
Photobucket can eat a bag of dicks

Nov 2nd, 2018
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  1. I've used Photobucket as an image host since 2002, and they've been p. good.
  2. [current year] is 2018, and they've turned into bunch of self-righteous cunts.
  4. - revamped and considerably more awkward to use interface with widgets that don't work at all in Firefox
  5. - anti-adblocking that actually stops you looking at YOUR OWN images
  6. and worst of all
  7. - watermarking ALL hosted images
  9. I could live with the shit UI, because I never really cared enough to use any of the fancy shite that was in it. Just went straight to the pic and got the link from there.
  10. The anti-adblock stuff makes it a hassle to view a pic directly now, which is annoying but not critical as it can be worked round/defeated.
  11. Ad blockers stay on permanently. Ads can all fuck off because I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR BULLSHIT.
  12. Putting watermarks on stuff (especially if it's not your thing) is just the height of cuntery, and is completely unacceptable.
  13. And last but not least, is the HORRIFIC miniplayer streaming some utter drivel "news" items that just will not GO AWAY.
  15. You lot can fuck right off with that bollocks.
  16. So now I'm in the process of swapping over all the host links I can find/remember to somewhere less twatty because this bunch of uppity knobs have decided that being actually okay at what you do is no longer hip & cool, and instead they'd much rather be useless arsewizards who plaster thier bullshit all over other peoples stuff.
  17. And get this. They now expect you to pay for the priveledge of suffering through this horseshit.
  19. No. Go fuck yourselves.
  21. Sweary rant brought to you by hatred of the pursuit of money making things worse. And being old.
  23. Nov 2019
  24. Holy shit lol.
  25. Photobucket have started deliberatley blurring/obscuring linked images.
  26. This is quite possibly the most obnoxious and overtly shitty way of trying to 'pursuede' users to pay up for hosting.
  27. Dicks.
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