Guest User


a guest
Mar 13th, 2021
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  1. # ----------------------------------------- [ Configuration File ] ------------------------------------------ #
  2. # FAQ:
  3. # - "Why IP Logging?": Needed for identifying players in the serverlist by their IP. Used in %player%, %money"
  4. # IPs and UUIDs of players are stored locally inside the IP_UUID.dat.
  5. # - "Connection turns red in serverlist with VersionText on.": Ever seen when your server is outdated in the
  6. # serverlist? SMOTD simulates this and changes the text. This is just cosmetical!
  7. # - "Plugin ServerlistMOTD created a profile with 'HoverText' as an UUID.": Your HoverText normally
  8. # contains a list of players. SMOTD clears that and creates a fake player with your text as its name.
  9. # - "What is Regulars and Newbies?" Players are categorized in those two groups in the list. Regular players
  10. # are known by their ip while newbies are not.
  11. # - "Player related placeholders from PlaceholderAPI are not working!": This is a known limitation. All this
  12. # information is not available in the serverlist because the player isn't online.
  13. # ----------------------------------------- [ Configuration File ] ------------------------------------------ #
  15. ClassicMotd:
  16. Regulars: '&2Welcome back, &e%player%&2! %line%&aIt''s a %weather% %time%.'
  17. Newbies: '&2Welcome newbie! %line%&aIt''s a %weather% %time%.'
  18. RandomMotd:
  19. Enable: true
  20. Regulars:
  21. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3Why does the water sparkle so?'
  22. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3origato gozaimasu!!!'
  24. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3this server''s owner is 4''11'
  25. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3balls in my mouth'
  26. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3failed server'
  27. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3incredibly scuffed'
  28. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3balls'
  29. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3scratchem on top'
  30. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3the falklands war is still happening, on this server'
  31. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3POG???'
  32. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3what is wrong with you'
  33. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3stop refreshing this'
  34. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3stop reloading to check for new motds'
  35. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3you have no life'
  36. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3submit MOTDs in #motd-submissions!'
  37. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3type /discord in game to get the link to our server!'
  38. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3type /kill for free diamonds!! :)'
  39. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3is &eTRAPAN EARTH&e a good name???'
  40. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3to bee, or not to bee?'
  41. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3jazz. ya like it?'
  42. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3ya like jazz?'
  43. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3just so you know, i have to write these in by hand.'
  44. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3ALL HAIL &e%player%&e!'
  45. - '&2TRAPAN EARTH&2 %line%&3&e%player%&e! is stoopid'
  46. Newbies:
  47. - '&bTRAPAN EARTH&b %line%&3Hey there newbie!'
  48. - '&bTRAPAN EARTH&b %line%&3Join our server!'
  49. BanMotd:
  50. Enable: false
  51. MessageTempBan: '&cYou are banned! Reason: &e%reason%%line%&cExpiration: &e%expdate%
  52. at %exptime%'
  53. MessageForeverBan: '&cYou are banned! Reason: &e%reason%%line%&cExpiration: &eNEVER'
  54. Format:
  55. Date: DD/MM/YYYY
  56. Time: hh:mm:ss
  57. WhitelistMotd:
  58. Enable: false
  59. MessageWhitelisted: '&cWelcome back, &e%player%&c!%line%&c&oYou are on the whitelist.'
  60. MessageNotWhitelisted: '&cYou are &lNOT &cwhitelisted.%line%&c&oPlease contact the
  61. server owner.'
  62. RestrictedMode:
  63. Enable: false
  64. Motd:
  65. AccessGranted: '&4Server is in restricted mode! You are able to join.'
  66. AccessDenied: '&4Can''t connect to server.'
  67. KickMessage: ' Connection timed out: no further information:'
  68. Slots:
  69. VersionText: ''
  70. Slots:
  71. FakeMaxPlayer:
  72. Enable: false
  73. Number: 200
  74. FakeOnlinePlayer:
  75. Enable: false
  76. Number: 122
  77. RandomNumber:
  78. Enable: false
  79. Max: 100
  80. Min: 90
  81. VersionText:
  82. Enable: false
  83. Message: '&aJoin now! &e%realonline%/%realslots%'
  84. OutdatedClientText:
  85. Enable: false
  86. Message: Use Minecraft 1.16 &r&7%realonline%&8/&7%realslots%
  87. UnknownSlots:
  88. Enable: false
  89. SlotsPlusOne:
  90. Enable: false
  91. MinSlots: 5
  92. MaxSlots: 100
  93. AddSlotsToOnline: 1
  94. OnlineMultiplier:
  95. Enable: false
  96. MinSlots: 100
  97. MaxSlots: 2500
  98. AddSlotsWhenOnline>MinSlots: 1
  99. MultiplyBy: 5
  100. HoverText:
  101. Enable: false
  102. Messages:
  103. - '&7>>>>>>> &6ServerlistMOTD &7<<<<<<<'
  104. - ' &e-> This is a TEST!'
  105. - ' &e-> Strumswell loves you. &c&l<3'
  106. - '&eAdd lines by adding bullet points!'
  107. Variables:
  108. TimeVariable:
  109. NightText: night
  110. DayText: day
  111. World: world
  112. WeatherVariable:
  113. RainText: rainy
  114. SunText: clear
  115. World: world
  116. RandomNumberVariable:
  117. Max: 100
  118. Min: 90
  119. RandomPlayerVariable:
  120. UseTextWhenNobodyOnline:
  121. Enable: false
  122. Text: Player
  123. UseDatabaseNameWhenNobodyOnline:
  124. Enable: true
  125. AutoSaveConfig:
  126. IntervalInMin: 30
  127. DoNOTtouchMe: 10.1
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