
DH Life extension Technique for everyone

May 11th, 2018
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  1. Key: Tairee
  2. Name:Kai-Lin Kress
  3. Technique Name: Demonic Life Transfer Ritual
  4. Description: By taking the life of a Demon the user can transfer the life of a Demon into them selves or others.
  5. Process:
  6. The only required steps are to capture a demon and to extract blood from them to paint upon the person who is having their life extended. If the user is a demon hunter or dragon themselves they can circumvent this due to either their power or the fact they are more susceptible to the blood compared to someone not of those groups.
  7. The first step after capturing the demon is to extract the blood. Second one is to make a mixture of alchemical symbols mixed with demonic or Dragon symbols upon the ground around both of them . The circle must have two areas for both parties to be placed within. Third the user one perfoming the ritual must raise their power to the point of exhaustion to activate the ritual. This will engage both individuals in the circle will then begin to trade life with the demon. Assuming their body can handle a partial influx of demonic energy that will flow into them and extend their life span. The demonic energy will over the course of a year be filtered out of their body and turned into their own energy. Upon finishing the process the demon should either be slain or cast back into hell.
  8. Benefits:Extended life and if the user is weak a small bp boost. Can if user is past prime restore youth.
  9. Downfalls: Ki Poisoning to a minor degree. A major Headache, And a blood soaked room.
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