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- -- Not written by me (1lann).
- -- I believe the author is AfterLifeLochie but I'm not sure.
- print("Anything on this computer will not be saved.")
- print("The files will be deleted upon restart.")
- for k,v in pairs(fs.list("/")) do
- if v ~= "startup" then
- pcall(fs.delete, v)
- end
- end
- if shell then pcall(shell.exit) end
- local dir="sandbox/"
- local OS="sandbox"
- local filepath="/startup"
- local urlinstaller=""
- local Disks
- local oSides=rs.getSides
- local pErr=printError
- local oIP=ipairs
- local oInsert=table.insert
- if not fs.exists(".System/UserPerms/"..OS) then
- fs.makeDir(".System")
- fs.makeDir(".System/UserPerms")
- local".System/UserPerms/"..OS,"w")
- writeFirst.write(textutils.serialize({}))
- writeFirst.close()
- end
- local".System/UserPerms/"..OS,"r")
- local Perms=textutils.unserialize(readPerms.readAll())
- readPerms.close()
- local firstTime=false
- local oCombine=fs.combine
- local oSub=string.sub
- local oLen=string.len
- local function queue(word)
- for p=1,#word do
- os.queueEvent("char",word:sub(p,p))
- end
- os.queueEvent("key",keys.enter)
- end
- local function activateInstaller(filepath)
- if filepath then
- end
- end
- sandbox=nil
- local printStuff=false --Change to see printed stuff or not.
- --Backup FS declaration...
- local oFs={}
- for k, v in pairs(fs) do
- oFs[k]=v
- end
- --Backup peripherals declaration...
- local oldP={}
- for k,v in pairs(peripheral) do
- oldP[k]=v
- end
- --Backup others declaration...
- local oldDfile=dofile
- local oldLfile=loadfile
- local err = error
- local oldReboot=os.reboot
- local oldShutdown=os.shutdown
- local oMountPath=disk.getMountPath
- local oPresent=disk.isPresent
- local oldsenv=setfenv
- local oldmeta=setmetatable
- local orset=rawset
- local bPair=pairs
- local function centerPrint(text, ny)
- if type(text) == "table" then for _, v in pairs(text) do centerPrint(v) end
- else
- local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- term.setCursorPos(w/2 - text:len()/2, ny or y)
- print(text)
- end
- end
- local function centerWrite(text, ny)
- if type(text) == "table" then for _, v in pairs(text) do centerWrite(v) end
- else
- local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- term.setCursorPos(w/2 - text:len()/2, ny or y)
- write(text)
- end
- end
- local function md(d)
- os.queueEvent(" ")
- os.pullEventRaw()
- return fs.makeDir(dir.."/"..d)
- end
- local function cp(f,ftwo)
- ftwo=ftwo or dir.."/"..f
- os.queueEvent(" ")
- os.pullEventRaw()
- return pcall(fs.copy,f,ftwo)
- end
- local function clear()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- local function sandbox(directory)
- local sandboxed = directory
- local rT={[1] = sandboxed, [2] = sandboxed.."rom"}
- Disks = {}
- local function getDisks()
- local Disks = {}
- for i,v in bPair(oldP.getNames()) do
- if oldP.getType(v)=="drive" and Perms[v] then
- local der = {}
- der[1] = v
- der[2] =,"getMountPath")
- der[3] = "disk"
- if oFs.exists(sandboxed .. "disk") then
- local on = 1
- while true do
- local on = on + 1
- if not oFs.exists(sandboxed .. "disk" .. on) then
- der[3] = "disk" .. on
- break
- end
- end
- end
- table.insert(Disks, der)
- end
- end
- return Disks
- end
- local function check(filename)
- if oSub(filename,1,oLen(sandboxed)+4) == (sandboxed.."rom/" or sandboxed.."rom\\") then return true end
- for k,v in bPair(rT) do
- if v==filename then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function isAllowed()
- return false
- end
- local function errorout()
- err("Access denied",3)
- end
- local function returnResolved(path)
- if path==nil then return sandboxed end
- local nPath=oCombine("",path)
- if (oSub(nPath,1,2)==".." and oLen(nPath)==2) or (oSub(nPath,1,3)=="../") then return nil end
- local Disks=getDisks()
- for i,v in bPair(Disks) do
- if oSub(nPath, 1, oLen(v[3]) + 1) == v[3] .. "/" or nPath == v[3] then
- return "/" .. v[2] .. "/" .. oSub(nPath, oLen(v[3]) + 2)
- end
- end
- return sandboxed..path
- end
- function, method, ...)
- local tA={...}
- if not type(side)=="string" then err("Expected string",2) end
- if not (oldP.isPresent(side) and Perms[side]) or method==nil then return nil end
- if oldP.getType(side)=="modem" and not,"isWireless") then
- --Ugh....
- if method=="getNamesRemote" then
- local tFakeNames={}
- local,"getNamesRemote")
- for k,v in bPair(tNames) do
- if Perms[v] then tFakeNames[#tFakeNames+1]=v end
- end
- return tFakeNames
- elseif method=="isPresentRemote" then
- if not type(tA[1])=="string" then err("Expected string",2) end
- return Perms[tA[1]] and,"isPresentRemote",tA[1])
- elseif method=="getTypeRemote" then
- if not type(tA[1])=="string" then err("Expected string",2) end
- return Perms[tA[1]] and,"getTypeRemote",tA[1])
- elseif method=="getMethodsRemote" then
- if not type(tA[1])=="string" then err("Expected string",2) end
- return Perms[tA[1]] and,"getMethodsRemote",tA[1])
- elseif method=="callRemote" then
- if not type(tA[1])=="string" then err("Expected string",2) end
- return Perms[tA[1]] and,"callRemote",unpack(tA))
- end
- end
- return,method,unpack(tA))
- end
- local
- function peripheral.getNames()
- local tResults = {}
- for n,sSide in oIP( rs.getSides() ) do
- if oldP.isPresent( sSide ) and Perms[sSide] then
- table.insert( tResults, sSide )
- if oldP.getType( sSide ) == "modem" and not sSide, "isWireless" ) then
- local tRemote = sSide, "getNamesRemote" )
- for n,sName in oIP( tRemote ) do
- if Perms[sName] then table.insert( tResults, sName ) end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return tResults
- end
- function peripheral.isPresent( _sSide )
- if oldP.isPresent( _sSide ) and Perms[_sSide] then
- return true
- end
- for n,sSide in oIP( oSides() ) do
- if Perms[sSide] and oldP.getType( sSide ) == "modem" and not sSide, "isWireless" ) then
- if sSide, "isPresentRemote", _sSide ) and Perms[_sSide] then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function peripheral.getType( _sSide )
- if oldP.isPresent( _sSide ) and Perms[_sSide] then
- return oldP.getType( _sSide )
- end
- for n,sSide in oIP( oSides() ) do
- if Perms[sSide] and oldP.getType( sSide ) == "modem" and not sSide, "isWireless" ) then
- if sSide, "isPresentRemote", _sSide ) and Perms[_sSide] then
- return sSide, "getTypeRemote", _sSide )
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- function peripheral.getMethods( _sSide )
- if oldP.isPresent( _sSide ) and Perms[_sSide] then
- return oldP.getMethods( _sSide )
- end
- for n,sSide in oIP( oSides() ) do
- if Perms[sSide] and oldP.getType( sSide ) == "modem" and not sSide, "isWireless" ) then
- if Perms[_sSide] and sSide, "isPresentRemote", _sSide ) then
- return sSide, "getMethodsRemote", _sSide )
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local newP={}
- for k,v in pairs(peripheral) do
- newP[k]=v
- end
- function peripheral.wrap( _sSide )
- if newP.isPresent( _sSide ) then
- local tMethods = newP.getMethods( _sSide )
- local tResult = {}
- for n,sMethod in oIP( tMethods ) do
- tResult[sMethod] = function( ... )
- return _sSide, sMethod, ... )
- end
- end
- return tResult
- end
- return nil
- end
- --[[function peripheral.isPresent(side)
- if not type(side)=="string" then err("Expected string",2) end
- if not (side=="top" or side=="bottom" or side=="front" or side=="back" or side=="left" or side=="right" or oldP.isPresent(side)) then
- err("Invalid side.",2)
- end
- if not (oldP.isPresent(side) and Perms[side]) then return false end
- return oldP.isPresent(side)
- end
- --]]
- --[[function peripheral.getType(side)
- if not type(side)=="string" then err("Expected string",2) end
- if not (side=="top" or side=="bottom" or side=="front" or side=="back" or side=="left" or side=="right") then
- err("Invalid side.",2)
- end
- if not (oldP.isPresent(side) and Perms[side]) then return nil end
- return oldP.getType(side)
- end
- --]]
- --[[function peripheral.getMethods(side)
- if not type(side)=="string" then err("Expected string",2) end
- if not (side=="top" or side=="bottom" or side=="front" or side=="back" or side=="left" or side=="right") then
- err("Invalid side.",2)
- end
- if not (oldP.isPresent(side) and Perms[side]) then return nil end
- return oldP.getMethods(side)
- end
- --]]
- function,v)
- f=returnResolved(f)
- if f==nil then return nil end
- if isAllowed() then return,v) end
- if v ~= ("r" or "rb" or nil) then
- if check(f) then
- errorout()
- end
- end
- return,v)
- end
- function fs.exists(f)
- f=returnResolved(f)
- if f==nil then return false end
- return oFs.exists(f)
- end
- function fs.isDir(f)
- f=returnResolved(f)
- if f==nil then return false end
- return oFs.isDir(f)
- end
- function fs.delete(f)
- f=returnResolved(f)
- if f==nil then err("Invalid Path",2) return nil end
- if isAllowed() then return oFs.delete(f) end
- if check(f) then
- errorout()
- end
- return oFs.delete(f)
- end
- function fs.copy(f,v)
- f=returnResolved(f)
- v=returnResolved(v)
- if f==nil or v==nil then err("Invalid Path",2) end
- if isAllowed() then return oFs.copy(f,v) end
- if check(v) then
- errorout()
- end
- return oFs.copy(f,v)
- end
- function fs.move(f,v)
- f=returnResolved(f)
- v=returnResolved(v)
- if f==nil or v==nil then err("Invalid Path",2) end
- if isAllowed() then return oFs.move(f,v) end
- if check(f) or check(v) then
- errorout()
- end
- return oFs.move(f,v)
- end
- function fs.isReadOnly(f)
- f=returnResolved(f)
- if f==nil then return false end
- if check(f) then
- return true
- end
- return oFs.isReadOnly(f)
- end
- function fs.list(rawDir)
- dir=returnResolved(rawDir)
- if dir==nil then err("Invalid Path",2) end
- getDisks()
- local res = oFs.list(dir)
- if oCombine("", rawDir) == "" then
- for i,v in bPair(Disks) do
- table.insert(res, v[3])
- end
- end
- return res
- end
- function fs.getName(file)
- file=returnResolved(file)
- if file==nil then err("Invalid Path",2) end
- if file==sandboxed then return "root" end
- return oFs.getName(file)
- end
- function fs.makeDir(dir)
- dir=returnResolved(dir)
- if dir==nil then err("Invalid Path",2) end
- return oFs.makeDir(dir)
- end
- function fs.getSize(filepath)
- filepath=returnResolved(filepath)
- if filepath==nil then err("Invalid Path",2) end
- return oFs.getSize(filepath)
- end
- function fs.getDrive(filepath)
- filepath=returnResolved(filepath)
- if filepath==nil then err("Invalid Path",2) end
- if check(filepath) then return "rom" end
- return oFs.getDrive(filepath)
- end
- --[[
- function setfenv(func,...)
- for k,v in bPair(protectedFuncs) do
- if v==func then errorout() end
- end
- return oldsenv(func,...)
- end
- function setmetatable(table,...)
- if table==fs or table==_G then errorout() end
- return oldmeta(table,...)
- end
- function rawset(table,...)
- if table==fs then errorout() end
- return orset(table,...)
- end
- function os.reboot()
- local".OSRunner/rebootPath","w")
- writeReboot.write(sandboxed:sub(1,#sandboxed-1))
- writeReboot.close()
- oldReboot()
- end
- local protectedFuncs={setfenv,setmetatable,rawset,bPair}
- for k,v in bPair(fs) do
- table.insert(protectedFuncs,v)
- end
- ]]
- end
- local function restore()
- _G.fs={}
- for k,v in bPair(oFs) do
- _G.fs[k]=v
- end
- for k,v in bPair(oldP) do
- _G.peripheral[k]=v
- end
- _G.setfenv=oldsenv
- _G.os.reboot=oldReboot
- _G.os.shutdown=oldShutdown
- _G.setmetatable=oldmeta
- _G.rawset=orset
- end
- --Main program begins here...
- if not fs.isDir(dir) then local firstTime=true
- fs.delete(dir) fs.makeDir(dir)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- clear()
- local mx,my=term.getSize()
- term.setCursorPos(1, math.floor(my/2))
- centerPrint("Creating User's Virtual Environment")
- centerPrint("Please wait...")
- if printStuff then centerPrint("Creating OS Environment for directory "..dir..".") end
- md("rom")
- md("rom/programs")
- md("rom/programs/secret")
- md("rom/apis")
- md("rom/help")
- cp("rom/startup")
- for k,v in pairs(fs.list("rom/programs")) do
- cp("rom/programs/"..v)
- end
- for k,v in pairs(fs.list("rom/apis")) do
- cp("rom/apis/"..v)
- end
- for k,v in pairs(fs.list("rom/help")) do
- cp("rom/help/"..v)
- end
- if fs.isDir(".System/DefaultUserFiles/") then
- for k,v in pairs(fs.list("System/DefaultUserFiles")) do
- cp(".System/DefaultUserFiles/"..v,dir..v)
- end
- end
- if urlinstaller then
- local gI=http.get(urlinstaller)
- local text=gI.readAll()
- gI.close()
- local,"w")
- wI.write(text)
- wI.close()
- end
- else
- print("Loading User Environment for user "..OS..".")
- end
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- if printStuff then write("Running environment for User: \""..OS.."\" in 3")
- for i=1,2 do
- sleep(.33)
- write(".")
- end
- sleep(0.33)
- write("2")
- for i=1,2 do
- sleep(.33)
- write(".")
- end
- sleep(0.33)
- write("1")
- for i=1,2 do
- sleep(.33)
- write(".")
- end
- sleep(0.33)
- end
- sandbox(dir)
- os.shutdown=function()
- restore()
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.clear()
- local mx,my=term.getSize()
- term.setCursorPos(1, math.floor(my/2))
- centerPrint("Done loading user, rebooting...")
- pcall(sleep,1.5)
- oldReboot()
- end
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
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