
This is Orange Sea

Sep 19th, 2020
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  1. /*** Aquí la tablilla principal ***/
  2. <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/><link href=",700|Raleway:500,900&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><div class="othna"><div class="othna1"><div class="othnaTI">Aquí un título</div><div class="othnadats"><span>Quién</span><span>Cuándo</span>Dónde</div>
  3. Powder cake dessert ice cream. Pie cheesecake biscuit halvah sesame snaps jelly-o. Bonbon croissant tiramisu brownie powder chocolate gingerbread marshmallow chocolate bar. Croissant candy chocolate wafer gummies soufflé. Apple pie dessert gummi bears fruitcake carrot cake pastry biscuit brownie dessert. Danish bonbon cheesecake. Jujubes cotton candy cookie gummies pudding sweet. Biscuit bonbon dragée dragée wafer ice cream topping lemon drops. Cupcake pie biscuit marshmallow soufflé cookie oat cake dessert. Muffin fruitcake pastry icing. <b>Así se ven los diálogos.</b> lemon drops dragée candy powder [b]Pero también se puede utilizar la baliza de bbcode y sigue viéndose igual[/b] sweet roll cotton candy fruitcake. Muffin powder halvah cotton candy. Carrot cake chupa chups cheesecake oat cake powder cheesecake. Apple pie cake jelly cake gummi bears muffin pudding chupa chups.</div></div><div class="credcby"><a href="">VAC</a></div>
  5. <style> .othnaTI::before {content:'\eb10';} :root {--color-first1:#EA9B6E; --color-second2: #A695CA;} </style>
  7. /*** Aquí tablilla de respuesta en caso de cambio de color ***/
  10. <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/><link href=",700|Raleway:500,900&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><div class="gbmc"><div class="gbmc1"><div class="gbmcTI">Aquí un título</div><div class="gbmcdats"><span>Quién</span><span>Cuándo</span>Dónde</div>
  11. Oat cake chocolate bar cake gummies chocolate bar topping brownie. Gummies pudding marzipan lemon drops chocolate bar danish. Marzipan jujubes marzipan cookie dessert wafer apple pie croissant wafer. Brownie biscuit candy canes apple pie sweet oat cake dessert tiramisu lemon drops. Pie cake powder apple pie chocolate sweet lemon drops candy canes caramels. Marshmallow chocolate cake cheesecake sweet roll marshmallow lollipop. Gummi bears gummies bonbon liquorice dragée marzipan chocolate dragée lemon drops. Chocolate cake cheesecake macaroon macaroon. Tart dessert danish pastry lemon drops dessert marzipan tiramisu cake. Cotton candy soufflé candy ice cream macaroon. Muffin tiramisu gummies biscuit gingerbread. Carrot cake sugar plum danish biscuit fruitcake tiramisu powder <b>Así se ven los diálogos</b> sweet roll dessert. [b]Pero si usas la baliza de bbcode sale igual[/b] Biscuit powder pudding cookie topping jelly cotton candy.</div></div><div class="credcby"><a href="">VAC</a></div>
  12. <style> .gbmcTI::before {content:'\eb10';} :root {--color-first:#C4DADC; --color-second: #87A6A9;} </style>
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