

Oct 15th, 2017
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  1. [14:48:27] Isoxls: exene help
  2. [14:48:33] Exene: ?
  3. [14:48:36] Isoxls: with french
  4. [14:48:41] Exene: no way
  5. [14:48:48] Isoxls: pls
  6. [14:48:49] Isoxls:
  7. [14:48:54] Exene: you learn french at school?
  8. [14:48:57] Isoxls: yea
  9. [14:49:23] Exene: what do you want to know?
  10. [14:49:57] Isoxls: les temps de verbes
  11. [14:50:11] Isoxls: est les adverbes de fréquence
  12. [14:50:30] Exene: Idk what adverbes de fréquence is
  13. [14:50:38] Exene: But I know about temps de verbe
  14. [14:50:45] Exene: Hold on, lemme see your work
  15. [14:51:05] Exene: Ok
  16. [14:51:08] Isoxls: that is the work doc
  17. [14:51:16] Exene: So passé composé:
  18. [14:51:29] Isoxls: yes
  19. [14:51:38] Exene: Ex: Tu as composé
  20. [14:51:44] Exene: Tu: you
  21. [14:51:51] Exene: as: have
  22. [14:51:57] Exene: composé: composed
  23. [14:52:02] Exene: You have composed
  24. [14:52:26] Isoxls: tu as un crayon
  25. [14:52:50] Exene: That's avoir (have) verb
  26. [14:52:50] Isoxls: but thats just regular stuff lemme get other docs
  27. [14:53:09] Isoxls:
  28. [14:53:18] Isoxls: theres my teachers site and the unit
  29. [14:53:38] Isoxls: i need to know les activites ill look over it quick
  30. [14:53:45] Exene: When you say " Tu as composé"
  31. [14:54:06] Exene: Composer (infinitive form) is the verb
  32. [14:54:37] Isoxls: you have composed?
  33. [14:55:03] Exene: that would be passé composé written in english
  34. [14:55:09] Isoxls: alright
  35. [14:55:14] Exene: but Composer is the verb
  36. [14:55:22] Isoxls: i think the biography part will be pretty easy
  37. [14:55:34] Isoxls: same for the photos
  38. [14:55:38] Exene: When you say Tu as with compliment, as (avoir) is the verb
  39. [14:55:44] Isoxls: but the comments are different
  40. [14:55:56] Isoxls: can you proof read it and check if it meets the criteria]
  41. [14:56:00] Isoxls: once i finish
  42. [14:56:08] Exene: Do you me to get through any other temps de verbe?
  43. [14:56:17] Exene: need*
  44. [14:56:23] Isoxls: idk
  45. [14:56:25] Isoxls: ill check
  46. [14:56:28] Isoxls: faire
  47. [14:56:43] Exene: Wait
  48. [14:56:46] Isoxls: i know jouer pretty well
  49. [14:57:10] Isoxls: jouer is for an action with an instrument
  50. [14:57:16] Isoxls: faire is with sports
  51. [14:57:34] Exene: On the first doc
  52. [14:57:43] Isoxls: yes
  53. [14:57:53] Exene: Do you have to write with more than one temps de verbe?
  54. [14:58:13] Isoxls: i dont know the contents of the test
  55. [14:58:21] Isoxls: i have a test and a project due btw
  56. [14:59:21] Isoxls: how can you tell which word follows jouer or faire
  57. [14:59:31] Exene: Because it says, in the 3rd paragraph, that you need to write in either of three temps de verbe
  58. [14:59:31] Isoxls: like au and a la
  59. [14:59:49] Exene: (passé composé, présent, futur proche)
  60. [14:59:54] Isoxls: yes
  61. [15:00:02] Exene: and there's two things i don't get about that
  62. [15:00:14] Isoxls: which are?
  63. [15:00:47] Exene: First: there is many présent -_-. Your teacher didn't specify what present your text needed to be
  64. [15:00:57] Isoxls: what do you mean
  65. [15:01:20] Exene: hold up, lemme get my Bescherelle
  66. [15:01:27] Isoxls: also whats les verbes pronominaux
  67. [15:01:35] Isoxls: bescherelle?
  68. [15:02:22] Isoxls: oh conjugation book
  69. [15:02:30] Isoxls: thatd be nice to have in my school
  70. [15:02:53] Isoxls: all we have are those french to english dictionaries but they dont help at all
  71. [15:02:59] Exene: French might be one of the only language there is that needs one
  72. [15:03:13] Isoxls: its very confusing
  73. [15:03:24] Exene: It shows you to conjugate verbs
  74. [15:03:25] Isoxls: with all the conjugations and gendered words
  75. [15:03:55] Exene: English doesn't need that because it's very easy to conjugate verbs
  76. [15:04:26] Exene: english: past: you did/ you have present you (verb) future: you will
  77. [15:04:26] Isoxls: yeah just add two letters
  78. [15:04:33] Exene: Case close XD
  79. [15:04:43] Isoxls: in french theres like 40 possibilities for each word
  80. [15:04:48] Exene: But french is much more complex
  81. [15:04:56] Isoxls: idek why we learn french in toronto
  82. [15:05:04] Exene: Here is how many presents:
  83. [15:05:06] Isoxls: im taking spanish next year
  84. [15:05:10] Isoxls: :/
  85. [15:05:18] Exene: Indicatif présent
  86. [15:05:33] Exene: Indicatif conditionnel présent
  87. [15:05:52] Exene: Subjectif présent
  88. [15:05:58] Exene: Impératif présent
  89. [15:05:59] Isoxls: i dont think we learned those
  90. [15:06:13] Isoxls: i do know subjectif and imperatif though
  91. [15:06:25] Exene: Infinitif présent ( which is only used the verb)
  92. [15:06:38] Exene: And participe présent
  93. [15:07:08] Exene: But really, she must've meant Indicatif Présent
  94. [15:07:16] Exene: It's the most simple one
  95. [15:07:35] Exene: btw, I'll be honest with you
  96. [15:07:46] Isoxls: indicatif is participe?
  97. [15:08:24] Exene: no, Indicatif présent is just: Je lave, tu laves , il lave (the basics)
  98. [15:08:36] Exene: that's what you must be learning rn
  99. [15:08:37] Isoxls: i never learned laves
  100. [15:08:40] Isoxls: :/
  101. [15:08:52] Exene: It's cleaning
  102. [15:08:53] Isoxls: did you see the hockey game last night
  103. [15:09:04] Isoxls: like cleaning a room?
  104. [15:09:16] Exene: Yeah, that's literally it
  105. [15:09:19] Isoxls: ok
  106. [15:09:24] Exene: Je (I) Lave (clean)
  107. [15:09:32] Isoxls: so i could use that ig
  108. [15:09:38] Isoxls: for one of the pictures
  109. [15:09:46] Isoxls: like cleaning up garbage in a park
  110. [15:09:56] Exene: I believe that's what you teacher meant if you didn't learn anything else
  111. [15:10:12] Isoxls: i dont think shed care if i didnt use picures of myself
  112. [15:10:15] Isoxls: picture
  113. [15:10:18] Exene: laver is just cleaning
  114. [15:10:18] Isoxls: pictures**
  115. [15:10:40] Isoxls: oh i get it now
  116. [15:10:41] Exene: laver (infinitive/infinitif)
  117. [15:10:52] Isoxls: indicatif is the je tu il elle etc...
  118. [15:11:07] Exene: yup
  119. [15:11:11] Isoxls: hang on gotta use the toilt
  120. [15:11:12] Exene: but tbh
  121. [15:11:22] Exene: if you want to ace french
  122. [15:11:30] Exene: Buy a Bescherelle
  123. [15:12:24] Isoxls: where can you get one
  124. [15:12:30] Isoxls: indigo?
  125. [15:12:33] Exene: Any library
  126. [15:12:57] Isoxls: kinda lost 3 books when i was 6 so i cant use my library card
  127. [15:13:03] Isoxls: i owe like 120 dollars
  128. [15:13:11] Isoxls: but i do have my school library
  129. [15:13:27] Exene: I believe they got those
  130. [15:13:28] Isoxls: not sure about how long books are allowed to be taken for
  131. [15:13:44] Exene: You can use it to do your homework at east
  132. [15:13:46] Exene: least
  133. [15:14:10] Isoxls: probs alot better than google translate
  134. [15:14:26] Exene: It's not for translating
  135. [15:14:32] Exene: Only to conjugate
  136. [15:14:54] Isoxls: still google cant conjugate
  137. [15:15:37] Exene: well if you type a sentence, pretty sure it can translate it in english with the good conjugation
  138. [15:15:41] Exene: anyway
  139. [15:15:47] Exene: just saying
  140. [15:15:57] Exene: Idk much about temps de verbe tbh
  141. [15:16:06] Exene: Most french-speakers don't XD
  142. [15:16:17] Exene: but we know how to use it
  143. [15:16:41] Isoxls: riperonni
  144. [15:16:50] Exene: ?
  145. [15:17:07] Exene: so your teacher also specified futur proche
  146. [15:17:11] Isoxls: rip + pepperoni
  147. [15:17:19] Isoxls: yes and past tense
  148. [15:17:31] Isoxls: oh wait no past tense
  149. [15:17:43] Exene: passé composé is pretty much past tense
  150. [15:18:05] Isoxls: oh
  151. [15:18:21] Exene: you should really bin that convo
  152. [15:19:05] Exene: so futur proche is:
  153. [15:19:59] Isoxls: this whole convo?
  154. [15:20:32] Exene: yeah, people would such your teacher's genitals just to know about everything in there
  155. [15:20:35] Isoxls: what are les verbes pronominaux
  156. [15:20:46] Exene: omg idk
  157. [15:20:47] Isoxls: >
  158. [15:20:57] Isoxls: shes fat as hecc
  159. [15:21:06] Exene: it's actually the fist time I heard of it
  160. [15:21:12] Exene: lemme check
  161. [15:21:19] Isoxls: ok im looking too
  162. [15:21:46] Isoxls: reflective verbs?
  163. [15:21:49] Exene: Ok got it
  164. [15:22:11] Exene: It's verbs that can be conjugate this way:
  165. [15:22:12] Isoxls: what are they
  166. [15:22:15] Isoxls: o
  167. [15:22:25] Exene: Je me, tu te, il se...
  168. [15:22:37] Isoxls: and nous nous
  169. [15:22:46] Isoxls: i remember her saying nous nous
  170. [15:23:08] Exene: Je lave: I clean Je me lave: I wash myself
  171. [15:23:25] Exene: (btw, clean and wash is the same thing in french)
  172. [15:23:31] Isoxls: okay
  173. [15:23:54] Exene: or actally
  174. [15:24:01] Isoxls: but lave changes when it conjugates right?
  175. [15:24:10] Exene: nettoyer: cleaning washing: laver
  176. [15:24:14] Exene: there you go
  177. [15:24:14] Isoxls: o
  178. [15:24:33] Exene: Every verb changes when you conjugate it X)
  179. [15:24:53] Isoxls: rip
  180. [15:25:06] Isoxls: itd be so much easier if it was one word
  181. [15:25:11] Exene: I can't see a thing about Futur Proche
  182. [15:25:29] Isoxls: rip
  183. [15:25:37] Exene: It must be some time verb people don't use anymore
  184. [15:25:49] Isoxls: im gonna start on the biography now
  185. [15:25:59] Isoxls: 100 words wont take too long
  186. [15:26:08] Exene: (btw, a lot of temps de verbe aren't used in french)
  187. [15:26:18] Isoxls: wdym
  188. [15:26:54] Exene: I'll tell you later, it's way over what you're learning rn
  189. [15:27:33] Isoxls: kk
  190. [15:27:39] Isoxls: fack
  191. [15:27:42] Exene: okkk
  192. [15:27:43] Isoxls: its raining hardd
  193. [15:27:45] Exene: so
  194. [15:28:19] Exene: Futur Proche is when you say "Je vais manger"
  195. [15:28:32] Isoxls: oh thats all?
  196. [15:28:38] Isoxls: i know that stuff
  197. [15:28:52] Isoxls: are there any other conjugating words i should know
  198. [15:28:56] Isoxls: (like vais)
  199. [15:29:28] Exene: Je (I) vais (go, which is used like a will, sorta) manger (eat)
  200. [15:29:46] Exene: I did not know that was a temps de verbe XD
  201. [15:29:59] Isoxls: isnt it i am going to eat
  202. [15:30:09] Exene: So Iso
  203. [15:30:15] Isoxls: ya
  204. [15:30:28] Exene: The only thing left I have to know is:
  205. [15:30:41] Exene: Do you have to use all three of them?
  206. [15:30:42] Isoxls: what do you recommend i write about in the biography
  207. [15:30:52] Isoxls: i think so if i want full marks
  208. [15:31:00] Isoxls: but its ten different photos
  209. [15:31:11] Isoxls: so thats not too bad
  210. [15:31:26] Isoxls: and i only need to write one or two sentences for all of them
  211. [15:31:38] Exene: Dude, ask her. You may get errors if use many different temps de verbe at the same time
  212. [15:31:39] Isoxls: (thanks for your help btw :))
  213. [15:31:47] Exene: you welcome
  214. [15:31:49] Isoxls: not at the same time
  215. [15:32:00] Exene: I mean
  216. [15:32:12] Isoxls: its different pictures so lets say im at a baseball game like 3 years ago
  217. [15:32:16] Isoxls: past tense
  218. [15:32:42] Exene: If you do the first sentence in the past and the second in the future, the story loses senses...
  219. [15:32:42] Isoxls: and lets say i have a picture of something that is going to happen soon
  220. [15:32:49] Isoxls: like a trip somewhere
  221. [15:32:58] Exene: yeah
  222. [15:33:07] Isoxls: no i mean on one pic write in all past
  223. [15:33:15] Exene: oooooh
  224. [15:33:18] Isoxls: and on others write all future comments
  225. [15:33:23] Exene: ok ok
  226. [15:33:28] Isoxls: like i hope you have fun
  227. [15:33:36] Exene: Wdym?
  228. [15:33:50] Isoxls: example for future tense
  229. [15:34:02] Exene: you want me to tell them?
  230. [15:34:05] Isoxls: picture is of me boarding a plane
  231. [15:34:24] Isoxls: caption is i am excited to go to ____
  232. [15:34:41] Exene: (I'm lost, I have no idea of what you're talking about)
  233. [15:34:46] Isoxls: nvm
  234. [15:34:56] Isoxls: i think i know what im doing now
  235. [15:35:09] Isoxls: i wont get caught up in the 2nd part yet
  236. [15:35:21] Isoxls: i also have to do an oral presentation
  237. [15:35:27] Exene: so anything else for help?
  238. [15:35:33] Isoxls: which sucks bc i have a awful accent
  239. [15:35:35] Isoxls: not rn
  240. [15:35:49] Isoxls: ill check back with you once i finish the biography
  241. [15:36:02] Exene: well I hope you'll get good mark :)
  242. [15:38:42] Exene: (remember to bin btw)
  243. [15:39:59] Isoxls: thank ill try my best
  244. [15:40:15] Isoxls: what can i stay a sentence with other than je vais
  245. [15:40:34] Isoxls: its pretty repetitive at this point
  246. [15:40:39] Isoxls: start**
  247. [15:41:35] Exene: J'irai, je m'apprête à...
  248. [15:41:59] Isoxls: which mean the same thing as je vais?
  249. [15:42:11] Exene: J'irai is I will go
  250. [15:42:21] Isoxls: o
  251. [15:42:40] Isoxls: also je suis
  252. [15:42:43] Exene: Je m'apprête à is I'm go to
  253. [15:42:46] Exene: *going
  254. [15:42:51] Isoxls: how would i change je suis
  255. [15:43:34] Exene: Maybe the context will help me a lil
  256. [15:43:46] Exene: (brb)
  257. [15:44:09] Isoxls: je suis un gars assez énergique, je vais toujours essayer de faire de votre journée
  258. [15:44:15] Isoxls: thats what i got so far
  259. [15:44:27] Isoxls: i am a pretty energetic guy, i'll always try to make your day
  260. [15:44:36] Isoxls: what i tried to translate from
  261. [15:47:44] Exene: What is is:
  262. [15:47:49] Isoxls: ?
  263. [15:48:48] Isoxls: u there?
  264. [15:49:13] Exene: I am a pretty energic boy (say garçon, looks better on paper even though it's the same thing), I will always try to make of your day.
  265. [15:49:35] Isoxls: thats the translation?
  266. [15:49:38] Exene: Do you see your mistake?
  267. [15:49:42] Isoxls: make of your
  268. [15:50:20] Exene: yeah, because of is de
  269. [15:50:24] Isoxls: how do i use the accent on C
  270. [15:50:42] Isoxls: o i got it
  271. [15:50:49] Isoxls: shift option
  272. [15:51:05] Exene: (it's called a cédille)
  273. [15:51:08] Isoxls: wait no just option
  274. [15:51:25] Exene: (it's only useable on c's)
  275. [15:51:36] Isoxls: ik
  276. [15:52:17] Exene: But make your day doesn't look as good in french. Just: I'll always make you have a better day
  277. [15:52:32] Exene: which would be:
  278. [15:52:33] Isoxls: how would u say that
  279. [15:53:14] Exene: Je vais toujours essayer de vous faire passer une excellente journée.
  280. [15:53:40] Isoxls: thanks
  281. [15:53:51] Exene: (Ik I said excellent instead of better, but it's more translatable and looks better)
  282. [15:54:00] Isoxls: agreed
  283. [15:54:22] Exene: dude
  284. [15:54:33] Exene: I have to go for 30 mins max
  285. [15:54:38] Isoxls: aw rip
  286. [15:54:46] Exene: If you lose your convo, I can't save it myself
  287. [15:54:56] Isoxls: cya ill get it done
  288. [15:54:56] Isoxls: ill save
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