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Jul 21st, 2019
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  1. prices.put(Material.STONE, new Price(150, 7));
  2. prices.put(Material.GRASS, new Price(150, 7));
  3. prices.put(Material.DIRT, new Price(150, 7));
  4. prices.put(Material.COBBLESTONE, new Price(50, 7));
  5. prices.put(Material.SAND, new Price(225, 7));
  6. prices.put(Material.GRAVEL, new Price(125, 7));
  7. prices.put(Material.LOG, new Price(200, 7));
  8. prices.put(Material.SPONGE, new Price(750, 150));
  9. prices.put(Material.GLASS, new Price(250, 7));
  10. prices.put(Material.LAPIS_BLOCK, new Price(1000, 200));
  11. prices.put(Material.SANDSTONE, new Price(200, 7));
  12. prices.put(Material.GOLD_BLOCK, new Price(2500, 540));
  13. prices.put(Material.IRON_BLOCK, new Price(3000, 1260));
  14. prices.put(Material.BRICK, new Price(225, 7));
  15. prices.put(Material.MOSSY_COBBLESTONE, new Price(275, 25));
  16. prices.put(Material.OBSIDIAN, new Price(325, 20));
  17. prices.put(Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK, new Price(12500, 2250));
  18. prices.put(Material.NETHERRACK, new Price(100, 5));
  19. prices.put(Material.SOUL_SAND, new Price(1250, 7));
  20. prices.put(Material.GLOWSTONE, new Price(250, 7));
  21. prices.put(Material.SMOOTH_BRICK, new Price(225, 10));
  22. prices.put(Material.MYCEL, new Price(625, 25));
  23. prices.put(Material.NETHER_BRICK, new Price(225, 10));
  24. prices.put(Material.ENDER_STONE, new Price(625, 10));
  25. prices.put(Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK, new Price(1000, 225)); //
  26. prices.put(Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK, new Price(300, 15));
  27. prices.put(Material.PRISMARINE, new Price(125, 30));
  28. prices.put(Material.SEA_LANTERN, new Price(125, 30));
  29. prices.put(Material.LOG, new Price(150, 15));
  30. prices.put(Material.LOG_2, new Price(150, 15));
  31. prices.put(Material.WOOL, new Price(150, 20));
  32. prices.put(Material.STAINED_CLAY, new Price(175, 20));
  33. //minerals
  34. prices.put(Material.COAL, new Price(175, 13));
  35. prices.put(Material.STICK, new Price(10, 2)); //lapis, changed to avoid conflict
  36. prices.put(Material.IRON_INGOT, new Price(400, 140));
  37. prices.put(Material.GOLD_INGOT, new Price(225, 60));
  38. prices.put(Material.DIAMOND, new Price(1125, 250));
  39. prices.put(Material.EMERALD, new Price(1750, 275));
  40. prices.put(Material.NETHER_STAR, new Price(5000, 1500));
  41. //redstone
  42. prices.put(Material.REDSTONE, new Price(100, 20));
  43. prices.put(Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON, new Price(150, 20));
  44. prices.put(Material.TRIPWIRE_HOOK, new Price(150, 20));
  45. prices.put(Material.DIODE, new Price(250, 25));
  46. prices.put(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR, new Price(250, 25));
  47. prices.put(Material.TNT, new Price(875, 125));
  48. prices.put(Material.PISTON_STICKY_BASE, new Price(525, 50));
  49. prices.put(Material.PISTON_BASE, new Price(500, 50));
  50. prices.put(Material.DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR, new Price(500, 50));
  51. prices.put(Material.NOTE_BLOCK, new Price(300, 35));
  52. prices.put(Material.HOPPER, new Price(27500, 250));
  53. //food
  54. prices.put(Material.APPLE, new Price(175, 25));
  55. prices.put(Material.BREAD, new Price(185, 30));
  56. prices.put(Material.COOKED_FISH, new Price(150, 55));
  57. prices.put(Material.COOKIE, new Price(75, 25));
  58. prices.put(Material.POTATO_ITEM, new Price(400, 70));
  59. prices.put(Material.CARROT_ITEM, new Price(350, 70));
  60. prices.put(Material.COOKED_BEEF, new Price(350, 65));
  61. prices.put(Material.GRILLED_PORK, new Price(300, 50));
  62. prices.put(Material.COOKED_CHICKEN, new Price(225, 35));
  63. prices.put(Material.PUMPKIN_PIE, new Price(150, 50));
  64. prices.put(Material.COOKED_MUTTON, new Price(150, 50));
  65. prices.put(Material.CACTUS, new Price(125, 20));
  66. prices.put(Material.SUGAR_CANE, new Price(125, 45));
  67. prices.put(Material.CHAINMAIL_BOOTS, new Price(125, 40)); //To avoid conflicts with ink sac (Cocoa beans)
  68. prices.put(Material.NETHER_STALK, new Price(20000, 120));
  69. prices.put(Material.MELON, new Price(100, 15));
  70. prices.put(Material.PUMPKIN, new Price(825, 40));
  71. prices.put(Material.CROPS, new Price(100, 10)); //dupe to solve an issue
  72. prices.put(Material.WHEAT, new Price(100, 10)); //dupe to solve an issue
  73. //mobdrops
  74. prices.put(Material.RAW_CHICKEN, new Price(200, 30));
  75. prices.put(Material.RAW_BEEF, new Price(350, 45));
  76. prices.put(Material.MUTTON, new Price(160, 40));
  77. prices.put(Material.BLAZE_ROD, new Price(400, 115));
  78. prices.put(Material.SULPHUR, new Price(250, 80));
  79. prices.put(Material.GHAST_TEAR, new Price(150, 75));
  80. prices.put(Material.PRISMARINE_SHARD, new Price(50, 40));
  81. prices.put(Material.MAGMA_CREAM, new Price(300, 100));
  82. prices.put(Material.BONE, new Price(400, 70));
  83. prices.put(Material.SLIME_BALL, new Price(250, 63));
  84. prices.put(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH, new Price(275, 50));
  85. prices.put(Material.INK_SACK, new Price(250, 40));
  86. prices.put(Material.SPIDER_EYE, new Price(250, 25));
  87. prices.put(Material.STRING, new Price(250, 25));
  88. prices.put(Material.FEATHER, new Price(250, 15));
  89. prices.put(Material.ENDER_PEARL, new Price(200, 80));
  90. prices.put(Material.LEATHER, new Price(225, 20));
  91. //misc
  92. prices.put(Material.WATER_BUCKET, new Price(2500, 50));
  93. prices.put(Material.LAVA_BUCKET, new Price(10000, 125));
  94. prices.put(Material.SAPLING, new Price(2500, 25));
  95. prices.put(Material.CHEST, new Price(300, 25));
  96. prices.put(Material.WORKBENCH, new Price(150, 25));
  97. prices.put(Material.FURNACE, new Price(500, 25));
  98. prices.put(Material.ANVIL, new Price(5000, 750));
  99. prices.put(Material.ENDER_CHEST, new Price(2250, 375));
  100. prices.put(Material.ENCHANTMENT_TABLE, new Price(1250, 375));
  101. prices.put(Material.BREWING_STAND_ITEM, new Price(5750, 125));
  102. prices.put(Material.SADDLE, new Price(5000, 100));
  103. prices.put(Material.ARROW, new Price(50, 5));
  104. prices.put(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE, new Price(1000, 0));
  105. prices.put(Material.NAME_TAG, new Price(1000, 50));
  106. }
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