
Sailor Lune: Moonfall

May 15th, 2020
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  1. =Queen Ruby=
  3. The thing Queen Ruby despised most about Sailor Lune was her self-righteousness. "Protector of Love, Lover of Justice blah blah blah." How could such a young adult know what she was talking about when it came to big notions like that? What did a pampered heiress know about justice? What was this 'heroine' even fighting to protect?
  5. Humanity. Which, in the Queen's view, was worse than any of the yukai (demons) that she had known. Sure, the humans had their moments of 'goodness,' but those were mainly limited to the five or ten people a person could care about. She had watched so many human lives through her crystal observation sphere, and they were all vain, covetous beings who were always lying to each other. And Sailor Lune was their champion: an attractive, headstrong girl with a perfect complexion and long blonde hair who told them beautiful lies that made them feel better.
  7. Sabrina was the last descendant of the Lunar Empire (or the Lunar Fiefdom, more like!) and the girl had, thus far, foiled every one of Queen Ruby's attempts to take over the planet Earth. How many times had Ruby's cupid's bow lips turned to a venomous snarl when she saw Sailor Lune in her white vest and blue skirt, striking that stupid victory pose she did every time she killed one of her minions? How many speeches had she heard the girl give about the sanctity of love, or mercy? It put Queen Ruby at her wit's end, and she started to get more receptive to new approaches to her problem.
  9. One day, as she sat on her crystal throne, Black Pearl had just the idea.
  11. "Mistress," she said, kneeling before her red-haired Queen,
  13. "We have been too direct in our approach. Sailor Lune wins every fight. But what if we slowly stripped her of her power, without her realizing it? Dismantle her, piece by piece, until we have her and her friends grovelling at your royal feet for all eternity?"
  15. Queen Ruby smiled – Black Pearl always did know how to get her attention.
  17. "How do you suggest we do that?"
  19. "The first step," Pearl replied, "Is to open a beauty salon."
  21. =Sabrina=
  23. "NO WAY!!! I got an invite!?"
  25. Sabrina (aka Sailor Lune) was barefoot in her apartment, going through her mail. She was thrilled to discover a hand-written invitation to Rosaline's, the hottest beauty salon in town. The place was invitation-only, known for its celebrity clientele and expensive beauty services. She had heard they did a hot emerald massage – it was all the rage, but very few people could get in.
  27. Right away she was texting her friend Collette (Sailor Aphrodite), but she was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was the maid's service she had recently hired – two Eastern European women who bowed to her and asked permission to clean her apartment. They might have been twins, and were rather tall with milky white skin and matching hairstyles.
  29. "Yeah, go ahead," Sabrina replied, going to sit on her sofa so that she could get back to gossiping with her friends.
  31. Soon, they had a group text message going – everyone was jealous that she was being invited for a complementary mani / pedi. Micha (Sailor Ares) insisted that she take photos, because who knows when any of them would get the chance to go there?
  33. "Miss Sabrina, your tea is ready."
  35. One of the maids approached with a kettle of tea and a ceramic cup, placing them on the table in front of Sabrina. The blonde girl smiled, then outstretched her hand so that the maid could begin giving her a massage. Part of this maid service was a 'tea ritual' – as one maid cleaned Sabrina's apartment, the other would pour her tea and massage her hands and shoulders and feet. She had grown to like it very much – she felt every bit the Lunar Princess having her servants attend to her so well.
  37. "Ooh, what's that?" Sabrina asked, when she saw the rainbow-colored Turkish delight on a little plate next to the tea.
  39. "That is for you, Miss Sabrina!" the girl massaging her hands replied, "Here, you try."
  41. She felt a little disappointed that the maid was interrupting this lovely hand massage – the skillful touch always put her in a better mood.
  43. "Oh, you don't have to put it in my mouth for m--" Sabrina tried to object when she realized that the maid was about to hand-feed her a piece of candy.
  45. But as soon as she tasted the candy, she was delighted. Sabrina definitely had a sweet tooth -- it was one of her weaknesses -- but this sugary snack would have hooked anyone! It was so sweet her mouth stung a little, but she craved more. Sabrina greedily took the plate from her maid and offered her hand back to the girl, so she could enjoy a simultaneous hand massage while eating this perfectly textured treat.
  47. "This-sh sho good!" the captain of the Sailor Sleuths declared, her words a little muffled by the candy in her mouth.
  49. In the corner, she could see disapproving looks from her cats Cato and Bapa. They were locked in little animal carrier because the maid company required them to be in a cage during each apartment cleaning. Although they looked like everyday cats, they were actually magical creatures who could speak – wise Lunar advisors who would offer guidance to Sabrina. A pang of guilt washed over the girl because the cage the maids gave her was definitely too small to comfortably fit them both, but it passed quickly.
  51. Recently Sabrina had found the the cats annoying. They disapproved of her using the maid service and pointed out that she hadn't been exercising as much, along with other such criticisms. When confronted with this feedback, it was easier for Sabrina to tune it out than to address it. She still had her life together, even though she was out of breath sometimes when she ran to the bus stop.
  53. When the maid finished massaging both of Sabrina's hands and arms, she knelt in front of the girls' feet and began rubbing them with expert care. Sailor Lune practically moaned, and set down her phone to better enjoy this loving attention on her sensitive feet. That was something she learned about herself, since hiring the maids: she loved a good foot massage.
  55. "Can I have an extra twenty minutes?" Sabrina asked bashfully.
  57. The maid rubbing her feet smiled and nodded, not even asking for any more money for this service. Their prices were dirt cheap, and Sabrina found it harder and harder to imagine going back to a life without their services. Bapa had accused her of being more indolent: never bothering to wash a dish or pick her laundry up from the floor anymore.
  59. Whatever, she could focus on other stuff now. And why did it matter if her apartment was a little dirty? The maids visited twice a week – and they were in talks to maybe adjust that up to three visits.
  61. "That's so nice," Sabrina moaned, drifting off to sleep.
  63. The obedient maid, having finished with Sabrina's feet, instructed her to lie face-down on the sofa. Then she began massaging her back and shoulders as the girl drifted off to sleep, relaxing every muscle and wishing this could go on forever. After they had left, Sabrina noticed that they put some more of the Turkish delight in her fridge. What a treat!
  65. **
  67. The salon was worthy of the Lunar Empire: marble floors, plush white pedicure chairs that looked like thrones, and gossamer white curtains dividing the space. Sabrina nervously clutched her invitation in front of her, offering it to the receptionist who examined it very closely. Pleasant classical music played in the background, and Sabrina observed that all of the salon's customers were very pretty.
  69. "Welcome, Sabrina! We have you for the royal pedicure, and the flawless manicure. Chandi will show you to your seat."
  71. A Sri Lankan woman approached, wearing tight grey scrubs which was apparently the uniform for women here.
  73. Sabrina was no stranger to nail salon services, but this place was on another level altogether. The technicians were so gentle in pushing back her cuticles, and so careful at exfoliating her feet that she felt like they were archaeologists working on some priceless artifact. When it came time for her foot massage, her pedicurist actually called another employee over so that they could perform a synchronized, four-handed massage on her feet and calves.
  75. "Oh, I could get used to this," Sabrina remarked.
  77. The time came for the nail polish. Normally, she would have picked out a color before sitting down, but the manicurists had a different idea. Each of them picked up an ebony ceramic jar that was filled with a gooey black substance. She thought it was some kind of moisturizing masque until the women dipped their polish brushes into it and got ready to apply it to her nails.
  79. "Wait, I don't normally do black," Sabrina protested, "Do you have anything in like a soft pink color? Maybe white?"
  81. The nail technicians stared at her with a lack of comprehension until Chandi came over.
  83. "What's the problem, sweetie?"
  85. Sabrina explained that she preferred not to have black on her nails. But due to the fact that she was outnumbered by so many employees, and that she felt 'in their debt' because they were treating her to this free experience, she wasn't too confident in her arguing. For a split second she felt more like a captive at their mercy instead of a client, but dismissed that paranoid thought.
  87. "Have you ever tried black nail polish? I think it would look really good on you," Chandi said.
  89. "I don't know.."
  91. "How about this? If you let us choose your polish color, I will give you a free upgrade to gemstones nail art."
  93. "Okay, deal!" Sabrina relented.
  95. The technicians applied a deep black polish to her fingers and toes – black like oil, with a highly glossy shine. Then they took many little rubies and placed them around the cuticle area of each of Sabrina's nails in a half-moon shape.
  97. "Woow," the blonde woman said, admiring their work. It really was a bold look, even if it didn't go with her usual aesthetic. She certainly would have preferred moonstones.
  99. "You know, we actually had a cancellation," Chandi said to a dazed-looking Sabrina,
  101. "Have you ever considered getting pink highlights in your hair?"
  103. ***
  105. =Queen Ruby=
  107. "So your plan was for us to do her hair and nails?" the red-haired Queen sarcastically asked Black Pearl, whom she had sought out in her yukai laboratory.
  109. "Yes, Mistress," Black Pearl replied, "Come on, you can't deny that you enjoy seeing Sailor Lune wearing your gemstones on her fingers and toes."
  111. Queen Ruby smiled.
  113. "Yes, it seems very appropriate. A step in the right direction, at least."
  115. "A big step, my Queen. Now, everywhere she goes, she will wear a symbol of your ownership over her."
  117. "Until she gets it off."
  119. Now Black Pearl smiled.
  121. "And how will she do that? That is enchanted nail polish. It will constantly re-apply itself to the new growth on her nails and keep them the same length. It is impossible to remove via non-magical means. And the best part? Each of those stones will influence her thinking, making her behave a little more... appropriate to how we see her."
  123. "Big promises, Black Pearl," was Queen Ruby's careful reply, even though she was delighted at this seeming victory.
  125. "But we shall see how this unfolds. What are you working on now?"
  127. The Queen's attention went towards the computer – a conspicuous piece of human technology that was out of place against the rest of the alchemy equipment of flasks, decanters and distillation kits. Nearby it was a pile of Turkish delight, and Queen Ruby marveled at the large amount of raw magic that went into creating a single piece of the 'candy' that Sailor Lune had been scarfing down for weeks now.
  129. "This is my plan for Sailor Athena," Black Pearl said,
  131. "A small little toy, that she will become fixated with. It contains a completely false history of the yukai that the woman will become obsessed with memorizing. Slowly, the stories will become more sexual in nature, until she's just reading erotica and smut of the yukai sexually dominating lovely young human women. While she becomes increasingly preoccupied with the occult, her instructor will reward her with these,"
  133. Black Pearl picked up a small plastic box containing containing sheets of blue candy that were rectangular and perhaps the size of a coin. It matched the color of Sailor Athena's costume.
  135. "Mouth strips. Insanely addictive. Just the thing to convert her passion for learning into a passion for yukai pornography. By the end of it, we will have her convinced that the best way of fighting us is by kneeling before us and licking our most intimate areas."
  137. Queen Ruby was profoundly excited to see this virginal student become obsessed with sexually serving the yukai – that eagerness to learn, finally put to good use! But she had to keep her composure.
  139. "Again, we will see. But I am happy with your work. You will be rewarded, if things go as you say. And what is this?"
  141. She picked up a long series of large beads connected to one another via a string, in the same deep blue color as the mouth strips and Sailor Athena's costume.
  143. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, My Queen." Black Pearl replied,
  145. "For this to work, I need for you to make me a special yukai. One that is tremendously powerful, but that can only be defeated in a very specific way..."
  148. =Ami=
  150. Ami saw that this fight was going poorly – this particular yukai was more dangerous than any opponent the Sailor Sleuths had seen before.
  152. Sailor Lune was pinned to the wall via sticky webs that held her wrists, abdomen and legs in place. She was putting up a ferocious struggle, but accomplished nothing against the magical spiderwebs that were soft to the touch but also stronger than adamantium somehow. Larlosha had even stuffed some of her webs inside Sailor Lune's mouth, so that she couldn't cast her spells or call out warnings to her teammates.
  154. Sailor Aphrodite was bound in a kneeling position, with her hands resting on either of her legs in a posture that looked totally harmless. Early on in the fight, Larlosha had bit her in the neck and paralyzed her, now her little spider minions were slowly webbing the girl in this spot and disarming her of all her magical equipment like her beloved tiara.
  156. Sailor Hera might have helped, but the always-brash warrior woman was fighting hand-to-hand with the yukai, despite Ami's repeated warnings. And Ami (Sailor Athena) was torn: should she go help her friend fighting this demoness, or should she try to save her downed allies?
  158. "Meep!" Sailor Aphrodite cried out, although the sound barely registered over the loud brawl between Larlosha and Sailor Hera.
  160. Ami looked on with sympathy at her blonde friend – Sailor Aphrodite hated spiders and now there were many tiny arachnids crawling all over her, leaving a trail of silk in their wake. One of them was even resting on her upturned nose, which she couldn't do anything about no matter how much it distressed her. An entire team of insect yukai were pulling up her hair so that it would be trapped beneath the webbing they were starting to wrap around her head.
  162. "If you think it's bad now, just wait!" Larlosha taunted them.
  164. "After I have you all bound up, my spider minions will tickle the inside of your noses, your armpits, your feet – all while you will be helpless to resist! Oh ho ho... And they bite, too – the itching and stinging will drive you mad if the tickling doesn't!"
  166. "I'll squash YOU like a bug!" Sailor Hera cried out.
  168. In her anger, the raven-haired Sailor did a predictable high kick, only to have her leg caught by one of Larlosha's nimble hands. Although dressed in a fetching night gown, this yukai had very quick reflexes. In a flash, she popped off Sailor Hera's red stiletto, and covered the sole of the woman's foot with her dreaded webs. Then she danced away, laughing as Micha hopped on one high-heeled foot, afraid to let her other touch the ground because she knew it would immediately stick to the floor.
  170. "Ami! Do something!" Sailor Hera cried out.
  172. In a flash of insight, Ami knew what she had to do. Larlosha was just like Larnelle, the Spider Queen who was only defeated when..
  174. But Ami could never bring herself to do such a thing!!
  176. When Micha became stuck to the floor, though, Ami had no choice. All of the Sailors looked at her like she was a fool when she transformed from Sailor Athena back into regular old Ami. All of her magical protections were gone; it was akin to leaving the safety of a castle during a seige. With measured steps, she walked towards Larlosha, who regarded her with derision.
  178. "Have you surrendered to me, then? Don't expect mercy, you little brat."
  180. "I wish to perform the Rite of Healing," Ami said, and she was sure that everyone could hear the quaking in her voice.
  182. "What?! No! You can't!"
  184. Without delay, Ami practically dove towards Larlosha's legs and moved her dress out of the way. Anatomically, the yukai was very much a woman down there and Ami was confronted with a picturesque pussy, completely devoid of hair. She cleared her throat and neared to Larlosha's sex, and started kissing it gently.
  186. "No! How did you know my weakness?!" Larlosha cried out. The yukai woman made no attempt to move away, and put one wrist against her forehead like she was overwhelmed.
  188. "Ami?! What the fuck are you doing??" said Sailor Hera, who couldn't believe what she was seeing.
  190. Ami pulled back for just a moment, to re-assure her friends about her strategy.
  192. "This is the only way to defeat her! We need to – mMM!"
  194. The fact that Larlosha brought Ami's face back against her pussy made the woman doubt that this was the right course of action but she didn't dare stop. The yukai cunt was the foulest thing Ami could imagine – the worst blend of bitter, sour, and salty that revolted her to her core. It took her complete focus to continue licking and nuzzling and kissing Larlosha's wet pussy until finally, she had done it!
  196. Larlosha, who appeared like a woman with a long legs, grey skin and long, black hair started to cry out. Then she pulled herself a little bit away from Ami's mouth and began spurting some kind of viscous white goo all over the girl's incredulous face.
  198. "I'M CU-- I MEAN... I'M DEFEATED!!!" the demon-lady cried out, as she loosed glob after glob of thick goo onto Ami's pretty countenance which she kept in position with her dominant hand tangled in the girl's hair. Larlosha was rubbing herself vigorously with her other hand to help stimulate the flow, and she squirted far more than was womanly possible. Ami was stunned – the computer never said something like that would happen. This didn't feel like any sort of 'victory.'
  200. Finally, Larlosha stumbled away from the stunned Sailor Sleuth, and steadied herself against the wall. She wiped some sweat from her forehead, and gave an mysterious glance over at Ami, who was stock-still from everything that had just transpired. The demoness shook her head, and reached beneath the folds of her dress with both hands.
  202. "How did you know my weakness?" she asked in an exhausted tone.
  204. "I-I researched it," Ami murmured, and she felt preposterous with her face so thoroughly coated in the white substance that spurted out of Larlosha's sex.
  206. "Well, it's not over yet! Unless you can drain all of my yukai essence, I will have won! What about it, Sailor Sleuth? Do you think you can absorb such a huge dose of yukai life-force in your human form?"
  208. Larlosha took her hands from beneath her dress and revealed that she had filled an entire chalice with more of her awful white fluid. Overfilled it, actually – some of it splashed over the rim of the pewter cup and trailed down its side in little streamlets. The demoness placed it on the ground in front of Ami, who still couldn't collect her thoughts.
  210. Blue-haired Sailor Athena looked down at the bejewelled cup with disgust. It was the sort of thing a noble might drink out of, but brimming with the yukai's foul excretions. Ami couldn't believe that this was the way to defeat the demon – there must be another solution. Or maybe this was all a trap and --?
  212. "Don't take too long!" Larlosha cautioned, "Look at your friends! Unless you can finish that all, and fast, you might need to look for new Sailor Sleuths!"
  214. The way Larlosha said 'Sailor Sleuths' was more like 'Sailor Sloots,' but Ami took one look at her friends and panic set in. Sailor Aphrodite was webbed up so that Ami could only see her pleading eyes, but her entire body was jerking what little it could beneath the thick volume of webs – she was doubtless being tickled and bitten by countless spiders. Sailor Lune was blindfolded now, and she had lost her boots at some point during the fight. She was completely helpless to stop the countless insects that scrambled over the soles of bare feet, which were one of the few parts of her bodies not covered by webs.
  216. Ami tried to lift the chalice to her face but found that it was locked to the floor somehow. To save her friends, Sailor Athena lowered her face into the cup and started gulping up the copious amount of yukai essence that filled it. The taste was unspeakably bad, and the thick, rich texture was the worst thing she had ever experienced in her life. But one glance at Sailor Hera, who was slowly being wrapped up by the webs, caused Ami to re-commit to this awful task.
  218. 'Mercy! How much of this is there? No matter how much I drink, it doesn't seem to get any lower!' Ami thought to herself when she had swallowed several mouthfuls of the stuff. She thought that the chalice was magically re-filling itself, that was the only way it made sense that it contained such a high volume of life essence. It had been conjured from nowhere, it could have other magical properties.
  220. The goo was heavy in her stomach and made her feel like she was swelling up, cramped and bloated from drinking less than half of the cup. Despite her most serious efforts, there was still a quarter of the cup remaining when she just couldn't gulp any more down. Her body refused to take in any more of this foul substance – she took a huge mouthful of it but just ended up spitting it back into the chalice instead of swallowing it.
  222. "Ami! Give some to me!" Sailor Hera cried out – her foot was stuck to the ground now and the webbing was slowly crawling up her toned calf, towards her thigh.
  224. Ami didn't need to hear it twice. She took another huge mouthful of the goop and rushed over to her friend, leaning in so she could pass it from her mouth into Sailor Hera's. She could see the tears in Micha's eyes, but the woman dutifully swallowed the foul substance and told Ami to hurry up and get the rest. Sailor Aphrodite looked like she would lose her mind, her big blue eyes desperately waiting for Ami to drain the damn chalice.
  226. Working together, Sailor Hera and Sailor Athena finished swallowing all the yukai essence, and the blue-haired Sailor had just enough resolve left to lick the chalice clean of all the residual gunk that she couldn't get by sucking it up.
  228. "Noo! I am defeated!!" Larlosha cried out, dissipating into nothingness.
  230. In that same moment, all the spider webs wrapping up the Sailor Sleuths dissolved as well, and Sailor Aphrodite and Sailor Lune jumped to their feet and scrambled away from the places they had been stuck.
  232. "What the hell was that?!" Sailor Lune demanded.
  234. "What are you talking about? That was necessary for us to win," Ami replied, feeling self-conscious that all her friends were in their Sailor costumes while she was in her human form.
  236. "You had to eat her out for us to win?! You should have just used your Athena Cleansing Fire!!" Sailor Lune cried out – her face was utterly red and she was on the verge of tears.
  238. "Oh, like the way you used your Lunar Circlet attack, and she dodged it?!" Ami countered, "You failed, Sabrina. If I had done like you said, we would have lost."
  240. "You think that was winning!? You licked her like you were her fuck-pet!" Sailor Lune shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at Ami. Her nails were jet black, and the glimmer of rubies flashed in a way Ami found to be sinister. She was ready to say something very mean to her team leader when they were interrupted.
  242. "Sailor Lune, we won. Please don't fight like this," Sailor Aphrodite tried to mediate, "If Ami hadn't done what she did, I would still be trapped in that awful web, being eaten alive by spiders. Look what they did to me."
  244. The beauty queen held out one long arm, which was absolutely covered in red insect bites. They marred her beauty, and really stood out against her porcelain complexion.
  246. "I agree," Sailor Hera added, "I mean, that yukai essence was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. Ami is a hero for drinking so much of it."
  248. "Thank you!" Ami said, enormously grateful to have someone recognize her sacrifice. The chalice still remained on the ground, mocking them, and Ami couldn't look at it without a wave of disgust washing over her.
  250. "Whatever. Good job, I guess," Sailor Lune huffed, putting on her red leather boots and storming off.
  252. That was the first time the Sailor Sleuths really argued with each other. Neither Micha (Sailor Hera) nor Collette (Sailor Aphrodite) had anything much to say, and the women practically slinked away from the warehouse they had just battled in.
  254. "Wait! Ami, shouldn't you take that with you?" Micha asked, pointing to the gem-encrusted chalice.
  256. "What?? Why would I do that?!" was Ami's sharp reply.
  258. "You always take yukai artifacts with you when they leave them behind. Couldn't you analyze this and see if there's anything helpful we can learn from it?"
  260. Ami could barely bring herself to look at the hated object. But Micha was right: Ami was the most studious among them, and she had taken yukai objects before to try to deconstruct them to help the Sailor cause. But something about this one triggered her revulsion instinct; like it was a trophy that Larlosha won for defeating the Sailors, instead of the other way around.
  262. "Very well," Ami demurred, picking up the still-wet cup and stuffing it in her purse.
  264. "How will I do my modeling job tomorrow?" Collette asked herself, looking down with dismay at her bitten-up arms and legs.
  266. "Have you noticed that Sabrina has been acting a little different, lately?' Micha asked Ami, a little while later.
  268. "Not really," Ami replied, still angry from their little tiff and feeling a bit queasy from all the yukai seed she had drank, "She's about the same as she's always been."
  270. But Micha just gave her a strange look, like she suspected Ami was acting different too.
  272. =Queen Ruby=
  274. The evil monarch was doubling over with laughter – she must have watched the video of Sailor Athena drinking yukai essence a dozen times and it still delighted her. The look of disgust on the woman's face was what really cinched it: how she grimaced with every mouthful, but still had to force herself to swallow it over her clear anger. It was the height of hilarity to see a Sailor Sleuth so dedicated to drinking yukai seed, under the mistaken belief that it was Larlosha's 'life essence.'
  276. In reality, it was a quasi-sexual excretion: something between lubrication, sweat, and ejaculate. Having someone swallow it had absolutely no negative effect on the yukai; in fact, it was actually seen as a show of submission for a yukai to compel another being to drink their seed since most beings would consider it unspeakably foul.
  278. "Black Pearl, I am loving this! This is the most fun I've had in ages! How did you convince her to do such a thing??"
  280. "That computer has changed her thinking, My Queen. And if you like that, you will love what I have planned for Ami going forward."
  282. "Please! I must know."
  284. "She will keep the chalice in her room, and every night it will refill itself with yukai seed. In a sleepwalking state, Sailor Athena will lift it to her mouth and drain it to the last drop. This will ruin her quality of sleep in a subtle way, so that she will have issues with memory and concentration. It will help with making her even more susceptible to the computer's influence... Would you like to offer your royal yukai essence to the girl?"
  286. Queen Ruby savored the thought for a moment, but shook her head.
  288. "No. She is not worthy of it. But Sailor Lune, on the other hand.."
  290. "In time, My Queen," Black Pearl said, "But for now, we need to do something about Sailor Aphrodite and Sailor Hera."
  292. Upon the table sat a large papyrus scroll and some ancient-looking leather-bound books. The scroll depicted, among other such scenes, a young woman on all fours, being whipped by a sinister robed figure. Elsewhere, the same young was flagellating herself. Other implements decorated the page: paddles, gags, blindfolds.
  294. "Sailor Hera spends so much time at her eidolon shrine, researching the right ways to act and think. What if she discovered a forgotten scroll – one that preaches self-denial and the use of pain to cleanse her spirit? What if we indoctrinate her into a new spiritual system: one where she is whipped for the most minor infractions and has to spend all her time in service to women?"
  296. "I know just the yukai for the job," Queen Ruby said, gleefully imagining how Sailor Hera's space would be corrupted at Askatha's hands.
  298. "And this? Is this for Sailor Aphrodite?" Queen Ruby said, picking up a digital camera.
  300. "Yes, but it's still in progress. I will need you to open a modeling agency for it to succeed, which will take a great deal of money and influence."
  302. "I grant you whatever resources you desire in the pursuit of this mission," Queen Ruby declared, "All you need to do is ask."
  304. Black Pearl smiled so big that Queen Ruby could see her back teeth. On the crystal observation screen, they watched as a blank-eyed Sailor Athena sleepwalked out of her bed. She got down on all fours, picked up the chalice, and began drinking down the copious amount of yukai essence that filled the bowl.
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