
Selected Chess Terms

Dec 15th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. battery - two pieces that move in the same pattern are stacked (rook+rook, queen+rook,queen+queen,bishop+bishop)
  2. Alekhine's gun - 2 rooks and 1 queen are stacked.
  3. double pawns - when you have two pawns on the same file
  4. File - the vertical lines on the board
  5. Rank - the horizontal lines on the board
  6. open file - a file with no pawns on it
  7. semi-open file - a file with 1 pawn on it
  8. closed file - a file with two or more pawns on it
  9. Zwischenzug(absolute counter attack?) - is a chess tactic in which a player, instead of playing the expected move (commonly a recapture), first interposes another move posing an immediate threat that the opponent must answer
  10. Zugzwang - a very bad position in which whatever you move, your position becomes worse.
  11. counter attack - instead of defending, attack in order to buy time and ask if your opponent want to move his attention elsewhere
  12. Tempo - a tempo is a "turn" or single move. When a player achieves a desired result in one fewer move, the player is said to "gain a tempo"; conversely, when a player takes one more move than necessary, the player is said to "lose a tempo".
  13. absolute deflection - a distractng move that forces the king to move to another square in order to free a previously controlled square
  14. relative deflection - an attack meant to bait a piece to move to another square in order to free a previously contolled square
  15. back-ranker - a checkmate performed on the back rank (first rank of your opponent's side) and hsi pieces are blocking him from escaping
  16. active piece - the more squares it controls the more active it is
  17. passive piece - opposite of active piece
  18. closed position - a position where there are many pawns that aredefensing each other and therefore closing the two sides of the board
  19. Exchange - in a big exhange, if you win more material, you win the exchange. if you lose material, you lose the exchange
  20. interference/obstruction/blocking - a piece is placed between two connected opponen's piecs that break their connection
  21. pawn island - a group of pawn defending each other on the board
  22. isolated pawn - a pawn that cannot be defended by other pawns
  23. backward pawn - is one that has no support from other pawns (because they have advanced ahead of the backward pawn or because they no longer exist).
  24. Outpost -is a square on the fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh rank which is protected by a pawn and which cannot be attacked by an opponent's pawn.Such a square is a hole for the opponent
  26. fiachetto - in the oppening prepare a bishop to attack one of the diagonals from the 2nd/7th rank and 2nd file by first moving a pawn up
  27. bishop pair - the two bishops are controlling two diagonals next to each other
  28. Connected pieces - two pieces that are defending each other
  29. hanging piece - a piece that is not defended and vulnerable to attacks
  30. flagging - moving aimlessly to win on time when having few seconds on the clock
  31. Botez gambit - a joke term referring to blundering your queen.
  32. Overloading - happens in chess when a piece is given too many defensive duties at the same time by a player and cannot execute them properly. These defensive roles can include the protection of pieces or key squares as well as the blockade of files, ranks, or diagonals.
  33. Weak piece - a piece that is attacked by more pieces and defended by less peices
  34. sacrifice - giving more material in order to gain better position or achiveve a plan
  35. Gambit - a pawn sacrifice in the oppening that gains better position. Gambits are theory moves.
  36. Trapped piece - A trapped piece is a piece that has no escape squares or squares where it can safely move without being captured.
  37. Windmill - A windmill in chess (sometimes also referred to as a seesaw) is a tactic that occurs when one player takes advantage of a restricted king to deliver multiple checks and discovered checks in sequence. Doing so usually allows the player employing the windmill to capture enemy pieces, checkmate the opponent, or force a draw.
  38. major = involves the queen. absolute = involes the king
  39. Fork - a piece attacking two(or more) pieces at once
  40. Pin - attacking a piece in a line that is defending a MORE valuable piece
  41. scewer - attacking a piece in a line that is defending a LESS valuable piece
  42. absolute Fork - a piece attacking two pieces at once, once of which is the king
  43. relative Fork - a fork not involving the king or queen
  44. Major Fork - a piece attacking two pieces at once, once of which is the queen.
  45. double attack - two pieces attack one or two pieces at the same time (+ major/absolute/relative)
  47. absolute pin - one of your pieces(rook/queen/bishop) attacks another piece that cannot be moved, because it's protecting the king.
  48. relative pin - one of your pieces(rook/queen/bishop) attacks another piece that is protecting a MORE valuable piece
  49. Major pin - one of your pieces(rook/queen/bishop) attacks another piece that is protecting a the queen
  50. absolute scewer(reversed pin) - one of your pieces(rook/queen/bishop attacks the king that is protecting a piece
  51. relative scewer(reversed pin) - one of your pieces(rook/queen/bishop attacks another piece that is protecting a LESS valuable piece
  52. major scewer(reversed pin) - one of your pieces(rook/queen/bishop) attacks a queen that is protecting a LESS valuable piece
  53. revealed attack - you move one piece that exposes an enemy's piece to a previously x-ray attack
  54. revealed check - a peice isi moved to reveeal a check on the king
  55. Revealed check with _____ - a revealed check that also applies another trap
  56. x-ray - one of your pieces(rook/queen/bishop) attacks indirectly an opponent's piece. It can be obscured by one or more of your pieces, but it turns into a discovered attack once they are moved.
  57. Taking advantage of ____ - to take advantage o a trap(or a weak position) to set another trap
  58. reveealed check
  59. and then you combine then:
  60. revealed double attack
  61. revealed scewer
  62. revealed fork
  63. revealed pin
  64. etc...
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