
Osama’s Appeal

Jul 10th, 2018
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  1. Hello roblox, my account is duck_osama. Recently my account got deleted from roblox. It says that I was banned for uploading copyrighted music but the moderation note says that my user name is inappropriate for roblox, I’m going to address these two claims in the following appeal. Last year my account got banned for having the name "osama" in it, however I appealed it because my real life name is Osama. I’m a muslim, and my account was restored from that ban so I assumed that I could now use the name "Osama" without worrying about whether or not I’m going to be banned. I find it degrading that I was banned for the same thing again, even though that is my actual name in real life. But if I was banned for uploading copyrighted music then allow me to explain please. Around June I had heard that ROBLOX was launching new copyright laws regarding music but I didn't really research it at the time because I was busy, and then forgot about it. Additionally my friends were able to completely upload songs without any issues so I assumed that the new regulations were not in place yet. This led me to uploading an audio asset that resulted in my ban. As a developer, I have vast amounts of places and assets that are used for developing. I was developing a game and making a new fighting game and the progress was all saved on my account so my account being deleted is a devastating blow that I will not be able to recover from should I make a new account. On the other hand, I do admit remembering a notification about the new ROBLOX rules. Alas I had forgot about the copyright laws and didn't bother to read the new terms because I didn’t consider that they would have an impact on me at the time. All I do is script and develop on ROBLOX because it’s the only available outlet for my creativity, and I did not linger too much on the new rule because I was busy and then forgot as aforementioned. I do believe that not reading the rules was my fault and I deserve a punishment for it, and that I perhaps deserve a 1 to 3 day or even a ban for a week, but a permanent ban is way too far considering my track record on ROBLOX. I haven't gotten a single ban or warning ever since my last ban which was the ban for my username that I discussed above. I would also like to mention that I did not get a single warning during the uploading process of the audio asset. If the ban was for the music I uploaded then I apologize sincerely and I’m very sorry and I can promise that I won't upload any copyrighted music again especially since I’m a developer and my account has been here since 2012 so I wouldn't risk it again. I’m very sorry and thanks for reading. Please take all of the above into deep consideration because ROBLOX is my only available inexpensive outlet for my creativity and it has helped me move through a lot of tough times when I had felt trapped otherwise.
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