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Dec 28th, 2020
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  1. 03:31:52 Initialization Info
  2. 03:31:52 - ApplePi-Baker 2.2.3 (Build 1)
  3. 03:31:53 - macOS Version 10.14.6 (Build 18G7016) x86-64 (64 bit application)
  4. 03:31:53 - libarchive 3.3.3, by Tim Kientzle
  5. 03:31:53 - liblzma 5.2.4, by Mike Kezner et al.
  6. 03:31:53 - zlib 1.2.11, by Greg Roelofs && Mark Adler
  7. 03:31:53 - bz2lib 1.0.6, by Julian Seward
  8. 03:31:53 Found Correct HelperTool version (1.8.2)
  9. 03:31:57 Full Disk Access First Test: SUCCESS
  10. 03:31:57 Drive added to list: /dev/disk2 (32 GB Apple Built In SDXC Reader)
  11. 03:32:10 Backup -- START BACKUP
  12. 03:32:33 Backup Started - Making Disk to File Backup
  13. 03:32:33 Source - Disk: /dev/disk2 (32 GB Apple Built In SDXC Reader) (32,010,928,128 bytes)
  14. 03:32:33 Destination - File: /Users/_removed-my-name__/Desktop/Retropie 32GB HDMI RP3
  15. 03:32:33 Shrink IMG Enabled - Temporary IMG file: "Retropie 32GB HDMI RP3 12-28-1010.tmp"
  16. 03:32:34 Backup started
  17. 03:40:49 Completed - Cloning Completed
  18. 03:40:49 Finished - Completed in 8 minutes and 16 seconds, average speed 65.8 MB/sec
  19. 03:40:49 Resizing - Attempting IMG shrinking
  20. 03:40:49 RESIZE - Attempting to MINIMIZE a Linux partition in the IMG file "Retropie 32GB HDMI RP3 12-28-1010.tmp"
  21. 03:40:49 RESIZE - Find Ext2/3/4 partition and determine size and location
  22. 03:40:50 RESIZE - STATS:
  23. 03:40:50 File Size : 32,010,928,128 Bytes (62,521,344 Sectors)
  24. 03:40:50 Linux Partition : 31,946,964,992 Bytes (62,396,416 Sectors)
  25. 03:40:50 Starts at : Byte 63,963,136 (Sector 124,928)
  26. 03:40:50 Linux Target Size : Minimum size
  27. 03:40:50 RESIZE - Extracting Ext2/3/4 Linux partition
  28. 03:47:31 RESIZE - Verifying and Fixing extracted Linux Partition
  29. 03:47:36 RESIZE - Shrinking Linux Partition to Minimum Size (double pass)
  30. 03:48:08 RESIZE - Creating new IMG file and Updating Partition Table IMG file
  31. 03:52:24 RESIZE - ERROR: Read/Write Error while copying Linux partition
  32. 03:52:30 Resize Error - Read/Write Error while copying Linux partition
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