
Giant's Magic

Mar 28th, 2022
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  1. "You seek to learn more of magic, young Oskar?" Arges brought his hand to his chin in thought, and smiled down at the little human. "Well, the giants had ways of enchantment. Jarls of old used to fuse the arcane with the natural. The world breathes magic. There was magic in the sinews of the deep earth long before any of us were here. It will be here long after all of us are gone. Not us, the individuals, but so too the folks and the races. Magic and this great rock will outlive us all. Ah, but the magic. Yes, I think I can help you young mang."
  3. Arges sat down, the seat causing the ground to shake slightly under Oskar's feet. "Seek out harvesters. I think that is what I have heard the small folk call it. Those who open up the beasts and the weirds of this rock and use it to enhance medicine. It too can enhance magic. Yes, its true! Go, go learn the ways of the harvester, and when you have, come and see me, and I may be yet be able to help you along your journey for new magics." Oskar inquired if he knew any spells specifically, or if he could make fire that heals instead of harms. Arges thought long and hard before answering. "I am not sure small one. However I will look into the back of my mind and think. While I do, seek them out. Good luck, little one."
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