
Stellaria: Locations

Feb 15th, 2019
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  1. Let me tell you a little more about Stellaria.
  3. Stellaria is an area of land of slightly greater area than the United Kingdom. Divided into five (and-a-half, depending on who you ask) provinces, each is governed by a capital cityhold and royal Lordly House.
  5. The provinces are: The Gauntlet, The Marshes, The Plains, The Wastes, and Zenith. More information on them below:
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  10. Situated in the west of Stellaria, The Gauntlet encompasses the lushest landscape - forests, fields, and more esoteric features - all across its span. The Gauntlet becomes warmer the further west you travel, eventually leading to a short stretch of coastline that borders the Circle Sea.
  12. Capital: Nemora.
  14. Economy: Agricultural, service-based, academic.
  16. Government: The Gauntlet is overseen by Lord Trock.
  18. Geography: The Gauntlet is located to the west, and borders the Circle Sea. It features notable settlements such as Overtree (the largest non-Nemora settlement in The Gauntlet), Calenal, and Elias' Falls (a large, rapid section of riverway that marks the end of safe riverway between the north- and south-west of Stellaria).
  20. History: Nemora has long been a centre for arcane study - specifically focused on defensive magics. This is characteristic, as Nemora is the best-defended of the cityholds thanks to the Great Shield Wall: an all-encompassing wall of arcane energy that is raised in times of crisis. The last time the Shield Wall was raised was during a siege laid by Starfall to prevent Nemoran reinforcements from protecting Overtree as Starfall sought control of trade routes to the south.
  21. As the landing point of the refugees from beyond the Wall of Storms, Nemora has taken a vested interest in their continued wellbeing - including joining forces with Carnell Hold's liberation of enslaved elves, orcs, and others from Silverhold two hundred years past.
  22. Since the re-appearance of dragons, Nemora has raised the Shield Wall, and no traffic has been able to enter or exit the cityhold.
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  28. The south-east of Stellaria is below sea level. As such, these lowlands take in water from vast regions of the country, causing the ground to be soft, and - in many places - horrifyingly treacherous. Because the roads are the only way to reliably traverse the mires, military presence easily secures the routes through the province.
  30. Capital: Silverhold - a beautiful city to belong to, if you can pay the cost.
  32. Economy: Silverhold is aptly-named, having amassed its - considerable - wealth from the mining of silver both below the cityhold itself, and below the marshes. Towns are often either raised above the marshes, or (where significant investment is made), they rest within artificially-dried land, surrounded by thick watertight walls. For a long time, The Marshes were also a hub for the trade of slaves and flesh. Now, their major industries are financial, arts, and precious metals.
  34. Government: Lord Cawotte
  36. Geography: The Marshes, as their name suggests, are a large region that contain a criss-crossing network of riverways that soak through the land, creating impassible quagmires. Transportation takes the form of either the safest roads in the country, or via boat. To the extreme east and south, the marshland eventually gives way to treacherous mountains - with the Wall of Storms beyond.
  38. History: The Marshes, thousands of years ago, were impoverished and held little in the way of civilisation. With the determination of the Cawottes, the waters were pushed back, revealing the riches below. Silverhold and the Marshes - as touched upon earlier - enjoyed a prosperous slave trade; their work is a major reason that the province is as well-developed as it is now. Since surrendering to Carnell Hold and Nemora, The Marshes have given up their flesh-trade; however they still bear some significant resentment toward the other cityholds. Atop a risen section of stone lies The Roost - a bustling trade city far enough at the edge of The Marshes to permit people to travel to it easily without using the rivers or the long roads to Silverhold itself. The Roost finds itself well-positioned at the border between The Marshes, The Plains, and The Wastes - as such, it can be considered the cultural hub of the south-east.
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  43. The southern reaches of Stellaria are a flat expanse of generally good pasture. The area is neither too warm nor cold, and the poor roads are often made up for through access to the lengthy Iron River, which runs the breadth of The Plains from Lake Hollon to Ironside. Despite the largely hospitable landscape, the inhabitants of The Plains are known to be a hardier sort, preferring to build heavily-fortified villages and towns - dwarfed by the walled cityhold of Carnell Hold, resting at the heart of the Bleak Mountains.
  45. Capital: Carnell Hold.
  47. Economy: The Plains have always been prosperous, with a booming farming economy - providing much of the foods for The Marshes as well as themselves. The people of Carnell Hold, in particular, are renowned as great builders - with the city itself a pinnacle of research into both magical and mundane craftsmanship. The greatest boats, walls, and most innovative inventions originate here - and weapons second only to those born of the Mistveil.
  49. Government: Lord Carnell
  51. Geography: The Plains is the largest province in area by far. It is criss-crossed by riverways, though unlike its eastern counterpart features well-drained arable land for hundreds of miles in each direction. In the south, the Bleak Mountains are crested by the golden city of Carnell Hold, seated astride the smaller city of Promise. Throughout the landscape are peppered innumerable small towns and villages, each focused on playing their part as a piece of the greater whole.
  53. History: Carnell Hold, originally named Potentia, was dubbed anew some 400 years past by the arrogant Lord Ellis Carnell. Carnell Hold - and therefore The Plains - take an active interest in the wellbeing of the lands around them, having interfered in the slave trade of The Marshes, and using economic incentives to maintain a positive relationship with them - namely through leveraging their major part in food supply. The Plains' control has extended north and east for a long time, slowly wresting regions away from The Gauntlet - whose reactive and defensive approach to military strategy was ill-suited to prevent The Plains' encroachment. For years now, the towns of Lullin and Calenal - both vital strategic locations for control over trade and deployment - have been hotly contested between the militaries of the two provinces.
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  58. The north-east of Stellaria is a flat expanse of land with next to nothing valuable contained therein. Said to have once been decimated by the Old Gods, The Wastes are barren and dry - devoid of suitable substrate on which to grow, farm, or live. As such, the native inhabitants of The Wastes are a hard, proud group of people - largely taking on one of two roles in life: joining a religion, or joining a mercenary company.
  60. Capital: Godstruck
  62. Economy: In large part, The Wastes are dependent on the mercantile endeavours of their inhabitants. In addition to this, they feature the largest concentration of incredibly adept
  64. Government: Lord Beck, The Godstruck Senate
  66. Geography: The Wastes, as the name suggests, are a relative flat and arid expanse with mostly just dirt to show for it. The land slopes up, slowly, toward Godstruck itself - resting atop a hill, able to observe all of the world around it. To the south-east of Godstruck and bordering The Marshes, lies the Troubled Water, a massive lake of some 75 miles across, a lake whose water level fluctuates severely dependent on factors that are poorly-understood, rendering settlement on its banks impossible. To the west, Mistveil Keep - reclusive and secretive - holds to the border of the Giants' Stair.
  68. History: Research it.
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  72. ZENITH
  73. Zenith. The north. The pinnacle. Isolated from the rest of Stellaria by ring upon ring of dangerous mountain ranges to the east, and by the treacherous Arturas Valley to the west, Zenith has enjoyed a life of real prosperity - both benefiting from the local resources and natural fortification of the region, regularly and zealously asserting its authority at the borders of - and into - both The Gauntlet and The Wastes. While fiercely territorial, they accept all visitors - after an appropriate amount of scrutiny.
  75. Capital: Starfall
  77. Economy: Zenith boasts the strongest economy and military of any Stellarian province. Service-based, agriculture, secondary market of high-end products, magic, intellectual property.
  79. Government: Lord Philammon.
  81. Geography: Heavily varied; research it.
  83. History: Research it.
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