
grep -i ril /init.*

May 28th, 2016
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  1. sh-3.2# grep -i ril /init.*
  2. / Disable ril services if noril prop is set
  3. /
  4. / stop ril-daemon
  5. /
  6. / setprop 1
  7. /init.qcom.rc:# ATTENTION: you should not rely on this to set the rild.libpath property, you
  8. /init.qcom.rc:# you'll be facing a possible race condition, rild might want to start before
  9. /init.qcom.rc:# you have the property, and you'll end up without a running rild.
  10. /init.qcom.rc: setprop rild.libpath /system/vendor/lib64/
  11. /init.qcom.rc: setprop rild.libpath /system/vendor/lib/
  12. /init.qcom.rc:service ril-daemon1 /system/bin/rild -c 2
  13. /init.qcom.rc: socket rild2 stream 660 root radio
  14. /init.qcom.rc: socket rild-debug2 stream 660 radio system
  15. /init.rc:service ril-daemon /system/bin/rild
  16. /init.rc: socket rild stream 660 root radio
  17. /init.rc: socket rild-debug stream 660 radio system
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