
on Primrose

Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. okay so, like, Primrose is a dancer with a strong will, one that could not be broken by her surroundings. She got into the dancing business because she was on a mission, but there's evidence that she enjoys her occupation. From my interpretation, I've sorta seen it as a way for her to gain power over men. Because she has something desirable and still has autonomy, she has leverage which can be used to get what she wants. Her path action, allure, exemplifies this. She can quite easily seduce a bystander to get them to do her bidding and fight in her stead. When I see primrose, I see a strong woman who owns her sexiness. The fact that she worked under a disgusting and wretched pimp who forced his women to suck his dick was the part that she did for the sake of the mission. But she does not need him to flourish, she only needed him for leads. And as she said after the chapter 1 boss battle, she dances on her own. Perhaps she was not a dancer before the mission, but she sure is now. The energy she puts into her dancing has caused some to remark that she is like a goddess on stage.
  3. Primrose is the epitome of big titty energy. Through passion and an unbreakable spirit, she makes her way through the world by means of the powers of seduction. Teasing and tricking those who see her as an object, unable to see the fact that she had the upper hand all along. It's not exactly the most honest way of living, but it gets the job done.
  5. thank you for showing up to my TED talk.
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