Guest User


a guest
Feb 14th, 2018
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text 1.36 KB | None | 0 0
  1. placeholderapi: true
  2. use-mysql: true
  3. enabled: true
  4. disabled-msg: '&cBlocks aren''t enabled yet!'
  5. use-uuid: true
  6. check-full-inventory: 0
  7. full-inventory-msg: '&c&lYour inventory is full!'
  8. mysql-host: xxx
  9. mysql-database: xxx
  10. mysql-username: xxx
  11. mysql-password: xxx
  12. mysql-unsafe-save: false
  13. no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission for this!'
  14. hide-found-blocks: NONE
  15. blocks:
  16. - 25;29;-2;hub
  17. - -19;41;18;hub
  18. find-block-commands:
  19. - bqaddon %player% find
  20. all-blocks-found-commands:
  21. - bqaddon %player% findall
  22. already-found-commands:
  23. - bqaddon %player% &cZnalazles juz to wczesniej!
  24. already-found-all-blocks:
  25. - bqaddon %player% &cZnalazles juz wszystko!
  26. find-effect:
  27. enabled: true
  28. invisible: true
  29. small: true
  30. head: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDJhYzFjNTE4MDdlMjYxYzEyYzRmMmFkYmFkMzZiOGIyYzQ5N2MyNzdmNzIyM2VjMjQ0Y2I0NjA4YzU5YyJ9fX0=
  31. chest: NONE
  32. leg: NONE
  33. boot: NONE
  34. particle: VILLAGER_HAPPY
  35. loop: 30
  36. levitation-per-loop: 0.2
  37. yaw-rotation: 20
  38. scheduler: 2
  39. y-start: 0.25
  41. pitch: 0
  42. particles:
  43. loop: 20
  44. enabled: true
  45. found:
  46. dx: 0.05
  47. dy: 0.05
  48. dz: 0.05
  49. speed: 0.1
  50. quantity: 20
  51. type: DISABLED
  52. notfound:
  53. dx: 0.1
  54. dy: 0.1
  55. dz: 0.1
  56. speed: 0.1
  57. quantity: 20
  58. type: VILLAGER_HAPPY
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