

Apr 2nd, 2018
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  1. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # Copyright (c) teozfrank 2014 ,All Rights Reserved
  3. # This plugin is a purchase from SpigotMC
  4. # If you did not purchase this please contact the plugin owner
  5. # Distribution of this plugin is against the terms of this plugin.
  6. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. # each number is the amount of votes for that command to be performed, you may change this
  8. # to your own liking and there can be unlimited rewards.
  9. # example rewards
  10. # there are three types; normal, delayed and percentage chance rewards.
  11. #
  12. ##############################################################
  13. # normal commands are ran as normal and look like this
  14. #
  15. # 'fly %player%'
  16. #
  17. ##############################################################
  18. # delayed rewards look like this
  19. #
  20. # '1;fly %player%'
  21. #
  22. # 1 means the time in minutes when this command will be ran
  23. # this is seperated with a ';' where the command is put on the right
  24. # it can be any command you could add / remove a permission too
  25. # note this command will be forced to run if the server is restarted
  26. # it does not persist.
  27. ##############################################################
  28. # percentage chance rewards look like this
  29. #
  30. # '1/100;fly %player%'
  31. #
  32. # the above example has a 1 in 100 chance if being ran
  33. ##############################################################
  34. # multiple commands can be used for both delayed rewards and percentage rewards
  35. #
  36. # '1/100;fly %player%;msg %player% you have been given fly!'
  37. # '1;fly %player%; msg %player% you have been given fly
  38. #
  39. ##############################################################
  40. # Please do not touch the config version or you will break the plugin!
  41. configversion: 1.4
  42. repeatingrewards:
  43. # default repeating reward used if reward by world is disabled
  44. default:
  45. - 'eco give %player% 35'
  46. - 'msg %player% Thank you for voting! $35 has been added to your account!'
  47. - 'crates key %player% Vote'
  48. - 'griefprevention:adjustbonusclaimblocks %player% 35'
  49. - 'points give %player% 5'
  50. - 'msg %player% Thank you for voting! 5 points has been added to your account!'
  51. - 'broadcast &b%player%&r &9has voted for the server and earned $35, 35 claim blocks, and 5 points! You can too, /vote to see how!'
  52. # repeating rewards by world "world" is just an example world name
  53. # world:
  54. # - 'give %player% 18 1'
  55. rewards:
  56. # these rewards are when a player reaches a certain amount of votes
  57. '6':
  58. - 'lp user %player% promote voter'
  59. - 'broadcast &b%player%&r &9has been promoted to &2&l[Turtle]&r&9!'
  60. '15':
  61. - 'lp user %player% promote voter'
  62. - 'broadcast &b%player%&r &9has been promoted to &7&l[Kitten]&r&9!'
  63. '25':
  64. - 'lp user %player% promote voter'
  65. - 'broadcast &b%player%&r &9has been promoted to &6&l[Puppy]&r&9!'
  66. '50':
  67. - 'lp user %player% promote voter'
  68. - 'broadcast &b%player%&r &9has been promoted to &9&l[Penguin]&r&9!'
  69. '125':
  70. - 'lp user %player% promote voter'
  71. - 'broadcast &b%player%&r &9has been promoted to &d&l[Pig]&r&9!'
  72. '200':
  73. - 'lp user %player% promote voter'
  74. - 'broadcast &b%player%&r &9has been promoted to &b&l[Rhino]&r&9!'
  75. '350':
  76. - 'lp user %player% promote voter'
  77. - 'broadcast &b%player%&r &9has been promoted to &7&l[Shark]&r&9!'
  78. '500':
  79. - 'lp user %player% promote voter'
  80. - 'broadcast &b%player%&r &9has been promoted to &7&l[Lion]&r&9!'
  81. '1000':
  82. - 'griefprevention:adjustbonusclaimblocks %player% 2000'
  83. - 'eco give %player% 1000'
  84. - 'broadcast &b%player%&r &9has been given &f&l2000&r &9extra claim blocks and &f&l$10K&r &9 for reaching 1000 votes!'
  85. # these rewards are the same as above but per world if rewards by world are enabled
  86. # world:
  87. # '10':
  88. # - 'give %player% 6 1'
  89. # - 'say %player% has reached 10 votes'
  90. # '21':
  91. # - 'give %player% 260 1'
  92. # '29':
  93. # - 'give %player% 38 1'
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