
The Centaur of Attention (One Shot)

Jan 6th, 2015
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  1. >Day Crime and High Treason on Earth
  2. >Be Anonymous
  3. >It is far too early this morning for the pounding at your door
  4. >Slithering from your bed, you tiredly make your way across your quaint apartment
  5. >”Anon! Hey! You need to get up!”
  6. >That voice instantly chills your blood as you check the clock upon the wall
  7. >You throw the door open and see a familiar pink pony with curly locks
  8. >She smiles as wide as a mile before hoisting up a staggering platter of pancakes
  9. >”Hey, sleepyhead! I brought you breakfast.”
  10. “Pinkie… It is six in the morning.”
  11. >”Exactly! We have so much to do today and so little time.”
  12. “We have nothing to do today. There are no plans. You cannot simply invite yourself over and expect me to just get dragged around town again.”
  13. >She seems to sober up for the moment before cracking a wide grin again
  14. >”OK, so, I’ll call you in ten minutes and –then- we can make plans to go out?”
  15. “Pinkie…”
  16. >”Ohh~! Just nine more minutes until I call. You better get your phone.”
  17. “Pinkie, I…”
  18. >”You should also eat these pancakes. I made them especially for you.”
  19. “Wait, I just…”
  20. >”See? Toasted almonds and fresh cinnamon. Yummy~! I remember you said you liked cinnamon on your last birthday because it’s what good friends do, you know? The almonds were my treat to you and…”
  21. >You lose your temper for the moment and desperately interrupt
  22. “Pinkie Pie! Stop, please!”
  23. >She freezes in place in an awkward pose as the air grows still and quiet
  24. “Look, just… Let me have today off. I just want to stay in bed and not do anything.”
  25. >”Not anything?”
  26. “Nothing.”
  27. >”Are you sure?”
  28. “Yes, very sure.”
  29. >”Oh… I see…”
  30. >Pinkie looks above her head as if she is reading something you do not see
  31. >”Wait a minute. You don’t want to hang out with –me- again today.”
  32. “It’s not that, I just…”
  33. >She quickly cuts you off
  34. >”Ah, ah! But, are you going to be hanging out with –her-?”
  35. >Pinkie points down the hall to your would-be girlfriend’s room
  36. >She is smart and pretty and you share some of the same classes at university
  37. >It is fairly easy to see that you have been trying to get into a serious dating scene
  38. >You stare vacantly for the moment before shaking your head from side to side
  39. >”Umm, no. Probably. What does it matter?”
  40. >Pinkie pushes her tray of pancakes into your hands and crosses her chest with her forelegs
  41. >A grumpy expression takes over her once cheery face
  42. >”I don’t understand, Anon. You used to love hanging out with me and eating pancakes and just being my friend.”
  43. “I am still your friend, Pinkie.”
  44. >”Yeah, well, why does –she- keep getting in the way of our friendship?”
  45. >Pinkie eyes you closely as if the reasons were written on your being
  46. “Look, Pinkie, she’s a different kind of friend.”
  47. >Pinkie grumbles as she chews on her words
  48. >”I don’t see her bringing you pancakes.”
  49. >You have never quite seen this green-streak from Pinkie Pie before and her jealousy almost makes you chuckle
  50. “You have no need to be so protective, Pinkie. I promise our friendship is not at risk.”
  51. >A small smile peeks through her tight-lipped frown
  52. >”I believe you, Anon.”
  53. “Well, I am glad you…”
  54. >”But, I still think we should hang out today.”
  55. “Fine, yes. Let’s get together later, alright?”
  56. >”Perfect!”
  57. >Pinkie hops in place once and lands gently on her hooves
  58. >She trots off merrily enough and you feel you diffused the situation nicely
  59. >You size up the pancakes in your hand as the tension dips and lick your lips
  61. >Some time later at Twilight Sparkle’s temporary home
  62. >Be Pinkie Pie
  64. >Your voice blows Twilight’s mane back as she winces
  65. >”Pinkie… So good to see you.”
  66. >She twists her head around to look at you from her inverted position
  67. “Twilight, something terrible happened!”
  68. >”Terrible? What is it?”
  69. “Anon doesn’t want to be my friend anymore. I think I’m…”
  70. >You gasp as you press your face into Twilight
  71. >”… Being replaced!”
  72. >Twilight puts down her bottles and tubes and gives you her strict attention
  73. >”Don’t be ridiculous, Pinkie, Anonymous is not replacing you or any of us for that matter.”
  74. “Oh, I trust you, Twi, it’s just that Anon doesn’t want to hang out with me like he used to.”
  75. >Twilight pulls out a scroll and quickly reads through it
  76. >”Well, it is not exactly in his contractual obligations to Princess Celestia to spend time with us, but I think I see your concerns.”
  77. “I’ve been the same super-fun, ultra-hip, fan-tab-u-lastic friend as always. Maybe I’m just starting to get boring.”
  78. >You sigh heavily
  79. “You think it’s my mane?”
  80. >Twilight raises a sharp eyebrow to your question
  81. >”What do you mean?”
  82. “Well, Anon likes this new human girl who has a brown mane.”
  83. >”Pinkie, I don’t think that’s the reason.”
  84. “Well, he wants to spend time with her and I can’t figure out why.”
  85. >”Maybe… He wants…”
  86. >Twilight stops quickly and grows nervous
  87. “Wants what?”
  88. >”Well, to keep it short and simple, I believe Anon might be attempting to ‘court’ this human in the strange and confusing rituals of human romance. It’s really quite exciting. Did you know that humans give flowers to each other for the purpose of showing their feelings, but not for nutritional value? Fascinating.”
  89. >Twilight’s eyes shine with her science-y glimmer
  90. “I get it… So, Anon wants to play tennis with her? I can play tennis too, you know!”
  91. >”What?”
  92. “That’s why he wants her on the court, right?”
  93. >”Pinkie, no. I mean, Anon wants to date that human girl.”
  94. >A fearful grimace spreads over your face and Twilight quickly tries to reassure you
  95. “But, if he starts dating, I’ll never have time to hang out with him! I’ll just be his second best friend.”
  96. >”Pinkie, you may be overreacting.”
  97. “Twilight! We need magic!”
  98. >”I can’t ‘magic away’ Anon’s lover interest! It would ruin the results of my natural habitat study. Also, you have lots of other friends to spend time with.”
  99. >You fall to your knees and sob
  100. “But, Anon was my first human friend ever!”
  101. >”He is –still- your friend, Pinkie. Just because he wants to have another human friend doesn’t mean he’s giving you up.”
  102. >You stop and puzzle as hard as your puzzler can
  103. “You’re right, Twi.”
  104. >”Thank you for agreeing with me.”
  105. “Yes, indeed. You know your stuff. Anon wants another human friend and you’re going to make me a human to solve that!”
  106. >Exactly my point, Pinkie, thank… Wait, what?”
  107. >Twilight looks like she didn’t just give you that super-terrific idea
  108. “You said Anon wants another human friend, so all you have to do is make me a human and everything will be normal again!”
  109. >”I am not sure ‘normal’ is the right word.”
  110. >You grovel before Twilight and plead with her to help
  111. “Just a temporary spell, puh-lease!?”
  112. >”Pinkie, I don’t think you need to go to such extremes for this.”
  113. “I’ll give you every bit I have in the bank if it means getting my friend back!”
  114. >Twilight sighs and neighs in frustration
  115. >”Fine, hold still and let me see what I can do. No guarantees here, this could be very tricky.”
  116. >You know it is worth the risk and do your best to remain steady
  117. >Soon, you think, Anon will want to hang out with you!
  118. >Twilight’s magic rises above the hum of her gizmos with its own impressive pulse
  119. >She concentrates and her eyes glow white with power
  120. >This part is always neat to you
  121. >You watch the glittery, glowy glamour of Twilight’s spell before it reaches you
  122. >In an instant, you feel your whole self changing into something new
  123. >When the brilliance of magic finally fades, you giggle excitedly
  124. >Flexing your two new hands, you beam and cheer
  125. >You quickly touch your face and find you tiny human nose and pert human lips
  126. >The chin feels a bit pointed, but you are sure that is right
  127. >Sliding down, you feel your thin neck transition into your strong shoulders
  128. >A bit more and you find the strangely placed breasts of human females
  129. >Judging by how they fill your hands, you think they are ample enough
  130. “You did it, Twi!”
  131. >She does not share in your enthusiasm
  132. >”Uh, Pinkie, not sure how to say this, but the spell didn’t take as well as you had hoped.”
  133. >Turning your newly narrowed human torso, you look about yourself
  134. >Same adorable pink tail
  135. >Same shiny hooves
  136. >Same fuzzy and warm coat
  137. “Hmm, half human and half pony?”
  138. >You gasp happily
  139. “I’m something completely new! Now Anon has to hang out with me!”
  140. >”Centaurs aren’t exactly new, per se.”
  141. “I don’t see Anon hanging out with a lot of centaurs lately.”
  142. >You grin widely and sprint out of Twilight’s place
  143. >Destination: Anon’s Friendship!
  145. >Relaxing on your couch in front of the television
  146. >Be Anonymous
  147. >You have had an incredibly lazy day and it feels great
  148. >Warm shower, fuzzy slippers, and a bathrobe have been the highlights of today
  149. >A sudden knocking rings on your door
  150. >Unmistakably made by the hands of a young girl, you estimate
  151. >Straightening your hair, you open the door
  152. >To your surprise, you see part of a young girl
  153. >Her face is familiar in some way and you quickly try to place that much of her
  154. >”Anon, hey! You ready to go do something?”
  155. >The voice rings in your ear and it floods over you
  156. “P-Pinkie Pie?”
  157. >”Of course, silly!”
  158. “What happened to you?”
  159. >”Oh, I went home to freshen up a bit. Do you like it?”
  160. >She bats her eyes at you, which are a rather pretty blue now that you really take notice
  161. “No, no, I mean… All of this.”
  162. >You motion your hands around her top half and then bottom half
  163. >”Just a little something Twilight helped me with. I was worried you were bored of lil’ ol’ Pinkie pony.”
  164. >Your brow weighs heavy with concern as you look her over
  165. “I was not bored of you, Pinkie, just kind of tired today, really. You are still one of my best friends. I even ate most of the pancakes you brought over and they were amazing.”
  166. >You watch tears well up in Pinkie’s eyes and a happy grin stretch over her delicate face
  167. >”Oh, Anon, you are the best!”
  168. >Before you know it, Pinkie thrusts herself upon you in a big hug
  169. >She stands just under your head where you could see the top of her hair line
  170. >Her untamed hair rests in your face and smells not unlike confection sugar
  171. >You feel Pinkie’s latest assets press against you as her hug tightens before a little giggle rings out
  172. >”This is more fun than usual.”
  173. >Pinkie grinds absentmindedly against you a few more times
  174. >You finally separate her from yourself and she stares up at you with a silly grin on her face
  175. >”Umm, so, can I come in? We could watch some movies and I’ll make hot coco!”
  176. “Pinkie, it’s scorching outside.”
  177. >She brandishes two packets of instant coco from seemingly nowhere and smiles
  178. >”So?”
  179. “Fair enough.”
  180. >You step aside and let her saunter in
  181. >You cannot help but notice that her tail is lifted a bit higher than usual
  182. >Probably a pony… horse… centaur thing; whatever
  183. >Pinkie easily navigates your kitchen, having invaded it numerous times
  184. >You go back to being a couch lump as you await Pinkie
  185. >As usual, there is not much on
  186. >It does not take long for Pinkie to return and you have completely grown accustomed to her being a centaur now
  187. >”This is great, just two good friends hanging out. Being good friends, like us!”
  188. >Pinkie sets the cups of coco on the table and backs herself up
  189. >She is a fair bit wider like this and ends up half on your lap and partway on the couch
  190. >Her butt is warm and soft on your leg and you feel strangely comfy
  191. >”Oopsy, I think there’s a little more cushion back there now. Let me scoot.”
  192. >Pinkie’s wiggling proves futile as she only manages to grind further onto you
  193. “I-It’s Ok, I’ll just sit on the floor.”
  194. >”Umm, it’s fine, I can just sit in your lap. I’ve done it before, right? No big deal.”
  195. >Pinkie speaks slightly faster than normal and a look of worry spreads on her face
  196. >You cannot say she is heavier, but there is a certain something different
  197. >Without thinking, you run a hand over her back
  198. >Her skin is incredibly soft as you trace down her spine and over the furry lower half
  199. >Pinkie’s legs twitch quickly and you feel muscles throughout her body spasm
  200. >”A-Anon, what’re you doing back there.”
  201. “Heh, sorry, I did not mean…”
  202. >”No, it’s good.”
  203. >You smile faintly and pet her again
  204. >Something about her skin is marvelous on your finger tips and each stroke makes your fingers feel light and soft
  205. >”I-I’m glad you w-wanted to be m-my friend.”
  206. >An unexpected moan slips from Pinkie’s mouth, but she does nothing to cover it up
  207. “You should never worry about that.”
  208. >”Well, sometimes, I j-just ooh~, that spot! Rub that spot again.”
  209. >Your fingers rest between the shoulders of her horsely lower half and you stare at the strange structures
  210. >It does not take much to make Pinkie coo and you take a bit more satisfaction than you think you should
  211. >”T-Twilight told m-me… She t-told me w-what you want to do.”
  212. >You stop petting her for the moment and look up curiously
  213. >She turns to look at you with blush burning over her face
  214. >”You want to date that girl you’ve been spending time with, right?”
  215. “Well, maybe, I mean, I guess it would be nice.”
  216. >”Have you ever thought about maybe trying somep0ny else?”
  217. “Pinkie, are you asking me out?”
  218. >”Sometimes, you’re just so oblivious, Anon! I’ve been your best friend for, like, ever.”
  219. “Excuse me, I had no idea you would even. I mean, I did not think you would be interested in me as a human. Wait, did you try to make yourself a human just for that?”
  220. >”And I got all the important parts right!”
  221. >Pinkie points to her nose and arms quickly while your eyes wander a bit further down
  222. >She grins her playful grin
  223. >”So, would this work?”
  224. “I honestly do not know. We can try, I suppose.”
  225. >You feel a slight warmth running onto your lap as Pinkie grinds further
  226. >There is a sudden clarity to the world now that you realize this pony has been getting more and more attached
  227. >A gentle hand reaches out and touches your face
  228. >You look up to see Pinkie’s own smile
  229. >”So, I guess that means we’re special somep0nies now.”
  230. “Yeah?”
  231. >”This spell is a little, um, ‘inconvenient’ for me. I’m definitely going to need your help.”
  232. “Let’s just go slow to start… This is kind of new to me.”
  233. >”Of course, Anon.”
  234. >You smile lightly as your hand runs from her equine shoulders to the base of her tail
  235. >Pinkie looks like she is going to explode as you draw gentle circles around her flank and back down her silky rump
  236. >With confidence in your movements, you slide your fingers to Pinkie’s nethers
  237. >She is burning hot and you lightly rub her dribble over your hand
  238. >A pleasurable grunt and tail twitch tell you that you’re doing well
  239. >You slip two fingers into the boiling mare as you prod her
  240. >You cannot help but smile at how Pinkie responds with each rub and nudge
  241. >”Ooh~, Anon. Your fingers are so amazing.”
  242. >Picking up the pace, you elicit a throaty murmur from the pink pony
  243. >”D-deeper~.”
  244. >You oblige Pinkie as her groin begins to reflex
  245. >For your entertainment, you take a glance at all you have been fondling
  246. >Pinkie’s sex is pale white against her darker pink fur and your two fingers seem to be almost completely filling her
  247. >With one last pump, you feel muscles convulse and squeeze your digits
  248. >Pinkie shakes and breathes heavily as you slide from her
  249. “Was it that good?”
  250. >She smiles and weakly nods her approval
  251. >You raise the pony goo to your nose and gingerly inhale
  252. >It smells like salty caramel and, just to say that you did, you take a small taste
  253. >The smell is certainly greater than the taste, but not something you would describe as bad
  254. >”Wooh~, now that’s much more fun than -hoofin’- it!”
  255. >You smirk at the lewd pun before Pinkie’s hand begins to work its way under your bathrobe
  256. >Delicate, soft fingers waste no time in seizing your manhood and Pinkie smiles
  257. >She slowly removes herself from you and sits on the floor between your legs
  258. >”This is harder than I thought.”
  259. >Pinkie exposes you to the air as her grip forces you to stand at attention
  260. >”Human faces are really flat.”
  261. >Without much more conversing, Pinkie buries her face in your crotch
  262. >Your spine tingles straight up and into your brain as your eyes roll in utter bliss
  263. >Pinkie Pie is unusually skillful as she spins and twists you in her mouth
  264. >All you can do it run your fingers through her curly hair and hold on tight
  265. >Time feels as if it is still as Pinkie finally releases you
  266. >She takes a deep breath and wipes some drool away
  267. >”Wowie, Anon, you sure are pent up.”
  268. >She smacks her lips a few times before smiling
  269. >”Mmm, Cinnamon-y.”
  270. >She stands up and stretches her legs a few times
  271. >”Oh, I forgot to show you these!”
  272. >Your half-conscious mind hardly registers as Pinkie removes the strip of cloth that barely restrained her breasts
  273. “Lovely.”
  274. >You smile stupidly before giggling temptress beckons you to stand
  275. >”OK, I am so ready, Anon.”
  276. >Ready does not even begin to describe how madly aroused you are
  277. >Guided on scent alone, you press yourself against her marehood and slip in without effort
  278. >Her body feels deeper and hotter than you would imagine
  279. >”Oh yeah~, that’s the spot.”
  280. >Pinkie nearly cheers you on as you begin to thrust drunkenly into her
  281. “Ah, you feel so good.”
  282. >”Mmm, you too. I want every last drop of that baby batter, so don’t hold back for lil’ ol’ Pinkie Pie!”
  283. >You are spurred on like a ravenous beast as you sink your fingers into her strong backside
  284. >Wet sloshing and giggling rise into the air as your chest pounds from exertion
  285. >You watch the upper half of Pinkie’s pale skin jiggle with each plunge
  286. >Pinkie grabs her breasts and cradles them tightly as you go
  287. “Going to…”
  288. >”Yes! Oh, Celestia, yes! Pop my party favor!”
  289. >The silliness goes over your head as you slam your hips into Pinkie one last time
  290. >The sweet release of an overdue orgasm drains you and you hold yourself up with the soft pink butt before you
  291. “Can’t… Word… Brain… Tired.”
  292. >Pinkie moans and titters and shakes gently on her hooves
  293. >”That was amazing, Anon! You’re a natural!”
  294. >The sound of your wall clock chimes suddenly and you look over
  295. >Twelve on the clock, you read
  296. >You were at this for a while!
  297. >A sudden sense of wrongness takes hold of you on the final chime
  298. >Pinkie Pie flashes white quickly and the feel of magic dissipates from the room
  299. >You fall flat atop of the form of Pinkie you have become so use to over these few months
  300. >She lets out a rubbery squeak before you roll to one side
  301. >”Heh, I think Twilight’s spell finally ran out of juice.”
  302. >She places her hooves on her small belly and shakes it twice
  303. >”But, I’ve got plenty of yours for now!”
  304. >You chuckle weakly and wipe sweat from your face
  305. >Looking over to the much smaller pony, you smile
  306. >This could be the start of a beautiful relationship, you think
  307. >”Hey, Anon?”
  308. “Hmm?”
  309. >”You ready to go again?”
  310. >A wide smiles crosses the sultry pony’s mouth
  311. >Maybe you underestimated what it means to love a pony
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