickmsg: &chas been kicked from')
  5. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 18: kickmsg2: &cYou have been kicked for the reason:')
  6. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 19: banmsg: &chas been suspended from')
  7. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 20: banmsg2: &cYou have been suspended from')
  8. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 21: unbanmsg: &cIs no longer suspended')
  9. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 22: warnmsg: &ahas been warned by')
  10. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 23: warnmsg2: &aYou have been &4&lWARNED')
  11. [21:47:10 WARN]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (, line 114: if arg 1 is set:')
  12. [21:47:10 WARN]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (, line 138: send "&6&lAdmin commands and informations:')
  13. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 3 tabs, but found 24 spaces (, line 226: message "{@prefix} &cWrong Usage, /warn <player> <reason>"')
  14. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 12 spaces (, line 290: if arg 2 is not set:')
  15. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 8 spaces (, line 292: if arg 1 is not set:')
  16. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 327: wait 250 real seconds')
  17. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 328: broadcast "{@prefix} &7{@bc2}"')
  18. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 329: wait 150 real seconds')
  19. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 330: broadcast "{@prefix} &7{@bc3}"')
  20. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 331: wait real 200 seconds')
  21. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 332: broadcast "{@prefix} &7{@bc4}"')
  22. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 333: wait 95 real seconds')
  23. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs (, line 334: broadcast "{@prefix} &7{@bc5}"')
  24. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 3 tabs (, line 372: send "&a%player% just tried to be rude in chat, But Mike stopped him!"')
  25. [21:47:10 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 3 tabs (, line 380: send "&a%player% just tried to be rude in chat, But Mike stopped him!"')
  26. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@sb1} (, line 34: set name of sidebar of loop-player to "{@sb1}"')
  27. [21:47:10 ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to 5' (, line 37: set score "&f%player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5')
  28. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@sb2} (, line 43: set name of sidebar of loop-player to "{@sb2}"')
  29. [21:47:10 ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to 5' (, line 46: set score "&f%player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5')
  30. [21:47:10 ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player is in "world_end"' (, line 51: if loop-player is in "world_end":')
  31. [21:47:10 WARN]: the chat message is already a text, so you should not put it in one (e.g. the chat message instead of "%the chat message%") (, line 95: if "%message%" contains "%loop-player%":')
  32. [21:47:10 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: play sound "entity.lightning.impact" at player with pitch 1 volume 10 (, line 97: play sound "entity.lightning.impact" at player with pitch 1 volume 10')
  33. [21:47:10 ERROR]: Can't understand this expression: difference between 60 seconds and {_waited} (, line 112: message "{@prefix} &cPlease do not spam help, Wait another: &d%difference between {@ReportCooldown} and {_waited}%"')
  34. [21:47:10 ERROR]: ': realcore.helpview' is not a valid item data (, line 115: if loop-player has permission: realcore.helpview')
  35. [21:47:10 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: send "&fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help." to player (, line 131: send "&fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help." to player')
  36. [21:47:10 ERROR]: Invalid use of quotes ("). If you want to use quotes in "quoted text", double them: "". (, line 138: send "&6&lAdmin commands and informations:')
  37. [21:47:10 ERROR]: 'aliases cpc' is not an entry (like 'name : value') (, line 174: aliases cpc')
  38. [21:47:10 ERROR]: Can't understand this expression: difference between 60 seconds and {_waited} (, line 187: message "&cError, &eYou can't report someone for another: &d%difference between {@ReportCooldown} and {_waited}%"')
  39. [21:47:10 ERROR]: ': realcore.reportview' is not a valid item data (, line 202: if loop-player has permission: realcore.reportview')
  40. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@warnmsg2} (, line 215: message "{@warnmsg2}" to arg 1')
  41. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@warnmsg} (, line 219: broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player% {@warnmsg} &c%arg-1% &afor &c%arg-2%"')
  42. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@banmsg2} (, line 241: kick arg 1 due to "{@prefix} &c{@banmsg2} &f%arg-2%"')
  43. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@banmsg2} (, line 242: ban arg 1 due to "{@prefix} &c{@banmsg2} &f%arg-2%"')
  44. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@banmsg} (, line 245: broadcast "{@prefix} &c%arg-1% {@banmsg} {@prefix}"')
  45. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@unbanmsg} (, line 267: broadcast "{@prefix} &c%arg-1% &7{@unbanmsg}"')
  46. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@kickmsg2} (, line 282: kick arg 1 due to "{@prefix} {@kickmsg2} &c%arg-2%"')
  47. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@kickmsg} (, line 285: broadcast "{@prefix} &c%arg-1% &7{@kickmsg} {@prefix}"')
  48. [21:47:10 ERROR]: undefined option {@binfo} (, line 302: message "&7&m-------------&8>[ {@binfo} &8]<&7&m-------------"')
  49. [21:47:10 ERROR]: The percent sign is used for expressions (e.g. %player%). To insert a '%' type it twice: %%. (, line 310: if {banned.%arg-1} is false:')
  50. [21:47:10 ERROR]: can't understand this condition: 'arg 1 not set' (, line 339: if arg 1 not set:')
  51. [21:47:10 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: "&aChat is delayed, please wait 3 seconds." (, line 357: "&aChat is delayed, please wait 3 seconds."')
  52. [21:47:10 WARN]: the chat message is already a text, so you should not put it in one (e.g. the chat message instead of "%the chat message%") (, line 367: if "%message%" contains "fuck" or "nigga" or "fk" or "nigger" or "n1gga" or "n1gg4" or "cunt" or "your mom" or "shit":')
  53. [21:47:10 ERROR]: ': "realcore.swear"' is not a valid item data (, line 371: if loop-player has permission: "realcore.swear"')
  54. [21:47:10 WARN]: the chat message is already a text, so you should not put it in one (e.g. the chat message instead of "%the chat message%") (, line 375: if "%message%" contains "hacker":')
  55. [21:47:10 ERROR]: ': "realcore.has"' is not a valid item data (, line 379: if loop-player has permission: "realcore.has"')
  56. [21:47:11 INFO]: Loaded 3 scripts with a total of 16 triggers and 15 commands in 1.14 seconds
  57. [21:47:11 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 48 errors while reloading the config and all scripts!
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