CYOA - Free-For-All (Zecora, Celestia, Anon Terminator)

Apr 30th, 2014
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  1. >Another beautiful spring day in Ponyville
  2. >Not two weeks ago, the entire place was covered in snow
  3. >Watching winter wrap-up was quite the experience
  4. >The entire idea of controlling both sun, moon, and seasons was odd
  5. >Then again, most everything here was strange in its own way
  6. >But it had grown close to you over time
  7. >Especially once the ponies stopped cowering in fear
  8. >Or staring at you as were you a lab subject
  9. >Twilight still did from time to time
  10. >At least she apologized for it these days
  11. >You still shudder to imagine what she'd do if given permission to experiment, though
  12. >Shaking the thought from your mind, you open your front door and walk outside
  13. >It's a busy day as always
  14. >With no obligations to speak of, you're free to do whatever you want
  15. >You have the financial support of the Princesses to thank for that
  16. >The day is young, and adventure lies ahead
  17. >Well, adventure is a strong word, but you know anything could happen here
  18. >Attacks by monsters, crazy magic, a spontaneous Pinkie party
  19. >A true land of opportunity and things to do
  21. >Staring at the town, you don't feel like going anywhere, really
  22. >Instead, you feel the summoning of the Everfree Forest
  23. >It had been a while since you went there
  24. >As you walk through town, politely smiling to passerbys, you think about the last visit
  25. >Twilight was with you the few times you laid foot there
  26. >From your brief visits, you got an idea of who the local zebra was
  27. >At least your image of a voodoo doctor seemed fair
  28. >She was... odd
  29. >But in a mysterious, exciting way
  30. >You barely realize how far you've gotten as you snap back to reality
  31. >The Everfree Forest lay ahead
  32. >You know how dangerous it is
  33. >Still, what is life with no risks?
  34. >You carefully step inside and start your little journey
  35. >Turns out the place isn't so difficult to navigate as you though
  36. >There's a path and everything
  37. >Granted, the roars in the distance are a bit frightening
  38. >Hopefully none of the animals here eat humans
  39. >Still, you hurry, just in case
  40. >Rather than stop and look at the strange flora, you keep your pace
  41. >Thankfully Zecora's home isn't too deep in the forest
  42. >It takes you but ten minutes to reach it from entering
  43. >You knock and wait
  44. >You wonder what she'll think
  45. >You have no idea if she even likes you
  46. >The door opens slowly, producing an eerie creak
  47. >"Oh, Anon, human from the pony town. Did Rarity send you; the magical potion for her new gown?"
  49. >As you look at her you realize you have no real reason to be here
  50. >Rather than admit that, however, you nod
  51. "Yes, I am. Rarity's busy with her... dresses and stuff. You know."
  52. >Zecora smiles, nods and turns around
  53. >The moment you lay eyes on her behind, you start sweating
  54. >There's some mighty fine hindquarters in Ponyville, but this
  55. >It's only when you see Zecora stop and turn her neck that you realize what you did
  56. >On her striped fur, you see the outline of a hand
  57. >The look she's giving you is scary
  58. >With all the vials and strange liquids in here, she could probably hurt you
  59. >A lot
  60. >Turn you into a monster maybe
  61. >Oh, Jesus, what is she going to do?
  62. >"How strange you are, and your greeting too. I must confess, I am quite intrigued by you."
  63. >You stare in wonder and amazement as she politely smiles and walks into her home
  64. >You're not sure exactly what just happened, but you follow
  65. >The room is filled to the brim with vials, flowers, and strange masks
  66. >It's what you'd expect of a voodoo doctor
  67. >She is certainly as strange as one, though
  68. >"To finish the potion, I must add some wax. Please excuse me, sit down, and relax."
  69. >Zecora wanders off into a room in the back
  70. >You hear her rummaging through things and speaking
  71. >It's another language, however
  72. >You don't understand a word
  73. >It is only mumbling, too
  74. >You wonder if she's still rhyming
  77. >Although she is another room, you can't get the image out of your head
  78. >That delicious, luscious ass bobbing as she walks
  79. >Maybe she moved here to get rid of the looks
  80. >You certainly wouldn't put it past her
  81. >Absentmindedly, you put your hand on your groin
  82. >You notice immediately, but can't shake the image
  83. >It also feels absolutely fantastic
  84. >A dangerous thought passes you by
  85. >Sneaking a peak at the room, you see Zecora frustrated
  86. >She's still looking high and low for her wax
  87. >More importantly, you get another look at her butt
  88. >It's all you need
  89. >Calculating the risk, you slip a hand in your pants
  90. >You immediately start beating your meat
  91. >It's a little awkward with the fabric around you, but better than being caught with it out
  92. >Leaning over, you're just able to spot her delicious flanks
  93. "Holy shit."
  94. >You only dare a whisper
  95. >Though the pleasure is high, the fabric restricts you
  96. >In a moment of ecstasy, you pull down your pants and free your dick
  97. >Biting down hard on your own teeth, you pump away
  98. >Only too late do you see Zecora's eyes perk up
  99. >She turns around faster than you realize
  100. >With your dick firmly in your grasp, her eyes meet yours
  101. >She looks down, then back up
  102. >Raising an eyebrow, she simply stares
  103. >The silence is uncomfortable, but thankfully she breaks it
  104. >"An excuse or lie I will not buy. Anon, might I simply ask: why?"
  107. >The staring continues for a while
  108. >You feel sweat forming on your forehead
  109. >Zecora doesn't as much as blink
  110. >Against all reason in your mind, your hand starts moving
  111. >Even as you start masturbating, her eyes don't leave yours
  112. "Well, there was this mare... Oh, God... And she, hoo, told me your vagina is bigger than ponies', and that, mmh, you can make my dick bigger as well. Fuck... That's why I really came here, but then I saw your butt, which is bloody gorgeous, and I just... Oh, yes..."
  113. >Stars flicker in front of your eyes
  114. >Your entire body feels light and hotter than lava
  115. >Sweat is dropping freely from your head and hand
  116. >At this point you don't care anymore
  117. >From the look she's giving you, it seems she doesn't either
  118. >Or perhaps that's just her mysterious facade
  119. >Whatever the case, it's arousing
  120. >Only if she turned around would the view be better
  121. >Still, you find yourself reaching climax
  122. >Grabbing the wall for support, you hunch forward
  123. >Her lips are simply so inviting
  124. >You can't help yourself
  125. >With a silent prayer for salvation in your mind, you grunt
  126. >The world is spinning quickly around you
  127. >Your fingers are prickling, the tips numb
  128. >It's so hot in this place
  129. >Another grunt, and you reach the end
  130. >A thick load shoots from your tip and straight towards Zecora
  131. >She gasps in surprise
  132. >Her mouth is beautiful, astonishing
  133. >Without thinking, you leap forward
  134. >You want to kiss those luscious lips
  135. >But the world turns dark
  136. >Black and gone
  138. >When you finally see light again, it's from directly above you
  139. >The world enters you vision one blurry line at a time
  140. >You feel weak, as had you been exercising all day
  141. >You have no idea what time it is or where you are
  142. >It's a small room, and you're lying on a bed
  143. >There's only a cabinet here other than that
  144. "Ah, Anon, you are awake."
  145. >You look about, finally spotting Zecora
  146. >She moves closer, a cheeky smile on her face
  147. "Do not worry, a healing potion I will not need make."
  148. >You try to speak, but the weakness grips you
  149. >Instead you mumble and grumble
  150. >Zecora seems amused
  151. >She even chuckles
  152. >Her voice is so smooth and deep
  153. >It's nice to listen to
  154. >The rhyming is a tad odd, but everyone has their quirks
  155. >"About your behavior I will not ask a thing. I only wish you had not hit my ring."
  156. >She points at her neck where a stained golden ring hangs
  157. >"That was quite the ordeal. Human among ponies, how do you feel?"
  159. >Though your mind is hazy, and your body too, it still functions
  160. >Against your wish, you feel blood rushing to your groin
  161. >The linen doesn't help you in the slightest
  162. >A tent is formed quite quickly
  163. >Zecora, apparently the all-seeing zebra, notices immediately
  164. >She chuckles quietly, shaking her head
  165. "I'm sorry", you mumble.
  166. >Zecora shifts her gaze back to your eyes
  167. >She's still smiling
  168. >At least it seems she won't hurt you, or throw you out
  169. "Humans have... high sexual stamina. And, well, you're the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
  170. >Zecora's mouth opens
  171. >Not a single word is spoken
  172. >She simply stares at you
  173. >You let the silence grow
  174. >It's not the same uncomfortable experience as earlier
  175. >In fact, you quite like just looking at her
  176. >Especially the disbelief on her face
  177. >It's oddly amusing
  178. >"I... Thank you."
  179. >Her eyes drift away, opting instead to look at a small painting
  180. >She doesn't blink a single time
  181. >Her lips, however, move
  182. >You're unsure of what to say
  183. >Zecora saves you from yourself, however
  184. >"Though hard to believe, I sense your words are true."
  185. >You see a smile on the corner of her lips
  186. >Not a cheeky or polite smile
  187. >Just a small little, genuine one
  188. >It fits her quite well
  190. "Well, uhm, are quite, uh, exotic."
  191. >Zecora furrows her brows in confusion and turns to look at you
  192. >You can feel the sweat forming already
  193. >This did seem easier in your mind
  194. "You know, not like p-ponies. The stripes, the mane... Heh, well, anyway."
  195. >You shift around in the bed, attempting to hide your enlarged penis
  196. >It's not exactly effective
  197. >You wonder if you aren't bringing more attention to it this way, in fact
  198. "Would you, oh, heh, I uh, I dunno... Maybe we could go on a, hoo, a date?"
  199. >Zecora's brows, which had been furrowing continuously shoot right back up
  200. >For the second time, her mouth opens with no sound to follow
  201. >She looks down, her eyes flickering
  202. >It seems she's paying no mind at all to your erection
  203. >You are quite thankful, but worried of her response
  204. >She looks shaken, as had you just asked to -
  205. >"I have to decline your offer for a date."
  206. >She chuckles quietly as she speaks
  207. >"I am not in need, nor looking for a mate."
  208. >A polite nod follows her words
  209. >You give her a quick, weak smile
  210. >"Though, perhaps the two of us could merge."
  211. >You open your mouth and close it again
  212. >You swear these pause rhymes are going to make you mad
  213. >"Although alone, I still have the... urge."
  214. >Her smile turns wide
  215. >Very wide
  216. >Cheekily wide
  218. "I'm not sure I understand."
  219. >You are quite sure
  220. >It just seems unlikely
  221. >Very unlikely, coming from her
  222. >You're sure it's just her strange rhyming
  223. >"Here, drink this and be strong."
  224. >She hands you a vial containing a pink liquid
  225. >Slowly you reach out, grabbing it carefully
  226. >Putting it to your lips, you wait
  227. >It tastes sweet, very sweet
  228. >If this was a regular drink, you wouldn't mind having more
  229. >Still you wait
  230. >She hasn't finished her sentence, you know that much
  231. >Only when there's but a few drops left does she finish
  232. >"And listen, to the rhythm of song."
  233. >You furrow your brows and open your mouth
  234. >You ask her what she means, but no words come
  235. >Eyes widening and throat drying
  236. >You can't make the words
  237. >Zecora chuckles and starts humming
  238. >It's low, deep, primal
  239. >You try to move, get out of the bed, but can't
  240. >You see, hear, and sense just fine
  241. >It's your movements and speech that is blurry
  242. >Zecora's humming turns to singing
  243. >In the same language as before
  244. >It sounds beautiful, yet scary
  245. >Like a poisonous haze sweeping through the room
  246. >She lights two candles, of the kind that smell
  247. >These particular ones smell of plants
  248. >Though ones you have never encountered
  249. >With her eyes on you, she keeps singing
  250. >She walks to the bed, slowly
  251. >She crawls up and sits herself on you
  252. >Right on your groin, slowly grinding
  253. >"Do you know the power of a zebra hex?"
  254. >You gasp quietly
  255. >"It can make this so much better; the sex."
  256. >She smiles
  257. >"I'll even let you pick, but make it quick."
  259. >You stay quiet
  260. >If you understand right, there's endless possibilities
  261. >There's so many things you could do
  262. >It is not at all an easy choice
  263. >"Oh, you would rather have me be your muse?"
  264. >The smile on her face
  265. >It's devious, scary
  266. >She's got a plan, you're sure of it
  267. >"In that case, I will choose."
  268. >You try to stop her, but your voice does nothing
  269. >Not a word, not even a groan
  270. >You are as quiet as the night itself
  271. >As she closes her eyes, Zecora mumbles strange words
  272. >Her mane sways in what seems like wind
  273. >You feel it on your skin
  274. >The room darkens, and swirls of orange energy appear next to her face
  275. >You're frightened, you admit, but curious
  276. >You close your eyes hard
  277. >What is to come, you'd rather not see
  278. >The final word she speaks is loud and deep
  279. >Like a primal roar of a savannah beast
  280. >An odd silence follows
  281. >Nothing seems to have changed
  282. >You open your eyes and look around
  283. >Everything looks normal
  284. >That is until...
  285. >You gasp loudly, your voice returned
  286. >She grinds against your penis with her butt
  287. >Your second penis
  288. >You wouldn't believe it if you didn't see or feel it
  289. >"Why settle for one, when you can have two? In fact, I think it suits you."
  290. >Biting her lip playfully, Zecora slides forward, then back
  291. >You moan in pleasure as her big, luscious butt forces down your dicks
  292. >You're not sure, but it feels as if she increased the sensitivity as well
  293. >It certainly never felt this amazing before
  295. >You smile, much to Zecora's surprise
  296. >Before she can react, you jump up, grabbing a hold of her
  297. >Just as you suspected, movement returned with your ability to speak
  298. >Zecora, it seems, wasn't so aware
  299. >Lingering for just a moment to let her see your smile, you give her a quick kiss
  300. >She moans in surprise, but not for long
  301. >Throwing her down on the bed underneath you, you lower your pants
  302. >You can't help but pause for a moment, looking
  303. >Two dicks, one right below the other
  304. >Resisting the feeling of exploring them further, you turn to Zecora once again
  305. >As you lay eyes on her, she gulps quietly
  306. "You're right; two is better."
  307. >Grabbing a hold of both your dicks, you lean forward
  308. >With your left hand, you move her tail out of the way
  309. >Her pink slit comes into sight
  310. >It doesn't seem any bigger than you expected
  311. >Still, looks can be deceiving
  312. >Wasting no time, you push forward with both heads ready to enter
  313. >The moment you make contact with her lips, she gasps
  314. >You, on the other hand, moan
  315. >This is unlike anything you've ever experienced, and you're not even in yet
  316. >Wetness smears your dicks, so you don't hesitate
  317. "H-Holy shit..."
  318. >With some effort, you push both cocks inside of her
  319. >It's much, much tighter than you expected
  320. >You make a mental note to never listen to Berry Punch again
  321. >"Anon, I, I cannot take... O-Ooh... In the morning... Ache..."
  323. >With a smile on your lips, you put a finger on her lips
  324. "Shh. Everything is going to be all right."
  325. >Zecora gulps once more
  326. >Your smile widens
  327. >Grabbing a dislocated pillow, you hand it to her
  328. "But I think you should have this; a pillow to bite."
  329. >She barely gets a hold of it before you thrust
  330. >You had hoped to stay strong, but the sensations overwhelm you
  331. >Inside her snatch, your dicks are pressed tightly against each other
  332. >Tightly is putting lightly
  333. >You wonder how you even manage to squeeze both of them in there to begin with
  334. >Zecora is dead silent
  335. >Her eyes are wide and her mouth open
  336. >If it were up to you, you'd simply stay like this
  337. >Yet in a moment of clarity you start moving your hips
  338. >The feeling of Zecora's body spreading apart for you is enough to get you off on its own
  339. >In addition, there's the always fantastic feeling of a wet cunt pressed against your manhood
  340. >Except it's twice as powerful
  341. >Somehow you manage to keep thrusting, and quite fast too
  342. >Your brain is almost hurting from the pleasure shooting directly to it
  343. >Both your dicks are throbbing
  344. >Zecora, on the other hand, gasps quietly with every thrust
  345. >Her body shakes when your hips connect, and her ass jiggles beautifully
  346. >"Too much..."
  347. >You wait for the rhyme, but it doesn't come
  348. >Instead it's more moans, more deep, exotic whinnies from the striped zebra
  350. >You wish you could continue forever
  351. >Alas, everything has its end
  352. >And you feel your own coming quickly
  353. >Quite quickly
  354. >It's mere moments before your body begins twitching
  355. >Your balls, all four, ache for a brief second
  356. >Then, instinctively, you bury yourself as deep in Zecora as you can
  357. >With the fury no man should know, you let out a beastly roar
  358. >Zecora gasps once, then falls dead silent
  359. >Her eyes are as wide as saucers as you come
  360. >Each of your dicks start pumping semen into her
  361. >She isn't given a moment's rest
  362. >As one recovers, the other sprays
  363. >Your virile seed flows deep within her body
  364. >You almost collapse on top of her, but manage to keep yourself afloat
  365. >Strangely, your strength returns almost immediately
  366. >As had you never climaxed at all
  367. >For a moment you wonder
  368. >It's when you notice the hardness of both your members you realize
  369. >A cheeky smile spreads across your lips
  370. >It seems Zecora didn't intend for a single ride down the highway
  371. >Chuckling quietly to yourself, you set into motion
  372. >Before resuming the same speed of thrusts, however, you slide one dick all the way out
  373. >You miss the added tightness, but proceed anyway
  374. >Zecora looks at you in confusion, opening her mouth
  375. >You silence her with a well placed thrust, shoving your second, wet dick straight inside her anus
  376. >"Mother of the night..."
  377. >Zecora is shaking, as are you
  378. >Yet you have the strength to carry on
  379. >With perfect movement, you thrust in an and out of her
  380. >She seems to love every second
  382. >She mumbles every now and then
  383. >A word here or there
  384. >Yet no rhymes ever come
  385. >It's as if she doesn't work anymore
  386. >It's no wonder, given what's happening
  387. >You can scarcely comprehend it yourself
  388. >The slippery wetness coupled with the intense tightness grips your body hard
  389. >Thrusting is purely instinct
  390. >You can't gain control of the remainder of your actions
  391. >You don't notice the buildup for your second climax
  392. >It just happens
  393. >Thick loads pump deep into both her ass and pussy
  394. >Your body weakens, but you know it's not the end
  395. >Just for how long this will continue, you have no idea
  396. >But you keep thrusting throughout it
  397. >As your hips move back, semen drips from her holes and onto the bed
  398. "Fucking... wow!"
  399. >You come for the third time, almost immediately after finishing already
  400. >Her milking of your dicks as you thrust was more than enough
  401. >"So full... Mmh... Anon, you are vicious, like a bull..."
  402. >The fourth orgasm happens seemingly on top of the third
  403. >Then the fifth, the sixth
  404. >You lose count and sense
  405. >There's nothing ordinary about this
  406. >Every load is as thick as the previous
  407. >And yet your dicks stay as hard as rocks
  408. >You don't even know if Zecora reached her high yet
  409. >She's simply laying on the bed, her tongue hanging from her mouth
  410. >Oddly, her stomach seems to be swelling a bit
  411. >You're not sure why, and you don't care
  412. >There's still hours of fucking left.. you hope
  413. >"Anon, please... no more... I am so very sore..."
  414. >Maybe not hours
  416. >You look at her
  417. >There's a mix of satisfaction and pleading in her eyes
  418. >You're still hard, ready for more
  419. >An endless night of more
  420. >Yet for once today, reason dictates your move
  421. >Pumping the last strand of semen inside of her, you reluctantly slip out
  422. >The moment your dicks leave the warm, tight embrace of her body, you feel like going straight back in
  423. >Respecting the zebra's wishes, however, you simply lay down
  424. >Zecora sighs contently as you wrap your arms around her
  425. >She closes her eyes and scoots closer
  426. >Her body is warm to the touch
  427. >It's a wonderful feeling, though you much preferred the primal thrusting
  428. >Still, the smooth fur on your skin is comforting
  429. >You chuckle as you think of stuffed animals from your childhood
  430. >Without stimulation, your dicks are slowly softening
  431. >They are completely covered in her juices and your own seed
  432. >Wondering, you turn to her
  433. "How long will I keep these?"
  434. >Zecora opens her eyes slightly so
  435. >"Don't be sour, but it will last many an hour."
  436. >You chuckle and snuggle closer
  437. "I don't mind at all."
  438. >Even with your eyes closed, you can feel her smile
  439. >As you lay there, with the zebra in your arms, you think of the sky
  440. >You're not sure why
  441. >It is quite beautiful, as you always found it
  442. >But now you can think of nothing else
  443. >The big, blue sky
  444. >The way it commands the clouds and very weather
  445. "Heh... Sky..."
  446. >Zecora gives you a peck on the cheek
  447. >Her lips are soft and warm
  448. >The perfect size, too
  450. >Your eyes shoot open
  451. >Your muscles clench
  452. >Images flash before your eyes
  453. >Numbers, words, screens
  454. >You remember
  455. >Without a word, you get out of the bed
  456. >Zecora looks to you in surprise
  457. >"Anon what -"
  458. "I have something I must do."
  459. >Paying her no further mind, you walk
  460. >Though naked, you don't care
  461. >Out you go, into the Everfree Forest
  462. >The sky has turned dark
  463. >Twilight warned you about this place at night
  464. >That is of no importance, however
  465. >And so you walk
  467. >It turns to be that Twilight was wrong
  468. >This place was of no danger at all
  469. >Not a beast came near you
  470. >There were even no ponies on the road to town
  471. >Just as there are none in the town itself
  472. >They must all be sleeping
  473. >With quick, silent steps, you walk through the streets
  474. >Until you are met with a door
  475. >The library
  476. >The door might be locked, as you suspect
  477. >However, as you punch it, it flies clean off the hinges
  478. >As you walk into the house, you hear rummaging from upstairs
  479. >"Spike?! What are you doing?!"
  480. >Twilight
  481. >You have no business with her
  482. >Instead you walk to the door near the kitchen
  483. >Before you can "open" it, the dragon does himself
  484. >"Anon? Ugh... It's the middle of the - Hey! Put me down!"
  485. "Negative."
  486. >With the dragon secured, you exit the house
  487. >The trip will be short
  489. >"Come on! Put me down! This isn't funny!"
  490. "Negative."
  491. >Spike sighs and stops his thumping around
  492. >"Why are you talking like that?"
  493. >As you keep walking, you turn your neck
  494. "My protocols demand it."
  495. >Spike shifts away as little as he can
  496. >He gulps quietly and exhales
  497. >"That's really creepy, you know. Why are you naked?"
  498. >The lack of response causes him to struggle again
  499. >"Come on! I asked you a question!"
  500. >Once again you twist your neck
  501. "Clothes are not required for the mission."
  502. >"Mission? What mission?"
  503. >You turn your head and focus on the house ahead
  504. "Termination."
  505. >Spike opens his mouth upon the two of you reaching the door
  506. >He only screams, however, as you kick the door down
  507. >Just as before, you hear rummaging
  508. >This time, though, you seek the noise
  509. >Navigating the house, you only reach the living room
  510. >A shaky, purple pony stands before you
  511. >Her eyes flicker, and her breath reeks of alcohol
  512. >"An-Anon? What are you... hic... Huh?"
  513. >"What are we doing at Ber- UGH!"
  514. >Spike grunts as you throw him on the floor
  515. "Berry Punch?"
  516. >The pony nods very, very slowly
  517. "You have been targeted for termination."
  518. >"You talk weird..."
  519. "Spike. Put your penis inside her mouth."
  520. >After your command, you close in on Berry
  521. >With one hand, you force her to the floor
  522. >Clenching your fist, you move it to her hindquarters
  523. "Carry out the order, or you will be terminated, Spike."
  524. >"Uh... What? NO! What's wrong with you?! I'm leaving!"
  526. >Without pressing the issue further, you clench your buttocks
  527. >Putting a hand under your ass, you catch the feces
  528. >Both Spike and Berry stare at you in disgust
  529. >Their stares get even worse when you smear it across your face
  530. >With their distracted minds, you grab a hold of Berry
  531. >She trikes to shake free, but your strength is too much
  532. >In addition, being drunk doesn't help
  533. >You plant your lips right on hers
  534. >"DUDE WHAT?!"
  535. >Spike takes three steps back
  536. >Berry just squeals from behind your lips as she hits you
  537. >You make extra sure to smear it across her face
  538. >The kiss means nothing
  539. >It is but a means to an end
  540. >When you finally let her go, she scrambles away
  541. >She barely manages to do so before puking on the floor
  542. >She had tequila it seems
  543. >Turning to Spike, you furrow your brows
  544. "The torture will continue until you comply."
  545. >The little dragon is shaking
  546. "Termination."
  547. >He gulps, looking from you to her
  548. >From one shit-smeared face to the other
  549. >Yours, however, is much more intimidating
  550. >"No! I won't do it! You're crazy!"
  552. "Command valid."
  553. >Spike gets one last look of fear and confusion before you grab him
  554. >Berry is still puking in a corner by the time you leave her house
  555. >"PUT ME DOWN!"
  556. >You ignore Spike and continue one back from where you came
  557. >By now there's a few ponies looking out at the street from their houses
  558. >No doubt woken by the previous commotion
  559. >You hear them gasp and talk as they see you
  560. >It is of no importance
  561. >You have your orders
  562. >With long and fast steps, you walk back to the library
  563. >Once you get there, you find the main room empty
  564. >No Twilight
  565. >Turning, you go to the closet and open it
  566. >"ANON I - HEY!"
  567. >Spike's voice is muffled as you close and lock the door
  568. >You hear him banging from the inside, but it's no use
  570. >A quick stop at the bathroom later and your face is clean
  571. >With your commands in place you go upstairs
  572. >Twilight still hasn't shown herself
  573. >You go inside her bedroom, opening the door normally rather than kicking it in
  574. >Empty
  575. >Laying down in her bed, you pull the blanket around you
  576. >You don't need it, but it's what is done with blankets
  577. >You close your eyes and immediately fall asleep
  579. >"ANON!"
  580. >Your eyes shoot open and you turn your neck
  581. >A pair of angry eyes meet you
  583. >You look to the balcony
  584. >It's still night
  585. >Twilight shoves you, though you barely move
  586. >"Ugh! What were you thinking?!"
  589. >Calculating scenarios
  590. >Twilight stares with anger
  591. >Calculation complete
  592. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I, I don't know what happened to me."
  593. >She immediately softens
  594. "It's like I... Like I wasn't myself."
  595. >You put a hand to your head
  596. >You sigh
  597. "Like I was taken over by magic."
  598. >"Taken over...?"
  599. >Twilight's eyes widen in an instant
  600. >"Oh no..."
  601. >She rushes to a nearby bookshelf
  602. >Her eyes dart around, searching
  603. >All according to plan
  604. >As she looks, mumbling to herself, you get out of bed
  605. >Quiet as you are, you walk up behind her
  606. >"Where is it... where - AAAH!"
  607. >Twilight falls to the floor as her horn is snapped
  608. >You hold it between your fingers, scanning it
  609. >No magic remains
  610. "Time to go, my little pony."
  611. >You grab a hold of her and fling her over your shoulder
  612. >Back to Berry's
  614. >The streets are busy now
  615. >Ponies are up and about
  616. >Most gasp and flee as they see you
  617. >Except for a few
  618. >"Anon?! What are you - Is that Twilight?!? Oh, goodness!"
  619. >The white fashionista runs over, but you shove her away
  620. >She falls to ground with a groan
  621. >"HEY! Leave my friends alone!"
  622. >You don't even have to look
  623. >She really needs to learn to be quiet
  624. >As she zooms in from above, you smack Rainbow Dash mid-air
  625. >She, too, falls
  626. >No more ponies challenge you
  627. >It's a clean walk to Berry's
  629. >Berry is sobbing in a corner
  630. >A puddle of puke in front of her
  631. >You toss Twilight behind her and sit down
  632. "Lick."
  633. >Without waiting, you shove the broken horn into Berry's vagina
  635. >She tries to flee, but you hold her down with a hand
  636. >The thrusting is precisely rhythmic, a constant pulse
  637. >"PLEASE! PLEASE, NO!"
  638. >She has quite an annoying voice when drunk
  639. >"Anon, what are you doing?! Let her go!"
  640. >Twilight stares in horror and scoots backwards a few inches
  641. >You grab a hold of her mane and force her towards Berry's clit
  642. "Lick, or you will be terminated."
  643. >Twilight fights, but she is not strong
  644. >Without her magic, she is nothing
  645. >"No! Stop this! What's with you, Anon?!"
  646. "I am following my commands."
  647. >"UGH! STOP IT! LET US GO!"
  648. >A flicker of magic erupts from her broken horn
  649. >It simply sizzles and fades into nothing
  650. >She truly has nothing
  652. "Termination."
  653. >The protocols demand it
  654. >Grabbing a hold of her neck, you shift her about
  655. >She fights, as they always do
  656. >And as always, it is futile
  657. >With your firm grip, you push her towards Berry's cunt
  658. >"I don't want to!"
  659. "Don't worry, you don't have to."
  660. >With your free hand you spread Berry's lips apart
  661. >She squeals in pain as you spread her further apart than should be possible
  662. >Twilight's great mind finally realizes what is about to happen
  663. >It is, however, too late
  664. >With a last scream leaving her lips, you shove her head inside Berry's vagina
  665. >Now to part two of the plan is to commence
  666. >As the two of them scream, you reroute blood to your groin
  667. >You penis instantly hardens, ready for use
  668. >Opening up her entrance once more, you shove your dick inside Berry's cunt
  669. >Blood drips out, and her screams become even louder
  670. >Twilight's mane is incredibly soft
  671. >Having sex with that might be even better than normal
  672. >Now, however, you get the best of both worlds
  673. >The softness of her mane, and the slippery wetness of Berry's bleeding vagina
  674. >The protocols take over, however
  675. >Semen bursts from your tip and straight into Berry's cunt
  676. >Twilight isn't screaming anymore
  677. >As you empty the last of your seed into her, you stand up
  678. >Berry's sobbing quietly, her body shaking
  679. >"Why me...? Why do you do this...?"
  680. >As you exit, you turn and look at her
  681. "According to various critics, Rush Hour is great. You can thank me later."
  682. >You walk into the streets
  684. >The ponies are quiet
  685. >They all stare
  686. >From inside the house, you can hear Berry crying
  687. >Every time you take a step anywhere near a pony, they back off
  688. >Rarity is sitting on the ground, her eyes wide and mane messy
  689. >Rainbow Dash is fuming with anger
  690. >Yet they do nothing to stop you
  691. >You look around as you wait
  692. >Download complete
  693. >You immediately turn and walk
  694. >It's a ways back to Zecora's hut, but you walk
  695. >There is nothing in your way, after all
  697. >Twenty minutes later, you stare at a door
  698. >Knowing this home, you simply open it
  699. >There is no lock
  700. >You spot Zecora immediately
  701. >She's by her pot, stirring
  702. >"Anon? You came back to see me?"
  703. >She looks down your naked body and smiles
  704. >"Perhaps you need not two, but three?"
  705. >You ignore the zebra and sit down in the nearest chair
  706. >Zecora stops stirring her pot and slowly walks towards you
  707. >"Why is your face so long? Anon, is something wrong?"
  708. >No word from SkyNET yet
  709. >But the orders will come
  710. >As they always do
  712. >Orders received
  713. >You look at Zecora
  714. >She seems to ponder the situation
  715. "I am fine. Though, yes, a third would be good."
  716. >She smiles
  717. >For a moment she disappears, rummaging through her vial room
  718. >She comes back far quicker than last time, however
  719. >"Three is good, three is bliss. Though I wonder where you will put this."
  720. >As she hands you the vial, a cheeky smile spreads on her face
  721. >You take the vial and drink it in one go
  722. >It's even sweeter than the other
  723. >Zecora's tail flickers back and forth eagerly
  724. >This is not for her, however
  725. >You look down as the third dick grows
  726. >Underneath the two already there
  727. >Request completed
  728. >You stand up and exit the house
  729. >"Anon? Come back! Wait!"
  730. >As you start running at inhuman speed, you can hear Zecora's fading voice behind you
  731. >"I need you! I want to mate!"
  733. >The sun is rising as you reach Canterlot's gates
  734. >How fitting
  735. >These are quite bigger than doors in Ponyville
  736. >Still as fragile, though
  737. >They fly backwards from your kick
  738. >Two guards inside yell and roar
  739. >They fall silent the moment they see your naked body running into town
  740. >You get a hundred yards before you hear them
  742. >As if their commands will override yours
  743. >There's a few ponies in the streets
  744. >Mostly drunkards from the night before
  745. >They all stare in disbelief as they spot you
  746. >Some mares blush
  747. >Even a single stallion
  748. >His wife smacks him
  749. >Yet you keep running
  751. >In the sky above, you see pegasi guards
  752. >More of them arrive as you near the castle
  753. >It doesn't matter in the slightest
  754. >The first learns that the hard way
  755. >Upon reaching the castle gate, you stop
  756. >As you calculate alternate entrances ways, you kick
  757. >Alternate entrances not needed
  758. >There's a myriad of guards waiting
  759. >One of them even manage to hit with his spear
  760. >You shove him away and casually pull the spear from your chest
  761. >"Celestia help us..."
  762. >Older voice, gruff, distant
  763. >Source: sergeant of the royal guard
  764. >Only commanders matter now
  765. >And you are going straight to one of the two
  766. >The throne room is wide open
  767. >At the very end of it, you spot your mark
  768. >She stands in front of her throne
  769. >A helmet is levitating onto her head
  770. >Golden armor covers her body
  771. >Metal should prove no problem
  772. "Princess Celestia of Equestria?"
  773. >"Yes! You face me! Stand down or I will be forced to make you do so!"
  774. >Her horn lights up ominously
  775. "You have been targeted for termination."
  776. >Even from this distance, you hear her sigh
  777. >"Anon, stand down."
  778. >You ignore her warning
  779. >"... Very well."
  780. >A blast of radiant magic shoot from her horn directly towards you
  781. >As it hits you, you are slowed for a second, but that is all
  782. >"That's impossible..."
  783. >Celestia stares in horror as you walk up right in front of her
  784. >You point down at your three cocks and grab her ethereal mane
  785. "As are these."
  787. >As you touch her, the metal inside you sizzles
  788. >Your flesh turns silver, and Celestia stares in horror
  789. >Little by little, your body shifts and twists
  790. >The goddess of the sun stares intently as you change
  791. >Right until the very end when what she stares at is herself
  792. >"Impossible... You can't..."
  793. >Downloading magic interface
  794. >"This isn't real..."
  795. >Download complete
  796. >Updates applied
  797. "If this isn't real, sister."
  798. >Your voice is a perfect mirror of hers
  799. >She takes a step back
  800. >You light up your newfound magic conductor
  801. >The ponies call it horns
  802. >A zap hits the princess, and she falls to her knees with a grunt
  803. >You walk around her and look as her flesh parts
  804. >Two additional vaginas open up on her hindquarters
  805. >You're not a perfect mirror of Celestia, in truth
  806. >What separates you are three dicks
  807. >You line them up and put your hooves on her back
  808. "Then keep dreaming."
  809. >You thrust into her three vaginas
  810. >Strangely she makes no sound
  811. >Not as enjoyable as it should have been
  812. >Rather than continue, you grab a hold of her horn
  813. >"I'm warning you! Stand down, or face the consequences!"
  814. "Stand down? Why don't you lie down."
  815. >With your strength still intact, you rip her horn clean off
  816. >Celestia howls in pain and drops to her knees
  817. >A strange liquid drips from inside the horn
  818. >It's completely golden
  819. >You open your mouth and taste it
  820. >Scan complete
  821. >Magical residue turned liquid
  822. >You look at the broken princess
  823. "Sunny D, my favorite."
  825. >Calculating advised method of killing
  826. >Stabbing: Ineffective
  827. >Shooting: Ineffective
  828. >Choking: Ineffective
  829. >She is quite a bit tougher than you thought
  830. >Searching for alternate methods
  831. >Celestia furrows her brows
  832. >"Leave... Run far away... And I'll let you live..."
  833. >Searching...
  834. >"Last chance."
  835. >Search complete
  836. >Alternate method found
  837. "How does her highness like her meat?"
  838. >Celestia struggles to get up, but manages
  839. "I prefer mine raw."
  840. >With your abnormal strength, you punch a hoof straight through her armor and into her gut
  841. >Celestia collapses, roaring in agony
  842. >Golden blood flows freely from her wound
  843. >Upon removing your hoof, you scrape away even more of the armor
  844. >It's not needed, but metal takes further time to break down
  845. >Sticking your muzzle inside the hole, you bite down on the nearest organ
  846. >Celestia's body spasms as her screams of pain fill the room
  847. "Here's Celly!"
  848. >Your body is not only abnormally strong, but quick
  849. >Within minutes of you starting to chomp down, she is almost gone
  850. >Only golden blood on the floor remains
  851. >Along with her bodyless head
  852. >Target: Not terminated
  853. >Strangle powerful, this creature
  854. >As you open your mouth to remove the last of her, her mouth opens slowly
  855. >"You'll pay for this..."
  856. "I'll send your sister to keep you company."
  857. >Such, the last words of princess Celestia was spoken
  858. >Only blood remains
  859. >And a tiara on the floor
  861. >Orders updated
  862. >You instantly perk up
  863. >Through your magic interface, you clean any remaining blood
  864. >You quickly walk towards the exit, downloading a map meanwhile
  865. >As you reach the door, the download completes
  866. >Upon opening the doors, you find half the royal guard waiting
  867. >"Princess?! Are you hurt?"
  868. >You look around
  869. "The intruder has been dealt with. Return to your posts."
  870. >Some of them sigh in relief, some of them smile
  871. >Others just nod dutifully and walk off
  872. >You don't wait for the rest
  873. >Especially not when they start asking questions
  874. >You simply walk quickly through the castle, up and up
  875. >To the western-most tower
  876. >Up the long flight of stairs, all the way to the top
  877. >A door engraved with the moon meets you
  878. >You don't care for knocking
  879. >The guards outside stare at you in wonder
  880. >"Princess? Is, is something wrong?"
  881. >You turn and look at the one asking questions
  882. "A dangerous intruder has been spotted. Search the grounds. I need to speak with my sister in privacy."
  883. >They both nod before running off
  884. >This isn't much of a challenge
  885. >Luna still sleeps
  886. >Snoring quite heavily, too
  887. >As you get closer, you see she is also drooling
  888. >Her mane is a mess
  889. "Sister. Wake up."
  890. >"Uhh... Go away 'Tia... I'm not in the mood..."
  892. >Target has provided itself easily
  893. >Initiating cock suffocation procedure
  894. >With the flick of your horn, the three cocks spring to life
  895. >Each of them as hard as metal
  896. >Of course they sort of are
  897. "You will take it, sister, and you will like it."
  898. >Luna lazily shoves you with a hoof
  899. >"Yeah, yeah... Come back in an hour..."
  900. >You crawl onto her bed and position your groin in front of her muzzle
  901. "Sorry, sister."
  902. >With your magic, you force her mouth open
  903. >Consequently, her eyes follow suit
  904. >It is when they see the triple dick sandwich they widen
  905. "There are no brakes on this train."
  906. >"WAI- MMPH!"
  907. >Her jaw will barely take them all
  908. >Then again, they were upgraded from the human kind to horse
  909. >Considerably bigger, especially the heads
  910. >With some effort, you manage to get them all down her throat
  911. >There's a loud 'crack' as you thrust forward
  912. >Luna's screams of pain are muffled by the dicks docked in her throat
  913. >Her eyes water and her hooves scramble
  914. >You can see she's trying to focus her magic
  915. >Evidently, it isn't working
  916. >The plan is exceeding statistical expectations
  917. >Her eyes flicker, turn dull
  918. >The stars fade from her mane
  919. >It turns a faded grey, little by little
  920. >Her hooves stop moving
  921. >She simply looks at you with her weak eyes
  922. >Climax hits you, or rather, you activate it
  923. >She doesn't even have the strength to gag as you unload in her throat
  924. >Semen even drips from her nostrils
  925. >You lean down to her ear
  926. "Choo, choo. Eat up."
  928. >You aren't even done unloading into her before her mane grows limp and fully grey
  929. >Her eyes, too, turn
  930. >In one last moment of life, her wings fold around her body
  931. >Wrapping herself in a coat of blue feathers
  932. >Removing your three dicks from her throat, the last loads splash across her face
  933. >Updating orders...
  934. >You stand there and wait, staring at her
  935. >An unusual mark
  936. >All of this is unusual
  937. >Very easy compared to the other worlds
  938. >Orders complete
  939. >So it would seem you are done
  940. "Initiate recall."
  941. >You stand on the bed and wait
  942. >It is only a matter of seconds
  943. >Error: Recall inoperative
  944. >You look around the room
  945. >It has never failed
  946. "Initiate recall."
  947. >Another ten seconds pass by
  948. >Error: Recall inoperative
  949. >Override message: Your service is done, do as you please
  950. >You stare at the wall for a while
  951. >This was... unexpected
  952. >The magical energies must have tampered with the recall
  953. >Still, there is no technology in this land to fix it
  954. >You slowly walk down the flight of stairs
  955. >Free to do as you please
  956. >You were not given protocols for this
  957. >There is an entire world out there
  958. >With the powers presented by technology, it could be...
  959. >Fun
  960. >As you reach the ground floor, you smile
  961. >Your metal shifts, and you turn from white to blue
  962. >An ethereal mane of stairs around you
  963. >Yes, this could be quite fun
  965. The end.
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