
LUSCA r14942

Jul 2nd, 2014
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  1. mkdir /temp
  2. cd /temp
  3. touch
  4. chmod +x
  5. nano
  7. and paste the following code . . .
  9. #!/bin/bash
  10. # Version 1.0 / 2nd July, 2014
  11. # LUSCA r14942 Automated Installation Script for Ubuntu flavor / asd
  14. # Setting Variables . . . [asd]
  16. URL=
  17. SQUID_DIR="/etc/squid"
  18. CACHE_DIR="/cache-1"
  19. pid=`pidof squid`
  20. osver=`cat /etc/issue |awk '{print $1}'`
  21. squidlabel="LUSCA_HEAD-r14942"
  23. # Colors Config . . . [[ asd . . . ]]
  24. ESC_SEQ="\x1b["
  25. COL_RESET=$ESC_SEQ"39;49;00m"
  26. COL_RED=$ESC_SEQ"31;01m"
  27. COL_GREEN=$ESC_SEQ"32;01m"
  29. # OS checkup for UBUNTU
  30. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Lusca r14942 Automated Installation Script ver 1.0 for Ubuntu . . .$COL_RESET"
  31. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Checking OS version, as it must be Ubuntu in order to Continue . . .$COL_RESET"
  32. if [[ $osver == Ubuntu ]]; then
  33. echo
  34. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Ubuntu is installed with following information fetched. $COL_RESET"
  35. lsb_release -a
  36. sleep 3
  37. else
  38. echo -e "$COL_RED Sorry, it seems your Linux Distribution is not UBUNTU . Exiting ...$COL_RESET"
  39. exit 1
  40. fi
  42. # Make sure only root can run our script / Checking if user is root, otherwise exit with error [[asd]]
  43. echo
  44. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Verifying if you are logged in with root privileges . . .$COL_RESET" 1>&2
  45. FILE="/tmp/out.$$"
  46. GREP="/bin/grep"
  47. if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
  48. echo
  49. echo -e "$COL_RED This script must be run as root, switch to root now . . .$COL_RESET" 1>&2
  50. exit 1
  51. fi
  53. # Clearing previous download if any in /tmp folder
  54. echo
  55. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Clearing previous downloads if any in /tmp folder to avoid duplication$COL_RESET"
  56. sleep 3
  58. rm -fr /tmp/squid.conf
  59. rm -fr /tmp/storeurl.txt
  60. rm -fr /tmp/
  61. rm -fr /tmp/LUSCA_HEAD-r14942*
  63. # Checking IF $URL is accessible m if YES then continue further , otherwise EXIT the script with ERROR ! [[ asd .. . .]]
  64. echo
  65. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Checking if $URL is accessible in order to proceed further. . .!! $COL_RESET"
  66. cd /tmp
  67. wget -q $URL/squid.conf
  68. {
  69. if [ ! -f /tmp/squid.conf ]; then
  70. echo
  71. echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: Unable to contact $URL, or possibly internet is not working or your IP is in black list at destination server !! $COL_RESET"
  72. echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: Please check manual if $URL is accessible or not or if it have required files, asd !! $COL_RESET"
  73. exit 0
  74. fi
  75. }
  76. rm -fr /tmp/squid.conf
  77. sleep 6
  78. # Moving further . . .
  80. clear
  81. echo -e "$COL_GREEN You are logged in with root ID, Ok to proceed further . . .!! $COL_RESET"
  82. echo
  84. ################################################################## [zaib]
  85. echo
  86. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Updating Ubuntu first . . . !! $COL_RESET"
  87. apt-get update
  88. echo
  89. echo
  90. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Installing required components . . . !! $COL_RESET"
  91. sleep 3
  92. apt-get install -y gcc build-essential libstdc++6 unzip bzip2 sharutils ccze libzip-dev automake1.9 libfile-readbackwards-perl dnsmasq
  94. # Clearing OLD data files . . .
  95. {
  96. if [ -f $SQUID_DIR/squid.conf ]; then
  97. echo
  98. echo
  99. echo -e "$COL_RED Previous SQUID configuration file found in $SQUID_DIR ! renaming it for backup purpose . . . $COL_RESET"
  100. mv $SQUID_DIR/squid.conf $SQUID_DIR/squid.conf.old
  101. else
  102. echo
  103. echo
  104. echo -e "$COL_GREEN No Previous Squid configuration have been found in $SQUID_DIR. Proceeding further $COL_RESET"
  105. fi
  106. }
  108. # Checking SQUID status if its already running - check by PID
  109. if [ "$pid" == "" ]; then
  110. echo
  111. echo
  112. echo -e "$COL_GREEN No SQUID instance found in memory , so it seems we are good to GO !!! $COL_RESET"
  113. else
  114. echo
  115. echo -e "$COL_RED SQUID is already running, probably you have some previous copy of SQUID installation, Better to stop and remove all previous squid installation !! $COL_RESET"
  116. echo
  117. echo -e "$COL_RED KILLING PREVIOUS SQUID INSTANCE by killall -9 squid command !! $COL_RESET"
  118. killall -9 squid
  119. sleep 3
  120. fi
  122. # Downloading Squid source package [zaib]
  123. echo
  124. echo
  125. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Downloading SQUID source package in /tmp folder. . . !! $COL_RESET"
  126. sleep 3
  128. # Checking if /tmp folder is previously present or not . . .
  129. {
  130. if [ ! -d "/tmp" ]; then
  131. echo
  132. echo
  133. echo -e "$COL_RED /tmp folder not found, Creating it so all downloads will be placed here . . . $COL_RESET"
  134. mkdir /tmp
  135. else
  136. echo
  137. echo -e "$COL_GREEN /tmp folder is already present , so no need to create it, Proceeding further . . . $COL_RESET"
  138. fi
  139. }
  141. cd /tmp
  143. # Checking IF LUSCA_HEAD-r14942.tar.gz installation file have been ALREADY downloaded in /tmp to avoid duplication! [[ asd .. . .]]
  144. {
  145. if [ -f /tmp/LUSCA_HEAD-r14942.tar.gz ]; then
  146. rm -fr /tmp/LUSCA_HEAD-r14942.tar.gz
  147. fi
  148. }
  150. wget -c
  152. # Checking IF LUSCA_HEAD-r14942 installation file have been downloaded properly. if YEs continue further , otherwise EXIT the script with ERROR ! [[ asd .. . .]]
  153. {
  154. if [ ! -f /tmp/LUSCA_HEAD-r14942.tar.gz ]; then
  155. echo
  156. echo
  158. echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: SQUID source code package File could not be download or not found in /tmp/ !! $COL_RESET"
  159. exit 0
  160. fi
  161. }
  162. echo
  163. echo
  165. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Extracting Squid from tar archive. . . !! $COL_RESET"
  166. sleep 3
  167. tar zxvf LUSCA_HEAD-r14942.tar.gz
  168. cd LUSCA_HEAD-r14942/
  169. mkdir /etc/squid
  171. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Executing $squidlabel Compiler [asd] . . . !! $COL_RESET"
  172. echo
  173. cd /tmp/LUSCA_HEAD-r14942
  174. ./configure --prefix=/usr --exec_prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/sbin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --libexecdir=/usr/lib/squid --sysconfdir=/etc/squid --localstatedir=/var/spool/squid --datadir=/usr/share/squid --enable-async-io=24 --with-aufs-threads=24 --with-pthreads --enable-storeio=aufs --enable-linux-netfilter --enable-arp-acl --enable-epoll --enable-removal-policies=heap --with-aio --with-dl --enable-snmp --enable-delay-pools --enable-htcp --enable-cache-digests --disable-unlinkd --enable-large-cache-files --with-large-files --enable-err-languages=English --enable-default-err-language=English --enable-referer-log --with-maxfd=65536
  175. echo
  176. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Executing MAKE and MAKE INSTALL commands . . . !! $COL_RESET"
  177. sleep 3
  178. make
  179. make install
  180. echo
  181. echo
  182. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Creating SQUID LOGS folder and assiging permissions . . . !! $COL_RESET"
  183. sleep 3
  185. # Checking if log folder is previously present or not . . .
  186. {
  187. if [ -d "/var/log/squid" ]; then
  188. echo
  189. echo
  190. echo -e "$COL_GREEN LOGS folder found. No need to create, proceeding Further . . . $COL_RESET"
  191. else
  192. echo
  193. echo
  194. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Creating LOG Folder in /var/log/squid and setting permissions accordingly (to user proxy) $COL_RESET"
  195. mkdir /var/log/squid
  196. fi
  197. }
  198. chown proxy:proxy /var/log/squid
  200. echo
  201. echo
  202. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Downloading SQUID.CONF file from $URL and copy it to $SQUID_DIR. . . !! $COL_RESET"
  203. sleep 3
  205. # Checking IF SQUID.CONF File have been ALREADY downloaded in /tmp to avoid duplication! [[ asd .. . .]]
  206. {
  207. if [ -f /tmp/squid.conf ]; then
  208. rm -fr /tmp/squid.conf
  209. fi
  210. }
  212. cd /tmp
  213. wget $URL/squid.conf
  215. # Checking IF SQUID.CONF file have been downloaded. if YEs continue further , otherwise EXIT the script with ERROR ! [[ asd .. . .]]
  216. {
  217. if [ ! -f /tmp/squid.conf ]; then
  218. echo
  219. echo
  220. echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: SQUID.CONF File could not be download or not found in /tmp/ !! $COL_RESET"
  221. exit 0
  222. fi
  223. }
  224. cp -fr squid.conf $SQUID_DIR
  227. echo
  228. echo
  229. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Downloading STOREURL.PL file from $URL and copy it to $SQUID_DIR. . . !! $COL_RESET"
  230. sleep 3
  231. cd /tmp
  233. {
  234. if [ -f /tmp/storeurl.txt ]; then
  235. rm -fr /tmp/storeurl.txt
  236. fi
  237. }
  239. wget $URL/storeurl.txt
  241. {
  242. if [ -f /tmp/ ]; then
  243. rm -fr /tmp/
  244. fi
  245. }
  247. mv storeurl.txt
  249. # Checking IF STOREURL.PL file have been downloaded. if YEs continue further , otherwise EXIT the script with ERROR ! [[ asd .. . .]]
  250. {
  251. if [ ! -f /tmp/ ]; then
  252. echo
  253. echo
  254. echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: STOREURL.PL File could not be download or not found in /tmp/ !! $COL_RESET"
  255. exit 0
  256. fi
  257. }
  258. cp -fr $SQUID_DIR
  260. echo
  261. echo
  262. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Setting EXECUTE permission for . . . !! $COL_RESET"
  263. chmod +x $SQUID_DIR/
  265. # Creating CACHE folders
  266. echo
  267. echo
  268. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Creating CACHE directory in $CACHE_DIR , in this example,I used 5GB for cache for test ,Adjust it accordingly . . . !! $COL_RESET"
  269. sleep 3
  271. # Checking if /cache-1 folder exist . . .
  272. {
  273. if [ ! -d "$CACHE_DIR" ]; then
  274. echo
  275. echo
  276. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Creating cache folder in $CACHE_DIR , Default size is 5GB, you should set it accordingly to your requirements . . . $COL_RESET"
  277. mkdir $CACHE_DIR
  278. chown proxy:proxy $CACHE_DIR
  279. chmod 777 -R $CACHE_DIR
  280. squid -z
  281. else
  282. echo
  283. echo -e "$COL_RED $CACHE_DIR folder already exists , Clearing it before proceeding. . . $COL_RESET"
  284. rm -fr $CACHE_DIR/*
  285. chown proxy:proxy $CACHE_DIR
  286. echo -e "$COL_GREEN $CACHE_DIR Initializing Cache Directories as per the config . . . $COL_RESET"
  287. echo
  288. squid -z
  289. chmod 777 -R $CACHE_DIR
  290. fi
  291. }
  293. echo
  294. echo
  295. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Adding squid in /etc/rc.local for auto startup . . . !! $COL_RESET"
  296. sed -i '/exit/d' /etc/rc.local
  297. sed -i '/[/usr\/sbin\/squid]/d' /etc/rc.local
  298. echo /usr/sbin/squid >> /etc/rc.local
  299. echo exit 0 >> /etc/rc.local
  300. echo
  301. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Starting SQUID (and adding 10 seconds Pause for proper initialization). . . !! $COL_RESET"
  302. squid
  303. sleep 5
  305. # Checking SQUID status via PID [zaib]
  306. #if [ "$pid" == "" ]; then
  307. #echo
  308. #echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: UNABLE to start SQUID, try to run with -d1N syntax and see where its showing error !! $COL_RESET"
  309. #else
  310. ps aux |grep squid
  311. echo
  312. echo -e "$COL_GREEN $squidlabel is Running OK with PID number "$pid", no further action required, EXITING . . .$COL_RESET"
  313. echo
  314. echo To view squid web access activity log, use command
  315. echo -e "$COL_GREEN tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log $COL_RESET"
  316. echo OR
  317. echo -e "$COL_GREEN tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log |ccze $COL_RESET"
  318. echo
  319. echo -e "$COL_GREEN Regard's / KALTERSIA . . . !! $COL_RESET"
  320. echo
  321. # END
  323. now execute the script by running
  324. /
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