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  4. Eric Aboadwe
  5. November 8, 2017 ·
  7. EAT WHAT IS GOOD (Part 1)
  9. Our Scripture reading continues from Isaiah where God says:
  11. “Why do you spend money for what is not BREAD, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and EAT WHAT IS GOOD, and let your SOUL delight in abundance” (Isaiah 55:2).
  13. We thank God for speaking these Words of Life to us, and for giving us the word of advice to make the RIGHT choice either to live by what we eat in the FLESH or we live by eating the SPIRITUAL food coming from His “Word.” That’s why God told us, “Listen carefully to Me,” and it means that He wants us to make the RIGHT choices.
  15. When God asked human beings the rhetorical question, “Why do you spend money for what is not BREAD, and your wages for what does not satisfy?, He want us to know that our life on this earth is USELESS and MEANINGLESS if it is all about going to work, doing business, making money, eating and drinking physical food, sleeping and waking up, going back to work again, and repeating the same cycle over and over again until we DIE to face the “judgment” which He has “appointed for man” (Hebrews 9:27).
  17. Such a life is devoid of ETERNAL LIFE. That’s why King Solomon who was wiser than all men, and who had everything at his disposal, including 700 wives, princesses, and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3), and who also spoke 3,000 proverbs and who sang one thousand and five songs (1 Kings 4:32), realized the unprofitableness of the life of the FLESH, and so he concluded that, “all is VANITY and grasping for the wind” (Ecclesiastes 1:14).
  19. Therefore God is telling us to “EAT WHAT IS GOOD.” But when God says this, what does it mean? It means we must “EAT” His “Word.” As we all know, in the beginning was the “Word,” and the “Word” was with God, and the “Word” was God (John 1:1). Therefore when we Christians say that, “God is GOOD all the time,” it means the “Word” is “GOOD” and this “Word” refers to JESUS CHRIST, so we must “EAT” Him.
  21. That’s why the Lord Himself told us, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you EAT the FLESH of the Son of Man and DRINK His BLOOD, you have no life in you” (John 6:53). This is exactly what God was telling us in Isaiah to “EAT.” Let us understand that when JESUS say we must eat His “FLESH,” it means we must believe that He was born by the Virgin Mary in “the likeness of a sinful FLESH” (Romans 8:3), and He gave His body for our SINS (Galatians 1:4) when He was baptized by John the Baptist (Matthew 3:13-17).
  23. Also when the LORD says we must “DRINK His BLOOD,” it means we must believe that after taking our SINS upon Himself through His baptism, He died on the Cross and shed His precious “BLOOD” for the judgment of our SINS. That’s why during the Lord’s supper, the Scripture says, “And as they were eating, JESUS took the BREAD, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, EAT; this is My BODY” (Matthew 26:26).
  25. After that JESUS took the cup, gave thanks, and He presented it to them saying, “DRINK from it, all of you. For this is My BLOOD of the covenant, which is shed for many for the REMISSION of SINS” (Matthew 26:28). So all Christians must therefore note that the Christian FAITH is not only about the “BLOOD” of the Cross. This is because JESUS did not give us only His “BLOOD,” but He also gave us His FLESH (BODY) by which He received our SINS upon Himself through His “BAPTISM” in the Jordan River.
  27. Therefore if JESUS who cannot lie say that “this is My BLOOD of the covenant, which is shed for many for the REMISSION of SINS,” and some Christians are still praying every day to God for the REMISSION (forgiveness) of their SINS, then they don’t even believe in the “BLOOD” of the Cross which they claim to believe, but they have BROKEN God’s “covenant” of the “REMISSION.”
  29. In this “covenant” of the “REMISSION of SINS” which JESUS spoke about, God said that “Their SINS and lawless deeds I will remember no more,” (Hebrews 10:17; Jeremiah 31:34). But the misguided and blind believers go before Him every day to remind Him of their SINS by twisting 1 John 1:9 to their own destruction as they also do to the rest of the Scriptures (2 Peter 3:16). They will continue to be SINNERS because even though God told them to “EAT WHAT IS GOOD,” they refuse to “EAT” the BODY of JESUS by which He accepted their SINS upon Himself when He got baptized.
  31. The truth is that Christian who are still SINNERS have not eating the FLESH and the BLOOD of JESUS, but they are deceiving themselves. It is utterly impossible for anyone who eats the “FLESH” (Living Bread) of the Lord JESUS and drink His “BLOOD” (Living Drink) to remain a SINNER. This is because when you “EAT” JESUS, His BODY becomes your body. That’s why the Apostle Paul confirmed this by saying, “For we are members of His BODY, of His FLESH and of His BONES” (Ephesians 5:30).
  33. Therefore those who are offering the prayers of repentance continuously are NOT “members of His BODY,” but they are members of the body of Satan the originator of SIN who is also called the Devil and the Old Serpent. Those who confess daily that they are still SINNERS who must be forgiven obviously not part of “the BODY of CHRIST” as the Scripture tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:27.
  35. This is because “the BODY of CHRIST” cannot SIN. And the Apostle John confirms this when he said, “Whoever has been BORN of God does not SIN, for His SEED remains in him; and he cannot SIN, because he has been BORN of God” (1 John 3:9). So unless a Christian awake his spiritual mind, he will never understand these things, and theology or human wisdom cannot explain this to him. However those who DENY their fleshly thoughts will be “BORN of God” as the passage is telling us, and they will become SINLESS.
  37. So believers who remain SINNERS are not God’s children because their FAITH is contrary to the “Word” of Light, and so they remain in the darkness of SIN. We were all like this before. But thanks to the TRUE gospel of the SALVATION of the water and the Spirit given to us by JESUS, the “Dayspring from on high has visited us” (Luke 1:78), and now our eyes are wide open, and the FALSE pastors and prophets cannot deceive us any longer.
  39. Therefore we can boldly say, “One thing I know: that though I was BLIND, now I SEE” (John 9:25). This is because we have eating “WHAT IS GOOD” and it has illuminated our eyes of understanding.
  41. Our study continues.....................
  43. God is “GOOD” so let us “EAT” His “Word” (JESUS CHRIST)
  49. Eric Aboadwe
  50. November 9, 2017 ·
  52. EAT WHAT IS GOOD (Part 2)
  54. We are taking our Scripture reading once again from Isaiah where God says:
  56. “Why do you spend money for what is not BREAD, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and EAT WHAT IS GOOD, and let your SOUL delight in abundance” (Isaiah 55:2).
  58. Honestly speaking, I am very thankful to God and I believe that all of us who have been BLESSED by the sacrificial work of the Lord JESUS are also thankful and grateful to the Almighty God for making us understand His “Word,” and given us the opportunity to confirm for ourselves how authentic and elaborate His “Word” of Life is!
  60. In the previous day, we understood from our studies that when God tells us to “EAT WHAT IS GOOD,” He is telling us to “EAT” His “Word” which is the “FLESH and BLOOD” of JESUS CHRIST, and that it is the only way by which we are made “RIGHTEOUS” and “SINLESS” through His body. In fact we cannot forget the “LOVE” of this loving Saviour who sacrifices Himself so much for us in order for us to be “partakers of His divine nature" (2 Peter 1:4). This is an incredible blessing! God is really amazing!
  62. Therefore because human beings were all born SINFUL, it is only by eating “WHAT IS GOOD” as God is saying can there be true transformation in the spiritual status of the fallen mankind. But the reason why many Christians are still SINNERS is because they have eating “WHAT IS BAD.” JESUS gave us what is “GOOD” to “EAT.” But Satan the Serpent of Old has been “WHAT IS BAD” for people to “EAT” so that he can drag all of them along with him to the burning flames of judgment.
  64. When God told Adam and Eve, “Of every tree in the Garden you may freely EAT; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not EAT, for in the day that you EAT of it you shall surely DIE” (Genesis 2:16-17), we must understand that God was telling them to “EAT WHAT IS GOOD” as He keeps on telling human beings in Isaiah. In fact God even gave Adam and Eve “The Tree of Life” (Genesis 2:9) which was standing in the midst of the Garden to “EAT.” This “Tree” refers to JESUS CHRIST who is full of grace and truth (John 1:14).
  66. However Satan gave them “The Tree of the knowledge of good and evil” which is the poison of SIN to “EAT.” Therefore he told them, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not EAT of every tree of the garden?... You will surely not DIE. For God knows that in the day you EAT of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:1,4-5). This is the Old Serpent (the thief) of whom JESUS told us that he came to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10:10).
  68. Even though God told Adam and Eve to “EAT” the “Tree of Life” and every “GOOD” tree, Satan deceived the humankind and told them to “EAT” the BAD which is “The Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” If Adam had eating the former, there would have been no SIN. But because he ate the latter, he became a SINNER and spread the SIN to all human beings (Romans 5:12).
  70. So whether a Christian is “RIGHTEOUS” or a “SINNER” will depend on what he or she has been eating. If you “EAT” what is “GOOD” as God is telling us in Isaiah, you will become “RIGHTEOUS,” and this RIGHTEOUSNESS is maintained as you keep on feeding on the true Living BREAD which is the “Word.”
  72. As human beings, we must not forget our HISTORY and the MISTAKE of the past which our ancestor Adam and Eve committed. Historians will tell you that “Those who do not learn from history repeat the mistake of the past.” It is however so sad, that until this day many Christians are still eating “The Tree of the knowledge of good and evil” which stands for the “LAW” of Moses, and they refuse to “EAT” the “Tree of Life” which stands for the “GRACE and TRUTH” which came through JESUS CHRIST.
  74. That’s why God tells us in the gospel of John, “For the LAW was given through Moses, but GRACE and TRUTH came through JESUS CHRIST” (John 1:17). But until this day, many Christian have misunderstood God’s purpose of given us the “LAW,” and Satan has taken advantage of their ignorance to destroy their “soul” by moving them far away from the “GRACE and TRUTH” which is bestowed freely on us through JESUS CHRIST.
  76. If the holy Scriptures tells us that “For by the LAW is the knowledge of SIN” (Romans 3:20), and people keep on feeding on the “LAW,” then the end result is that they will continue to remain SINNERS who confess their SINS every day to be forgiven. God is telling us through the passage in Romans, that the reason why many believers are asking Him to forgive them is all because they are “slaves” of the “LAW” which gives them the “knowledge of SIN,” and this is what makes them ask for forgiveness.
  78. Such people have eaten what is BAD, and the false pastors and prophets who themselves are victims of “lack of knowledge” have been telling them to confess your SINS every day. But God told such pastors in Hosea that, “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will REJECT you from being a priest for Me” (Hosea 4:6). Such pastors are not ministers of God but they are doing “Church Business” because God has “rejected” them like a “rejected silver” (Jeremiah 6:30).
  80. Such pastors are “hirelings,” and JESUS says they don’t care about His sheep (John 10:12-13). In other words they cannot do anything “GOOD” to your “SOUL.” This is because they will never give you the True “Living BREAD” to “EAT” which will satisfy your “SOUL” and which will make you become born again of the water and the Spirit of JESUS (John 3:5).
  82. Brothers and Sisters, and readers of the (True Living Bread & Water), we must “EAT WHAT IS GOOD” because it is God who say so.
  84. Our study continues...................
  86. Let us masticate and DIGEST the “Word” of Truth.
  91. Eric Aboadwe
  92. November 10, 2017 ·
  94. EAT WHAT IS GOOD (Part 3)
  96. Let us read from the Book of Isaiah once again where God said:
  98. “Why do you spend money for what is not BREAD, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and EAT WHAT IS GOOD, and let your SOUL delight in abundance” (Isaiah 55:2).
  100. We learnt in the previous day and understood that God told Adam and Eve to “EAT WHAT IS GOOD” which is from “The Tree of Life” (CHRIST JESUS) and who stands for “GRACE and TRUTH.” However, Satan told them to “EAT” what is BAD which is “The Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil” which stands for the “LAW.”
  102. Therefore just as God warned Adam to refrain from eating or feeding on the BAD “Tree,” we must also refrain from eating poisonous and deadly spiritual meals which the Devil has been given to people to “EAT” including Christians by using FALSE pastors, prophets and teachers whose preaching and teachings are based on the “LAW” and who lay emphasis human “deeds” and “works.”
  104. Such people make attempts to be “justified by the deeds of the LAW,” but the Apostle Paul said that they have “FALLEN from GRACE” (Galatians 5:4). So just as the FALL OF MAN (Adam and Eve) came about because they ate from the forbidden “Tree” which made them SINNERS to know “good and evil,” those who feed on the “LAW” and who refuse to “EAT WHAT IS GOOD” shall also fall in the same example of Adam and Eve.
  106. We have all been hearing the popular statement, “The FALL of Man is Not The End of His Life.” But the reason why it is not the “End” of his “Life” is because JESUS came to rescue the mankind with His “Word” of “GRACE.” That’s why He told us to “EAT” His flesh and drink His blood saying, “For My FLESH is food indeed, and My BLOOD is drink indeed. He who EATS My FLESH and drinks My BLOOD abides in Me, and I in him. As the Living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who FEEDS on Me will live because of Me” (John 6:55-56).
  108. It is absolutely essential for us to “FEED” on the “Word” of God Who was manifested in the “FLESH” in order to receive baptism for all our SINS and that of the entire world to be laid on Him, and Who afterwards shed His “BLOOD” to pay for the judgment of our SINS, and Who finally resurrected for our “justification” (Roans 4:25) to complete our SALVATION. We must therefore “FEED” on this “GRACE and TRUTH” because it is the only way we can “live” and have eternal life.
  110. We can “live” when we are always “FEED” on JESUS and nothing else. Those who “FEED” on the LAW are the ones who labour for the “FOOD” which perishes. They always feed themselves by labouring in the “LAW” to overcome SIN by their own acts and deeds. But JESUS tells us, “Do not labour for the FOOD which perishes, but for the FOOD which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him” (John 6:27).
  112. God told us in our Scripture reading from Isaiah that we must “EAT WHAT IS GOOD,” and JESUS is telling us right here from the above passage that He is the One whom God sent to give us “the FOOD which endures to everlasting life.” God was manifested in the FLESH (1 Timothy 3:16) as the Second Person of the Trinity (JESUS CHRIST), and He gave us His “FLESH” to “EAT” and His “BLOOD” to drink when He accepted our SIN on His own BODY by being baptized by John the Baptist and shedding His BLOOD on the Cross.
  114. That’s why the Apostle Peter said that, “Who Himself bore our SINS in His own BODY on the tree, that we, having died to SINS, might live for RIGHTEOUSNESS – by whose stripes we are healed” (1 Peter 2:24). Here Peter was saying that JESUS was baptized by John the Baptist to take our SINS on His “BODY” in order to fulfill all RIGHTEOUSNESS as He told John before He was immersed into the water (Matthew 3:15), and He carried these SINS to the “tree” (the Cross).
  116. As Christians, we must know that we can only “EAT WHAT IS GOOD” if we have the proper FAITH before God. Both milk and poison are resemblance to each other. Therefore we must be careful not to “FEED” on poisonous messages which resemble milk. In the Garden of Eden, we saw that “The Tree of Life” was a “TREE,” and “The Tree of knowledge of Good and evil” was also a “TREE.” Therefore Satan did everything to convince Adam and Eve that “After all they are all TREES, so you can even EAT the forbidden Tree.” This is how Devil trapped them through his deceitful plotting.
  118. In the same way, there are many who believe in JESUS in whatever way they like by the deceptions of the Old Serpent. Therefore even though JESUS told us to “EAT” His “FLESH and BLOOD” through our FAITH in His water baptism and His blood on the Cross, some Christian have chosen to believe in only His “BLOOD.” For them, every “Tree” is a “Tree” and every “Believe” is a “Believe” and so they believe in God in whatever way they like. This is the reason why so many denominations have sprang forth in multiplicity.
  120. But we must obey the voice of God and “EAT WHAT IS GOOD.”
  122. Our study continues.............
  128. Eric Aboadwe
  129. November 11, 2017 ·
  131. EAT WHAT IS GOOD (Part 4)
  133. We are taking our final Scripture reading for this topic under study in Isaiah where it says:
  135. “Why do you spend money for what is not BREAD, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and EAT WHAT IS GOOD, and let your SOUL delight in abundance” (Isaiah 55:2).
  137. There is a popular saying which many people are aware of which says, “You Are What You Eat.” This statement is true both PHYSICALLY and SPIRITUALLY. If we “EAT” healthy foods physically, it affects our health and our entire well being of the “Natural Man.” However, BAD EATING habit can cause serious HEALTH problems for the body ranging from all kinds of sicknesses and diseases which can lead to premature death.
  139. This is also applicable SPIRITUALLY as well. Therefore God is telling us that if we don’t “EAT WHAT IS GOOD” spiritually, our “soul” and “spirit” will be corrupted by the poisonous food which leads to spiritual death. For this reason, JESUS told the disciples, “Take heed and beware of the LEAVEN of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. And they reason among themselves, “It is because we have taken no BREAD” (Matthew 16:6-7).
  141. Why did JESUS say this? This is because the Pharisees and the Sadducees were teaching people to obey the “LAW” of Moses even though they themselves could not keep the “LAW.” In others words these people were feeding people with the wrong MEAL instead of feeding them with the “GRACE” of God. However, when JESUS told His disciples to beware of the “LEAVEN of the Pharisees and the Sadducees,” they were thinking about physical “BREAD” even though JESUS was speaking from the spiritual perspective.
  143. Therefore the LORD told them, “How is it that you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning BREAD? – but to beware of the LEAVEN of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Then they understood that He did not tell them to beware of the LEAVEN of BREAD, but of the DOCTRINE of the Pharisees and Sadducees” (Matthew 16:11-12).
  145. This shows clearly that “the DOCTRINE of the Pharisees and Sadducees” is a poisonous BREAD (food), and JESUS was telling His disciples that if they “EAT” that kind of food it is disastrous. Therefore “You are What You Eat” is a true statement. It is just like the statement in the Bible which says that as a man thinketh, so he is (Proverbs 23:7). We must therefore “EAT” the spiritual “Word” (food) which God prepared for us through the “FLESH” and the “BLOOD” of CHRIST.
  147. In the Old Testament, people like Job obeyed God’s voice when He said, “EAT WHAT IS GOOD.” Therefore he confessed, “I have not departed from the COMMANDMENT of His lips; I have treasured the WORDS of His mouth more than my necessary FOOD” (Job 23:12). This shows that Job ate the “Word” of God which is spirit, and this “FOOD” was so much precious for Job to the extent that he “treasured” it more than his physical “FOOD.”
  149. But some people may have misunderstood the statement of Job when he said, “I have not departed from the COMMANDMENT of His lips.” This is one of the many passages of Scripture which is difficult to understand and which some people twist to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). But we must understand that the “LAWS” and the “COMMANDMENTS” of God is “holy and just and good” as the Apostle Paul also confessed (Romans 7:12).
  151. However God gave His “COMMANDMENTS” to Job so that it will give him “the knowledge of SIN” (Romans 3:20). This was the only way by which Job can also realize that he is a descendant of Adam and therefore he was also born in iniquity and in SIN his mother conceived him (Psalm 51:5). In other words the “COMMANDMENTS” made Job to realize that he need the “GRACE” of God.
  153. Job was someone who also had weaknesses, and there were times when he didn't even speak well in the sight of God. Therefore when God spoke to Job in such a time, he will realize his own folly behaviour and confessed, “Therefore I abhor myself, and I REPENT in dust and ashes” (Job 42:6). Not only this, but the “wrath” of God “aroused against” the friends of Job including Eliphaz and his two friends because they also committed SINS in their speech before God (Job 42:7).
  155. For this reason, God spoke to them, “Now therefore, take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, go to My servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a BURNT OFFERING; and My servant Job shall pray for you...” (Job 42:8). This passage shows clearly that in the Old Testament people didn’t pray to God just like that for the forgiveness of SINS, but rather they offered a “BURN OFFERING” by which they laid their hands on the “ram,” pass their SINS onto it, and kill it for its blood to ooze out before their SINS were forgiven (Leviticus 1:1-5).
  157. Human beings cannot even be “RIGHTEOUS” in their common speech, neither to talk about their behaviour regarding the do’s and the don’ts. It is JESUS CHRIST who came to fulfill all “RIGHTEOUSNESS” with His own acts of deeds through His water, blood and the Spirit. And this is how He SAVED Job, his stubborn friends, and everybody from SIN. This is the “GRACE” which has REDEEMED us, and this is what God is telling us to “EAT” because it is the only “GOOD” thing for us.
  159. King David ate “WHAT IS GOOD” from God’s “Word” and so he confessed, “How sweet are Your WORDS to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth” (Psalm 119:103). This is the spiritual “Word” (JESUS CHRIST) which David ate continuously all the days of his life. That’s why his “soul” was able to bless the Lord (Psalm 103:1-22), and we all saw this in one of our study title “BLESS THE LORD, O MY SOUL.”
  161. Jeremiah also ate “WHAT IS GOOD,” and therefore he also confessed, “Your WORDS were found, and I ate them, and Your WORD was to me the joy of rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts” (Jeremiah 15:16). JESUS CHRIST is the only “sweet” thing in this world, for He is the One who “FEEDS” our “soul” with the spiritual nourishment.
  163. Our study continues......................
  165. Let us keep on eating “WHAT IS GOOD.
  168. -
  169. comment
  170. Billey Barnabas Amen and thank you very much for the unleavened bread given on this platform.
  171. Your message confirms the reason why every person feels uneasy and sometimes gets sick and eventually dies to if the food taken in is poisonous in the physical perspective.
  172. But refusing to take in the meal of God's Righteousness, which is believing in Jesus' baptism, His death and resurrection is what will result in spiritual death.Denying this truth is making human the living-dead.
  174. We must deny our own ways of righteousness at church and religious meetings on prayers and take listen swiftly to God's word that tastes sweeter than any food we can think of. Amen
  176. Eric Aboadwe Amen!
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