
BungeeSystem | Default config.yml

Jun 11th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. #
  2. # Thank you for downloading this plugin.
  3. # I would appreciate a review on!
  4. #
  6. #
  7. # USE %newline% FOR A NEW LINE
  8. #
  9. #
  11. Settings:
  12. Prefix: '&7[&cBungeeSystem&7] '
  13. HubCommand:
  15. - Lobby-01
  16. - Lobby-02
  17. - Lobby-03
  18. MOTD:
  19. Line1: '&9Your Minecraft Network'
  20. Line2: '&cEdit the config.yml'
  21. Slots:
  22. Amount: 50
  23. Maintenance:
  24. Enabled: false
  25. MOTD:
  26. Line1: '&9Your Minecraft Network &7| &4Maintenance'
  27. Line2: '&cEdit the config.yml'
  28. Serverversion: '&cMaintenance'
  29. MySQL:
  30. Enabled: true
  31. Host: 'localhost'
  32. Port: '3306'
  33. Username: 'username'
  34. Password: 'password'
  35. Database: 'database'
  36. Updater:
  37. Enabled: true
  39. Messages:
  40. General:
  41. NoPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to execute this command!'
  42. NoConsole: '&cThis command can not be run from the console!'
  43. WrongUsage: '&cUse: &e%command%'
  44. HubCommand:
  45. EnableConnectedMessage: true
  46. Connected: '&7You have been connected to the hub &e%server%&7!'
  47. NotFound: '&cNo &elobby &cwas found!'
  48. AlreadyConnected: '&cYou are &ealready &cconnected to a lobby!'
  49. PingCommand:
  50. NotOnline: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis not &eonline&c!'
  51. Own: '&7You have a &eping &7of &e%ping%ms&7!'
  52. Other: '&7The player %prefix% %target% &7has a &eping &7of &e%ping%&7ms!'
  53. BroadcastCommand:
  54. Prefix: '&7[&cBroadcast&7] '
  55. JumpCommand:
  56. NotOnline: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis not &eonline&c!'
  57. Jumped: '&7You jumped to %prefix% %target%&7!'
  58. TeamchatCommand:
  59. Prefix: '&7[&cStaff&7] '
  60. Layout: '&a%server% &7| %prefix% %player% &8» &f%message%'
  61. PremiumJoin:
  62. Kicked: '&9Your Minecraft Network %newline% &7There are currently &e%players%&7/&e%maxplayers% players &7online. %newline% You need a &ehigher rank &7to be able to join anyway!'
  63. MaintenanceCommand:
  64. Enabled: '&7You have &aactivated &7the maintenance mode!'
  65. Disabled: '&7You have &cdisabled &7the maintenance mode!'
  66. Kicked: '&9Your Minecraft Network %newline% &7We are currently in &emaintenance mode&7! %newline% &7Please try again later!'
  67. TeamNotify:
  68. Prefix: '&7[&cStaff&7] '
  69. Joined: '&7The team member %prefix% %player% &7is now &aonline&7!'
  70. Leaving: '&7The team member %prefix% %player% &7is now &coffline&7!'
  71. Tablist:
  72. Header: '%newline% &9Your Minecraft Network %newline% &7Your server &8» &e%server% %newline% &7Currently online &8» &e%players%&7/&e%maxplayers% %newline%'
  73. Footer: '%newline% &7Teamspeak3 &8» & %newline% &7Forum &8» & %newline%'
  74. ListCommand:
  75. List: '&7There are currently &e%players%&7/&e%maxplayers% &7online!'
  76. ReportCommand:
  77. Cooldown: 60 #IN SECONDS
  78. Wait: '&cPlease &ewait &ca moment!'
  79. NotOnline: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis not &eonline&c!'
  80. Reported: '&7You reported %prefixtarget% %target% &7for the reason &e%reason%&7!'
  81. Notify: '&7The Player %prefixtarget% %target% &7was reported by %prefix% %player% &7for the reason &e%reason%&7!'
  82. Button: '&a[Accept]'
  83. NoReports: '&cThere are no &ereports &copen!'
  84. NotSelf: '&cYou can not report &eyourself&c!'
  85. ReportsCommand:
  86. NoReportsFound: '&cNo open &eReports &cfound!'
  87. Header: '&8&m-------&c Reports &8&m-------'
  88. Line1: '&7Player &8» &e%target%'
  89. Line2: '&7Reason &8» &e%reason%'
  90. Footer: '&8&m-------&c Reports &8&m-------'
  91. Accept: '&a[Click to accept]'
  92. Delete: '&c[Click to delete]'
  93. DeleteAll: '&c[Click to delete all]'
  94. Accepted: '&aYou have &eaccepted &athis report!'
  95. NotExist: '&cThis &ereport &cdoes not exist!'
  96. Deleted: '&cYou have been &edelete &cthis report!'
  97. DeletedAll: '&cYou have been &edelete all &creports!'
  98. JoinMeCommand:
  99. Prefix: '&7[&cJoinMe&7] '
  100. Cooldown: 60 #IN SECONDS
  101. Wait: '&7Please &ewait &7a moment!'
  102. Message: '&7The player %prefix% %player% &7playing on the server &e%server%&7!'
  103. Button: '&a[Click her to connect to this server]'
  104. ServerInfoCommand:
  105. Line1: '&8&m-------&c ServerInfo &8&m-------'
  106. Line2: '&7Total added in the server list &8» &e%total%'
  107. Line3: '&7Registered players &8» &e%total%'
  108. Line4: '&7Maximum player record &8» &e%total%'
  109. Line5: '&7Average number of players (last hour) &8» &e%total%'
  110. Line6: '&8&m-------&c ServerInfo &8&m-------'
  111. DSGVOCommand:
  112. Line1: '&cTo play you have to accept our &eDSGVO&c. Type &e"/agree" &cor &eclick "&a[Agree]"&c:'
  113. AlreadyAgree: '&cYou have already agree the &eDSGVO&c!'
  114. LinkButton: '&e[Our DSGVO]'
  115. Link: ''
  116. Button: '&a[Agree]'
  117. Agree: '&aYou have agree our &eDSGVO&a!'
  118. AllowServerSwitch: false
  119. Filters:
  120. Ad:
  121. NotifyLine1: '&cThe Player %prefix% %player% &ctried to &eadvertise&c!'
  122. NotifyLine2: '&cMessage &8» &e%message%'
  123. Blocked: '&cYou may not &eadvertise&c!'
  124. BadWord:
  125. NotifyLine1: '&cThe Player %prefix% %player% &ctried to &eoffend&c!'
  126. NotifyLine2: '&cMessage &8» &e%message%'
  127. Blocked: '&cYou must not &eoffend&c!'
  128. ToggleNotifyCommand:
  129. Enabled: '&7You will now receive &enotifications again&7!'
  130. Disabled: '&7You will no longer receive &enotifications&7!'
  131. MSGCommand:
  132. Prefix: '&7[&cMSG&7] '
  133. NotOnline: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis not online!'
  134. NotSelf: '&cYou cannot write to yourself!'
  135. Message: '%prefix% %player% &7➠ %prefixtarget% %target% &7»&f%message%'
  136. InToggle: '&cYou cannot write %prefix% %target% &cbecause he has deactivated messages!'
  137. ToggleOn: '&7You will no longer &ereceive &7private messages!'
  138. ToggleOff: '&7You will now &ereceive &7private messages again!'
  139. NoMessage: '&cYou have no &emessages &cto answer!'
  140. PartyCommand:
  141. Prefix: '&7[&cParty&7] '
  142. AlreadyInOtherParty: '&cYour already in a &eparty&7c!'
  143. AlreadyInParty: '&cYour already in this &eparty&c!'
  144. NotOnline: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis not online!'
  145. NoParty: '&cThe player &e%target% &chas not a party!'
  146. NoInvitation: '&cYou dont have a &einvitation&c!'
  147. Joined: '&7The player &e%target% &7joined the party!'
  148. Deny: '&7You have denied the &einvitation &7to the party!'
  149. DenyOther: '&7The player &e%target% &7has denied your &einvitation&7!'
  150. NotSelf: '&cYou cannot send a &einvitation &cto yourself!'
  151. NotLeader: '&cYou are not the &eleader&c!'
  152. AlreadyInvitation: '&cThe player &e%target% &chas already an &einvitation&c!'
  153. InOtherParty: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis already in a other party!'
  154. InvitationSend: '&7You have send a &einvitation &7to &e%target%&7!'
  155. NotInParty: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis not in your party!'
  156. Leave: '&7The player &e%target% &7left the party!'
  157. Closed: '&cThe party has been &eclosed&c!'
  158. ClosedNotEnoughPlayers: '&cThe party was &eclosed &cdue to too few players!'
  159. ClosedLeaderLeave: '&cThe party was &eclosed &cbecause the &eleader &cleft the party!'
  160. ServerSwitch: '&7The party joined the server &e%server%&7!'
  161. Chatformat: '&e%player% &7»&f'
  162. List:
  163. Header: '&8&m------&7 [&cParty &6(&e%size%&6)&7] &8&m------'
  164. Leader: '&7Leader &8» &e'
  165. Members: '&7Members &8» &e'
  166. Footer: '&8&m------&7 [&cParty &6(&e%size%&6)&7] &8&m------'
  167. InvitationExpired: '&cThe &einvitation &cwas expired!'
  168. InvitationNotAccepted: '&cThe player &e%target% &chas not accept your &einvitation&c!'
  169. Invitation: '&7You received an &einvitation &7from &e%target%&7!'
  170. Button:
  171. Accept:
  172. Message: '&7Click her to &aACCEPT &7the invitation'
  173. Text: '&7/party accept &e%target%'
  174. Deny:
  175. Message: '&7Click her to &cDENY &7the invitation'
  176. Text: '&7/party deny &e%target%'
  177. NoPartySelf: '&cYou are not in a &eparty&c!'
  178. AlreadyInOwn: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis already in your party!'
  179. LeaveSelf: '&7You have &eleft &7the party!'
  180. Create: '&aYou have created a &eparty&a!'
  181. Kicked: '&7You have kicked &e%target% &7out of the party!'
  182. KickedSelf: '&cYou was kicked out of the &eparty&c!'
  183. Help:
  184. Header: '&8&m-----------&7 [&cHelp&7] &8&m-------------'
  185. Line1: '&e/party invite <Player> &8- &7invite a player to the party!'
  186. Line2: '&e/party accept <Player> &8- &7accept a invitation!'
  187. Line3: '&e/party deny <Player> &8- &7deny a invitation!'
  188. Line4: '&e/party kick <Player> &8- &7remove a player from your party!'
  189. Line5: '&e/party leave &8- &7leave the party!'
  190. Line6: '&e/party list &8- &7list all members of the party!'
  191. Line7: '&e/partychat <Message> &8- &7send a message in the partychat!'
  192. Line8: '&e@party &7or &e@p <Message> &8- &7send a message in the partychat!'
  193. Footer: '&8&m-----------&7 [&cHelp&7] &8&m-------------'
  194. KickCommand:
  195. NotOnline: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis not online!'
  196. Kick: '&aYou have kicked %prefixtarget% %target% &afor the reason &e%reason% &afrom the network!'
  197. Notify: '&7The player &e%player% &7was kicked by &e%target% &7for the reason &e%reason% &7from the network!'
  198. Kicked: '&9Your Minecraft Network %newline% &cYour was &ekicked &cfrom the network! %newline% &7Reason &8» &e%reason% %newline% &7Kicked by &8» &e%staff%'
  199. CanNotKick: '&cYou can not kick &e%target%&c!'
  200. BanCommand:
  201. Ban: '&aYou have banned &e%target% &afor the reason &e%reason% &e%time% &afrom the network!'
  202. Banned: '&9Your Minecraft Network %newline% &cYour was &ebanned &cfrom the network! %newline% &7Duration &8» &e%time% %newline% &7Reason &8» &e%reason% %newline% &7Banned by &8» &e%staff%'
  203. Notify: '&7The player &e%player% &7was banned by &e%staff% &7for the reason &e%reason% &e%time% &7from the network!'
  204. Permanent:
  205. Time: '&ePERMANENT'
  206. Temporary:
  207. Color: '&e'
  208. Seconds: 'Second(s)'
  209. Minutes: 'Minute(s)'
  210. Hours: 'Hour(s)'
  211. Days: 'Day(s)'
  212. Weeks: 'Week(s)'
  213. Unban:
  214. Unbanned: '&7You have unbanned &e%target%&7!'
  215. Notify: '&7The player &e%player% &7was unbanned by &e%staff%&7!'
  216. NotBanned: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis not banned!'
  217. AlreadyBanned: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis already banned!'
  218. NotFound: '&cThe player &e%target% &cwas not found in the database!'
  219. Help:
  220. Header: '&8&m-----------&7 [&cBanHelp&7] &8&m-------------'
  221. Line1: '&e/ban <Player> <Reason> &8- &7ban a player &epermanent &7from the network!'
  222. Line2: '&e/tempban <Player> <Time> <TimeUnit> <Reason> &8- &7ban a player &etemporary &7from the network!'
  223. Line3: '&e/check <Player> &8- &7check the &eban status &7of a player!'
  224. Line4: ''
  225. Line5: '&7TimeUnits'
  226. Line6: '&eSecond(s) &8= &7s'
  227. Line7: '&eMinute(s) &8= &7m'
  228. Line8: '&eHour(s) &8= &7h'
  229. Line9: '&eDay(s) &8= &7d'
  230. Line10: '&eWeek(s) &8= &7w'
  231. Footer: '&8&m-----------&7 [&cBanHelp&7] &8&m-------------'
  232. CanNotBan: '&cYou can not ban &e%target%&c!'
  233. MuteCommand:
  234. Mute: '&aYou have muted &e%target% &afor the reason &e%reason% &e%time% &afrom the network!'
  235. Muted:
  236. Line1: '&9Your Minecraft Network'
  237. Line2: '&cYour was &emuted &cfrom the network!'
  238. Line3: '&7Duration &8» &e%time%'
  239. Line4: '&7Reason &8» &e%reason%'
  240. Line5: '&7Muted by &8» &e%staff%'
  241. Notify: '&7The player &e%player% &7was muted by &e%staff% &7for the reason &e%reason% &e%time% &7from the network!'
  242. Permanent:
  243. Time: '&ePERMANENT'
  244. Temporary:
  245. Color: '&e'
  246. Seconds: 'Second(s)'
  247. Minutes: 'Minute(s)'
  248. Hours: 'Hour(s)'
  249. Days: 'Day(s)'
  250. Weeks: 'Week(s)'
  251. Unmute:
  252. Unmuted: '&7You have unmuted &e%target%&7!'
  253. Notify: '&7The player &e%player% &7was unmuted by &e%staff%&7!'
  254. NotMuted: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis not muted!'
  255. AlreadyMuted: '&cThe player &e%target% &cis already muted!'
  256. NotFound: '&cThe player &e%target% &cwas not found in the database!'
  257. Help:
  258. Header: '&8&m-----------&7 [&cMuteHelp&7] &8&m-------------'
  259. Line1: '&e/mute <Player> <Reason> &8- &7mute a player &epermanent &7from the network!'
  260. Line2: '&e/tempmute <Player> <Time> <TimeUnit> <Reason> &8- &7mute a player &etemporary &7from the network!'
  261. Line3: '&e/check <Player> &8- &7check the &emute status &7of a player!'
  262. Line4: ''
  263. Line5: '&7TimeUnits'
  264. Line6: '&eSecond(s) &8= &7s'
  265. Line7: '&eMinute(s) &8= &7m'
  266. Line8: '&eHour(s) &8= &7h'
  267. Line9: '&eDay(s) &8= &7d'
  268. Line10: '&eWeek(s) &8= &7w'
  269. Footer: '&8&m-----------&7 [&cMuteHelp&7] &8&m-------------'
  270. CanNotMute: '&cYou can not mute &e%target%&c!'
  271. CheckCommand:
  272. Line1: '&7Name &8» &e%player%'
  273. Line2:
  274. BannedPositiv: '&7Banned &8» &aYES'
  275. BannedNegativ: '&7Banned &8» &cNO'
  276. Line3: '&7Duration &8» &e%time%'
  277. Line4: '&7Reason &8» &e%reason%'
  278. Line5: '&7Banned by &8» &e%staff%'
  279. Line6: '&f'
  280. Line7:
  281. MutedPositiv: '&7Muted &8» &aYES'
  282. MutedNegativ: '&7Muted &8» &cNO'
  283. Line8: '&7Duration &8» &e%time%'
  284. Line9: '&7Reason &8» &e%reason%'
  285. Line10: '&7Muted by &8» &e%staff%'
  286. StaffCommand:
  287. Header: '&8&m-------&c Staff &8&m-------'
  288. Line: '%prefix% %player% &8» &e%server%'
  289. Footer: '&8&m-------&c Staff &8&m-------'
  290. OnlineTimeCommand:
  291. NotFound: '&cThe player &e%target% &cwas not found in the database!'
  292. Own:
  293. Minutes: '&7You have a &eplaying time &7of &e%time% Minute(s)&7!'
  294. Hours: '&7You have a &eplaying time &7of &e%time% Hour(s)&7!'
  295. Other:
  296. Minutes: '&7The player &e%target% &7have a &eplaying time &7of &e%time% Minute(s)&7!'
  297. Hours: '&7The player &e%target% &7have a &eplaying time &7of &e%time% Hour(s)&7!'
  298. Top10:
  299. Header: '&7OnlineTime &8» &eTop10'
  300. Lines: '&f■ &e#%rank% &8» &7%target% &8» &e%time% Hour(s)'
  301. TrackOnLobby: false
  302. SurveyCommand:
  304. NoRunning: '&cThere are no &esurvey &crunning!'
  305. AlreadyRunning: '&cThere are already running a &esurvey&c!'
  306. Started: '&aYou have &estarted &aa survey&a!'
  307. Stopped: '&cYou has &estopped &cthe survey!'
  308. Layout:
  309. Header: '&8&m--------&7 [&cSurvey&7] &8&m----------'
  310. Line1: '&7Question &8»&e%question%'
  311. Line2: '&7Type &e/yes &7for &eYes &7and &e/no &7for &eNo&7!'
  312. Line3: '&7Duration &8» &e5 Minutes'
  313. Footer: '&8&m--------&7 [&cSurvey&7] &8&m----------'
  314. Result:
  315. Header: '&8&m--------&7 [&cSurvey &8- &cResult&7] &8&m----------'
  316. Line1: '&7Question &8»&e%question%'
  317. Line2:
  318. WinnerYes: '&7Winner &8» &eYES &7with &e%size% Votes'
  319. WinnerNo: '&7Winner &8» &eNO &7with &e%size% Votes'
  320. Draw: '&7Winner &8» &eDraw'
  321. Line3: '&e%players% players &7voted'
  322. Footer: '&8&m--------&7 [&cSurvey &8- &cResult&7] &8&m----------'
  323. VoteYes:
  324. Voted: '&aYou has voted for &eYes&a!'
  325. AlreadyVoted: '&cYou has already voted for &eYes&c!'
  326. VoteNo:
  327. Voted: '&aYou has voted for &eNo&a!'
  328. AlreadyVoted: '&cYou has already voted for &eNo&c!'
  329. SetMaxSlotsCommand:
  330. Set: '&7You have set the slots to &e%amount% &7slots!'
  331. ClanCommand:
  332. Prefix: '&7[&cClan&7] '
  333. Help:
  334. Header: '&8&m-----------&7 [&cHelp&7] &8&m-------------'
  335. Line1: '&e/clan create <Clanname> <Clantag> &8- &7create a clan'
  336. Line2: '&e/clan invite <Player> &8- &7send a invite to your clan'
  337. Line3: '&e/clan info &8- &7give your informations about your clan'
  338. Line4: '&e/clan accept <Clanname> &8- &7accept a invitation to a clan'
  339. Line5: '&e/clan deny <Clanname> &8- &7deny a invitation to a clan'
  340. Line6: '&e/clan kick <Player> &8- &7kick a player from your clan'
  341. Line7: '&e/clan leave &8- &7leave a clan'
  342. Line8: '&e/clan delete &8- &7delete your clan'
  343. Line9: '&e/clan setrank <Player> <Rank> &8- &7give a rank to a player from your clan'
  344. Line10: '&e/clanchat <Message> &8- &7send a message to the clan'
  345. Line11: '&e@clan <Message> &7or &e@c <Message> &8- &7send a message to the clan'
  346. Footer: '&8&m-----------&7 [&cHelp&7] &8&m-------------'
  347. NoClan: '&cYou are not in a &eclan&c!'
  348. InOtherClan: '&cYou are already in a other &eclan&c!'
  349. PlayerNotInClan: '&cThe player &e%player% &cis not in your &eclan&c!'
  350. InClan: '&cThe player &e%player% &cis already in a &eclan&c!'
  351. NotOnline: '&cThe player &e%player% &cis not &eonline&c!'
  352. NotLeader: '&cYou are not the &eleader&c!'
  353. HigherRank: '&cYou need a &ehigher rank&c!'
  354. Create: '&aYou have create a &eclan &awith the name &e%clanname% &aand the clantag &e%clantag% &awith the id &e%clanid%&a!'
  355. Left: '&7You has left the clan &e%clanname%&7!'
  356. Delete: '&cYou has &edelete &cyour clan!'
  357. Deleted: '&cThe clan was &edeleted&c!'
  358. LeaderLeave: '&cYou are the &eclan leader &cyou must &edelete &cthe clan to left!'
  359. PlayerInvite: '&7You has send &e%player% &7a invitation to your clan!'
  360. Invitation: '&7You received an &einvitation &7from &e%target% &7for the clan &e%clanname%&7!'
  361. Button:
  362. Accept:
  363. Message: '&7Click her to &aACCEPT &7the invitation'
  364. Text: '&7/clan accept &e%clanname%'
  365. Deny:
  366. Message: '&7Click her to &cDENY &7the invitation'
  367. Text: '&7/clan deny &e%clanname%'
  368. Accept: '&7You accepted the &eclan &7invitation!'
  369. Joined: '&7The player &e%player% &7joined the &eclan&7!'
  370. Lefted: '&7The player &e%player% &7left the &eclan&7!'
  371. NoRequest: '&cYou have no clan &erequest &cto the clan &e%clanname%&c!'
  372. Kick: '&7You have kicked &e%player% &7from your clan!'
  373. Reject: '&7You deny the &einvitation&7!'
  374. Rejected: '&7The player &e%player% &7has deny your &einvitation&7!'
  375. ClantagExists: '&cThe &eclantag %clantag% &cis already in use!'
  376. ClannameExists: '&cThis &eclanname %clanname% &cis already in use!'
  377. ClantagLength: '&cThe clantag must be at &eleast 3 &cand a maximum of &e5 characters &clong!'
  378. ClannameLength: '&cThe clanname must be at &eleast 3 &cand a maximum of &e12 characters &clong!'
  379. AlreadyRank: '&cThe player &e%player% &chas alreadys this &erank&c!'
  380. GiveRank: '&7You have give the player &e%player% &7the rank &e%rank%&7!'
  381. RankNotExist: '&cThis &erank &cdont exist! &cRanks: &eLeader&c, &eModerator&c, &eMember'
  382. Info:
  383. Line1: '&eInformations'
  384. Line2: '&7Name &8» &e%clanname%'
  385. Line3: '&7Tag &8» &e%clantag%'
  386. Line4: '&7ID &8» &e%clanid%'
  387. Line5: '&7Leader(s)'
  388. Line6: '&8» &c%leader%'
  389. Line7: '&7Moderator(s)'
  390. Line8: '&8» &9%moderator%'
  391. Line9: '&7Member(s)'
  392. Line10: '&8» &a%member%'
  393. Chatformat: '&e%player% &7» &f%message%'
  394. Online: '&7The clanmember &e%player% &7is now &aonline&7!'
  395. Offline: '&7The clanmember &e%player% &7is now &coffline&7!'
  396. NotOwnRank: '&cYou can not change your &eown rank&c!'
  397. NotKickSelf: '&cYou can not kick &eyourself&c!'
  398. SpyCommand:
  399. Prefix: '&7[&cSpy&7] '
  400. Enabled: '&7You have &aactivated &7spy!'
  401. Disabled: '&7You have &cdeactivated &7spy!'
  403. AutoMessage:
  404. Prefix: '&7[&cNews&7] '
  405. Time: 10 #IN MINUTES
  406. Messages:
  408. 1: '&7Please visit us in &eour forums&7! &'
  409. 2: '&7Please change your &econfig.yml&7!'
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