
hexy lol

Aug 8th, 2018
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  1. why'd you revoke the t1000?
  2. Hexy
  3. :
  4. he did shit not on his app a few too many times.
  5. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  6. :
  7. I dont think so
  8. Hexy
  9. :
  10. He did.
  11. I saw.
  12. I have logs.
  13. evidence.
  14. and the you know.
  15. /app/
  16. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  17. :
  18. yeah he told me about the evidence
  19. Hexy
  20. :
  21. so how about you stop body blocking your friend.
  22. because I'm not having it.
  23. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  24. :
  25. I am hardly friends with rogue, I can just sympathize because you do this type of shit to me as wlel
  26. it's actually really gay
  27. Hexy
  28. :
  29. he's taken the sensor out of his body, and thrown it wherever.
  30. he has the capacity to lie about where it is
  31. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  32. :
  33. have you ever considered
  34. Hexy
  35. :
  36. and he's made himself functionally immorta.
  37. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  38. :
  39. that he is lying
  40. about taking the sensor out
  41. Hexy
  42. :
  43. he's been Machine Cursed.
  44. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  45. :
  46. and he stopped working, didnt he?
  47. Hexy
  48. :
  49. for three seconds.
  50. realistically.
  51. he'd be fucking fried.
  52. and he, again.
  53. didn't apply to do that.
  54. and if the Machine CUrse hit his processor.
  55. he'd be a goop pile for more then 3 seconds.
  56. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  57. :
  58. so you're deauthing his character because gutwin cant one shot it
  59. f-fare
  60. Hexy
  61. :
  62. I'm deauthing the character because he's asspulled about three times.
  63. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  64. :
  65. boooosh got away with it how many times? at least talk to him about it first
  66. Hexy
  67. :
  68. I did.
  69. I told him next time this sort of shit happened, I'd /ban/ him.
  70. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  71. :
  72. then why did joy have to be the one to say it lol
  73. Hexy
  74. :
  75. Because all the other admins are fucking afk.
  76. he's not an admin, rather.
  77. he's just conveying the message.
  78. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  79. :
  80. why didnt rogue convey it tho, his character
  81. Hexy
  82. :
  83. because he's refusing to go through with it.
  84. even though he's asspulled about two times, and I'm not letting it happen again.
  85. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  86. :
  87. instead of deauthing him and disrupting the RP why dont you put your foot down and tell him to not RP having the processor out of his body
  88. Hexy
  89. :
  90. because i've already revoked the character.
  91. Now, if he doesn't get off.
  92. I'm just going to flat ban him.
  93. so.
  94. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  95. :
  96. It's a decision easily undone
  97. it wouldnt be the first time you've undone a decision like that either
  98. I can see his point because he didnt specify either way I imagine, it seems like a weird thing to specify
  99. Hexy
  100. :
  101. Mental/Sensory Abilities:
  103. They are able to move their sensory processor anywhere on their body. They are almost completely self-aware -- having an almost human-like capability for emotion and other faculties. The T-1000 can scan and process their environment in many different ways through their hud. He also has an extensive database of martial arts, various combat methods, and most available forms of modern day information, making him an effective killing machine.
  104. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  105. :
  106. that's unspecified, not explicitly unstated
  107. just tell him no
  108. instead of trying to deauth him
  109. Hexy
  110. :
  111. He's already asspulled the ability to steal paranormal abilities once before.
  112. I told him that if he asspulled again, I'd revoke his character.
  113. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  114. :
  115. no he didnt, andrea told him he could for some reason
  116. I was there for this
  117. Hexy
  118. :
  119. He was aware of these, and chose to do it anyway.
  120. he did it for joy, too.
  121. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  122. :
  123. no he didnt
  124. he only did it for andrea
  125. Hexy
  126. :
  127. are you going to keep arguing with me or not?
  128. Because this is ahppening, and I don't give a flying fuck if you want it to or not.
  129. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  130. :
  131. well if you're wrong yes, because I was there both those times, I'm telling you how I saw it
  132. Hexy
  133. :
  134. He played a stupid fucking game.
  135. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  136. :
  137. if you want to do it anyway
  138. Hexy
  139. :
  140. and now he's getting punished for it.
  141. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  142. :
  143. because you have hurt feelings
  144. Hexy
  145. :
  146. Yes, how you saw it.
  147. You.
  148. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  149. :
  150. go ahead
  151. Hexy
  152. :
  153. > Hurt feelings.
  154. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  155. :
  156. You're buying everyone elses story
  157. Hexy
  158. :
  159. > warned him about this several times.
  160. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  161. :
  162. take it from both sides
  163. Hexy
  164. :
  165. because he's lied to me like, 15 times.
  166. I'm not buying that shit.
  167. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  168. :
  169. I havent
  170. Hexy
  171. :
  172. I'm sure.
  173. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  174. :
  175. and I'm telling you that he never once tried to say he could use joy's abilities
  176. in fact he said the opposite
  177. he said that for some reason he could use andrea's icly
  178. when I was right there
  179. go look in the logs for it if you want
  180. it was two nights ago
  181. around 12am for you probably
  182. or do you not care
  183. vandus was there for this
  184. ask him if you want
  185. Hexy
  186. :
  187. Why are you so insistent on making sure his character doesn't get de-authed?
  188. It's happening, that's final.
  189. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  190. :
  191. because I believe you're not making a fair decision and that statement kind of proves it, why are you so adamant on deauthing it, is it just because you don't like him?
  192. If it was anyone else but rogue I feel like you'd be giving them a slap on the wrist right now
  193. Hexy
  194. :
  195. I've already stated why.
  196. Twice.
  197. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  198. :
  199. yes that he asspulled
  200. Hexy
  201. :
  202. Last time I let this shit go, BOOSh happened.
  203. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  204. :
  205. but I'm pointing out how you misunderstood something that was seen in logs
  206. Hexy
  207. :
  208. So, I'm not letting it go this time.
  209. I don't care if he's your butt-budy IC.
  210. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  211. :
  212. he's not
  213. Hexy
  214. :
  215. he's fucked up and now he's losing the character for it.
  216. He /already/ got the warning.
  217. He made the additional violation.
  218. that's final.
  219. there is no disputing this.
  220. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  221. :
  222. you fucked up and now he's losing the character for it, but sure
  223. you completely misunderstood
  224. Hexy
  225. :
  226. I told him that if I caught him asspulling or do something off his app again, he'd lose the character.
  227. He just so happened to do that.
  228. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  229. :
  230. and he didnt even do it the first time
  231. Hexy
  232. :
  233. so he's losing the character.
  234. Yes he did.
  235. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  236. :
  237. no he said andrea's shit
  238. I was there, you werent
  239. Hexy
  240. :
  241. I don't care, at this point.
  242. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  243. :
  244. why are you so insistant
  245. Hexy
  246. :
  247. How about shut up, thanks.
  248. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  249. :
  250. this is why you need to leave the decision making to your admins, maybe have someone more mature like literally anyone else on the staff team handle it?
  251. the fact I'm trying to shed light on this situation to you and you're actually being a cock to me over it is fucking appaling
  252. Hexy
  253. :
  254. You haven't been dealing with rogue direction, nor can you see the application thread.
  255. And I had, infact.
  256. already discussed this with another admin on the staff team.
  257. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  258. :
  259. yes, mister I dont play
  260. mister I also wasnt there for this
  261. and whether I can see the app or not, hexy
  262. I was there, and I know what he said
  263. and that's not what he meant
  264. at all
  265. you have tunnel vision right now and it's so damn obvious, I am not saying you're incapable of making an administrative decision, but I'm saying it's practically idiotic to make one when you're actually this tilted over something
  266. whatever I say to you is disregarded because you just dont care
  267. Hexy
  268. :
  269. i wasn't 'tilted' until you and him jumped on my ass.
  270. When Rogue decided to start flinging insults around and shit, say.
  271. two days ago.
  272. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  273. :
  274. because I know he's a cunt and I wanted to explain it to you without being a cunt
  275. Hexy
  276. :
  277. I kept my relative cool.
  278. Now it's just getting annoying.
  279. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  280. :
  281. I explained it to you nicely and from my own perspective
  282. Hexy
  283. :
  284. And you lack the full story.
  285. I know what went on.
  286. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  287. :
  288. but you werent there
  289. I was
  290. Hexy
  291. :
  292. I have logs and screenshots.
  293. Good enough for me, really.
  294. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  295. :
  296. Show me
  297. I will fill in the blanks for you
  298. Hexy
  299. :
  300. I cba'd to dig them up.
  301. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  302. :
  303. but you cba'd to make a decision without them
  304. you know I can take a screenshot of someone saying "I can do magic" and send it to you, that doesnt make it evidence of asspull, at all
  305. Hexy
  306. :
  307. I was sent, like.
  308. a screenshot from a steam link, of the whole console.
  309. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  310. :
  311. I was there and he said ICly that for some odd and unexplained reason he could replicate andrea's powers but that he didnt think it'd work with other abilities
  312. he said this
  313. and I saw it with my own two eyes
  314. and you can dig it out of the logs if you want
  315. or ask vandus
  316. Hexy
  317. :
  318. there was also the fact he's been lying out of his ass, constantly.
  319. and going to people bragging about how overpowered t-1000 is.
  320. And I can pretty easily gets logs for that, if I wanted.
  321. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  322. :
  323. I can get logs of andrea doing it
  324. want me to?
  325. Hexy
  326. :
  327. Andrea hasn't done too much bad shit quite yet.
  328. So, now.
  329. I'm going to deal with Rogue.
  330. And could you stop hounding me?
  331. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  332. :
  333. rogue is kind of dumb sometimes but I dont think he did anything this time
  334. sure
  335. if you wanted to end the discussion, say so mate, you kept questioning and debating me, so obviously I wont say "yeah u right" if I dont think you're right
  336. so agree to disagree I guess lol
  337. Hexy
  338. :
  339. Uhuh.
  340. I look forward to the next time you cry when something doesn't go your way and I decide to take action against someone doing shit I told them not to do.
  341. It'll be amazing.
  342. Slim Shady (The Ǝmcyclopedia)
  343. :
  344. do you want to argue with me or not? you're making it look like you do
  345. I'm not crying and it's nothing to do with anything not going my way, I spoke objectively because I thought you were misinformed. If you think I'm weeping over the loss of this character, then you're sorely mistaken
  346. but if you think you can dickwave and be a cunt to anyone who tries to change your mind about anything because you've become stubborn to try and get rid of the popular stigma that you're spineless and unable to maintain a decision, then don't expect people to be helpful or nice to you in the future
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