
AGP- Doc Dodging

Nov 12th, 2022
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  1. Doc and the Cleric were the first ones that were forced out of position. Doc was doing a pretty good job of covering the doorways and the Cleric's hand flamer was keeping flankers away, then one of the aspirants started glowing. The lightning bolt blew apart their cover and only a quick dive saved Doc from following suit. He and the Cleric fell back towards Sarge's position, as they retreated a pair of aspirants with chainswords came in after them. Doc landed several good shots as he ran, but none of them were enough to stop the swordsmen and right as they reached the top of the pyramid the Cleric turned and made his stand.
  3. The closer of the two aspirants was immediately toasted and the Cleric turned towards the second, but a man with a flamer on top of a pyramid is a damned obvious target. A round caught the Cleric in the leg and his next burst went wild, only grazing the oncoming swordsman. By the time Doc had turned around it was over, the Cleric was dead and three hundred pounds of flaming chaos cultist was charging straight at the wiry medic. Doc dodged to the side in the nick of time and the burning aspirant rocketed off the pyramid and started a bone shattering journey down to the bottom. A second later Doc overbalanced and followed him a little more slowly.
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