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  4. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b56c0c3cbeda44a67a0c844337f8a04b7d388132&
  7. TREE
  9. ├── a\ decidir
  10. │ ├── 133\ Cursos\ Em\ Torrent\ .zip
  11. │ ├── gts-2003-artur_jarbas-iptables.pdf
  12. │ ├── gts-2003-ferramenta-siri-usp.pdf
  13. │ ├── gts-2003-netflow-cert-rs.pdf
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  31. │ ├── ferramenta_para_gerenciamento_para_arduino.pdf
  32. │ ├── flisol.pdf
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  35. ├── arquivos\ maliciosos
  36. │ ├── An\ Introduction\ To\ Keylogger,\ RATS\ And\ Malware.pdf
  37. │ ├── Botnets.pdf
  38. │ ├── Buffer\ Overflow\ Attacks.pdf
  39. │ ├── Clavis_Apostila_Metasploit.pdf
  40. │ ├── exploits
  41. │ │ ├── 38530.pdf
  42. │ │ ├── Buffer\ Overflow\ Attacks\ -\ Detect,\ Exploit,\ Prevent\ (2005).pdf
  43. │ │ ├── Exploit-e-ferramentas-para-sua-utiliza\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  44. │ │ ├── Exploiting\ Software\ -\ How\ to\ Break\ Code\ -\ G.\ Hoglund,\ et\ al.,\ (Addison-Wesley,\ 2004)\ WW.pdf
  45. │ │ ├── Hacking\ -\ The\ Art\ of\ Exploitation_2nd\ Ed(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  46. │ │ ├── Hacking\ -\ The\ Art\ of\ Exploitation\ -\ 2nd\ Edition.pdf
  47. │ │ ├── Hacking.The.Art.of.Exploitation.2nd.Edition.pdf
  48. │ │ ├── The\ Web\ App.\ Hacker's\ Handbook\ -\ Discovering,\ Exploiting\ Security\ Flaws\ -\ D.\ Stuttard,\ M.\ Pinto\ (Wiley,\ 2008)\ WW.pdf
  49. │ │ ├── The\ Web\ App.\ Hacker's\ Hbk.\ -\ Finding,\ Exploiting\ Security\ Flaws\ 2nd\ ed.\ -\ D.\ Stuttard\ (Wiley,\ 2011)\ WW.pdf
  50. │ │ ├── Trends\ of\ Spyware,\ Viruses\ and\ Exploits.pdf
  51. │ │ ├── vulnerabilidades\ e\ exploits\ t\303\251cnicas,detec\303\247\303\243o\ e\ preven\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  52. │ │ ├── Writing\ Security\ Tools\ and\ Exploits.pdf
  53. │ │ ├── XSS\ Exploits\ Cross\ Site\ Scripting\ Attacks\ and\ Defense.pdf
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  55. │ ├── metasploit-curso[1].pdf
  56. │ ├── Metasploit\ -\ The\ Penetration\ Tester's.pdf
  57. │ ├── Metasploit\ Toolkit.pdf
  59. │ ├── Mobile\ Malware\ Attacks\ and\ Defense.pdf
  60. │ ├── Nmap+Metasploit\ Combo\ Letal.pdf
  61. │ ├── The\ Little\ Black\ \ Book\ of\ Computer\ Virus.pdf
  62. │ ├── The\ New\ Apple\ of\ Malwareosnetwin.pdf
  63. │ ├── Trojan\ White\ Paper.pdf
  64. │ └── Virus\ Detection\ System\ -\ VDS.pdf
  65. ├── backtrack
  66. │ ├── Backtrack\ 5\ -\ Manual.pdf
  67. │ └── BackTrack\ 5\ Penetracao\ e\ Testes\ Wireless.pdf
  68. ├── ceh
  69. │ ├── CEH\ Study\ Guide.pdf
  70. │ └── Revis\303\243o\ Certifica\303\247\303\243o\ oficial\ de\ Hacker\ \303\211tico.pdf
  71. ├── computacao\ forense
  72. │ ├── 000757798.pdf
  73. │ ├── 01\ -\ Analise\ Forense\ de\ Documentos.pdf
  74. │ ├── 02\ -\ Analise\ Forense\ de\ Documentos.pdf
  75. │ ├── 03\ -\ Conceitos\ Importantes.pdf
  76. │ ├── 04\ -\ Conceitos\ Importantes.pdf
  77. │ ├── 05\ -\ Analise\ Forense\ de\ Documentos.pdf
  78. │ ├── 06\ -\ Identifica\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Scanners\ e\ Impressoras.pdf
  79. │ ├── 07\ -\ Deteccao\ de\ Copia\ e\ Colagem.pdf
  80. │ ├── 08\ -\ Inconsist\303\252ncias\ do\ Processo\ de\ Aquisi\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  81. │ ├── 10\ -\ Info\ Hiding-\ Tpes\ and\ Applications.pdf
  82. │ ├── 11\ -\ Steganography\ Past\ Present\ and\ Future.pdf
  83. │ ├── 12\ -\ Deteccao\ de\ Spoofing.pdf
  84. │ ├── 13\ -\ Deteccao\ Splicing.pdf
  85. │ ├── 14\ -\ File\ Carving.pdf
  86. │ ├── 15\ -\ Phylogeny.pdf
  87. │ ├── 1.\ Investigation\ Procedures\ and\ Response.pdf
  88. │ ├── 2001-WSeg-flavio.oliveira-marcelo.reis-forense.pdf
  89. │ ├── 2.\ Investigating\ Hard\ Disks,\ File\ and\ Operating\ Systems.pdf
  90. │ ├── 3.\ Investigating\ Data\ and\ Image\ Files.pdf
  91. │ ├── 4.\ Investigating\ Network\ Intrusions\ and\ Cybercrime.pdf
  92. │ ├── 5.\ Investigating\ Wireless\ Networks\ and\ Devices.pdf
  93. │ ├── An\303\241lise\ de\ Ferramentas\ Forenses\ de\ Recupera\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Dados.pdf
  94. │ ├── Analise\ de\ forenses.pdf
  95. │ ├── An\303\241lise\ Forense\ de\ Intrus\303\265es\ em\ Sistemas\ Computacionais\ T\303\251cnicas.pdf
  96. │ ├── An\303\241lise\ Forense\ de\ Intrus\303\265es\ em\ Sistemas\ Computacionais\ T\303\251cnicas,\ Procedimentos\ e\ Ferramentas.pdf
  97. │ ├── An\303\241lise\ Pericial.pdf
  98. │ ├── An\ Exercise\ In\ Practical\ Computer\ Forensic\ Analysis.pdf
  99. │ ├── Anti-An\303\241lise\ Forense.pdf
  100. │ ├── Anti-Forensics\ and\ Anti-Anti-Forensics.pdf
  101. │ ├── Anti-Forensics\ -\ Techniques\ Detection\ and\ Countermeasures.pdf
  102. │ ├── Anti-Forensics\ -\ The\ Rootkit\ Connection.pdf
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  104. │ ├── An\302\240lise\ de\ Ferramentas\ para\ o\ Controle\ de\ Spam.pdf
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  106. │ ├── An\302\240lise\ de\ malware\ Software\ Livre.pdf
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  109. │ ├── Auditoria\ em\ Informatica.pdf
  110. │ ├── Basic\ Computer\ Forensic\ Concept.pdf
  111. │ ├── Best\ Practices\ for\ Computer\ Forensics.pdf
  112. │ ├── Boas\ Pr\303\241ticas\ para\ a\ Per\303\255cia\ Forense.pdf
  113. │ ├── Boas\ Pr\303\241ticas\ para\ Per\303\255cia\ Forense.pdf
  114. │ ├── bypassing-av.pdf
  115. │ ├── BZ-Footprinting.pdf
  116. │ ├── CD\ and\ DVD\ Forensics.pdf
  117. │ ├── Ci\303\252ncia\ Forense\ das\ Origens\ \303\240\ Ci\303\252ncia\ Forense\ Computacional.pdf
  118. │ ├── Common\ Phases\ of\ Computer\ Forensics\ Investigation\ Models.pdf
  119. │ ├── Computacao\ Forense.pdf
  120. │ ├── Computa\303\247\303\243o\ Forense.pdf
  121. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ -\ Analysis\ in\ a\ Virtual\ Environment.pdf
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  123. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ -\ A\ Pocket\ Guide.pdf
  124. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ -\ Collection\ Analysis\ and\ Case\ Management\ using\ ProDiscover.pdf
  125. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ Computer\ Crime\ Scene\ Investigation\ 2nd\ Ed.pdf
  126. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ For\ Dummies.pdf
  127. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ In\ Forensis.pdf
  128. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ -\ Past\ Present\ Future.pdf
  129. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics.pdf
  130. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ -\ Procedures\ and\ Methods.pdf
  131. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ -\ Technical\ Procedure\ Manual.pdf
  132. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ -\ The\ Need\ for\ Standardization\ and\ Certification.pdf
  133. │ ├── Conceitos\ para\ Per\303\255cia\ Forense\ Computacional.pdf
  135. │ ├── Criptoan\303\241lise.txt
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  137. │ ├── csi-analise-forense-de-documentos-digitais-menor.pdf
  138. │ ├── Desvendando\ a\ Computa\303\247\303\243o\ Forense.pdf
  139. │ ├── ensino-forense.pdf
  140. │ ├── Ensino\ forense.pdf
  141. │ ├── FDTK\ -\ Slide\ 1\ -\ Introdu\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  142. │ ├── FDTK\ -\ Slide\ 2\ -\ Conceitos\ &\ Legisla\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  143. │ ├── FDTK\ -\ Slide\ 3\ -\ Laborat\303\263rio\ Forense\ &\ Investiga\303\247\303\243o\ Forense.pdf
  144. │ ├── FDTK\ -\ Slide\ 4\ -\ Investiga\303\247\303\243o\ Forense\ II.pdf
  145. │ ├── FDTK\ -\ Slide\ 5\ -\ Ferramentas\ Open\ Source.pdf
  146. │ ├── FDTK\ -\ Slide\ 6\ -\ Ferramentas\ Open\ Source\ -\ Continua\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  147. │ ├── FDTK\ -\ Slide\ 7\ -\ Caso\ I.pdf
  148. │ ├── FDTK\ -\ Slide\ 8\ -\ Caso\ I.pdf
  149. │ ├── FDTK_UNI.pdf
  150. │ ├── file.pdf
  151. │ ├── First\ Responders\ -\ Guide\ to\ Computer\ Forensics.pdf
  152. │ ├── Footprinting\ and\ Scanning.pdf
  153. │ ├── footprinting(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  154. │ ├── footprinting.pdf
  155. │ ├── Footpriting\ -\ Levanamento\ de\ Informa\303\247\303\265es.pdf
  156. │ ├── Forense\ Computacional\ -\ Aspectos\ Legais\ e\ Padroniza\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  157. │ ├── Forense\ Computacional\ com\ Software\ Livre.pdf
  158. │ ├── Forense\ Computacional\ e\ sua\ Aplica\303\247\303\243o\ em\ Seguran\303\247a\ Imunol\303\263gica.pdf
  159. │ ├── Forense\ computacional\ e\ sua\ aplic\303\247\303\243o\ em\ seguran\303\247a\ imunol\303\263gica.pdf
  160. │ ├── Forense\ Computacional\ -\ Fundamentos,\ Tecnologias\ e\ Desafios\ Atuais\ (1).pdf
  161. │ ├── Forense\ Computacional\ -\ Fundamentos,\ Tecnologias\ e\ Desafios\ Atuais.pdf
  162. │ ├── Forense\ Computacional\ Meditas\ Preventivas.pdf
  163. │ ├── Forense\ Computacional.pdf
  164. │ ├── Forense\ Computacional\ -\ PET.pdf
  165. │ ├── Forense_Computacional(UFPE).pdf
  166. │ ├── Forense\ -\ Digital\ &\ Computacional.pdf
  167. │ ├── Forensic\ Analysis\ of\ VMware\ Hard\ Disks.pdf
  168. │ ├── Forensic\ Examination\ of\ Digital\ Evidence\ -\ A\ Guide\ for\ Law\ Enforcement.pdf
  169. │ ├── FOSS\ Digital\ Forensics.pdf
  170. │ ├── Hacking\ Exposed\ -\ Computer\ Forensics\ Second\ Edition.pdf
  171. │ ├── Hacking\ Exposed\ Computer\ Forensics\ \ Secrets\ &\ Solutions.pdf
  172. │ ├── IFSP-2013-Seguranca-da-informacao-mP-vF4.pdf
  173. │ ├── Incident\ Response\ Computer\ Forensics\ Toolkit.pdf
  174. │ ├── Introduction\ to\ Computer\ Forensics.pdf
  175. │ ├── Looking\ at\ People\ -\ Concepts\ and\ Applications.pdf
  176. │ ├── Low\ Down\ and\ Diry\ -\ Anti-Forensic\ Rootkits.pdf
  177. │ ├── Managing\ Your\ Digital\ Footprint_\ Ostriches\ v.\ Eagles.pdf
  178. │ ├── Modern\ Anti\ Forensics\ -\ A\ Systems\ Disruption\ Approach.pdf
  179. │ ├── monografia_forense.pdf
  180. │ ├── Multimedia\ Forensics\ Is\ Not\ Computer\ Forensics.pdf
  181. │ ├── Per\303\255cia\ em\ Inform\303\241tica.pdf
  182. │ ├── Per\303\255cia\ Forense\ Aplicada\ a\ Inform\303\241tica.pdf
  183. │ ├── Per\303\255cia\ Forense\ Aplicada\ \303\240\ Inform\303\241tica.pdf
  184. │ ├── Pericia_Forense_Computacional_ataques.pdf
  185. │ ├── Per\303\255cia\ Forense\ Computacional\ -\ GSEC.pdf
  186. │ ├── Pericia\ Forense\ Computacional.pdf
  187. │ ├── Per\303\255cia\ Forense\ Computacional\ -\ SegInfo.pdf
  188. │ ├── Per\303\255cia\ Forense\ em\ Web\ Browsers.pdf
  189. │ ├── Pr\303\241ticas\ Anti-Forense\ -\ Um\ Estudo\ de\ seus\ Impactos\ na\ Forense\ Computacional.pdf
  190. │ ├── projetofinal_fred.pdf
  191. │ ├── Snort\ Intrusion\ Detection\ and\ Prevention\ Toolkit.pdf
  192. │ ├── T\303\251cnicas\ Antiforenses\ em\ Desktops.pdf
  193. │ ├── T\303\251cnicas\ e\ Ferramentas\ Utilizadas\ em\ An\303\241lise\ Forense.pdf
  194. │ ├── Utiliza\303\247\303\243o\ de\ T\303\251cnicas\ Anti-Forenses\ para\ Garantir\ a\ Confidencialidade.pdf
  195. │ ├── Visual\ Forensic\ Analysis\ and\ Reverse\ Engineering\ of\ Binary\ Data.pdf
  196. │ └── xss\ analise.pdf
  197. ├── Criptografia
  198. │ ├── 0812-catalyst-4.pdf
  199. │ ├── 666672135_Introdu%C3%A7%C3%A3o+a+Criptografia.pdf
  200. │ ├── artigo-cripto.pdf
  201. │ ├── Bruce\ Schneier\ -\ Applied\ Cryptography,\ Second\ Edition\ -\ John\ Wiley\ &\ Sons\ [ISBN0471128457].pdf
  202. │ ├── Complexity\ and\ Cryptography\ An\ Introduction\ -\ JOHN\ TALBOT.pdf
  203. │ ├── Contemporary\ Cryptography\ -\ Rolf\ Oppliger.pdf
  204. │ ├── Criptografia\ e\ Seguran\303\247a\ de\ Redes\ -\ 4a\ Edi\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  205. │ ├── cripto.pdf
  206. │ ├── cryptfs.pdf
  207. │ ├── Cryptography\ and\ Network\ Security\ Principles\ and\ Practices,\ 4th\ Ed\ -\ William\ Stallings.pdf
  208. │ ├── Cryptography\ for\ Developers.pdf
  209. │ ├── Cryptography\ for\ Developers\ -\ Simon\ Johnson.pdf
  210. │ ├── Cryptography\ Theory\ And\ Practice\ -\ Douglas\ Stinson.pdf
  211. │ ├── Foundations\ of\ Cryptography\ A\ Primer\ -\ Oded\ Goldreich.pdf
  212. │ ├── Guide\ to\ Elliptic\ Curve\ Cryptography\ -\ Darrel\ Hankerson.pdf
  213. │ ├── Handbook\ of\ Applied\ Cryptography\ 5th\ Edition.pdf
  214. │ ├── Handbook\ of\ Applied\ Cryptography\ -\ Alfred\ J.\ Menezes.pdf
  215. │ ├── Image\ and\ Video\ Encryption\ From\ Digital\ Rights\ Management\ to\ Secured\ Personal\ Communication\ -\ Sushil\ Jajodia.pdf
  216. │ ├── Internet\ Security.\ Cryptographic\ Principles,\ Algorithms\ and\ Protocols.pdf
  217. │ ├── intro889.pdf
  218. │ ├── Malicious\ Cryptography\ Exposing\ Cryptovirology\ -\ Adam\ Young.pdf
  219. │ ├── Military\ Cryptanalysis.pdf
  220. │ ├── Modern\ Cryptography\ Theory\ and\ Practice\ -\ Wenbo\ Mao.pdf
  221. │ ├── OUCH-201107_pt.pdf
  222. │ ├── pal_middl_02.pdf
  223. │ ├── PROGRESS\ ON\ CRYPTOGRAPHY\ 25\ Years\ of\ Cryptography\ in\ China\ -\ Kefei\ Chen.pdf
  224. │ └── The\ CodeBreakers\ -\ Kahn\ David.pdf
  225. ├── cybercrime
  226. │ ├── 4.\ Investigating\ Network\ Intrusions\ and\ Cybercrime.pdf
  227. │ ├── Apresenta\303\247\303\243o\ crimes\ na\ internet.pdf
  228. │ ├── As\ m\302\243ltiplas\ faces\ dos\ Crimes\ Eletr\302\223nicos.pdf
  229. │ ├── Computer\ Forensics\ Computer\ Crime\ Scene\ Investigation\ 2nd\ Ed.pdf
  230. │ └── pastehtml.com_view_1dzvxhl.pdf
  231. ├── ddos
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  233. │ ├── Cap11-DDoS.pdf
  234. │ ├── Chapter-6-Attacking-the-Client_0.pdf
  235. │ ├── Conhe\302\207a\ e\ entenda\ como\ usar\ o\ \ t50.pdf
  236. │ ├── rastreando\ ddos.pdf
  237. │ ├── sobrevivendo\ a\ ddos.pdf
  238. │ └── TUTORIAL\ TOTAL\ SOBRE\ O\ T50.pdf
  239. ├── engenharia\ reversa
  240. │ ├── Como\ quebrar\ C\302\242digos.pdf
  241. │ ├── Engenharia\ reversa.pdf
  242. │ ├── introduction_to_reverse_engineering(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  243. │ ├── Reverse\ Engineering\ Code\ with\ IDA\ Pro.pdf
  244. │ └── Reversing_Secrets_of_Reverse_Engineering.pdf
  245. ├── engenharia\ social
  246. │ ├── A\ Arte\ de\ Enganar\ \342\200\223\ Kevin\ D.\ Mitnick.pdf
  247. │ ├── cartilha-seguranca-internet.pdf
  248. │ ├── Documento\ sem\ t\303\255tulo.docx
  249. │ ├── Engenharia_Social_e_Biometria.pdf
  250. │ ├── engenharia_social_e_seguranca.pdf
  251. │ ├── engenharia_social_.pdf
  252. │ ├── engenharia_social.pdf
  253. │ ├── Hackeando\ Mentes.pdf
  254. │ ├── Manual\ de\ persuasao\ do\ FBI\ -\ Jack\ Shafer.pdf
  255. │ ├── Social-nas-Redes-Sociais.pdf
  256. │ ├── Stealing\ the\ Network\ -\ How\ to\ Own\ an\ Identity.pdf
  257. │ ├── Stealing\ the\ Network\ -How\ to\ Own\ a\ Shadow.pdf
  258. │ ├── (x)A\ Arte\ de\ Invadir\ -\ Kevin\ Mitnick_William\ Simon.pdf
  259. │ ├── (x)Aleister-Crowley-o-Livro-Das-Mentiras.pdf
  260. │ ├── (x)An+\303\255lise\ de\ Redes\ Sociais\ aplicada\ +\303\241\ Engenharia\ Social.pdf
  261. │ ├── (x)A\ Psicologia\ da\ aplica\303\247ao\ e\ sua\ prefen\303\247ao.pdf
  262. │ ├── (x)Como\ Falar\ Bem\ em\ Publico.pdf
  263. │ ├── (x)Como\ Motivar\ Pessoas.pdf
  264. │ ├── (x)Engenharia\ Social\ e\ Estelionato\ Eletr+\302\246nico.pdf
  265. │ ├── (x)engenharia\ social\ e\ internet.pdf
  266. │ ├── (x)Engenharia\ Social.pdf
  267. │ ├── (x)engenharia\ social_uma\ amea+\302\272a\ fraudulenta\ crescente.pdf
  268. │ ├── (x)Guia\ Hacker\ Black\ Eyes\ -\ Andr+\302\256\ Cervantes.pdf
  269. │ ├── (x)Hackeando\ Mentes.pdf
  270. │ ├── (x)Kevin\ Mitnick\ -\ A\ Arte\ de\ Enganar.pdf
  271. │ ├── (x)LIDER.pdf
  272. │ ├── (x)Linguagem\ da\ Persuas+\303\272o.pdf
  273. │ ├── (x)Mini\ Apostila\ ES_1.pdf
  274. │ ├── (x)O\ Corpo\ Fala\ (Ricardo\ Serravalle\ Guimar+\303\272es)2.pdf
  275. │ ├── (x)Programa+\302\272+\303\272o\ em\ neurolinguistica.pdf
  276. │ └── (x)Tecnicas_de_Engenharia_Social.pdf
  277. ├── Firewall
  278. │ ├── bto-firewall.pdf
  279. │ ├── Dominando\ Linux\ Firewall\ Iptables\ -\ Urubatan\ Neto.pdf
  280. │ ├── firewall\ no\ linux.pdf
  281. │ ├── Firewall.pdf
  282. │ ├── firewall\ prote\303\247\303\243p.pdf
  283. │ ├── firewall\ tuto\ basico.pdf
  284. │ ├── firewall\ tuto\ complete(Ingles).pdf
  285. │ ├── Linux_Firewall.pdf
  286. │ ├── Servidor\ Firewall.pdf
  287. │ └── Tutorial\ Firewall\ em\ Linux.pdf
  288. ├── Google\ Hacking
  289. │ ├── BH_EU_05-Long.pdf
  290. │ ├── GHH_User_Manual.pdf
  291. │ ├── googlehackers.pdf
  292. │ ├── Google\ Hacking\ 101.pdf
  293. │ ├── Google\ Hacking\ For\ Penetration\ Tester.pdf
  294. │ ├── Google\ Hacking\ for\ Penetration\ Testers.pdf
  295. │ ├── Google\ Hacking\ for\ Penetration\ Testers,\ Vol.\ 2.pdf
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  297. ├── hack
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  299. │ ├── An\ Introduction\ To\ Keylogger,\ RATS\ And\ Malware.pdf
  300. │ ├── Anonimato\ na\ Internet.pdf
  301. │ ├── Aplica\303\247\303\265es\ Iptables.pdf
  302. │ ├── Apostila\ para\ hackers\ iniciantes.pdf
  303. │ ├── Asterisk\ Hacking.pdf
  304. │ ├── Backtrack\ 5\ -\ Manual.pdf
  305. │ ├── BackTrack\ 5\ Penetracao\ e\ Testes\ Wireless.pdf
  306. │ ├── Botnets.pdf
  307. │ ├── Buffer\ Overflow\ Attacks.pdf
  308. │ ├── bypassing-av.pdf
  309. │ ├── BZ-Footprinting.pdf
  310. │ ├── Cap2-Vulnerabilidades-Ameacas-Riscos.pdf
  311. │ ├── Cap6-Sniffers.pdf
  312. │ ├── CEH\ Study\ Guide.pdf
  313. │ ├── Certifica\303\247\303\243o\ em\ Hacking\ \303\251tico.pdf
  314. │ ├── Chapter-6-Attacking-the-Client_0.pdf
  315. │ ├── Clavis_Apostila_Metasploit.pdf
  316. │ ├── Clickjacking.pdf
  317. │ ├── Coding\ for\ Penetration\ Testers\ -\ Building\ Better\ Tools\ -\ J.\ Andress,\ R.\ Linn\ (Syngress,\ 2012)\ WW.pdf
  318. │ ├── Como\ quebrar\ C\302\242digos.pdf
  319. │ ├── Conhe\302\207a\ e\ entenda\ como\ usar\ o\ \ t50.pdf
  321. │ ├── Designing\ A\ Wireless\ Network.pdf
  322. │ ├── Dissecting\ The\ Hack\ -\ The\ Forbidden\ Network.pdf
  323. │ ├── Engenharia\ reversa.pdf
  324. │ ├── Ethical\ Hacking\ -\ The\ Value\ of\ Controlled\ Penetration\ Tests.pdf
  325. │ ├── footprinting(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  326. │ ├── footprinting.pdf
  327. │ ├── Footpriting\ -\ Levanamento\ de\ Informa\303\247\303\265es.pdf
  328. │ ├── Fragile\ Networks.pdf
  329. │ ├── gmail\ hacking(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  330. │ ├── google_hack_for_penetration(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  331. │ ├── Gray\ Hat\ Hacking\ -\ Second\ Edition.pdf
  332. │ ├── Gray-Hat-Python.pdf
  333. │ ├── gts0204-05slides-ferraspam.pdf
  334. │ ├── gts-2003-artur_jarbas-iptables.pdf
  335. │ ├── gts-2003-ferramenta-siri-usp.pdf
  336. │ ├── gts-2003-netflow-cert-rs.pdf
  337. │ ├── Guia\ do\ Hacker\ Brasileiro.pdf
  338. │ ├── Hacker\ Inside\ -\ Vol.\ 1.pdf
  339. │ ├── Hacker\ Inside\ -\ Vol.\ 2.pdf
  340. │ ├── Hackers\ Segredos\ &\ Confissoes.pdf
  341. │ ├── Hacking
  342. │ │ ├── 9781118182796_custom.pdf
  343. │ │ ├── Advanced_XSS.pdf
  344. │ │ ├── An\ Introduction\ To\ Keylogger,\ RATS\ And\ Malware.pdf
  345. │ │ ├── Anonimato\ na\ Internet.pdf
  346. │ │ ├── Aplica\303\247\303\265es\ Iptables.pdf
  347. │ │ ├── Apostila\ para\ hackers\ iniciantes.pdf
  348. │ │ ├── Asterisk\ Hacking.pdf
  349. │ │ ├── Backtrack\ 5\ -\ Manual.pdf
  350. │ │ ├── BackTrack\ 5\ Penetracao\ e\ Testes\ Wireless.pdf
  351. │ │ ├── Botnets.pdf
  352. │ │ ├── Buffer\ Overflow\ Attacks.pdf
  353. │ │ ├── bypassing-av.pdf
  354. │ │ ├── BZ-Footprinting.pdf
  355. │ │ ├── Cap2-Vulnerabilidades-Ameacas-Riscos.pdf
  356. │ │ ├── Cap6-Sniffers.pdf
  357. │ │ ├── CEH\ Study\ Guide.pdf
  358. │ │ ├── Certifica\303\247\303\243o\ em\ Hacking\ \303\251tico.pdf
  359. │ │ ├── Chapter-6-Attacking-the-Client_0.pdf
  360. │ │ ├── Clavis_Apostila_Metasploit.pdf
  361. │ │ ├── Clickjacking.pdf
  362. │ │ ├── Coding\ for\ Penetration\ Testers\ -\ Building\ Better\ Tools\ -\ J.\ Andress,\ R.\ Linn\ (Syngress,\ 2012)\ WW.pdf
  363. │ │ ├── Como\ quebrar\ C\302\242digos.pdf
  364. │ │ ├── Conhe\302\207a\ e\ entenda\ como\ usar\ o\ \ t50.pdf
  366. │ │ ├── Designing\ A\ Wireless\ Network.pdf
  367. │ │ ├── Dissecting\ The\ Hack\ -\ The\ Forbidden\ Network.pdf
  368. │ │ ├── Engenharia\ reversa.pdf
  369. │ │ ├── Ethical\ Hacking\ -\ The\ Value\ of\ Controlled\ Penetration\ Tests.pdf
  370. │ │ ├── footprinting(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  371. │ │ ├── footprinting.pdf
  372. │ │ ├── Footpriting\ -\ Levanamento\ de\ Informa\303\247\303\265es.pdf
  373. │ │ ├── Fragile\ Networks.pdf
  374. │ │ ├── gmail\ hacking(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  375. │ │ ├── google_hack_for_penetration(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  376. │ │ ├── Gray\ Hat\ Hacking\ -\ Second\ Edition.pdf
  377. │ │ ├── Gray-Hat-Python.pdf
  378. │ │ ├── gts0204-05slides-ferraspam.pdf
  379. │ │ ├── gts-2003-artur_jarbas-iptables.pdf
  380. │ │ ├── gts-2003-ferramenta-siri-usp.pdf
  381. │ │ ├── gts-2003-netflow-cert-rs.pdf
  382. │ │ ├── Guia\ do\ Hacker\ Brasileiro.pdf
  383. │ │ ├── Hacker\ Inside\ -\ Vol.\ 1.pdf
  384. │ │ ├── Hacker\ Inside\ -\ Vol.\ 2.pdf
  385. │ │ ├── Hackers\ Segredos\ &\ Confissoes.pdf
  386. │ │ ├── Hacking\ For\ Beginners\ -\ a\ beginners\ guide\ for\ learning\ ethical\ hacking.pdf
  387. │ │ ├── Hacking\ for\ Dummies-3rd\ Edition-2010-PDF-IPT.pdf
  388. │ │ ├── Hacking\ GMail.pdf
  389. │ │ ├── Hacking\ Google\ Maps\ And\ Google\ Earth.pdf
  390. │ │ ├── Hacking.pdf
  391. │ │ ├── Hacking\ The\ Next\ Generation.pdf
  392. │ │ ├── Hacking\ usando\ Unicode.pdf
  393. │ │ ├── Hacking\ with\ Kali(ingl\302\210s).pdf
  394. │ │ ├── Hack\ The\ Stack.pdf
  395. │ │ ├── Honeypot.pdf
  396. │ │ ├── Introdu\303\247\303\243o\ a\ Hacking.pdf
  397. │ │ ├── introduction_to_reverse_engineering(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  398. │ │ ├── Invas\303\243o\ e\ Corre\303\247\303\243o\ em\ Sites.pdf
  399. │ │ ├── JohnAllegroTheSacredMushroomAndTheCross.pdf
  400. │ │ ├── Linksys\ Wrt54g\ Ultimate\ Hacking.pdf
  401. │ │ ├── Long\ -\ Google\ Hacking\ for\ Penetration\ Testers\ (Syngress,\ 2005).pdf
  402. │ │ ├── Looking\ at\ People\ -\ Concepts\ and\ Applications.pdf
  403. │ │ ├── Managing\ Your\ Digital\ Footprint_\ Ostriches\ v.\ Eagles.pdf
  404. │ │ ├── Metasploit\ -\ The\ Penetration\ Tester's.pdf
  405. │ │ ├── Metasploit\ Toolkit.pdf
  407. │ │ ├── Mikhail\ Bulgakov\ -\ The\ Master\ and\ Margarita.pdf
  408. │ │ ├── mini-curso-anti-hacker.pdf
  409. │ │ ├── Mobile\ Malware\ Attacks\ and\ Defense.pdf
  410. │ │ ├── Neste\ pequeno\ artigo\ mostrarei\ como\ detectar\ firewalls\ utilizando\ o\ NMAP.pdf
  411. │ │ ├── Nmap+Metasploit\ Combo\ Letal.pdf
  412. │ │ ├── O-hacker-profissional.pdf
  413. │ │ ├── Password_Cracking_Techniques.pdf
  414. │ │ ├── pastehtml.com_view_1dzvxhl.pdf
  415. │ │ ├── Penetration\ Testing\ Procedures\ &\ Methodologies(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  416. │ │ ├── pentesting\ a\ Joomla\ BAsed\ SIte.pdf
  417. │ │ ├── pentest.pdf
  418. │ │ ├── Perfect_Passwords.pdf
  419. │ │ ├── Rainbow\ Crack\ e\ Rainbow\ Tables\ [Artigo].pdf
  420. │ │ ├── Reverse\ Engineering\ Code\ with\ IDA\ Pro.pdf
  421. │ │ ├── Reversing_Secrets_of_Reverse_Engineering.pdf
  422. │ │ ├── Revis\303\243o\ Certifica\303\247\303\243o\ oficial\ de\ Hacker\ \303\211tico.pdf
  423. │ │ ├── Sistema\ para\ identificar\ invas\303\243o.pdf
  424. │ │ ├── Sistemas\ para\ Identifica\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Invas\303\243o.pdf
  425. │ │ ├── Snort\ Intrusion\ Detection\ and\ Prevention\ Toolkit.pdf
  426. │ │ ├── Sockets\ Shellcode\ Porting\ &\ Coding.pdf
  427. │ │ ├── SQL\ Injection\ Attacks\ and\ Defense.pdf
  428. │ │ ├── Stack\ Based\ Overflow.pdf
  429. │ │ ├── Static\ Analysis\ of\ Binary\ Code\ to\ Isolate\ Malicious\ Behaviors.pdf
  430. │ │ ├── Stealing\ the\ Network\ -\ How\ to\ Own\ an\ Identity.pdf
  431. │ │ ├── Stealing\ the\ Network\ -How\ to\ Own\ a\ Shadow.pdf
  432. │ │ ├── T\302\202cnicas\ de\ Varreduras.pdf
  433. │ │ ├── The\ Basics\ of\ Hacking\ and\ Penetration\ Testing\ [ethical,\ made\ easy]\ -\ P.\ Engebretson\ (Syngress,\ 2011)\ WW.pdf
  434. │ │ ├── The\ Basics\ of\ Web\ hacking\ -.pdf
  435. │ │ ├── The\ Brains\ Behind\ the\ Operation.pdf
  436. │ │ ├── The\ Effect\ of\ DNS\ Delays\ on\ Worm\ Propagation\ in\ an\ IPv6\ Internet.pdf
  437. │ │ ├── The-Hackers-Underground-Handbook.pdf
  438. │ │ ├── The\ Internet\ Worm\ Incident.pdf
  439. │ │ ├── The\ Little\ Black\ \ Book\ of\ Computer\ Virus.pdf
  440. │ │ ├── The\ New\ Apple\ of\ Malwareosnetwin.pdf
  441. │ │ ├── The\ State\ of\ the\ Art\ in\ Intrusion\ Prevention\ and\ Detection(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  442. │ │ ├── Threat\ Analysis.pdf
  443. │ │ ├── Toward\ an\ abstract\ computer\ virology.pdf
  444. │ │ ├── Trojan\ White\ Paper\ (2).pdf
  445. │ │ ├── Trojan\ White\ Paper.pdf
  446. │ │ ├── TTAnalyze\ A\ Tool\ for\ Analyzing\ Malware.pdf
  447. │ │ ├── Tutorial\ como\ ficar\ invis\302\241vel.pdf
  448. │ │ ├── TUTORIAL\ TOTAL\ SOBRE\ O\ T50.pdf
  449. │ │ ├── tutorial-wireshark\ (2).pdf
  450. │ │ ├── tutorial-wireshark.pdf
  451. │ │ ├── Virus\ Detection\ System\ -\ VDS.pdf
  452. │ │ ├── voice.pdf
  453. │ │ ├── Web\ Application\ Vulnerabilities.pdf
  454. │ │ ├── Wireless\ Hacking.pdf
  455. │ │ ├── Wireshark\ and\ Ethereal.pdf
  456. │ │ ├── wireshark-dns.pdf
  457. │ │ ├── wireshark-http.pdf
  458. │ │ ├── Wireshark\ (R)\ 101\ Essential\ Skills\ for\ Network\ Analysis(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  459. │ │ ├── Wireshark_TCP.pdf
  460. │ │ ├── Wireshark_UDP.pdf
  461. │ │ ├── XSS\ Cross\ site\ scripting,\ detection\ and\ prevention\ (2).pdf
  462. │ │ └── XSS\ Cross\ site\ scripting,\ detection\ and\ prevention.pdf
  463. │ ├── Hacking\ For\ Beginners\ -\ a\ beginners\ guide\ for\ learning\ ethical\ hacking.pdf
  464. │ ├── Hacking\ for\ Dummies-3rd\ Edition-2010-PDF-IPT.pdf
  465. │ ├── Hacking\ GMail.pdf
  466. │ ├── Hacking\ Google\ Maps\ And\ Google\ Earth.pdf
  467. │ ├── Hacking.pdf
  468. │ ├── Hacking\ The\ Next\ Generation.pdf
  469. │ ├── Hacking\ usando\ Unicode.pdf
  470. │ ├── Hacking\ with\ Kali(ingl\302\210s).pdf
  471. │ ├── Hack\ The\ Stack.pdf
  472. │ ├── Honeypot.pdf
  473. │ ├── Introdu\303\247\303\243o\ a\ Hacking.pdf
  474. │ ├── introduction_to_reverse_engineering(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  475. │ ├── Invas\303\243o\ e\ Corre\303\247\303\243o\ em\ Sites.pdf
  476. │ ├── JohnAllegroTheSacredMushroomAndTheCross.pdf
  477. │ ├── Linksys\ Wrt54g\ Ultimate\ Hacking.pdf
  478. │ ├── Long\ -\ Google\ Hacking\ for\ Penetration\ Testers\ (Syngress,\ 2005).pdf
  479. │ ├── Looking\ at\ People\ -\ Concepts\ and\ Applications.pdf
  480. │ ├── Managing\ Your\ Digital\ Footprint_\ Ostriches\ v.\ Eagles.pdf
  481. │ ├── Metasploit\ -\ The\ Penetration\ Tester's.pdf
  482. │ ├── Metasploit\ Toolkit.pdf
  484. │ ├── Mikhail\ Bulgakov\ -\ The\ Master\ and\ Margarita.pdf
  485. │ ├── mini-curso-anti-hacker.pdf
  486. │ ├── Mobile\ Malware\ Attacks\ and\ Defense.pdf
  487. │ ├── Neste\ pequeno\ artigo\ mostrarei\ como\ detectar\ firewalls\ utilizando\ o\ NMAP.pdf
  488. │ ├── Nmap+Metasploit\ Combo\ Letal.pdf
  489. │ ├── O-hacker-profissional.pdf
  490. │ ├── Password_Cracking_Techniques.pdf
  491. │ ├── pastehtml.com_view_1dzvxhl.pdf
  492. │ ├── Penetration\ Testing\ Procedures\ &\ Methodologies(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  493. │ ├── pentesting\ a\ Joomla\ BAsed\ SIte.pdf
  494. │ ├── pentest.pdf
  495. │ ├── Perfect_Passwords.pdf
  496. │ ├── Rainbow\ Crack\ e\ Rainbow\ Tables\ [Artigo].pdf
  497. │ ├── Reverse\ Engineering\ Code\ with\ IDA\ Pro.pdf
  498. │ ├── Reversing_Secrets_of_Reverse_Engineering.pdf
  499. │ ├── Revis\303\243o\ Certifica\303\247\303\243o\ oficial\ de\ Hacker\ \303\211tico.pdf
  500. │ ├── Segredos\ do\ Hacker\ \303\211tico.pdf
  501. │ ├── Sistema\ para\ identificar\ invas\303\243o.pdf
  502. │ ├── Sistemas\ para\ Identifica\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Invas\303\243o.pdf
  503. │ ├── Snort\ Intrusion\ Detection\ and\ Prevention\ Toolkit.pdf
  504. │ ├── Sockets\ Shellcode\ Porting\ &\ Coding.pdf
  505. │ ├── SQL\ Injection\ Attacks\ and\ Defense.pdf
  506. │ ├── Stack\ Based\ Overflow.pdf
  507. │ ├── Static\ Analysis\ of\ Binary\ Code\ to\ Isolate\ Malicious\ Behaviors.pdf
  508. │ ├── Stealing\ the\ Network\ -\ How\ to\ Own\ an\ Identity.pdf
  509. │ ├── Stealing\ the\ Network\ -How\ to\ Own\ a\ Shadow.pdf
  510. │ ├── T\302\202cnicas\ de\ Varreduras.pdf
  511. │ ├── The\ Basics\ of\ Hacking\ and\ Penetration\ Testing\ [ethical,\ made\ easy]\ -\ P.\ Engebretson\ (Syngress,\ 2011)\ WW.pdf
  512. │ ├── The\ Basics\ of\ Web\ hacking\ -.pdf
  513. │ ├── The\ Brains\ Behind\ the\ Operation.pdf
  514. │ ├── The\ Effect\ of\ DNS\ Delays\ on\ Worm\ Propagation\ in\ an\ IPv6\ Internet.pdf
  515. │ ├── The-Hackers-Underground-Handbook.pdf
  516. │ ├── The\ Internet\ Worm\ Incident.pdf
  517. │ ├── The\ Little\ Black\ \ Book\ of\ Computer\ Virus.pdf
  518. │ ├── The\ New\ Apple\ of\ Malwareosnetwin.pdf
  519. │ ├── The\ State\ of\ the\ Art\ in\ Intrusion\ Prevention\ and\ Detection(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  520. │ ├── Threat\ Analysis.pdf
  521. │ ├── Toward\ an\ abstract\ computer\ virology.pdf
  522. │ ├── Trojan\ White\ Paper\ (2).pdf
  523. │ ├── Trojan\ White\ Paper.pdf
  524. │ ├── TTAnalyze\ A\ Tool\ for\ Analyzing\ Malware.pdf
  525. │ ├── Tutorial\ como\ ficar\ invis\302\241vel.pdf
  526. │ ├── TUTORIAL\ TOTAL\ SOBRE\ O\ T50.pdf
  527. │ ├── tutorial-wireshark\ (2).pdf
  528. │ ├── tutorial-wireshark.pdf
  529. │ ├── Virus\ Detection\ System\ -\ VDS.pdf
  530. │ ├── voice.pdf
  531. │ ├── Web\ Application\ Vulnerabilities.pdf
  532. │ ├── Wireless\ Hacking.pdf
  533. │ ├── Wireshark\ and\ Ethereal.pdf
  534. │ ├── wireshark-dns.pdf
  535. │ ├── wireshark-http.pdf
  536. │ ├── Wireshark\ (R)\ 101\ Essential\ Skills\ for\ Network\ Analysis(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  537. │ ├── Wireshark_TCP.pdf
  538. │ ├── Wireshark_UDP.pdf
  539. │ ├── XSS\ Cross\ site\ scripting,\ detection\ and\ prevention\ (2).pdf
  540. │ └── XSS\ Cross\ site\ scripting,\ detection\ and\ prevention.pdf
  541. ├── Hacker\ Inside\ Vol.1,\ 2,\ 3,\ 4\ e\ 5
  542. │ ├── Hacker\ Inside\ Vol.1.pdf
  543. │ ├── Hacker\ Inside\ Vol.2.pdf
  544. │ ├── Hacker\ Inside\ Vol.3.pdf
  545. │ ├── Hacker\ Inside\ Vol.4.pdf
  546. │ └── Hacker\ Inside\ Vol.5.pdf
  547. ├── Linux
  548. │ ├── Entendendo_e_Dominando_o_Linux-5ed.pdf
  549. │ ├── Hacking\ Exposed\ Linux\ 3rd\ ed.\ -\ ISECOM\ (McGraw-Hill,\ 2008)\ WW.pdf
  550. │ ├── Hacking\ Linux\ Exposed-CH09.pdf
  551. │ ├── Instant\ Kali\ Linux.pdf
  552. │ ├── Kali\ Linux\ Wireless\ Penetration\ Testing.pdf
  553. │ ├── Linux-101-Hacks(ingl\302\210s).pdf
  554. │ ├── LinuxSemSegredos.pdf
  555. │ ├── Livro\ avan\303\247ado\ teste\ de\ intrus\303\243o\ com\ linux\ BT.pdf
  556. │ ├── Manual\ IPTables\ Linux\ -\ UFMG.pdf
  557. │ ├── VPN\ no\ Linux.pdf
  558. │ ├── Web\ Penetration\ Testing\ with\ Kali\ Linux,\ 2nd\ Edition.pdf
  559. │ ├── Web\ Penetration\ Testing\ with\ Kali\ Linux(ingl\302\210s).pdf
  560. │ ├── Web\ Penetration\ Testing\ with\ Kali\ Linux.pdf
  561. │ └── Web\ Penetration\ Testing\ with\ Kali\ Linux(Portugu\302\210s).pdf
  562. ├── Pentest
  563. │ ├── Advanced\ Penetration\ Testing.pdf
  564. │ ├── Best\ Practices\ for\ Computer\ Forensics.pdf
  565. │ ├── Como\ Funciona\ pentest.pdf
  566. │ ├── Executando\ Pentest\ com\ Ferramentas\ de\ C\303\263digo\ Aberto.pdf
  567. │ ├── Ferramentas\ livres\ para\ teste\ de\ invasao.pdf
  568. │ ├── metasploit\ the\ penetration\ testers\ guide.pdf
  569. │ ├── Metasploit\ Toolkit\ -\ For\ Penetration\ Testing\ Exploit\ Development\ and\ Vulnerability\ Research.pdf
  570. │ ├── Ninja\ Hacking\ -\ Unconventional\ Penetration\ Testing\ Tactics\ and\ Techniques.pdf
  571. │ ├── Penetration\ Tester's\ Open\ Source\ Toolkit.pdf
  572. │ ├── Pen\ Test\ de\ Alpica\303\247\303\265es\ Web\ -\ T\303\251cnicas\ e\ Ferramentas.pdf
  573. │ ├── pentesting-joomla.pdf
  574. │ ├── pentest-lol.pdf
  575. │ ├── pentest-metasploit.pdf
  576. │ ├── Pentest\ -t\303\251cnicas\ de\ Invas\303\243o\ e\ defesa.pdf
  577. │ ├── Professional\ Penetration\ Testing.pdf
  578. │ ├── Teste\ de\ Intrus\303\243o\ em\ Redes\ Corporativas.pdf
  579. │ ├── Teste\ de\ invas\303\243o\ (parte\ 1)\ -\ Identifica\303\247\303\243o\ de\ banner\ [Artigo].pdf
  580. │ ├── Teste\ de\ invas\303\243o\ (parte\ 2)\ -\ Enumera\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Servi\303\247os\ [Artigo].pdf
  581. │ └── The\ Basics\ of\ Hacking\ and\ Penetration\ Testing.pdf
  582. ├── programacao
  583. │ ├── Coding\ for\ Penetration\ Testers\ -\ Building\ Better\ Tools\ -\ J.\ Andress,\ R.\ Linn\ (Syngress,\ 2012)\ WW.pdf
  584. │ ├── Python
  585. │ │ ├── Apostilas\ Python\ Ingl\303\252s
  586. │ │ │ ├── Beginning\ Python\ -\ From\ Novice\ to\ Professional\ -\ BBL.pdf
  587. │ │ │ ├── Beginning\ Python\ -\ From\ Novice\ to\ Professional,\ Second\ Edition.pdf
  588. │ │ │ ├── Beginning\ Python\ -\ Using\ Python\ 2.6\ and\ Python\ 3.1\ .pdf
  589. │ │ │ ├── Black
  590. │ │ │ ├── Core\ Python\ Applns.\ Pgmg.\ 3rd\ ed.\ -\ W.\ Chun\ BBS.pdf
  591. │ │ │ ├── Expert\ Python\ Programming\ .pdf
  592. │ │ │ ├── Hello\ World\ -\ Computer\ Programming\ for\ Kids\ and\ Other\ Beginners,\ Fourth\ printing\ .pdf
  593. │ │ │ ├── Introduction_to_Programming_Using_Python_Heinold(Ingl\303\252s).pdf
  594. │ │ │ ├── Introduction\ to\ Programming\ Using\ Python\ -\ Y.\ Liang\ (Pearson,\ 2013)\ WW.pdf
  595. │ │ │ ├── Invent\ Your\ Own\ Computer\ Games\ with\ Python\ .pdf
  596. │ │ │ ├── IronPython\ in\ Action\ .pdf
  597. │ │ │ ├── Learning\ Python\ -\ O'Reilly\ 4th\ Edition.pdf
  598. │ │ │ ├── Natural\ Language\ Processing\ with\ Python.pdf
  599. │ │ │ ├── Numerical\ Methods\ in\ Engineering\ with\ Python\ .pdf
  600. │ │ │ ├── Programming_Python_-_OReilly_4th_Ed.pdf
  601. │ │ │ ├── Python\ 2.1\ Bible.pdf
  602. │ │ │ ├── Python\ 3\ -\ A\ Complete\ Introduction\ to\ the\ Python\ Language,\ Second\ Edition.pdf
  603. │ │ │ ├── Python\ -\ A\ Cookbook\ for\ Hackers,\ Forensic\ Analysts,\ Penetration\ Testers\ and\ Security\ Enginners.pdf
  604. │ │ │ ├── Python\ Cookbook\ 2nd\ Edition\ V413HAV.pdf
  605. │ │ │ ├── Python\ Essential\ Reference,\ Fourth\ Edition.pdf
  606. │ │ │ ├── Python\ for\ Unix\ and\ Linux\ System\ Administration.pdf
  607. │ │ │ ├── Python\ In\ A\ Nutshell\ 2nd\ Edition\ V413HAV.pdf
  608. │ │ │ ├── Python\ Power\ -\ The\ Comprehensive\ Guide.pdf
  609. │ │ │ ├── Python_programming_2nd_Edition(Ingl\303\252s).pdf
  610. │ │ │ ├── Python\ Scripting\ for\ Computational\ Science,\ Third\ Edition.pdf
  611. │ │ │ ├── The\ Definitive\ Guide\ to\ Jython\ -\ Python\ for\ the\ Java\ Platform.pdf
  612. │ │ │ └── The\ Quick\ Python\ Book,\ Second\ Edition.pdf
  613. │ │ ├── Aprendendo\ Python\ -\ 2a\ Edi\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  614. │ │ ├── basico_python.pdf
  615. │ │ ├── Introdu\303\247\303\243o\ a\ Python\ -\ M\303\263dulo\ A.pdf
  616. │ │ ├── Introdu\303\247\303\243o\ a\ Python\ -\ M\303\263dulo\ B.pdf
  617. │ │ ├── Introdu\303\247\303\243o\ a\ Python\ -\ M\303\263dulo\ C.pdf
  618. │ │ ├── intro_python.pdf
  619. │ │ ├── mini_curso_python.pdf
  620. │ │ ├── python_para_desenvolvedores_completo.pdf
  621. │ │ ├── Python.pdf
  622. │ │ ├── tutorialpython.pdf
  623. │ │ └── tut_python_.pdf
  624. │ └── Use\ A\ Cabe\303\247a_1501172545578
  625. │ └── Use\ A\ Cabe\303\247a
  626. │ ├── Use\ a\ cabe\303\247a\ -\ Ajax\ -\ Completo\ PT.part3.rar
  627. │ ├── Use\ a\ cabe\303\247a\ An\303\241lise\ de\ dados.pdf
  628. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ -\ An\303\241lise\ de\ Dados.rar
  629. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ C_\
  630. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ -\ C\ Sharp.pdf
  631. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ -\ Desenvolvimento\ de\ Software.pdf
  632. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ -\ Desenvolvimento\ para\ Iphone.pdf
  633. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ -\ Excel.pdf
  634. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ -\ Html\ com\ Css\ Xhtml\ PT-BR.pdf
  635. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ Javascript\ PT.pdf
  636. │ ├── use\ a\ cabe\303\247a\ -\ padr\303\265es\ de\ projeto.pdf
  637. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ -\ PHP\ com\ MySQL.pdf
  638. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ -\ Rails_Portugues.pdf
  639. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ SQL\ -\ Portugues.pdf
  640. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a!\ SQL\ -\ Portugues.pdf
  641. │ ├── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ -\ SQL.rar
  642. │ └── Use\ a\ Cabe\303\247a\ -\ Web\ Design.pdf
  643. ├── redes
  644. │ ├── Analisadores\ de\ Vunerabilidades\ de\ Rede.pdf
  645. │ ├── Analise\ de\ vulnerabilidades\ a\ rede\ sem\ fio.pdf
  646. │ ├── Anonimato\ na\ Internet.pdf
  647. │ ├── An\302\240lise\ de\ Vulnerabilidades\ e\ Ataques\ de\ Redes\ Sem\ fio.pdf
  648. │ ├── Aplica\303\247\303\265es\ Iptables.pdf
  649. │ ├── apostila\ de\ seguran\303\247a\ de\ redes.pdf
  650. │ ├── Ataques\ e\ Vulnerabilidades\ em\ Redes.pdf
  651. │ ├── Curso\ de\ Seguran\302\207a\ em\ Redes\ Linux.pdf
  652. │ ├── Curso\ de\ Seguranca\ em\ Redes\ Linux.pdf
  653. │ ├── Ddoes-na-Rede.pdf
  654. │ ├── Designing\ A\ Wireless\ Network.pdf
  655. │ ├── Dissecting\ The\ Hack\ -\ The\ Forbidden\ Network.pdf
  656. │ ├── Fragile\ Networks.pdf
  657. │ ├── Implementando\ uma\ rede\ segura\ com\ software\ livre.pdf
  658. │ ├── laboratorio_de_ipv6.pdf
  659. │ ├── LIvro_\ Nmap\ Mapeador\ de\ Redes.pdf
  660. │ ├── Neste\ pequeno\ artigo\ mostrarei\ como\ detectar\ firewalls\ utilizando\ o\ NMAP.pdf
  661. │ ├── Nmap\ Mapeador\ de\ Redes.pdf
  662. │ ├── Rainbow\ Crack\ e\ Rainbow\ Tables\ [Artigo].pdf
  663. │ ├── Seguran\302\207a\ exposta\ em\ Rede\ de\ Computadores.pdf
  664. │ ├── Seguranca\ Vulnerabilidades\ em\ Redes.pdf
  665. │ ├── The\ Effect\ of\ DNS\ Delays\ on\ Worm\ Propagation\ in\ an\ IPv6\ Internet.pdf
  666. │ ├── The\ Internet\ Worm\ Incident.pdf
  667. │ ├── TTAnalyze\ A\ Tool\ for\ Analyzing\ Malware.pdf
  668. │ ├── tutorial-wireshark.pdf
  669. │ ├── Wireshark\ and\ Ethereal.pdf
  670. │ ├── wireshark-dns.pdf
  671. │ ├── wireshark-http.pdf
  672. │ ├── Wireshark\ (R)\ 101\ Essential\ Skills\ for\ Network\ Analysis(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  673. │ ├── Wireshark_TCP.pdf
  674. │ └── Wireshark_UDP.pdf
  675. ├── rootkits
  676. │ ├── Anti-Forensics\ -\ The\ Rootkit\ Connection.pdf
  677. │ ├── Low\ Down\ and\ Diry\ -\ Anti-Forensic\ Rootkits.pdf
  678. │ ├── Spyware\ and\ Rootkits\ -\ The\ Future\ Convergence.pdf
  679. │ ├── Thoughts\ about\ Cross-View\ based\ Rootkit\ Detection.pdf
  680. │ ├── Timing\ Rootkits.pdf
  681. │ ├── Tools\ for\ Finding\ and\ Removing\ Rootkits.pdf
  682. │ ├── Towards\ Automated\ Defense\ from\ Rootkit\ Attacks.pdf
  683. │ ├── When\ Malware\ Meets\ Rootkits\ (2).pdf
  684. │ ├── When\ Malware\ Meets\ Rootkits.pdf
  685. │ ├── Windows\ Rootkit\ Overview.pdf
  686. │ └── Windows\ Rootkits.pdf
  687. ├── seducao
  688. │ ├── A\ Lei\ Da\ Atra\303\247\303\243o\ -\ O\ Segredo\ Colocado\ Em\ Pr\303\241tica\ -\ Michael\ J.\ Losier.pdf
  689. │ ├── Como\ manter\ sua\ ficante\ interessada\ em\ voc\303\252.pdf
  690. │ ├── FriendZone\ for\ Fuck\ -\ \ Instrutor\ Vargas\ -\ Garotas\ com\ at\303\251\ 19\ anos.pdf
  691. │ ├── FriendZone\ for\ Fuck\ -\ \ Instrutor\ Vargas\ -\ Garotas\ com\ mais\ de\ 19\ anos.pdf
  692. │ ├── Friend\ Zone\ JAMAIS\ -\ Por\ Vin\303\255cius\ Nascimento.pdf
  693. │ ├── Friendzone\ -\ O\ Maior\ Erro\ para\ o\ Sexo\ Masculino.pdf
  694. │ ├── Friendzone\ -\ Stive.pdf
  695. │ ├── Introdu\303\247\303\243o\ a\ PNL-\ John\ Seymour.pdf
  696. │ ├── Linguagem\ Corporal\ -\ Marcos\ Tadeu\ .pdf
  697. │ ├── Mais\ de\ 3\ bilh\303\265es\ de\ mulheres.pdf
  698. │ ├── Manual\ Badoo.pdf
  699. │ ├── Manual\ da\ FACU.pdf
  700. │ ├── Manual\ do\ BUS\303\203O.pdf
  701. │ ├── Manual\ do\ Cafajeste.pdf
  702. │ ├── Manual\ do\ SMS.pdf
  703. │ ├── Manual\ do\ Xavequeiro.pdf
  704. │ ├── M\303\251todos\ de\ como\ beijar.pdf
  705. │ ├── Mode\ One\ -\ Alan\ Roger\ Currie.pdf
  706. │ ├── N\303\255veis\ de\ sedu\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  707. │ ├── Obrigado\ por\ salvar\ meu\ dia.pdf
  708. │ ├── O\ Poder\ Do\ Olhar.pdf
  709. │ ├── Oponers\ e\ Rotinas.pdf
  710. │ ├── O\ que\ \303\251\ ser\ o\ pr\303\252mio.pdf
  711. │ ├── Padr\303\265es\ Proibidos\ -\ Jack\ Ellis.pdf
  712. │ ├── Realidade\ da\ Balada\ II.pdf
  713. │ ├── Realidade\ da\ Balada\ I.pdf
  714. │ ├── Regrinha\ do\ N\303\243o\ e\ Seja.pdf
  715. │ ├── Relato\ de\ Campo\ -\ Como\ conversar\ e\ agir\ com\ uma\ garota.pdf
  716. │ ├── Sedu\303\247\303\243o\ e\ Relacionamentos\ 1
  717. │ │ ├── A\ Arte\ da\ Conquista.doc
  718. │ │ ├── C\303\263digo\ da\ Atra\303\247\303\243o\ 2.0.pdf
  719. │ │ ├── Codigo\ da\ Atra\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  720. │ │ ├── Como\ se\ Tornar\ um\ Maestro\ na\ Conversa.pdf
  721. │ │ ├── CONTE\303\232DO\ DE\ QUALIDADE.pdf
  722. │ │ ├── conversa-garantida.pdf
  723. │ │ ├── Dicas\ para\ Iniciantes.pdf
  724. │ │ ├── Expresse-se\ na\ internet\ escrevendo\ corretamente!.docx
  725. │ │ ├── Forex\ by\ Lucas.pdf
  726. │ │ ├── Li\303\247\303\243o\ 1.docx
  727. │ │ └── Mystery\ -\ 50\ Rotinas.pdf
  728. │ ├── Sedu\303\247\303\243o\ e\ Relacionamentos\ 2
  729. │ │ ├── A\ Lei\ Da\ Atra\303\247\303\243o\ -\ O\ Segredo\ Colocado\ Em\ Pr\303\241tica\ -\ Michael\ J.\ Losier.pdf
  730. │ │ ├── Como\ manter\ sua\ ficante\ interessada\ em\ voc\303\252.pdf
  731. │ │ ├── FriendZone\ for\ Fuck\ -\ \ Instrutor\ Vargas\ -\ Garotas\ com\ at\303\251\ 19\ anos.pdf
  732. │ │ ├── FriendZone\ for\ Fuck\ -\ \ Instrutor\ Vargas\ -\ Garotas\ com\ mais\ de\ 19\ anos.pdf
  733. │ │ ├── Friend\ Zone\ JAMAIS\ -\ Por\ Vin\303\255cius\ Nascimento.pdf
  734. │ │ ├── Friendzone\ -\ O\ Maior\ Erro\ para\ o\ Sexo\ Masculino.pdf
  735. │ │ ├── Friendzone\ -\ Stive.pdf
  736. │ │ ├── Introdu\303\247\303\243o\ a\ PNL-\ John\ Seymour.pdf
  737. │ │ ├── Linguagem\ Corporal\ -\ Marcos\ Tadeu\ .pdf
  738. │ │ ├── Mais\ de\ 3\ bilh\303\265es\ de\ mulheres.pdf
  739. │ │ ├── Manual\ Badoo.pdf
  740. │ │ ├── Manual\ da\ FACU.pdf
  741. │ │ ├── Manual\ do\ BUS\303\203O.pdf
  742. │ │ ├── Manual\ do\ Cafajeste.pdf
  743. │ │ ├── Manual\ do\ SMS.pdf
  744. │ │ ├── Manual\ do\ Xavequeiro.pdf
  745. │ │ ├── M\303\251todos\ de\ como\ beijar.pdf
  746. │ │ ├── Mode\ One\ -\ Alan\ Roger\ Currie.pdf
  747. │ │ ├── N\303\255veis\ de\ sedu\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  748. │ │ ├── Obrigado\ por\ salvar\ meu\ dia.pdf
  749. │ │ ├── O\ Poder\ Do\ Olhar.pdf
  750. │ │ ├── Oponers\ e\ Rotinas.pdf
  751. │ │ ├── O\ que\ \303\251\ ser\ o\ pr\303\252mio.pdf
  752. │ │ ├── Padr\303\265es\ Proibidos\ -\ Jack\ Ellis.pdf
  753. │ │ ├── Realidade\ da\ Balada\ II.pdf
  754. │ │ ├── Realidade\ da\ Balada\ I.pdf
  755. │ │ ├── Regrinha\ do\ N\303\243o\ e\ Seja.pdf
  756. │ │ ├── Relato\ de\ Campo\ -\ Como\ conversar\ e\ agir\ com\ uma\ garota.pdf
  757. │ │ ├── Segredo\ da\ Atra\303\247\303\243o\ -\ Ares\ &\ Alexander\ Voger.pdf
  758. │ │ ├── T\303\251cnica\ do\ Gelo\ Implac\303\241vel.pdf
  759. │ │ ├── The\ Mystery\ Method\ -\ O\ Manual\ de\ Artes\ Venusianas.pdf
  760. │ │ ├── Top\ 10\ dicas\ para\ conquistar\ uma\ garota.pdf
  761. │ │ ├── Top\ 10\ NEGS.pdf
  762. │ │ ├── Top\ 10\ Sinais\ que\ ela\ est\303\241\ afim\ de\ voc\303\252.pdf
  763. │ │ ├── Top\ Five\ Balada.pdf
  764. │ │ ├── Top\ five\ NEGS\ (COMPILA\303\207\303\203O\ DAS\ 5\ PARTES).pdf
  765. │ │ ├── Uma\ hist\303\263ria\ triste\ -\ Autor\ Desconhecido.pdf
  766. │ │ └── Vin\ DiCarlo\ -\ Segredos\ Da\ Tens\303\243o\ Sexual.pdf
  767. │ ├── sedu\303\247\303\
  768. │ ├── Segredo\ da\ Atra\303\247\303\243o\ -\ Ares\ &\ Alexander\ Voger.pdf
  769. │ ├── T\303\251cnica\ do\ Gelo\ Implac\303\241vel.pdf
  770. │ ├── The\ Mystery\ Method\ -\ O\ Manual\ de\ Artes\ Venusianas.pdf
  771. │ ├── Top\ 10\ dicas\ para\ conquistar\ uma\ garota.pdf
  772. │ ├── Top\ 10\ NEGS.pdf
  773. │ ├── Top\ 10\ Sinais\ que\ ela\ est\303\241\ afim\ de\ voc\303\252.pdf
  774. │ ├── Top\ Five\ Balada.pdf
  775. │ ├── Top\ five\ NEGS\ (COMPILA\303\207\303\203O\ DAS\ 5\ PARTES).pdf
  776. │ ├── Uma\ hist\303\263ria\ triste\ -\ Autor\ Desconhecido.pdf
  777. │ └── Vin\ DiCarlo\ -\ Segredos\ Da\ Tens\303\243o\ Sexual.pdf
  778. ├── seguranca
  779. │ ├── APOST1\ Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  780. │ ├── APOST2\ Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  781. │ ├── APOST3\ Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o\ (2).pdf
  782. │ ├── APOST3\ Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  783. │ ├── Aula\ de\ seguranca.pdf
  784. │ ├── Backtrack\ 5\ -\ garantindo\ seguran\303\247a\ pelo\ teste\ de\ invas\303\243o.pdf
  785. │ ├── Boas\ Pr\303\241ticas\ em\ Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o.PDF
  786. │ ├── Creating\ Security\ Policies\ and\ Implementing\ Identity\ Management\ with\ Active\ Directory.pdf
  787. │ ├── Forense\ Computacional\ e\ sua\ Aplica\303\247\303\243o\ em\ Seguran\303\247a\ Imunol\303\263gica.pdf
  788. │ ├── Forense\ computacional\ e\ sua\ aplic\303\247\303\243o\ em\ seguran\303\247a\ imunol\303\263gica.pdf
  789. │ ├── Fundamentos\ de\ sistemas\ de\ seguran\302\207a\ da\ informa\302\207ao.pdf
  790. │ ├── Gest\303\243o\ de\ Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  791. │ ├── gts0204-05slides-ferraspam.pdf
  792. │ ├── Guia\ do\ Hacker\ Brasileiro.pdf
  793. │ ├── HackerProof\ Your\ Guide\ to\ PC\ Security.pdf
  794. │ ├── Hacking-Exposed-7-Network-Security-Secre-Stuart-McClure(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  795. │ ├── Hacking\ Exposed-Network\ Security\ -\ Secrets\ &\ Solutions,\ 2nd\ Ed..pdf
  796. │ ├── Hacking\ Exposed-Network\ Security\ -\ Secrets\ &\ Solutions,\ 3rd\ Ed..pdf
  797. │ ├── Hacking_Exposed_-_Network_Security_Secrets_&_Solutions_[]_()_en.pdf
  798. │ ├── Hacking\ Exposed-Windows\ -\ Windows\ Security\ Secrets\ &\ Solutions,\ 3rd\ Ed..pdf
  799. │ ├── Handbook\ on\ Security\ and\ Networks\ -\ Y.\ Xiao,\ et.\ al.,\ (World,\ 2011)\ WW.pdf
  800. │ ├── Honeypot.pdf
  801. │ ├── IFSP-2013-Seguranca-da-informacao-mP-vF4.pdf
  802. │ ├── Introdu\303\247\303\243o\ \303\240\ Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  803. │ ├── Managing\ Cisco\ \ Security.pdf
  804. │ ├── Manual\ da\ Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  805. │ ├── Manual\ de\ Metasploit\ Unleashed\ de\ offensive-security\ offcial.pdf
  806. │ ├── Network\ Security\ Assessment.pdf
  807. │ ├── offensive-security-labs.pdf
  808. │ ├── Open\ Source\ Security\ Tools.pdf
  809. │ ├── pentesting\ a\ Joomla\ BAsed\ SIte.pdf
  810. │ ├── pentest.pdf
  811. │ ├── Pol\303\255tica\ de\ Seguran\303\247a\ em\ Backup\ de\ Informa\303\247\303\265es.pdf
  812. │ ├── Principles\ of\ Computer\ Security.pdf
  813. │ ├── RFID\ Security.pdf
  814. │ ├── Seguran\302\207a\ Ofensiva.pdf
  815. │ ├── Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o\ NAC.pdf
  816. │ ├── Seguranca\ da\ Informacao.pdf
  817. │ ├── Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o.pdf
  818. │ ├── Seguran\303\247a\ da\ Informa\303\247\303\243o\ -\ Um\ diferencial\ determinante\ na\ competitivdade\ das\ corpora\303\247\303\265es.pdf
  819. │ ├── Seguran\303\247a\ em\ aplica\303\247\303\265es\ web.pdf
  820. │ ├── Sistema\ para\ identificar\ invas\303\243o.pdf
  821. │ ├── Sistemas\ para\ Identifica\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Invas\303\243o.pdf
  822. │ ├── Static\ Analysis\ of\ Binary\ Code\ to\ Isolate\ Malicious\ Behaviors.pdf
  823. │ ├── T\302\202cnicas\ de\ Varreduras.pdf
  824. │ ├── T\303\251cnicas\ Hacker\ solu\303\247\303\265es\ para\ seguran\303\247a\ 1.pdf
  825. │ ├── T\303\251cnicas\ Hacker\ solu\303\247\303\265es\ para\ seguran\303\247a\ 2.pdf
  826. │ ├── The\ Brains\ Behind\ the\ Operation.pdf
  827. │ ├── The\ State\ of\ the\ Art\ in\ Intrusion\ Prevention\ and\ Detection(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  828. │ ├── Tutorial\ como\ ficar\ invis\302\241vel.pdf
  829. │ ├── Web\ Application\ Vulnerabilities.pdf
  830. │ └── WordPress.3.Ultimate.Security.pdf
  831. ├── senhas
  832. │ ├── Password_Cracking_Techniques.pdf
  833. │ └── Perfect_Passwords.pdf
  834. ├── sniff\ mitm
  835. │ ├── Cap6-Sniffers.pdf
  836. │ └── Clickjacking.pdf
  837. ├── SQL\ injection
  838. │ ├── 3\ FSL\ BH-Betim\ -\ SQLInjection.pdf
  839. │ ├── Adavanced\ Postgre\ SQL\ injection.pdf
  840. │ ├── Advanced\ SQL\ Injection\ 2.pdf
  841. │ ├── Advanced\ SQL\ Injection\ in\ SQL\ Applications.pdf
  842. │ ├── Advanced\ SQL\ Injection\ In\ SQL\ Server\ Applications.pdf
  843. │ ├── Advanced\ SQL\ Injection.pdf
  844. │ ├── Advanced\ SQL\ injection\ to\ operating\ system\ full\ control.pdf
  845. │ ├── An\ Introduction\ to\ SQL\ Injection\ -\ Attacks\ for\ Oracle\ Developers.pdf
  846. │ ├── Automatic\ creation\ of\ SQL\ injection\ and\ cross-site\ scripting\ attacks\ XSS.pdf
  847. │ ├── Blindfolded\ SQL\ Injection.pdf
  848. │ ├── Blind\ MySQL\ Injection.pdf
  849. │ ├── Blind_SQLInjection.pdf
  850. │ ├── Error\ based\ SQL\ Injection\ a\ true\ story.pdf
  851. │ ├── guide-to-php-security-ch3.pdf
  852. │ ├── Hacking\ -\ Advanced\ SQL\ Injection.pdf
  853. │ ├── Hacking\ -\ An\ Introduction\ To\ Sql\ Injection\ Attacks\ For\ Oracle\ Developers\ (Ing-24P-2003).pdf
  854. │ ├── Hacking\ Sql\ Injection\ Hack.pdf
  855. │ ├── Hakin9\ On\ Demand\ -\ 201202_Hakin9\ SQL\ Injection.pdf
  856. │ ├── halfond.viegas.orso.ISSSE06.pdf
  857. │ ├── Hunting_Flaws_in_SQL_Server.pdf
  858. │ ├── Manipulating\ Microsoft\ SQL\ Server\ Using\ SQL\ Injection.pdf
  859. │ ├── Manipulating\ Sql\ Server\ Using\ Sql\ Injection.pdf
  860. │ ├── (more)\ Advanced\ SQL\ Injection.pdf
  861. │ ├── Piotr_Bucki_Atak_SQL_Injection_w_aplikacjach_JAVA.pdf
  862. │ ├── SQL\ INJECTION\ 24V.pdf
  863. │ ├── SQL\ Injection\ -\ Are\ Your\ Webpages\ Vulnerable.pdf
  864. │ ├── SQL\ Injection\ Attacks\ and\ Defense.pdf
  865. │ ├── SQL\ Injection\ Attacks\ by\ Example.pdf
  866. │ ├── SQL_Injection_Tutorial.pdf
  867. │ ├── SQL\ Injection\ White\ Paper.pdf
  868. │ ├── SQL\ Injection\ Worms\ for\ Fun\ &\ Profit.pdf
  869. │ └── Veja\ Como\ funciona\ o\ SQL\ Injection.docx
  870. ├── terrorismo
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  872. │ ├── 074_how_to_terrorize_mcdonalds.txt
  873. │ ├── 174_stealing.txt
  874. │ ├── 215_checklist_for_raids_on_labs.txt
  875. │ ├── 22_ways_to_kill_a_man_with_your_bare_hands.txt
  876. │ ├── 22ways.txt
  877. │ ├── 40_ways_to_sabotage_your_school.txt
  878. │ ├── 40wtsys.txt
  879. │ ├── 50_fun_things_for_non-christians_to_do_in_church.txt
  880. │ ├── 5_ways_to_pick_vending_machines.txt
  881. │ ├── 83_ways_to_trash_your_school.txt
  882. │ ├── 9vfis.txt
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  884. │ ├── aa-50_things_you_probably_already_knew_about_fire.txt
  885. │ ├── aa-anarchy_related_things_to_do_in_a_park.txt
  886. │ ├── aa-bored_fun.txt
  887. │ ├── aa-classfun.txt
  888. │ ├── aa-easy_anarchy.txt
  889. │ ├── aa-essential_anarchial_equipment.txt
  890. │ ├── aa-fun_at_camp.txt
  891. │ ├── aa-fun_in_the_mechanical_room.txt
  892. │ ├── aa-fun_things_to_do_with_cars.txt
  893. │ ├── aa-how_to_torment_retards.txt
  894. │ ├── aa-making_cash_anarchy_style.txt
  895. │ ├── aa-multi_purpose_stink_grenade.txt
  896. │ ├── aa-nasty_shit_to_pull.txt
  897. │ ├── aa-random_anarchy.txt
  898. │ ├── aa-roadkilling.txt
  899. │ ├── aa-some_usefull_ways_to_do_with_ex_friends.txt
  900. │ ├── aa-stuff_you_can_do_in_a_vacant_house.txt
  901. │ ├── aa-taste_for_destruction.txt
  902. │ ├── aa-terror_on_the_transit.txt
  903. │ ├── aa-the_art_of_harrasing_a_school.txt
  904. │ ├── aa-the_babysitting_blues.txt
  905. │ ├── aa-till_death_do_ye_part.txt
  906. │ ├── aa-tree_pinning_the_silent_art_of_tree_spiking.txt
  907. │ ├── aa-tree_spiking.txt
  908. │ ├── aa-ways_to_really_bug_an_enemy.txt
  909. │ ├── aa-winter_terror.txt
  910. │ ├── about.gif
  911. │ ├── alt.drugs_clandestine_chemistry_primer_and_faq.txt
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  913. │ ├── amorphous_beware_of_cameras.txt
  914. │ ├── amorphous_how_to_easily_make_a_reliable_detonation_timer.txt
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  916. │ ├── amorphous_how_to_get_the_most_out_of_school.txt
  917. │ ├── amorphous_how_to_hide_things_from_your_parents.txt
  918. │ ├── amorphous_how_to_make_a_doorbell_shocker.txt
  919. │ ├── amorphous_the_best_and_most_advanced_way_of_stealing_cds_from_stores.txt
  920. │ ├── amorphous_your_neighbor_part_1.txt
  921. │ ├── amorphous_your_neighbor_part_2.txt
  922. │ ├── an_anarchists_guide_to_airports.txt
  923. │ ├──
  924. │ ├── anarchists_corner.txt
  925. │ ├── anarchy_cookbook_2000.pdf
  926. │ ├── anarchy_cookbook_v.666.txt
  927. │ ├── anarchy_in_your_own_home.txt
  928. │ ├── anarchyk.nfo
  929. │ ├── anarchyk.txt
  930. │ ├── anarchy_today_1.txt
  931. │ ├── anarchy_today_2.txt
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  933. │ ├── arcade_game_strategies.txt
  934. │ ├── a_reality_check_on_anarchy_or_how_to_be_an_anarchist_and_still_avoid_a_prison_term.txt
  935. │ ├── assassination.txt
  936. │ ├── astrolite_and_sodium_chlorate_explosives.txt
  937. │ ├── auto_tailing.txt
  938. │ ├── bad5_an_anarchist_defense_of_pornography.txt
  939. │ ├── bar_another_way_to_kill_a_car.txt
  940. │ ├── bar_how_2_make_free_copies.txt
  941. │ ├── bar_how_to_blow_fuses.txt
  942. │ ├── bar_how_to_blow_up_mailboxes.txt
  943. │ ├── bar_how_to_break_into_rooms_in_your_school.txt
  944. │ ├── bar_how_to_get_free_sodas.txt
  945. │ ├── bar_how_to_rip_off_food_machines.txt
  946. │ ├── bar_how_to_steal.txt
  947. │ ├── bar_school_locker_fun.txt
  948. │ ├── bar_yet_another_way_to_kill_a_car.txt
  949. │ ├── basic_explosives.txt
  950. │ ├── basic_trashing_manual.txt
  951. │ ├── beating_the_library.txt
  952. │ ├── bedside_stungun.txt
  953. │ ├── bee.txt
  954. │ ├── bgr_5_ways_to_kill_a_car.txt
  955. │ ├── bgr_anarchy_in_the_supermarket.txt
  956. │ ├── bgr_beginners_guide_to_drug_dealing.txt
  957. │ ├── bgr_fun_at_campgrounds.txt
  958. │ ├── bgr_fun_in_fucking_up_your_school.txt
  959. │ ├── bgr_fun_with_electricity.txt
  960. │ ├── bgr_how_to_do_a_million_things_with_a_paper_clip.txt
  961. │ ├── bgr_how_to_get_free_oakley_sun_glasses.txt
  962. │ ├── bgr_how_to_get_out_of_the_cops_jam.txt
  963. │ ├── bgr_how_to_get_twice_the_amount_of_tickets.txt
  964. │ ├── bgr_how_to_handle_explosives.txt
  965. │ ├── bgr_how_to_make_a_noose.txt
  966. │ ├── bgr_how_to_make_oxalic_explosive.txt
  967. │ ├── bgr_how_to_run_away_from_home.txt
  968. │ ├── bgr_improved_shoplifting_vol_1_department_stores.txt
  969. │ ├── bgr_improved_shoplifting_vol_2_computer_shows.txt
  970. │ ├── bgr_into_the_reals_of_hell.txt
  971. │ ├── bgr_making_life_in_the_mall_hell.txt
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  973. │ ├── bgr_safety_precautions_for_storing_explosives.txt
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  1008. │ ├── cornerul.gif
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  1014. │ ├── crimenet2_breaking_into_houses_and_taking_anything_you_want.txt
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  1028. │ ├── fax_machine_fun.txt
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  1030. │ ├── fbi1-2.txt
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  1040. │ ├── fuck0097_support_your_local_police_beat_yourself_up.txt
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  1043. │ ├── fun_things_to_do_to_an_assholes_car.txt
  1044. │ ├── fun_things_to_do_to_stupid_neighbors.txt
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  1108. │ ├── kitchen_improved_plastic_explosives-2_rdx_manufacture.txt
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  1131. │ ├── mercinary_today_2.txt
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  1145. │ ├── napalm_recipies.txt
  1146. │ ├── napalm.txt
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  1156. │ ├── nitrogen_trioxide_explosives.txt
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  1158. │ ├── Paladin_Press-US_Army_Counter_Sniper_Guide.pdf
  1159. │ ├── pellet.txt
  1160. │ ├── pimp_faq.txt
  1161. │ ├── pipebomb_1.txt
  1162. │ ├── pipebomb_2.txt
  1163. │ ├── pipebomb_3.txt
  1164. │ ├── police_interrogation_techniques_part_1.txt
  1165. │ ├── postage_alternatives.txt
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  1186. │ ├── pranks12.txt
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  1223. │ ├── techiniques_of_burglar_alarm_bypassing_2.txt
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  1226. │ ├── terrorist_home_companion_2.txt
  1227. │ ├── terrorist_home_companion_3.txt
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  1246. │ ├── things_that_go_boom_and_other_stuff_that_rules-1.txt
  1247. │ ├── things_that_go_boom_and_other_stuff_that_rules-2.txt
  1248. │ ├── things_that_go_boom_and_other_stuff_that_rules-3.txt
  1249. │ ├── things_that_go_boom_and_other_stuff_that_rules-4.txt
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  1252. │ ├── twelwe_reasons_to_legalize_drugs.txt
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  1254. │ ├── ULTRA05.TXT
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  1256. │ ├── ULTRA10.TXT
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  1258. │ ├── ULTRA11.TXT
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  1274. │ ├── uxu-046.txt
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  1277. │ ├── UXU-061.TXT
  1278. │ ├── uxu-097_criminal_me.txt
  1279. │ ├── uxu-150_declare_war.txt
  1280. │ ├── uxu-168_ten_ways_to_cause_havoc_in_public_toilets.txt
  1281. │ ├── uxu-290_how_to_hack_and_get_caught.txt
  1282. │ ├── vida.txt
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  1287. │ ├── vp_carding_my_way_2.txt
  1288. │ ├── vp_carding_my_way_3.txt
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  1290. │ ├── vp_gems_the_untold_story.txt
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  1292. │ ├── vp_id_hoping_2.txt
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  1295. │ ├── vp_robbing_houses_3.txt
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  1297. │ ├── vp_unconventional_warfare_2.txt
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  1301. │ ├── what_you_should_have_in_a_anarchy_bag.txt
  1302. │ └── wildkill.txt
  1303. ├── Tipos\ de\ Ataque
  1304. │ ├── Adultera\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Par\303\242metros\ Web.txt
  1305. │ ├── AtaquedeContaLockOut.txt
  1306. │ ├── AtaquedeInje\303\247\303\243oDeComent\303\241rio.txt
  1307. │ ├── Ataque\ de\ Rep\303\272dio.txt
  1308. │ ├── Ataque\ de\ sess\303\243o\ sequestrada\ (HIJACKING).txt
  1309. │ ├── AtaqueEstourodeBuffer.txt
  1310. │ ├── AtaqueFor\303\247aBruta.txt
  1311. │ ├── Ataque\ Man-in-the-browser.txt
  1312. │ ├── Ataque\ Man-in-the-middle.txt
  1313. │ ├── Botnet_Knock.txt
  1314. │ ├── Caminho\ Transversal.txt
  1315. │ ├── Cavalo\ de\ Tr\303\263ia.txt
  1316. │ ├── Codifica\303\247\303\243o\ Dupla.txt
  1317. │ ├── Codifica\303\247\303\243o\ Unicode.txt
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  1323. │ ├── Cross-Frame\ Scripting\ ataque.txt
  1324. │ ├── Cross\ Site\ Hist\303\263ria\ Manipula\303\247\303\243o\ (XSHM).txt
  1325. │ ├── Cross-Site\ Scripting\ XSS\ (XSS).txt
  1326. │ ├── Definir\ Manipula\303\247\303\243o.txt
  1327. │ ├── Delimitador\ de\ Par\303\242metro.txt
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  1331. │ ├── Estouro\ de\ Recursos\ de\ Arquivos\ Bin\303\241rios.txt
  1332. │ ├── Falsifica\303\247\303\243odeConteudo.txt
  1333. │ ├── Falsifica\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Pedido\ Cross-Site\ [CSFR\ -\ Cross-Site\ Forgery\ Request].txt
  1334. │ ├── Fixa\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Sess\303\243o.txt
  1335. │ ├── Formato\ de\ ataque\ sequencial.txt
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  1337. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243odeComando.txt
  1338. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243o\ de\ elemento\ especial.txt
  1339. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Entrada.txt
  1340. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Recurso.txt
  1341. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243o\ de\ SQL.txt
  1342. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243o\ Direta\ de\ C\303\263digo\ Est\303\241tico.txt
  1343. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243o\ Eval\ ().txt
  1344. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243o\ LDAP.txt
  1345. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243o\ Operacional\ Sistem\303\241tica.txt
  1346. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243o\ Server-Side\ Includes.txt
  1347. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243oSQLCega.txt
  1348. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243oXPATHCega.txt
  1349. │ ├── Inje\303\247\303\243o\ XPATH.txt
  1350. │ ├── Inunda\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Tr\303\241fico.txt
  1351. │ ├── Manipula\303\247\303\243o\ de\ caminho.txt
  1352. │ ├── Navega\303\247\303\243o\ For\303\247ada.txt
  1353. │ ├── Nega\303\247\303\243o\ de\ Servi\303\247o\ (DoS).txt
  1354. │ ├── P\303\241gina\ de\ Sequestro\ (Page\ Hijacking).txt
  1355. │ ├── Planta\303\247\303\243odeBin\303\241rios.txt
  1356. │ ├── P\303\263s-execu\303\247\303\243o\ de\ redireccionamento\ (EAR).txt
  1357. │ ├── Previs\303\243o\ de\ Sess\303\243o.txt
  1358. │ ├── Rastreamento\ Cross-Site.txt
  1359. │ ├── Spyware.txt
  1360. │ └── Travessia\ de\ Caminho\ Relativo.txt
  1361. ├── vulnerabilidades
  1362. │ ├── Cap2-Vulnerabilidades-Ameacas-Riscos.pdf
  1363. │ ├── google_hack_for_penetration(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  1364. │ └── Penetration\ Testing\ Procedures\ &\ Methodologies(Ingl\302\210s).pdf
  1365. └── xss
  1366. ├── Advanced_XSS.pdf
  1367. ├── XSS\ Cross\ site\ scripting,\ detection\ and\ prevention\ (2).pdf
  1368. └── XSS\ Cross\ site\ scripting,\ detection\ and\ prevention.pdf
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