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- -- postdissector to make dnscat traffic more human readable
- -- DiabloHorn
- -- Thanks to #wireshark on freenode for the quick and excellent response,
- -- which resulted into the patch for the dns dissector that made access to dns.resp.primaryname possible
- --
- -- required libs
- local bit = require("bit")
- -- info
- print("dnscat postdissector loaded")
- -- we need these fields from the dns packets
- dc_dns_name ="")
- --this will only work if you have the developer version which includes a patch
- dc_dns_rname ="dns.resp.primaryname")
- dc_udp_dport ="udp.dstport")
- dc_udp_sport ="udp.srcport")
- -- declare our postdissector
- dc_pd = Proto("dnscat","dnscat postdissector")
- -- our fields
- dc_tunneldata = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.tunneldata","Encoded Tunnel Data")
- dc_td_sig = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.td_sig","Signature")
- dc_td_flags = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.td_flags","Flags")
- dc_td_ident = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.td_ident","Identifier")
- dc_td_sess = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.td_session","Session")
- dc_td_seqnum = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.td_seqnum","SeqNum")
- dc_td_count = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.td_count","Count")
- dc_td_err = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.td_error","Error")
- dc_td_data = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.td_data","Data")
- dc_td_gar = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.td_garbage","Garbage")
- dc_td_dom = ProtoField.string("dc_pd.td_domain","Domain")
- -- add our fields
- dc_pd.fields = {dc_tunneldata,dc_td_sig,dc_td_flags,dc_td_ident,dc_td_sess,dc_td_seqnum,dc_td_count,dc_td_err,dc_td_data,dc_td_gar,dc_td_dom}
- -- dissect each packet
- function dc_pd.dissector(buffer,pinfo,tree)
- local udpsport = dc_udp_sport()
- local udpdport = dc_udp_dport()
- local dnsqryname = dc_dns_name()
- --this will only work if you have the developer version which includes a patch
- local dnsresname = dc_dns_rname()
- local subtree
- local parsed = {}
- subtree = tree:add(dc_pd,"dnscat data")
- if tostring(udpdport) == "53" then
- subtree:add(dc_tunneldata,tostring(dnsqryname))
- parsed = parseDC(tostring(dnsqryname))
- end
- --this will only work if you have the developer version which includes a patch
- if tostring(udpsport) == "53" then
- subtree:add(dc_tunneldata,tostring(dnsresname))
- parsed = parseDC(tostring(dnsresname))
- end
- subtree:add(dc_td_sig,tostring(parsed.signature))
- subtree:add(dc_td_flags,tostring(parsed.flags))
- subtree:add(dc_td_ident,tostring(parsed.identifier))
- subtree:add(dc_td_sess,tostring(parsed.session))
- subtree:add(dc_td_seqnum,tostring(parsed.seqnum))
- subtree:add(dc_td_count,tostring(parsed.count))
- subtree:add(dc_td_err,tostring(parsed.err))
- subtree:add(dc_td_data,tostring(parsed.asciidata))
- subtree:add(dc_td_gar,tostring(parsed.garbage))
- subtree:add(dc_td_dom,tostring(parsed.domain))
- end -- end dissector function
- -- main dissecting logic
- -- split the request into an array of subdomain
- function getsubs(data)
- -- empty table to hold the subs
- local subs = {}
- for sub in data:gmatch("[^%.]+") do
- table.insert(subs,sub)
- end
- return subs
- end
- -- decode the flags to human readable strings
- function decodeflags(data)
- -- protocol flags
- local FLAG_STREAM = 0x00000001
- -- deprecated
- local FLAG_SYN = 0x00000002
- local FLAG_ACK = 0x00000004
- -- end of deprecated
- local FLAG_RST = 0x00000008
- local FLAG_HEX = 0x00000010
- local FLAG_SESSION = 0x00000020
- local FLAG_IDENTIFIER = 0x00000040
- -- convert string to number
- local hFlags = tonumber(data,16)
- --setup the flags table
- local Flags = {} -- st=nil,sy=nil,ac=nil,rs=nil,he=nil,se=nil,id=nil
- -- let's see which are set
- if,FLAG_STREAM) ~= 0 then
- table.insert(Flags,"stream")
- end
- -- deprecated
- if,FLAG_SYN) ~= 0 then
- table.insert(Flags,"syn")
- end
- if,FLAG_ACK) ~= 0 then
- table.insert(Flags,"ack")
- end
- -- end of deprecated
- if,FLAG_RST) ~= 0 then
- table.insert(Flags,"rst")
- end
- if,FLAG_HEX) ~= 0 then
- table.insert(Flags,"hex")
- end
- if,FLAG_SESSION) ~= 0 then
- table.insert(Flags,"session")
- end
- if,FLAG_IDENTIFIER) ~= 0 then
- table.insert(Flags,"identifier")
- end
- return Flags
- end
- -- decode the error code to something human readable
- -- overcomplicated...but hey I wanted to use the bitopt lib again
- function decoderr(data)
- local ERR_SUCCESS = 0x00000000
- local ERR_BUSY = 0x00000001
- local ERR_INVSTATE = 0x00000002
- local ERR_FIN = 0x00000003
- local ERR_BADSEQ = 0x00000004
- local ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED = 0x00000005
- local err = {}
- local herr = tonumber(data,16)
- if bit.tobit(ERR_SUCCESS) == bit.tobit(herr) then
- table.insert(err,"success")
- end
- if bit.tobit(ERR_BUSY) == bit.tobit(herr) then
- table.insert(err,"busy")
- end
- if bit.tobit(ERR_INVSTATE) == bit.tobit(herr) then
- table.insert(err,"invalidstate")
- end
- if bit.tobit(ERR_FIN) == bit.tobit(herr) then
- table.insert(err,"confin")
- end
- if bit.tobit(ERR_BADSEQ) == bit.tobit(herr) then
- table.insert(err,"badseqnum")
- end
- if bit.tobit(ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED) == bit.tobit(herr) then
- table.insert(err,"notimplemented")
- end
- if bit.tobit(ERR_TEST) == bit.tobit(herr) then
- table.insert(err,"contest")
- end
- return err
- end
- -- decode netbios data to ascii
- function decodenetbios(data)
- local ldata = data:upper()
- local dec = ""
- for sub in ldata:gmatch("%u%u") do
- -- perform operation in decimal and convert final value from hex XX to decimal
- --local decnum = tonumber(((sub:byte(1)-65) .. (sub:byte(2)-65)),16)
- -- Thanks to Animal for making me realize the concat has to be with hexnumbers
- local decnum = tonumber((bit.tohex(sub:byte(1)-65,1) .. bit.tohex(sub:byte(2)-65,1)),16)
- --print(decnum,sub)
- if decnum > 31 and decnum < 127 then
- dec = dec .. string.char(decnum)
- else
- dec = dec .. "."
- end
- decnum = 0
- sub = ""
- end
- return dec
- end
- -- decode hex data to ascii
- function decodehex(data)
- local dec = ""
- for sub in data:gmatch("%x%x") do
- local decnum = tonumber(sub,16)
- if decnum > 31 and decnum < 127 then
- dec = dec .. string.char(decnum)
- else
- dec = dec .. "."
- end
- end
- return dec
- end
- -- main flow implementation
- -- lacks implementation of syn/ack since it's deprecated
- function parseDC(data)
- local finalparsed = {}
- local x = getsubs(data)
- finalparsed["signature"] = x[1]
- table.remove(x,1)
- finalparsed["flags"] = table.concat(decodeflags(x[1]),",")
- table.remove(x,1)
- if finalparsed["flags"]:find("identifier") ~= nil then
- finalparsed["identifier"] = x[1]
- table.remove(x,1)
- if finalparsed["flags"]:find("session") ~= nil then
- finalparsed["session"] = x[1]
- table.remove(x,1)
- end
- elseif finalparsed["flags"]:find("session") ~= nil then
- finalparsed["session"] = x[1]
- table.remove(x,1)
- end
- if finalparsed["flags"]:find("stream") ~= nil then
- finalparsed["seqnum"] = x[1]
- table.remove(x,1)
- end
- if finalparsed["flags"]:find("rst") ~= nil then
- finalparsed["err"] = table.concat(decoderr(x[1]),",")
- table.remove(x,1)
- finalparsed["garbage"] = x[1]
- finalparsed["domain"] = x[2]
- else
- finalparsed["count"] = x[1]
- table.remove(x,1)
- -- if you wonder the character # == len()
- finalparsed["garbage"] = x[#x-1]
- finalparsed["domain"] = x[#x]
- table.remove(x,(#x))
- table.remove(x,(#x))
- -- so we either got data or we don't
- finalparsed["asciidata"] = ""
- while #x > 0 do
- if finalparsed["flags"]:find("hex") == nil then
- finalparsed["asciidata"] = finalparsed["asciidata"] .. decodenetbios(x[1])
- else
- finalparsed["asciidata"] = finalparsed["asciidata"] .. decodehex(x[1])
- end
- table.remove(x,1)
- end
- end -- end of rst check
- return finalparsed
- end -- end of parseDC function
- -- end of main dissecting logic
- -- register ourselfs
- register_postdissector(dc_pd)
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