

Aug 27th, 2017
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 10 In Hogwarts? Maybe someone was playing a prank on you, you should probably just go back to the common room, or maybe go down to the lake and skip rocks.: (skaro, owrtho, HotaruSama, rex754, Liam-don, kozinc, Higure, Bashful_Walrus, MizMahem, keenscythe)
  3. [X] 2 In a ruined city, like something out of one of those post-apocalyptic scenarios. You can see some birds flying and what look like moose grazing, and what looks like a motorway overpass: (Queen, nextive)
  4. [X] 30 In a ruined city, like something out of one of those post-apocalyptic scenarios. You can see some birds flying and what look like moose grazing, and what looks like a motorway overpass.: (Hyp3rB14d3, Project Eden, Sky, HellKing666, Wwind, a_lone_solipsist, Eden Eternal, Dirk93, ScrewFate, DeathShade, amraphen3, 1986ctcel, Least Devotee, Killer Hamster, asdo, MadCat, xyzinc, Calphorus, legiodamnatus, darklord, Eneps, Chaos5367, Generic_Generica, dragonkid11, SnorlaxMotive, kalifianto, IlyaFallout, Tanor, BangBangPewPew, Kagezuchi)
  5. [X] 2 On a beach, a stereotypical one at that, what with the sand beneath your feet and the waves lapping at the shore. You can see what looks like a city in the distance: (Arkatekt, nairit)
  6. [X] 29 On a beach, a stereotypical one at that, what with the sand beneath your feet and the waves lapping at the shore. You can see what looks like a city in the distance.: (JoshieWoshie, theunderbolt, dalmedya, searcher8, Akuma-Heika, Alexander, Omida, Snakers, Koden, Walkin' Man, RabidAsparagus, zeromass, NoFunposter, kinglugia, Chaoswolf, TheOtherSandman, Jetsmillion, kagekami42, dylanredefined, Japanime, Dased22, Reklaw, Alexgamer415, Xilph, Dark0w1, Kshail, Akritedes, kokuenDG, Darkoda)
  7. [X] 1 On a windswept heath, and though it's currently night, you can see a fire with some figures sitting around it in the distance: (Heraldoftruth)
  8. [X] 1 On a windswept heath, and though it's currently night, you can see a fire with some figures sitting around it in the distance.: (Heaven Canceler)
  9. [X] 1 Perched atop a bamboo pole in the middle of a small pond. Tons of ponds dot the distance.: (Bailey Matutine)
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