
Hikaru for Trick

Sep 21st, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]The cold blade[/i][/font][/size][/center]
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  12. [right][i]Assassin & Hunter[/i][/right]
  14. It's perhaps not entirely surprising for an Ice dragon to have a removed personality. Hikaru, however, has a personality so downright chilly that some might feel moved to think it's entirely an act. Unfortunately for his detractors, Hikaru's unfriendly streak is bone-deep.
  16. Hikaru's frosty nature is not without its uses, of course. Being a combination hired blade and bounty hunter, Hikaru is often required by his job to do things that might turn a gentler dragon's legs to jelly. The distance with which he views the world helps him stay focused on his work and get the job done without fuss or muss, and that, in turn, keeps Hikaru in coin.
  18. Of course, in his line of work, people talk, and even the most imposing dragons will inspire the rumour mill after a while. In Hikaru's case, the word is that he was once a far less uncaring fellow in his day -- until a bout of bad luck had him serving hard time for a soft crime. The story goes his captors cut him a deal after a time, offering him a kind of half-freedom so long as he kept his prisoner's shackles on at all times. Hikaru himself is tight-lipped about the sentence and crime that landed him in this situation, though one has to suppose whatever punishment he originally had was much worse to make the constant weight on his feet a more appealing option.
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  24. [url=][size=1]Bio[/size][/url][/right]
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