Guest User


a guest
May 29th, 2016
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text 39.57 KB | None | 0 0
  3. on *:LOAD: {
  4. echo 12 -a ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. echo 12 -a AR Mirc Script modified by Skeletor on April 30th 2014
  6. echo 12 -a Written for mirc 6.35 and above
  7. echo 12 -a Modified version of Interview-Script-1.0 Final by N3wp0rt420 and SW.Script.v0.9.8 by DjDrDave
  8. echo 12 -a A constantly changing project!
  9. echo 12 -a Questions/comments/new ideas contact me on IRC
  10. echo 12 -a ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. echo 12 -a An all purpose interview script specific to AlphaRatio
  12. echo 12 -a integrated with FLS and Moderator commands, and some fun stuff too.
  13. echo 12 -a ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. echo 12 -a Instructions:
  15. echo 12 -a 1) When using the script, always have the target user highlighted
  16. echo 12 -a or some stuff won't work.
  17. echo 12 -a ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. }
  20. ALIAS tban {
  21. kick $active $1 You've been banned from interviewing for the next 24 hours. Take some time to read up on the 10FAQ & 10Rules before trying again.
  22. ban -ku86400 #invites $1 You've been banned from interviewing for the next 24 hours. Take some time to read up on the 10FAQ & 10Rules before trying again.
  23. }
  25. menu channel,query {
  26. -
  27. AR Script
  28. .IRC Tools
  29. ; ..Change Custom Title: msg #sw-staff !t $$1 $?="Enter New Title"
  30. ..Clear Channel:/clear
  31. ; ..Global Search (Mods+): msg #sw-staff !bcheck $?="Enter Nick, IP, or E-Mail"
  32. ; ..Highlight Staff
  33. ; ...Highlight FLS: msg #swfls { -fls }
  34. ; ...Highlight FLS Leaders: msg #swfls { -flsleaders }
  35. ; ...Highlight Mods: msg #swfls { -mods }
  36. ; ...Highlight Admins: msg #swfls { -admins }
  37. ; ...Highlight IRCops: msg #swfls { - ircops }
  38. ..Info
  39. ; ...Display IP: msg #swfls !whois $$1
  40. ...DNS:dns $?="Enter Hostname"
  41. ...Ping User:ctcp $$1 ping
  42. ...Show User's Client:ctcp $$1 version
  43. ; ...URL Lookup: msg #swfls !s $$1
  44. ...User Lookup: msg $active { -ccuser $$1 }
  45. ...User Stats: msg $active !u $$1
  46. ...User's Time:ctcp $$1 time
  47. ..Invite To:
  48. ...#alpharatio: invite $$1 #alpharatio
  49. ...#staffers: invite $$1 #SWFLS staffers
  50. ...#help: invite $$1 #help
  51. ...#invites: invite $$1 #invites
  52. ...#interview: invite $$1 #interview
  53. ...#interview1: invite $$1 #interview1
  54. ..Moderate Channel
  55. ...+m:/mode $active +m
  56. ...-m:/mode $active -m
  57. ..Timed Bans
  58. ...1 Minute:ban -ku60 $active $1 $?="Enter Reason (required)" ...1 Minute Ban
  59. ...5 Minute:ban -ku300 $active $1 $?="Enter Reason (required)" ...5 Minute Ban
  60. ...15 Minute:ban -ku900 $active $1 $?="Enter Reason (required)" ...15 Minute Ban
  61. ...30 Minute:ban -ku1800 $active $1 $?="Enter Reason (required)" ...30 Minute Ban
  62. ...1 Hour:ban -ku3600 $active $1 $?="Enter Reason (required)" ...1 Hour Ban
  63. .Site Tools
  64. ; ..Ban or Unban User (Mods +)
  65. ; ...Ban User
  66. ; ....Highlighted Nick: msg #swfls -ban $$1
  67. ; ....Paste Nick, IP: msg #swfls -ban $?="Paste Nick or IP & Reason (Required)"
  68. ; ...Unban User
  69. ; ....Highlighted Nick: msg #swfls -unban $$1
  70. ; ....Paste Nick or IP: msg #swfls -unban $?="Paste Nick or IP"
  71. ; ..Search Users
  72. ; ...Highlighted Nick: msg #swfls !s $$1
  73. ; ...Paste Nick/IP/E-Mail: msg #swfls !s $?="Enter Nick, IP, or E-Mail. Use % for wildcard"
  74. ; ..Search Bans
  75. ; ...Highlighted Nick: msg #swfls -searchbans $$1
  76. ; ...Paste Nick/IP: msg #swfls -searchbans $?="Enter Nick or IP"
  77. ; ..Search Users + Bans
  78. ; ...Highlighted Nick: msg #swfls !s $$1 | msg #swfls -searchbans $$1
  79. ; ...Paste Nick/Ip/E-Mail: msg #swfls !s $?="Enter Nick, IP, or E-Mail. Use % for wildcard" | msg #swfls -searchbans $?="Enter Nick or IP (E-Mail won't work)"
  80. .Help
  81. ..Take Screenshot
  82. ...Windows: msg $active To take a screenshot, press the "Print Screen" button. Then go to and press "CTRL + V". Upload the image to them and paste the "Direct Link" URL here.
  83. ...Mac: msg $active To take a screenshot, press "Command + Shift + 3" which will save the screenshot to your desktop. Upload to your favorite image hosting site.
  84. ...Linux: msg $active 14
  85. ..Change Nick: msg $active To change your nick, type /nick <newnick> (without < >). Here's an example: 10/nick newusername
  86. ..Group Nicks: msg $active To group a new nick to an old registered nick, type /msg nickserv group <oldnick> <old pass you used to register> (without < >). Here's an example: 10/msg nickserv group oldnick oldpass
  87. ..Register Nick: msg $active To register your nick with nickserv, type /msg nickserv register <password> <e-mail> (without < >). Make sure you remove the <> and use a space between each word. Here's an example: 10/msg nickserv register 1234
  88. ..Identify Nick: msg $active To identify to nickserv, type /msg nickserv identify <password you used to register> (without < >). Make sure you remove the <> and use a space between each word. Here's an example: 10/msg nickserv identify 1234
  89. ..Identify to Bot for Channel Join: msg $active To identify to the Voyager bot, type /msg voyager enter yourIRCkey (yourIRCkey being the one you set up in your profile, under settings on our website
  90. ..Last Log-In: msg $active When was the last time you logged into your account?
  91. ..Inactive Accts: msg $active If you do not log in for 120 days your account is automatically 4DISABLED for inactivity by the system, to re-enable, visit us using an IRC Client: 10#help
  92. ..IP Unbanned: msg $active Your IP was banned for too many failed login attempts. It has been unbanned now. Do you need your site password reset?
  93. ..New Pass: msg $active New password = $?="Enter New Password"
  94. ..DHT: msg $active DHT (Distributed Hash Table) along with PEX (Peer Exchange) is used for trackerless seeding, and meant for use with public trackers (like demonoid or pirate bay). If you use it with private trackers, anyone can download the torrent without the tracker being involved, therefore reporting false stats to the tracker, and could lead to a BAN! Short description - 4Turn them OFF on private trackers!
  95. ..Bonuses: msg $active You can get an IRC bonus for ideling in 10#alpharatio. To join the main channel, type /join 10#alpharatio or by Identifying to the Voyager bot by typing /msg voyager enter yourIRCkey
  96. ..Main Chan: msg $active To join the main channel, type 10/join #alpharatio or by Identifying to the Voyager bot by typing /msg voyager enter yourIRCkey
  97. ..Part Support: msg $active $$1, if you don't require more help please 10/part this channel, it is only used for site support. Thanks & have fun!
  98. ..Invite Chan: msg $active To interview for an invite to 10A14lpha10R14atio, type 10/join #invites, state your intentions, & wait patiently. Someone will be around soon.
  99. ; ..SEEDBOX INFO: msg $active If you want more information about seedboxes & are thinking about getting one, type 10/join #CHANNEL & ask around.
  100. ..Ratio Rules: msg $active 1. AR requires you maintain a 1:1 ratio or higher. | msg $active 2.If you dip below 1:1, your account will be placed on ratio watch. | msg $active 3. Dropping below 0.8 will result in your account being automatically disabled.
  101. .Links
  102. ..FAQRules: msg $active Read the 10FAQ here 14 | msg $active Read the 10Rules here 14
  103. ..Recover account or password: msg $active Recover password or lost account here 14
  104. ..Change Site Pass: msg $active Change your site password by visiting your profile and clicking "Settings" 
  105. ..Change Site E-Mail: msg $active Change your site e-mail address by visiting your profile and clicking "Settings"
  106. ..Change Site Nick: msg $active Request to change your site nick by Messaging a Staff Member here 14
  107. ..Speedtest: msg $active To complete the speedtest, shut down all uploads & downloads first, then go to 14 Click on "BEGIN TEST". After the test is done, click "Share This Result", then "Copy" and paste it here.
  108. ..GoogleDNS: msg $active Change your DNS servers here 14
  109. ..Get IP: msg $active To find out your IP address go to 14 or 14
  110. ..Port Forward: msg $active Forward ports in your router here 14 or 14
  111. ..Port Check: msg $active Check your torrent client's port here 14
  112. ..Cookie Fix: msg $active Clear your 10S14tellar10W14inds cookies here 14
  113. ..N00b Quick Tips: msg $active 12--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | msg $active Here's some tips for maintaining a ratio. | msg $active 12--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | msg $active 1. For IRC bonus, you may 10/join #alpharatio and chat | msg $active 2. "Free Leech" information is here: 14 $active 3. To recieve the Seed Bonus make sure you seed all your torrents as long as possible. | msg $active 12---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. ;..Set Up RSS: msg $active Set up your RSS feeds here 14
  115. ..Donate: msg $active Donate to the site here 14
  116. ..Home Page: msg $active 10A14lpha10R14atio home page is here 14
  117. ..Forums: msg $active 10A14lpha10R14atio forums are found here 14
  118. ..Tutorials: msg $active 10A14lpha10 R14atio has a nice tutorial selection found here: 14
  119. ..SignUp Page: msg $active Sign up for 10A14lpha10R14atio here 14
  120. ..Delete Acct: msg $active To delete your account message a Staff member here: 14 here: Keep in mind that this process is 4NOT reversible.
  121. .Fun Stuff
  122. ..Misc Faces/Pics
  123. ...Alien: msg $active 9?(¦?¦)?
  124. ...Beer
  125. ....Self: msg $active I'm gonna have a beer 7|_|b
  126. ....Highlight Other Person: msg $active 4passes $$1 a beer 7|_|b
  127. ...Bewbs
  128. ....Fake: msg $active 6( * )( * )
  129. ....Nice: msg $active 13( ? Y ? )
  130. ....Saggy: msg $active 14( . Y . )
  131. ....Pierced: msg $active 13( -o- Y -o- )
  132. ....Three!: msg $active (. )( . )( .)
  133. ...Booty Shake: msg $active 4(_/_)(_|_)(_\_)(_|_)(_/_)(_\_)
  134. ...Carrot Top: msg $active 7{{{(>_<)}}}
  135. ...Cool: msg $active 12\m/ -_- \m/
  136. ...Dancing LOL: /timer0 1 1 msg $active { 9\o\ } | /timer1 1 2 msg $active { 9/o/ } | /timer2 1 3 msg $active { 9\o\ } | /timer3 1 4 msg $active { 9/o/ }
  137. ...Goofy Face: msg $active 5?(ò??~ò~)?
  138. ...Headphones: msg $active 7d{-_-}b
  139. ...Hearts
  140. ....Small: msg $active 4 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  141. ....Big: msg $active 4 (¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯) | msg $active 4 *`•.¸(¯`•.•´¯)¸.•´ ? | msg $active 4 ? º ? `•.¸.•´ ? º ?.¸¸.•´¯`?
  142. ...Huh?: msg $active ô¿ôp
  143. ...Lurk: msg $active 5is lurking over there ._.  ------------>
  144. ...Moon: msg $active 7(_!_) 11You've just been mooned!
  145. ; ...Grammar Nazi: msg $active 04 ? ? 7Watch out for the grammar nazi! 04 ? ?
  146. ...Shrug (IDK): msg $active 3»\_(O.o)_/»
  147. ...Smile W/Hands: msg $active ?(^?^)?
  148. ...Star: msg $active 12 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  149. ...Up Arrow: msg $active 10 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  150. ...Wave
  151. ....1 Person: msg $active 10o/ What's up $$1!
  152. ....Everyone: msg $active 10o/ What's Up #
  153. ...Win: msg $active 11\o/\o/\o/
  154. ..Insults
  155. ...Bag Of Dicks
  156. ....Highlight User: msg $active $$1, 1,12Eat a bag of dicks.
  157. ....Channel: msg $active 1,12Eat a bag of dicks.
  158. ...Die In A Fire
  159. ....Highlight User: msg $active $$1, 1,4Go die in a fire.
  160. ....Channel: msg $active 1,4Go die in a fire.
  161. ...Douche Bag
  162. ....Highlight User: msg $active $$1, 4,9 You Douche Bag
  163. ....Channel: msg $active 4,9 Douche Bags
  164. ...Fuck Off
  165. ....Highlight User: msg $active $$1, 1,10Fuck Off!
  166. ....Channel: msg $active 1,10Fuck Off!
  167. ...STFU
  168. ....Highlight User: msg $active $$1, 1,5STFU
  169. ....Channel: msg $active 1,5STFU
  170. .Interview (Highlight User):dialog -m intv intv
  171. .FLSTools:dialog -m hlp hlp
  172. .FLSTools and Interview:men
  173. .24 Hour Ban:tban $$1
  174. .Version: { echo 10 -a ----------------------
  175. echo 10 -a AR.Script.v1.0
  176. echo 10 -a ---------------------- }
  178. -
  179. }
  181. menu nicklist {
  182. AR Script
  183. .Chanserv (Mods +)
  184. ..VOP
  185. ...Add:cs vop $active add $$1
  186. ...Del:cs vop $active del $$1
  187. ...List:cs vop $active list
  188. ..HOP
  189. ...Add:cs hop $active add $$1
  190. ...Del:cs hop $active del $$1
  191. ...List:cs hop $active list
  192. ..AOP
  193. ...Add:cs aop $active add $$1
  194. ...Del:cs aop $active del $$1
  195. ...List:cs aop $active list
  196. ..SOP
  197. ...Add:cs sop $active add $$1
  198. ...Del:cs sop $active del $$1
  199. ...List:cs sop $active list
  200. ..Ban:cs ban $active $$1 $?="Enter Reason (required)"
  201. ..GetKey For Channel:cs getkey $?="Enter #Channel Name"
  202. ..Invite Self To Channel:cs invite $?="Enter #Channel Name"
  203. ..Unban Self From Channel:cs unban $?="Enter #Channel Name"
  204. ..Set User Invite Perm
  205. ...Set +I:mode $active +I $$1!*@*
  206. ...Set -I:mode $active -I $$1!*@*
  207. .Nickserv
  208. ..Nickserv Info: /ns info $$1 ALL
  209. ; ..Confirm Nick: msg #swfls { !confirm $$1 } | msg $active $$1, your nick has been manually confirmed. There is no need to wait for the e-mail. Remember to identify to nickserv each time you log into IRC.
  210. .IRC Tools
  211. ;..Change Custom Title: msg #sw-staff !t $$1 $?="Enter New Title"
  212. ..Clear Channel:/clear
  213. ;..Global Search (Mods+): msg #sw-staff !bcheck $?="Enter Nick, IP, or E-Mail"
  214. ;..Highlight Staff
  215. ;...Highlight FLS: msg #swfls { -fls }
  216. ;...Highlight FLS Leaders: msg #swfls { -flsleaders }
  217. ;...Highlight Mods: msg #swfls { -mods }
  218. ;...Highlight Admins: msg #swfls { -admins }
  219. ;...Highlight IRCops: msg #swfls { - ircops }
  220. ..Info
  221. ;...Display IP: msg #swfls !whois $$1
  222. ...DNS:dns $?="Enter Hostname"
  223. ...Ping User:ctcp $$1 ping
  224. ...Show User's Client:ctcp $$1 version
  225. ;...URL Lookup: msg #swfls !s $$1
  226. ...User Lookup: msg #staffers !s { -user $$1 }
  227. ...User Stats: msg $active !u $$1
  228. ...User's Time:ctcp $$1 time
  229. ..Invite To:
  230. ...#alpharatio invite $$1 #alpharatio
  231. ...#staffers: invite $$1 #SWFLS staffers
  232. ...#help: invite $$1 #help
  233. ...#invites: invite $$1 #invites
  234. ...#interview: invite $$1 #interview
  235. ...#interview1: invite $$1 #interview1
  236. ..Moderate Channel
  237. ...+m:/mode $active +m
  238. ...-m:/mode $active -m
  239. ..Timed Bans
  240. ...1 Minute:ban -ku60 $active $1 $?="Enter Reason (required)" ...1 Minute Ban
  241. ...5 Minute:ban -ku300 $active $1 $?="Enter Reason (required)" ...5 Minute Ban
  242. ...15 Minute:ban -ku900 $active $1 $?="Enter Reason (required)" ...15 Minute Ban
  243. ...30 Minute:ban -ku1800 $active $1 $?="Enter Reason (required)" ...30 Minute Ban
  244. ...1 Hour:ban -ku3600 $active $1 $?="Enter Reason (required)" ...1 Hour Ban
  245. ;.Site Tools
  246. ;..Ban or Unban User (Mods +)
  247. ;...Ban User
  248. ;....Highlighted Nick: msg #swfls -ban $$1
  249. ;....Paste Nick, IP: msg #swfls -ban $?="Paste Nick or IP & Reason (Required)"
  250. ;...Unban User
  251. ;....Highlighted Nick: msg #swfls -unban $$1
  252. ;....Paste Nick or IP: msg #swfls -unban $?="Paste Nick or IP"
  253. ;..Search Users
  254. ;...Highlighted Nick: msg #swfls !s $$1
  255. ;...Paste Nick/IP/E-Mail: msg #swfls !s $?="Enter Nick, IP, or E-Mail. Use % for wildcard"
  256. ;..Search Bans
  257. ;...Highlighted Nick: msg #swfls -searchbans $$1
  258. ;...Paste Nick/IP: msg #swfls -searchbans $?="Enter Nick or IP"
  259. ;..Search Users + Bans
  260. ;...Highlighted Nick: msg #swfls !s $$1 | msg #swfls -searchbans $$1
  261. ;...Paste Nick/Ip/E-Mail: msg #swfls !s $?="Enter Nick, IP, or E-Mail. Use % for wildcard" | msg #swfls -searchbans $?="Enter Nick or IP (E-Mail won't work)"
  262. .Interview (Highlight User):dialog -m intv intv
  263. .24 Hour Ban:tban $$1
  265. }
  267. ALIAS interview dialog -m intv intv
  268. ALIAS fail {
  269. msg $active I regret to inform you that you did not pass this interview. Here are some links to read up on before your next interview. Open or bookmark them now. 4You must wait a full day (24 hours) before interviewing again.
  270. msg $active 14
  271. msg $active 14
  272. }
  274. ALIAS pass {
  275. msg $active 4\o/3\o/12\o/ 10Congratulations! You've earned the invite! 12\o/3\o/4\o/
  276. msg $active Remember to use the forums if you need further help. If you need to talk to staff, log on to our support channel on IRC and join 10#help or message the "Staff Inbox" button to the right of your "Inbox" link on the site.
  277. msg $active Check your email for your invite code!
  278. msg $active 12---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  279. msg $active Remember to refer to the 10FAQ & 10Rules often, as they are different than other sites.
  280. msg $active Read the Rules here 14
  281. msg $active Read the Frequently Asked Questions here 14
  282. msg $active 12---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  283. }
  285. ALIAS regSB {
  286. msg $active 12---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  287. msg $active Please download a torrent to your seedbox. ( "Free Leech" rules are here: 14
  288. msg $active Highlight the torrent you downloaded, and take a 4full-size, 4full-screen, 4unedited, 4unobstructed screenshot of your WebUI/Torrent.
  289. msg $active Upload to the image hosting site (, 14puush, 14etc) of your choice and post the link here along with the IP of the seedbox.
  290. }
  292. ALIAS
  293. dialog intv {
  294. title Interview
  295. size 50 50 205 216
  296. button "Prepare", 1, 6 12 75 20, default
  297. button "Email Addy", 2, 6 32 75 20, default
  298. button "Site Nick", 3, 6 52 75 20, default
  299. button "IRC Reg.", 4, 6 72 75 20, default
  300. button "Invite Txt", 5, 6 92 75 20, default
  301. button "Intv Chan", 6, 6 112 75 20, default
  302. button "Intv1 Chan", 7, 6 132 75 20, default
  304. button "1", 8, 86 5 25 15, default
  305. button "2", 9, 86 25 25 15, default
  306. button "3", 10, 86 45 25 15, default
  307. button "4", 11, 86 65 25 15, default
  308. button "5", 12, 86 85 25 15, default
  309. button "6", 13, 86 105 25 15, default
  311. button "7", 14, 86 125 25 15, default
  312. button "8", 15, 86 145 25 15, default
  313. button "9", 16, 114 5 25 15, default
  314. button "10", 17, 114 25 25 15, default
  315. button "11", 18, 114 45 25 15, default
  316. button "12", 19, 114 65 25 15, default
  317. button "13", 20, 114 85 25 15, default
  319. button "14", 21, 114 105 25 15, default
  320. button "15", 22, 114 125 25 15, default
  321. button "16", 23, 114 145 25 15, default
  323. button "Begin", 24, 144 12 55 20, default
  324. button "DHT", 25, 144 32 55 20, default
  325. button "Fail", 26, 144 52 55 20, default
  326. button "Pass", 27, 144 72 55 20, default
  327. button "InvCode", 28, 144 92 55 20, default
  328. button "Reg SB", 29, 144 112 55 20, default
  329. button "Part", 30, 144 132 55 20, default
  331. button "", 47, 8 161 190 10, default
  333. button "6a", 31, 3 173 25 20, default
  334. button "6b", 32, 28 173 25 20, default
  335. button "7a", 33, 53 173 25 20, default
  336. button "7b", 34, 78 173 25 20, default
  337. button "7c", 35, 103 173 25 20, default
  338. button "8a", 36, 128 173 25 20, default
  339. button "8b", 37, 153 173 25 20, default
  340. button "8c", 38, 178 173 25 20, default
  342. button "8d", 39, 3 193 25 20, default
  343. button "9a", 40, 28 193 25 20, default
  344. button "9b", 41, 53 193 25 20, default
  345. button "9c", 42, 78 193 25 20, default
  346. button "10", 43, 103 193 25 20, default
  347. button "11", 44, 128 193 25 20, default
  348. button "12a", 45, 153 193 25 20, default
  349. button "12c", 46, 178 193 25 20, default
  350. }
  352. ON *:DIALOG:intv:sclick:*: {
  353. if ($did == 1) { msg $active There is an interview process for obtaining an invite. | msg $active The interview concerns knowledge of torrents & issues relevant to private trackers, as well as those specific to being a useful member of the 10A14lpha10R14atio community. The interview contains nine single questions & seven multi-part questions. | msg $active 4If you are a member of any other private trackers, please have links to screenshots of your profile pages (readable, full screen captures or they will NOT be accepted) ready to paste during the interview. Use any image hosting site you wish. | msg $active If you think you can pass the interview then we can start now. Please let me know when you're ready to begin. }
  354. if ($did == 2) { msg $active What e-mail address are you planning on using for registration to 10A14lpha10R14atio? }
  355. if ($did == 3) { msg $active Are you currently using the nick you want to use on 10A14lpha10R14atio? | msg $active If not, change your nick to the one you want to use. Type /nick <newnick> (without < >). Here's an eample: 10/nick newusername }
  356. if ($did == 4) { msg $active Ok, first you will need to register your nick on IRC. To do that, type /msg nickserv register <password> <e-mail> (without < >). Make sure you remove the <> and use a space between each word. Here's an example 10/msg nickserv register 1234 | msg $active Let me know when you are done. }
  357. if ($did == 5) { msg $active I will now invite you to an interview channel. }
  358. if ($did == 6) { invite $?="Paste Invitee Nick Here" #interview | msg $! Please join 10#interview now. Do not reply to this message! | msg $active $! you have 5 minutes to join 10#interview (type /join 10#interview or double-click this --> 11#interview) before you miss your interview! }
  359. if ($did == 7) { invite $?="Paste Invitee Nick Here" #interview1 | msg $! Please join 10#interview1 now. Do not reply to this message! | msg $active $! you have 5 minutes to join 10#interview1 (type /join 10#interview1 or double-click this --> 11#interview1) before you miss your interview! }
  360. if ($did == 8) { msg $active 4 1.a) 10In what country are you currently living? | msg $active 4 1.b) 10How did you hear about AlphaRatio? | msg $active 4 1.c) 10Why are you interested in becoming an AlphaRatio member? }
  361. if ($did == 9) { msg $active 4 2. 10Here at A14lpha10R14atio10, our goal is to have more active members than inactive members. With that said, how often do you plan on using the site? }
  362. if ($did == 10) { msg $active 4 3. 10Please take a speedtest. To complete the speedtest, shut down all uploads & downloads first, then go to 14http://www.speedtest.net10. Click on 3"BEGIN TEST."10 After the test is done, click 3"Share This Result,"10 then 3"Copy"10 and paste it here. }
  363. if ($did == 11) { msg $active 4 4. 10Are you a member of any other private torrent sites? (If so, please paste your screenshots now.) }
  364. if ($did == 12) { msg $active 4 5. 10How much experience do you have creating & uploading torrents? }
  365. if ($did == 13) { msg $active 4 6.a) 10Found inside a private .torrent file, what uniquely identifies you to the tracker? 3(Hint: It is NOT your IP address)10 | msg $active 4 6.b) 10Why is this important? }
  366. if ($did == 14) { msg $active 4 7.a) 10What is the concept of maintaining a ratio? | msg $active 4 7.b) 10If you have downloaded3 5010 gigabytes & uploaded3 2510 gigabytes what is your ratio? | msg $active 4 7.c) 10Is this a "good" ratio in your opinion? }
  367. if ($did == 15) { msg $active 4 8.a) 10What is the concept of port-forwarding? | msg $active 4 8.b) 10Why is it important? | msg $active 4 8.c) 10Where can you check your connectability? | msg $active 4 8.d) 10How can you learn to port-forward your router/modem/firewall? }
  368. if ($did == 16) { msg $active 4 9.a) 10What is a .rar file? | msg $active 4 9.b) 10What is an .nfo file? | msg $active 4 9.c) 10What is an .sfv file? }
  369. if ($did == 17) { msg $active 4 10. 10When you download a movie or TV release that contains .rar files, can you delete the set of .rar files after extracting the release? }
  370. if ($did == 18) { msg $active 4 11.a) 10What is a Hit'n'Run? | msg $active 4 11.b) 10Are Hit'n'Runs good for the tracker economy? }
  371. if ($did == 19) { msg $active 4 12.a) 10What is a seedbox? | msg $active 4 12.b) 10Do you have one? | msg $active 4 12.c) 10Are they necessary to maintain a good ratio? }
  372. if ($did == 20) { msg $active 4 13. 3True/False:10 If you do not log into the site at least once every 60 days, your account is automatically disabled for inactivity. }
  373. if ($did == 21) { msg $active 4 14. 3True/False:10 You are allowed to post your AR .torrent files on other sites. }
  374. if ($did == 22) { msg $active 4 15. 3True/False:10 DHT is good for private trackers & you should enable it for AlphaRatio. }
  375. ;if ($did == 23) { msg $active 4 16. 3True/False:10 Ratio watch does not start for new users until they download 10GB. After 10GB, they are required to maintain a 0.6 ratio, or will be warned for 2 weeks. If they fail to fix their ratio after 2 weeks, they will be banned from the site. }
  376. if ($did == 24) { msg $active Questions must be answered quickly. DO NOT use "12G4o8o12g9l4e" or any other search engine during the interview! Read each question carefully. If you don't know the answer to a question, simply say "I don't know". If you take more than 4two minutes to answer a question, you will 4FAIL the interview.
  377. msg $active If you know your stuff, this should only take around 15-20 minutes! Let me know when you are ready to begin.
  378. }
  379. if ($did == 25) { msg $active DHT (Distributed Hash Table) along with PEX (Peer Exchange) is used for trackerless seeding, and meant for use with public trackers (like demonoid or pirate bay). If you use it with private tackers, anyone can download the torrent without the tracker being involved, therefore reporting false stats to the tracker, and could lead to a 4BAN! Short description - 4Turn them OFF on private trackers! }
  380. if ($did == 26) { fail }
  381. if ($did == 27) { pass }
  382. if ($did == 28) { msg $active Please go check your email for your invite code. It will only be valid for a 2 days so sign up right now at 14 | msg $active 15*4 *15 *4 *15 *4 * DO NOT USE INTERNET EXPLORER TO SIGN UP or SIGN IN!!! 4* 15* 4* 15* 4* 15* | msg $active Let me know when you have logged in. }
  383. if ($did == 29) { regSB }
  384. if ($did == 30) { msg $active 12--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | msg $active Here's some tips to get you started & for maintaining a ratio. | msg $active 12--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | msg $active 1. For IRC Bonus, you may 10/join #alpharatio and chat. | msg $active 2. "Free Leech" Rules are here: 14 | msg $active 12--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | msg $active Please 10/part this channel and the 10#invites channel now. Thank you for flying 10A14lpha10R14atio! | msg $active Take care & enjoy the site! }
  385. if ($did == 31) { msg $active 036a) 10Inside a 3.torrent10 file is something called a 3PassKey10 which is a unique string of characters at the end of the announce url in the .torrent. }
  386. if ($did == 32) { msg $active 036b) 10It is important because it is how the tracker identifies a user with a specific torrent and keeps track of the associated ratio. If you share a .torrent file, it would identify 11YOU10 as the torrent owner, and affect your ratio each time it is downloaded. Given the way torrents are downloaded, they'd have a negative effect on your ratio, leading to a 04BAN10. So don't share them! }
  387. if ($did == 33) { msg $active 037a) 10The concept of maintaining a 3ratio10 is to at the minimum give back what you take from the community. For every byte of information you get you should give back a byte of information. }
  388. if ($did == 34) { msg $active 037b) 10 0.5. }
  389. if ($did == 35) { msg $active 037c) 10No. A3 0.510 ratio is unacceptable. }
  390. if ($did == 36) { msg $active 038a) 10The concept of 3port forwarding10 is opening a port in your router/firewall for the torrent client to communicate through. }
  391. if ($did == 37) { msg $active 038b) 10It is important because this allows the user to be 3"Connectable"10. If you are connectable, anyone will be able to connect to you regardless of if they are connectable or not. See the 11FAQ10 for more information. }
  392. if ($did == 38) { msg $active 038c) 10You can check your 3connectability10 status in your torrent client. A better indicator however can be found in your profile on the site. }
  393. if ($did == 39) { msg $active 038d) 10You can search our forums or visit 14www.portforward.com10 for excellent guides covering most hardware. }
  394. if ($did == 40) { msg $active 039a) 10A 3.rar10 file is a compressed archive file. }
  395. if ($did == 41) { msg $active 039b) 10An 3.nfo10 file is a text file containing information about the torrent. }
  396. if ($did == 42) { msg $active 039c) 10An 3.sfv10 file is a Simple File Verification file which contains a checksum used to ensure all files have been received error free. }
  397. if ($did == 43) { msg $active 0310) 10NO! If you do you will not be able to seed those files, paying back your ratio debt. }
  398. if ($did == 44) { msg $active 0311a) 10A Hit'n'Run is removing the torrent from your client immediately after you finish downloading it. | msg $active 0311b) 10This is NOT good for the tracker economy because if everyone did that, no one would be around to seed for the next person. So 10SEED! SEED! SEED! }
  399. if ($did == 45) { msg $active 0312a) 10A 3Seedbox10 is a computer connected to a VERY fast internet connection. It is usually running on a different ip address than the home connection you would normally be connecting to the site from. }
  400. if ($did == 46) { msg $active 0312c) 10No they are not! But they do help! }
  401. if ($did == 47) { msg $active 9Ok, now just for your own information: }
  403. }
  405. ALIAS
  406. dialog hlp {
  407. title FLS Tools
  408. size 265 20 205 403
  409. button "Register Seedbox", 18, 2 12 100 20, default
  410. button "DONATIONS", 36, 2 32 100 20, default
  411. button "Screenshot PC", 1, 2 52 100 20, default
  412. button "Screenshot Mac", 2, 2 72 100 20, default
  413. button "Change Nick", 3, 2 92 100 20, default
  414. button "Register Nicks", 5, 2 112 100 20, default
  415. button "Identify Nick", 6, 2 132 100 20, default
  416. button "Group Nicks", 4, 2 152 100 20, default
  417. button "Ghost Nick", 38, 2 172 100 20, default
  419. button "Change Site Pass", 20, 2 192 100 20, default
  420. button "Change Site Email", 21, 2 212 100 20, default
  421. button "Change Site Nick", 22, 2 232 100 20, default
  422. button "Last Login", 7, 2 252 100 20, default
  423. button "Inactive Accts", 8, 2 272 100 20, default
  424. button "SignUp Page", 34, 2 292 100 20, default
  425. button "Delete Acct", 35, 2 312 100 20, default
  426. button "Cookie Fix", 28, 2 332 100 20, default
  427. button "Speedtest", 23, 2 352 100 20, default
  428. button "Alt. Speedtest", 37, 2 372 100 20,default
  430. button "FAQ / Rules", 19, 103 12 100 20, default
  431. button "Ratio Rules", 17, 103 32 100 20, default
  432. button "Bonuses", 13, 103 52 100 20, default
  433. button "Home Page", 31, 103 72 100 20, default
  434. button "Forums", 32, 103 92 100 20, default
  435. button "Tutorials", 33, 103 112 100 20, default
  436. button "N00b Quick Tips", 29, 103 132 100 20, default
  437. button "Main Chan", 14, 103 152 100 20, default
  438. button "Invite Chan", 16, 103 172 100 20, default
  440. button "Get IP", 25, 103 192 100 20, default
  441. button "IP Unbanned", 9, 103 212 100 20, default
  442. button "New Pass", 10, 103 232 100 20, default
  443. button "Connectable", 12, 103 252 100 20, default
  444. button "Port Forward", 26, 103 272 100 20, default
  445. button "Port Check", 27, 103 292 100 20, default
  446. button "Setup RSS", 30, 103 312 100 20, default
  447. button "GoogleDNS", 24, 103 332 100 20, default
  448. button "DHT Info", 11, 103 352 100 20, default
  449. button "Part Support", 15, 103 372 100 20, default
  450. }
  452. ON *:DIALOG:hlp:sclick:*: {
  453. if ($did == 1) { msg $active To take a screenshot, press the "Print Screen" button. Then go to and press "CTRL + V". Upload the image to them and paste the "Direct Link" URL here. }
  454. if ($did == 2) { msg $active To take a screenshot, press "Command + Shift + 3" which will save the screenshot to your desktop. Upload to your favorite image hosting site. }
  455. if ($did == 3) { msg $active To change your nick, type /nick <newnick> (without < >). Here's an example: 10/nick newusername }
  456. if ($did == 4) { msg $active To group a new nick to an old registered nick, type /msg nickserv group <oldnick> <old pass you used to register> (without < >). Here's an example: 10/msg nickserv group oldnick oldpass }
  457. if ($did == 5) { msg $active To register your nick with nickserv, type /msg nickserv register <password> <e-mail> (without < >). Make sure you remove the <> and use a space between each word. Here's an example: 10/msg nickserv register 1234 }
  458. if ($did == 6) { msg $active To identify to nickserv, type /msg nickserv identify <password you used to register> (without < >). Make sure you remove the <> and use a space between each word. Here's an example: 10/msg nickserv identify 1234 }
  459. if ($did == 7) { msg $active When was the last time you logged into your account? }
  460. if ($did == 8) { msg $active If you do not log in for 60 days your account is automatically 4DISABLED for inactivity by the system, to re-enable, visit us using an IRC Client: 10#help }
  461. if ($did == 9) { msg $active Your IP was banned for too many failed login attempts. It has been unbanned now. Do you need your site password reset? }
  462. if ($did == 10) { msg $active New password = $?="Enter New Password" }
  463. if ($did == 11) { msg $active DHT (Distributed Hash Table) along with PEX (Peer Exchange) is used for trackerless seeding, and meant for use with public trackers (like demonoid or pirate bay). If you use it with private trackers, anyone can download the torrent without the tracker being involved, therefore reporting false stats to the tracker, and could lead to a BAN! Short description - 4Turn them OFF on private trackers! }
  464. if ($did == 12) { msg $active You can learn all about being connectable here >>> 14 and 14 <<< }
  465. if ($did == 13) { msg $active You can get an IRC bonus for ideling in 10#alpharatio. To join the main channel, type /join 10#alpharatio }
  466. if ($did == 14) { msg $active To join the main channel, type 10/join #alpharatio }
  467. if ($did == 15) { msg $active If you don't require more help please 10/part this channel, it is only used for site support. Thanks & have fun! }
  468. if ($did == 16) { msg $active To interview for an invite to 10A14lpha10R14atio, type 10/join #invites, state your intentions, & wait patiently. Someone will be around soon. }
  469. ;if ($did == 17) { msg $active 1.) There are no ratio requirements until you download 10GB. | msg $active 2.) After 10GB, you are required to maintain a3 0.6 ratio or you will be warned. | msg $active 3.) If you are warned, you will have 4two weeks to fix your ratio or you will be 4banned. }
  470. if ($did == 18) { msg $active 1.) Please download a torrent to your seedbox. | msg $active 2.) Highlight the torrent you downloaded, and take a 4full-size, 4full-screen, 4unedited, 4unobstructed screenshot of your WebUI/Torrent. | msg $active 3.) Upload to the image hosting site (, 14puush, 14etc) of your choice and post the link here along with the IP of the seedbox. }
  471. if ($did == 19) { msg $active Read the 10FAQ here 14 | msg $active Read the 10Rules here 14 }
  472. ;if ($did == 20) { msg $active Change your site password here 14 }
  473. ;if ($did == 21) { msg $active Change your site e-mail address here 14 }
  474. ;if ($did == 22) { msg $active Request to change your site nick here 14 }
  475. if ($did == 23) { msg $active To complete the speedtest, shut down all uploads & downloads first, then go to 14 Click on "BEGIN TEST". After the test is done, click "Share This Result", then "Copy" and paste it here. }
  476. if ($did == 24) { msg $active Change your DNS servers here 14 }
  477. if ($did == 25) { msg $active To find out your IP address go to 14 or 14 }
  478. if ($did == 26) { msg $active Forward ports in your router here 14 or 14 }
  479. if ($did == 27) { msg $active Check your torrent client's port here 14 }
  480. ;if ($did == 28) { msg $active Clear your 10S14tellar10W14inds cookies here 14 }
  481. if ($did == 29) { msg $active Here's some tips for maintaining a ratio. | msg $active 12--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | msg $active 1. For IRC bonus, you may 10/join #alpharatio and chat. | msg $active 2. "Free Leech" rules are here: 14 | msg $active 12--------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
  482. if ($did == 30) { msg $active Set up your RSS feeds here 14 }
  483. if ($did == 31) { msg $active 10A14lpha10R14atio' home page is here 14 }
  484. if ($did == 32) { msg $active 10A14lpha10R14atio forums are found here 14 }
  485. if ($did == 33) { msg $active 10A14lpha10R14atio has a nice tutorial selection found here: 14 }
  486. if ($did == 34) { msg $active Sign up for 10A14lpha10R14atio here 14 }
  487. if ($did == 35) { msg $active To delete your account message a Staff Member: 14 Keep in mind that this process is 4NOT reversible. }
  488. if ($did == 36) { msg $active Donate to the site here 14 }
  489. if ($did == 37) { msg $active If you are having problems with, you can go to: 14 | msg $active Stop all transfers & do the test. After the test is done, click "Copy to clipboard" & paste it here. }
  490. if ($did == 38) { msg $active To clear any ghost connections preventing you from connecting using your registered nick, type: /msg nickserv ghost <username> <password>. Here's an example: 10/msg nickserv ghost yournick 1234 }
  491. }
  493. ALIAS men {
  494. dialog -m intv intv
  495. dialog -m hlp hlp
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