
Dream Log 2015 March 4

Mar 4th, 2015
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  1. Dream Log, 2015, March 4
  3. My dreams from last night are actually rather convoluted, on par with what I tend to expect from a full night's sleep.
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  6. I only vaguely recall the beginning of my dreams. I was back in school or something, in a place with lots of people my age. I followed some girl to her car and she shared some weed with me. Unfortunately I spilled the bowl from the pipe, but she didn't seem to mind. I left pretty soon after that and ended up in someplace reminescent of a garage and woodshop, but I don't recall any dangerous equipment. It might have just been the plain, stark atmosphere. An instructor of some sort, and a bunch of students were there, and though I wasn't part of the class, I stuck around to look for TJFS/Casey. She'd apparently settled into some living quarters on the premises, and had also brought a bunch of hockey trophies to the States with her. For some reason I followed her into the bathroom, where Danny Sexbang was doing acrobatics and making fart jokes.
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  9. The setting and tone of my dream changed in a major way at about this point, which I take as the end of a REM cycle. I was Link, on a mission to clear one of the later dungeons of my adventure. I met Sheep/Claire while I was nearing the dungeon, and saw that they had let the clock run to about noon of the Final Day (like in Majora's Mask) without playing the Song of Half Time, which would slow the flow of time to a fraction of its original speed, and give us enough time to take on this boss. When I mentioned this, they played the Song of Double Time, which shot the clock forward six hours! I turned away from them, irritated with their frivolous spite of me in what I imagined could easily be a dire time. After their song warped us forward in time, I saw Princess Zelda approaching the mouth of the dungeon. When I asked what she was doing, she said she was coming to negotiate with the boss, who was quite human and was angry about some quite understandable things, as I soon found out. I entered his lair and saw that the man embodied some masculine traits that I explicitly expressed distaste for: he was quite large, easily a time and a half my height, and no less than thrice my weight in muscle and fat, prone to violent outbursts of anger, and, based on his angry ranting during our fight, seemingly undervalued as a person. Of course, he was also a total jerk to a member of his harem even before he was aware that she was an agent sent to assassinate him. When the fight started, I was no longer Link, but instead Spider-Man (for no reason) and the area we fought in was wide and open but with a low ceiling. Before either of us struck a blow at the other, he asked that I not use his own lifting weights or workout equipment to hurt him... and I immediately did so, jerking his weight rack to topple over onto him. He seemed unfazed by the damage, but became furious, and while I ran away from his imposing size, he started giving me a run-down of what had gone on to piss him off over the past few days. Apparently he'd been laid off for no good reason and had trouble finding a job, also for no good reason. Lots of the people he'd asked for help had turned out to just be manipulative assholes, and he just got fed up with it all and decided to try to make a living with crime. I didn't have the speed or combat prowess to strike him after he started chasing me, but I don't think I should have been fighting him in the first place. Some sort of courier showed up just before I woke from an alarm, and I didn't get back to sleep after that.
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