
Army Men RTS EXE Strings

Sep 21st, 2019
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C++ 234.64 KB | None | 0 0
  1. CHAR WindowName[] = "Army Men RTS"; // idb
  2. CHAR ClassName[] = "ArmyMenRTS"; // idb
  3. char aUnableToExec_0[41] = "Unable to execute the required file '%s'"; // weak
  4. char aDSrcCodeAppgam[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\appgame\\winmain.cpp"; // weak
  5. char aStartupconfig[14] = "StartupConfig"; // weak
  6. CHAR aLibraryEngineS[] = "library\\engine\\startup.cfg"; // idb
  7. char aAmrtsS_log[] = "amrts-%s.log"; // idb
  8. char aMission[] = "Mission"; // idb
  9. char aShell[] = "Shell"; // idb
  10. char aIntro[] = "Intro"; // idb
  11. char aStart[] = "Start"; // idb
  12. char *off_68B7B8[7] =
  13. {
  14.   "p",
  15.   "client",
  16.   "ingame",
  17.   "shell",
  18.   "client",
  19.   "engine_loading.tga",
  20.   "engine_loading_back.tga"
  21. }; // weak
  22. char off_68B7BC[] = { '\x10', '¸', 'h', '\0' }; // idb
  23. char *off_68B7C0[5] = { "ingame", "shell", "client", "engine_loading.tga", "engine_loading_back.tga" }; // weak
  24. char *off_68B7C4[4] = { "shell", "client", "engine_loading.tga", "engine_loading_back.tga" }; // weak
  25. char *off_68B7C8 = "client"; // idb
  26. char *off_68B7CC = "engine_loading.tga"; // idb
  27. char *off_68B7D0 = "engine_loading_back.tga"; // idb
  28. char aClient_0[7] = "client"; // weak
  29. char aErrorLoadingBi[26] = "Error loading bitmap [%s]"; // weak
  30. char aDSrcCodeGameGa[29] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\gamegod.cpp"; // weak
  31. char aLoaderS[] = "Loader::%s"; // idb
  32. char aGameLoader[] = "Game::Loader"; // idb
  33. char aSSS[] = "[%s] [%s] %s"; // idb
  34. char aCompleted[] = "Completed"; // idb
  35. char aFilteringObjec[] = "Filtering objects for next load only..."; // idb
  36. char aMapSize_0fX_0f[] = "Map size (%.0f x %.0f) is invalid"; // idb
  37. char aDlgstudionewma[17] = "|DlgStudioNewMap"; // weak
  38. char aActiveNone[] = "Active   : None"; // idb
  39. char aActiveSS[] = "Active   : [%s] [%s]"; // idb
  40. char aSelectedNone[] = "Selected : None"; // idb
  41. char aSelectedSS[] = "Selected : [%s] [%s]"; // idb
  42. char aGameconfig[11] = "GameConfig"; // weak
  43. char aGameDebriefi_4[] = "Game::Debriefing::TeamColor"; // idb
  44. char aGameDebriefi_3[] = "Game::Debriefing::Statistic"; // idb
  45. char aGameDebriefi_2[] = "Game::Debriefing::Unlocking"; // idb
  46. char aGameDebriefi_1[] = "Game::Debriefing::Goal"; // idb
  47. char aGameDebriefi_0[] = "Game::Debriefing"; // idb
  48. char aGameSaveload[] = "Game::SaveLoad"; // idb
  49. char aGameCampaign_2[] = "Game::CampaignView"; // idb
  50. char aGameCampaignic[] = "Game::CampaignIcon"; // idb
  51. char aGameIntelligen[] = "Game::Intelligence"; // idb
  52. char aGameMissions_1[] = "Game::MissionSelectorImage"; // idb
  53. char aGameMissions_0[] = "Game::MissionSelector"; // idb
  54. char aGameMissionsel[] = "Game::MissionSelection"; // idb
  55. char aPreloadmesh[12] = "PreLoadMesh"; // weak
  56. char aPreloadimage[13] = "PreLoadImage"; // weak
  57. char aGamegod_load_1[23] = "gamegod.loader.setarea"; // weak
  58. char aGamegod_load_0[23] = "gamegod.loader.percent"; // weak
  59. char aGamegod_flow_s[19] = "gamegod.flow.state"; // weak
  60. char aGamegod_flow_a[20] = "gamegod.flow.action"; // weak
  61. char aGamegod_studio[19] = "gamegod.studiomode"; // weak
  62. char aGamegod_missio[30] = "gamegod.missions.systemactive"; // weak
  63. char aGamegod_miss_9[26] = "gamegod.missions.progress"; // weak
  64. char aGamegod_miss_8[25] = "gamegod.missions.current"; // weak
  65. char aGamegod_miss_7[22] = "gamegod.missions.lose"; // weak
  66. char aGamegod_miss_6[21] = "gamegod.missions.win"; // weak
  67. char aGamegod_miss_5[22] = "gamegod.missions.next"; // weak
  68. char aGamegod_miss_4[24] = "gamegod.missions.replay"; // weak
  69. char aGamegod_miss_3[22] = "gamegod.missions.play"; // weak
  70. char aGamegod_miss_2[24] = "gamegod.missions.launch"; // weak
  71. char aGamegod_miss_1[24] = "gamegod.missions.select"; // weak
  72. char aGamegod_chec_0[22] = "gamegod.check.objects"; // weak
  73. char aGamegod_check_[20] = "gamegod.check.types"; // weak
  74. char aGamegod_interf[18] = "gamegod.interface"; // weak
  75. char aGamegod_comple[21] = "gamegod.completegoal"; // weak
  76. char aGamegod_load[13] = "gamegod.load"; // weak
  77. char aGamegod_save[13] = "gamegod.save"; // weak
  78. char aGamegod_setnew[22] = "gamegod.setnewmapsize"; // weak
  79. char aGamegod_setwor[17] = "gamegod.setworld"; // weak
  80. char aGamegod_dosafe[19] = "gamegod.dosafeload"; // weak
  81. char aGamegod_loader[15] = "gamegod.loader"; // weak
  82. char aGamegod_flow[13] = "gamegod.flow"; // weak
  83. char aGamegod_miss_0[17] = "gamegod.missions"; // weak
  84. char aGamegod[8] = "gamegod"; // weak
  85. char aRegsetvalueexS[] = "RegSetValueEx: %s"; // idb
  86. CHAR ValueName[] = "Path"; // idb
  87. char aRegcreatekeyex[] = "RegCreateKeyEx: %s"; // idb
  88. char a__SystemRegist[21] = "../system\\registry.h"; // weak
  89. CHAR SubKey[] = "Software\\3DO\\ArmyMenRTS"; // idb
  90. char aAddingInterfac[] = "Adding interface resource %s\\%s"; // idb
  91. char aSS[] = "%s\\%s"; // idb
  92. void *off_68BDDC = &unk_6E7573; // weak
  93. char aBase[] = "base"; // idb
  94. char aLocalized[] = "localized"; // idb
  95. char aLanguage[9] = "language"; // weak
  96. char aSDF_bik[] = "%s-%d-f.bik"; // idb
  97. char aSDN_bik[] = "%s-%d-n.bik"; // idb
  98. char aI[2] = "i"; // weak
  99. char aIntro_0[6] = "intro"; // weak
  100. char aLoad[] = "Load"; // idb
  101. char *off_68BE2C = "group.cfg"; // idb
  102. char *off_68BE30 = "mission"; // idb
  103. char *off_68BE34 = "missioncrc"; // idb
  104. char aMission_0[8] = "mission"; // weak
  105. char aS_S_S[] = "%s.%s.%s"; // idb
  106. char asc_68BE64[] = "*"; // idb
  107. char off_68BE68[] = { '#', '%', 's', '\0' }; // idb
  108. char aS_description[] = "%s.description"; // idb
  109. char aFoundDMissions[] = "Found %d missions in %d groups"; // idb
  110. char aDSrcCodeGameMi[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\missions.cpp"; // weak
  111. char aMissions_0[] = "missions"; // idb
  112. char aLocal[] = "local"; // idb
  113. char a__[3] = ".."; // weak
  114. char a__1[] = "."; // idb
  115. CHAR Buffer[] = "Invalid pack file path [%s]"; // idb
  116. char aUnableToSetupA[47] = "Unable to setup active mission stream [%s][%s]"; // weak
  117. char aMedal[6] = "Medal"; // weak
  118. char aLastplaywon[12] = "LastPlayWon"; // weak
  119. char aLastplay[9] = "LastPlay"; // weak
  120. void *off_68BF44 = &unk_6E6F57; // weak
  121. char aDifficulty[11] = "Difficulty"; // weak
  122. char aKeySTypeDUnloc[] = "Key [%s] Type [%d] unlocked (campaign medal %d/%d)"; // idb
  123. char aDSrcCodeGamePr[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\progress.cpp"; // weak
  124. char aRecord[7] = "Record"; // weak
  125. char aPlaycounter[12] = "PlayCounter"; // weak
  126. char aUnlock[7] = "Unlock"; // weak
  127. char aMissions[9] = "Missions"; // weak
  128. char aDSrcCodeGameCa[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\campaigns.cpp"; // weak
  129. char aContinuemode[13] = "ContinueMode"; // weak
  130. char aLock[5] = "Lock"; // weak
  131. char *off_68C060 = "savegame"; // idb
  132. char *off_68C064 = "saveinfo.cfg"; // idb
  133. LPCSTR off_68C068 = "savedata.cfg"; // idb
  134. LPCSTR lpFileName = "savedata.blk"; // idb
  135. char aVersion[8] = "Version"; // weak
  136. char aMissiontime[12] = "MissionTime"; // weak
  137. char aMissionpath[12] = "MissionPath"; // weak
  138. char aMissionname[12] = "MissionName"; // weak
  139. char aUnableToWriteT[] = "Unable to write to file [%s]"; // idb
  140. char aDSrcCodeGameSa[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\savegame.cpp"; // weak
  141. char aGamesound[10] = "GameSound"; // weak
  142. char aIcontrol[9] = "IControl"; // weak
  143. char aAi[] = "AI"; // idb
  144. char aTaskctrl[9] = "TaskCtrl"; // weak
  145. char aMovement[9] = "Movement"; // weak
  146. char aDebriefing[11] = "Debriefing"; // weak
  147. char aViewer[7] = "Viewer"; // weak
  148. char aMapwindow[] = "MapWindow"; // idb
  149. char aClient[7] = "Client"; // weak
  150. char aGametime[9] = "GameTime"; // weak
  151. char aDone[] = " - Done"; // idb
  152. char aDirS[] = " - Dir  : [%s]"; // idb
  153. char aSlotS[] = " - Slot : [%s]"; // idb
  154. char aSavegameSave[] = "SaveGame::Save"; // idb
  155. char aSaveGameMissio[] = "Save game mission no longer exists [%s][%s]"; // idb
  156. char aPathS[] = " - Path : [%s]"; // idb
  157. char aNameS[] = " - Name : [%s]"; // idb
  158. char aSavegameLoad[] = "SaveGame::Load"; // idb
  159. char aUnableToFindSa[] = "Unable to find save game data for system [%s]"; // idb
  160. char *off_68C244 = "worlds"; // idb
  161. char *off_68C248 = "world"; // idb
  162. char aDSrcCodeGameWo[28] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\worlds.cpp"; // weak
  163. char aUnknownWorldSU[35] = "Unknown world [%s] used in mission"; // weak
  164. LPCSTR off_68C2C0 = "debriefing.cfg"; // idb
  165. char aGoalD[] = "goal-%d"; // idb
  166. char aTitle[] = "Title"; // idb
  167. char aShell_debriefi[] = "#shell.debriefing.unlock.type-%d.%s"; // idb
  168. char aMultiple[9] = "multiple"; // weak
  169. char aSingle[7] = "single"; // weak
  170. char aSlotD[] = "Slot-%d"; // idb
  171. char aUnknownStati_0[33] = "Unknown statistics mode for [%s]"; // weak
  172. char aDSrcCodeGame_0[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\game_debriefing.cpp"; // weak
  173. char aShell_debrie_3[29] = "#shell.debriefing.lost.title"; // weak
  174. char aShell_debrie_2[28] = "#shell.debriefing.won.title"; // weak
  175. char aD_0[] = "%d"; // idb
  176. char aShell_debrie_0[23] = "#shell.debriefing.time"; // weak
  177. char aUnlockeditems[14] = "unlockedItems"; // weak
  178. char aSecret[7] = "secret"; // weak
  179. char aGameDebriefing[] = "Game::Debriefing::Notify::Medal::%d"; // idb
  180. char aKills[] = "Kills"; // idb
  181. char aLosses[] = "Losses"; // idb
  182. char aTeamcolor[] = "TeamColor"; // idb
  183. char aShell_debrie_1[27] = "#shell.debriefing.computer"; // weak
  184. char aName[] = "Name"; // idb
  185. char aSlotD_0[] = "Slot%d"; // idb
  186. char aCampaign[9] = "Campaign"; // weak
  187. char aCampaignComple[20] = "Campaign::Completed"; // weak
  188. char aCode[5] = "Code"; // weak
  189. char aUnlockedtype[13] = "UnlockedType"; // weak
  190. char aUnlocked[9] = "Unlocked"; // weak
  191. char aGoals[6] = "Goals"; // weak
  192. char aFinish[7] = "Finish"; // weak
  193. char aUnlocking[10] = "Unlocking"; // weak
  194. char aUnknownConditi[] = "Unknown conditional goal [%s]"; // idb
  195. char aResource[9] = "Resource"; // weak
  196. char aSetting[8] = "Setting"; // weak
  197. char aAmount[7] = "Amount"; // weak
  198. char aKeySTypeDUnl_0[] = "Key [%s] Type [%d] unlocked (medal %d)"; // idb
  199. char aGoalDCompleted[] = "Goal [%d] completed"; // idb
  200. char *off_68C55C = "mods"; // idb
  201. LPCSTR off_68C560 = "mod.cfg"; // idb
  202. char *off_68C564 = "mods"; // idb
  203. char aFoundModTypeS[] = "Found mod type '%s'"; // idb
  204. char aDSrcCodeGameMo[26] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\mods.cpp"; // weak
  205. char aAddingModS[] = "Adding mod '%s'"; // idb
  206. char aInitializingMo[] = "Initializing mod '%s'"; // idb
  207. char aLoadingModS[] = "Loading mod '%s'"; // idb
  208. char *off_68C6A0 = "sides"; // idb
  209. char *off_68C6A4 = "sideconfig"; // idb
  210. char *off_68C6A8 = "*.cfg"; // idb
  211. char aDSrcCodeGameSi[27] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\sides.cpp"; // weak
  212. char *off_68C70C = "user"; // idb
  213. char *off_68C710 = "data.cfg"; // idb
  214. char *off_68C714[4] = { "saves", "user", "user.vars", "library\\language\\language.cfg" }; // weak
  215. char *off_68C718[3] = { "user", "user.vars", "library\\language\\language.cfg" }; // weak
  216. char off_68C71C[] = { 'D', 'ǧ, 'h', '\0' }; // idb
  217. LPCSTR off_68C720 = "library\\language\\language.cfg"; // idb
  218. char aUser[5] = "user"; // weak
  219. char aDSrcCodeGameUs[26] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\user.cpp"; // weak
  220. char aUser_createstr[18] = "user.createstring"; // weak
  221. char aUser_createflo[17] = "user.createfloat"; // weak
  222. char aUser_createint[19] = "user.createinteger"; // weak
  223. char aUser_unlock[12] = "user.unlock"; // weak
  224. char aUser_save[10] = "user.save"; // weak
  225. char aActivate[9] = "Activate"; // weak
  226. char aVolumemaster[13] = "volumemaster"; // weak
  227. char aVolumespeech[13] = "volumespeech"; // weak
  228. char aVolumemusic[12] = "volumemusic"; // weak
  229. char aShell_save[11] = "shell.save"; // weak
  230. char aShell_default[14] = "shell.default"; // weak
  231. char aShell_congratu[19] = "shell.congratulate"; // weak
  232. char aShell_totalkey[16] = "shell.totalkeys"; // weak
  233. char aCamera_defau_4[23] = "camera.default.keyrate"; // weak
  234. char aCamera_defau_3[25] = "camera.default.wheelrate"; // weak
  235. char aCamera_defau_2[26] = "camera.default.scrollrate"; // weak
  236. char aCamera_defau_1[25] = "camera.default.swooprate"; // weak
  237. char aCamera_defau_0[24] = "camera.default.spinrate"; // weak
  238. char aCamera_default[24] = "camera.default.edgerate"; // weak
  239. char aCamera_keyrate[15] = "camera.keyrate"; // weak
  240. char aCamera_wheelra[17] = "camera.wheelrate"; // weak
  241. char aCamera_scrollr[18] = "camera.scrollrate"; // weak
  242. char aCamera_swoopra[17] = "camera.swooprate"; // weak
  243. char aCamera_spinrat[16] = "camera.spinrate"; // weak
  244. char aCamera_edgerat[16] = "camera.edgerate"; // weak
  245. char aVibration[10] = "vibration"; // weak
  246. char aKeys[5] = "keys"; // weak
  247. char aDifficulty_0[11] = "difficulty"; // weak
  248. char aLastsaveslot[13] = "lastsaveslot"; // weak
  249. char aDisplayname[12] = "displayname"; // weak
  250. char aPlayer[7] = "Player"; // weak
  251. char aLanguageConfig[] = "Language configuration loaded [%s]"; // idb
  252. char aLanguage_0[9] = "Language"; // weak
  253. char aS_S[] = "%s.%s"; // idb
  254. char aVars[5] = "Vars"; // weak
  255. void *off_68CA00 = (void *)0x646441; // weak
  256. char aLockingmanager[15] = "LockingManager"; // weak
  257. char aConfigs[8] = "Configs"; // weak
  258. char aProgress[9] = "Progress"; // weak
  259. LPCSTR off_68CA28 = "difficulty.cfg"; // idb
  260. char aDSrcCodeGameDi[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\difficulty.cpp"; // weak
  261. int dword_68CAD4 = 1; // weak
  262. char aFailedToFindPl[] = " - failed to find player"; // idb
  263. char aOosWithS0x08xO[] = "OOS with [%s][0x%08X] on cycle [%d]"; // idb
  264. char aGotAReallyOldC[] = "Got a really OLD crc, ignoring [saved %d given %d]"; // idb
  265. char aGotAFutureCrcI[] = "Got a FUTURE Crc, ignoring [saved %d given %d age %d]"; // idb
  266. char aDSrcCodeGameSy[26] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\sync.cpp"; // weak
  267. char off_68CBA0[] = { 'S', 'i', 'm', '\0' }; // idb
  268. void *off_68CBA4 = &loc_534F4F; // weak
  269. char aCurrentUnitInf[] = "Current unit info dump"; // idb
  270. char a8dSSD[] = "%8d : %s [%s:%d]"; // idb
  271. char aRunningCrcForC[] = "Running CRC for cycle %d is %8d"; // idb
  272. char aSyncStringDump[] = "Sync String Dump [%08x]"; // idb
  273. char aAttemptToRedum[] = "Attempt to redump"; // idb
  274. char aTiming_fastdis[19] = "timing.fastdisplay"; // weak
  275. char aTiming_fastfor[19] = "timing.fastforward"; // weak
  276. char aTiming_readjus[16] = "timing.readjust"; // weak
  277. char aTiming_steponc[16] = "timing.steponce"; // weak
  278. char aTiming_pause[13] = "timing.pause"; // weak
  279. char aTiming_report[14] = "timing.report"; // weak
  280. char aTiming_reset[13] = "timing.reset"; // weak
  281. char aTiming[7] = "timing"; // weak
  282. char aSimcycle[9] = "SimCycle"; // weak
  283. char aIncgamecycleCy[] = "IncGameCycle cycle - %d"; // idb
  284. char aDSrcCodeGame_1[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\gametime.cpp"; // weak
  285. char aSimCycle10u[] = "Sim Cycle       - %10u"; // idb
  286. char aSimtotaltime10[] = "SimTotalTime    - %10.1f"; // idb
  287. char aSimulationTime[] = "Simulation Time - %10.2f"; // idb
  288. char aCurrentTime10u[] = "Current Time    - %10u"; // idb
  289. char aNextCycleTime1[] = "Next Cycle Time - %10u"; // idb
  290. char aCycle10u[] = "Cycle           - %10u"; // idb
  291. char aGameCycles[] = "Game Cycles"; // idb
  292. char aUnknownTimingV[24] = "Unknown timing var %08x"; // weak
  293. char aThisWillGetT_0[] = "This will get the game out of sync ... use client.pause instead"; // idb
  294. char aThisWillGetThe[] = "This will get the game out of sync ... use client.steponce instead"; // idb
  295. char aSound_player_i[18] = "sound.player.info"; // weak
  296. char aSound_player_t[20] = "sound.player.tracks"; // weak
  297. char aSound_player_7[28] = "sound.player.setfixedvolume"; // weak
  298. char aSound_player_6[26] = "sound.player.removeactive"; // weak
  299. char aSound_player_5[18] = "sound.player.loop"; // weak
  300. char aSound_player_4[23] = "sound.player.automatic"; // weak
  301. char aSound_player_r[20] = "sound.player.random"; // weak
  302. char aSound_player_3[18] = "sound.player.find"; // weak
  303. char aSound_player_2[18] = "sound.player.prev"; // weak
  304. char aSound_player_n[18] = "sound.player.next"; // weak
  305. char aSound_player_s[18] = "sound.player.stop"; // weak
  306. char aSound_player_p[18] = "sound.player.play"; // weak
  307. char aSound_player_f[18] = "sound.player.fade"; // weak
  308. char aSound_player_c[19] = "sound.player.clear"; // weak
  309. char aSound_player_1[22] = "sound.player.addtrack"; // weak
  310. char aSound_player_a[17] = "sound.player.add"; // weak
  311. char aSound_player_0[23] = "sound.player.loadtrack"; // weak
  312. char aSound_player_l[18] = "sound.player.load"; // weak
  313. char aSound_digital_[18] = "sound.digital.cpu"; // weak
  314. char aSound_player[13] = "sound.player"; // weak
  315. char aSound_digital[14] = "sound.digital"; // weak
  316. char aSound[6] = "sound"; // weak
  317. char aUsingUPercentO[] = "Using %u percent of CPU"; // idb
  318. char aNoTracksFoundC[] = "No tracks found containing [%s]"; // idb
  319. char aS_0[] = " - %s"; // idb
  320. char aS[] = "[%s]"; // idb
  321. char aNoActiveTrack[] = "No active track"; // idb
  322. char aSelectedTrackI[] = "Selected track is..."; // idb
  323. char aNowListeningTo[20] = "Now listening to..."; // weak
  324. char aAddedUTrackSFr[] = "Added %u track%s from %s"; // idb
  325. char aS_4[2] = "s"; // weak
  326. char aTrackSNotFound[] = "Track [%s] not found!"; // idb
  327. char aTrackSLoadedSu[] = "Track [%s] loaded successfully"; // idb
  328. LPCSTR off_68D0D0 = "intelligence.cfg"; // idb
  329. char *off_68D0D4 = "Intel"; // weak
  330. char aDistance[9] = "distance"; // weak
  331. char aDescription[12] = "description"; // weak
  332. char aIntelliegenceF[] = "Intelliegence file [%s] missing configured animation [%s]"; // idb
  333. char aDSrcCodeGame_2[39] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\game_intelligence.cpp"; // weak
  334. char aPlayingAnimati[] = " - playing animation [%s]"; // idb
  335. char aFile_D[] = "file.%d"; // idb
  336. char aShell_intel_to[19] = "#shell.intel.total"; // weak
  337. char aTotal[] = "Total"; // idb
  338. char aIndex[6] = "index"; // weak
  339. char aMesh[] = "Mesh"; // idb
  340. char aImage[] = "Image"; // idb
  341. char aSelectedS[] = "Selected [%s]"; // idb
  342. char aIntelligence[13] = "Intelligence"; // weak
  343. char aUnableToLoadMe[34] = "Unable to load mesh [%s] for [%s]"; // weak
  344. char aNoAssetConfigu[20] = "No asset configured"; // weak
  345. char aStreamSNotFoun[] = "Stream [%s] not found [%s]"; // idb
  346. char aEffectSNotFoun[] = "Effect [%s] not found [%s]"; // idb
  347. char aCouldNotPromot[33] = "Could not promote '%s' to 0x%.8X"; // weak
  348. char a__InterfaceIfa[21] = "../interface\\iface.h"; // weak
  349. char aSlotname[9] = "slotName"; // weak
  350. char aTitle_0[6] = "title"; // weak
  351. char aList[] = "List"; // idb
  352. char *off_68D2B0 = "MissionSelector"; // idb
  353. char asc_68D2C4[] = "-"; // idb
  354. char aObjective[10] = "objective"; // weak
  355. char aMissionobjecti[] = "MissionObjective"; // idb
  356. char aMissiontitle_0[] = "MissionTitle"; // idb
  357. char aMissionimage[] = "MissionImage"; // idb
  358. char aGameCampaign_0[] = "Game::CampaignView::Notify::Icon::Medal::%d"; // idb
  359. char aGameCampaignvi[] = "Game::CampaignView::Notify::Icon::Difficulty::%s"; // idb
  360. char aDescription_0[] = "Description"; // idb
  361. char aShell_campaign[23] = "#shell.campaign.number"; // weak
  362. char aNumber[] = "Number"; // idb
  363. char aInvalidOrNoMis[45] = "Invalid or no mission for campaign icon [%s]"; // weak
  364. char aDSrcCodeGame_3[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\game_campaign.cpp"; // weak
  365. char aMissiontitle[13] = "missionTitle"; // weak
  366. char aMissiondesc[12] = "missionDesc"; // weak
  367. char aSD_tga[] = "%s-%d.tga"; // idb
  368. char aGameCampaign_1[] = "Game::CampaignView::Notify::Rating::On::%d"; // idb
  369. char aCustomimage[] = "CustomImage"; // idb
  370. char aDuplicateIconS[37] = "Duplicate icon [%s] for mission [%s]"; // weak
  371. char aInvalidOrNoCam[48] = "Invalid or no campaign for campaign window [%s]"; // weak
  372. char aMissionteams[13] = "missionTeams"; // weak
  373. char aMissionsize[12] = "missionSize"; // weak
  374. char aMissionsave[12] = "missionSave"; // weak
  375. char aDefault[] = "default"; // idb
  376. char aGroup[6] = "group"; // weak
  377. char aSaveMissionFai[] = "Save mission FAILED [%s][%s]"; // idb
  378. char aMissionSavedS[] = "Mission saved [%s]"; // idb
  379. char aPreview[] = "Preview"; // idb
  380. char aGrouplist[] = "GroupList"; // idb
  381. char aCouldNotFind_0[44] = "Could not find control '%s' in control '%s'"; // weak
  382. char aRoot[] = "Root"; // idb
  383. char aMissionlist[] = "MissionList"; // idb
  384. char aTp08x[] = "TP::%08X"; // idb
  385. char aActive[7] = "Active"; // weak
  386. char aRemoveactive[13] = "RemoveActive"; // weak
  387. char aFade[5] = "Fade"; // weak
  388. char aLoop[5] = "Loop"; // weak
  389. char aAutomatic[10] = "Automatic"; // weak
  390. char aAddtrack[9] = "AddTrack"; // weak
  391. char aPathS_0[] = "Path:%s"; // idb
  392. char aDSrcCodeGameTr[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\game\\trackplayer.cpp"; // weak
  393. char a_mp3[] = "*.mp3"; // idb
  394. char aDSrcCodeGrap_6[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\vid_heap.cpp"; // weak
  395. char aImeshNoName[] = "IMESH No Name"; // idb
  396. char aS_1[] = "%s"; // idb
  397. char aImesh1_0[31] = "IMESH 1.0                     "; // weak
  398. CHAR Caption[] = "readIMESHVersion Error"; // idb
  399. char aErrorIncompati[] = "Error: Incompatible IMESH versions.\n%s%s\n%s%s"; // idb
  400. char aImeshReaderIs[17] = "IMESH reader is "; // weak
  401. char aImeshFileIs[17] = "IMESH file is   "; // weak
  402. char aImesh0_4[31] = "IMESH 0.4                     "; // weak
  403. char aMissingLocaleF[21] = "missing locale facet"; // weak
  404. char aC[] = "C"; // idb
  405. int dword_68D790 = 65536; // weak
  406. int dword_68D794 = 2; // weak
  407. int dword_68D798 = 196610; // weak
  408. DWORD dwStyle = 281280512u; // idb
  409. char aSetmodeDdxSetd[29] = "SetMode; ddx->SetDisplayMode"; // weak
  410. char aDxDD[] = "%dx%d %d"; // idb
  411. char aSetmodeDdxRest[33] = "SetMode: ddx->RestoreDisplayMode"; // weak
  412. char aDSrcCodeGraphi[29] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\vid.cpp"; // weak
  413. char aVidInitd3d1[] = "[VID INITD3D: 1]"; // idb
  414. char aVidInitd3dPreB[] = "[VID INITD3D: pre blends]"; // idb
  415. char aMain[] = "main"; // idb
  416. char aVidInitd3dPo_1[] = "[VID INITD3D: post pix]"; // idb
  417. char aInitd3dDeviceE[38] = "InitD3D: device->EnumTextureFormats()"; // weak
  418. char aVidInitd3dPo_0[] = "[VID INITD3D: post device]"; // idb
  419. char aInitd3dD3dCrea[29] = "InitD3D: d3d->CreateDevice()"; // weak
  420. char aVidInitd3dPost[] = "[VID INITD3D: post zbuf: %u, %u]"; // idb
  421. char aInitd3dD3dEnum[35] = "InitD3D: d3d->EnumZBufferFormats()"; // weak
  422. char aInitd3dDdxCrea[38] = "InitD3D: ddx->CreateSurface( zBuffer)"; // weak
  423. char aInitd3dBackAdd[44] = "InitD3D: back->AddAttachedSurface( zBuffer)"; // weak
  424. char aInitd3dNoZbuff[21] = "InitD3D: no zbuffers"; // weak
  425. char aVidInitd3dPreZ[] = "[VID INITD3D: pre zbuf]"; // idb
  426. char aInitd3dDdxQuer[45] = "InitD3D: ddx->QueryInterface( IID_IDirect3D)"; // weak
  427. char aVidInitd3d0[] = "[VID INITD3D: 0]"; // idb
  428. char a2dBit[] = "%2d bit"; // idb
  429. char a2dBit2dBitSten[] = "%2d bit %2d bit stencil"; // idb
  430. char aVidInitsurfa_0[] = "[VID INITSURFACES: 1]"; // idb
  431. char aBackbuffer[] = "backbuffer"; // idb
  432. char aInitsurfaces_2[33] = "InitSurfaces: ddx->CreateSurface"; // weak
  433. char aInitsurfaces_1[34] = "InitSurfaces: front->SetClipper()"; // weak
  434. char aInitsurfacesCl[33] = "InitSurfaces: clipper->SetHWnd()"; // weak
  435. char aInitsurfaces_0[35] = "InitSurfaces: ddx->CreateClipper()"; // weak
  436. char aInitsurfacesDd[39] = "InitSurfaces: ddx->CreateSurface %dx%d"; // weak
  437. char aInitsurfacesFr[42] = "InitSurfaces: front->GetAttachedSurface()"; // weak
  438. char aModeNotEnoughM[] = "mode: ! not enough memory for a triple buffer"; // idb
  439. char aVidInitsurface[] = "[VID INITSURFACES: 0]"; // idb
  440. char aVidRestoreSurf[] = "[VID RESTORE SURFACES: Alt-Tab]"; // idb
  441. char aTex3luMbFree3_[] = "tex :   %3lu mb  free %3.2f mb"; // idb
  442. char aMem3luMbFree3_[] = "mem :   %3lu mb  free %3.2f mb"; // idb
  443. char aModeUsingADo_0[] = "mode:   using a double buffered surface pair"; // idb
  444. char aModeUsingAFl_0[] = "mode:   using a flipable surface %s"; // idb
  445. char aPerfDTriplebuf[] = "perf:   %d triplebuf; %d  mipmap; %d  mipfilter; %d antialias; %d gamma"; // idb
  446. char aPixS[] = "pix :   %s"; // idb
  447. char aZbufS[] = "zbuf:   %s"; // idb
  448. char aModeUsingADoub[] = "mode: using a double buffered surface pair"; // idb
  449. char aModeUsingAFlip[] = "mode: using a flipable surface %s"; // idb
  450. char aPair[5] = "pair"; // weak
  451. char aTriplet[8] = "triplet"; // weak
  452. char aSS_0[] = "%s : %s"; // idb
  453. char aVidCurrent[] = "[VID CURRENT]"; // idb
  454. char a36s9d[] = "%-36s: %9d"; // idb
  455. char a31s9d[] = "     %-31s: %9d"; // idb
  456. char aVidHeap[9] = "vid heap"; // weak
  457. char aVidMemory[] = "[VID MEMORY]"; // idb
  458. int dword_68DD94[] = { 0 }; // weak
  459. int (*off_68DD98[7])() =
  460. {
  461.  &sub_4212E0,
  462.  &sub_421490,
  463.  &sub_421690,
  464.  &sub_4217C0,
  465.  &sub_4218F0,
  466.  &sub_421690,
  467.  &sub_421A20
  468. }; // weak
  469. int (*off_68DD9C[6])() = { &sub_421490, &sub_421690, &sub_4217C0, &sub_4218F0, &sub_421690, &sub_421A20 }; // weak
  470. int (*off_68DDA0[5])() = { &sub_421690, &sub_4217C0, &sub_4218F0, &sub_421690, &sub_421A20 }; // weak
  471. int (*off_68DDA4[4])() = { &sub_4217C0, &sub_4218F0, &sub_421690, &sub_421A20 }; // weak
  472. int (*off_68DDA8[3])() = { &sub_4218F0, &sub_421690, &sub_421A20 }; // weak
  473. int (*off_68DDAC[2])() = { &sub_421690, &sub_421A20 }; // weak
  474. int (*off_68DDB0)() = &sub_421A20; // weak
  475. _UNKNOWN off_68DDB4; // weak
  476. char *off_68DDB8[7] =
  477. {
  478.  "decal",
  479.  "decalAlpha",
  480.  "modulate",
  481.  "modulate2x",
  482.  "modulate4x",
  483.  "modulateAlpha",
  484.  &off_68DDD4
  485. }; // weak
  486. char aModulate[9] = "modulate"; // weak
  487. char aDecal[6] = "decal"; // weak
  488. char aVertZOutOfRang[] = "vert z out of range %f: tex: %s"; // idb
  489. char aIndexOutOfRang[] = "index out of range: tex"; // idb
  490. char aVertOutOfRange[] = "vert out of range %f,%f,%f: cur %d; count %d"; // idb
  491. char aDSrcCodeGrap_0[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\vidrend.cpp"; // weak
  492. char aTexMultitexDoe[] = "tex : ! multitex doesn't handle required blends: canceling"; // idb
  493. char aTexStage1Ble_0[] = "tex : ! stage 1 blend decalsimple x add invalid"; // idb
  494. char aTexStage1Blend[] = "tex : ! stage 1 blend %s invalid"; // idb
  495. char aTexStage0Blend[] = "tex : ! stage 0 blend %s invalid replacing with %s"; // idb
  496. char aTexStage0Texmo[] = "tex : ! stage 0 TexModulateAlpha invalid replacing with TexModulate"; // idb
  497. char aSForceDMatD[] = "%s: force %d; mat %d"; // idb
  498. char aNull[5] = "null"; // weak
  499. char aTextureS[] = "texture = %s"; // idb
  500. char aSAnimDS[] = "%s-anim-%d%s"; // idb
  501. char aCanTLoadTextur[] = "Can't load texture %s."; // idb
  502. char aDSrcCodeGrap_1[40] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\bitmap_manager.cpp"; // weak
  503. char a36s9ld3dx3dx2d[] = "%-36s: %9ld   %3dx%3dx%2d  mips%1d   %3s"; // idb
  504. void *off_68E060 = (void *)0x535953; // weak
  505. char (*off_68E064)[10] = &byte_444956; // weak
  506. void *off_68E068 = (void *)0x646976; // weak
  507. char a4ld26s9ld[] = "     %4ld %-26s: %9ld"; // idb
  508. void *off_68E084 = &unk_737973; // weak
  509. char a4ld31s9ld[] = "%4ld %-31s: %9ld"; // idb
  510. char aTextures[9] = "textures"; // weak
  511. char aVidGraphics[] = "Vid::Graphics"; // idb
  512. char aVid_clip_guard[20] = "vid.clip.guard.size"; // weak
  513. char aVid_letterbox[14] = "vid.letterbox"; // weak
  514. char aVid_heap_max[13] = "vid.heap.max"; // weak
  515. char aVid_movie_stop[15] = "vid.movie.stop"; // weak
  516. char aVid_movie_star[16] = "vid.movie.start"; // weak
  517. char aVid_tex_restor[16] = "vid.tex.restore"; // weak
  518. char aVid_tex_reload[15] = "vid.tex.reload"; // weak
  519. char aVid_tex_replac[16] = "vid.tex.replace"; // weak
  520. char aVid_tex_repo_5[21] = "vid.tex.report.usage"; // weak
  521. char aVid_tex_repo_4[22] = "vid.tex.report.manage"; // weak
  522. char aVid_tex_repo_3[20] = "vid.tex.report.surf"; // weak
  523. char aVid_tex_repo_2[20] = "vid.tex.report.bink"; // weak
  524. char aVid_tex_repo_1[21] = "vid.tex.report.frame"; // weak
  525. char aVid_tex_repo_0[19] = "vid.tex.report.all"; // weak
  526. char aVid_options[12] = "vid.options"; // weak
  527. char aVid_ambient[12] = "vid.ambient"; // weak
  528. char aVid_bucket[11] = "vid.bucket"; // weak
  529. char aVid_report_mod[17] = "vid.report.modes"; // weak
  530. char aVid_report_qui[17] = "vid.report.quick"; // weak
  531. char aVid_report_all[15] = "vid.report.all"; // weak
  532. char aVid_report_ter[19] = "vid.report.terrain"; // weak
  533. char aVid_report_m_0[22] = "vid.report.mesheffect"; // weak
  534. char aVid_report_mes[16] = "vid.report.mesh"; // weak
  535. char aVid_report_tex[15] = "vid.report.tex"; // weak
  536. char aVid_report_lig[17] = "vid.report.light"; // weak
  537. char aVid_report_mat[20] = "vid.report.material"; // weak
  538. char aVid_mode_set[13] = "vid.mode.set"; // weak
  539. char aVid_mode_repor[16] = "vid.mode.report"; // weak
  540. char aVid_driver_nex[16] = "vid.driver.next"; // weak
  541. char aVid_toggle_tra[20] = "vid.toggle.transort"; // weak
  542. char aVid_toggle_wai[23] = "vid.toggle.waitretrace"; // weak
  543. char aVid_toggle_fog[15] = "vid.toggle.fog"; // weak
  544. char aVid_toggle_m_0[21] = "vid.toggle.mipfilter"; // weak
  545. char aVid_toggle_mip[18] = "vid.toggle.mipmap"; // weak
  546. char aVid_toggle_fil[18] = "vid.toggle.filter"; // weak
  547. char aVid_toggle_mov[17] = "vid.toggle.movie"; // weak
  548. char aVid_toggle_dit[18] = "vid.toggle.dither"; // weak
  549. char aVid_toggle_spe[20] = "vid.toggle.specular"; // weak
  550. char aVid_toggle_mut[20] = "vid.toggle.mutitext"; // weak
  551. char aVid_toggle_tex[19] = "vid.toggle.texture"; // weak
  552. char aVid_toggle_wir[21] = "vid.toggle.wireframe"; // weak
  553. char aVid_fogcolor[13] = "vid.fogcolor"; // weak
  554. char aVid_fogdepthin[16] = "vid.fogdepthinc"; // weak
  555. char aVid_farplanein[16] = "vid.farplaneinc"; // weak
  556. char aVid_heap_che_1[20] = "vid.heap.check.tris"; // weak
  557. char aVid_heap_che_0[21] = "vid.heap.check.verts"; // weak
  558. char aVid_zbias[10] = "vid.zbias"; // weak
  559. char aVid_fogdepth[13] = "vid.fogdepth"; // weak
  560. char aVid_farplane[13] = "vid.farplane"; // weak
  561. char aVid_sun_color[14] = "vid.sun.color"; // weak
  562. char aVid_sun_minang[17] = "vid.sun.minangle"; // weak
  563. char aVid_sun_time[13] = "vid.sun.time"; // weak
  564. char aVid_alpha_near[15] = "vid.alpha.near"; // weak
  565. char aVid_alpha_far[14] = "vid.alpha.far"; // weak
  566. char aVid_alpha_ac_0[21] = "vid.alpha.activenear"; // weak
  567. char aVid_alpha_acti[20] = "vid.alpha.activefar"; // weak
  568. char aVid_clip_box[13] = "vid.clip.box"; // weak
  569. char aVid_clip_func[14] = "vid.clip.func"; // weak
  570. char aVid_clip_visua[16] = "vid.clip.visual"; // weak
  571. char aVid_clip_gua_0[22] = "vid.clip.guard.active"; // weak
  572. char aVid_render2[12] = "vid.render2"; // weak
  573. char aVid_render1[12] = "vid.render1"; // weak
  574. char aVid_transort[13] = "vid.transort"; // weak
  575. char aVid_checkverts[15] = "vid.checkverts"; // weak
  576. char aVid_waitretrac[16] = "vid.waitretrace"; // weak
  577. char aVid_fog[8] = "vid.fog"; // weak
  578. char aVid_antialias[14] = "vid.antialias"; // weak
  579. char aVid_filter[11] = "vid.filter"; // weak
  580. char aVid_dither[11] = "vid.dither"; // weak
  581. char aVid_specular[13] = "vid.specular"; // weak
  582. char aVid_texture[12] = "vid.texture"; // weak
  583. char aVid_flat[9] = "vid.flat"; // weak
  584. char aVid_wireframe[14] = "vid.wireframe"; // weak
  585. char aVid_dxtl[9] = "vid.dxTL"; // weak
  586. char aVid_hardtl[11] = "vid.hardTL"; // weak
  587. char aVid_mirror_deb[17] = "vid.mirror.debug"; // weak
  588. char aVid_mipfudge[13] = "vid.mipfudge"; // weak
  589. char aVid_mipdistanc[16] = "vid.mipdistance"; // weak
  590. char aVid_gamma[10] = "vid.gamma"; // weak
  591. char aVid_mipfilter[14] = "vid.mipfilter"; // weak
  592. char aVid_mipmap[11] = "vid.mipmap"; // weak
  593. char aVid_triplebuf[14] = "vid.tripleBuf"; // weak
  594. char aVid_tex_multi[14] = "vid.tex.multi"; // weak
  595. char aVid_tex_32[11] = "vid.tex.32"; // weak
  596. char aVid_tex_memory[15] = "vid.tex.memory"; // weak
  597. char aVid_tex_noswap[15] = "vid.tex.noswap"; // weak
  598. char aVid_driver[11] = "vid.driver"; // weak
  599. char aVid_mode[9] = "vid.mode"; // weak
  600. char aVid_report[11] = "vid.report"; // weak
  601. char aVid_heap_check[15] = "vid.heap.check"; // weak
  602. char aVid_heap[9] = "vid.heap"; // weak
  603. char aVid_movie[10] = "vid.movie"; // weak
  604. char aVid_tex_report[15] = "vid.tex.report"; // weak
  605. char aVid_tex[8] = "vid.tex"; // weak
  606. char aVid_clip[9] = "vid.clip"; // weak
  607. char aVid_guard[10] = "vid.guard"; // weak
  608. char aVid_alpha[10] = "vid.alpha"; // weak
  609. char aVid_perf[9] = "vid.perf"; // weak
  610. char aVid_mirror[11] = "vid.mirror"; // weak
  611. char aVid_toggle[11] = "vid.toggle"; // weak
  612. char aVid_sun[8] = "vid.sun"; // weak
  613. char aSettingModeSS[] = "Setting mode %s : %s"; // idb
  614. char aNoModeDxDxD[] = "No mode %dx%dx%d"; // idb
  615. char aMaxVertsDTrisD[] = "max verts: %d, tris: %d, bytes: %d"; // idb
  616. char aAmbientDDD[] = "ambient = %d %d %d"; // idb
  617. char a2_2d23_23sS[] = "[%2.2d] %23.23s : %s"; // idb
  618. char aFlushwhenfullD[] = "flushWhenFull = %d"; // idb
  619. char aFogdepth_1f[] = "fogdepth = %.1f"; // idb
  620. char aFarplane_1f[] = "farplane = %.1f"; // idb
  621. char *off_68E7DC[13] =
  622. {
  623.  "MeshRoot 4.0",
  624.  "MeshRoot 2.0",
  625.  "MeshRoot 3.0",
  626.  "MeshRoot 5.0",
  627.  "MeshRoot 6.0",
  628.  "MeshRoot 7.0",
  629.  "MeshRoot 8.0",
  630.  "MeshRoot 9.0",
  631.  "MeshRoot 10.0",
  632.  "MeshRoot 11.0",
  633.  "MeshRoot 12.0",
  634.  "MeshRoot 13.0",
  635.  "ShadowPlane 1.0"
  636. }; // weak
  637. char *off_68E7E0[12] =
  638. {
  639.  "MeshRoot 2.0",
  640.  "MeshRoot 3.0",
  641.  "MeshRoot 5.0",
  642.  "MeshRoot 6.0",
  643.  "MeshRoot 7.0",
  644.  "MeshRoot 8.0",
  645.  "MeshRoot 9.0",
  646.  "MeshRoot 10.0",
  647.  "MeshRoot 11.0",
  648.  "MeshRoot 12.0",
  649.  "MeshRoot 13.0",
  650.  "ShadowPlane 1.0"
  651. }; // weak
  652. char *off_68E7E4[11] =
  653. {
  654.  "MeshRoot 3.0",
  655.  "MeshRoot 5.0",
  656.  "MeshRoot 6.0",
  657.  "MeshRoot 7.0",
  658.  "MeshRoot 8.0",
  659.  "MeshRoot 9.0",
  660.  "MeshRoot 10.0",
  661.  "MeshRoot 11.0",
  662.  "MeshRoot 12.0",
  663.  "MeshRoot 13.0",
  664.  "ShadowPlane 1.0"
  665. }; // weak
  666. char *off_68E7E8[10] =
  667. {
  668.  "MeshRoot 5.0",
  669.  "MeshRoot 6.0",
  670.  "MeshRoot 7.0",
  671.  "MeshRoot 8.0",
  672.  "MeshRoot 9.0",
  673.  "MeshRoot 10.0",
  674.  "MeshRoot 11.0",
  675.  "MeshRoot 12.0",
  676.  "MeshRoot 13.0",
  677.  "ShadowPlane 1.0"
  678. }; // weak
  679. char *off_68E7EC[9] =
  680. {
  681.  "MeshRoot 6.0",
  682.  "MeshRoot 7.0",
  683.  "MeshRoot 8.0",
  684.  "MeshRoot 9.0",
  685.  "MeshRoot 10.0",
  686.  "MeshRoot 11.0",
  687.  "MeshRoot 12.0",
  688.  "MeshRoot 13.0",
  689.  "ShadowPlane 1.0"
  690. }; // weak
  691. char *off_68E7F0[8] =
  692. {
  693.  "MeshRoot 7.0",
  694.  "MeshRoot 8.0",
  695.  "MeshRoot 9.0",
  696.  "MeshRoot 10.0",
  697.  "MeshRoot 11.0",
  698.  "MeshRoot 12.0",
  699.  "MeshRoot 13.0",
  700.  "ShadowPlane 1.0"
  701. }; // weak
  702. char *off_68E7F4[7] =
  703. {
  704.  "MeshRoot 8.0",
  705.  "MeshRoot 9.0",
  706.  "MeshRoot 10.0",
  707.  "MeshRoot 11.0",
  708.  "MeshRoot 12.0",
  709.  "MeshRoot 13.0",
  710.  "ShadowPlane 1.0"
  711. }; // weak
  712. char *off_68E7F8[6] =
  713. {
  714.  "MeshRoot 9.0",
  715.  "MeshRoot 10.0",
  716.  "MeshRoot 11.0",
  717.  "MeshRoot 12.0",
  718.  "MeshRoot 13.0",
  719.  "ShadowPlane 1.0"
  720. }; // weak
  721. char *off_68E7FC[5] =
  722. {
  723.  "MeshRoot 10.0",
  724.  "MeshRoot 11.0",
  725.  "MeshRoot 12.0",
  726.  "MeshRoot 13.0",
  727.  "ShadowPlane 1.0"
  728. }; // weak
  729. char *off_68E800[4] = { "MeshRoot 11.0", "MeshRoot 12.0", "MeshRoot 13.0", "ShadowPlane 1.0" }; // weak
  730. char *off_68E804[3] = { "MeshRoot 12.0", "MeshRoot 13.0", "ShadowPlane 1.0" }; // weak
  731. char *off_68E808[2] = { "MeshRoot 13.0", "ShadowPlane 1.0" }; // weak
  732. char *off_68E80C = "ShadowPlane 1.0"; // weak
  733. char aGodfileLoadarr[41] = "GodFile::LoadArray: overflow %d ; max %d"; // weak
  734. char aDSrcCodeGrap_2[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\godfile.h"; // weak
  735. char aBadMrmLoadVert[23] = "Bad mrm load vertex %s"; // weak
  736. char aBadMrmLoadMrmS[20] = "Bad mrm load mrm %s"; // weak
  737. char aDSrcCodeGrap_3[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\meshload.cpp"; // weak
  738. char a_god[5] = ".god"; // weak
  739. char aSp0[5] = "SP-0"; // weak
  740. char off_68E98C[] = { 'g', 'o', 'd', '\0' }; // idb
  741. char aErrorLoadingS[17] = "Error loading %s"; // weak
  742. char aCorruptGodFile[17] = "Corrupt GOD file"; // weak
  743. char aChunksAreDeadB[21] = "Chunks are dead baby"; // weak
  744. char aPriority[9] = "Priority"; // weak
  745. char aSwitchable[11] = "Switchable"; // weak
  746. char aBeam[5] = "Beam"; // weak
  747. char aCone[5] = "Cone"; // weak
  748. char aAttenuation[12] = "Attenuation"; // weak
  749. char aRange[6] = "Range"; // weak
  750. char aColor[6] = "Color"; // weak
  751. char aAttach[7] = "Attach"; // weak
  752. char aUnknownLightTy[24] = "Unknown light type '%s'"; // weak
  753. char aEngine_light_f[23] = "engine_light_flare.tga"; // weak
  754. char aEngine_light_h[22] = "engine_light_halo.tga"; // weak
  755. char aEngine_light_s[26] = "engine_light_spotcone.tga"; // weak
  756. char aDSrcCodeGrap_4[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\light.cpp"; // weak
  757. char a36s8s3d3d3d[] = "%-36s:             %-8s %3d %3d %3d"; // idb
  758. char aSpot[5] = "spot"; // weak
  759. char aPoint[6] = "point"; // weak
  760. char aLights[7] = "lights"; // weak
  761. char aSS_1[] = "%s%s"; // idb
  762. char a_bik[5] = ".bik"; // weak
  763. char aSDS[] = "%s%d%s"; // idb
  764. char a_tga[] = ".tga"; // idb
  765. char aCanTRecreateSO[] = "Can't recreate %s on reload"; // idb
  766. char aDSrcCodeGrap_5[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\bitmap.cpp"; // weak
  767. char aCannotLoad32Bi[] = "Cannot load 32-bit image into 8-bit bitmap"; // idb
  768. char aCannotLoad24Bi[] = "Cannot load 24-bit image into 8-bit bitmap"; // idb
  769. char aUnsupportedTga[] = "Unsupported TGA image type [%d] for '%s'"; // idb
  770. char aUnsupportedTar[] = "Unsupported Targa orientation [%d] for '%s'"; // idb
  771. char aInvalidColorTa[] = "Invalid color table entry size [%d] for '%s'"; // idb
  772. char aUnsupportedB_0[] = "Unsupported bit depth [%d] for '%s'"; // idb
  773. char aWb[] = "wb"; // idb
  774. char aBinkedTextur_0[] = "binked texture is too hig: %d  max: %d"; // idb
  775. char aBinkedTextureI[] = "binked texture is too wide: %d  max: %d"; // idb
  776. char aBinkFileSIsBig[] = "Bink file %s is bigger than the back buffer: %d, %d"; // idb
  777. char aBitmapLoadbink[] = "Bitmap::LoadBink: Can't create surface"; // idb
  778. char aBinkFileSWidth[] = "Bink file %s width %d doesn't match surface %s width %d"; // idb
  779. char aCanTOpenBinkFi[] = "Can't open bink file %s : %s"; // idb
  780. char aS_bik[] = "%s.bik"; // idb
  781. char aSbucketmanLock[] = "%sBucketMan::Lock:  Adding a bucket %d"; // idb
  782. char aTran[5] = "Tran"; // weak
  783. char aDSrcCodeGrap_7[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\bucket.cpp"; // weak
  784. char aBucketFlushbuc[] = "Bucket::FlushBucket: !doDraw"; // idb
  785. char *off_68EE20 = "settings.cfg"; // idb
  786. char *off_68EE24 = "Vid::Settings4"; // weak
  787. int dword_68EE28 = 1; // weak
  788. char aTexturedetail[14] = "TextureDetail"; // weak
  789. char aWorlddetail[12] = "WorldDetail"; // weak
  790. char aGamma[6] = "Gamma"; // weak
  791. char aCurrmode[9] = "CurrMode"; // weak
  792. char aCurrdriver[11] = "CurrDriver"; // weak
  793. char aModecountD[] = "ModeCount%d"; // idb
  794. char aDriverD[] = "Driver%d"; // idb
  795. char aDeviceD[] = "Device%d"; // idb
  796. char aVideohardware[14] = "VideoHardware"; // weak
  797. char aUnableToWriteV[] = "Unable to write video settings file '%s'"; // idb
  798. char aDSrcCodeGrap_8[38] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\vid_settings.cpp"; // weak
  799. char *off_68EF10[6] =
  800. {
  801.  "engine_terrain_base.tga",
  802.  "engine_water.tga",
  803.  "engine_envmap_water.tga",
  804.  "engine_terrain_grid.tga",
  805.  "engine_terrain_edit.tga",
  806.  "engine_shadow.tga"
  807. }; // weak
  808. char *off_68EF14[5] =
  809. {
  810.  "engine_water.tga",
  811.  "engine_envmap_water.tga",
  812.  "engine_terrain_grid.tga",
  813.  "engine_terrain_edit.tga",
  814.  "engine_shadow.tga"
  815. }; // weak
  816. char *off_68EF1C[3] = { "engine_terrain_grid.tga", "engine_terrain_edit.tga", "engine_shadow.tga" }; // weak
  817. char *off_68EF20[2] = { "engine_terrain_edit.tga", "engine_shadow.tga" }; // weak
  818. char *off_68EF24 = "engine_shadow.tga"; // weak
  819. int dword_68EF28[] = { 0 }; // weak
  820. int dword_68EF44 = 255; // weak
  821. float flt_68EF68 =  1.0; // weak
  822. float flt_68EF6C =  1.0; // weak
  823. _UNKNOWN unk_68EF70; // weak
  824. char *off_68F03C = "terraindata"; // weak
  825. _UNKNOWN unk_68F040; // weak
  826. char aTerrain_report[15] = "terrain.report"; // weak
  827. char aTerrain_text_2[24] = "terrain.textures.report"; // weak
  828. char aTerrain_text_1[23] = "terrain.textures.purge"; // weak
  829. char aTerrain_shadef[23] = "terrain.shadefactorinc"; // weak
  830. char aTerrain_togg_0[21] = "terrain.toggle.water"; // weak
  831. char aTerrain_rend_0[22] = "terrain.render.render"; // weak
  832. char aTerrain_text_0[26] = "terrain.textures.animrate"; // weak
  833. char aTerrain_shro_4[24] = "terrain.shroud.fogvalue"; // weak
  834. char aTerrain_shro_3[20] = "terrain.shroud.rate"; // weak
  835. char aTerrain_shro_2[22] = "terrain.shroud.update"; // weak
  836. char aTerrain_shro_1[20] = "terrain.shroud.soft"; // weak
  837. char aTerrain_shro_0[22] = "terrain.shroud.active"; // weak
  838. char aTerrain_ligh_0[23] = "terrain.light.lightmap"; // weak
  839. char aTerrain_light_[20] = "terrain.light.quick"; // weak
  840. char aTerrain_offm_1[22] = "terrain.offmap.height"; // weak
  841. char aTerrain_offm_0[22] = "terrain.offmap.active"; // weak
  842. char aTerrain_wave_h[20] = "terrain.wave.height"; // weak
  843. char aTerrain_wave_s[19] = "terrain.wave.speed"; // weak
  844. char aTerrain_wave_a[20] = "terrain.wave.active"; // weak
  845. char aTerrain_wate_5[26] = "terrain.water.mirroralpha"; // weak
  846. char aTerrain_wate_4[23] = "terrain.water.colortop"; // weak
  847. char aTerrain_wate_3[23] = "terrain.water.colorbot"; // weak
  848. char aTerrain_wate_2[23] = "terrain.water.alphabot"; // weak
  849. char aTerrain_wate_1[29] = "terrain.water.alphatopfactor"; // weak
  850. char aTerrain_wate_0[20] = "terrain.water.speed"; // weak
  851. char aTerrain_water_[21] = "terrain.water.active"; // weak
  852. char aTerrain_shad_2[22] = "terrain.shadingfactor"; // weak
  853. char aTerrain_shad_1[23] = "terrain.shading.factor"; // weak
  854. char aTerrain_shad_0[23] = "terrain.shading.active"; // weak
  855. char aTerrain_basete[16] = "terrain.basetex"; // weak
  856. char aTerrain_smal_0[23] = "terrain.smallwavespeed"; // weak
  857. char aTerrain_smallw[24] = "terrain.smallwaveheight"; // weak
  858. char aTerrain_bigw_1[22] = "terrain.bigwavelength"; // weak
  859. char aTerrain_bigw_0[21] = "terrain.bigwavespeed"; // weak
  860. char aTerrain_bigwav[22] = "terrain.bigwaveheight"; // weak
  861. char aTerrain_render[15] = "terrain.render"; // weak
  862. char aTerrain_offmap[15] = "terrain.offmap"; // weak
  863. char aTerrain_textur[17] = "terrain.textures"; // weak
  864. char aTerrain_perf[13] = "terrain.perf"; // weak
  865. char aTerrain_wave[13] = "terrain.wave"; // weak
  866. char aTerrain_shroud[15] = "terrain.shroud"; // weak
  867. char aTerrain_water[14] = "terrain.water"; // weak
  868. char aTerrain_shadin[16] = "terrain.shading"; // weak
  869. char aTerrain_light[14] = "terrain.light"; // weak
  870. char aTerrain_toggle[15] = "terrain.toggle"; // weak
  871. char aTerrain_show[13] = "terrain.show"; // weak
  872. char aTerrain[8] = "terrain"; // weak
  873. char aTooManyTexture[19] = "Too many textures!"; // weak
  874. char aDSrcCodeGrap_9[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\terrain.cpp"; // weak
  875. char aTerrainOverlay[] = "terrain-overlay-%d.tga"; // idb
  876. char aSaveCellTextur[] = "Save: cell texture out of list"; // idb
  877. char aMissingOverlay[] = "missing overlay texture %d"; // idb
  878. char aUv1DOutOfRange[] = "uv1 %d out of range %d"; // idb
  879. char aOverlayDOutOfR[] = "overlay %d out of range %d"; // idb
  880. char aMapVersionDIsN[36] = "Map version (%d) is now unsupported"; // weak
  881. char aTerrainInterse[] = "Terrain::Intersect: overflow! start: %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f ; end: %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f ; step %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f"; // idb
  882. char aTooManyOverlay[19] = "Too many overlays!"; // weak
  883. char a31s9ld[] = "     %-31s: %9ld"; // idb
  884. char aTerrainTexture[17] = "terrain textures"; // weak
  885. char a2dX2dX3dS[] = "%2d x %2d x %3d  %s"; // idb
  886. CHAR aDirectdrawcrea[] = "DirectDrawCreateEx"; // idb
  887. CHAR ProcName[] = "DirectDrawEnumerateExA"; // idb
  888. CHAR LibFileName[] = "ddraw.dll"; // idb
  889. int dword_68F724 = 6; // weak
  890. char aSU_U_U_U[] = "%s : %u.%u.%u.%u"; // idb
  891. char aSD_02u_02u_04u[] = "%s : %d.%02u.%02u.%04u"; // idb
  892. char aDd2dNotAllowed[] = "dd  : ! 2D not allowed during 3D"; // idb
  893. char aDdHardwareNotC[] = "dd  : ! hardware not certified"; // idb
  894. char aDdDriverAllo_0[] = "dd  : ! driver allows nonlocal managed textures: TEXMANINNONLOCALVIDMEM"; // idb
  895. char aDdDriverAllows[] = "dd  : ! driver allows nonlocal managed textures: CANMANAGETEXTURE"; // idb
  896. char aDdNoHardware_0[] = "dd  : ! no hardware blt"; // idb
  897. char aDdNoHardwareBl[] = "dd  : ! no hardware blt stretch"; // idb
  898. char aDdNoGammaContr[] = "dd  : ! no gamma control"; // idb
  899. char aDdSupportsAsyn[] = "dd  : $ supports asynchronous blts"; // idb
  900. char aDdGammaCalibra[] = "dd  : $ gamma calibration"; // idb
  901. char aDdAlphaOnlySur[] = "dd  : $ alpha only surface support"; // idb
  902. char aDdS[] = "dd  : %s"; // idb
  903. char aDSrcCodeGra_11[36] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\vid_enumdx.cpp"; // weak
  904. char aDeviceReleased[] = "device released"; // idb
  905. char aCheckd3dComple[] = "CheckD3D complete"; // idb
  906. char aZbufNoneNecess[] = "zbuf:   none necessary."; // idb
  907. char aPixCS[] = "pix : %c %s"; // idb
  908. char aPixBumpmapD[] = "pix :   BumpMap%d"; // idb
  909. char aPixCompressedC[] = "pix :   Compressed%c"; // idb
  910. char aZbuf2dBit[] = "zbuf: * %2d bit"; // idb
  911. char aZbuf2dBitWith2[] = "zbuf: * %2d bit with %2d bit stencil buffer"; // idb
  912. char aInitddDdxSetco[69] = "InitDD: ddx->SetCooperativeLevel( DDSCL_NORMAL | DDSCL_FPUPRESERVE )"; // weak
  913. char aInitddDirect_0[30] = "InitDD: DirectDrawEnumerateEx"; // weak
  914. char aInitddDirectdr[27] = "InitDD: DirectDrawCreateEx"; // weak
  915. char aCanTDoWindowed[] = "Can't do windowed mode!"; // idb
  916. char aVidCaps[] = "[VID CAPS]"; // idb
  917. char aNoHardware3d[] = " - no hardware 3D"; // idb
  918. char aReportingFreeV[] = "Reporting free vidmem"; // idb
  919. char aReleasingD3d[] = "Releasing d3d"; // idb
  920. char aReleasingFront[] = "Releasing front"; // idb
  921. char aVidDirectDrawD[] = "[VID DIRECT DRAW DRIVER]"; // idb
  922. char aWinDxDD[] = "Win%dx%d %d"; // idb
  923. char aTooManyDevices[] = " - too many devices"; // idb
  924. char aMultimonMonito[] = " - multimon monitor (%d)"; // idb
  925. char aDeviceS[] = "Device: \"%s\""; // idb
  926. CHAR aDXDDBit[] = "%d x %d, %d-Bit"; // idb
  927. char aModeCSMemReqD[] = "mode: %c %*s  mem req %d"; // idb
  928. char aNo3dHardwareMo[] = "no 3D hardware modes"; // idb
  929. char aNoHardwareD3dD[] = "no hardware d3d devices"; // idb
  930. char aD3dNoFogging[] = "d3d : ! no fogging"; // idb
  931. char aD3dNoMipmappin[] = "d3d : ! no mipmapping"; // idb
  932. char aD3dNoTextureUv[] = "d3d : ! no texture uv clamp"; // idb
  933. char aD3dNoAlphaText[] = "d3d : ! no alpha textures "; // idb
  934. char aD3dOnlySquareT[] = "d3d : ! only square textures"; // idb
  935. char aD3dNoAgpTextur[] = "d3d : ! no agp texturing"; // idb
  936. char aD3dSeparateTex[] = "d3d : ! separate texture stage memory"; // idb
  937. char aD3dNoSinglePas[] = "d3d : ! no single-pass multitexturing"; // idb
  938. char aD3dSinglePassM[] = "d3d : * single-pass multitexturing: %d stages"; // idb
  939. char aD3dNoClipguard[] = "d3d : ! no clipGuard"; // idb
  940. char aD3dClipguard_1[] = "d3d : * clipGuard:  %.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f"; // idb
  941. char aD3dMaxTextureS[] = "d3d : * max texture size %dx%d"; // idb
  942. char aD3dFullScree_0[] = "d3d : ! full screen anitaliasing: sort dependent"; // idb
  943. char aD3dFullScreenA[] = "d3d : $ full screen antialiasing: sort independent"; // idb
  944. char aD3dCanSeparate[] = "d3d : $ can separate uv texture addressing modes"; // idb
  945. char aD3dEdgeAntiali[] = "d3d : $ edge antialiasing"; // idb
  946. char aD3dAnisotropic[] = "d3d : $ anisotropic filtering"; // idb
  947. char aD3dSortIndepen[] = "d3d : $ sort independent translucency"; // idb
  948. char aD3dZbufferLess[] = "d3d : $ zbuffer-less hidden surface removal"; // idb
  949. char aD3dBumpMapping[] = "d3d : $ bump mapping support"; // idb
  950. char aD3dCubicEnviro[] = "d3d : $ cubic environment mapping support"; // idb
  951. char aD3dConditional[] = "d3d : $ conditional non power-of-2 textures"; // idb
  952. char aD3dNonPowerOf2[] = "d3d : $ non power-of-2 textures"; // idb
  953. char aD3dPhongSpecul[] = "d3d : $ phong specularity"; // idb
  954. char aD3dHardwareAcc[] = "d3d : $ hardware accelerated tranform and lighting with %d active lights."; // idb
  955. char aD3dDoesnTSup_3[] = "d3d : ! doesn't support translucency."; // idb
  956. char aD3dDoesnTSup_2[] = "d3d : ! doesn't support mip mapping."; // idb
  957. char aD3dDoesnTSup_1[] = "d3d : ! doesn't support floating point vertex data."; // idb
  958. char aD3dDoesnTSup_0[] = "d3d : ! doesn't support textures."; // idb
  959. char aD3dDoesnTSuppo[] = "d3d : ! doesn't support draw primitives."; // idb
  960. char aD3dS[] = "d3d : ! %s"; // idb
  961. char aD3dCS[] = "d3d : %c %s"; // idb
  962. LPCSTR off_69000C = "library\\engine\\detail.cfg"; // idb
  963. int dword_690010 = 1; // weak
  964. char aVid_detail_tex[19] = "vid.detail.texture"; // weak
  965. char aVid_detail_wor[17] = "vid.detail.world"; // weak
  966. char aVid_detail[11] = "vid.detail"; // weak
  967. char aDetailDetectUs[] = "Detail::Detect: Using saved parameters (world=%d, texture=%d)"; // idb
  968. char aTextureDetailD[] = " - texture detail = %d (%.1f+ mb/%.1f+ mb)"; // idb
  969. char aWorldDetailDDM[] = " - world detail = %d (%d+ MHz)"; // idb
  970. char aDetailDetectCp[] = "Detail::Detect: CPU=%d Sys=%.1f Tex=%.1f"; // idb
  971. char aDSrcCodeGra_12[36] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\vid_detail.cpp"; // weak
  972. char aReduce[7] = "Reduce"; // weak
  973. char aSysmem[7] = "SysMem"; // weak
  974. char aTexmem[7] = "TexMem"; // weak
  975. char aMovies[7] = "Movies"; // weak
  976. char aGenericshadow[14] = "GenericShadow"; // weak
  977. char aShadows[8] = "Shadows"; // weak
  978. char aWeather[] = "Weather"; // idb
  979. char aOverlays[] = "Overlays"; // idb
  980. char aFarplane[9] = "FarPlane"; // weak
  981. char aMrmdist[8] = "MrmDist"; // weak
  982. char aMrmfactor[10] = "MrmFactor"; // weak
  983. char aFactor[7] = "Factor"; // weak
  984. void *off_6901B4 = (void *)0x555043; // weak
  985. char a4_4f[] = " %4.4f"; // idb
  986. char a36s9ldF4ldV4ld[] = "%-36s: %9ld   f%4ld v%4ld i%4ld"; // idb
  987. char a4d30s9ld[] = " %4d %-30s: %9ld"; // idb
  988. char aInstances[10] = "instances"; // weak
  989. char a36s9ldG6ldA6ld[] = "%-36s: %9ld   g%6ld a%6ld m%6ld"; // idb
  990. char aMemTotal[12] = "  mem total"; // weak
  991. char aDSrcCodeGra_13[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\meshman.cpp"; // weak
  992. char a36sF4ldV4ldN4l[] = "%-36s:           f%4ld v%4ld n%4ld u%4ld c%4ld m%3ld a%2ld"; // idb
  993. char aCanTFindMeshTy[] = "Can't find mesh type: %s"; // idb
  994. char aMeshInstances[15] = "mesh instances"; // weak
  995. char a4ld31s9ldG6ldA[] = "%4ld %-31s: %9ld   g%6ld a%6ld m%6ld"; // idb
  996. char aMeshTypes[11] = "mesh types"; // weak
  997. char a4d31s9d[] = "%4d %-31s: %9d"; // idb
  998. int dword_6902FC = 1065353216; // idb
  999. char aMat08x[] = "mat%08x"; // idb
  1000. char aDSrcCodeGra_14[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\material.cpp"; // weak
  1001. char a36s3d3d3d3d[] = "%-36s:                   %3d %3d %3d %3d"; // idb
  1002. char aMaterials[10] = "materials"; // weak
  1003. char aError_insuffic[27] = "ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER."; // weak
  1004. char aError_more_dat[17] = "ERROR_MORE_DATA."; // weak
  1005. char aError_io_pendi[18] = "ERROR_IO_PENDING."; // weak
  1006. char aUnrecognizedEr[26] = "Unrecognized error value."; // weak
  1007. char aError_invali_0[25] = "ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER."; // weak
  1008. char aDi_polleddevic[184] = "DI_POLLEDDEVICE : The device is a polled device.  As a result, device buffering will not collect any data and event notifications will not be signalled until GetDeviceState is called."; // weak
  1009. char aError_dev_not_[21] = "ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST."; // weak
  1010. char aError_not_enou[25] = "ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY."; // weak
  1011. char aError_invalid_[24] = "ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION."; // weak
  1012. char aNoError_[10] = "No Error."; // weak
  1013. char aTheIdirectsoun[126] = "The IDirectSound::Initialize method has not been called or has not been called successfully before other methods were called."; // weak
  1014. char aTheCallerDoesN[82] = "The caller does not have the priority level required for the function to succeed."; // weak
  1015. char aAnotherApplica[87] = "Another application has a higher priority level, preventing this call from succeeding."; // weak
  1016. char aNoSoundDriverI[38] = "No sound driver is available for use."; // weak
  1017. char aThisFunctionIs[65] = "This function is not valid for the current state of this object."; // weak
  1018. char aTheControlVolu[82] = "The control (volume, pan, and so forth) requested by the caller is not available."; // weak
  1019. char aTheBufferMemor[54] = "The buffer memory has been lost and must be restored."; // weak
  1020. char aTheSpecifiedWa[44] = "The specified wave format is not supported."; // weak
  1021. char aTheObjectIsAlr[35] = "The object is already initialized."; // weak
  1022. char aTheRequestFail[103] = "The request failed because resources, such as a priority level, were already in use by another caller."; // weak
  1023. char aD3derr_zbuff_0[31] = "D3DERR_ZBUFF_NEEDS_VIDEOMEMORY"; // weak
  1024. char aD3derr_zbuff_n[32] = "D3DERR_ZBUFF_NEEDS_SYSTEMMEMORY"; // weak
  1025. char aD3derr_viewp_0[27] = "D3DERR_VIEWPORTHASNODEVICE"; // weak
  1026. char aD3derr_viewpor[26] = "D3DERR_VIEWPORTDATANOTSET"; // weak
  1027. char aD3derr_surface[26] = "D3DERR_SURFACENOTINVIDMEM"; // weak
  1028. char aD3derr_scene_n[26] = "D3DERR_SCENE_NOT_IN_SCENE"; // weak
  1029. char aD3derr_scene_i[22] = "D3DERR_SCENE_IN_SCENE"; // weak
  1030. char aD3derr_scene_e[24] = "D3DERR_SCENE_END_FAILED"; // weak
  1031. char aD3derr_scene_b[26] = "D3DERR_SCENE_BEGIN_FAILED"; // weak
  1032. char aD3derr_noviewp[19] = "D3DERR_NOVIEWPORTS"; // weak
  1033. char aD3derr_notinbe[18] = "D3DERR_NOTINBEGIN"; // weak
  1034. char aD3derr_nocurre[25] = "D3DERR_NOCURRENTVIEWPORT"; // weak
  1035. char aD3derr_lightno[30] = "D3DERR_LIGHTNOTINTHISVIEWPORT"; // weak
  1036. char aD3derr_lightha[24] = "D3DERR_LIGHTHASVIEWPORT"; // weak
  1037. char aD3derr_light_s[24] = "D3DERR_LIGHT_SET_FAILED"; // weak
  1038. char aD3derr_mater_2[31] = "D3DERR_MATERIAL_GETDATA_FAILED"; // weak
  1039. char aD3derr_mater_1[31] = "D3DERR_MATERIAL_SETDATA_FAILED"; // weak
  1040. char aD3derr_mater_0[31] = "D3DERR_MATERIAL_DESTROY_FAILED"; // weak
  1041. char aD3derr_inval_4[22] = "D3DERR_INVALIDPALETTE"; // weak
  1042. char aD3derr_inbegin[15] = "D3DERR_INBEGIN"; // weak
  1043. char aD3derr_materia[30] = "D3DERR_MATERIAL_CREATE_FAILED"; // weak
  1044. char aD3derr_setview[30] = "D3DERR_SETVIEWPORTDATA_FAILED"; // weak
  1045. char aD3derr_matri_2[29] = "D3DERR_MATRIX_GETDATA_FAILED"; // weak
  1046. char aD3derr_matri_1[29] = "D3DERR_MATRIX_SETDATA_FAILED"; // weak
  1047. char aD3derr_matri_0[29] = "D3DERR_MATRIX_DESTROY_FAILED"; // weak
  1048. char aD3derr_matrix_[28] = "D3DERR_MATRIX_CREATE_FAILED"; // weak
  1049. char aD3derr_textu_9[27] = "D3DERR_TEXTURE_SWAP_FAILED"; // weak
  1050. char aD3derr_textu_8[30] = "D3DERR_TEXTURE_GETSURF_FAILED"; // weak
  1051. char aD3derr_textu_7[23] = "D3DERR_TEXTURE_BADSIZE"; // weak
  1052. char aD3derr_textu_6[27] = "D3DERR_TEXTURE_LOAD_FAILED"; // weak
  1053. char aD3derr_textu_5[29] = "D3DERR_TEXTURE_UNLOCK_FAILED"; // weak
  1054. char aD3derr_textu_4[27] = "D3DERR_TEXTURE_LOCK_FAILED"; // weak
  1055. char aD3derr_textu_3[30] = "D3DERR_TEXTURE_DESTROY_FAILED"; // weak
  1056. char aD3derr_textu_2[29] = "D3DERR_TEXTURE_CREATE_FAILED"; // weak
  1057. char aD3derr_textu_1[21] = "D3DERR_TEXTURELOCKED"; // weak
  1058. char aD3derr_textu_0[26] = "D3DERR_TEXTURE_NOT_LOCKED"; // weak
  1059. char aD3derr_texture[26] = "D3DERR_TEXTURE_NO_SUPPORT"; // weak
  1060. char aD3derr_execu_6[30] = "D3DERR_EXECUTE_CLIPPED_FAILED"; // weak
  1061. char aD3derr_execu_5[22] = "D3DERR_EXECUTE_FAILED"; // weak
  1062. char aD3derr_execu_4[29] = "D3DERR_EXECUTE_UNLOCK_FAILED"; // weak
  1063. char aD3derr_execu_3[27] = "D3DERR_EXECUTE_LOCK_FAILED"; // weak
  1064. char aD3derr_execu_2[30] = "D3DERR_EXECUTE_DESTROY_FAILED"; // weak
  1065. char aD3derr_execu_1[29] = "D3DERR_EXECUTE_CREATE_FAILED"; // weak
  1066. char aD3derr_execu_0[26] = "D3DERR_EXECUTE_NOT_LOCKED"; // weak
  1067. char aD3derr_execute[22] = "D3DERR_EXECUTE_LOCKED"; // weak
  1068. char aD3derr_inval_3[25] = "D3DERR_INVALIDVERTEXTYPE"; // weak
  1069. char aD3derr_inval_2[26] = "D3DERR_INVALIDRAMPTEXTURE"; // weak
  1070. char aD3derr_inval_1[28] = "D3DERR_INVALIDPRIMITIVETYPE"; // weak
  1071. char aD3derr_inval_0[30] = "D3DERR_INVALIDCURRENTVIEWPORT"; // weak
  1072. char aD3derr_invalid[22] = "D3DERR_INVALID_DEVICE"; // weak
  1073. char aD3derr_initfai[18] = "D3DERR_INITFAILED"; // weak
  1074. char aD3derr_devicea[24] = "D3DERR_DEVICEAGGREGATED"; // weak
  1075. char aD3derr_badmino[23] = "D3DERR_BADMINORVERSION"; // weak
  1076. char aD3derr_badmajo[23] = "D3DERR_BADMAJORVERSION"; // weak
  1077. char aTheVideoPortIs[30] = "The video port is not active."; // weak
  1078. char aAnAttemptIsM_0[76] = "An attempt is made to page unlock a surface with no outstanding page locks."; // weak
  1079. char aThereIsMoreDat[70] = "There is more data available than the specified buffer size can hold."; // weak
  1080. char aSurfacesCreate[98] = "Surfaces created by one direct draw device cannot be used directly by another direct draw device."; // weak
  1081. char aAnAttemptToP_0[130] = "An attempt to page unlock a surface failed. Page unlock will not work on a display-memory surface or an emulated primary surface."; // weak
  1082. char aAnAttemptToPag[126] = "An attempt to page lock a surface failed. Page lock will not work on a display-memory surface or an emulated primary surface."; // weak
  1083. char aAnAttemptWas_5[115] = "An attempt was made to allocate non-local video memory from a device that does not support non-local video memory."; // weak
  1084. char aThisSurfaceCan[76] = "This surface cannot be restored because it was created in a different mode."; // weak
  1085. char aTheDisplayIsCu[49] = "The display is currently in an unsupported mode."; // weak
  1086. char aTheSurfaceBein[55] = "The surface being used is not a palette-based surface."; // weak
  1087. char aAnAttemptIsMad[60] = "An attempt is made to unlock a surface that was not locked."; // weak
  1088. char aTheSurfaceIsAn[83] = "The surface is an optimized surface, but it has not yet been allocated any memory."; // weak
  1089. char aAnAttemptHasBe[67] = "An attempt has been made to flip a surface that cannot be flipped."; // weak
  1090. char aAnOverlayCompo[58] = "An overlay component is called for a non-overlay surface."; // weak
  1091. char aTheDeviceDoesN[48] = "The device does not support optimized surfaces."; // weak
  1092. char aTheOperation_8[104] = "The operation cannot be carried out because no mipmap texture mapping hardware is present or available."; // weak
  1093. char aNoDcHasEverBee[46] = "No DC has ever been created for this surface."; // weak
  1094. char aTheRequestedOp[90] = "The requested operation could not be performed because the surface was of the wrong type."; // weak
  1095. char aTheSurfaceCann[76] = "The surface cannot be restored because it is an implicitly created surface."; // weak
  1096. char aAnAttemptWas_4[87] = "An attempt was made to set the cooperative level when it was already set to exclusive."; // weak
  1097. char aADeviceContext[113] = "A device context (DC) has already been returned for this surface. Only one DC can be retrieved for each surface."; // weak
  1098. char aPrimaryAnd3DSu[89] = "Primary and 3-D surfaces, or surfaces that are implicitly created, cannot be duplicated."; // weak
  1099. char aWindowsCannotC[54] = "Windows cannot create any more device contexts (DCs)."; // weak
  1100. char aThePositionOfT[67] = "The position of the overlay on the destination is no longer legal."; // weak
  1101. char aTheProvidedR_0[76] = "The provided rectangle was not horizontally aligned on a required boundary."; // weak
  1102. char aThePreviousBli[100] = "The previous blit operation that is transferring information to or from this surface is incomplete."; // weak
  1103. char aAVerticalBlank[33] = "A vertical blank is in progress."; // weak
  1104. char aTheBitmaskInTh[74] = "The bitmask in the pixel format requested is not supported by DirectDraw."; // weak
  1105. char aTheFourccForma[60] = "The FourCC format requested is not supported by DirectDraw."; // weak
  1106. char aTheRegionPasse[78] = "The region passed to the IDirectDrawClipper::GetClipList method is too small."; // weak
  1107. char aThisProcessHas[52] = "This process has already created a primary surface."; // weak
  1108. char aTheIdirectdr_0[82] = "The IDirectDrawSurface3::GetOverlayPosition method is called on a hidden overlay."; // weak
  1109. char aThereIsNoHardw[60] = "There is no hardware support for 16- or 256-color palettes."; // weak
  1110. char aNoPaletteObjec[47] = "No palette object is attached to this surface."; // weak
  1111. char aTheIdirectdraw[177] = "The IDirectDrawSurface3::GetOverlayPosition method is called on an overlay that the IDirectDrawSurface3::UpdateOverlay method has not been called on to establish a destination."; // weak
  1112. char aClipperNotific[131] = "Clipper notification requires a window handle, or no window handle has been previously set as the cooperative level window handle."; // weak
  1113. char aSoftwareEmulat[37] = "Software emulation is not available."; // weak
  1114. char aHardwareOnlyDi[100] = "Hardware-only DirectDraw object creation is not possible; the driver does not support any hardware."; // weak
  1115. char aNoDirectdrawRa[60] = "No DirectDraw raster operation (ROP) hardware is available."; // weak
  1116. char aNoDirectdrawcl[63] = "No DirectDrawClipper object is attached to the surface object."; // weak
  1117. char aNoBlitterHardw[32] = "No blitter hardware is present."; // weak
  1118. char aTheGloballyUni[123] = "The globally unique identifier (GUID) passed to the DirectDrawCreate function is not a valid DirectDraw driver identifier."; // weak
  1119. char aDirectdrawIsPr[121] = "DirectDraw is prevented from restoring state because the DirectDraw cooperative level window handle has been subclassed."; // weak
  1120. char aTheDirectdrawC[140] = "The DirectDraw cooperative level window handle has already been set. It cannot be reset while the process has surfaces or palettes created."; // weak
  1121. char aADirectdrawObj[88] = "A DirectDraw object representing this driver has already been created for this process."; // weak
  1122. char aAnAttemptWas_3[114] = "An attempt was made to set a clip list for a DirectDrawClipper object that is already monitoring a window handle."; // weak
  1123. char aADirectdrawcli[131] = "A DirectDrawClipper object is attached to a source surface that has passed into a call to the IDirectDrawSurface3::BltFast method."; // weak
  1124. char aTheWidthReques[48] = "The width requested by DirectDraw is too large."; // weak
  1125. char aTheSizeRequest[96] = "The size requested by DirectDraw is too large. However, the individual height and width are OK."; // weak
  1126. char aTheHeightReque[49] = "The height requested by DirectDraw is too large."; // weak
  1127. char aTheRequestedSu[39] = "The requested surface is not attached."; // weak
  1128. char aAccessToTheS_1[190] = "Access to the surface is refused because the surface memory is gone. The DirectDrawSurface object representing this surface should have the IDirectDrawSurface3::Restore method called on it."; // weak
  1129. char aAccessToTheS_0[66] = "Access to the surface is refused because the surface is obscured."; // weak
  1130. char aAccessToTheSur[82] = "Access to the surface is refused because the surface is locked by another thread."; // weak
  1131. char aAnAttemptWas_2[104] = "An attempt was made to make a surface a dependency of another surface to which it is already dependent."; // weak
  1132. char aAnAttemptWas_1[92] = "An attempt was made to attach a surface to another surface to which it is already attached."; // weak
  1133. char aAccessToThisPa[83] = "Access to this palette is refused because the palette is locked by another thread."; // weak
  1134. char aAnAttemptWas_0[74] = "An attempt was made to have more than one color key active on an overlay."; // weak
  1135. char aTheHardwareDoe[48] = "The hardware does not support clipped overlays."; // weak
  1136. char aDirectdrawDo_2[73] = "DirectDraw does not have enough display memory to perform the operation."; // weak
  1137. char aTheHardwareNee[76] = "The hardware needed for the requested operation has already been allocated."; // weak
  1138. char aTheOverlaySurf[124] = "The overlay surfaces cannot be z-layered based on the z-order because the hardware does not support z-ordering of overlays."; // weak
  1139. char aTheOperationTo[165] = "The operation to create a z-buffer in display memory or to perform a blit using a z-buffer cannot be carried out because there is no hardware support for z-buffers."; // weak
  1140. char aTheOperation_7[117] = "The operation cannot be carried out because there is no hardware support for vertical blank synchronized operations."; // weak
  1141. char aTheOperation_6[97] = "The operation cannot be carried out because no texture-mapping hardware is present or available."; // weak
  1142. char aTheDirectdra_1[126] = "The DirectDrawSurface object is not using an 8-bit color palette and the requested operation requires an 8-bit color palette."; // weak
  1143. char aTheDirectdra_0[136] = "The DirectDrawSurface object is not using a 4-bit color index palette and the requested operation requires a 4-bit color index palette."; // weak
  1144. char aTheDirectdraws[124] = "The DirectDrawSurface object is not using a 4-bit color palette and the requested operation requires a 4-bit color palette."; // weak
  1145. char aTheOperation_5[89] = "The operation cannot be carried out because there is no hardware support for stretching."; // weak
  1146. char aNoSourceColorK[53] = "No source color key is specified for this operation."; // weak
  1147. char aAccessToThisSu[111] = "Access to this surface is refused because an attempt was made to lock the primary surface without DCI support."; // weak
  1148. char aTheOperation_4[90] = "The operation cannot be carried out because no rotation hardware is present or available."; // weak
  1149. char aTheRequestedIt[34] = "The requested item was not found."; // weak
  1150. char aTheOperation_3[110] = "The operation cannot be carried out because no appropriate raster operation hardware is present or available."; // weak
  1151. char aTheOperation_2[89] = "The operation cannot be carried out because no overlay hardware is present or available."; // weak
  1152. char aTheOperation_1[91] = "The operation cannot be carried out because no mirroring hardware is present or available."; // weak
  1153. char aNoGdiIsPresent[19] = "No GDI is present."; // weak
  1154. char aFlippingVisibl[44] = "Flipping visible surfaces is not supported."; // weak
  1155. char aTheOperationRe[113] = "The operation requires the application to have exclusive mode, but the application does not have exclusive mode."; // weak
  1156. char aDirectdrawSupp[68] = "DirectDraw support is not possible with the current display driver."; // weak
  1157. char aACreateFunctio[95] = "A create function is called without the IDirectDraw2::SetCooperativeLevel method being called."; // weak
  1158. char aTheOperation_0[104] = "The operation cannot be carried out because there is no hardware support for the destination color key."; // weak
  1159. char aTheSurfaceDoes[49] = "The surface does not currently have a color key."; // weak
  1160. char aTheOperationCa[98] = "The operation cannot be carried out because no color-conversion hardware is present or available."; // weak
  1161. char aNoClipListIsAv[27] = "No clip list is available."; // weak
  1162. char aNoAlphaAcceler[104] = "No alpha acceleration hardware is present or available, causing the failure of the requested operation."; // weak
  1163. char aNo3DHardwareOr[41] = "No 3-D hardware or emulation is present."; // weak
  1164. char aOneOrMoreSurfa[81] = "One or more surfaces are locked, causing the failure of the requested operation."; // weak
  1165. char aTheProvidedRec[36] = "The provided rectangle was invalid."; // weak
  1166. char aThePixelFormat[43] = "The pixel format was invalid as specified."; // weak
  1167. char aDirectdrawRece[69] = "DirectDraw received a pointer that was an invalid DirectDraw object."; // weak
  1168. char aDirectdrawDo_1[48] = "DirectDraw does not support the requested mode."; // weak
  1169. char aDirectdrawDo_0[52] = "DirectDraw does not support the provided clip list."; // weak
  1170. char aOneOrMoreOfT_0[82] = "One or more of the capability bits passed to the callback function are incorrect."; // weak
  1171. char aThePrimarySurf[87] = "The primary surface creation request does not match with the existing primary surface."; // weak
  1172. char aTheHeightOfThe[82] = "The height of the provided rectangle is not a multiple of the required alignment."; // weak
  1173. char aAnExceptionWas[71] = "An exception was encountered while performing the requested operation."; // weak
  1174. char aNoSupportIsCur[35] = "No support is currently available."; // weak
  1175. char aASurfaceCann_0[61] = "A surface cannot be detached from another requested surface."; // weak
  1176. char aASurfaceCannot[59] = "A surface cannot be attached to another requested surface."; // weak
  1177. char aTheObjectHasAl[41] = "The object has already been initialized."; // weak
  1178. char aDierr_alreadyi[62] = "DIERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED : This object is already initialized"; // weak
  1179. char aDierr_olddirec[87] = "DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION : The application requires a newer version of DirectInput."; // weak
  1180. char aDierr_betadire[113] = "DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION : The application was written for an unsupported prerelease version of DirectInput."; // weak
  1181. char aDierr_acquired[81] = "DIERR_ACQUIRED : The operation cannot be performed while the device is acquired."; // weak
  1182. char aOneOrMoreOfThe[66] = "One or more of the parameters passed to the method are incorrect."; // weak
  1183. char aDierr_baddrive[138] = "DIERR_BADDRIVERVER : The object could not be created due to an incompatible driver version or mismatched or incomplete driver components."; // weak
  1184. char aDierr_inputlos[85] = "DIERR_INPUTLOST : Access to the input device has been lost.  It must be re-acquired."; // weak
  1185. char aDierr_otherapp[250] = "DIERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO, DIERR_READONLY, DIERR_HANDLEEXISTS Another app has a higher priority level, preventing this call from succeeding, OR The device already has an event notification associated with it, OR The specified property cannot be changed."; // weak
  1186. char aDierr_notacqui[85] = "DIERR_NOTACQUIRED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired."; // weak
  1187. char aDierr_outofmem[57] = "DIERR_OUTOFMEMORY : This object has not been initialized"; // weak
  1188. char aDierr_objectno[60] = "DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND : The requested object does not exist."; // weak
  1189. char aDirectdrawDoes[65] = "DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation."; // weak
  1190. char aAnAttemptWasMa[134] = "An attempt was made to call an interface method of a DirectDraw object created by CoCreateInstance before the object was initialized."; // weak
  1191. char aTheObjectDoesN[41] = "The object does not support aggregation."; // weak
  1192. char aDierr_deviceno[87] = "DIERR_DEVICENOTREG : The device or device instance is not registered with DirectInput."; // weak
  1193. char aThereIsAnUndef[39] = "There is an undefined error condition."; // weak
  1194. char aE_pendingDataI[39] = "E_PENDING : Data is not yet available."; // weak
  1195. char aTheOperationIs[32] = "The operation is not supported."; // weak
  1196. char aTheRequestedCo[46] = "The requested COM interface is not available."; // weak
  1197. char aEndvPlaneDKD_0[63] = "!*endV: plane%d; k%d; iCountIn%d; iCount%d; vCount%d; inPool%d"; // weak
  1198. char aEndvPlaneDKDIc[62] = "!endV: plane%d; k%d; iCountIn%d; iCount%d; vCount%d; inPool%d"; // weak
  1199. char aStartvPlaneD_0[65] = "!*startV: plane%d; k%d; iCountIn%d; iCount%d; vCount%d; inPool%d"; // weak
  1200. char aStartvPlaneDKD[64] = "!startV: plane%d; k%d; iCountIn%d; iCount%d; vCount%d; inPool%d"; // weak
  1201. char aDSrcCodeGra_15[40] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\vidclip_screen.cpp"; // weak
  1202. char aViewGraphics[] = "View::Graphics"; // idb
  1203. float flt_693578 =  1.0; // weak
  1204. CHAR aAlpha[] = "alpha"; // idb
  1205. CHAR aDDD[] = "%d%d%d"; // idb
  1206. CHAR aDDDD[] = "%d%d%d%d"; // idb
  1207. CHAR aPalto8[] = "palto8"; // idb
  1208. CHAR aPal8[] = "pal8"; // idb
  1209. CHAR aPal4[] = "pal4"; // idb
  1210. CHAR aPal2[] = "pal2"; // idb
  1211. CHAR aPal1[] = "pal1"; // idb
  1212. char aMesheffect_ena[19] = "mesheffect.enabled"; // weak
  1213. char aMesheffect_0[11] = "mesheffect"; // weak
  1214. char aMesheffectBase[42] = "MeshEffect base class [%s] does not exist"; // weak
  1215. char aDefinitionScop[50] = "Definition scope for exsiting mesh effect type %s"; // weak
  1216. char aCanTResolveMes[34] = "Can't resolve mesh effect type %s"; // weak
  1217. char aDSrcCodeGra_16[43] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\mesheffect_system.cpp"; // weak
  1218. char a36s9lu[] = "%-36s: %9lu"; // idb
  1219. char a4ld31s9lu[] = "%4ld %-31s: %9lu"; // idb
  1220. char aMesheffectType[17] = "mesheffect types"; // weak
  1221. char aTextureSNotSqu[] = "Texture %s: not square."; // idb
  1222. char aTextureSHeight[] = "Texture %s: height not a power of 2"; // idb
  1223. char aTextureSWidthN[] = "Texture %s: width not a power of 2"; // idb
  1224. char aErrorAllocatin[] = "Error allocating %dx%dx%d bitmap"; // idb
  1225. char aDSrcCodeGra_17[38] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\bitmap_win32.cpp"; // weak
  1226. char aMesh_report[12] = "mesh.report"; // weak
  1227. char aMesh_envmap[12] = "mesh.envmap"; // weak
  1228. char aMesh_diffuse[13] = "mesh.diffuse"; // weak
  1229. char aMesh_transluce[18] = "mesh.translucency"; // weak
  1230. char aMesh_light_sin[18] = "mesh.light.single"; // weak
  1231. char aMesh_light_qui[17] = "mesh.light.quick"; // weak
  1232. char aMesh_load_mipm[17] = "mesh.load.mipmin"; // weak
  1233. char aMesh_load_terr[23] = "mesh.load.terrmipcount"; // weak
  1234. char aMesh_load_mipc[19] = "mesh.load.mipcount"; // weak
  1235. char aMesh_shadow__2[23] = "mesh.shadow.nightcolor"; // weak
  1236. char aMesh_shadow_ni[23] = "mesh.shadow.nightlight"; // weak
  1237. char aMesh_shadow__1[23] = "mesh.shadow.fadecutoff"; // weak
  1238. char aMesh_shadow__0[22] = "mesh.shadow.fadedepth"; // weak
  1239. char aMesh_shadow_fa[21] = "mesh.shadow.fadedist"; // weak
  1240. char aMesh_shadow_si[17] = "mesh.shadow.size"; // weak
  1241. char aMesh_shadow_y[14] = "mesh.shadow.y"; // weak
  1242. char aMesh_shadow_ca[17] = "mesh.shadow.cast"; // weak
  1243. char aMesh_load_th_2[24] = "mesh.load.thresh.tcoord"; // weak
  1244. char aMesh_load_th_1[24] = "mesh.load.thresh.normal"; // weak
  1245. char aMesh_load_th_0[24] = "mesh.load.thresh.vertex"; // weak
  1246. char aMesh_load_scal[16] = "mesh.load.scale"; // weak
  1247. char aMesh_load_opti[19] = "mesh.load.optimize"; // weak
  1248. char aMesh_load_mrmg[17] = "mesh.load.mrmgen"; // weak
  1249. char aMesh_load_frog[19] = "mesh.load.frogpose"; // weak
  1250. char aMesh_load_base[19] = "mesh.load.basepose"; // weak
  1251. char aMesh_load_defm[22] = "mesh.load.defmaterial"; // weak
  1252. char aMesh_load_god[14] = "mesh.load.god"; // weak
  1253. char aMesh_mrm_gen_n[26] = "mesh.mrm.gen.normalcrease"; // weak
  1254. char aMesh_mrm_gen_0[25] = "mesh.mrm.gen.mergethresh"; // weak
  1255. char aMesh_mrm_gen_m[26] = "mesh.mrm.gen.multinormals"; // weak
  1256. char aMesh_mrm_dista[18] = "mesh.mrm.distance"; // weak
  1257. char aMesh_mrm_facto[16] = "mesh.mrm.factor"; // weak
  1258. char aMesh_mrm_activ[16] = "mesh.mrm.active"; // weak
  1259. char aMesh_color_sha[23] = "mesh.color.shadowalpha"; // weak
  1260. char aMesh_color_env[20] = "mesh.color.envalpha"; // weak
  1261. char aMesh_color_alp[17] = "mesh.color.alpha"; // weak
  1262. char aMesh_color_bas[16] = "mesh.color.base"; // weak
  1263. char aMesh_color_tea[16] = "mesh.color.team"; // weak
  1264. char aMesh_show_shad[17] = "mesh.show.shadow"; // weak
  1265. char aMesh_show_sp1[14] = "mesh.show.sp1"; // weak
  1266. char aMesh_show_sp0[14] = "mesh.show.sp0"; // weak
  1267. char aMesh_show_mesh[15] = "mesh.show.mesh"; // weak
  1268. char aMesh_show_ov_0[21] = "mesh.show.overlaymip"; // weak
  1269. char aMesh_show_over[18] = "mesh.show.overlay"; // weak
  1270. char aMesh_show_envm[17] = "mesh.show.envmap"; // weak
  1271. char aMesh_show_orig[17] = "mesh.show.origin"; // weak
  1272. char aMesh_show_hard[21] = "mesh.show.hardpoints"; // weak
  1273. char aMesh_show_norm[18] = "mesh.show.normals"; // weak
  1274. char aMesh_show_boun[17] = "mesh.show.bounds"; // weak
  1275. char aMesh_show_inte[24] = "mesh.show.interpolation"; // weak
  1276. char aMesh_show_mult[22] = "mesh.show.multiweight"; // weak
  1277. char aMesh_toggle_or[20] = "mesh.toggle.origins"; // weak
  1278. char aMesh_toggle_ha[23] = "mesh.toggle.hardpoints"; // weak
  1279. char aMesh_toggle_no[20] = "mesh.toggle.normals"; // weak
  1280. char aMesh_toggle_bo[19] = "mesh.toggle.bounds"; // weak
  1281. char aMesh_toggle_in[26] = "mesh.toggle.interpolation"; // weak
  1282. char aMesh_toggle_we[22] = "mesh.toggle.weighting"; // weak
  1283. char aMesh_toggle_mr[16] = "mesh.toggle.mrm"; // weak
  1284. char aMesh_toggle_ba[21] = "mesh.toggle.basepose"; // weak
  1285. char aMesh_dump_heir[20] = "mesh.dump.heirarchy"; // weak
  1286. char aMesh_dump_of_0[20] = "mesh.dump.offsetall"; // weak
  1287. char aMesh_dump_offs[17] = "mesh.dump.offset"; // weak
  1288. char aMesh_shadow[12] = "mesh.shadow"; // weak
  1289. char aMesh_dump[10] = "mesh.dump"; // weak
  1290. char aMesh_anim[10] = "mesh.anim"; // weak
  1291. char aMesh_light[11] = "mesh.light"; // weak
  1292. char aMesh_god[9] = "mesh.god"; // weak
  1293. char aMesh_color[11] = "mesh.color"; // weak
  1294. char aMesh_toggle[12] = "mesh.toggle"; // weak
  1295. char aMesh_load_thre[17] = "mesh.load.thresh"; // weak
  1296. char aMesh_load[10] = "mesh.load"; // weak
  1297. char aMesh_show[10] = "mesh.show"; // weak
  1298. char aMesh_mrm_gen[13] = "mesh.mrm.gen"; // weak
  1299. char aMesh_mrm[9] = "mesh.mrm"; // weak
  1300. char aMesh_0[5] = "mesh"; // weak
  1301. char aApp_offsetDstn[] = "app.offset [dstnode] [opt:srcnode]"; // idb
  1302. char aPositFFF[] = "posit %f,%f,%f"; // idb
  1303. char aFrontFFF[] = "front %f,%f,%f"; // idb
  1304. char aUpFFF[] = "up    %f,%f,%f"; // idb
  1305. char aRightFFF[] = "right %f,%f,%f"; // idb
  1306. char aDiffuse_2f[] = "diffuse = %.2f"; // idb
  1307. char aEnvmapS[] = "envmap = %s"; // idb
  1308. char aScale[] = "Scale"; // idb
  1309. char aPosition[9] = "Position"; // weak
  1310. char aQuaternion[11] = "Quaternion"; // weak
  1311. char aSpositFFF[] = "%sposit %f,%f,%f"; // idb
  1312. char aSfrontFFF[] = "%sfront %f,%f,%f"; // idb
  1313. char aSupFFF[] = "%sup    %f,%f,%f"; // idb
  1314. char aSrightFFF[] = "%sright %f,%f,%f"; // idb
  1315. char aDSrcCodeGra_18[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\family.cpp"; // weak
  1316. char aSetupstatesFai[19] = "SetupStates failed"; // weak
  1317. char aDSrcCodeGra_19[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\mesh.cpp"; // weak
  1318. char aShadow_tga[12] = "-shadow.tga"; // weak
  1319. _UNKNOWN unk_693E64; // weak
  1320. char aSBadOverlay[] = "%s: bad overlay"; // idb
  1321. char aDSrcCodeGra_20[36] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\mesh_win32.cpp"; // weak
  1322. char aCp[] = "cp-"; // idb
  1323. char aTreads[] = "treads"; // idb
  1324. char aTread[] = "tread"; // idb
  1325. char aTinyPlaneInS[] = "tiny plane in %s"; // idb
  1326. char aMeshrootComp_2[] = "MeshRoot::CompressStates: after  = %d"; // idb
  1327. char aRemovingStateS[] = "removing state: %s"; // idb
  1328. char aMeshrootComp_1[] = "MeshRoot::CompressStates: used  = %d"; // idb
  1329. char aMeshrootComp_0[] = "MeshRoot::CompressStates: before = %d"; // idb
  1330. char aMeshrootCompre[] = "MeshRoot::CompressStates: %s, already compressed"; // idb
  1331. char aSTooManyVertsF[] = "%s: too many verts/faces: vCount %d max %d ; iCount %d max %d"; // idb
  1332. char aTooManyTrisInS[] = "Too many tris in: %s ; %d ; max %d"; // idb
  1333. char aTooManyTextu_0[] = "Too many texture coords in: %s ; %d ; max %d"; // idb
  1334. char aTooManyNormals[] = "Too many normals in: %s ; %d ; max %d"; // idb
  1335. char aTooManyVertsIn[] = "Too many verts in: %s ; %d ; max %d"; // idb
  1336. char aTooManyMateria[] = "Too many materials in: %s ; %d ; max %d"; // idb
  1337. LPCSTR off_694118 = "library\\engine\\video.cfg"; // idb
  1338. char aVideoconfig[] = "VideoConfig"; // idb
  1339. CHAR aError[] = "Error"; // idb
  1340. CHAR aStatic[] = "STATIC"; // idb
  1341. CHAR aMultipleDriver[] = "Multiple drivers detected, select one."; // idb
  1342. CHAR aButton[] = "BUTTON"; // idb
  1343. CHAR off_694184[] = { '&', 'O', 'K', '\0' }; // idb
  1344. CHAR aSelectVideoCar[] = "Select Video Card Driver"; // idb
  1345. char aTerrainRenderc[] = "Terrain::RenderCluster: can't lock bucket!"; // idb
  1346. char aDSrcCodeGra_21[46] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\terrain_render_quick.cpp"; // weak
  1347. _UNKNOWN unk_694200; // weak
  1348. float flt_6942C0 =  10.0; // weak
  1349. char aTerrainRende_0[] = "Terrain::RenderCluster: can't lock overlay bucket!"; // idb
  1350. char aDSrcCodeGra_22[49] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\terrain_render_vertextl.cpp"; // weak
  1351. char aDSrcCodeGra_23[48] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\terrain_render_vertexc.cpp"; // weak
  1352. char aSkyLevel_1f[] = "sky level = %.1f"; // idb
  1353. char aTerrain_sky__3[21] = "terrain.sky.levelinc"; // weak
  1354. char aTerrain_clou_1[21] = "terrain.cloud.offset"; // weak
  1355. char aTerrain_clou_0[20] = "terrain.cloud.speed"; // weak
  1356. char aTerrain_cloud_[21] = "terrain.cloud.active"; // weak
  1357. char aTerrain_sky_al[18] = "terrain.sky.alpha"; // weak
  1358. char aTerrain_sky__2[22] = "terrain.sky.level.cam"; // weak
  1359. char aTerrain_sky__1[25] = "terrain.sky.level.factor"; // weak
  1360. char aTerrain_sky__0[25] = "terrain.sky.level.offset"; // weak
  1361. char aTerrain_sky_su[16] = "terrain.sky.sun"; // weak
  1362. char aTerrain_sky_me[17] = "terrain.sky.mesh"; // weak
  1363. char aEngine_sky_god[15] = "engine_sky.god"; // weak
  1364. char aTerrain_cloud[14] = "terrain.cloud"; // weak
  1365. char aTerrain_sky_le[18] = "terrain.sky.level"; // weak
  1366. char aTerrain_sky[12] = "terrain.sky"; // weak
  1367. char aZero[5] = "zero"; // weak
  1368. char asc_694534[4] = " | "; // weak
  1369. char aSSS_0[] = "%s %s %s"; // idb
  1370. char aBeamCountDVDID[] = "BEAM: count %d; v %d; i %d"; // idb
  1371. char aDSrcCodeGra_24[36] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\vid_sprite.cpp"; // weak
  1372. char aStatistics__10[23] = "statistics.tris.noclip"; // weak
  1373. char aStatistics_t_9[21] = "statistics.tris.clip"; // weak
  1374. char aStatistics_t_8[22] = "statistics.tris.total"; // weak
  1375. char aStatistics_t_7[22] = "statistics.tris.iface"; // weak
  1376. char aStatistics_t_6[23] = "statistics.tris.nonmrm"; // weak
  1377. char aStatistics_t_5[20] = "statistics.tris.mrm"; // weak
  1378. char aStatistics_t_4[24] = "statistics.tris.overlay"; // weak
  1379. char aStatistics_t_3[23] = "statistics.tris.object"; // weak
  1380. char aStatistics_t_2[23] = "statistics.tris.sprite"; // weak
  1381. char aStatistics_t_1[29] = "statistics.tris.groundsprite"; // weak
  1382. char aStatistics_t_0[24] = "statistics.tris.terrain"; // weak
  1383. char aStatistics_tri[16] = "statistics.tris"; // weak
  1384. char aStatistics[11] = "statistics"; // weak
  1385. char aOp[] = "op-"; // idb
  1386. char aHp[] = "hp-"; // idb
  1387. char aEngine_arrow_g[17] = "engine_arrow.god"; // weak
  1388. char aMeshentMeshe_0[46] = "MeshEnt::MeshEnt: SetupFamily() failure on %s"; // weak
  1389. char aMeshentMeshent[46] = "MeshEnt::MeshEnt: SetupStates() failure on %s"; // weak
  1390. char aControl[8] = "Control"; // weak
  1391. char aControlstates[14] = "ControlStates"; // weak
  1392. char aRate[5] = "Rate"; // weak
  1393. char aOffset[7] = "Offset"; // weak
  1394. char aTread_0[6] = "Tread"; // weak
  1395. char aTreadstates[12] = "TreadStates"; // weak
  1396. char aAuto[5] = "Auto"; // weak
  1397. char aLastpoll[9] = "LastPoll"; // weak
  1398. char aPoll[5] = "Poll"; // weak
  1399. char aTimer[] = "Timer"; // idb
  1400. char aTextureanim[12] = "TextureAnim"; // weak
  1401. void *off_6947D4 = (void *)0x535046; // weak
  1402. char aDirection[10] = "Direction"; // weak
  1403. char aLastframe[10] = "LastFrame"; // weak
  1404. char aCurrframe[10] = "CurrFrame"; // weak
  1405. char aCycleid[8] = "CycleId"; // weak
  1406. char aAnimation[10] = "Animation"; // weak
  1407. int dword_694920 = 1; // weak
  1408. int dword_694924 = 1; // weak
  1409. char *off_694928 = "xof 0302txt "; // idb
  1410. char *off_69492C = "xsi 0100txt "; // idb
  1411. char *off_694930 = "xsi 0101txt "; // idb
  1412. char asc_694B54[2] = "{"; // weak
  1413. char asc_694B58[2] = "}"; // weak
  1414. char aS8_4f8_4f8_4f8[] = "%s%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"; // idb
  1415. char aDSrcCodeGra_25[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\meshread.cpp"; // weak
  1416. char aCanTFindNodeSI[26] = "Can't find node %s in: %s"; // weak
  1417. char aCanTFindMeshSI[26] = "Can't find mesh %s in: %s"; // weak
  1418. char aMissingEnvelop[24] = "Missing envelope in: %s"; // weak
  1419. char aFrm[] = "frm-"; // idb
  1420. char aErrorGeneratin[] = "Error generating MRM data"; // idb
  1421. char aCanTGenerateMr[] = "Can't generate mrm data for mesh: %s"; // idb
  1422. char aFrog_xsi[10] = "-frog.xsi"; // weak
  1423. char aMeshmanLoadErr[] = "MeshMan::Load: error reading %s"; // idb
  1424. char aDuplicateFaces[] = "duplicate faces in %s"; // idb
  1425. char aVertsDNormsDUv[] = "verts %d, norms %d, uvs %d, faces %d"; // idb
  1426. char aMeshManagerFin[] = "Mesh::Manager::FindRead: %s"; // idb
  1427. char aCanTCreateMesh[28] = "Can't create meshroot in %s"; // weak
  1428. char aMeshmanOpenNoG[] = "MeshMan::Open: no geometry in %s"; // idb
  1429. char aMeshmanOpenBad[] = "MeshMan::Open: bad xfile %s"; // idb
  1430. char aMeshmanReadmat[] = "MeshMan::ReadMaterial: out of memory reading %s"; // idb
  1431. char aMissingOverl_0[] = "Missing overlay texture in %s"; // idb
  1432. char aCanTFindTextur[] = "Can't find texture %s"; // idb
  1433. char a_pic[5] = ".pic"; // weak
  1434. char aVertfeatFaceco[46] = "vertfeat->faceCount != normfeat->triCount: %s"; // weak
  1435. char aVertfeatObjcou[44] = "vertfeat->objCount > normfeat->objCount: %s"; // weak
  1436. char aShadowLayerS_2[] = "Shadow layer %s : Invalid extents (%d, %d) in %s"; // idb
  1437. char aShadowLayerS_1[] = "Shadow layer %s : Invalid vert pos (%f,%f,%f) in %s"; // idb
  1438. char aShadowLayerS_0[] = "Shadow layer %s: Invalid color count (%d/%d) in %s"; // idb
  1439. char aShadowLayerSIn[] = "Shadow layer %s : Invalid vert count (%d) in %s"; // idb
  1440. char aTransformToPar[] = "Transform to parent:"; // idb
  1441. char aBonetosegment[] = "BoneToSegment:"; // idb
  1442. char aHardpointSBelo[] = "Hardpoint %s below 2nd generation in %s"; // idb
  1443. char aSp[] = "sp-"; // idb
  1444. char aBoneSAlreadyHa[] = "Bone [%s] already has geom attached to it"; // idb
  1445. char aTooManyVerts_0[22] = "Too many verts in: %s"; // weak
  1446. char aTooManyTrisI_0[21] = "Too many tris in: %s"; // weak
  1447. char aCreatingSiblin[] = "Creating sibling mesh, parent=%s"; // idb
  1448. char aSiblingMeshWit[35] = "sibling mesh without parent in %s!"; // weak
  1449. char aCreatingChildM[] = "Creating child mesh, parent=%s"; // idb
  1450. char aTooManyBonesIn[23] = "Too many bones in mesh"; // weak
  1451. char aThisIsNasty[19] = " - This is nasty!!"; // weak
  1452. char aSettingCurrent[] = " - Setting current mesh to [%s]"; // idb
  1453. char aDeletingCurren[] = " - Deleting current mesh [%s]"; // idb
  1454. char aAttachingToS[] = " - Attaching to [%s]"; // idb
  1455. char aIsASegmentPiec[] = " - Is a segment piece"; // idb
  1456. char aCantBeConverte[] = " - Cant be converted to segment"; // idb
  1457. char aMp[] = "mp-"; // idb
  1458. char aReadmeshgroupS[] = "ReadMeshGroup(%s), parent=%s"; // idb
  1459. void *off_6950AC = (void *)0x412F4E; // weak
  1460. char aCanTFindMeshFo[] = "Can't find mesh for anim: %s"; // idb
  1461. char aControlPointSI[] = "Control point %s in %s has conflictin animation."; // idb
  1462. char aTooManyRotatio[35] = "Too many rotation keys in anim: %s"; // weak
  1463. char aTooManyPositio[35] = "Too many position keys in anim: %s"; // weak
  1464. char aTooManyScaleKe[32] = "Too many scale keys in anim: %s"; // weak
  1465. char aNoAnimationDat[] = "No animation data in file %s"; // idb
  1466. char aMeshManagerRea[] = "Mesh::Manager::ReadAnimCycle: %s"; // idb
  1467. char aReadanimcycleA[] = "ReadAnimCycle: anim's hierarchy differs from base: %s"; // idb
  1468. char a0123456789abcd[23] = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"; // weak
  1469. char aTrue[] = "true"; // idb
  1470. char aFalse[] = "false"; // idb
  1471. char aLinkedParticle[35] = "Linked particle [0x%08X] not found"; // weak
  1472. char aDSrcCodeGra_26[46] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\mesheffect_construct.cpp"; // weak
  1473. char aDSrcCodeGra_27[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\meshent.cpp"; // weak
  1474. char aCanTLockBucket[] = "Can't lock buckets for %s"; // idb
  1475. char aDSrcCodeGra_28[46] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\mesh_render_vertextl.cpp"; // weak
  1476. char aSp1[5] = "SP-1"; // weak
  1477. char aUnexpectedErro[39] = "Unexpected error in anim (CombineKeys)"; // weak
  1478. char aDSrcCodeGra_29[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\anim.cpp"; // weak
  1479. char aDfdkFLastkey_f[] = "dfdk: %f; lastKey.frame %f; thisKey.frame; frame"; // idb
  1480. char aThiskey_quatFF[] = "thisKey.quat: %f %f %f %f"; // idb
  1481. char aLastkey_quatFF[] = "lastKey.quat: %f %f %f %f"; // idb
  1482. char aQuatSetQ_dotQ0[] = "Quat::Set q.Dot(q) <= 0: %f %f %f %f"; // idb
  1483. int dword_6953B8[] = { 0 }; // weak
  1484. int dword_6953C8[] = { 0 }; // weak
  1485. int dword_6953D8[] = { 0 }; // weak
  1486. int dword_6953E8[] = { 0 }; // weak
  1487. int dword_6953F8[] = { 0 }; // weak
  1488. int dword_695408[] = { 0 }; // weak
  1489. _UNKNOWN unk_695418; // weak
  1490. char aDSrcCodeGra_30[46] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\mesh_render_vertex_1.cpp"; // weak
  1491. char aDSrcCodeGra_31[44] = "D:\\Src\\code\\graphics\\mesh_render_vertex.cpp"; // weak
  1492. char aSOrSArgument_0[31] = "'%s' or '%s' argument expected"; // weak
  1493. char aSOrSArgumentEx[60] = "'%s' or '%s' argument expected (pos %d) but found type '%s'"; // weak
  1494. char aUnknownColorNa[] = "Unknown Color Name [%s]"; // idb
  1495. char aDSrcCodeInterf[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\iface_util.cpp"; // weak
  1496. char aErrorLoadingTe[27] = "Error loading texture [%s]"; // weak
  1497. char aFilter[7] = "Filter"; // weak
  1498. char aMode[5] = "Mode"; // weak
  1499. char aErrorWritingS[] = "Error writing [%s]"; // idb
  1500. char aWroteS[] = "Wrote [%s]"; // idb
  1501. char aCreatingDir[] = "Creating dir"; // idb
  1502. char aScreenshots[] = "screenshots"; // idb
  1503. char aSheetExpectedD[26] = "Sheet: expected %d Images"; // weak
  1504. char aPoint2[7] = "Point2"; // weak
  1505. char aPoint1[7] = "Point1"; // weak
  1506. char aColorgroupSNot[] = "ColorGroup [%s] not found"; // idb
  1507. char aCannotDerefere[] = "Cannot dereference var '%s'"; // idb
  1508. char *off_695624[2] = { "ConfigureInterface", "CreateControl" }; // weak
  1509. char *off_695628 = "CreateControl"; // weak
  1510. int dword_69562C = 1; // weak
  1511. char aExpandingSExpe[] = "Expanding '%s': Expected context for control substitution"; // idb
  1512. char aExpandingSCoul[] = "Expanding '%s': Could not find control"; // idb
  1513. char aDSrcCodeInte_0[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\iface.cpp"; // weak
  1514. char aIface[6] = "IFACE"; // weak
  1515. char aControlClassSA[35] = "Control class [%s] already defined"; // weak
  1516. char aUnableToUnregi[51] = "Unable to unregister control class [%s], not found"; // weak
  1517. char aWahS[] = "Wah [%s]"; // idb
  1518. char aBaseControlCla[36] = "Base control class [%s] not defined"; // weak
  1519. char aControlClassSN[29] = "Control class [%s] not found"; // weak
  1520. char aErrorCreatingC[] = "Error creating control [%s]"; // idb
  1521. char aRegistryDataSN[] = "Registry data [%s] not found"; // idb
  1522. char aRegistryDataSA[] = "Registry data [%s] already defined"; // idb
  1523. char aUnknownMetricN[] = "Unknown Metric Name [%s]"; // idb
  1524. char aMetricSNotStri[] = "Metric [%s] not String or Integer"; // idb
  1525. char aInvalidColorGr[] = "Invalid Color Group Item [%s]"; // idb
  1526. char a___complete[] = "...complete"; // idb
  1527. char aResettingInter[] = "Resetting Interface"; // idb
  1528. char aTipControlSAlr[] = "Tip Control [%s] already alive"; // idb
  1529. char aFpsD[] = "fps:%d"; // idb
  1530. char aDeactivatemoda[] = "DeactivateModals infinite loop?"; // idb
  1531. char aScreenshotD_tg[] = "Screenshot %d.tga"; // idb
  1532. char aSysConsole[] = "Sys::Console"; // idb
  1533. char aColorOutOfRang[24] = "Color out of range [%d]"; // weak
  1534. char aSysTranslucent[24] = "Sys::TranslucentTexture"; // weak
  1535. char aSysTexture[13] = "Sys::Texture"; // weak
  1536. char aSysListitem[14] = "Sys::ListItem"; // weak
  1537. char aSysTitlebar[14] = "Sys::Titlebar"; // weak
  1538. char aSysClient[12] = "Sys::Client"; // weak
  1539. char aSysDefault[13] = "Sys::Default"; // weak
  1540. char aSmall[6] = "Small"; // weak
  1541. char aSystem[7] = "System"; // weak
  1542. char aSize4d4dPos4d4[] = "[size:%4d,%4d pos:%4d,%4d %c%c%c%c]  "; // idb
  1543. char aIface_event_ri[18] = "iface.event.right"; // weak
  1544. char aIface_event_le[17] = "iface.event.left"; // weak
  1545. char aIface_event_ba[21] = "iface.event.backward"; // weak
  1546. char aIface_event_fo[20] = "iface.event.forward"; // weak
  1547. char aIface_event__0[23] = "iface.event.actiondown"; // weak
  1548. char aIface_event_ac[21] = "iface.event.actionup"; // weak
  1549. char aIface_launchur[16] = "iface.launchurl"; // weak
  1550. char aIface_sound[12] = "iface.sound"; // weak
  1551. char aIface_deacti_1[23] = "iface.deactivatemodals"; // weak
  1552. char aIface_ifconsol[19] = "iface.ifconsolemsg"; // weak
  1553. char aIface_sendnoti[22] = "iface.sendnotifyevent"; // weak
  1554. char aIface_disabler[20] = "iface.disablerender"; // weak
  1555. char aIface_disablea[22] = "iface.disableactivate"; // weak
  1556. char aIface_disabled[18] = "iface.disabledraw"; // weak
  1557. char aIface_screensh[17] = "iface.screenshot"; // weak
  1558. char aIface_writefon[17] = "iface.writefonts"; // weak
  1559. char aIface_listfont[16] = "iface.listfonts"; // weak
  1560. char aIface_listcont[19] = "iface.listcontrols"; // weak
  1561. char aIface_listclas[18] = "iface.listclasses"; // weak
  1562. char aIface_resize[13] = "iface.resize"; // weak
  1563. char aIface_closedia[18] = "iface.closedialog"; // weak
  1564. char aIface_deacti_0[23] = "iface.deactivatescroll"; // weak
  1565. char aIface_activa_0[21] = "iface.activatescroll"; // weak
  1566. char aIface_toggleac[19] = "iface.toggleactive"; // weak
  1567. char aIface_deactiva[17] = "iface.deactivate"; // weak
  1568. char aIface_activate[15] = "iface.activate"; // weak
  1569. char aIface_event[12] = "iface.event"; // weak
  1570. char aIface_0[6] = "iface"; // weak
  1571. char aCouldNotFindCo[] = "Could not find control '%s'"; // idb
  1572. char aSS_2[] = "%s (%s)"; // idb
  1573. char *off_695CC0 = "[ToolTip]"; // idb
  1574. char aActivation[11] = "Activation"; // weak
  1575. char aFromSIsNotATab[] = "'From' [%s] is not a tab stop"; // idb
  1576. char aDSrcCodeInte_1[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\icontrol.cpp"; // weak
  1577. char aNoFontSpecifie[27] = "No font specified for [%s]"; // weak
  1578. char aUnknownIcontro[] = "Unknown IControl setting [%s] for [%s]"; // idb
  1579. char aUnableToAlignT[] = "Unable to align to control '%s' (not found)"; // idb
  1580. char aErrorCreatin_0[] = "Error creating companion [%s]"; // idb
  1581. char aCompanion[] = "Companion"; // idb
  1582. char aPollIntervalMu[35] = "Poll interval must not be negative"; // weak
  1583. char aColorgroupSDoe[] = "ColorGroup [%s] does not exist [%s]"; // idb
  1584. char aTranslateevent[] = "TranslateEvent: Control [%s] not found"; // idb
  1585. char aUnknownJustifi[] = "Unknown Justification [%s] for [%s]"; // idb
  1586. char aReadtemplateCl[] = "ReadTemplate class [%s] not found"; // idb
  1587. char aVarAlreadySetu[27] = "Var already setup for [%s]"; // weak
  1588. char aVarNotSetupFor[23] = "Var not setup for [%s]"; // weak
  1589. char aSVarExpectedFo[25] = "%s var expected for [%s]"; // weak
  1590. char aVarNotSpecifie[27] = "Var not specified for [%s]"; // weak
  1591. char aFindvarnameCou[] = "FindVarName: could not find control [%s]"; // idb
  1592. char aUnknownControl[] = "Unknown Control Style [%s] for [%s]"; // idb
  1593. char aModal[6] = "Modal"; // weak
  1594. char aUnknownContr_0[] = "Unknown Control State [%s] for [%s]"; // idb
  1595. char aUnknownGeometr[] = "Unknown Geometry setting [%s] for [%s]"; // idb
  1596. char aEventHandlerSA[44] = "Event Handler [%s] already defined for [%s]"; // weak
  1597. char aNotifyCouldNot[] = "Notify: could not find control [%s]"; // idb
  1598. char aUnsupportedArg[37] = "Unsupported arg type [%s][%s][%d:%s]"; // weak
  1599. char aSContextContro[] = "%s: Context Control [%s] not found"; // idb
  1600. char aTriedToDoBadSt[] = "Tried to do bad stuff to root!"; // idb
  1601. char aSControlSNotFo[] = "%s: Control [%s] not found"; // idb
  1602. char aJumpManagerSDo[43] = "Jump manager [%s] does not have a jump var"; // weak
  1603. char aJumpDestinatio[40] = "Jump destination [%s] not found in [%s]"; // weak
  1604. char aJump[5] = "jump"; // weak
  1605. char aJumpManagerSNo[36] = "Jump manager [%s] not found in [%s]"; // weak
  1606. char aButton2[8] = "Button2"; // weak
  1607. char aButton1[8] = "Button1"; // weak
  1608. char aButton0[8] = "Button0"; // weak
  1609. char aMessage[8] = "Message"; // weak
  1610. char aNotification0x[] = "Notification 0x%.8X for [%s] already exists"; // idb
  1611. char aNoCtrl[] = "no ctrl"; // idb
  1612. char aIfacecmdExpect[] = "IFaceCmd: expecting string argument"; // idb
  1613. char aS_8[] = "%s "; // idb
  1614. char aS_2[6] = "\"%s\" "; // weak
  1615. char *off_696160 = "DirectX 8.0 is not installed."; // weak
  1616. char aTooManyDevic_0[] = "Too many devices!"; // idb
  1617. char aDSrcCodeInte_2[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\input.cpp"; // weak
  1618. char aMaxOfsD[] = " - max ofs = %d"; // idb
  1619. char aDevSetdataform[34] = "dev->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse2)"; // weak
  1620. char aDirectInputErr[30] = "Direct Input Error at %s [%s]"; // weak
  1621. char aDiCreatedevice[83] = "di->CreateDeviceEx(did.guidInstance, IID_IDirectInputDevice7, (void **)&dev, NULL)"; // weak
  1622. char aMouse[6] = "Mouse"; // weak
  1623. char aDevSetcooperat[70] = "dev->SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd, DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND)"; // weak
  1624. char aDevSetdatafo_0[36] = "dev->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard)"; // weak
  1625. char aKeyboarddevice[] = "KeyboardDevice::PreProcess: %s"; // idb
  1626. char aJoystickdevice[] = "JoystickDevice::PreProcess: %s"; // idb
  1627. char aJoyD[] = "Joy%d"; // idb
  1628. char aPdirectinputcr[88] = "pDirectInputCreateEx(hInst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput7, (void **)&di, NULL)"; // weak
  1629. char aInput[6] = "INPUT"; // weak
  1630. CHAR aDirectinputcre[] = "DirectInputCreateEx"; // idb
  1631. CHAR aDinput_dll[] = "dinput.dll"; // idb
  1632. char aLeavingInputDo[] = "Leaving Input::Done"; // idb
  1633. char aEnteringInputD[] = "Entering Input::Done"; // idb
  1634. char aUsevar[7] = "UseVar"; // weak
  1635. char a02u02u[] = "%02u:%02u"; // idb
  1636. char *off_6963E4 = "[Titlebar]"; // idb
  1637. char *off_6963E8 = "[Close]"; // idb
  1638. char aRight[6] = "Right"; // weak
  1639. char aTitlegradient[14] = "TitleGradient"; // weak
  1640. char aWinparentwidth[15] = "WinParentWidth"; // weak
  1641. char aTitleFontNotFo[21] = "Title font not found"; // weak
  1642. char aDSrcCodeInte_3[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\icwindow.cpp"; // weak
  1643. char aDSrcCodeInte_4[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\ifvar.cpp"; // weak
  1644. char aVarSNotFound[] = "Var [%s] not found"; // idb
  1645. char aVarForSNotSetu[23] = "Var for [%s] not setup"; // weak
  1646. char aNull_0[5] = "NULL"; // weak
  1647. char aUnknownVarnoti[28] = "Unknown VarNotify mode [%d]"; // weak
  1648. char aAttemptToEditA[] = "Attempt to edit a NOEDIT var"; // idb
  1649. char aVartypeIsNotVa[38] = "varType is not valid for control [%s]"; // weak
  1650. char a_1f[] = "%.1f"; // idb
  1651. char aVarIsNotAnStri[21] = "Var is not an string"; // weak
  1652. char aVarIsNonEditab[] = "Var is non editable"; // idb
  1653. char aVarIsNotAnInte[22] = "Var is not an integer"; // weak
  1654. char aVarIsNotAFloat[19] = "Var is not a float"; // weak
  1655. char aIfacevarIsNotV[22] = "IFaceVar is not valid"; // weak
  1656. char aIndexOutOfRa_0[39] = "Index out of range [%d] [%d] [%d] [%s]"; // weak
  1657. char aDSrcCodeInte_5[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\iconwindow.cpp"; // weak
  1658. char off_69661C[] = { ',', 'f', 'i', '\0' }; // idb
  1659. char aIface_keybin_0[20] = "iface.keybind.names"; // weak
  1660. char aIface_keybind_[19] = "iface.keybind.dump"; // weak
  1661. char aIface_keybind[14] = "iface.keybind"; // weak
  1662. char aScancodeOutOfR[27] = "Scancode out of range [%d]"; // weak
  1663. char aScancodesNotEx[] = "ScanCodes: Not Expecting [%s]"; // idb
  1664. char aDSrcCodeInte_6[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\keybind.cpp"; // weak
  1665. char aUnknownKeyS[] = "Unknown key: '%s'"; // idb
  1666. char aUnkownModifier[] = "Unkown modifier [%s]"; // idb
  1667. char aNoKeySpecified[] = "No key specified"; // idb
  1668. char aMissingCase[13] = "Missing case"; // weak
  1669. char aColDS[] = "(col %d) %s"; // idb
  1670. char aUnableToMapReq[47] = "Unable to map required action [0x%08x][0x%08x]"; // weak
  1671. char aAlternateIdFai[] = "Alternate id failed [%s][%s]"; // idb
  1672. char aS30sS[] = " (%s) %-30s %s"; // idb
  1673. char aBindings[] = "[bindings]"; // idb
  1674. char aKeyNames[] = "[key names]"; // idb
  1675. char a3d20s[] = "  [%3d] %-20s"; // idb
  1676. char *off_6967F4 = "[ListSlider]"; // idb
  1677. void *off_696808 = &unk_736976; // weak
  1678. char aCount[6] = "count"; // weak
  1679. void *off_696814 = &unk_706F74; // weak
  1680. char aContainer[] = "[Container]"; // idb
  1681. char aSliderSNotFoun[22] = "Slider [%s] not found"; // weak
  1682. char aVertical[9] = "Vertical"; // weak
  1683. char aWinparentheigh[16] = "WinParentHeight"; // weak
  1684. char aErrorCreatingL[36] = "Error creating list slider for [%s]"; // weak
  1685. char aDSrcCodeInte_7[36] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\iclistbox.cpp"; // weak
  1686. char aSetselectedExp[45] = "SetSelected: Expected a String or an Integer"; // weak
  1687. char *off_6968E4 = "[ListBox]"; // idb
  1688. char *off_6968E8 = "[Drop%08X:%s]"; // idb
  1689. char *off_6968EC = &Mem; // idb
  1690. char *off_6968F0 = "[DropButton]"; // idb
  1691. char aDroplistVarHas[46] = "DropList var has not been configured for [%s]"; // weak
  1692. char aErrorCreatingD[36] = "Error creating drop button for [%s]"; // weak
  1693. char aVgradient[11] = "!VGradient"; // weak
  1694. char aErrorCreatingB[31] = "Error creating button for [%s]"; // weak
  1695. char aNoautorebuild[14] = "NoAutoRebuild"; // weak
  1696. char aParentwidth[12] = "ParentWidth"; // weak
  1697. char aParentheight[13] = "ParentHeight"; // weak
  1698. char aErrorCreatin_1[32] = "Error creating Listbox for [%s]"; // weak
  1699. char aDSrcCodeInte_8[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\icdroplist.cpp"; // weak
  1700. char aLeft[5] = "Left"; // weak
  1701. char aBottom[7] = "Bottom"; // weak
  1702. char aListboxIsNotAl[21] = "ListBox is not alive"; // weak
  1703. char aOutOfFontHandl[21] = "Out of font handles!"; // weak
  1704. char aFontFileIsCorr[26] = "Font file is corrupt [%s]"; // weak
  1705. char aDSrcCodeInte_9[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\font.cpp"; // weak
  1706. char aTooManyInContr[34] = "Too many '<' in control name [%s]"; // weak
  1707. char aDSrcCodeInt_10[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\icroot.cpp"; // weak
  1708. char aCursorSNotFoun[] = "Cursor [%s] not found"; // idb
  1709. char aDSrcCodeInt_11[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\cursor.cpp"; // weak
  1710. char aUnknownCursorC[] = "Unknown Cursor Class [%s]"; // idb
  1711. char aHotspot[8] = "Hotspot"; // weak
  1712. char aTexture[8] = "Texture"; // weak
  1713. char aUnknownStandar[] = "Unknown standard cursor type [%s]"; // idb
  1714. char aMessageboxwind[] = "MessageBoxWindow"; // idb
  1715. char aSysKeyview[] = "Sys::KeyView"; // idb
  1716. char aMonoview[] = "MonoView"; // idb
  1717. char aBlockorama[] = "Blockorama"; // idb
  1718. char aIconwindow[] = "IconWindow"; // idb
  1719. char aColorbutton[] = "ColorButton"; // idb
  1720. char aColoreditor[] = "ColorEditor"; // idb
  1721. char aConsoleviewer[] = "ConsoleViewer"; // idb
  1722. char aConsoleedit[] = "ConsoleEdit"; // idb
  1723. char aTicker[] = "Ticker"; // idb
  1724. char aSysbtndroplist[] = "SysBtnDropList"; // idb
  1725. char aSysbtnmax[] = "SysBtnMax"; // idb
  1726. char aSysbtnmin[] = "SysBtnMin"; // idb
  1727. char aSysbtndown[] = "SysBtnDown"; // idb
  1728. char aSysbtnup[] = "SysBtnUp"; // idb
  1729. char aSysbtnright[] = "SysBtnRight"; // idb
  1730. char aSysbtnleft[] = "SysBtnLeft"; // idb
  1731. char aSysbtnhelp[] = "SysBtnHelp"; // idb
  1732. char aSysbtnclose[] = "SysBtnClose"; // idb
  1733. char aGauge[] = "Gauge"; // idb
  1734. char aTabgroup[] = "TabGroup"; // idb
  1735. char aDroplist[] = "DropList"; // idb
  1736. char aTipwindow[] = "TipWindow"; // idb
  1737. char aMenu[] = "Menu"; // idb
  1738. char aScroll[] = "Scroll"; // idb
  1739. char aWindowtitle[] = "WindowTitle"; // idb
  1740. char aWindow[] = "Window"; // idb
  1741. char aSliderthumb[] = "SliderThumb"; // idb
  1742. char aSlider[] = "Slider"; // idb
  1743. char aListslider[] = "ListSlider"; // idb
  1744. char aListbox[] = "ListBox"; // idb
  1745. char aEdit[] = "Edit"; // idb
  1746. char aStatic_0[] = "Static"; // idb
  1747. char aButton_0[] = "Button"; // idb
  1748. char aTheseBananasAr[36] = "These bananas are making me thirsty"; // weak
  1749. char aDSrcCodeInt_12[41] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\iface_controls.cpp"; // weak
  1750. char aShadowoffset[13] = "ShadowOffset"; // weak
  1751. char aShadowalpha[12] = "ShadowAlpha"; // weak
  1752. char aErrorReadingFo[24] = "Error reading font [%s]"; // weak
  1753. char aFontSAlreadyEx[] = "Font [%s] already exists"; // idb
  1754. char aDSrcCodeInt_13[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\fontsys.cpp"; // weak
  1755. char aFile[5] = "File"; // weak
  1756. char aFontSNotFound[20] = "Font [%s] not found"; // weak
  1757. char aS_3[] = "  - %s"; // idb
  1758. char aDFiles[] = "%d files:"; // idb
  1759. char aDTextures[] = "%d textures"; // idb
  1760. char aFont_4d_tga[] = "font%.4d.tga"; // idb
  1761. char *off_696E20 = "[MessageBox]"; // idb
  1762. char *off_696E24 = "[TextItem]"; // idb
  1763. char *off_696E28[3] =
  1764. {
  1765.   "Std::MessageBox::Window",
  1766.   "Std::MessageBox::Text",
  1767.   "Std::MessageBox::Button"
  1768. }; // weak
  1769. char *off_696E2C[2] = { "Std::MessageBox::Text", "Std::MessageBox::Button" }; // weak
  1770. char *off_696E30 = "Std::MessageBox::Button"; // weak
  1771. char aTransparent[12] = "Transparent"; // weak
  1772. char aHcentre[8] = "HCentre"; // weak
  1773. char aTitlebar[9] = "TitleBar"; // weak
  1774. char aValue[6] = "value"; // weak
  1775. char *off_696F20 = "[Decrement]"; // idb
  1776. char *off_696F24 = "[Increment]"; // idb
  1777. char *off_696F28 = "[Thumb]"; // idb
  1778. char aSliderSIsTooSm[41] = "Slider [%s] is too small, make it bigger"; // weak
  1779. char aDSrcCodeInt_14[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\icslider.cpp"; // weak
  1780. char aIntegerOrFloat[46] = "Integer or Float var expected for slider [%s]"; // weak
  1781. char aInvalidOrienta[25] = "Invalid orientation [%s]"; // weak
  1782. char aSliderthumbSMu[44] = "SliderThumb [%s] must be placed on a slider"; // weak
  1783. char aKeepvisible[12] = "KeepVisible"; // weak
  1784. char aModalclose[11] = "ModalClose"; // weak
  1785. char aAutosize[9] = "AutoSize"; // weak
  1786. char aClassSIsNotAMe[25] = "Class [%s] is not a menu"; // weak
  1787. char aDSrcCodeInt_15[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\icmenu.cpp"; // weak
  1788. char aSubmenu[8] = "SubMenu"; // weak
  1789. char aSubmenuClassNo[37] = "Submenu class not specified for [%s]"; // weak
  1790. char aUnknownScaleMo[19] = "Unknown scale mode"; // weak
  1791. char aNoautoactivate[15] = "NoAutoActivate"; // weak
  1792. char aBlue[5] = "blue"; // weak
  1793. char aGreen[6] = "green"; // weak
  1794. void *off_697100 = (void *)0x646572; // weak
  1795. char aUnknownDirecti[23] = "Unknown Direction '%s'"; // weak
  1796. char aUp[3] = "Up"; // weak
  1797. char aUnknownDirec_0[21] = "Unknown direction %d"; // weak
  1798. char aDSrcCodeInt_16[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\icticker.cpp"; // weak
  1799. char aSpeed[6] = "Speed"; // weak
  1800. char aLines[6] = "Lines"; // weak
  1801. char aScore[6] = "Score"; // weak
  1802. char aMask[5] = "Mask"; // weak
  1803. char aSChC_4xDCode_4[] = "%s ch:%c [%.4X][%d] code:%.4X name:%s"; // idb
  1804. char aAxis[5] = "AXIS"; // weak
  1805. char aButtonup[9] = "BUTTONUP"; // weak
  1806. char aButtondown[11] = "BUTTONDOWN"; // weak
  1807. char aKeychar[8] = "KEYCHAR"; // weak
  1808. char aKeyrepeat[10] = "KEYREPEAT"; // weak
  1809. char aKeyup[6] = "KEYUP"; // weak
  1810. char aKeydown[8] = "KEYDOWN"; // weak
  1811. char aBluedisp[] = "BlueDisp"; // idb
  1812. char aGreendisp[] = "GreenDisp"; // idb
  1813. char aReddisp[] = "RedDisp"; // idb
  1814. char aColordisp[] = "ColorDisp"; // idb
  1815. char aHuesaturation[] = "HueSaturation"; // idb
  1816. char aBlue_0[] = "Blue"; // idb
  1817. char aGreen_0[] = "Green"; // idb
  1818. char off_697234[] = { 'R', 'e', 'd', '\0' }; // idb
  1819. char aSaturation[11] = "Saturation"; // weak
  1820. char aLuminosity[] = "Luminosity"; // idb
  1821. void *off_697250 = (void *)0x657548; // weak
  1822. char aFailedToFindCo[] = "Failed to find companion item [%s] in [%s]"; // idb
  1823. char aDSrcCodeInt_17[38] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\iccompanion.cpp"; // weak
  1824. char aDSrcCodeInt_18[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\ictimer.cpp"; // weak
  1825. char aMode_0[5] = "mode"; // weak
  1826. char aDrivername[11] = "driverName"; // weak
  1827. char aModelist[] = "ModeList"; // idb
  1828. char *off_6972EC = "[ConsoleItem]"; // idb
  1829. char aUnknownDirec_1[23] = "Unknown direction [%s]"; // weak
  1830. char aDSrcCodeInt_19[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\icscroll.cpp"; // weak
  1831. char aErrorOpeningCl[] = "Error Opening Clipboard"; // idb
  1832. char aDSrcCodeInt_20[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\icedit.cpp"; // weak
  1833. char a__2[] = "-+."; // idb
  1834. char a_[] = "\\/:*?\"<>|"; // idb
  1835. char aInvalidMaxLeng[33] = "Invalid Max Length for [%s] (%d)"; // weak
  1836. char aDSrcCodeInt_21[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\interface\\icgauge.cpp"; // weak
  1837. int dword_6973D0 = 1; // weak
  1838. int dword_6973D4 = 1; // weak
  1839. char aMain_0[] = "Main"; // idb
  1840. char aQuit[] = "QUIT"; // idb
  1841. char aExecutingDownl[] = "Executing downloaded program %s"; // idb
  1842. CHAR CommandLine[] = "library\\patch\\patch.exe"; // idb
  1843. char aExecutingPatch[] = "Executing patcher with environment %s"; // idb
  1844. char aDSrcCodeMainMa[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\main\\maininit.cpp"; // weak
  1845. char aPatchS[] = "patch=%s"; // idb
  1846. char aSystemShutdown[] = "System shutdown normally"; // idb
  1847. char aUnknownCommand[] = "Unknown command line option '%s'"; // idb
  1848. char aSettingModeDxD[] = "Setting mode [%dx%d]"; // idb
  1849. char aVidmodeBadMode[] = "-vidmode: bad mode [%s]"; // idb
  1850. char aMax_1[] = "max"; // idb
  1851. char aCmdlineSSS[] = "CmdLine [%s%s%s]"; // idb
  1852. char asc_697508[2] = ":"; // weak
  1853. char asc_69750C[] = ":=\""; // idb
  1854. char asc_697510[] = " \t/"; // idb
  1855. char asc_697514[3] = "/-"; // idb
  1856. char aQuitRequested[] = "QUIT requested"; // idb
  1857. char aCommandLineHoo[38] = "Command line hook '%s' already in use"; // weak
  1858. char aLanguage0x_2x0[] = "Language: 0x%.2X 0x%.2X"; // idb
  1859. char aCompilerFlagsS[] = "Compiler flags: %s"; // idb
  1860. char aCompiledBySSOn[] = "Compiled by %s\\%s on %s"; // idb
  1861. char aExecutedBySSOn[] = "Executed by %s\\%s on %s"; // idb
  1862. char aMemS_0[] = "Mem: %s"; // idb
  1863. char aCpuS[] = "CPU: %s"; // idb
  1864. char aDebug_dummy_st[19] = "debug.dummy.string"; // weak
  1865. char aDummy[6] = "dummy"; // weak
  1866. char aDebug_dummy_fl[18] = "debug.dummy.float"; // weak
  1867. char aDebug_dummy_in[16] = "debug.dummy.int"; // weak
  1868. char aDebug_loopru_0[26] = "debug.loopruncodesprocess"; // weak
  1869. char aDebug_looprunc[19] = "debug.loopruncodes"; // weak
  1870. char aDebug_memory_c[19] = "debug.memory.check"; // weak
  1871. char aDebug_memory_e[21] = "debug.memory.examine"; // weak
  1872. char aDebug_memory_v[25] = "debug.memory.validateall"; // weak
  1873. char aDebug_memory_f[24] = "debug.memory.flushcache"; // weak
  1874. char aDebug_memory_r[20] = "debug.memory.report"; // weak
  1875. char aDebug_memory_s[22] = "debug.memory.snapshot"; // weak
  1876. char aDebug_memory_u[20] = "debug.memory.useall"; // weak
  1877. char aDebug_memory_0[27] = "debug.memory.overwritetail"; // weak
  1878. char aDebug_memory_o[27] = "debug.memory.overwritehead"; // weak
  1879. char aDebug_memory_a[29] = "debug.memory.accessviolation"; // weak
  1880. char aDebug_dumpsymb[18] = "debug.dumpsymbols"; // weak
  1881. char aDebug_dircrc[13] = "debug.dircrc"; // weak
  1882. char aDebug_underflo[16] = "debug.underflow"; // weak
  1883. char aDebug_overflow[15] = "debug.overflow"; // weak
  1884. char aDebug_intzerod[17] = "debug.intzerodiv"; // weak
  1885. char aDebug_zerodiv[14] = "debug.zerodiv"; // weak
  1886. char aDebug_loop[11] = "debug.loop"; // weak
  1887. char aDebug_infinite[19] = "debug.infiniteloop"; // weak
  1888. char aDebug_stackove[20] = "debug.stackoverflow"; // weak
  1889. char aDebug_filesys[14] = "debug.filesys"; // weak
  1890. char aDebug_assert[13] = "debug.assert"; // weak
  1891. char aDebug_break[12] = "debug.break"; // weak
  1892. char aSys_buildver[13] = "sys.buildver"; // weak
  1893. char aSys_buildnum[13] = "sys.buildnum"; // weak
  1894. char aSys_buildstr[13] = "sys.buildstr"; // weak
  1895. char aSys_buildtype[14] = "sys.buildtype"; // weak
  1896. char aRelease[8] = "release"; // weak
  1897. char aSys_platform[13] = "sys.platform"; // weak
  1898. char aPc[3] = "pc"; // weak
  1899. char aSys_custombuil[16] = "sys.custombuild"; // weak
  1900. char aSys_elapcap[12] = "sys.elapcap"; // weak
  1901. char aSys_tripersec[14] = "sys.tripersec"; // weak
  1902. char aSys_tricount[13] = "sys.tricount"; // weak
  1903. char aSys_framerate[14] = "sys.framerate"; // weak
  1904. char aSys_elapframe[14] = "sys.elapframe"; // weak
  1905. char aSys_buildfilei[21] = "sys.buildfileindexes"; // weak
  1906. char aSys_runonce[12] = "sys.runonce"; // weak
  1907. char aSys_runcode[12] = "sys.runcode"; // weak
  1908. char aSys_ver[8] = "sys.ver"; // weak
  1909. char aSys_uptime[11] = "sys.uptime"; // weak
  1910. char aSys_info[9] = "sys.info"; // weak
  1911. char aEcho[5] = "echo"; // weak
  1912. char aExec[5] = "exec"; // weak
  1913. char aUnbind[7] = "unbind"; // weak
  1914. char aBindhold[9] = "bindhold"; // weak
  1915. char aBindnegaxis[12] = "bindnegaxis"; // weak
  1916. char aBindposaxis[12] = "bindposaxis"; // weak
  1917. char aBinddbldown[12] = "binddbldown"; // weak
  1918. char aBinddblup[10] = "binddblup"; // weak
  1919. char aBinddown[9] = "binddown"; // weak
  1920. char aBindup[7] = "bindup"; // weak
  1921. char aBind[5] = "bind"; // weak
  1922. char a__0[2] = "?"; // weak
  1923. char aHelp[5] = "help"; // weak
  1924. char aOp_0[3] = "op"; // weak
  1925. char aLs[3] = "ls"; // weak
  1926. char aQuit_0[5] = "quit"; // weak
  1927. char aDebug_memory[13] = "debug.memory"; // weak
  1928. char aDebug[6] = "debug"; // weak
  1929. char aScopeHandlerFo[38] = "Scope handler for [%s] already exists"; // weak
  1930. char aDSrcCodeMain_0[29] = "D:\\Src\\code\\main\\maincmd.cpp"; // weak
  1931. char aScopeHandler_0[33] = "Scope handler for [%s] not found"; // weak
  1932. char aCommandsAtTheG[] = "Commands at the global scope :"; // idb
  1933. char aCallingAssert0[] = "Calling ASSERT(0)"; // idb
  1934. char aUnableToExecFi[] = "Unable to exec file '%s' (not found)"; // idb
  1935. char aIFellOffMyBike[] = "I fell off my bike and hurt my knee :("; // idb
  1936. char aDataCrc08x[] = "Data Crc: [%08X]"; // idb
  1937. char a_Packs[8] = ".\\packs"; // weak
  1938. char aOsS[] = "OS : %s"; // idb
  1939. char aMemS[] = "MEM: %s"; // idb
  1940. char aMaximumMemoryU[] = "Maximum Memory Usage:"; // idb
  1941. char aCacheBytesD[] = "Cache Bytes      : %d"; // idb
  1942. char aCacheBlocksD[] = "Cache Blocks     : %d"; // idb
  1943. char aOverheadBytesD[] = "Overhead Bytes   : %d"; // idb
  1944. char aAllocatedBytes[] = "Allocated Bytes  : %d"; // idb
  1945. char aAllocatedBlock[] = "Allocated Blocks : %d"; // idb
  1946. char aCurrentMemoryU[] = "Current Memory Usage:"; // idb
  1947. char asc_697BF0[] = "-------------"; // idb
  1948. char aMemoryReport[] = "Memory Report"; // idb
  1949. char aValidatingMemo[] = "Validating Memory ..."; // idb
  1950. char aAllocatedDMegs[] = "Allocated %d megs"; // idb
  1951. char aLoggingAllFile[] = "Logging all file sources"; // idb
  1952. char aExpectingStrin[] = "Expecting string argument"; // idb
  1953. char aUnknownComma_0[] = "Unknown command '%s'"; // idb
  1954. char aSRuncodeSAlrea[47] = "[%s] Runcode [%s] already registered (as [%s])"; // weak
  1955. char aDSrcCodeMainRu[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\main\\runcodes.cpp"; // weak
  1956. char aSRunCodeSDoesN[] = "[%s] Run code [%s] does not exist"; // idb
  1957. char aSClearingRunco[] = "[%s] Clearing runcode [%s]"; // idb
  1958. char aNone[7] = "<NONE>"; // weak
  1959. char aSNoProcessFunc[51] = "[%s] No process function for [%s] to be processed!"; // weak
  1960. char aUser_S_S_cfg[] = "user_%s_%s.cfg"; // idb
  1961. char aRuncode_S_S_cf[] = "runcode_%s_%s.cfg"; // idb
  1962. char aSEnteringRunCo[] = "[%s] Entering run code [%s]"; // idb
  1963. char aSRunCodeIsNull[22] = "[%s] Run code is NULL"; // weak
  1964. _UNKNOWN unk_697DE4; // weak
  1965. char aRoot_0[] = "root"; // idb
  1966. char a_rootdir[] = "@rootdir"; // idb
  1967. char aStartupDirecto[] = "Startup directory : %s"; // idb
  1968. char aErrorReadingCu[] = "Error reading current working directory"; // idb
  1969. char aDSrcCodeMainSe[27] = "D:\\Src\\code\\main\\setup.cpp"; // weak
  1970. char aLobbyGame[] = "Lobby Game"; // idb
  1971. char aSession_0[8] = "session"; // weak
  1972. char aPort_0[5] = "port"; // weak
  1973. char aIp[3] = "ip"; // weak
  1974. char aJoin[5] = "join"; // weak
  1975. char aHost[5] = "host"; // weak
  1976. char aAllPlayersAreR[] = "All players are ready to go!"; // idb
  1977. char aDSrcCodeMultip[40] = "D:\\Src\\code\\multiplayer\\multiplayer.cpp"; // weak
  1978. char aGame_info_data[16] = "#game.info.data"; // weak
  1979. char aWeReReadyForAc[] = "We're ready for action!"; // idb
  1980. char aDataCrcInitial[] = "Data CRC initialized to %08X"; // idb
  1981. char aOptionsRandoms[] = "Options->RandomSeed == %d"; // idb
  1982. char aHowIsItThatWeH[47] = "How is it that we have the map but no mission?"; // weak
  1983. char aSettingRelatio[] = "Setting relation between %d and %d to %s"; // idb
  1984. char aNoSidesAvailab[37] = "No sides available for network play!"; // weak
  1985. char aUnableToResolv[28] = "Unable to resolve team [%s]"; // weak
  1986. char aMorePlayersTha[24] = "More players than teams"; // weak
  1987. char aCreatingPlayer[] = "Creating Player '%s' for Team '%s' [%d]"; // idb
  1988. char aCreatingAiForT[] = "Creating AI for Team '%s' [%d]"; // idb
  1989. char aSettingSideToS[] = "Setting side to %s"; // idb
  1990. char aNetworkTeamDUs[] = "Network Team %d using team %d"; // idb
  1991. char aSavedEntrySD[] = "Saved entry [%s][%d]"; // idb
  1992. char aResolvedTeamS[] = "Resolved team [%s]"; // idb
  1993. char aAssigningRando[] = "Assigning random start location [%d][%s] (%d / %d)"; // idb
  1994. char aCouldNotResolv[32] = "Could not resolve team [0x%08x]"; // weak
  1995. char aRemovingManual[] = "Removing manually set start location [%d][%s]"; // idb
  1996. char aTeamDSIsAvaila[] = "Team %d (%s) is available"; // idb
  1997. char aDmbS[] = "%dMB %s"; // idb
  1998. char aHostedsession[] = "HostedSession"; // idb
  1999. char aJoinedsession[] = "JoinedSession"; // idb
  2000. char aSS_4[] = "%s %s"; // idb
  2001. char aSS_3[] = "[%s] %s"; // idb
  2002. char aSys_game_migra[23] = "sys.game.migrate.start"; // weak
  2003. char aMigrating[] = "Migrating"; // idb
  2004. char aSyncMigrate[] = "Sync Migrate"; // idb
  2005. char aDataSeq08x[] = "Data Seq: %08x"; // idb
  2006. char aDSrcCodeMult_0[45] = "D:\\Src\\code\\multiplayer\\multiplayer_data.cpp"; // weak
  2007. char aMultiplayer_83[21] = "multiplayer.cmd.help"; // weak
  2008. char aMultiplayer_82[18] = "multiplayer.cmd.k"; // weak
  2009. char aMultiplayer_81[21] = "multiplayer.cmd.kick"; // weak
  2010. char aMultiplayer_80[18] = "multiplayer.cmd.a"; // weak
  2011. char aMultiplayer_79[23] = "multiplayer.cmd.allies"; // weak
  2012. char aMultiplayer_78[18] = "multiplayer.cmd.e"; // weak
  2013. char aMultiplayer_77[24] = "multiplayer.cmd.enemies"; // weak
  2014. char aMultiplayer_76[18] = "multiplayer.cmd.t"; // weak
  2015. char aMultiplayer_75[21] = "multiplayer.cmd.team"; // weak
  2016. char aMultiplayer_74[26] = "multiplayer.cmd.broadcast"; // weak
  2017. char aMultiplayer_73[20] = "multiplayer.cmd.msg"; // weak
  2018. char aMultiplayer_72[19] = "multiplayer.cmd.me"; // weak
  2019. char aMultiplayer_cm[16] = "multiplayer.cmd"; // weak
  2020. char aMultiplayer_71[31] = "multiplayer.setup.clearmission"; // weak
  2021. char aMultiplayer_70[35] = "multiplayer.setup.setrandommission"; // weak
  2022. char aMultiplayer_69[29] = "multiplayer.setup.setmission"; // weak
  2023. char aMultiplayer_68[29] = "multiplayer.setup.getmission"; // weak
  2024. char aMultiplayer_67[33] = "multiplayer.setup.suggestmission"; // weak
  2025. char aMultiplayer_66[25] = "multiplayer.setup.launch"; // weak
  2026. char aMultiplayer_65[25] = "multiplayer.setup.fillai"; // weak
  2027. char aMultiplayer_64[27] = "multiplayer.setup.removeai"; // weak
  2028. char aMultiplayer_63[24] = "multiplayer.setup.addai"; // weak
  2029. char aMultiplayer_62[26] = "multiplayer.setup.leaving"; // weak
  2030. char aMultiplayer_61[25] = "multiplayer.setup.joined"; // weak
  2031. char aMultiplayer_60[26] = "multiplayer.setup.created"; // weak
  2032. char aMultiplayer_59[18] = "multiplayer.setup"; // weak
  2033. char aMultiplayer_58[35] = "multiplayer.session.createdownload"; // weak
  2034. char aMultiplayer_57[33] = "multiplayer.session.joindownload"; // weak
  2035. char aMultiplayer_56[33] = "multiplayer.session.joinpassword"; // weak
  2036. char aMultiplayer_55[28] = "multiplayer.session.connect"; // weak
  2037. char aMultiplayer_54[20] = "multiplayer.session"; // weak
  2038. char aMultiplayer_53[31] = "multiplayer.server.joinconnect"; // weak
  2039. char aMultiplayer_52[27] = "multiplayer.server.connect"; // weak
  2040. char aMultiplayer_51[25] = "multiplayer.server.start"; // weak
  2041. char aMultiplayer_50[19] = "multiplayer.server"; // weak
  2042. char aMultiplayer_49[26] = "multiplayer.register.info"; // weak
  2043. char aMultiplayer_48[29] = "multiplayer.register.updates"; // weak
  2044. char aMultiplayer_47[29] = "multiplayer.register.players"; // weak
  2045. char aMultiplayer_46[34] = "multiplayer.register.transferlist"; // weak
  2046. char aMultiplayer_45[30] = "multiplayer.register.transfer"; // weak
  2047. char aMultiplayer_44[27] = "multiplayer.register.setup"; // weak
  2048. char aMultiplayer_43[28] = "multiplayer.register.server"; // weak
  2049. char aMultiplayer_42[28] = "multiplayer.register.client"; // weak
  2050. char aMultiplayer_re[21] = "multiplayer.register"; // weak
  2051. char aMultiplayer_41[28] = "multiplayer.flags.nonetwork"; // weak
  2052. char aMultiplayer_40[32] = "multiplayer.flags.fillInterface"; // weak
  2053. char aMultiplayer_39[27] = "multiplayer.flags.isLocked"; // weak
  2054. char aMultiplayer_38[27] = "multiplayer.flags.wasLobby"; // weak
  2055. char aMultiplayer_37[26] = "multiplayer.flags.isLobby"; // weak
  2056. char aMultiplayer_36[25] = "multiplayer.flags.isHost"; // weak
  2057. char aMultiplayer_35[25] = "multiplayer.flags.online"; // weak
  2058. char aMultiplayer_34[25] = "multiplayer.flags.update"; // weak
  2059. char aMultiplayer_fl[18] = "multiplayer.flags"; // weak
  2060. char aMultiplayer_du[21] = "multiplayer.dumpdata"; // weak
  2061. char aMultiplayer_si[19] = "multiplayer.sizeof"; // weak
  2062. char aMultiplayer_33[26] = "multiplayer.checkfirewall"; // weak
  2063. char aMultiplayer_mi[20] = "multiplayer.migrate"; // weak
  2064. char aMultiplayer_la[19] = "multiplayer.launch"; // weak
  2065. char aMultiplayer_32[18] = "multiplayer.login"; // weak
  2066. char aMultiplayer_ab[18] = "multiplayer.abort"; // weak
  2067. char aMultiplayer_31[26] = "multiplayer.lookupaddress"; // weak
  2068. char aMultiplayer_lo[23] = "multiplayer.lookupname"; // weak
  2069. char aMultiplayer[12] = "multiplayer"; // weak
  2070. char aGame_info_cust[25] = "#game.info.custommission"; // weak
  2071. char asc_69890C[] = "#(,');{}=-+&\""; // idb
  2072. char off_69891C[] = { 'M', 's', 'g', '\0' }; // idb
  2073. char aMultiplayer__5[42] = "multiplayer.session.joinpassword password"; // weak
  2074. char aAddressDD[] = " - address %d [%d]"; // idb
  2075. char aSessionD[] = "Session: %d"; // idb
  2076. char aMaxusersDD[] = " - maxUsers %d [%d]"; // idb
  2077. char aNumusersDD[] = " - numUsers %d [%d]"; // idb
  2078. char aVersionDD[] = " - version %d [%d]"; // idb
  2079. char aFlagsDD[] = " - flags %d [%d]"; // idb
  2080. char aNameDD[] = " - name %d [%d]"; // idb
  2081. char aSessiondataD[] = "SessionData: %d"; // idb
  2082. char aSuggestsSS[] = "suggests %s [%s]"; // idb
  2083. char aAborting[] = "Aborting"; // idb
  2084. char aMultiplayer__4[33] = "#multiplayer.chat.error.noplayer"; // weak
  2085. char aMultiplayer__3[26] = "#multiplayer.chat.privmsg"; // weak
  2086. char aMultiplayer__2[26] = "#multiplayer.chat.allymsg"; // weak
  2087. char aKickedSFromThe[] = "kicked '%s' from the game"; // idb
  2088. char aMultiplayer__1[27] = "#multiplayer.chat.enemymsg"; // weak
  2089. char aMultiplayer_ch[26] = "#multiplayer.chat.teammsg"; // weak
  2090. char aUnknownResultF[38] = "Unknown result from GetFirewallStatus"; // weak
  2091. char aKickAPlayerFro[] = "  Kick a player from the game (host only)"; // idb
  2092. char aKickOrKPlayer[] = "/kick (or k) player"; // idb
  2093. char aSendAMessage_1[] = "  Send a message to your enemies"; // idb
  2094. char aEnemiesOrEMess[] = "/enemies (or e) message"; // idb
  2095. char aSendAMessage_0[] = "  Send a message to your allies"; // idb
  2096. char aAlliesOrAMessa[] = "/allies (or a) message"; // idb
  2097. char aSendAMessageTo[] = "  Send a message to your co-op teammates"; // idb
  2098. char aTeamOrTMessage[] = "/team (or t) message"; // idb
  2099. char aSendAPrivateMe[] = "  Send a private message to a player"; // idb
  2100. char aMsgPlayerMessa[] = "/msg player message"; // idb
  2101. char aEmoteAMessage[] = "  Emote a message"; // idb
  2102. char aMeMessage[] = "/me message"; // idb
  2103. char aAvailableComma[] = "Available commands:"; // idb
  2104. char a127_0_0_1[10] = ""; // weak
  2105. char aMultiplayer__0[58] = "multiplayer.session.createdownload name password maxUsers"; // weak
  2106. char aOldHostinfoFou[] = "Old hostInfo found"; // idb
  2107. char aMultiplayer_se[41] = "multiplayer.session.joindownload control"; // weak
  2108. char aOldJoininfoFou[] = "Old joinInfo found"; // idb
  2109. char aDSrcCodeMult_1[44] = "D:\\Src\\code\\multiplayer\\multiplayer_cmd.cpp"; // weak
  2110. char aNoDataForPlaye[] = "No data for player"; // idb
  2111. char aBeforeMigratin[] = "Before migrating, player was on team [%d]"; // idb
  2112. char aWeReLaunchedKi[] = "We're launched, kicking new player out"; // idb
  2113. char aPlayer08xEnter[] = "Player [%08X] Entered"; // idb
  2114. char aDSrcCodeMult_2[45] = "D:\\Src\\code\\multiplayer\\multiplayer_host.cpp"; // weak
  2115. char aPlayer08xCould[] = "Player [%08X] could not be resolved"; // idb
  2116. char aPlayer08xExite[] = "Player [%08X] Exited"; // idb
  2117. char aJoingroupaiFro[] = "JoinGroupAI from [%08X]"; // idb
  2118. char aHavemissionFro[] = "HaveMission from [%08X]"; // idb
  2119. char aLeaveteamFrom0[] = "LeaveTeam from [%08X]"; // idb
  2120. char aCanTJoinAiTeam[] = "Can't join AI teams!"; // idb
  2121. char aJointeamFrom08[] = "JoinTeam from [%08X]"; // idb
  2122. char aJoingroupFrom0[] = "JoinGroup from [%08X]"; // idb
  2123. char aNonOwner08xA_0[] = "NON-OWNER [%08X] attempted to change side group %d"; // idb
  2124. char aSetteamsideFro[] = "SetTeamSide from [%08X]"; // idb
  2125. char aNonOwner08xAtt[] = "NON-OWNER [%08X] attempted to change color for team %d"; // idb
  2126. char aSorryThatColor[] = "Sorry, that color is already taken"; // idb
  2127. char aSetteamcolorFr[] = "SetTeamColor from [%08X]"; // idb
  2128. char aLeavegroupFrom[] = "LeaveGroup from [%08X]"; // idb
  2129. char aLeavegroupaiFr[] = "LeaveGroupAI from [%08X]"; // idb
  2130. char aSetgroupFrom08[] = "SetGroup from [%08X]"; // idb
  2131. char aSetstartlocati[] = "SetStartLocation from [%08X]"; // idb
  2132. char aGotAResponseFr[] = "Got a response from [%08X] who hasn't been challenged!"; // idb
  2133. char aNotesThatSHadA[] = "notes that '%s' had a different version"; // idb
  2134. char aSHasADifferent[] = "%s has a different build"; // idb
  2135. char aSHasTheSameBui[] = "%s has the same build"; // idb
  2136. char a___[4] = "???"; // weak
  2137. char aIntegrityRespo[] = "Integrity response from [%08X]"; // idb
  2138. char aLaunchreadyFro[] = "LaunchReady from [%08X]"; // idb
  2139. char aLaunchFrom08x[] = "Launch from [%08X]"; // idb
  2140. char aMakingRoomForH[] = "Making room for human player by deleting AI [%d]"; // idb
  2141. char aFoundUnusedTea[] = "Found unused team %d for player [%08X]"; // idb
  2142. char aFormedNewTeamD[] = "Formed new team %d with owner [%08X]"; // idb
  2143. char aFoundUnusedGro[] = "Found unused group %d"; // idb
  2144. char aFoundUnusedCol[] = "Found unused color %d"; // idb
  2145. char aCouldnTFindAnU[30] = "Couldn't find an unused color"; // weak
  2146. char aRandom[] = "Random"; // idb
  2147. char aResetingTeamD[] = "Reseting team %d"; // idb
  2148. char aDeleteaiteamTr[] = "DeleteAITeam: tried to delete non AI team 0x%.8X"; // idb
  2149. char aNeedMoreGroups[] = "Need more groups [%d]"; // idb
  2150. char aMultiplayer_13[36] = "#multiplayer.setup.error.needgroups"; // weak
  2151. char aTooManyTeamsFo[] = "Too many teams for the current mission."; // idb
  2152. char aMultiplayer_12[38] = "#multiplayer.setup.error.toomanyteams"; // weak
  2153. char aSDoesnTHaveThe[] = "%s doesn't have the current mission"; // idb
  2154. char aMultiplayer_11[37] = "#multiplayer.setup.error.havemission"; // weak
  2155. char aSIsnTReadyToLa[] = "%s isn't ready to launch"; // idb
  2156. char aMultiplayer_10[32] = "#multiplayer.setup.error.launch"; // weak
  2157. char aMultiplayer__9[34] = "#multiplayer.setup.error.notready"; // weak
  2158. char aSHasTheADiffer[] = "%s has the a different version"; // idb
  2159. char aMultiplayer__8[38] = "#multiplayer.setup.error.wrongversion"; // weak
  2160. char aPlayer08xWasNo[] = "Player [%08X] was not found"; // idb
  2161. char aPlayer08xNotFo[] = "Player [%08X] not found"; // idb
  2162. char aCheckingPlayer[] = "Checking player [%08X]"; // idb
  2163. char aThereWerenTEno[] = "There weren't enough players"; // idb
  2164. char aMultiplayer__7[37] = "#multiplayer.setup.error.moreplayers"; // weak
  2165. char aThereWasNoMiss[] = "There was no mission selected"; // idb
  2166. char aMultiplayer__6[35] = "#multiplayer.setup.error.nomission"; // weak
  2167. char aCheckingLaunch[] = "Checking Launch Status ..."; // idb
  2168. int dword_69942C = 2713876375; // weak
  2169. char aOfferDWasDenie[] = "Offer %d was denied by [%08X]"; // idb
  2170. char aReceivedATrans[] = "Received a TransferInitiate from [%08X] but we never accepted it!"; // idb
  2171. char aFailedToRecv[] = "Failed to recv!"; // idb
  2172. char aTransferDIniti[] = "Transfer %d inititated by [%08X]"; // idb
  2173. char aMultiplayer_14[34] = "#multiplayer.transfer.offer.title"; // weak
  2174. char aMultiplayer_tr[36] = "#multiplayer.transfer.offer.message"; // weak
  2175. char aOfferAccept[] = "Offer::Accept"; // idb
  2176. char aStandard_but_0[22] = "#standard.buttons.yes"; // weak
  2177. char aOfferDeny[] = "Offer::Deny"; // idb
  2178. char aStandard_butto[21] = "#standard.buttons.no"; // weak
  2179. char aIdD[] = "Id: %d"; // idb
  2180. char aType08x[] = "Type: %08X"; // idb
  2181. char aSizeD[] = "Size: %d"; // idb
  2182. char aFileS[] = "File: %s"; // idb
  2183. char aReceivedAnXfer[] = "Received an xfer offer from [%08X]"; // idb
  2184. char aAcceptedOfferC[] = "Accepted offer could not be resolved!"; // idb
  2185. char aFailedToSend[] = "Failed to send!"; // idb
  2186. char aTransferInitia[] = "Transfer initiated from %s:%d"; // idb
  2187. char aWeCouldnTGetOu[] = "We couldn't get out local address!"; // idb
  2188. char aOfferDWasAccep[] = "Offer %d was accepted by [%08X]"; // idb
  2189. char aDSrcCodeMult_3[49] = "D:\\Src\\code\\multiplayer\\multiplayer_transfer.cpp"; // weak
  2190. char aMultiplayer_21[32] = "#multiplayer.transfer.abortedto"; // weak
  2191. char aMultiplayer_20[34] = "#multiplayer.transfer.abortedfrom"; // weak
  2192. char aMultiplayer_19[37] = "#multiplayer.transfer.completedstats"; // weak
  2193. char aM[2] = "M"; // weak
  2194. char aK[2] = "k"; // weak
  2195. char aMultiplayer_18[34] = "#multiplayer.transfer.completedto"; // weak
  2196. char aMultiplayer_17[36] = "#multiplayer.transfer.completedfrom"; // weak
  2197. char aMultiplayer_16[31] = "#multiplayer.transfer.failedto"; // weak
  2198. char aMultiplayer_15[33] = "#multiplayer.transfer.failedfrom"; // weak
  2199. char aMultiplayer_23[44] = "#multiplayer.transfer.existingmission.title"; // weak
  2200. char aMultiplayer_22[46] = "#multiplayer.transfer.existingmission.message"; // weak
  2201. char aOverwriteYes[] = "Overwrite::Yes"; // idb
  2202. char aOverwriteNo[] = "Overwrite::No"; // idb
  2203. char aMultiplayer_25[39] = "#multiplayer.transfer.cantdelete.title"; // weak
  2204. char aMultiplayer_24[41] = "#multiplayer.transfer.cantdelete.message"; // weak
  2205. char aOk[] = "Ok"; // idb
  2206. char aStandard_but_1[21] = "#standard.buttons.ok"; // weak
  2207. char aMultiplayerAdd[] = "MultiPlayer::AddressBook"; // idb
  2208. char aPort[] = "Port"; // idb
  2209. char aLocation[] = "Location"; // idb
  2210. char aEntry[6] = "Entry"; // weak
  2211. int dword_699954 = 1; // weak
  2212. void *off_699958 = &unk_6C6C41; // weak
  2213. char aResettingNetwo[] = "Resetting Network"; // idb
  2214. char aDSrcCodeMult_4[48] = "D:\\Src\\code\\multiplayer\\multiplayer_network.cpp"; // weak
  2215. char aWeAreRunningAS[67] = "We are running a server and have been asked to accept a migration!"; // weak
  2216. char aSys_game_mig_1[21] = "sys.game.migrate.end"; // weak
  2217. char aMigrationWasNo[] = "Migration was not needed"; // idb
  2218. char aSys_game_mig_0[24] = "sys.game.migrate.resync"; // weak
  2219. char aMultiplayer_28[29] = "#multiplayer.server.migrated"; // weak
  2220. char aMultiplayer_27[29] = "#multiplayer.chat.playerexit"; // weak
  2221. char aMultiplayer_26[30] = "#multiplayer.chat.playerenter"; // weak
  2222. char aSEnteredTheGam[] = "'%s' entered the game"; // idb
  2223. char aTellingServerT[] = "Telling server that migration has completed"; // idb
  2224. char aAllPlayersMigr[] = "All players migrated"; // idb
  2225. char aProxy[6] = "Proxy"; // weak
  2226. char aLongitude[10] = "Longitude"; // weak
  2227. char aLatitude[9] = "Latitude"; // weak
  2228. char aLocaladdress[13] = "LocalAddress"; // weak
  2229. char aFirewall[9] = "Firewall"; // weak
  2230. char aMultiplayerOpt[] = "MultiPlayer::Options"; // idb
  2231. char aMultiplayerRep[] = "MultiPlayer::Report"; // idb
  2232. char aMultiplayerEar[] = "MultiPlayer::Earth"; // idb
  2233. char aMultiplayerLoc[] = "MultiPlayer::LocalPings"; // idb
  2234. char aMultiplayerTra[] = "MultiPlayer::TransferList"; // idb
  2235. char aMultiplayerMis[] = "MultiPlayer::Mission"; // idb
  2236. char aMultiplayerSyn[] = "MultiPlayer::SyncList"; // idb
  2237. char aMultiplayerP_2[] = "MultiPlayer::PlayerInfo"; // idb
  2238. char aMultiplayerC_0[] = "MultiPlayer::ColorSelect::Selector"; // idb
  2239. char aMultiplayerCol[] = "MultiPlayer::ColorSelect"; // idb
  2240. char aMultiplayerP_1[] = "MultiPlayer::Players::SlotColor"; // idb
  2241. char aMultiplayerP_0[] = "MultiPlayer::Players::Slot"; // idb
  2242. char aMultiplayerPla[] = "MultiPlayer::Players"; // idb
  2243. char aMultiplayerCha[] = "MultiPlayer::ChatEdit"; // idb
  2244. char aMultiplayerSes[] = "MultiPlayer::Sessions"; // idb
  2245. char aSlotcolor[] = "SlotColor"; // idb
  2246. char aMultiplayer_29[26] = "#multiplayer.setup.ainame"; // weak
  2247. char aDefaultsession[19] = "defaultSessionName"; // weak
  2248. char aSSGame[] = "%s's game"; // idb
  2249. char aSD[] = "%s:%d"; // idb
  2250. char aDD[] = "%d/%d"; // idb
  2251. char aPlayers[] = "Players"; // idb
  2252. char aSession[] = "Session"; // idb
  2253. char aMultiplayer_30[27] = "#multiplayer.session.local"; // weak
  2254. char a____0[5] = "?:??"; // weak
  2255. char aD02d[] = "%d:%02d"; // idb
  2256. char a_1fmbS[] = "%.1fMB/s"; // idb
  2257. char a_1fkbS[9] = "%.1fkB/s"; // weak
  2258. char a_1fbS[8] = "%.1fB/s"; // weak
  2259. char a_1fmb[] = "%.1fMB"; // idb
  2260. char a_1fkb[7] = "%.1fkB"; // weak
  2261. char a_1fb[6] = "%.1fB"; // weak
  2262. char aTo[3] = "To"; // weak
  2263. char aFrom[5] = "From"; // weak
  2264. char aSelectorD[] = "Selector%d"; // idb
  2265. char aSSS_1[] = "%s%s %s"; // idb
  2266. char aCommandPrefixN[45] = "Command prefix not defined for ChatEdit [%s]"; // weak
  2267. char aDSrcCodeMult_5[58] = "D:\\Src\\code\\multiplayer\\multiplayer_controls_chatedit.cpp"; // weak
  2268. char a_loss[7] = "$.loss"; // weak
  2269. char a_hops[7] = "$.hops"; // weak
  2270. char a_pingmin[10] = "$.pingMin"; // weak
  2271. char a_pingmax[10] = "$.pingMax"; // weak
  2272. char a_pingavg[10] = "$.pingAvg"; // weak
  2273. char a_pingsmoothdev[16] = "$.pingSmoothDev"; // weak
  2274. char a_pingsmooth[13] = "$.pingSmooth"; // weak
  2275. char a_sentratemin[14] = "$.sentRateMin"; // weak
  2276. char a_sentratemax[14] = "$.sentRateMax"; // weak
  2277. char a_sentratesmoot[17] = "$.sentRateSmooth"; // weak
  2278. char a_sentrate[11] = "$.sentRate"; // weak
  2279. char a_sentbytesperp[21] = "$.sentBytesPerPacket"; // weak
  2280. char a_sentbytespers[21] = "$.sentBytesPerSecond"; // weak
  2281. char a_sentbytes[12] = "$.sentBytes"; // weak
  2282. char a_sentpacketspe[23] = "$.sentPacketsPerSecond"; // weak
  2283. char a_sentpackets[14] = "$.sentPackets"; // weak
  2284. char a_recvratemin[14] = "$.recvRateMin"; // weak
  2285. char a_recvratemax[14] = "$.recvRateMax"; // weak
  2286. char a_recvratesmoot[17] = "$.recvRateSmooth"; // weak
  2287. char a_recvrate[11] = "$.recvRate"; // weak
  2288. char a_recvbytesperp[21] = "$.recvBytesPerPacket"; // weak
  2289. char a_recvbytespers[21] = "$.recvBytesPerSecond"; // weak
  2290. char a_recvbytes[12] = "$.recvBytes"; // weak
  2291. char a_recvpacketspe[23] = "$.recvPacketsPerSecond"; // weak
  2292. char a_recvpackets[14] = "$.recvPackets"; // weak
  2293. char aAddress[8] = "address"; // weak
  2294. char aName_0[5] = "name"; // weak
  2295. char aAddress_0[] = "Address"; // idb
  2296. char a_playername[13] = "$.playerName"; // weak
  2297. char aFirewallstat_1[27] = "FirewallStatus::AutoDetect"; // weak
  2298. char aFirewallstat_0[34] = "FirewallStatus::NotBehindFirewall"; // weak
  2299. char aFirewallstatus[31] = "FirewallStatus::BehindFirewall"; // weak
  2300. char a_proxy[8] = "$.proxy"; // weak
  2301. char a_port[7] = "$.port"; // weak
  2302. char a_localaddress[15] = "$.localAddress"; // weak
  2303. char a_firewall[11] = "$.firewall"; // weak
  2304. char aGroup08x_team0[] = "Group[%08X].Team[%08X].Player[%08X]"; // idb
  2305. char aGroup08x[] = "Group[%08X]"; // idb
  2306. char aFailedToPlaySo[] = "Failed to play sound file [%s]"; // idb
  2307. char aDSrcCodeSoundS[45] = "D:\\Src\\code\\sound\\sound_digital_reserved.cpp"; // weak
  2308. char a_mp3_0[5] = ".mp3"; // weak
  2309. int dword_69A0F8 = 4; // weak
  2310. char aClaimFailed[] = "Claim: Failed"; // idb
  2311. char aClaimOpenedS[] = "Claim: Opened [%s]"; // idb
  2312. char aDSrcCodeSoun_4[36] = "D:\\Src\\code\\sound\\sound_digital.cpp"; // weak
  2313. char aNoCurrentServi[19] = "No current service"; // weak
  2314. char aCompleted_0[] = " - Completed"; // idb
  2315. char aUsingMssVersio[] = "Using MSS Version [%s] Dated [%s]"; // idb
  2316. char a6_1c[5] = "6.1c"; // weak
  2317. char a15Oct01[10] = "15-Oct-01"; // weak
  2318. char aLibraryMss[12] = "library\\mss"; // weak
  2319. char aSound_0[] = "Sound"; // idb
  2320. char aSoundInit[] = "Sound::Init()"; // idb
  2321. char aDSrcCodeSoun_0[28] = "D:\\Src\\code\\sound\\sound.cpp"; // weak
  2322. char aSoundDone[] = "Sound::Done()"; // idb
  2323. char aLeavingSoundCr[] = "Leaving Sound::CriticalShutdown"; // idb
  2324. char aEnteringSoundC[] = "Entering Sound::CriticalShutdown"; // idb
  2325. char aAllocatedD2dVo[] = " - Allocated %d 2D voices"; // idb
  2326. char aOutputClaim[] = "Output::Claim:"; // idb
  2327. char aDSrcCodeSoun_1[43] = "D:\\Src\\code\\sound\\sound_digital_output.cpp"; // weak
  2328. char aIgnoringPossib[] = "Ignoring possibly corrupted file '%s'"; // idb
  2329. char aFileSHasVanish[] = "File '%s' has vanished!"; // idb
  2330. char aFileSHasChange[] = "File '%s' has changed size!"; // idb
  2331. char aFileSIsTooLarg[37] = "File '%s' is too large for the cache"; // weak
  2332. char aDSrcCodeSoun_2[42] = "D:\\Src\\code\\sound\\sound_digital_cache.cpp"; // weak
  2333. char aSoundDataFileN[] = "Sound data file not found [%s]"; // idb
  2334. char aDSrcCodeSoun_3[43] = "D:\\Src\\code\\sound\\sound_digital_record.cpp"; // weak
  2335. char aInvalid[10] = "[Invalid]"; // weak
  2336. char aThereWereDBloc[] = "There were %d blocks %d bytes on the cache"; // idb
  2337. char aFlushingMemory[] = "Flushing Memory Cache"; // idb
  2338. char aDSrcCodeSystem[36] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\debug_memory.cpp"; // weak
  2339. char aTailDBytes[] = "Tail: %d bytes"; // idb
  2340. char aHeadDBytes[] = "Head: %d bytes"; // idb
  2341. char aContentsDBytes[] = "Contents: %d bytes"; // idb
  2342. char aAllocator[] = "Allocator:"; // idb
  2343. char aAfterBlock08xh[] = "After Block: %08Xh [%d (%d) bytes] %d away"; // idb
  2344. char aBeforeBlock08x[] = "Before Block: %08Xh [%d (%d) bytes] %d away"; // idb
  2345. char aBlock08xhDDByt[] = "Block: %08Xh [%d (%d) bytes] Next: %08Xh Prev: %08Xh"; // idb
  2346. char aMemoryPrivate9[] = "Memory Private     : %9d"; // idb
  2347. char aMemoryMapped9d[] = "Memory Mapped      : %9d"; // idb
  2348. char aMemoryImage9d[] = "Memory Image       : %9d"; // idb
  2349. char aNoCache9d[] = "No Cache           : %9d"; // idb
  2350. char aNoAccess9d[] = "No Access          : %9d"; // idb
  2351. char aGuard9d[] = "Guard              : %9d"; // idb
  2352. char aExecuteWriteCo[] = "Execute Write Copy : %9d"; // idb
  2353. char aExecuteReadWri[] = "Execute Read Write : %9d"; // idb
  2354. char aExecuteRead9d[] = "Execute Read       : %9d"; // idb
  2355. char aExecute9d[] = "Execute            : %9d"; // idb
  2356. char aWriteCopy9d[] = "Write Copy         : %9d"; // idb
  2357. char aReadWrite9d[] = "Read Write         : %9d"; // idb
  2358. char aReadOnly9d[] = "Read Only          : %9d"; // idb
  2359. char aTotalCommited9[] = "Total Commited     : %9d"; // idb
  2360. char aMemoryInfo[] = "Memory Info:"; // idb
  2361. int dword_69A77C = 1; // weak
  2362. char a_log[5] = ".log"; // weak
  2363. CHAR OutputString[] = "\n"; // idb
  2364. char aSSSS_log[] = "%s%s %s %s.log"; // idb
  2365. char aBrainsProjects[40] = "\\\\brains\\projects\\armymen\\general\\logs\\"; // weak
  2366. char a_sym[5] = ".sym"; // weak
  2367. CHAR aIsdebuggerpres[] = "IsDebuggerPresent"; // idb
  2368. CHAR ModuleName[] = "KERNEL32.DLL"; // idb
  2369. char aLeavingAtexitE[] = "leaving AtExit::Execute"; // idb
  2370. char aEnteringAtexit[] = "entering AtExit::Execute"; // idb
  2371. char aDSrcCodeSyst_0[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\debug_win32.cpp"; // weak
  2372. char aCallstack[] = "CallStack:"; // idb
  2373. char aCf08xhPfDAfDZf[] = " CF: %08xh PF:%d AF:%d ZF:%d SF:%d OF:%d"; // idb
  2374. char aEdi08xh[] = "EDI: %08Xh                       "; // idb
  2375. char aEsi08xhEsp08xh[] = "ESI: %08Xh  ESP: %08Xh           "; // idb
  2376. char aEdx08xhEbp08xh[] = "EDX: %08Xh  EBP: %08Xh  GS: %08Xh"; // idb
  2377. char aEcx08xhSs08xhF[] = "ECX: %08Xh   SS: %08Xh  FS: %08Xh"; // idb
  2378. char aEbx08xhEip08xh[] = "EBX: %08Xh  EIP: %08Xh  ES: %08Xh"; // idb
  2379. char aEax08xhCs08xhD[] = "EAX: %08Xh   CS: %08Xh  DS: %08Xh"; // idb
  2380. char aRegisters[] = "Registers:"; // idb
  2381. char aStD0_17le[] = "ST%d: %+0.17Le"; // idb
  2382. char aStDSnan[] = "ST%d:  #SNaN"; // idb
  2383. char aStDQnan[] = "ST%d:  #QNaN"; // idb
  2384. char aStDCInf[] = "ST%d: %c#INF"; // idb
  2385. char aTag04xh[] = "TAG: %04Xh"; // idb
  2386. char aSta04xhIDDDZDO[] = "STA: %04Xh I:%d D:%d Z:%d O:%d U:%d P:%d SF:%d"; // idb
  2387. char aCtl04xhEm04xhP[] = "CTL: %04Xh EM:%04Xh PC:%02Xh RC:%02Xh"; // idb
  2388. char aFloatingPoint[] = "Floating Point:"; // idb
  2389. char aExceptionFil_0[] = "Exception::Filter: pre DialogBox"; // idb
  2390. CHAR aSyslistview32[] = "SysListView32"; // idb
  2391. char aExceptionFilte[] = "Exception::Filter: post shutdown"; // idb
  2392. char aStackU[] = "Stack: %u"; // idb
  2393. char aInfoS[] = "Info: %s"; // idb
  2394. char aTypeS[] = "Type: %s"; // idb
  2395. char aExceptionInExc[31] = "EXCEPTION IN EXCEPTION HANDLER"; // weak
  2396. char aUnknownExcepti[18] = "UNKNOWN EXCEPTION"; // weak
  2397. char a08xh[] = "%08xh"; // idb
  2398. char aStackOverflow[15] = "STACK OVERFLOW"; // weak
  2399. char aPrivInstructio[17] = "PRIV INSTRUCTION"; // weak
  2400. char aIntegerOverflo[17] = "INTEGER OVERFLOW"; // weak
  2401. char aIntegerDivideB[23] = "INTEGER DIVIDE BY ZERO"; // weak
  2402. char aFloatingPointU[25] = "FLOATING POINT UNDERFLOW"; // weak
  2403. char aFloatingPointS[27] = "FLOATING POINT STACK CHECK"; // weak
  2404. char aFloatingPoint_[24] = "FLOATING POINT_OVERFLOW"; // weak
  2405. char aFloatingPoin_1[33] = "FLOATING POINT INVALID OPERATION"; // weak
  2406. char aFloatingPointI[30] = "FLOATING POINT INEXACT RESULT"; // weak
  2407. char aFloatingPoin_0[30] = "FLOATING POINT DIVIDE BY ZERO"; // weak
  2408. char aNoncontinuable[25] = "NONCONTINUABLE EXCEPTION"; // weak
  2409. char aInvalidDispost[19] = "INVALID DISPOSTION"; // weak
  2410. char aFloatingPointD[32] = "FLOATING POINT DENORMAL OPERAND"; // weak
  2411. char aArrayBoundExce[21] = "ARRAY BOUND EXCEEDED"; // weak
  2412. char aIllegalInstruc[20] = "ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION"; // weak
  2413. char aS08xh[] = "%s %08Xh"; // idb
  2414. char aReadingFrom[13] = "READING from"; // weak
  2415. char aWritingTo[11] = "WRITING to"; // weak
  2416. char aAccessViolatio[17] = "ACCESS VIOLATION"; // weak
  2417. char aInPageError[14] = "IN PAGE ERROR"; // weak
  2418. char aSingleStep[12] = "SINGLE STEP"; // weak
  2419. char aDatatypeMisali[22] = "DATATYPE MISALIGNMENT"; // weak
  2420. char aBreakpoint[11] = "BREAKPOINT"; // weak
  2421. char aSS_5[] = "%s [%s]"; // idb
  2422. char aAnErrorOccured[] = "An Error Occured [%s]"; // idb
  2423. char aStampS[] = "Stamp:   %s"; // idb
  2424. char aLineD[] = "Line#:   %d"; // idb
  2425. char aModuleS[] = "Module:  %s"; // idb
  2426. char aMessageS[] = "Message: %s"; // idb
  2427. char aSubtypeS[] = "SubType: %s"; // idb
  2428. char aTypeError[] = "Type:    ERROR"; // idb
  2429. CHAR aDebug_0[] = "&Debug"; // idb
  2430. CHAR aSubmit[] = "&Submit"; // idb
  2431. CHAR aViewLog[] = "View &Log"; // idb
  2432. CHAR aQuit_1[] = "&Quit"; // idb
  2433. char aEXCEPTION[] = "[ E X C E P T I O N ]"; // idb
  2434. CHAR aPandemicStud_0[] = "Pandemic Studios: Error"; // idb
  2435. char aEdit_0[5] = "EDIT"; // weak
  2436. CHAR aRichedit20a[] = "RichEdit20A"; // idb
  2437. CHAR off_69ADA0[] = { '&', 'O', 'k', '\0' }; // idb
  2438. CHAR aRiched20_dll[] = "RICHED20.DLL"; // idb
  2439. CHAR aPandemicStudio[] = "Pandemic Studios"; // idb
  2440. char aWatchdogSFinis[] = "WatchDog \"%s\" finished..."; // idb
  2441. char aVirtualprotect[] = "VirtualProtect failed"; // idb
  2442. char aInfiniteLoopIn[] = "Infinite loop in kernel code 0x%.8X"; // idb
  2443. char aSThreadStillNo[] = "%s: Thread still not responding"; // idb
  2444. char aSThreadIsNotRe[] = "%s: Thread is not responding"; // idb
  2445. char aWatchdogSStart[] = "WatchDog \"%s\" started..."; // idb
  2446. char aWatchdogSRunni[] = "WatchDog \"%s\" running under debugger, quitting"; // idb
  2447. char *off_69AF34[3] = { "PTree Binary File", "FScope Data", "Symbol Data" }; // weak
  2448. char *off_69AF38[2] = { "FScope Data", "Symbol Data" }; // weak
  2449. char *off_69AF3C = "Symbol Data"; // weak
  2450. char aGlobalscope[12] = "GlobalScope"; // weak
  2451. char asc_69AF78[2] = "/"; // weak
  2452. char aUnableToOpenFi[] = "Unable to open file '%s'"; // idb
  2453. char aFileSIsBeingIn[43] = "File [%s] is being included multiple times"; // weak
  2454. char aDSrcCodeSyst_1[29] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\ptree.cpp"; // weak
  2455. char aPunctuation[12] = "punctuation"; // weak
  2456. char aIllegalIdentif[] = "Illegal identifier name '%s'"; // idb
  2457. char asc_69B010[4] = "'}'"; // weak
  2458. char aOr[11] = "'{' or ';'"; // weak
  2459. char aEnum[5] = "enum"; // weak
  2460. char aFunctionScopeC[25] = "function scope construct"; // weak
  2461. char asc_69B044[] = ")"; // idb
  2462. char aSDDumpvarSS[] = "%s(%d): #dumpvar(%s) = %s"; // idb
  2463. char aNotFound[11] = "NOT FOUND!"; // weak
  2464. char asc_69B070[2] = "("; // weak
  2465. char aUnknownPreProc[] = "Unknown pre-processor directive '%s'"; // idb
  2466. char aIncludeErrorS[] = "#include error : %s"; // idb
  2467. char aSDS_0[] = "%s(%d): %s"; // idb
  2468. char asc_69B0BC[2] = "\""; // weak
  2469. char asc_69B0C0[2] = "#"; // weak
  2470. char aFunctionArgume[18] = "function argument"; // weak
  2471. char asc_69B0D8[] = ";"; // idb
  2472. char aVariableValue[15] = "variable value"; // weak
  2473. char aAtomicTypeOfSI[] = "Atomic type of '%s' is different to previous definition"; // idb
  2474. char asc_69B124[2] = "="; // weak
  2475. char aDataValue[11] = "data value"; // weak
  2476. char aIntegerValue[14] = "integer value"; // weak
  2477. char aUnableToUseVar[] = "unable to use variable '%s' in this manner"; // idb
  2478. char aSUndeclaredIde[] = "'%s' : undeclared identifier"; // idb
  2479. char asc_69B190[2] = "&"; // weak
  2480. char asc_69B194[4] = " = "; // weak
  2481. char asc_69B198[3] = ", "; // weak
  2482. char aCodeGeneratedC[37] = "// Code-Generated Configuration File"; // weak
  2483. char aPandemicStud_1[20] = "// Pandemic Studios"; // weak
  2484. char asc_69B1D8[3] = "//"; // weak
  2485. char asc_69B1DC[75] = "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"; // weak
  2486. char aUnableToWrit_0[] = "Unable to write to file '%s'"; // idb
  2487. char aStringExceedsM[25] = "String exceeds max! (%d)"; // weak
  2488. char aUnsupportedTyp[35] = "Unsupported type in arg list! (%d)"; // weak
  2489. char aExpectedArgume[27] = "Expected argument! (%d/%d)"; // weak
  2490. char aTooManyArgumen[29] = "Too many arguments! (%s, %d)"; // weak
  2491. char aFscopeContaine[35] = "FScope contained unsupported type!"; // weak
  2492. char aExpectedBodyNo[28] = "Expected body node! (%d/%d)"; // weak
  2493. char aErrorWritingTo[] = "Error writing to file '%s'"; // idb
  2494. char aWritetreebinar[] = "WriteTreeBinaryOptimized(%s) failed"; // idb
  2495. char aFailedReadingD[46] = "Failed reading %d bytes from binary data [%d]"; // weak
  2496. char aCorruptPtreeFi[19] = "Corrupt ptree file"; // weak
  2497. char aUnsupportedT_0[33] = "Unsupported type in binary file!"; // weak
  2498. char *off_69B3E8 = "[Unavailable]"; // weak
  2499. char aParseCallstack[] = "Parse Callstack:"; // idb
  2500. char aDSrcCodeSyst_2[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\fscope.cpp"; // weak
  2501. char aArgumentExpect[27] = "Argument expected (pos %d)"; // weak
  2502. char aSArgumentExp_0[32] = "'%s' argument expected (pos %d)"; // weak
  2503. char aSArgumentExpec[52] = "'%s' argument expected (pos %d) but found type '%s'"; // weak
  2504. char aFloatingPoin_2[57] = "Floating Point argument expected (pos %d) but none found"; // weak
  2505. char aFloatingPointA[62] = "Floating Point argument expected (pos %d) but found type '%s'"; // weak
  2506. char aExpectingSToBe[49] = "expecting '%s' to be of type '%s' but found '%s'"; // weak
  2507. char aExpectedFuncti[23] = "expected function '%s'"; // weak
  2508. char aAttemptToChang[46] = "Attempt to change atomic type of '%s' in '%s'"; // weak
  2509. char aAttemptToAddIl[51] = "Attempt to add illegal identifer name '%s' to '%s'"; // weak
  2510. char aS_5[] = "%s("; // idb
  2511. double dbl_69B648 =  6.755399441055744e15; // weak
  2512. char aDSrcCodeSyst_3[29] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\utils.cpp"; // weak
  2513. char *off_69B6BC[26] =
  2514. {
  2515.   "Unknown",
  2516.   "Pentium",
  2517.   "Pentium MMX",
  2518.   "Pentium II",
  2519.   "Pentium III",
  2520.   "Pentium Pro",
  2521.   "Celeron",
  2522.   "Celeron-2",
  2523.   "AMD 5x86",
  2524.   "AMD K5",
  2525.   "AMD K6",
  2526.   "AMD K6-2",
  2527.   "AMD K6-III",
  2528.   "AMD Athlon",
  2529.   "Cyrix 6x86",
  2530.   "Cyrix 6x86MX",
  2531.   "Cyrix MediaGX",
  2532.   "Cyrix GXm",
  2533.   "WinChip C6",
  2534.   "WinChip C6+",
  2535.   &off_69B750,
  2536.   &off_69B74C,
  2537.   &off_69B748,
  2538.   "3DNow",
  2539.   &off_69B73C,
  2540.   "FDIV BUG"
  2541. }; // weak
  2542. void *off_69B724 = &unk_69B72C; // weak
  2543. int dword_69B728 = 3; // weak
  2544. char aUnknown[8] = "Unknown"; // weak
  2545. char byte_69B838[] = { '0' }; // weak
  2546. char asc_69B84C[3] = " ("; // weak
  2547. char asc_69B850[2] = ","; // idb
  2548. char aTDFDMDSX[] = " T:%d F:%d M:%d S:%X"; // idb
  2549. char aL2Uk[] = " L2:%uK"; // idb
  2550. char aL1Uk[] = " L1:%uK"; // idb
  2551. char aSUmhz[] = "%s/%uMHz"; // idb
  2552. char a_2f_2f[] = "%.2f/%.2f"; // idb
  2553. char aWindows3_1With[] = "Windows 3.1 (with Win32s)"; // idb
  2554. char aWindows9xVD_DS[30] = "Windows 9x v%d.%d %s Build %d"; // weak
  2555. char aWindowsNtVD_DS[] = "Windows NT v%d.%d %s Build %d"; // idb
  2556. char off_69BA6C[] = { 'x', 'º', 'i', '\0' }; // idb
  2557. char aS_6[] = " [%s]"; // idb
  2558. char aDatafileOpenFi[] = "DataFile: open files [%d]"; // idb
  2559. char aDSrcCodeSyst_4[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\filesys.cpp"; // weak
  2560. char aSstreamS[] = "%sSTREAM %s"; // idb
  2561. char aFilesys[] = "FileSys"; // idb
  2562. char aRecursiveStrea[] = "Recursive stream reference ignored! (\"%s\")"; // idb
  2563. char aUnableToAddSub[] = "Unable to add sub-dir '%s' to stream '%s'"; // idb
  2564. char a__0[] = "*.*"; // idb
  2565. char aSS_6[] = "%s-%s"; // idb
  2566. char off_69BB98[] = { '.', '%', 's', '\0' }; // idb
  2567. char aExpectedToDire[] = "Expected to directly open %s in %s!"; // idb
  2568. char aFastfindFailed[] = "FastFind failed (%s) : stream deleted!"; // idb
  2569. char aIgnoringUnexpe[] = "Ignoring unexpected function '%s'"; // idb
  2570. char aCurrentStream[] = "Current Stream"; // idb
  2571. char aLoggingFilesys[] = "Logging FileSys Stream Data"; // idb
  2572. int dword_69BC38[] = { 0 }; // weak
  2573. char byte_69C038[] = { '\0' }; // weak
  2574. char *off_69C138 = "."; // idb
  2575. char aErrorOccuredOp[] = "Error occured opening [%s]"; // idb
  2576. char aDSrcCodeSyst_5[28] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\file.cpp"; // weak
  2577. char aTheSystemRequi[188] = "The system requires more memory or swap file space.  Check to see that your hard drive is not full, or adjust your virtual memory settings.\n\nCould not create a view of a file mapping : %s"; // weak
  2578. char aCouldNotCreate[35] = "Could not create file mapping : %s"; // weak
  2579. char aCouldNotUnmapV[48] = "Could not unmap view of file : %s [data=0x%.8X]"; // weak
  2580. CHAR asc_69C2D8[] = "\\"; // idb
  2581. char a__3[] = "*."; // idb
  2582. char aPathNotFoundS[] = "Path not found (%s)"; // idb
  2583. char aPathAlreadyExi[] = "Path already exists (%s)"; // idb
  2584. char a08x[] = "[%08X]"; // idb
  2585. char a08xS[] = "[%08X] %s"; // idb
  2586. char a_[5] = "\\*.*"; // weak
  2587. char aCrcingDirector[] = "Crcing Directory %s"; // idb
  2588. char aNoError[9] = "No error"; // weak
  2589. int dword_69C3DC = 1111707460; // weak
  2590. char aUnableToFindBl[] = "Unable to find block 0x%08X in file '%s'"; // idb
  2591. char aDSrcCodeSyst_6[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\blockfile.cpp"; // weak
  2592. char aUnableToCrea_0[] = "Unable to create file '%s'"; // idb
  2593. char aSIsAnUnsupport[] = "'%s' is an unsupported file version"; // idb
  2594. char aSIsNotAValidBl[] = "'%s' is not a valid block file"; // idb
  2595. char aUnableToFind_0[34] = "Unable to find block 0x%08x in %s"; // weak
  2596. char aKey0x08xAlread[] = "Key 0x%08X already exists in file '%s'"; // idb
  2597. char aExpectedToRead[] = "Expected to read %d bytes from file '%s' but found %d"; // idb
  2598. char aBlock0x08xSWas[] = "Block 0x%08x (%s) was smaller than expected (%d/%d)"; // idb
  2599. char aDSrcCodeSyst_7[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\memfile.cpp"; // weak
  2600. CHAR MultiByteStr[] = "MS Sans Serif"; // idb
  2601. char *off_69C68C[5] = { "none", "integer", "floating point", "string", "scope" }; // weak
  2602. char aNone_1[] = "none"; // idb
  2603. char aDSrcCodeSyst_8[29] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\vnode.cpp"; // weak
  2604. char aUnknownAtomicT[] = "unknown atomic type (%d)"; // idb
  2605. char aS_7[5] = "\"%s\""; // weak
  2606. char asc_69C794[] = "%f"; // idb
  2607. char aNoAtomicType[] = "no atomic type"; // idb
  2608. char aMaximumTokenLe[] = "maximum token length [%d bytes] exceeded"; // idb
  2609. char aIdentifier[11] = "identifier"; // weak
  2610. char aExpectingSButF[] = "Expecting '%s' but found '%s'"; // idb
  2611. char aReachedEndOfDa[] = "reached end of data in string constant"; // idb
  2612. char aNewlineInStrin[] = "newline in string constant"; // idb
  2613. char aExpectedSButFo[] = "Expected %s but found '%s'"; // idb
  2614. char aExpectedSButRe[] = "Expected %s but reached end of data"; // idb
  2615. char aDSrcCodeSyst_9[28] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\tbuf.cpp"; // weak
  2616. LPVOID lpBuffer = &Mem; // idb
  2617. LPVOID off_69C900 = &Mem; // idb
  2618. LPVOID off_69C904 = &Mem; // idb
  2619. LPVOID off_69C908 = &Mem; // idb
  2620. LPVOID off_69C90C = &Mem; // idb
  2621. LPVOID off_69C910 = &Mem; // idb
  2622. char aD_D_D_D[] = "%d.%d.%d.%d"; // idb
  2623. CHAR aStringfilein_5[] = "\\StringFileInfo\\040904b0\\Build Number"; // idb
  2624. CHAR aStringfilein_4[] = "\\StringFileInfo\\040904b0\\Build OS"; // idb
  2625. CHAR aStringfilein_3[] = "\\StringFileInfo\\040904b0\\Build Machine"; // idb
  2626. CHAR aStringfilein_2[] = "\\StringFileInfo\\040904b0\\Build User"; // idb
  2627. CHAR aStringfilein_1[] = "\\StringFileInfo\\040904b0\\Build Date"; // idb
  2628. CHAR aStringfilein_0[] = "\\StringFileInfo\\040904b0\\Build Time"; // idb
  2629. char aCouldNotGetBui[] = "Could not get 'Build String': "; // idb
  2630. char aDSrcCodeSys_10[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\version.cpp"; // weak
  2631. CHAR SubBlock[] = "\\StringFileInfo\\040904b0\\Build String"; // idb
  2632. char aCouldNotFindDb[] = "Could not find dbghelp.dll"; // idb
  2633. char aCouldNotFindNe[] = "Could not find neccesary functions in dbghelp.dll"; // idb
  2634. char aSyminitialized[] = "SymInitialized failed: %s"; // idb
  2635. char aDSrcCodeSys_11[36] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\debug_symbol.cpp"; // weak
  2636. char aLibraryDbg[14] = ";library\\dbg\\"; // weak
  2637. CHAR aSymgetmodulein[] = "SymGetModuleInfo"; // idb
  2638. CHAR aSymgetmoduleba[] = "SymGetModuleBase"; // idb
  2639. CHAR aSymgetlinefrom[] = "SymGetLineFromAddr"; // idb
  2640. CHAR aSymgetsymfroma[] = "SymGetSymFromAddr"; // idb
  2641. CHAR aSymenumeratesy[] = "SymEnumerateSymbols"; // idb
  2642. CHAR aSymenumeratemo[] = "SymEnumerateModules"; // idb
  2643. CHAR aSymsetoptions[] = "SymSetOptions"; // idb
  2644. CHAR aSymcleanup[] = "SymCleanup"; // idb
  2645. CHAR aSyminitialize[] = "SymInitialize"; // idb
  2646. CHAR aLibraryDbgDbgh[] = "library\\dbg\\dbghelp.dll"; // idb
  2647. char aGrandTotalS[] = "Grand Total: %s"; // idb
  2648. char aUnknown_0[8] = "unknown"; // weak
  2649. char a08xSS04xSD04x[] = "%08X %s %s [%04X] %s(%d) [%04X]"; // idb
  2650. char aTotalSizeD[] = "Total Size: %d"; // idb
  2651. char a08xModuleS[] = "[%08X] Module: %s"; // idb
  2652. char a08xDS[] = "[%08X] (%d) %s"; // idb
  2653. char aIdAllocatorFor[] = "Id allocator for tracker '%s' has wrapped!"; // idb
  2654. char aDSrcCodeSys_12[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\dtrack.cpp"; // weak
  2655. char aDtrackSStillHa[] = "DTrack '%s' still had %d/%d registered items at shutdown"; // idb
  2656. char aInvalidNumeric[] = "Invalid numeric value"; // idb
  2657. char aInvalidChara_0[] = "Invalid character in hexadecimal number"; // idb
  2658. char aInvalidCharact[] = "Invalid character in binary number"; // idb
  2659. char aDSrcCodeSys_13[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\stdparse.cpp"; // weak
  2660. char aNumericValueRe[] = "Numeric value required"; // idb
  2661. char aExpectedToOpen[] = "Expected to open %s in %s - May have been deleted after dir scan!"; // idb
  2662. char aDSrcCodeSys_14[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\filesrcdir.cpp"; // weak
  2663. char aSdirSDFiles[] = "%sDIR %s (%d files)"; // idb
  2664. char aDSrcCodeSys_15[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\filesrcpack.cpp"; // weak
  2665. char aErrorSeekingWi[] = "Error seeking within pack (%s)"; // idb
  2666. char aUnsupportedPac[] = "Unsupported pack version '%s' (0x%08x)"; // idb
  2667. char aSIsNotAValidPa[] = "'%s' is not a valid pack file"; // idb
  2668. int dword_69CF10 = 1263685454; // weak
  2669. char aOpenFailedAfte[] = "Open failed after file (%s) was found to exist"; // idb
  2670. char aSpackSDFiles[] = "%sPACK %s (%d files)"; // idb
  2671. char aSdeadStream[] = "%sDEAD STREAM"; // idb
  2672. char aDSrcCodeSys_16[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\filesrcstream.cpp"; // weak
  2673. char aCouldNotCrea_1[44] = "Could not create a view of the mapping '%s'"; // weak
  2674. char aCouldNotCrea_0[39] = "Could not create file mapping for '%s'"; // weak
  2675. char aCouldNotOpenFi[37] = "Could not open file '%s' for mapping"; // weak
  2676. char aDSrcCodeSys_17[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\system\\filemap.cpp"; // weak
  2677. char aDSrcCodeUtilVa[28] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\varptr.cpp"; // weak
  2678. char aAttemptToPoi_5[50] = "Attempt to point a VarBinary at another type (%d)"; // weak
  2679. char aAttemptToPoi_6[47] = "Attempt to point a VarCmd at another type (%d)"; // weak
  2680. char aUnknownComma_1[] = "Unknown command: '%s'"; // idb
  2681. char aExpectedSValue[] = "Expected %s value"; // idb
  2682. char aUnableToModify[] = "Unable to modify items of this type"; // idb
  2683. char aInvalidValue[] = "Invalid value"; // idb
  2684. char aThisItemCanNot[] = "This item can not be modified"; // idb
  2685. char aDSrcCodeUtilCo[29] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\console.cpp"; // weak
  2686. char aExpectedString[] = "Expected string value"; // idb
  2687. char aExpectedIntege[] = "Expected integer value"; // idb
  2688. char aExpectedFloati[] = "Expected floating point value"; // idb
  2689. char aConsole_stackD[] = "console.stack%d"; // idb
  2690. char aConsole[] = "Console"; // idb
  2691. char aConsole_log[12] = "console.log"; // weak
  2692. char aConsole_0[8] = "console"; // weak
  2693. char aInvalidCommand[] = "Invalid command arguments"; // idb
  2694. char aCommandUnavail[] = "Command unavailable at this time"; // idb
  2695. char aUnknownComma_2[] = "Unknown command execution error"; // idb
  2696. char aConsole_stac_0[] = "console.stack%d.arg%d"; // idb
  2697. char aConsole_stac_1[] = "console.stack%d.argc"; // idb
  2698. char aConsole_stac_2[] = "console.stack%d.argo%d"; // idb
  2699. char aSCS[] = "%s%c%s"; // idb
  2700. char aDSrcCodeUtil_0[29] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\varitem.cpp"; // weak
  2701. char aDuplicatePathc[] = "Duplicate PathCrc %s [0x%.8X]"; // idb
  2702. char aUnsupportedT_1[42] = "Unsupported type for getting string value"; // weak
  2703. char aForgetmeObject[35] = "ForgetMe: object not found in list"; // weak
  2704. char *off_69D5D8[7] = { "none", "string", "integer", "float", "binary", "command", "scope" }; // weak
  2705. char aDSrcCodeUtil_1[28] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\varsys.cpp"; // weak
  2706. char aVaritemSSNotBe[] = "VarItem '%s' (%s) not being deleted"; // idb
  2707. char aCouldNotFindVa[24] = "Could not find var '%s'"; // weak
  2708. char aIndex_0[6] = "Index"; // weak
  2709. char aValue_0[6] = "Value"; // weak
  2710. char aFront[6] = "Front"; // weak
  2711. void *off_69D86C = &unk_736F50; // weak
  2712. char aMatrix[7] = "Matrix"; // weak
  2713. char aBreadth[8] = "Breadth"; // weak
  2714. char aHeight[7] = "Height"; // weak
  2715. char aWidth[6] = "Width"; // weak
  2716. char aItem[5] = "Item"; // weak
  2717. char aValueDForSIsOu[43] = "Value %d for '%s' is out of range %d to %d"; // weak
  2718. char aIntegerArgumen[46] = "Integer argument expected but found type '%s'"; // weak
  2719. char aValueFForSIsOu[43] = "Value %f for '%s' is out of range %f to %f"; // weak
  2720. char aValueFForFIsOu[43] = "Value %f for '%f' is out of range %f to %f"; // weak
  2721. char aFloatingPoin_3[53] = "Floating Point argument expected but found type '%s'"; // weak
  2722. char aStringArgument[45] = "String argument expected but found type '%s'"; // weak
  2723. char aBadTypeD[12] = "Bad type %d"; // weak
  2724. char aDSrcCodeUtilMu[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\multilanguage.cpp"; // weak
  2725. char aDatabase1_0[13] = "Database 1.0"; // weak
  2726. char aStats1_0[10] = "Stats 1.0"; // weak
  2727. char aLibraryLanguag[] = "library\\language"; // idb
  2728. char a_dat[] = ".dat"; // idb
  2729. char aFailedToFindAn[32] = "Failed to find an item randomly"; // weak
  2730. char aNoItemSInTheLi[54] = "No item's in the list, how does one get a random one?"; // weak
  2731. char aDSrcCodeUtilUt[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\utiltypes.cpp"; // weak
  2732. char *off_69DAA4 = "Error"; // weak
  2733. char aErrorParsing_1[] = "Error parsing '%s' : Index %d is missing!"; // idb
  2734. char aErrorParsing_0[] = "Error parsing '%s' : Expected '}'"; // idb
  2735. char aErrorParsingSE[] = "Error parsing '%s' : Expected ':'"; // idb
  2736. char aErrorParsingSI[] = "Error parsing '%s' : Index %d is not supported"; // idb
  2737. char aDSrcCodeUtilBa[27] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\babel.cpp"; // weak
  2738. char aSize[5] = "Size"; // weak
  2739. char aVarbinary[10] = "VarBinary"; // weak
  2740. char aVarstring[10] = "VarString"; // weak
  2741. char aVarfloat[9] = "VarFloat"; // weak
  2742. char aVarinteger[11] = "VarInteger"; // weak
  2743. char aVarscope[9] = "VarScope"; // weak
  2744. int dword_69DBAC[] = { 1 }; // weak
  2745. char aP_0[3] = "%p"; // idb
  2746. char aE[2] = "e"; // weak
  2747. char aE_0[2] = "E"; // weak
  2748. char aDSrcCodeUtilEv[27] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\event.cpp"; // weak
  2749. char aEventType0x_xN[29] = "Event type [0x%.X] not found"; // weak
  2750. char aMisc[] = "Misc"; // idb
  2751. char aCouldNotReso_0[23] = "Could not resolve var1"; // weak
  2752. char aExpectedStri_0[37] = "Expected string argument or var name"; // weak
  2753. char asc_69DC5C[] = "!="; // idb
  2754. char aExpectedAnInte[34] = "Expected an integer or a var name"; // weak
  2755. char aExpectedAThird[26] = "Expected a third argument"; // weak
  2756. char aCouldNotFindRe[28] = "Could not find resolve var2"; // weak
  2757. char aExpectedAFloat[40] = "Expected a float, integer or a var name"; // weak
  2758. char aUnknownOperato[22] = "Unknown Operator '%s'"; // weak
  2759. char aDSrcCodeUtilRe[38] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\relationaloperator.h"; // weak
  2760. char aIfCanOnlyBePer[64] = "If can only be performed on Integer, Float and String vars [%s]"; // weak
  2761. char aDSrcCodeUtil_2[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\comparison.cpp"; // weak
  2762. char aSwitchCanOnlyB[68] = "Switch can only be performed on Integer, Float and String vars [%s]"; // weak
  2763. char asc_69DDC8[] = "=="; // idb
  2764. char aExpectedAnArgu[21] = "Expected an argument"; // weak
  2765. char aUnknownValueTy[22] = "Unknown value type %d"; // weak
  2766. char aDSrcCodeUtilSw[28] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\switch.cpp"; // weak
  2767. char aExpectedAStrin[32] = "Expected a string or a var name"; // weak
  2768. char aOpCanOnlyBePer[59] = "Op can only be performed on Integer, Float and String vars"; // weak
  2769. char aDSrcCodeUtilOp[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\operation.cpp"; // weak
  2770. char aUnknownFloatin[49] = "Unknown floating point arithmetic operation '%s'"; // weak
  2771. char aDSrcCodeUtilAr[38] = "D:\\Src\\code\\util\\arithmeticoperator.h"; // weak
  2772. char aUnknownInteg_0[42] = "Unknown integer arithmetic operation '%s'"; // weak
  2773. char aUnknownStringA[41] = "Unknown string arithmetic operation '%s'"; // weak
  2774. char aOpCanOnlyBeP_0[64] = "Op can only be performed on Integer, Float and String vars [%s]"; // weak
  2775. char aAttemptToSetHo[37] = "Attempt to set host data by non-host"; // weak
  2776. char aDSrcCodeStyxne[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\styxnet_data.cpp"; // weak
  2777. char aHostSettingDat[47] = "Host setting data that was previously non-host"; // weak
  2778. char aAttemptToClear[39] = "Attempt to clear host data by non-host"; // weak
  2779. char aDSrcCodeStyx_0[39] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\styxnet_client.cpp"; // weak
  2780. char aAskingServerTo[33] = "Asking server to migrate session"; // weak
  2781. char aTellingServe_0[43] = "Telling server that migration is completed"; // weak
  2782. char aAcceptingMigra[20] = "Accepting migration"; // weak
  2783. char aReceivedBogusD[20] = "Received bogus data"; // weak
  2784. char aMigrateDataIsT[31] = "Migrate data is the wrong size"; // weak
  2785. char aCouldNotConnec[29] = "Could not connect socket to "; // weak
  2786. char aSetingUpEventS[23] = "Seting up event select"; // weak
  2787. char aBindingTheNewS[23] = "Binding the new socket"; // weak
  2788. char aCouldnTOpenNew[26] = "Couldn't open new socket?"; // weak
  2789. char aOpeningNewSock[19] = "Opening new socket"; // weak
  2790. char aClosingSocket[15] = "Closing socket"; // weak
  2791. char aLoggingOut[12] = "Logging out"; // weak
  2792. char asc_69E18C[2] = " "; // weak
  2793. char aServerWantsUsT[31] = "Server wants us to migrate to "; // weak
  2794. char aSizeofU32[16] = "] sizeof (U32)["; // weak
  2795. char aSyncdataWasToo[41] = "SyncData was too small to contain a type"; // weak
  2796. char aSizeofServer_3[58] = "] sizeof (ServerMessage::Data::SessionSyncDataStoreData)["; // weak
  2797. char aSessionsyncd_5[49] = "SessionSyncData Type STORE, Header was too small"; // weak
  2798. char aSessionsyncd_4[47] = "SessionSyncData Type STORE, Data was too small"; // weak
  2799. char aSizeofServer_2[58] = "] sizeof (ServerMessage::Data::SessionSyncDataFlushData)["; // weak
  2800. char aSessionsyncd_3[31] = "SessionSyncData, Unknown type "; // weak
  2801. char aSizeofServer_1[56] = "] sizeof (ServerMessage::Data::SessionSyncDataMigrate)["; // weak
  2802. char aSessionsyncd_2[51] = "SessionSyncData Type MIGRATE, Header was too small"; // weak
  2803. char aSizeofServer_0[58] = "] sizeof (ServerMessage::Data::SessionSyncDataClearData)["; // weak
  2804. char aSessionsyncd_1[49] = "SessionSyncData Type CLEAR, Header was too small"; // weak
  2805. char aSizeofServerme[53] = "] sizeof (ServerMessage::Data::SessionSyncDataData)["; // weak
  2806. char aSessionsyncd_0[48] = "SessionSyncData Type DATA, Header was too small"; // weak
  2807. char aRemaining[11] = "remaining["; // weak
  2808. char aLength[10] = "] length["; // weak
  2809. char asc_69E444[2] = "]"; // weak
  2810. char aSessionsyncdat[46] = "SessionSyncData Type DATA, Data was too small"; // weak
  2811. char aConnectionTo_0[38] = "Connection to server has been severed"; // weak
  2812. char aAbleToWriteToS[24] = "Able to write to server"; // weak
  2813. char aSentUserloginT[25] = "Sent UserLogin to server"; // weak
  2814. char aConnectionEsta[35] = "Connection established with server"; // weak
  2815. char aConnectionToSe[28] = "Connection to server failed"; // weak
  2816. char aServerIsShutti[24] = "Server is shutting down"; // weak
  2817. char aSessionWithTha[38] = "Session with that name already exists"; // weak
  2818. char aFromServer[13] = " from server"; // weak
  2819. char aUnknownPacketC[24] = "Unknown Packet Command "; // weak
  2820. char aSessionHasBeen[24] = "Session has been closed"; // weak
  2821. char aWeReMigrating[16] = "We're migrating"; // weak
  2822. char aSuccessfullyCo[33] = "Successfully connected to server"; // weak
  2823. char aSessionSucce_1[29] = "Session successfully created"; // weak
  2824. char aWeSuccessfully[25] = "We successfully migrated"; // weak
  2825. char aSessionRepor_0[30] = "Session reports bad user name"; // weak
  2826. char aSessionIsFull[16] = "Session is full"; // weak
  2827. char aSessionIsLocke[18] = "Session is locked"; // weak
  2828. char aNoNeedToMigrat[19] = "No need to migrate"; // weak
  2829. char aSessionWasNotF[22] = "Session was not found"; // weak
  2830. char aKickedFromSess[20] = "Kicked from session"; // weak
  2831. char aWeFailedToMigr[21] = "We failed to migrate"; // weak
  2832. char aAttemptToPerfo[72] = "Attempt to perform an operation which is only allowed for local players"; // weak
  2833. char aSessionSucce_0[31] = "Session successfully connected"; // weak
  2834. char aOnlyOneSession[60] = "Only one session can be created on a non stand alone server"; // weak
  2835. char aUserIsNotInASe[25] = "User is not in a session"; // weak
  2836. char aSessionListRet[22] = "Session list retrived"; // weak
  2837. char aSessionReports[29] = "Session reports bad password"; // weak
  2838. char aSessionSuccess[28] = "Session successfully joined"; // weak
  2839. char aWasNotInSessio[19] = "was not in session"; // weak
  2840. char aHasLeftTheSess[22] = " has left the session"; // weak
  2841. char aHasEnteredTheS[24] = " has entered the sesion"; // weak
  2842. char aUser_0[6] = "User "; // weak
  2843. char aOnlyTheHostCan[26] = "Only the host can do that"; // weak
  2844. int (__stdcall *dword_69E820)(_DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2845. char off_69E824[] = { '|', 'ꧬ 'i', '\0' }; // idb
  2846. int (__stdcall *dword_69E838)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2847. int (__stdcall *dword_69E840)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2848. int (__stdcall *dword_69E848)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2849. int (__stdcall *dword_69E850)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2850. int (__stdcall *dword_69E858)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2851. int (__stdcall *dword_69E860)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2852. int (__stdcall *dword_69E868)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2853. int (__stdcall *dword_69E870)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2854. int (__stdcall *dword_69E878)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2855. int (__stdcall *dword_69E880)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2856. int (__stdcall *dword_69E888)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2857. int (__stdcall *dword_69E890)(_DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2858. int (__stdcall *dword_69E898)(_DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2859. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8A0)(_DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2860. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8A8)(_DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2861. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8B0)(_DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2862. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8B8)(_DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2863. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8C0)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2864. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8C8)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2865. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8D0)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2866. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8D8)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2867. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8E0)(_DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2868. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8E8)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2869. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8F0)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2870. int (__stdcall *dword_69E8F8)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2871. int (__stdcall *dword_69E900)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2872. int (__stdcall *dword_69E908)(_DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2873. int (__stdcall *dword_69E910)(_DWORD, _DWORD, _DWORD) = NULL; // weak
  2874. char aGetsockname[12] = "getsockname"; // weak
  2875. char aMinRate[19] = "Min Rate        : "; // weak
  2876. char aMaxRate[19] = "Max Rate        : "; // weak
  2877. char aSmoothRate[19] = "Smooth Rate     : "; // weak
  2878. char aRate_0[19] = "Rate            : "; // weak
  2879. char aBytesPacket[19] = "Bytes/Packet    : "; // weak
  2880. char aAvgBytesSec[19] = "Avg Bytes/Sec   : "; // weak
  2881. char aBytes[19] = "Bytes           : "; // weak
  2882. char aAvgPacketsSec[19] = "Avg Packets/Sec : "; // weak
  2883. char aPackets[19] = "Packets         : "; // weak
  2884. char aTime[19] = "Time            : "; // weak
  2885. char aDSrcCodeStyx_1[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\win32_socket.cpp"; // weak
  2886. char aSent[5] = "Sent"; // weak
  2887. char aReceived[9] = "Received"; // weak
  2888. char aSocketStatisti[18] = "Socket Statistics"; // weak
  2889. char aSocketDoesnTCo[34] = "Socket doesn't contain statistics"; // weak
  2890. char aSetsockoptUnkn[27] = "setsockopt: Unknown error!"; // weak
  2891. char aSetsockoptTheD[44] = "setsockopt: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  2892. char aSetsockoptCo_0[64] = "setsockopt: Connection has been reset when SO_KEEPALIVE is set."; // weak
  2893. char aSetsockoptTheO[86] = "setsockopt: The option is unknown or unsupported for the specified provider or socket"; // weak
  2894. char aSetsockoptConn[63] = "setsockopt: Connection has timed out when SO_KEEPALIVE is set."; // weak
  2895. char aSetsockoptLeve[75] = "setsockopt: level is not valid, or the information in optval is not valid."; // weak
  2896. char aSetsockoptABlo[129] = "setsockopt: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2897. char aSetsockoptOptv[105] = "setsockopt: optval is not in a valid part of the process address space or optlen parameter is too small."; // weak
  2898. char aSetsockoptTheN[46] = "setsockopt: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  2899. char aSetsockoptASuc[80] = "setsockopt: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  2900. char aGetsockoptUnkn[27] = "getsockopt: Unknown error!"; // weak
  2901. char aGetsockoptTheD[44] = "getsockopt: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  2902. char aGetsockoptTheO[84] = "getsockopt: The option is unknown or unsupported by the indicated protocol family. "; // weak
  2903. char aGetsockoptTheL[55] = "getsockopt: The level parameter is unknown or invalid."; // weak
  2904. char aGetsockoptABlo[129] = "getsockopt: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2905. char aGetsockoptOneO[140] = "getsockopt: One of the optval or the optlen parameters is not a valid part of the user address space, or the optlen parameter is too small."; // weak
  2906. char aGetsockoptTheN[46] = "getsockopt: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  2907. char aGetsockoptASuc[80] = "getsockopt: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  2908. char aWsaconnectUnkn[26] = "WSAConnect: Unknown Error"; // weak
  2909. char aWsaconnectAt_0[123] = "WSAConnect: Attempt to connect datagram socket to broadcast address failed because setsockopt SO_BROADCAST is not enabled."; // weak
  2910. char aWsaconnectAtte[76] = "WSAConnect: Attempt to connect timed out without establishing a connection."; // weak
  2911. char aWsaconnectTh_2[80] = "WSAConnect: The lpCallerData argument is not supported by the service provider."; // weak
  2912. char aWsaconnectTheF[88] = "WSAConnect: The FLOWSPEC structures specified in lpSQOS and lpGQOS cannot be satisfied."; // weak
  2913. char aWsaconnectTheD[44] = "WSAConnect: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  2914. char aWsaconnectNoBu[74] = "WSAConnect: No buffer space is available. The socket cannot be connected."; // weak
  2915. char aWsaconnectTh_1[71] = "WSAConnect: The network cannot be reached from this host at this time."; // weak
  2916. char aWsaconnectTheS[80] = "WSAConnect: The socket is already connected (connection-oriented sockets only)."; // weak
  2917. char aWsaconnectTheP[170] = "WSAConnect: The parameter s is a listening socket, or the destination address specified is not consistent with that of the constrained group to which the socket belongs."; // weak
  2918. char aWsaconnectTh_0[251] = "WSAConnect: The name or the namelen parameter is not a valid part of the user address space, the namelen parameter is too small, the buffer length for lpCalleeData, lpSQOS, and lpGQOS are too small, or the buffer length for lpCallerData is too large."; // weak
  2919. char aWsaconnectTheA[49] = "WSAConnect: The attempt to connect was rejected."; // weak
  2920. char aWsaconnectAddr[79] = "WSAConnect: Addresses in the specified family cannot be used with this socket."; // weak
  2921. char aWsaconnectTheR[74] = "WSAConnect: The remote address is not a valid address (such as ADDR_ANY)."; // weak
  2922. char aWsaconnectANon[90] = "WSAConnect: A nonblocking connect/WSAConnect call is in progress on the specified socket."; // weak
  2923. char aWsaconnectABlo[129] = "WSAConnect: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2924. char aWsaconnectTheB[95] = "WSAConnect: The (blocking) Windows Socket 1.1 call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall."; // weak
  2925. char aWsaconnectTheL[395] = "WSAConnect: The local address of the socket is already in use and the socket was not marked to allow address reuse with SO_REUSEADDR. This error usually occurs during the execution of bind, but could be delayed until this function if the bind function operates on a partially wild-card address (involving ADDR_ANY) and if a specific address needs to be \"committed\" at the time of this function."; // weak
  2926. char aWsaconnectTheN[46] = "WSAConnect: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  2927. char aWsaconnectASuc[80] = "WSAConnect: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  2928. char aBindUnknownErr[20] = "bind: Unknown Error"; // weak
  2929. char aBindTheDescrip[38] = "bind: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  2930. char aBindNotEnoughB[58] = "bind: Not enough buffers available, too many connections."; // weak
  2931. char aBindTheSocketI[49] = "bind: The socket is already bound to an address."; // weak
  2932. char aBindABlockingW[123] = "bind: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2933. char aBindTheNameOrN[346] = "bind: The name or namelen parameter is not a valid part of the user address space, the namelen parameter is too small, the name parameter contains an incorrect address format for the associated address family, or the first two bytes of the memory block specified by name does not match the address family associated with the socket descriptor s."; // weak
  2934. char aBindTheSpecifi[69] = "bind: The specified address is not a valid address for this machine."; // weak
  2935. char aBindAProcessOn[286] = "bind: A process on the machine is already bound to the same fully-qualified address and the socket has not been marked to allow address re-use with SO_REUSEADDR. For example, the IP address and port are bound in the af_inet case). (See the SO_REUSEADDR socket option under setsockopt.)"; // weak
  2936. char aBindTheNetwork[40] = "bind: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  2937. char aBindASuccessfu[74] = "bind: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  2938. char aListenUnknownE[22] = "listen: Unknown Error"; // weak
  2939. char aListenTheRefer[83] = "listen: The referenced socket is not of a type that supports the listen operation."; // weak
  2940. char aListenTheDescr[40] = "listen: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  2941. char aListenNoBuffer[38] = "listen: No buffer space is available."; // weak
  2942. char aListenNoMoreSo[50] = "listen: No more socket descriptors are available."; // weak
  2943. char aListenTheSoc_1[41] = "listen: The socket is already connected."; // weak
  2944. char aListenTheSoc_0[49] = "listen: The socket has not been bound with bind."; // weak
  2945. char aListenABlockin[125] = "listen: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2946. char aListenTheSocke[379] = "listen: The socket's local address is already in use and the socket was not marked to allow address reuse with SO_REUSEADDR. This error usually occurs during execution of the bind function, but could be delayed until this function if the bind was to a partially wild-card address (involving ADDR_ANY) and if a specific address needs to be committed at the time of this function."; // weak
  2947. char aListenTheNetwo[42] = "listen: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  2948. char aListenASuccess[76] = "listen: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  2949. char aAcceptUnknownE[23] = "accept: Unknown Error "; // weak
  2950. char aAcceptTheSocke[91] = "accept: The socket is marked as nonblocking and no connections are present to be accepted."; // weak
  2951. char aAcceptTheRefer[87] = "accept: The referenced socket is not a type that supports connection-oriented service."; // weak
  2952. char aAcceptTheDescr[40] = "accept: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  2953. char aAcceptNoBuffer[38] = "accept: No buffer space is available."; // weak
  2954. char aAcceptTheQueue[91] = "accept: The queue is nonempty upon entry to accept and there are no descriptors available."; // weak
  2955. char aAcceptTheListe[61] = "accept: The listen function was not invoked prior to accept."; // weak
  2956. char aAcceptABlock_0[125] = "accept: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2957. char aAcceptABlockin[88] = "accept: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall."; // weak
  2958. char aAcceptTheAddrl[98] = "accept: The addrlen parameter is too small or addr is not a valid part of the user address space."; // weak
  2959. char aAcceptTheNetwo[42] = "accept: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  2960. char aAcceptASuccess[76] = "accept: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  2961. char asc_6A04F4[3] = " ["; // weak
  2962. char aWsasocketUnkno[26] = "WSASocket: Unknown Error "; // weak
  2963. char aWsasocketNotEn[59] = "WSASocket: Not enough priveleges to perform this operation"; // weak
  2964. char aWsasocketLppro[88] = "WSASocket: lpProtocolInfo argument is not in a valid part of the process address space."; // weak
  2965. char aWsasocketThisV[447] = "WSASocket: This value is true for any of the following conditions. The parameter g specified is not valid. The WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure that lpProtocolInfo points to is incomplete, the contents are invalid or the WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure has already been used in an earlier duplicate socket operation. The values specified for members of the socket triple <af, type, and protocol> are individually supported, but the given combination is not."; // weak
  2966. char aWsasocketThe_2[78] = "WSASocket: The specified socket type is not supported in this address family."; // weak
  2967. char aWsasocketThe_1[69] = "WSASocket: The specified protocol is the wrong type for this socket."; // weak
  2968. char aWsasocketThe_0[52] = "WSASocket: The specified protocol is not supported."; // weak
  2969. char aWsasocketNoBuf[71] = "WSASocket: No buffer space is available. The socket cannot be created."; // weak
  2970. char aWsasocketNoMor[53] = "WSASocket: No more socket descriptors are available."; // weak
  2971. char aWsasocketABloc[128] = "WSASocket: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2972. char aWsasocketTheSp[58] = "WSASocket: The specified address family is not supported."; // weak
  2973. char aWsasocketTheNe[45] = "WSASocket: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  2974. char aWsasocketASucc[79] = "WSASocket: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  2975. char aUnknownSocketT[22] = "Unknown socket type! "; // weak
  2976. char aClosesocketUnk[27] = "closesocket: Unknown Error"; // weak
  2977. char aClosesocketT_1[99] = "closesocket: The socket is marked as nonblocking and SO_LINGER is set to a nonzero time-out value."; // weak
  2978. char aClosesocketT_0[96] = "closesocket: The (blocking) Windows Socket 1.1 call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall."; // weak
  2979. char aClosesocketABl[130] = "closesocket: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2980. char aClosesocketThe[47] = "closesocket: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  2981. char aClosesocketASu[81] = "closesocket: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  2982. char aGetsocknameUnk[28] = "getsockname: Unknown Error!"; // weak
  2983. char aGetsocknameT_2[136] = "getsockname: The socket has not been bound to an address with bind, or ADDR_ANY is specified in bind but connection has not yet occurs."; // weak
  2984. char aGetsocknameT_1[45] = "getsockname: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  2985. char aGetsocknameABl[130] = "getsockname: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2986. char aGetsocknameT_0[133] = "getsockname: The name or the namelen parameter is not a valid part of the user address space, or the namelen parameter is too small."; // weak
  2987. char aGetsocknameThe[47] = "getsockname: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  2988. char aGetsocknameASu[76] = "getsockname: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this API."; // weak
  2989. char aWsaeventsele_4[30] = "WSAEventSelect: Unknown Error"; // weak
  2990. char aWsaeventsele_3[48] = "WSAEventSelect: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  2991. char aWsaeventsele_2[133] = "WSAEventSelect: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2992. char aWsaeventsele_1[124] = "WSAEventSelect: Indicates that one of the specified parameters was invalid, or the specified socket is in an invalid state."; // weak
  2993. char aWsaeventsele_0[50] = "WSAEventSelect: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  2994. char aWsaeventselect[84] = "WSAEventSelect: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  2995. char aWsaenumnetwo_5[36] = "WSAEnumNetworkEvents: Unknown error"; // weak
  2996. char aWsaenumnetwo_4[98] = "WSAEnumNetworkEvents: The lpNetworkEvents argument is not a valid part of the user address space."; // weak
  2997. char aWsaenumnetwo_3[54] = "WSAEnumNetworkEvents: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  2998. char aWsaenumnetwo_2[139] = "WSAEnumNetworkEvents: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  2999. char aWsaenumnetwo_1[82] = "WSAEnumNetworkEvents: Indicates that one of the specified parameters was invalid."; // weak
  3000. char aWsaenumnetwo_0[56] = "WSAEnumNetworkEvents: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  3001. char aWsaenumnetwork[90] = "WSAEnumNetworkEvents: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  3002. char aSendUnknownErr[20] = "send: Unknown Error"; // weak
  3003. char aSendTheSocke_1[146] = "send: The socket has not been bound with bind, or an unknown flag was specified, or MSG_OOB was specified for a socket with SO_OOBINLINE enabled."; // weak
  3004. char aSendTheRemoteH[69] = "send: The remote host cannot be reached from this host at this time."; // weak
  3005. char aSendTheSocke_0[120] = "send: The socket is message oriented, and the message is larger than the maximum supported by the underlying transport."; // weak
  3006. char aSendTheSocketH[144] = "send: The socket has been shut down; it is not possible to send on a socket after shutdown has been invoked with how set to SD_SEND or SD_BOTH."; // weak
  3007. char aSendMsg_oobWas[243] = "send: MSG_OOB was specified, but the socket is not stream-style such as type SOCK_STREAM, OOB data is not supported in the communication domain associated with this socket, or the socket is unidirectional and supports only receive operations."; // weak
  3008. char aSendTheDescrip[38] = "send: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  3009. char aSendTheSocketI[35] = "send: The socket is not connected."; // weak
  3010. char aSendNoBufferSp[36] = "send: No buffer space is available."; // weak
  3011. char aSendTheConnect[125] = "send: The connection has been broken due to the keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress."; // weak
  3012. char aSendTheBufPara[95] = "send: The buf parameter is not completely contained in a valid part of the user address space."; // weak
  3013. char aSendABlockin_0[123] = "send: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  3014. char aSendABlockingW[86] = "send: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall."; // weak
  3015. char aSendTheRequest[181] = "send: The requested address is a broadcast address, but the appropriate flag was not set. Call setsockopt with the SO_BROADCAST parameter to allow the use of the broadcast address."; // weak
  3016. char aSendTheNetwork[40] = "send: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  3017. char aSendASuccessfu[74] = "send: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  3018. char aSendtoUnknownE[22] = "sendto: Unknown Error"; // weak
  3019. char aSendtoADestina[43] = "sendto: A destination address is required."; // weak
  3020. char aSendtoAddresse[75] = "sendto: Addresses in the specified family cannot be used with this socket."; // weak
  3021. char aSendtoTheRemot[74] = "sendto: The remote address is not a valid address, for example, ADDR_ANY."; // weak
  3022. char aSendtoTheSoc_1[122] = "sendto: The socket is message oriented, and the message is larger than the maximum supported by the underlying transport."; // weak
  3023. char aSendtoTheSoc_0[85] = "sendto: The socket is marked as nonblocking and the requested operation would block."; // weak
  3024. char aSendtoMsg_oobW[245] = "sendto: MSG_OOB was specified, but the socket is not stream-style such as type SOCK_STREAM, OOB data is not supported in the communication domain associated with this socket, or the socket is unidirectional and supports only receive operations."; // weak
  3025. char aSendtoTheSocke[72] = "sendto: The socket is not connected (connection-oriented sockets only)."; // weak
  3026. char aSendtoNoBuffer[38] = "sendto: No buffer space is available."; // weak
  3027. char aSendtoTheBufOr[110] = "sendto: The buf or to parameters are not part of the user address space, or the tolen parameter is too small."; // weak
  3028. char aSendtoABlock_0[125] = "sendto: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  3029. char aSendtoABlockin[88] = "sendto: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall."; // weak
  3030. char aSendtoAnUnknow[104] = "sendto: An unknown flag was specified, or MSG_OOB was specified for a socket with SO_OOBINLINE enabled."; // weak
  3031. char aSendtoTheReque[183] = "sendto: The requested address is a broadcast address, but the appropriate flag was not set. Call setsockopt with the SO_BROADCAST parameter to allow the use of the broadcast address."; // weak
  3032. char aSendtoASuccess[76] = "sendto: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  3033. char aRecvUnknownErr[20] = "recv: Unknown Error"; // weak
  3034. char aRecvTheVirtu_0[288] = "recv: The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. The application should close the socket as it is no longer usable. On a UPD-datagram socket this error would indicate that a previous send operation resulted in an ICMP \"Port Unreachable\" message."; // weak
  3035. char aRecvTheConne_0[113] = "recv: The connection has been dropped because of a network failure or because the peer system failed to respond."; // weak
  3036. char aRecvTheVirtual[144] = "recv: The virtual circuit was terminated due to a time-out or other failure. The application should close the socket as it is no longer usable."; // weak
  3037. char aRecvTheSocke_0[205] = "recv: The socket has not been bound with bind, or an unknown flag was specified, or MSG_OOB was specified for a socket with SO_OOBINLINE enabled or (for byte stream sockets only) len was zero or negative."; // weak
  3038. char aRecvTheMessage[84] = "recv: The message was too large to fit into the specified buffer and was truncated."; // weak
  3039. char aRecvTheSocketH[150] = "recv: The socket has been shut down; it is not possible to receive on a socket after shutdown has been invoked with how set to SD_RECEIVE or SD_BOTH."; // weak
  3040. char aRecvMsg_oobWas[240] = "recv: MSG_OOB was specified, but the socket is not stream-style such as type SOCK_STREAM, OOB data is not supported in the communication domain associated with this socket, or the socket is unidirectional and supports only send operations."; // weak
  3041. char aRecvTheDescrip[38] = "recv: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  3042. char aRecvTheConnect[125] = "recv: The connection has been broken due to the keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress."; // weak
  3043. char aRecvABlockingW[123] = "recv: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  3044. char aRecvTheBlockin[70] = "recv: The (blocking) call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall."; // weak
  3045. char aRecvTheSocketI[35] = "recv: The socket is not connected."; // weak
  3046. char aRecvTheBufPara[95] = "recv: The buf parameter is not completely contained in a valid part of the user address space."; // weak
  3047. char aRecvTheNetwork[40] = "recv: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  3048. char aRecvASuccessfu[74] = "recv: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  3049. char aRecvfromUnknow[24] = "recvfrom: Unknown Error"; // weak
  3050. char aRecvfromTheC_0[137] = "recvfrom: The connection has been dropped, because of a network failure or because the system on the other end went down without notice."; // weak
  3051. char aRecvfromTheS_2[86] = "recvfrom: The socket is marked as nonblocking and the recvfrom operation would block."; // weak
  3052. char aRecvfromTheS_1[155] = "recvfrom: The socket has been shut down; it is not possible to recvfrom on a socket after shutdown has been invoked with how set to SD_RECEIVE or SD_BOTH."; // weak
  3053. char aRecvfromMsg_oo[244] = "recvfrom: MSG_OOB was specified, but the socket is not stream-style such as type SOCK_STREAM, OOB data is not supported in the communication domain associated with this socket, or the socket is unidirectional and supports only send operations."; // weak
  3054. char aRecvfromTheDes[42] = "recvfrom: The descriptor is not a socket."; // weak
  3055. char aRecvfromTheCon[129] = "recvfrom: The connection has been broken due to the keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress."; // weak
  3056. char aRecvfromTheS_0[152] = "recvfrom: The socket is connected. This function is not permitted with a connected socket, whether the socket is connection-oriented or connectionless."; // weak
  3057. char aRecvfromTheSoc[216] = "recvfrom: The socket has not been bound with bind, or an unknown flag was specified, or MSG_OOB was specified for a socket with SO_OOBINLINE enabled, or (for byte stream-style sockets only) len was zero or negative."; // weak
  3058. char aRecvfromABlock[127] = "recvfrom: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  3059. char aRecvfromTheBlo[74] = "recvfrom: The (blocking) call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall."; // weak
  3060. char aRecvfromTheBuf[148] = "recvfrom: The buf or from parameters are not part of the user address space, or the fromlen parameter is too small to accommodate the peer address."; // weak
  3061. char aRecvfromTheNet[44] = "recvfrom: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  3062. char aRecvfromASucce[78] = "recvfrom: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  3063. char aIncorrectWinso[] = "Incorrect Winsock version (%d.%d)"; // idb
  3064. char aWinsock2IsAvai[] = "Winsock2 is available"; // idb
  3065. char aWsaenumproto_5[] = "WSAEnumProtocols: The buffer length was too small to receive all the relevant WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structures and associated information. Pass in a buffer at least as large as the value returned in lpdwBufferLength."; // idb
  3066. char aWsaenumproto_4[] = "WSAEnumProtocols: Unknown Error!"; // idb
  3067. char aWsaenumproto_3[] = "WSAEnumProtocols: One or more of the lpiProtocols, lpProtocolBuffer, or lpdwBufferLength arguments are not a valid part of the user address space."; // idb
  3068. char aWsaenumproto_2[] = "WSAEnumProtocols: Indicates that one of the specified parameters was invalid."; // idb
  3069. char aWsaenumproto_1[] = "WSAEnumProtocols: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress."; // idb
  3070. char aWsaenumproto_0[] = "WSAEnumProtocols: The network subsystem has failed."; // idb
  3071. char aWsaenumprotoco[] = "WSAEnumProtocols: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // idb
  3072. char aWsastartupUnkn[] = "WSAStartup: Unknown Error"; // idb
  3073. char aWsastartupTheL[] = "WSAStartup: The lpWSAData is not a valid pointer."; // idb
  3074. char aWsastartupLimi[] = "WSAStartup: Limit on the number of tasks supported by the Windows Sockets implementation has been reached."; // idb
  3075. char aWsastartupABlo[] = "WSAStartup: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 operation is in progress."; // idb
  3076. char aWsastartupTheV[] = "WSAStartup: The version of Windows Sockets support requested is not provided by this particular Windows Sockets implementation."; // idb
  3077. char aWinsock2Functi[] = "Winsock2 function \"%s\" not found in DLL"; // idb
  3078. char aWsastartupIndi[] = "WSAStartup: Indicates that the underlying network subsystem is not ready for network communication."; // idb
  3079. char aWinsock2DllWas[] = "Winsock2 DLL was not found"; // idb
  3080. CHAR aWs2_32_dll[] = "ws2_32.dll"; // idb
  3081. char aABlockingWindo[] = "A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // idb
  3082. char aTheNetworkSubs[34] = "The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  3083. char aASuccessfulWsa[68] = "A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; // weak
  3084. char aListeningOnPor[19] = "Listening on port "; // weak
  3085. char aDSrcCodeStyx_2[39] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\styxnet_server.cpp"; // weak
  3086. char aStartingServer[20] = "Starting Server ..."; // weak
  3087. char aStoppingServer[20] = "Stopping Server ..."; // weak
  3088. char aCreated[9] = " created"; // weak
  3089. char aMigrationSessi[19] = "Migration Session "; // weak
  3090. char aStoppingServ_0[23] = "Stopping Server Thread"; // weak
  3091. char aUserHadLoggedO[39] = "User had logged out, disposing of them"; // weak
  3092. char aUserHasClosedT[33] = "User has closed their connection"; // weak
  3093. char aAbleToWriteToU[22] = "Able to write to user"; // weak
  3094. char aTriedToPassABo[31] = " tried to pass a bogus packet!"; // weak
  3095. char aWhoIsRemote[15] = " who is remote"; // weak
  3096. char aWhoIsLocal[14] = " who is local"; // weak
  3097. char aNewConnectionF[21] = "New Connection from "; // weak
  3098. char aStartingServ_0[23] = "Starting Server Thread"; // weak
  3099. char aMigrationAccep[24] = "Migration Accepted by '"; // weak
  3100. char asc_6A5784[2] = "'"; // weak
  3101. char aFrom_0[7] = " from "; // weak
  3102. char aSessionDidnTEx[45] = "Session didn't exist, creating a new session"; // weak
  3103. char aConnected[11] = " connected"; // weak
  3104. char aSessionExistsA[35] = "Session exists, attempting to join"; // weak
  3105. char aWantsToConnect[30] = " wants to connect to session "; // weak
  3106. char aSessiondataUse[33] = "SessionData: User Not In Session"; // weak
  3107. char aVersionMismatc[22] = "Version mismatch! us:"; // weak
  3108. char aThem[8] = " them: "; // weak
  3109. char aUserIsBehindAn[38] = "User is behind an Address Translator!"; // weak
  3110. char aSecretForRecon[28] = "Secret for reconnection is "; // weak
  3111. char aReceivedUser_0[21] = "Received UserLogin: "; // weak
  3112. char aCouldnTMigrate[36] = "Couldn't migrate, session not found"; // weak
  3113. char aSessionIsnTMig[24] = "Session isn't migrating"; // weak
  3114. char aUserIsLocalMak[36] = "User is local, making them the host"; // weak
  3115. char aMigrated[10] = " migrated"; // weak
  3116. char aReceivedUsermi[23] = "Received UserMigrating"; // weak
  3117. char aBadPassword[13] = "Bad password"; // weak
  3118. char aJoined[8] = " joined"; // weak
  3119. char aSessionFull[13] = "Session full"; // weak
  3120. char aUserAlreadyInS[24] = "User already in session"; // weak
  3121. char aWantsToJoinToS[27] = " wants to join to session "; // weak
  3122. char aKickUserNotInS[26] = "Kick: User Not In Session"; // weak
  3123. char aSessionmigrate[37] = "SessionMigrated: User Not In Session"; // weak
  3124. char aAlreadyExists[16] = " already exists"; // weak
  3125. char aSession_1[9] = "Session "; // weak
  3126. char aWeAlreadyHaveA[61] = "We already have a session and we're not a stand alone server"; // weak
  3127. char aOnlyLocalUsers[63] = "Only local users can create sessions on non standalone server!"; // weak
  3128. char aMax[6] = " max "; // weak
  3129. char aWantsToCreateA[28] = " wants to create a session "; // weak
  3130. char aReceivedUserlo[22] = "Received UserLogout: "; // weak
  3131. char aSessionsyncSto[55] = "SessionSync/Store/Clear/FlushData: User Not In Session"; // weak
  3132. char aChangehostUser[32] = "ChangeHost: User Not In Session"; // weak
  3133. char aUnlockingUserN[31] = "Unlocking: User Not In Session"; // weak
  3134. char aUnlockingSessi[19] = "Unlocking session "; // weak
  3135. char aLockingUserNot[29] = "Locking: User Not In Session"; // weak
  3136. char aLockingSession[17] = "Locking session "; // weak
  3137. char aSessionprivate[40] = "SessionPrivateData: User Not In Session"; // weak
  3138. char aSendingIndex[15] = "Sending index "; // weak
  3139. char aSessionIndexIs[18] = "Session index is "; // weak
  3140. char aOurIndexIs[15] = " our index is "; // weak
  3141. char aUserIsMissing[17] = "User is missing "; // weak
  3142. char aSyncDataPacket[19] = " sync data packets"; // weak
  3143. char aIsAttemptingRe[28] = " is attempting reconnection"; // weak
  3144. char aReceivedUserre[33] = "Received UserReconnect : Secret "; // weak
  3145. char aSessionNotFoun[18] = "Session not found"; // weak
  3146. char aUserIsnTHost[16] = "User isn't host"; // weak
  3147. char aUserIsHostDele[35] = "User is host, deleting the session"; // weak
  3148. char aWantsToDestroy[27] = " wants to destroy session "; // weak
  3149. char aCouldNotMapFil[21] = "Could not map file: "; // weak
  3150. char aDSrcCodeStyx_3[41] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\styxnet_transfer.cpp"; // weak
  3151. char aCouldNotOpen_0[22] = "Could not open file: "; // weak
  3152. char aDownloadingTo[16] = "Downloading to "; // weak
  3153. char aDownloadsTemp[] = "downloads\\temp"; // idb
  3154. char aSendComplete[14] = "Send complete"; // weak
  3155. char aConnected_0[10] = "Connected"; // weak
  3156. char aMaximumTransfe[26] = "Maximum transfer size is "; // weak
  3157. char aSenderConnecti[25] = "Sender: Connection from "; // weak
  3158. char aCouldNotOpen_1[20] = "Could not open file"; // weak
  3159. char aDSrcCodeStyx_4[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\win32_file.cpp"; // weak
  3160. char aUnknownCreateO[25] = "Unknown create/open mode"; // weak
  3161. char aCouldNotReadFr[25] = "Could not read from file"; // weak
  3162. char asc_6A5E08[3] = " :"; // weak
  3163. char aUninplemented[15] = "Uninplemented!"; // weak
  3164. char aCouldNotOpen_2[35] = "Could not open file to collect CRC"; // weak
  3165. char aCouldNotCrea_3[41] = "Could not create a view of the mapping: "; // weak
  3166. char aCouldNotCrea_2[32] = "Could not create file mapping: "; // weak
  3167. char aLookupWasNotFo[37] = "Lookup was not found for the handle "; // weak
  3168. char aWsaasyncgeth_4[72] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByName: Non-Authoritative Host not found, or SERVERFAIL."; // weak
  3169. char aWsaasyncgeth_3[72] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByName: Nonrecoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP."; // weak
  3170. char aWsaasyncgeth_2[38] = "WSAASyncGetHostByName: Unknown Error "; // weak
  3171. char aWsaasyncgeth_1[63] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByName: Insufficient buffer space is available."; // weak
  3172. char aWsaasyncgeth_0[57] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByName: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  3173. char aWsaasyncgethos[48] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByName: Invalid name or address."; // weak
  3174. char aDSrcCodeStyx_5[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\win32_dns.cpp"; // weak
  3175. char aWsaasyncgeth_8[38] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByName: Unknown error!"; // weak
  3176. char aWsaasyncgeth_7[163] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByName: The asynchronous operation cannot be scheduled at this time due to resource or other constraints within the Windows Sockets implementation."; // weak
  3177. char aWsaasyncgeth_6[140] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByName: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  3178. char aWsaasyncgeth_5[86] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByName: A successful WSAStartup must occur before using this function."; // weak
  3179. char aWsaasyncget_12[163] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr: The asynchronous operation cannot be scheduled at this time due to resource or other constraints within the Windows Sockets implementation."; // weak
  3180. char aWsaasyncget_11[140] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."; // weak
  3181. char aWsaasyncget_10[57] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr: The network subsystem has failed."; // weak
  3182. char aWsaasyncgeth_9[86] = "WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr: A successful WSAStartup must occur before using this function."; // weak
  3183. char aGlobal[7] = "Global"; // weak
  3184. char aWeReOutOfBuffe[61] = "We're out of buffer space and we don't even have one packet!"; // weak
  3185. char aSomehowWeHaveA[68] = "Somehow, we have a full packet of data which was not accounted for!"; // weak
  3186. char aDSrcCodeStyx_6[39] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\styxnet_packet.cpp"; // weak
  3187. char aButTheyCouldNo[29] = " but they could not be found"; // weak
  3188. char aDSrcCodeStyx_7[47] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\styxnet_client_session.cpp"; // weak
  3189. char aInstructedToRe[27] = "Instructed to remove user "; // weak
  3190. char aNoPingMethodsA[27] = "No ping methods available!"; // weak
  3191. char aTryingIpHelper[21] = "Trying IP Helper API"; // weak
  3192. char aTryingRawsocke[17] = "Trying RawSocket"; // weak
  3193. char aDSrcCodeStyx_8[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\network_ping.cpp"; // weak
  3194. char aStartingIpHelp[26] = "Starting IP Helper thread"; // weak
  3195. char aCouldNotFindGe[49] = "Could not find 'GetRTTAndHopCount' in ws2_32.dll"; // weak
  3196. CHAR aGetrttandhopco[] = "GetRTTAndHopCount"; // idb
  3197. CHAR aIphlpapi_dll[] = "iphlpapi.dll"; // idb
  3198. char aStoppingIpHelp[26] = "Stopping IP Helper thread"; // weak
  3199. char aToQueue[10] = " to queue"; // weak
  3200. char aAddingPingTo[16] = "Adding ping to "; // weak
  3201. char aGotQuitEvent[15] = "Got quit event"; // weak
  3202. char aPingFailed[12] = "Ping failed"; // weak
  3203. char aGotPingRtt[14] = "Got ping RTT "; // weak
  3204. char aHops[7] = " Hops "; // weak
  3205. char aPinging[9] = "Pinging "; // weak
  3206. char aNohost[] = "NoHost"; // idb
  3207. char aData[6] = "Data "; // weak
  3208. char aCouldNotBeStor[26] = "] could not be stored by "; // weak
  3209. char aWasnTExpecting[26] = "Wasn't expecting command "; // weak
  3210. char aDSrcCodeStyx_9[47] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\styxnet_server_session.cpp"; // weak
  3211. char aMigrationComme[21] = "Migration Commencing"; // weak
  3212. char aOnlyOneUserNoN[34] = "Only one user, no need to migrate"; // weak
  3213. char aInitiatingMigr[44] = "Initiating migration sequence for session '"; // weak
  3214. char aDSrcCodeSty_10[49] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\styxnet_server_migration.cpp"; // weak
  3215. char aNoMigrationCan[24] = "No migration candidates"; // weak
  3216. char aRequestingMigr[26] = "Requesting migration to '"; // weak
  3217. char aAppendingSessi[] = "Appending session migrate data to the sync data stream"; // idb
  3218. char aWasInSessionRe[31] = " was in session, removing them"; // weak
  3219. char aDSrcCodeSty_11[44] = "D:\\Src\\code\\styxnet\\styxnet_server_user.cpp"; // weak
  3220. char aUserAt[9] = "User at "; // weak
  3221. void **off_6A7698 = &off_6A7668; // weak
  3222. void *off_6A7B58 = (void *)0x6A7B62; // idb
  3223. unsigned __int16 _ctype[] = { 0u, 32u };
  3224. void *off_6A7D70 = &off_6A7D78; // idb
  3225. int (*off_6A7E3C)(void) = &terminate; // weak
  3226. void *off_6A8138 = &off_6A8138; // weak
  3227. LPVOID lpMem = &off_6A8138; // idb
  3228. int dword_6A8148 = 4294967295; // weak
  3229. void **off_6AA158 = &off_6A8138; // weak
  3230. int dword_6AA15C = 480; // weak
  3231. _UNKNOWN unk_6AAC20; // weak
  3232. _UNKNOWN unk_6AAC38; // weak
  3233. int dword_6AAF7C = 128; // weak
  3234. int dword_6AAF80 = 128; // weak
  3235. int dword_6AAF84 = 1134395392; // weak
  3236. char aSuppliedWorldS[42] = "Supplied world size is invalid! (%u x %u)"; // weak
  3237. char aDSrcCodeCorega[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\worldctrl.cpp"; // weak
  3238. char aInvalid_0[8] = "Invalid"; // weak
  3239. char aWest[5] = "West"; // weak
  3240. char aSouth[6] = "South"; // weak
  3241. char aEast[5] = "East"; // weak
  3242. char aNorth[6] = "North"; // weak
  3243. char aTerrain_0[8] = "Terrain"; // weak
  3244. char aCameraBounds[15] = "Camera::Bounds"; // weak
  3245. char aMoveBlockD[] = "Move::Block%d"; // idb
  3246. char aImpassableall[] = "ImpassableAll"; // idb
  3247. char aMinimaprotatio[16] = "MiniMapRotation"; // weak
  3248. char aCellmapz[9] = "CellMapZ"; // weak
  3249. char aCellmapx[9] = "CellMapX"; // weak
  3250. char aUnknownAction[15] = "Unknown Action"; // weak
  3251. char aAssignbasebuil[] = "AssignBaseBuildings should now be AssignBaseUnits"; // idb
  3252. char aDSrcCodeCore_0[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\action.cpp"; // weak
  3253. char aOnlyDynamicTea[38] = "Only dynamic team vars can be created"; // weak
  3254. char aOnlyDynamicT_0[38] = "Only dynamic team vars can be deleted"; // weak
  3255. char aTeamSHasWonS[] = "Team [%s] has WON [%s]"; // idb
  3256. char aDefault_0[] = "Default"; // idb
  3257. char aSAlreadyHasRes[] = " [%s] already has result [%s]"; // idb
  3258. char aSS_7[] = " [%s] [%s]"; // idb
  3259. char aSingle_0[7] = "Single"; // weak
  3260. char aNetwork[8] = "Network"; // weak
  3261. char aUnknownDebrief[29] = "Unknown debriefing mode [%s]"; // weak
  3262. char aCustomDebriefi[] = "Custom debriefing mode [%s]"; // idb
  3263. char aTeamSHasLostS[] = "Team [%s] has LOST [%s]"; // idb
  3264. char aTeamSNext[] = "Team [%s] NEXT"; // idb
  3265. char aNotTheClientTe[] = " - not the client team"; // idb
  3266. char aDisconnecting[] = " - disconnecting"; // idb
  3267. char aMultiplayer_84[30] = "#multiplayer.eliminated.title"; // weak
  3268. char aMultiplayer_el[32] = "#multiplayer.eliminated.message"; // weak
  3269. char aStd_buttons_ok[16] = "#std.buttons.ok"; // weak
  3270. char aHost_0[] = " - host"; // idb
  3271. char aTheClientTeam[] = " - the client team"; // idb
  3272. char aTeamSHasBeenEl[] = "Team [%s] has been ELIMINATED"; // idb
  3273. char aKeySTypeDUnl_1[] = "Key [%s] Type [%d] unlocked (custom)"; // idb
  3274. char aStopCouldNotFi[29] = "Stop could not find tag [%s]"; // weak
  3275. void *off_6AB370 = (void *)0x676154; // weak
  3276. char aRestoreCouldNo[32] = "Restore could not find tag [%s]"; // weak
  3277. char aRanOutOfSlotsI[] = "Ran out of slots in formation '%s' whilst spawning in units"; // idb
  3278. char aCouldnTResol_0[29] = "Couldn't resolve region '%s'"; // weak
  3279. char aCouldnTResolve[32] = "Couldn't resolve formation '%s'"; // weak
  3280. char aARequiredTypeR[48] = "A required type reaper was missing a resolve id"; // weak
  3281. char a__CoregameReso[23] = "../coregame\\resolver.h"; // weak
  3282. char aConstruct[] = "Construct"; // idb
  3283. char aRegion[7] = "Region"; // weak
  3284. char aShadow[7] = "Shadow"; // weak
  3285. char aFormation[10] = "Formation"; // weak
  3286. char aType[5] = "Type"; // weak
  3287. char aSetteamCould_0[] = "SetTeam: Could not find tag '%s'"; // idb
  3288. char aSetteamCouldNo[] = "SetTeam: Could not resolve team '%s'"; // idb
  3289. char aTeam[5] = "Team"; // weak
  3290. char aSettacticalCou[] = "SetTactical: Could not find tag '%s'"; // idb
  3291. char aSelfdestructCo[37] = "SelfDestruct could not find tag [%s]"; // weak
  3292. char aDeleteCouldNot[31] = "Delete could not find tag [%s]"; // weak
  3293. char aTriggerfxNoTag[28] = "TriggerFX: No tag specified"; // weak
  3294. char aTriggerfxCould[35] = "TriggerFX: Could not find tag [%s]"; // weak
  3295. char aTriggerfxUnkno[32] = "TriggerFX: Unknown FX type [%s]"; // weak
  3296. char aEffect[7] = "Effect"; // weak
  3297. char aNoTagSpecified[17] = "No tag specified"; // weak
  3298. char aCouldNotFindTa[24] = "Could not find tag [%s]"; // weak
  3299. char aState[6] = "State"; // weak
  3300. char aWalloperationC[38] = "WallOperation could not find tag [%s]"; // weak
  3301. char aWalloperationU[38] = "WallOperation: unknown operation [%s]"; // weak
  3302. char aOperation[10] = "Operation"; // weak
  3303. char aWarpRegionSDoe[] = "Warp: Region '%s' doesn't exist"; // idb
  3304. char aCouldNotFind_2[24] = "Could not find tag '%s'"; // weak
  3305. char aCouldNotFind_1[27] = "Could not find region '%s'"; // weak
  3306. char aUnknownDisplay[37] = "Unknown DisplayObjective action '%s'"; // weak
  3307. char aS08x[] = "%s[%08x]"; // idb
  3308. char aUnique08x[] = "Unique[%08x]"; // idb
  3309. char aOrientation[12] = "Orientation"; // weak
  3310. char aTeamSDoesnTHav[38] = "Team '%s' doesn't have a start region"; // weak
  3311. char aBombardierDisa[20] = "Bombardier disabled"; // weak
  3312. char a__Coregame_aiS[34] = "../coregame_ai\\strategic_object.h"; // weak
  3313. char aHighlightconst[42] = "HighlightConstruction type not found [%s]"; // weak
  3314. char aAnimateTagNotF[28] = "Animate: Tag not found [%s]"; // weak
  3315. char aCount_0[6] = "Count"; // weak
  3316. char aCycle[6] = "Cycle"; // weak
  3317. char aAnimateonsplin[36] = "AnimateOnSpline: Tag not found [%s]"; // weak
  3318. char aTime_0[] = "Time"; // idb
  3319. char aANonRequiredTy[] = "A non-required type resolution failed [%s]"; // idb
  3320. char aObjectTypeSDoe[52] = "Object type [%s] does not exist or wrong code class"; // weak
  3321. char aGame_0[] = "Game"; // idb
  3322. char aSys_game_mig_2[17] = "sys.game.migrate"; // weak
  3323. char aSys_game_runco[17] = "sys.game.runcode"; // weak
  3324. char aSys_game[9] = "sys.game"; // weak
  3325. char aSiminit[] = "SimInit"; // idb
  3326. char aSwitchingToMig[] = "Switching to MIGRATING"; // idb
  3327. char aMigrationCom_0[] = "Migration commencing"; // idb
  3328. char aSwitchingToNor[] = "Switching to NORMAL"; // idb
  3329. char aGameResync[] = "|Game::Resync"; // idb
  3330. char aMigrationCompl[] = "Migration completed"; // idb
  3331. char aSwitchingToRes[] = "Switching to RESYNC"; // idb
  3332. char aDSrcCodeCore_1[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\game_rc.cpp"; // weak
  3333. char aFalse_0[6] = "FALSE"; // weak
  3334. char aTrue_0[5] = "TRUE"; // weak
  3335. LPCSTR off_6ABA0C = "types.cfg"; // idb
  3336. LPCSTR off_6ABA10 = "types_studio.cfg"; // idb
  3337. char aGame[5] = "game"; // weak
  3338. char aFailedToLoadS[20] = "Failed to load '%s'"; // weak
  3339. char aInit[] = "Init"; // idb
  3340. char aPreopenmissi_0[] = "PreOpenMission: New mission"; // idb
  3341. char aPreopenmission[] = "PreOpenMission: [%s][%s]"; // idb
  3342. char aDSrcCodeCore_2[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\game.cpp"; // weak
  3343. char aCoregameOpenmi[29] = "CoreGame::OpenMission failed"; // weak
  3344. char aUnableToWriteS[] = "Unable to write '%s'"; // idb
  3345. char aUnableToSetupW[] = "Unable to setup write access"; // idb
  3346. char aBookmark[] = "Bookmark"; // idb
  3347. char aTrail[] = "Trail"; // idb
  3348. char aTypeStreamCrc0[] = "Type Stream Crc: %08X"; // idb
  3349. char aUnknownTypeCre[] = "Unknown type creation function '%s'"; // idb
  3350. char aConfiguration[14] = "Configuration"; // weak
  3351. int *off_6ABB68[2] = { &dword_76EC10, &dword_76DF90 }; // weak
  3352. int *off_6ABB6C = &dword_76DF90; // weak
  3353. char aSightSaveBlock[] = "Sight: Save block was unexpected size (%d/%d)"; // idb
  3354. char aDSrcCodeCore_3[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\sight.cpp"; // weak
  3355. char aCoregame_sight[15] = "coregame.sight"; // weak
  3356. char aCoregame_saveb[20] = "coregame.savebinary"; // weak
  3357. char aCoregame_boo_7[26] = "coregame.bookmark.swoopto"; // weak
  3358. char aCoregame_boo_6[25] = "coregame.bookmark.jumpto"; // weak
  3359. char aCoregame_boo_5[23] = "coregame.bookmark.list"; // weak
  3360. char aCoregame_boo_4[26] = "coregame.bookmark.destroy"; // weak
  3361. char aCoregame_boo_3[25] = "coregame.bookmark.create"; // weak
  3362. char aCoregame_reg_1[21] = "coregame.region.list"; // weak
  3363. char aCoregame_reg_0[23] = "coregame.region.create"; // weak
  3364. char aCoregame_tag_l[18] = "coregame.tag.list"; // weak
  3365. char aCoregame_tag_c[20] = "coregame.tag.create"; // weak
  3366. char aCoregame_trigg[26] = "coregame.triggervibration"; // weak
  3367. char aCoregame_resou[19] = "coregame.resources"; // weak
  3368. char aCoregame_loadr[23] = "coregame.loadresources"; // weak
  3369. char aCoregame_tract[23] = "coregame.tractiontypes"; // weak
  3370. char aCoregame_movet[19] = "coregame.movetable"; // weak
  3371. char aCoregame_threa[17] = "coregame.threats"; // weak
  3372. char aCoregame_damag[21] = "coregame.damagetable"; // weak
  3373. char aCoregame_listd[21] = "coregame.listdamages"; // weak
  3374. char aCoregame_lista[27] = "coregame.listarmourclasses"; // weak
  3375. char aCoregame_terra[23] = "coregame.terraingroups"; // weak
  3376. char aCoregame_listt[19] = "coregame.listtypes"; // weak
  3377. char aCoregame_world[19] = "coregame.worldinfo"; // weak
  3378. char aCoregame_sizeo[16] = "coregame.sizeof"; // weak
  3379. char aCoregame_boo_2[18] = "coregame.bookmark"; // weak
  3380. char aCoregame_regio[16] = "coregame.region"; // weak
  3381. char aCoregame_tag[13] = "coregame.tag"; // weak
  3382. char aCoregame[9] = "coregame"; // weak
  3383. char aObjects[8] = "Objects"; // weak
  3384. char aUnableToSaveOb[] = "Unable to save object data"; // idb
  3385. char aUnableToSaveWo[] = "Unable to save world data"; // idb
  3386. char aDamages[] = "Damages"; // idb
  3387. char a20sU3_2f2u[] = "%-20s %u - %3.2f, %2u"; // idb
  3388. char aConsole_remove[] = "console.removeobj id"; // idb
  3389. char aCoregame_boo_1[] = "coregame.bookmark.create bookmarkname"; // idb
  3390. char aSSUObj[] = "%s : %s [%u obj]"; // idb
  3391. char aListingAllCurr[] = "Listing all current tags"; // idb
  3392. char aUnableToFindTa[] = "Unable to find tag '%s'"; // idb
  3393. char aSU[] = "%s (%u)"; // idb
  3394. char aDeadObject[] = "Dead object"; // idb
  3395. char aListingObjects[] = "Listing objects in tagged group '%s' :"; // idb
  3396. char aMaximumThreats[] = "Maximum Threats:"; // idb
  3397. char a8dS[] = " - %8d [%s]"; // idb
  3398. char aCoregame_boo_0[] = "coregame.bookmark.swoopto bookmarkname"; // idb
  3399. char a3dS_0[] = " - [%3d] %s"; // idb
  3400. char aArmourClasses[] = "Armour Classes"; // idb
  3401. char aCouldNotCrea_4[] = "Could not create region"; // idb
  3402. char aTypesThatAreNo[] = "Types that are NOT initialized..."; // idb
  3403. char aSD_0[] = " - %s [%d]"; // idb
  3404. char aTypesThatAreIn[] = "Types that ARE initialized..."; // idb
  3405. char aDSrcCodeCore_4[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\coregame.cpp"; // weak
  3406. char a20s7_3f7_3f7_3[] = "%-20s : %7.3f, %7.3f, %7.3f [%u] (%s)"; // idb
  3407. char aListingAllOnMa[] = "Listing all ON-MAP objects"; // idb
  3408. char aDS[] = "[%d] %s"; // idb
  3409. char aUnableToFindTy[] = "Unable to find type [%s]"; // idb
  3410. char aCoundNotCreate[] = "Cound not create tag"; // idb
  3411. char aCannotFindMapO[] = "Cannot find map object with id %d"; // idb
  3412. char aObjectIdUWasTh[] = "Object (id %u) was the wrong type"; // idb
  3413. char aCluster3d3dDOb[] = "Cluster [%3d,%3d] - %d objects"; // idb
  3414. char aPathfollower5u[] = "PathFollower      %5u"; // idb
  3415. char aWeaponObject5u[] = "Weapon::Object    %5u"; // idb
  3416. char aUnitobj5u[] = "UnitObj           %5u"; // idb
  3417. char aMapobj5u[] = "MapObj            %5u"; // idb
  3418. char aGameobj5u[] = "GameObj           %5u"; // idb
  3419. char aWeaponType5u[] = "Weapon::Type      %5u"; // idb
  3420. char aUnitobjtype5u[] = "UnitObjType       %5u"; // idb
  3421. char aMapobjtype5u[] = "MapObjType        %5u"; // idb
  3422. char aGameobjtype5u[] = "GameObjType       %5u"; // idb
  3423. char aMapcluster5u[] = "MapCluster        %5u"; // idb
  3424. char aTerrainCell5u[] = "Terrain::Cell     %5u"; // idb
  3425. char aTerraindataCel[] = "TerrainData::Cell %5u"; // idb
  3426. char aResourcesFor_0[] = "Resources for type [%s] initialized"; // idb
  3427. char aUnknownTypeS[] = "Unknown type [%s]"; // idb
  3428. char aResourcesForTy[] = "Resources for type [%s] already initialized"; // idb
  3429. char aSGGGGGG[] = "%s : (%g,%g)-(%g,%g) (%g,%g)"; // idb
  3430. char aRegions[] = "Regions:"; // idb
  3431. char a20sUS[] = "%-20s [%u] (%s)"; // idb
  3432. char aNotAUnit[11] = "Not a unit"; // weak
  3433. char aNoTeam[8] = "No Team"; // weak
  3434. char aListingAllOffM[] = "Listing all OFF-MAP objects"; // idb
  3435. char aCoundNotFindBo[] = "Cound not find book mark '%s'. Try 'coregame.bookmark.list'"; // idb
  3436. char aCoregame_bookm[] = "coregame.bookmark.jumpto bookmarkname"; // idb
  3437. char a20s[] = "%-20s"; // idb
  3438. char aObjectDNotFoun[] = "Object [%d] not found"; // idb
  3439. char aConsole_addobj[] = "console.addobj id"; // idb
  3440. char aTotalD[] = "Total: %d"; // idb
  3441. char a20sU[] = "%-20s (%u)"; // idb
  3442. char aGameobjtype[12] = "GameObjType"; // weak
  3443. char aSXGYGZGYawGPit[] = " - '%s' [x%g y%g z%g yaw %g pitch %g]"; // idb
  3444. char aBookmarks[] = "Bookmarks:"; // idb
  3445. char a5_2f3dS[] = " - %5.2f [%3d] %s"; // idb
  3446. char a3dS[] = "[%3d] %s"; // idb
  3447. char aDamageTable[] = "Damage Table"; // idb
  3448. char aNoWorldIsCurre[] = "No world is currently loaded"; // idb
  3449. char aMapobjOffMapD[] = "MapObj Off-Map     : %d"; // idb
  3450. char aMapobjOnMapD[] = "MapObj On-Map      : %d"; // idb
  3451. char aGameobjD[] = "GameObj            : %d"; // idb
  3452. char aObjects_0[] = "Objects : "; // idb
  3453. char aMetres_0fX_0f[] = "Metres             : %.0f x %.0f"; // idb
  3454. char aGameClustersDX[] = "Game clusters      : %d x %d"; // idb
  3455. char aCellsDXD[] = "Cells              : %d x %d"; // idb
  3456. char aMapSizes[] = "Map sizes :"; // idb
  3457. char aGameClusterSiz[] = "Game cluster size  : %.0f x %.0f metres"; // idb
  3458. char aCellSize_0fX_0[] = "Cell size          : %.0f x %.0f metres"; // idb
  3459. char aMissionNameS[] = "Mission name       : %s"; // idb
  3460. char aNoCurrentMissi[19] = "No current mission"; // weak
  3461. char aWorldInformati[] = "World Information"; // idb
  3462. char aFromorder[10] = "FromOrder"; // weak
  3463. char aGiveupcycles[13] = "GiveUpCycles"; // weak
  3464. char aGiveupgrains[13] = "GiveUpGrains"; // weak
  3465. char aPhysicsModel_0[62] = "Physics Model [%s] can't have Physics definition and a driver"; // weak
  3466. char aPhysicsModelSC[46] = "Physics Model [%s] can move but has no driver"; // weak
  3467. char aElasticity[11] = "Elasticity"; // weak
  3468. char aDrag[5] = "Drag"; // weak
  3469. char aAligntrajector[16] = "AlignTrajectory"; // weak
  3470. char aCollisionmodel[15] = "CollisionModel"; // weak
  3471. char aSimulationmode[16] = "SimulationModel"; // weak
  3472. char aPhysics[8] = "Physics"; // weak
  3473. char aHasdriver[10] = "HasDriver"; // weak
  3474. char aFindfloor[10] = "FindFloor"; // weak
  3475. char aDefaultlayer[13] = "DefaultLayer"; // weak
  3476. char aLayerchange[12] = "LayerChange"; // weak
  3477. char aUpperlayer[11] = "UpperLayer"; // weak
  3478. char aLowerlayer[11] = "LowerLayer"; // weak
  3479. char aPhysicsmodelSA[] = "PhysicsModel [%s] already defined"; // idb
  3480. char aDSrcCodeCore_5[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\movement.cpp"; // weak
  3481. char aPathsearch[11] = "PathSearch"; // weak
  3482. char aSlopeeffect[12] = "SlopeEffect"; // weak
  3483. char aChecksurface[13] = "CheckSurface"; // weak
  3484. char aAligntoterrain[15] = "AlignToTerrain"; // weak
  3485. char aCanmove[8] = "CanMove"; // weak
  3486. char aPhysicsModelSN[29] = "Physics Model [%s] not found"; // weak
  3487. char aOrderid[8] = "OrderId"; // weak
  3488. char aNextid[7] = "NextId"; // weak
  3489. char *off_6AC794[5] =
  3490. {
  3491.   "Height",
  3492.   "PitchRatio",
  3493.   "Standard",
  3494.   "Camera Layer Ver 1.0",
  3495.   "Camera%d Version 1"
  3496. }; // weak
  3497. char *off_6AC798[4] = { "PitchRatio", "Standard", "Camera Layer Ver 1.0", "Camera%d Version 1" }; // weak
  3498. char *off_6AC79C = "Standard"; // idb
  3499. char *off_6AC7A0[2] = { "Camera Layer Ver 1.0", "Camera%d Version 1" }; // weak
  3500. char aDonTDeleteDefa[25] = "Don't delete default cam"; // weak
  3501. char aDSrcCodeCore_6[32] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\viewer.cpp"; // weak
  3502. char aOverlappingCam[36] = "Overlapping camera blocking regions"; // weak
  3503. char aCameraBlockD[] = "Camera::Block%d"; // idb
  3504. char aCameraHasNotBe[26] = "Camera has not been setup"; // weak
  3505. char aPadlockcam[] = "PadlockCam"; // idb
  3506. char aCamera_gamec_1[29] = "camera.gameconfig.pitchratio"; // weak
  3507. char aCamera_gamec_0[25] = "camera.gameconfig.height"; // weak
  3508. char aCamera_gamecon[18] = "camera.gameconfig"; // weak
  3509. char aCamera_trackte[20] = "camera.trackterrain"; // weak
  3510. char aCamera_togglet[22] = "camera.toggletoheight"; // weak
  3511. char aCamera_minheig[17] = "camera.minheight"; // weak
  3512. char aCamera_maxheig[17] = "camera.maxheight"; // weak
  3513. char aCamera_swoopdo[18] = "camera.swoopdolly"; // weak
  3514. char aCamera_curveof[19] = "camera.curveoffset"; // weak
  3515. char aCamera_pitchhe[24] = "camera.pitchheightratio"; // weak
  3516. char aCamera_defau_5[21] = "camera.defaultheight"; // weak
  3517. char aCamera_bind_zo[17] = "camera.bind.zoom"; // weak
  3518. char aCamera_bind_fr[21] = "camera.bind.freelook"; // weak
  3519. char aCamera_bind_ba[17] = "camera.bind.back"; // weak
  3520. char aCamera_bind_fo[20] = "camera.bind.forward"; // weak
  3521. char aCamera_bind_ri[18] = "camera.bind.right"; // weak
  3522. char aCamera_bind_le[17] = "camera.bind.left"; // weak
  3523. char aCamera_movez[13] = "camera.movez"; // weak
  3524. char aCamera_movex[13] = "camera.movex"; // weak
  3525. char aCamera_rotateb[16] = "camera.rotateby"; // weak
  3526. char aCamera_rotatet[16] = "camera.rotateto"; // weak
  3527. char aCamera_setheig[17] = "camera.setheight"; // weak
  3528. char aCamera_setyaw[14] = "camera.setyaw"; // weak
  3529. char aCamera_prevtar[18] = "camera.prevtarget"; // weak
  3530. char aCamera_nexttar[18] = "camera.nexttarget"; // weak
  3531. char aCamera_toggleh[20] = "camera.toggleheight"; // weak
  3532. char aCamera_list[12] = "camera.list"; // weak
  3533. char aCamera_set[11] = "camera.set"; // weak
  3534. char aCamera[7] = "camera"; // weak
  3535. char aDSrcCodeCore_7[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\sources.cpp"; // weak
  3536. char aInvalidResourc[36] = "Invalid resource name [null string]"; // weak
  3537. char aMaxNumberOfSou[45] = "Max number of sources has been exceeded [%d]"; // weak
  3538. char *off_6ACBD0[7] =
  3539. {
  3540.   "team.dyndata",
  3541.   &off_6ACC3C,
  3542.   "Lose",
  3543.   "No Result",
  3544.   "#game.stats.win",
  3545.   "#game.stats.lose",
  3546.   "#game.stats.noresult"
  3547. }; // weak
  3548. void *off_6ACBD4 = &off_6ACC3C; // weak
  3549. char aExpandingSEx_0[] = "Expanding '%s': Expected context for team substitution"; // idb
  3550. char aExpandingSNoDi[] = "Expanding '%s': No Display Team"; // idb
  3551. char aExpandingSCo_0[] = "Expanding '%s': Could not find team"; // idb
  3552. char aDSrcCodeCore_8[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\team.cpp"; // weak
  3553. char aMisckills[] = "MiscKills"; // idb
  3554. char aSelfkills[] = "SelfKills"; // idb
  3555. char aConstructed[] = "Constructed"; // idb
  3556. char aResourcespent[14] = "ResourceSpent"; // weak
  3557. char aResourcecollec[18] = "ResourceCollected"; // weak
  3558. char aKillsmisc[10] = "KillsMisc"; // weak
  3559. char aKillsself[10] = "KillsSelf"; // weak
  3560. char aResult[7] = "Result"; // weak
  3561. char aUnexpectedComm[] = "Unexpected Command '%s'"; // idb
  3562. char aListNotEmptySD[32] = "List not empty [%s][%d, %d, %d]"; // weak
  3563. char a__engine_name[14] = "@.engine.name"; // weak
  3564. char aNone_0[] = "None"; // idb
  3565. char aUnknownObjecti[37] = "Unknown Objective '%s' for team '%s'"; // weak
  3566. char aDuplicateObjec[] = "Duplicate Objective [%s][%s][%s]"; // idb
  3567. char aAttemptToAband[98] = "Attempt to abandon an objective for team '%s' when the team did not currently have that objective"; // weak
  3568. char aGivingsightto[14] = "GivingSightTo"; // weak
  3569. char aDisplayobjecti[18] = "DisplayObjectives"; // weak
  3570. char aConstructlist[14] = "ConstructList"; // weak
  3571. char aEndgame[8] = "EndGame"; // weak
  3572. char aDyndata[8] = "DynData"; // weak
  3573. char aUnitlimit[10] = "UnitLimit"; // weak
  3574. char aStorage[8] = "Storage"; // weak
  3575. char aFilteredtypes[14] = "FilteredTypes"; // weak
  3576. char aFilteringenabl[17] = "FilteringEnabled"; // weak
  3577. char aUniquescriptid[15] = "UniqueScriptId"; // weak
  3578. char aPaincurrentclu[19] = "PainCurrentCluster"; // weak
  3579. char aPersonality[12] = "Personality"; // weak
  3580. char aStartyaw[9] = "StartYaw"; // weak
  3581. char aStartpoint[11] = "StartPoint"; // weak
  3582. char aStartregion[12] = "StartRegion"; // weak
  3583. char aReaperid[9] = "ReaperId"; // weak
  3584. char aObjectives[11] = "Objectives"; // weak
  3585. char aModifierunitsp[18] = "ModifierUnitSpeed"; // weak
  3586. char aModifierbuildt[18] = "ModifierBuildTime"; // weak
  3587. char aModifierresour[21] = "ModifierResourceGain"; // weak
  3588. char aKnockedout[11] = "KnockedOut"; // weak
  3589. char aSidefixed[10] = "SideFixed"; // weak
  3590. char aSide[5] = "Side"; // weak
  3591. char aRequireai[10] = "RequireAI"; // weak
  3592. char aHasstats[9] = "HasStats"; // weak
  3593. char aAvailableplay[14] = "AvailablePlay"; // weak
  3594. char aDefaultclient[14] = "DefaultClient"; // weak
  3595. char aWith[5] = "With"; // weak
  3596. char aRelations[10] = "Relations"; // weak
  3597. char aCreateteam[11] = "CreateTeam"; // weak
  3598. char aTeamProcessId0[] = "Team::Process id %08x command cost %d members %d constructionlist %d filtering %s"; // idb
  3599. char aAddingSDToSWhe[45] = "Adding [%s][%d] to [%s] when already on team"; // weak
  3600. char aChildSD[] = " - Child [%s][%d]"; // idb
  3601. char aChildrenD[] = "Children [%d]"; // idb
  3602. char aParentSD[] = "Parent [%s][%d]"; // idb
  3603. char aCurrentTeamS[] = "Current Team [%s]"; // idb
  3604. char aAttemptToAddST[45] = "Attempt to add [%s] to [%s] but team is [%s]"; // weak
  3605. char aUnableToFind_1[38] = "Unable to find type list for [%s][%d]"; // weak
  3606. char aUnableToFindCo[49] = "Unable to find constructor in team list [%s][%s]"; // weak
  3607. char aTeamSHasBeenKn[] = "Team [%s] has been knocked out"; // idb
  3608. char aTeam_listdiffi[20] = "team.listdifficulty"; // weak
  3609. char aTeam_listuni_0[15] = "team.listunits"; // weak
  3610. char aTeam_display_7[31] = "team.displayobjectives.abandon"; // weak
  3611. char aTeam_display_6[32] = "team.displayobjectives.complete"; // weak
  3612. char aTeam_display_5[30] = "team.displayobjectives.remove"; // weak
  3613. char aTeam_display_4[28] = "team.displayobjectives.list"; // weak
  3614. char aTeam_objecti_8[24] = "team.objectives.abandon"; // weak
  3615. char aTeam_objecti_7[25] = "team.objectives.complete"; // weak
  3616. char aTeam_objecti_6[20] = "team.objectives.new"; // weak
  3617. char aTeam_objecti_5[21] = "team.objectives.list"; // weak
  3618. char aTeam_objecti_4[24] = "team.objectives.current"; // weak
  3619. char aTeam_setrela_0[24] = "team.setrelationbothway"; // weak
  3620. char aTeam_setrelati[17] = "team.setrelation"; // weak
  3621. char aTeam_display_3[23] = "team.displayobjectives"; // weak
  3622. char aTeam_objecti_3[16] = "team.objectives"; // weak
  3623. char aTeam_mono[10] = "team.mono"; // weak
  3624. char aTeam_config[12] = "team.config"; // weak
  3625. char aTeam_0[5] = "team"; // weak
  3626. char aUnknownTeamS[] = "Unknown team '%s'"; // idb
  3627. char aUnknownRelatio[] = "Unknown relation type '%s'"; // idb
  3628. char aSetrelation[] = "SetRelation"; // idb
  3629. char aTeam_objecti_2[] = "team.objectives.complete teamname objective"; // idb
  3630. char aAllPossibleObj[] = "All possible objectives"; // idb
  3631. char aTeam_display_2[] = "team.displayobjectives.abandon teamname displayobjective"; // idb
  3632. char aCurrentObjecti[] = "Current Objectives for team '%s'"; // idb
  3633. char aTeam_objecti_1[] = "team.objectives.current teamname"; // idb
  3634. char aCurrentTeams[] = "Current Teams"; // idb
  3635. char aSD_1[] = "%s : %d"; // idb
  3636. char aTeam_display_1[] = "team.displayobjectives.list teamname"; // idb
  3637. char aTeam_display_0[] = "team.displayobjectives.complete teamname displayobjective"; // idb
  3638. char aS_2f[] = " - %s = %.2f"; // idb
  3639. char aCurrentDifficu[] = "Current Difficulty Levels"; // idb
  3640. char aNoUnitsOfTypeS[] = "No units of type '%s' for team '%s'"; // idb
  3641. char aD[] = " - [%d]"; // idb
  3642. char aUnitsForSOfTyp[] = "Units for '%s' of type '%s'"; // idb
  3643. char aTeam_listunits[] = "team.listunits teamname [type]"; // idb
  3644. char aTeam_displayob[] = "team.displayobjectives.remove teamname displayobjective"; // idb
  3645. char aTeam_objecti_0[] = "team.objectives.new teamname objective"; // idb
  3646. char aNoObjectiveNam[] = "No objective named '%s'"; // idb
  3647. char aTeam_objective[] = "team.objectives.abandon teamname objective"; // idb
  3648. char aCouldNotFindTe[] = "Could not find team '%s'"; // idb
  3649. char aCouldNotFindOb[] = "Could not find objective '%s'"; // idb
  3650. char aAllUnitsDestro[] = " - all units destroyed"; // idb
  3651. char aTeamS[] = " - team [%s]"; // idb
  3652. char aPlayerSDeparte[] = "Player [%s] departed"; // idb
  3653. char aDuplicateWeapo[] = "Duplicate WeaponType '%s'"; // idb
  3654. char aDSrcCodeCore_9[40] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\weapon_manager.cpp"; // weak
  3655. char aPlayer_0[7] = "player"; // weak
  3656. char a3dSS[] = " %3d - %s [%s]"; // idb
  3657. char asc_6AD6A0[5] = "----"; // weak
  3658. char aCurrentPlayers[] = "Current Players"; // idb
  3659. char *off_6AD6F0[2] = { "Message::Voice1", "Message::Voice2" }; // weak
  3660. char *off_6AD6F4 = "Message::Voice2"; // weak
  3661. char aMessage_obj_tr[20] = "message.obj.trigger"; // weak
  3662. char aMessage_obj_li[17] = "message.obj.list"; // weak
  3663. char aMessage_loca_1[25] = "message.location.trigger"; // weak
  3664. char aMessage_loca_0[22] = "message.location.list"; // weak
  3665. char aMessage_game_0[21] = "message.game.trigger"; // weak
  3666. char aMessage_game_l[18] = "message.game.list"; // weak
  3667. char aMessage_obj[12] = "message.obj"; // weak
  3668. char aMessage_locati[17] = "message.location"; // weak
  3669. char aMessage_game[13] = "message.game"; // weak
  3670. char aMessage_1[8] = "message"; // weak
  3671. char aMessageNone[14] = "Message::None"; // weak
  3672. char aSoundNone[12] = "Sound::None"; // weak
  3673. char aIntervalNone[15] = "Interval::None"; // weak
  3674. char aInterval[9] = "Interval"; // weak
  3675. char aGameMessageS_1[42] = "Game Message %s : Unknown message type %s"; // weak
  3676. char aGameMessageS_0[40] = "Game Message %s : Unknown sound type %s"; // weak
  3677. char aGameMessageSUn[43] = "Game Message %s : Unknown interval type %s"; // weak
  3678. char aDSrcCodeCor_11[33] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\message.cpp"; // weak
  3679. char aBlipcolor[10] = "BlipColor"; // weak
  3680. char aPersistentblip[15] = "PersistentBlip"; // weak
  3681. char aCheckvisible[13] = "CheckVisible"; // weak
  3682. char aSetjump[8] = "SetJump"; // weak
  3683. char aEnableblip[11] = "EnableBlip"; // weak
  3684. char aUnableToAddPro[42] = "Unable to add property %s (max of %d hit)"; // weak
  3685. char aDefaultHasAlre[35] = "Default has already been specified"; // weak
  3686. char aUnknownInterva[27] = "Unknown interval type '%s'"; // weak
  3687. char aObjMessages[] = "Obj Messages:"; // idb
  3688. char aCouldNotFindGa[] = "Could not find game message named '%s'"; // idb
  3689. char aMessage_game_t[] = "message.game.trigger message"; // idb
  3690. char aLocationMessag[] = "Location Messages:"; // idb
  3691. char aGameMessages[] = "Game Messages:"; // idb
  3692. char aPreviewMission[] = "Preview: Mission [%s][%s] is gone!"; // idb
  3693. char aDSrcCodeCor_12[38] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\game_preview.cpp"; // weak
  3694. char aGamepreviewTer[21] = "GamePreview::Terrain"; // weak
  3695. char aTerrain_tga[] = "terrain.tga"; // idb
  3696. char aTerrain_custom[] = "terrain_custom.tga"; // idb
  3697. char byte_6ADA60[] = { '\x18' }; // weak
  3698. char byte_6ADA64[] = { '\0' }; // weak
  3699. char byte_6ADA65[] = { '\xFF' }; // weak
  3700. _UNKNOWN unk_6ADA74; // weak
  3701. char *off_6ADA80[2] = { "Zwagabeast Terrain Ver 1.0", "TerrainData::Mapping" }; // weak
  3702. char *off_6ADA84 = "TerrainData::Mapping"; // weak
  3703. char aDSrcCodeCor_13[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\terraindata.cpp"; // weak
  3704. char aCellsWillNeedT[] = " - Cells will need to be re-blended!!"; // idb
  3705. char aTerrainContain[] = "Terrain contained type indexes that are no longer available"; // idb
  3706. char aDeepshoreline[] = "DeepShoreline"; // idb
  3707. char aShallowshoreli[] = "ShallowShoreline"; // idb
  3708. char aDeepwater[] = "DeepWater"; // idb
  3709. char aShallowwater[] = "ShallowWater"; // idb
  3710. char aTerraindataF_0[] = "TerrainData: Failed opening data block (%s)"; // idb
  3711. char aTerraindataCon[] = "TerrainData: Config changed (%d / %d)"; // idb
  3712. char aTerraindataFai[] = "TerrainData: Failed : (Incorrect size %u/%u)"; // idb
  3713. char aTerraindataIgn[] = "TerrainData: Ignoring mapping table because world has changed"; // idb
  3714. char *off_6ADCDC[3] = { "Ally", "Neutral", "Enemy" }; // weak
  3715. char aEnemy[6] = "Enemy"; // weak
  3716. char aNeutral[8] = "Neutral"; // weak
  3717. char aAlly[5] = "Ally"; // weak
  3718. char aRelation[9] = "Relation"; // weak
  3719. char aUnknownRelat_0[57] = "Unknown relation '%s' [Ally, Neutral, Enemy, EnemyHuman]"; // weak
  3720. char aDSrcCodeCor_14[34] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\relation.cpp"; // weak
  3721. char aTooManyArmourC[54] = "Too many armour classes when adding Armour Class '%s'"; // weak
  3722. char aDSrcCodeCor_15[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\armourclass.cpp"; // weak
  3723. char aTooManyDamageT[46] = "Too many damage types when adding Damage '%s'"; // weak
  3724. char aDuplicateDamag[] = "Duplicate damage type '%s' detected !"; // idb
  3725. char aClaimOverlapNe[59] = "Claim Overlap: Next [(%d-%d)->%d]:0x%08x (%s:%d and %s:%d)"; // weak
  3726. char aClaimOverlapPr[59] = "Claim Overlap: Prev [%d->(%d-%d)]:0x%08x (%s:%d and %s:%d)"; // weak
  3727. char aDSrcCodeCor_16[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\claim.cpp"; // weak
  3728. LPCSTR off_6ADEC4 = "terrain.cfg"; // idb
  3729. char aIgnoringWeight[] = "Ignoring weight (%d,%f)"; // idb
  3730. char aDSrcCodeCor_17[38] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\terraingroup.cpp"; // weak
  3731. char aBlendIndexIsOu[34] = "Blend index is out of range! (%s)"; // weak
  3732. char aFullBlendRequi[52] = "Full blend requires at least one variation [%s][%s]"; // weak
  3733. char aSSDD_tga[] = "%s-%s-%d-%d.tga"; // idb
  3734. char aBasetype[9] = "BaseType"; // weak
  3735. char aCouldNotOpenS[20] = "Could not open '%s'"; // weak
  3736. char aMaxTerrainType[34] = "Max terrain types reached (%s/%d)"; // weak
  3737. char aDuplicateTypeS[37] = "Duplicate type (%s) in terrain group"; // weak
  3738. char aActiveTypeInde[39] = "Active type index out of range (%d/%d)"; // weak
  3739. char aMaxSurfaceType[48] = "Max SURFACE types has been reached on '%s' (%u)"; // weak
  3740. char aDSrcCodeCor_18[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\movetable.cpp"; // weak
  3741. char aMaxTractionTyp[49] = "Max TRACTION types has been reached on '%s' (%u)"; // weak
  3742. char aAlways[7] = "Always"; // weak
  3743. char aDestroy[8] = "Destroy"; // weak
  3744. char aLifetime[9] = "LifeTime"; // weak
  3745. char aMesheffect[11] = "MeshEffect"; // weak
  3746. char aParticles[10] = "Particles"; // weak
  3747. char aSurfacesample[14] = "SurfaceSample"; // weak
  3748. char aHardPointSCoul[35] = "Hard Point '%s' could not be found"; // weak
  3749. char aDSrcCodeCor_19[28] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\fx.cpp"; // weak
  3750. char aEffectTypes[] = "[Effect Types]"; // idb
  3751. char aEffect_create[14] = "effect.create"; // weak
  3752. char aEffect_listtyp[17] = "effect.listtypes"; // weak
  3753. char aEffect_0[7] = "effect"; // weak
  3754. char a__fx08x[] = "__FX%08X"; // idb
  3755. char aDSrcCodeCor_20[31] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\radio.cpp"; // weak
  3756. char aEventSMessag_0[49] = "Event '%s' Message '%s' #object is not available"; // weak
  3757. char aEventSMessageS[51] = "Event '%s' Message '%s' #location is not available"; // weak
  3758. char aUnknownMessage[26] = "Unknown Message Type '%s'"; // weak
  3759. char aEventDoesNotDe[30] = "Event does not define #object"; // weak
  3760. char aLocationNotImp[41] = "#location not implemented as a parameter"; // weak
  3761. char aUnknownParamet[] = "Unknown parameter type %08Xh in Message '%s' in Event '%s'"; // idb
  3762. char aSomeone[8] = "Someone"; // weak
  3763. char aMessages[9] = "Messages"; // weak
  3764. char aQueue[6] = "Queue"; // weak
  3765. char aText[5] = "Text"; // weak
  3766. char aFscope[7] = "FScope"; // weak
  3767. char aDisplayObjecti[41] = "Display Objective '%s' is already active"; // weak
  3768. char *off_6AE338 = "Viewer::Action::Cinematic"; // idb
  3769. char aTiming_fastf_0[21] = "timing.fastforward 0"; // weak
  3770. char aUnexpectedFunc[] = "Unexpected function [%s] in Cineractive"; // idb
  3771. char aDSrcCodeCor_21[39] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\viewer_action.cpp"; // weak
  3772. char aUnknownFunctio[] = "Unknown function [%s] in Cineractive"; // idb
  3773. char aCouldNotFindBo[] = "Could not find bookmark [%s]"; // idb
  3774. char aCanTOpenBink_0[] = "Can't open bink file %s"; // idb
  3775. char aStretch[8] = "Stretch"; // weak
  3776. char aAbsolute[9] = "Absolute"; // weak
  3777. char aAbssize[8] = "AbsSize"; // weak
  3778. char aAbspos[7] = "AbsPos"; // weak
  3779. char aSheet[6] = "Sheet"; // weak
  3780. char aFontNotFoundSF[41] = "Font not found [%s] for Cineractive Text"; // weak
  3781. char aFont[5] = "Font"; // weak
  3782. char aGodfile[8] = "Godfile"; // weak
  3783. char aItemconfig[11] = "ItemConfig"; // weak
  3784. char aEnvironment_re[19] = "environment.report"; // weak
  3785. char aEnvironment_0[12] = "environment"; // weak
  3786. char aFogdist4_0f[] = "fogdist   = %4.0f"; // idb
  3787. char aFarplane4_0f[] = "farplane = %4.0f"; // idb
  3788. char aAngle3_0fS[] = "angle     = %3.0f %s"; // idb
  3789. char aNight[6] = "night"; // weak
  3790. char aDay[4] = "day"; // weak
  3791. char aLightDDD[] = "light     = %d %d %d"; // idb
  3792. char aAmbientDDD_0[] = "ambient  = %d %d %d"; // idb
  3793. char aFogDDD[] = "fog       = %d %d %d"; // idb
  3794. char aLight[6] = "Light"; // weak
  3795. char aRain[5] = "Rain"; // weak
  3796. char *off_6AE554[6] =
  3797. {
  3798.   "OP-ENTER1",
  3799.   "OP-ENTER2",
  3800.   "OP-EXIT1",
  3801.   "OP-EXIT2",
  3802.   "OP-ENTER-PRE",
  3803.   "OP-EXIT-POST"
  3804. }; // weak
  3805. char *off_6AE558[5] = { "OP-ENTER2", "OP-EXIT1", "OP-EXIT2", "OP-ENTER-PRE", "OP-EXIT-POST" }; // weak
  3806. char *off_6AE55C[4] = { "OP-EXIT1", "OP-EXIT2", "OP-ENTER-PRE", "OP-EXIT-POST" }; // weak
  3807. char *off_6AE560[3] = { "OP-EXIT2", "OP-ENTER-PRE", "OP-EXIT-POST" }; // weak
  3808. char *off_6AE564[2] = { "OP-ENTER-PRE", "OP-EXIT-POST" }; // weak
  3809. char *off_6AE568 = "OP-EXIT-POST"; // weak
  3810. int dword_6AE56C[] = { 0 }; // weak
  3811. char aUnknownTargetT[20] = "Unknown Target Type"; // weak
  3812. char aDSrcCodeCor_22[30] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\target.h"; // weak
  3813. char aSegmentTooShor[29] = "Segment too short [sqrt(%f)]"; // weak
  3814. char aDSrcCodeCor_23[45] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\movement_pathfollow.cpp"; // weak
  3815. char aPoint0x_8xNotF[33] = "Point [0x%.8X] not found in list"; // weak
  3816. char aReachedEndOfLi[48] = "Reached end of list [%d] looking for point [%d]"; // weak
  3817. char aCurr[5] = "Curr"; // weak
  3818. char aFlags[6] = "Flags"; // weak
  3819. char aGrainsleft[11] = "GrainsLeft"; // weak
  3820. char aGraincount[11] = "GrainCount"; // weak
  3821. char aGrain[6] = "Grain"; // weak
  3822. char aLayer_dir[10] = "Layer.Dir"; // weak
  3823. char aLayer_alt0[11] = "Layer.Alt0"; // weak
  3824. char aLayer_new[10] = "Layer.New"; // weak
  3825. char aTurn_dir[9] = "Turn.Dir"; // weak
  3826. char aTurn_start[11] = "Turn.Start"; // weak
  3827. char aArc_radius[11] = "Arc.Radius"; // weak
  3828. char aArc_theta1[11] = "Arc.Theta1"; // weak
  3829. char aArc_theta0[11] = "Arc.Theta0"; // weak
  3830. char aLine_alt1[10] = "Line.Alt1"; // weak
  3831. char aLine_alt0[10] = "Line.Alt0"; // weak
  3832. char aLine_coeff[11] = "Line.Coeff"; // weak
  3833. char aLine_altchange[15] = "Line.AltChange"; // weak
  3834. char aPtadv[6] = "PtAdv"; // weak
  3835. char aConsume[] = "Consume"; // idb
  3836. char aAcctype[8] = "AccType"; // weak
  3837. void *off_6AE790 = &unk_77654E; // weak
  3838. char aPtoffset[9] = "PtOffset"; // weak
  3839. char aLength_0[7] = "Length"; // weak
  3840. char aO[2] = "o"; // weak
  3841. char aP1[3] = "p1"; // weak
  3842. char aP0[3] = "p0"; // weak
  3843. char aHandle[7] = "Handle"; // weak
  3844. char aTractionindex[14] = "TractionIndex"; // weak
  3845. char aPathingmethod[14] = "PathingMethod"; // weak
  3846. char aSearchlayer[12] = "SearchLayer"; // weak
  3847. char aSrcquadrant[12] = "SrcQuadrant"; // weak
  3848. char aDstquadrant[12] = "DstQuadrant"; // weak
  3849. char aAtclosest[10] = "AtClosest"; // weak
  3850. char aLeaving[] = "Leaving"; // idb
  3851. char aBoarding[] = "Boarding"; // idb
  3852. char aStop[5] = "Stop"; // weak
  3853. char aBoardobj[9] = "BoardObj"; // weak
  3854. char aLeaveobj[9] = "LeaveObj"; // weak
  3855. void *off_6AE840 = &unk_726944; // weak
  3856. void *off_6AE844 = &unk_747344; // weak
  3857. void *off_6AE848 = (void *)0x637253; // weak
  3858. char aValid[6] = "Valid"; // weak
  3859. char aPoint_0[6] = "Point"; // weak
  3860. char aMoving[] = "Moving"; // idb
  3861. char aReady[] = "Ready"; // idb
  3862. char a5dUnableToClai[] = "%5d unable to claim grains"; // idb
  3863. char aUnableToFindHa[36] = "Unable to find hardpoint [%s] on %s"; // weak
  3864. char aCouldNotFindSt[26] = "Could not find state %08x"; // weak
  3865. char a__UtilStatemac[23] = "../util\\statemachine.h"; // weak
  3866. char a5dCanTLeaveNoE[] = "%5d can't leave, no exit points"; // idb
  3867. char aClaimOverlap[] = "Claim overlap"; // idb
  3868. char a5dPointlist_cu[] = "%5d pointList.curr==NULL, head=%.8X, tail=%.8X"; // idb
  3869. char a5dExitCellIsIm[] = "%5d Exit cell is impassable, can't exit"; // idb
  3870. char aMoveasidefor[13] = "MoveAsideFor"; // weak
  3871. char aWaituntil[10] = "WaitUntil"; // weak
  3872. char aBoarded[] = "Boarded"; // idb
  3873. char aCurrlayer[10] = "CurrLayer"; // weak
  3874. char aOmega[6] = "Omega"; // weak
  3875. char aQuadrant[9] = "Quadrant"; // weak
  3876. char aGrainpos[9] = "GrainPos"; // weak
  3877. char aBlockboard[11] = "BlockBoard"; // weak
  3878. char aBlocklayer[11] = "BlockLayer"; // weak
  3879. char aPrevsmooth[11] = "PrevSmooth"; // weak
  3880. char aClaimgrains[12] = "ClaimGrains"; // weak
  3881. char aApplybal[9] = "ApplyBal"; // weak
  3882. char aProbes[7] = "Probes"; // weak
  3883. char aTail[5] = "Tail"; // weak
  3884. char aSegments[9] = "Segments"; // weak
  3885. char aTravpt[7] = "TravPt"; // weak
  3886. char aPendingreq[11] = "PendingReq"; // weak
  3887. char aCurrentreq[11] = "CurrentReq"; // weak
  3888. char aPointlist[10] = "PointList"; // weak
  3889. char aPathstate[10] = "PathState"; // weak
  3890. char aBoardstate[11] = "BoardState"; // weak
  3891. char aMovestate[10] = "MoveState"; // weak
  3892. char aInitializing[13] = "Initializing"; // weak
  3893. char aNextstate[10] = "NextState"; // weak
  3894. char aCurrentstate[13] = "CurrentState"; // weak
  3895. char aProbeCountInco[27] = "Probe count incorrect [%d]"; // weak
  3896. char aPathing[] = "Pathing"; // idb
  3897. char aDying[] = "Dying"; // idb
  3898. char aWaitingpath[] = "WaitingPath"; // idb
  3899. char aWaitingentry[] = "WaitingEntry"; // idb
  3900. char aWaitingvertica[] = "WaitingVertical"; // idb
  3901. char aWaiting[] = "Waiting"; // idb
  3902. char aSpline[] = "Spline"; // idb
  3903. char aDirect[] = "Direct"; // idb
  3904. char aDriving[] = "Driving"; // idb
  3905. char aStateMachineIn[43] = "State machine instance passed a NULL state"; // weak
  3906. int dword_6AEB30[] = { 0 }; // weak
  3907. int dword_6AEB34[] = { 1 }; // weak
  3908. _UNKNOWN unk_6AEB54; // weak
  3909. int dword_6AEB60[] = { 4294967295 }; // weak
  3910. int dword_6AEB74[] = { 0 }; // weak
  3911. char aDSrcCodeCor_24[36] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\pathsearch.cpp"; // weak
  3912. char aTriedToAddCell[] = "Tried to add cell that was already on path! (%u, %u)"; // idb
  3913. char aHitACellThatWa[43] = "Hit a cell that wasn't in the last search!"; // weak
  3914. char aPathGeneration[] = "Path generation may be looping!"; // idb
  3915. char aHitACellThat_0[] = "Hit a cell that wasn't in the last search! (%u, %u)"; // idb
  3916. char aDSrcCodeCor_25[37] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\game_config.cpp"; // weak
  3917. char aMissionvar[11] = "MissionVar"; // weak
  3918. char aCamera_0[7] = "Camera"; // weak
  3919. char aWorld[6] = "World"; // weak
  3920. char aDefineteams[12] = "DefineTeams"; // weak
  3921. char aEnvironment[12] = "Environment"; // weak
  3922. char aWorldinfo[10] = "WorldInfo"; // weak
  3923. char aFrameratecontr[17] = "FrameRateControl"; // weak
  3924. char aRuleset[8] = "RuleSet"; // weak
  3925. char aNoWorldLoadedI[44] = "No world loaded - invalid mission file [%s]"; // weak
  3926. char aGravity[8] = "Gravity"; // weak
  3927. LPCSTR off_6AED64 = "placement.cfg"; // idb
  3928. char aUnableToSpawnS[] = "Unable to spawn [%s] for team [%s]"; // idb
  3929. char aDSrcCodeCor_26[39] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\sideplacement.cpp"; // weak
  3930. char *off_6AEDC4 = "coregame.mission.dyndata"; // idb
  3931. LPCSTR off_6AEDE4 = "unitlimit.cfg"; // idb
  3932. char aLimit[6] = "Limit"; // weak
  3933. char aQuakeSMustHave[39] = "Quake [%s] must have at least two keys"; // weak
  3934. char aDSrcCodeCor_27[43] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\environment_quake.cpp"; // weak
  3935. char aInstanceScanFo[45] = "Instance scan found no available index! (%d)"; // weak
  3936. char aMaximumFootpri[44] = "Maximum footprint instances exceeded!! (%d)"; // weak
  3937. char aDSrcCodeCor_28[35] = "D:\\Src\\code\\coregame\\footprint.cpp"; // weak
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