

Apr 6th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 All right, fuck it. It's not like I like I have THAT much money. I'd probably be in less debt if I'd gone to law school than becoming a manager. Freakin' extortionist...: (Guile)
  2. --[X] 2 Drop Mercury on the puddle to clean it up first, and then, much later, for her to sup on the soaked bedsheets, hey, you weren't expecting us to pay things for free, right?!: (fitzgerald, Grosstoad)
  3. [X] 1 Eh. Why not, it's not like you're not also fucking <em>every other person</em> you know. Well, except for the Pet-Shop Professor and Moira's Mom. But other then that, yeah.: (Vindictus)
  4. [X] 6 Eh. Why not, it's not like you're not also fucking every other person you know. Well, except for the Pet-Shop Professor and Moira's Mom. But other then that, yeah.: (CrossyCross, Carrnage, Deathwings, Jack Trade, mc2rpg, redaeth)
  5. [X] 1 Give her a hand. If you know what I mean. Your pickup lines could use work, but you're getting pretty damn good at THAT by now.: (Guile)
  6. [X] 2 Hey, you can help me with my sex talk, because you are TOTALLY right it needs work.: (CrossyCross, Guile)
  7. -[X] 6 Might get around to Moira's Mom anyway knowing how these things go...: (CrossyCross, Carrnage, Deathwings, mc2rpg, Xicree, redaeth)
  8. [X] 2 Pay halfsies: (fitzgerald, Grosstoad)
  9. [X] 1 Plan raedeth: (a2znut)
  10. --[X] 6 You know it might just be time to make Mercury into a wife slime... and you can't really think of a better qualifier for accelerating the process than a Succubus' fluids.: (CrossyCross, Carrnage, Deathwings, mc2rpg, Xicree, redaeth)
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