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- #===============================================================================================================
- # GDBobby's Filter for LLD inspired by NeverSink's Indepth Loot Filter - for Path of Exile
- #===============================================================================================================
- # VERSION: 1.0 [6.34]
- # AUTHOR: Owusup
- # BUILDNOTES: This is heavily modified from Neverink's normal filter for Delve
- #
- #------------------------------------
- #------------------------------------
- #
- # Forum Post with all the related info at
- # How did you even get this filter without visiting the forum post anyways
- #
- #------------------------------------
- #------------------------------------
- #
- # 0) It's recommended to check for updates once a month or at least before new leagues, to receive economy finetuning and new features!
- # 1) Paste this file into the following folder: %userprofile%/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile
- # 2) INGAME: Escape -> Options -> UI -> Scroll down -> Select the filter from the Dropdown box
- #
- #------------------------------------
- # CONTACT - if you want to get notifications about updates or just get in touch:
- #------------------------------------
- # Add Owusup in game
- # You can also post on the forum page or send me a message on the forums, but I won't check it as often.
- #===============================================================================================================
- #===============================================================================================================
- #
- # [[0100]] OVERRIDE AREA 1 - Override ALL rules here
- # [[0200]] 6 LINKS -- REMOVED (6l can't drop until il 50)
- # [[0300]] SHAPER ITEMS -- REMOVED
- # [[0400]] ELDER ITEMS -- REMOVED
- # [[0500]] Explicit Mod filtering
- # [0501] League-Specific Magic Items
- # [[0600]] Explicit Mod filtering - REMOVED
- # [[0700]] Recipes, Magic and Normal items (endgame!) -- Heavily Modified
- # [0701] Overqualitied Items
- # [0702] 5-Linked items
- # [0704] Exclusive bases: Stygian Vise
- # [0705] Abyss Jewels (Rare and Magic)
- # [0707] Exclusive bases: Trinkets -- Talismans only remaining
- # [0709] Corrupted Amulets
- # [0710] Chancing items
- # [0712] Add your own crafting rules here
- # [0716] LLD Crafting Bases
- # [0718] Fishing Rod
- # [0720] Chromatic recipe items ("RGB Recipe")
- # [0723] W-soc offhand weapons
- # [[0800]] HIDE LAYER 1 - MAGIC AND NORMAL ITEMS -- probably going to be modified
- # [[0900]] Currency - PART 1 - Common currency
- # [[1000]] OVERRIDE AREA 2 - Override the default rare rulesets here
- # [[1400]] OVERRIDE AREA 3 - Override Map, Gem and Flask drops here -- EMPTY
- # [[1500]] Gems
- # [1501] Special Gems
- # [1502] Top Gems
- # [1503] Quality Gems
- # [1504] Leveled Gems
- # [1505] Other gems
- # [[1600]] UTILITY FLASKS (Levelling Rules)
- # [[1700]] HIDE LAYER 3: Random Endgame Flasks
- # [[1800]] Maps, fragments and labyrinth items -- Heavily Modified
- # [1802] Labyrinth items, Offerings
- # [1808] Map fragments
- # [[1900]] Currency - PART 2 - Rare currency
- # [1901] Regular Rare Currency
- # [1902] Harbinger Currency
- # [1903] Incursion Currency
- # [1904] Delve Currency - Resonators
- # [1905] Delve Currency - Fossil
- # [1906] Bestiary Currency
- # [1907] Top Currency
- # [1908] Essence Tier List
- # [1909] Perandus
- # [1910] Breach
- # [1911] Others
- # [[2000]] Currency - PART 3 - Divination cards (yes the strange sorting is intended)
- # [2001] Exceptions to prevent ident. mistakes
- # [2002] T1 - Top tier cards
- # [2003] T2 - Great cards
- # [2004] T3 - Decent cards
- # [2005] Special - Special Currency Cards
- # [2006] T5 - Format trash tier cards... before
- # [2007] T4 - ...showing the remaining cards
- # [[2100]] Currency - PART 4 - remaining items
- # [[2200]] Leaguestones - Tierlists
- # [[2300]] Uniques!
- # [2301] Exceptions
- # [2302] Harbinger - Pieces
- # [2303] Tier 1 uniques
- # [2304] Tier 2 uniques
- # [2305] Multi-Unique bases.
- # [2306] Special Unique Searches
- # [2307] Prophecy-Material Uniques
- # [2308] Random Uniques
- # [[2400]] Quest Items and Shaper Orbs
- # [[2500]] OVERRIDE AREA 4 - Insert your custom Leveling adjustments here
- # [[2600]] Flasks -- MODIFIED
- # [2601] Hide Unusable Flask
- # [2602] Usable Flasks
- # [2605] Show Quality and Utility flasks
- # [[2700]] Leveling - Merged Rules -- REMOVED
- # [[2800]] Leveling - RGB Recipes
- # [[2900]] Leveling - RARES -- Heavily Adjusted
- # [[3000]] Leveling - Useful items -- REMOVED
- # [[3100]] Leveling - normal and magic item progression -- REMOVED
- # [[3200]] HIDE LAYER 5 - Remaining Items
- # [[3300]] CATCHALL - if you see pink items - send me a mail please - should never happen
- # [[3400]] Special thanks to!
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[0100]] OVERRIDE AREA 1 - Override ALL rules here
- #===============================================================================================================
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[0500]] Explicit Mod filtering
- #===============================================================================================================
- #------------------------------------
- # [0501] League-Specific Magic Items
- #------------------------------------
- Show # Veiled Mods in LLD
- Identified True
- DropLevel <= 28
- HasExplicitMod "Veil"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 190 0 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: LLD Base
- SetBackgroundColor 60 105 60 255
- PlayAlertSound 2 300
- MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon
- PlayEffect White Temp
- Show # Safety Entry - just to test if there's unided veiled items
- DropLevel <= 28
- HasExplicitMod "Veil"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 190 150
- SetBorderColor 190 0 190 240 #BORDERCOLOR: LLD Base
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon
- PlayEffect White Temp
- Show # Delve Mod Items Usable in LLD
- Identified True
- HasExplicitMod "of Crafting" "of Spellcraft" "of Weaponcraft" "of the Underground" "Subterranean"
- DropLevel <= 28
- SetFontSize 50
- SetTextColor 255 190 150 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+ + LLD
- SetBorderColor 190 0 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: LLD Base
- SetBackgroundColor 60 105 60 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1 + LLD
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # Incursion Mod Items Usable in LLD
- Identified True
- HasExplicitMod "Tacati" "Citaqualotl" "Matatl" "Topotante" "Xopec" "Guatelitzi" "Puhuarte"
- DropLevel <= 28
- SetFontSize 50
- SetTextColor 255 190 150 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+ + LLD
- SetBorderColor 190 0 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: LLD Base
- SetBackgroundColor 30 75 30 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1 + LLD
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # Warband Mod Items Usable in LLD
- Identified True
- HasExplicitMod "Brinerot" "Mutewind" "Redblade"
- DropLevel <= 28
- SetFontSize 50
- SetTextColor 255 190 150 240 # TEXTCOLOR: Special + LLD
- SetBorderColor 190 0 190 255 # BORDERCOLOR: LLD Base
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # Delve Mod Items - Poor %D3
- Identified True
- HasExplicitMod "of Crafting" "of Spellcraft" "of Weaponcraft"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 255 190 0 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- Show # Delve Mod Items - Expensive
- Identified True
- HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 190 0 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # Stupid Beast Mod Items
- Identified True
- HasExplicitMod "of Farrul" "of Craiceann" "of Fenumus" "of Saqawal"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 190 0 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # Incursion Mod Items
- Identified True
- Rarity Rare
- HasExplicitMod "Tacati" "Citaqualotl" "Matatl" "Topotante" "Xopec" "Guatelitzi" "Puhuarte"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 190 0 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # Incursion Mod Items
- Identified True
- Rarity Magic
- HasExplicitMod "Tacati" "Citaqualotl" "Matatl" "Topotante" "Xopec" "Guatelitzi" "Puhuarte"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # Warband Mod Items
- Identified True
- HasExplicitMod "Brinerot" "Mutewind" "Redblade" "Betrayer's" "Deceiver's" "Turncoat's"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 240 190 240 # TEXTCOLOR: Special
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[0700]] Recipes, Magic and Normal items (endgame!)
- #===============================================================================================================
- #------------------------------------
- # [0701] Overqualitied Items
- #------------------------------------
- Show
- Corrupted False
- Quality >= 25
- ItemLevel = 36
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- #------------------------------------
- # [0702] 5-Linked items
- #------------------------------------
- # Very useful at the start of the league. Otherwise often trash. Still, highlight material.
- # Thereโs a lot of exceptions we can introduce here, such as 6S, high value bases, but this
- # Is a rare occurrence, so we wonโt be doing it for performance reasons.
- Show # $linked->5L $lvl %D5
- LinkedSockets 5
- ItemLevel = 36
- Rarity < Unique
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
- PlayEffect White
- #------------------------------------
- # [0703] 6-Socket Items
- #------------------------------------
- # Can be sold for 7 jeweller orbs. We also highlight the ilvl83/84 ones that are OK for crafting.
- # Chances are high that people will want to buy those.
- #------------------------------------
- # [0704] Exclusive bases: Stygian Vise
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $rare $x->Abyss->Stygian $EGC->86 %TB-Vise
- ItemLevel >= 86
- Rarity <= Rare
- BaseType "Stygian Vise"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
- SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T1 highlight
- SetBackgroundColor 255 125 0 255 # BACKGROUND: SpecialBase T1
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # $Rare->Regal $Rare->tiny $x->Abyss->Stygian %TB-Vise
- ItemLevel >= 75
- Rarity <= Rare
- BaseType "Stygian Vise"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- SetBackgroundColor 170 225 70 255 # BACKGROUND: Trinket T1
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue Temp
- Show # $Rare->tiny $x->Abyss->Stygian %TB-Vise %H5
- BaseType "Stygian Vise"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- SetBackgroundColor 170 225 70 255 # BACKGROUND: Trinket T1
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue Temp
- #------------------------------------
- # [0705] Abyss Jewels (Rare and Magic)
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $EGC->82 $x->Abyss->Jewel $Jewels->Rare
- ItemLevel >= 82
- Rarity = Rare
- Class "Abyss Jewel"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 255 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Text
- SetBorderColor 220 0 0 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect High Potential
- SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 # BACKGROUND: Rare Jewel
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # $EGC->82 $x->Abyss->Jewel $Jewels->Magic
- ItemLevel >= 82
- Rarity <= Magic
- Class "Abyss Jewel"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 100 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Magic
- SetBorderColor 220 0 0 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect High Potential
- SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 # BACKGROUND: Jewel Magic
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # $x->Abyss->Jewel $Jewels->Rare
- Rarity = Rare
- Class "Abyss Jewel"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 255 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Text
- SetBorderColor 200 200 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect: 83plus
- SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 # BACKGROUND: Rare Jewel
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- PlayEffect Blue Temp
- Show # $x->Abyss->Jewel $Jewels->Magic %H4
- Rarity <= Magic
- Class "Abyss Jewel"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 100 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Magic
- SetBorderColor 0 75 250 # BORDERCOLOR: Magic Jewel
- SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 # BACKGROUND: Jewel Magic
- Show # $Jewels->Rare %TC-Rare-Jewels
- Rarity Rare
- Class Jewel
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 255 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Text
- SetBorderColor 200 200 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect: 83plus
- SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 # BACKGROUND: Rare Jewel
- MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
- #------------------------------------
- # [0706] Exclusive bases: Top Value
- #------------------------------------
- # These bases are valuable crafting due to their rarity and strong implicit.
- #------------------------------------
- # [0707] Exclusive bases: Trinkets
- #------------------------------------
- # These bases are valuable crafting due to their rarity and strong implicit.
- Show # $x->Talismans %TB-Talisman
- Rarity < Unique
- Class Amulets
- BaseType "Talisman"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- #------------------------------------
- # [0709] Corrupted Amulets
- #------------------------------------
- # Corrupted amulets for rare lab shrines (to turn them rare)
- # Show
- # Corrupted True
- # Class Amulet Belt
- # Rarity = Normal
- # SetFontSize 36
- # SetBorderColor 255 125 0 255
- #------------------------------------
- # [0710] Chancing items
- #------------------------------------
- # You can add your own items here. The items in this section have a dropsound
- # Agate Amulet - ANARCHY ONLY - can be chance to voll's in anarchy maps
- # Leather belt - NEMESIS only - can be chanced into a headhunter belt!
- # Prophecy wand - Void Battery
- # Judgement Staff - Hegemony's/Pledge of Hands
- # Example, to add Agate amulet:
- # BaseType "Sorcerer Boots"
- #Show
- # BaseType "Glorious Plate" "Close Helmet" "Occultist's Vestment"
- # Rarity Normal
- # SetFontSize 38
- # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
- # SetBorderColor 0 210 0 210
- # PlayAlertSound 7 300
- # Corrupted False
- Show # $Chancing %TB-T2-Chancing %D3
- Corrupted False
- Rarity Normal
- BaseType "Leather Belt"
- SetFontSize 36
- SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
- SetBorderColor 0 150 0 150 # BORDERCOLOR: T2 Chancing
- Show # $Chancing %TB-T2-Chancing %D2
- Corrupted False
- Rarity Normal
- BaseType "Sadist Garb" "Glorious Plate" "Gold Amulet" "Sapphire Flask" "Imperial Bow"
- SetFontSize 36
- SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
- SetBorderColor 0 150 0 150 # BORDERCOLOR: T2 Chancing
- #------------------------------------
- # [0712] Add your own crafting rules here
- #------------------------------------
- # Please use ItemLevel >= 65if you DON'T want your rules to affect Leveling progression.
- # Example: To highlight all white "Vaal Claw" and "Gemini Claw" in the endgame, uncomment the following section (remove the '#')
- # Show
- # BaseType "Gemini Claw" "Vaal Claw"
- # ItemLevel >= 65
- # Rarity = Normal
- # SetBorderColor 0 255 255 255
- # SetFontSize 40
- #------------------------------------
- # [0715] 60+ Crafting rules for 60++ trinkets
- #------------------------------------
- # This section handles the crafting bases for the entry level endgame
- Show # $Jewels->Magic %H2
- Rarity <= Magic
- Class Jewel
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 0 100 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Magic
- SetBorderColor 0 75 250 # BORDERCOLOR: Magic Jewel
- SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 # BACKGROUND: Jewel Magic
- #------------------------------------
- # [0716] LLD crafting bases
- #------------------------------------
- # This section handles LLD crafting bases.
- #Accessories - RARE
- Show # %REMS1 %D4
- Rarity Rare
- Class "Rings" "Amulets" "Belts"
- ItemLevel <= 36
- DropLevel <= 28
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 170 225 70 255 # BACKGROUND: Trinket T1
- PlayAlertSound 12 300 # DROPSOUND: Underrated Leveling Sound
- #Accessories
- Show
- Class "Rings" "Amulets" "Belts"
- ItemLevel = 36
- DropLevel <= 28
- SetFontSize 45
- #Armour Bases
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Full Plate" "Close Helmet" "Bronze Gauntlets" "Plated Greaves" "Copper Tower Shield"
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0
- SetBackgroundColor 150 0 0 200
- #Evasion Bases
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Full Leather" "Leather Hood" "Deerskin Gloves" "Deerskin Boots"
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0
- SetBackgroundColor 0 150 0 200
- #Energy Shield Bases
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Mage's Vestment" "Tribal Circlet" "Silk Gloves" "Silk Slippers" "Jingling Spirit Shield"
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 150 200
- #Armour/Evasion Base
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Full Scale Armour" "Visored Sallet" "Bronzescale Gauntlets" "Ironscale Boots"
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0
- SetBackgroundColor 150 150 0 200
- #Armour/Energy Shield Base
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Full Ringmail" "Great Helmet" "Ringmail Gloves" "Mesh Boots"
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0
- SetBackgroundColor 150 0 150 200
- #Evasion/Energy Shield Base
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Scarlet Raiment" "Festival Mask" "Strapped Mitts" "Clasped Boots"
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0
- SetBackgroundColor 0 150 150 200
- #One Handed Melee Weapons
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Elegant Sword" "Arming Axe" "Ceremonial Mace" "Ritual Sceptre" "Timeworn Claw" "Skean"
- SetBorderColor 200 150 150
- #Two Handed Melee Weapons
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Ornate Sword" "Gilded Axe" "Brass Maul" "Royal Staff"
- SetBorderColor 200 0 0
- #Ranged Weapons
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Royal Bow" "Spiraled Wand"
- SetBorderColor 0 200 0
- #Quartz Weapons
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Quartz Sceptre" "Quartz Wand" "Copper Kris"
- SetBorderColor 0 0 200
- #Spell Dodge (Ev ES)
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Alloyed Spiked Shield"
- SetBorderColor 0 200 200
- SetBackgroundColor 0 150 150 200
- #Dodge (Ev ES)
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Burnished Spiked Shield"
- SetBorderColor 0 200 200
- SetBackgroundColor 0 150 150 200
- #Spell Damage Shield - Border for weapon type
- Show
- ItemLevel = 36
- BaseType "Bone Spirit Shield"
- SetBorderColor 100 100 200
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 200 200
- #------------------------------------
- # [0718] Fishing Rod
- #------------------------------------
- # Give a man a fish and he won't be hungry for a day, teach a man to fish and GGG will ban you for disclosing fishing secrets.
- Show # $x->Fish %TC-Secret
- Class "Fishing Rod"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- #------------------------------------
- # [0720] Chromatic recipe items ("RGB Recipe")
- #------------------------------------
- # These items have a RGB link and sell for a chromatic orb each.
- Show # %H2 $Recipe->RGB->Small
- Width <= 2
- Height <= 2
- ItemLevel >= 65
- Rarity < Rare
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetFontSize 36
- SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %H2 $Recipe->RGB->Small
- Width <= 1
- Height <= 3
- ItemLevel >= 65
- Rarity < Rare
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetFontSize 36
- SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %H1 $Recipe->RGB->Large
- Width >= 2
- Height >= 4
- ItemLevel >= 65
- Rarity < Rare
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %H1 $Recipe->RGB
- ItemLevel >= 65
- Rarity < Rare
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- #------------------------------------
- # [0723] W-soc offhand weapons
- #------------------------------------
- # Useful for gem Leveling.
- Show # $x->WhiteSoc %D5 %TC-Offslot-Gem-Leveling
- Sockets >= 3
- Rarity <= Rare
- Class Wands Daggers One Hand Shields Thrusting Sceptre Claws
- SocketGroup WWW
- SetFontSize 40
- SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
- Show # $x->WhiteSoc %D1 %TC-Offslot-Gem-Leveling
- Sockets >= 3
- Rarity < Rare
- Class Wands Daggers One Hand Shields Thrusting Sceptre Claws
- SocketGroup W
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 185 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T3
- #===============================================================================================================
- #===============================================================================================================
- Hide # Minimize junk instead of hiding (if "Show") %TC-Junkable
- ItemLevel >= 65
- Rarity < Rare
- Class "Two Hand" "Bows" "One Hand" "Wand" "Sceptre" "Staves" "Claws" "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Helmets" "Quivers" "Daggers" "Shields" "Belts" "Rings" "Amulets"
- SetFontSize 18
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 100 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T4
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 75 # BACKGROUND: Hidden
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[0900]] Currency - PART 1 - Common currency
- #===============================================================================================================
- # We'll keep this section up here to boost the performance.
- Show # $Currency->Low->T1 %H5 %TB-Currency-SilverCoin
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Silver Coin"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 45 50 130 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Silver Coin
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T5
- Show # $Currency->Low->T1 %H4 %TB-Currency-T4
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Orb of Chance" "Orb of Alteration" "Chromatic Orb" "Jeweller's Orb" "Glassblower's Bauble"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 200 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T2
- SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T5
- Show # $Currency->Low->T2 %H4 %TB-Currency-T5
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Orb of Transmutation" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Alchemy Shard"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 170 158 130 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic
- SetBorderColor 190 178 135 180 # BORDERCOLOR: Transmutation
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- Show # $Currency->Scroll->Portal %RF1 %H3 %TB-Currency-T7
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Portal Scroll"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 170 158 130 220 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic 2
- SetBorderColor 30 50 100 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Portal
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- Show # $Currency->Low->T3 %H2 %TB-Currency-T6
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Armourer's Scrap" "Orb of Augmentation" "Transmutation Shard" "Alteration Shard"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 170 158 130 220 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic 2
- SetBorderColor 75 75 75 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Currency Augment
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- Show # $Currency->Scroll->Wisdoms
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom"
- StackSize > 1
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 170 158 130 220 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic 2
- SetBorderColor 100 50 30 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Wisdom
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- Show # $Currency->Scroll->Wisdom %RF1 %H2 %TB-Currency-T8
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 170 158 130 220 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic 2
- SetBorderColor 100 50 30 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Wisdom
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[1000]] OVERRIDE AREA 2 - Override the default rare rulesets here
- #===============================================================================================================
- # Example: This section displays 20% quality rares (between lvl 60 and 74), it's disabled by default, remove
- # The #'s in front of the next lines to enable it and show the items with a Cyan border.
- # Show
- # Rarity Rare
- # Quality = 20
- # Class "Two Hand" "Bows" "One Hand" "Wand" "Sceptre" "Staves" "Claws" "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Helmets" "Quivers" "Daggers" "Shields" "Belts" "Rings" "Amulets"
- # ItemLevel >= 60
- # SetFontSize 42
- # SetBorderColor 0 255 255 255
- # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
- #===============================================================================================================
- #===============================================================================================================
- #------------------------------------
- # [1205] Other Conditions
- #------------------------------------
- Show # %D3 %UP $Recipe->RGB->Small
- Width <= 2
- Height <= 2
- ItemLevel >= 75
- Rarity = Rare
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetFontSize 36
- SetTextColor 255 190 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Rares - Level - 75+
- SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show
- Width <= 2
- Height <= 2
- ItemLevel >= 65
- Rarity = Rare
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetFontSize 36
- SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T2 Rare
- SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %D3 %UP $Recipe->RGB->Small
- Width <= 1
- Height <= 3
- ItemLevel >= 75
- Rarity = Rare
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetFontSize 36
- SetTextColor 255 190 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Rares - Level - 75+
- SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show
- Width <= 1
- Height <= 3
- ItemLevel >= 65
- Rarity = Rare
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetFontSize 36
- SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T2 Rare
- SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %D1 %UP $Recipe->RGB->Large
- ItemLevel >= 75
- Rarity = Rare
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetTextColor 255 190 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Rares - Level - 75+
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show
- ItemLevel >= 65
- Rarity = Rare
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T2 Rare
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[1500]] Gems
- #===============================================================================================================
- #------------------------------------
- # [1501] Special Gems
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Gem->T1->Qual %TB-Qual-Top-Gem
- Class Gems
- BaseType "Empower" "Enlighten" "Enhance"
- GemLevel >= 2
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
- SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T1
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $Gem->T1->Qual %TB-Qual-Top-Gem
- Corrupted False
- Quality >= 15
- Class Gems
- BaseType "Empower" "Enlighten"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
- SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T1
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $Gem->T1 %TB-Top-Gem
- Class Gems
- BaseType "Portal" "Empower" "Enlighten" "Vaal Haste" "Vaal Grace" "Item Quantity" "Vaal Breach"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
- SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T1
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Triangle
- PlayEffect White
- #------------------------------------
- # [1502] Top Gems
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Gem->Qual->20
- Class Gems
- GemLevel >= 20
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
- SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T1
- SetBackgroundColor 6 0 60 # BACKGROUND: 20QualGem
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Triangle
- PlayEffect Yellow
- Show # $Gem->Qual->20
- Quality >= 20
- Class Gems
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
- SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T1
- SetBackgroundColor 6 0 60 # BACKGROUND: 20QualGem
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Triangle
- PlayEffect Yellow
- #------------------------------------
- # [1503] Quality Gems
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Gem->Qual->15
- Quality >= 14
- Class Gems
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
- SetBorderColor 30 200 200 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T2
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
- PlayEffect White Temp
- Show # $Gem->Qual %D4
- Quality >= 1
- Class Gems
- SetFontSize 40
- SetBorderColor 30 150 180 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T3
- #------------------------------------
- # [1504] Leveled Gems
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Gem->Level-19 %D4
- Class Gems
- GemLevel >= 18
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- Show # $Gem->Level-19 %D3
- Class Gems
- GemLevel >= 10
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- Show # $Gem->T2 %TB-DropOnly-Gem %D4
- Class Gems
- BaseType "Detonate Mines" "Added Chaos Damage" "Vaal" "Enhance"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetBorderColor 30 150 180 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T3
- #------------------------------------
- # [1505] Other gems
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Gem %H2
- Class Gems
- DropLevel <= 28
- SetFontSize 36
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[1600]] UTILITY FLASKS (Levelling Rules)
- #===============================================================================================================
- Show # $lvl $flasks->utility %TB-T1-Leveling-Flask %REMS1
- Quality >= 1
- DropLevel <= 28
- Rarity <= Magic
- BaseType "Stibnite Flask" "Quicksilver Flask" "Silver Flask" "Bismuth Flask" "Basalt Flask" "Granite Flask" "Diamond Flask" "Jade Flask" "Ruby Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Topaz Flask"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 50 200 125 # BORDERCOLOR: Flask
- SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 # BACKGROUND: Flasks
- PlayAlertSound 12 300 # DROPSOUND: Underrated Leveling Sound
- Show # $lvl $flasks->utility %TB-T1-Leveling-Flask %REMS1
- DropLevel <= 28
- Rarity <= Magic
- BaseType "Stibnite Flask" "Quicksilver Flask" "Silver Flask" "Bismuth Flask" "Basalt Flask" "Granite Flask" "Diamond Flask" "Jade Flask" "Ruby Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Topaz Flask"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 50 200 125 # BORDERCOLOR: Flask
- SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 # BACKGROUND: Flasks
- PlayAlertSound 12 300 # DROPSOUND: Underrated Leveling Sound
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[1700]] HIDE LAYER 3: Random Endgame Flasks
- #===============================================================================================================
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[1800]] Maps, fragments and labyrinth items
- #===============================================================================================================
- #------------------------------------
- # [1802] Labyrinth items, Offerings
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $frag->%TB-OfferingToTheGoddess
- BaseType "Offering to the Goddess"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
- PlayAlertSound 4 300 # DROPSOUND: Map Sound
- MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Square
- PlayEffect Yellow
- Show #
- Class "Labyrinth"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 74 230 58 # TEXTCOLOR: Quest
- SetBorderColor 74 230 58 # BORDERCOLOR: Quest Item
- MinimapIcon 1 Green Hexagon
- PlayEffect Green Temp
- #------------------------------------
- # [1808] Map fragments
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $x->Legacy->AncientRelicKey
- Class "Misc Map Items"
- BaseType "Ancient Reliquary Key" "Timeworn Reliquary Key"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $x->Legacy->AncientRelicKey
- Class "Misc Map Items"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 0 Blue Triangle
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # $Fragments->T1 $x->Fragments->Mortal %TB-Fragments-T1
- Class "Map Fragments"
- BaseType "Mortal Hope" "Mortal Ignorance"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $Fragments->T2 %TB-Fragments-T2
- Class "Map Fragments"
- BaseType "Mortal" "Eber's Key" "Yriel's Key" "Inya's Key" "Volkuur's Key" "Sacrifice at Midnight" "Fragment of the Phoenix" "Fragment of the Minotaur" "Fragment of the Chimera" "Fragment of the Hydra" "Breachstone"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Triangle
- PlayEffect Yellow
- Show # $Fragments->Vessel %TB-Fragments-Vessel
- Class "Map Fragments"
- BaseType "Divine Vessel"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
- PlayEffect White
- Show # $Fragments
- Class "Map Fragments"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 159 15 213 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Fragment
- SetBorderColor 159 15 213 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Map Fragment
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
- PlayEffect White
- Show # $Fragments->Vessel
- Class "Pantheon Soul"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
- PlayEffect White
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[1900]] Currency - PART 2 - Rare currency
- #===============================================================================================================
- #------------------------------------
- # [1901] Regular Rare Currency
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Currency->High-T1 %TB-Currency-T1.5
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Master Cartographer's Sextant" "Journeyman Cartographer's Sextant"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T2
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- DisableDropSound True
- MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle
- PlayEffect Yellow
- Show # $Currency->High-T2 %TB-Currency-T2
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Regal Orb" "Orb of Regret" "Chaos Orb" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Stacked Deck" "Apprentice Cartographer's Sextant"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T3
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- DisableDropSound True
- MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
- PlayEffect White
- Show # $Currency->High-T3 %TB-Currency-T3
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Blessed Orb" "Orb of Fusing" "Orb of Alchemy" "Cartographer's Chisel" "Engineer's Orb" "Orb of Horizons" "Orb of Binding" "Bestiary Orb" "Orb of Scouring" "Vaal Orb"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T4
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- DisableDropSound True
- MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
- PlayEffect White
- #------------------------------------
- # [1902] Harbinger Currency
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Currency->Harbinger->T1 %TB-Currency-Harbinger-ShardsT1
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Annulment Shard" "Harbinger's Shard" "Ancient Shard" "Exalted Shard"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 40 220 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Harbinger Currency
- SetBackgroundColor 80 95 210 255 # BACKGROUND: Shard T1
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
- PlayEffect White
- Show # $Currency->Harbinger->T2 %TB-Currency-Harbinger-ShardsT2 %H4
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Horizon Shard" "Engineer's Shard" "Binding Shard" "Regal Shard" "Chaos Shard"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 135 140 100 255 # BACKGROUND: Shard T2
- #------------------------------------
- # [1903] Incursion Currency
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Currency->Incursion->Vial
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Vial of Awakening" "Vial of Sacrifice" "Vial of the Ghost"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $Currency->Incursion->Vial
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Vial of Transcendence" "Vial of Summoning" "Vial of the Ritual" "Vial of Fate" "Vial of Consequence" "Vial of Dominance"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
- PlayEffect White
- #------------------------------------
- # [1904] Delve Currency - Resonators
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Currency->Reso-T1 %TB-Currency-T1.5
- Class "Delve Socketable Currency"
- BaseType "Prime Alchemical Resonator" "Prime Chaotic Resonator"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $Currency->Reso-T2->Chaos
- Class "Delve Socketable Currency"
- BaseType "Potent Chaotic Resonator" "Powerful Chaotic Resonator" "Primitive Chaotic Resonator"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T4
- PlayAlertSound 2 100 # DROPSOUND: Splinter Sound
- DisableDropSound True
- MinimapIcon 2 White Diamond
- PlayEffect White
- Show # $Currency->Reso-T2->Alchemy
- Class "Delve Socketable Currency"
- BaseType "Powerful Alchemical Resonator" "Potent Alchemical Resonator" "Primitive Alchemical Resonator"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 200 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T2
- SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T5
- PlayAlertSound 2 100 # DROPSOUND: Splinter Sound
- DisableDropSound True
- MinimapIcon 2 White Diamond
- PlayEffect White
- #------------------------------------
- # [1905] Delve Currency - Fossil
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Currency->Fossil->T1 %TB-Currency-Fossil-T1
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Faceted Fossil" "Fractured Fossil" "Hollow Fossil" "Glyphic Fossil" "Shuddering Fossil"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $Currency->Fossil->T2 %TB-Currency-Fossil-T2
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Bloodstained Fossil" "Tangled Fossil" "Gilded Fossil" "Sanctified Fossil" "Lucent Fossil"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
- SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T1 highlight
- SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T2
- PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
- DisableDropSound True
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $Currency->Fossil->T4 %H4
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Frigid Fossil" "Scorched Fossil" "Aberrant Fossil"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 200 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T2
- SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T5
- Show # $Currency->Fossil->T3
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Fossil"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T3
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- DisableDropSound True
- MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle
- PlayEffect Yellow
- #------------------------------------
- # [1906] Bestiary Currency
- #------------------------------------
- # You shall be missed Einhar... Stupid Beast
- #Show
- # Class Currency
- # BaseType "Necromancy Net"
- # SetFontSize 45
- # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
- # SetBorderColor 0 0 0
- # SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255
- # PlayAlertSound 2 300
- #Show
- # Class Currency
- # BaseType "Thaumaturgical Net"
- # SetFontSize 45
- # SetTextColor 155 210 135 255
- # SetBorderColor 0 255 36 255
- # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
- # DisableDropSound True
- #Show
- # Class Currency
- # BaseType "Strong Steel Net"
- # SetFontSize 45
- # SetTextColor 155 210 135 255
- # SetBorderColor 0 120 16 255
- # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
- # DisableDropSound True
- #Show
- # Class Currency
- # BaseType "Simple Iron Net" "Reinforced Iron Net" "Strong Iron Net" "Simple Steel Net" "Reinforced Steel Net"
- # SetFontSize 40
- # SetTextColor 155 210 135 255
- # SetBorderColor 110 110 110 255
- # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
- # DisableDropSound True
- #Show
- # Class Currency
- # BaseType "Simple Rope Net" "Reinforced Rope Net" "Strong Rope Net"
- # SetFontSize 40
- # SetTextColor 155 210 135 255
- # SetBorderColor 0 0 0
- # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
- # DisableDropSound True
- #------------------------------------
- # [1907] Top Currency
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Currency->Harbinger->Top %TB-Currency-T1-higher
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Mirror of Kalandra" "Exalted Orb" "Mirror Shard" "Eternal Orb" "Albino Rhoa Feather"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $Currency->Harbinger->Top %TB-Currency-T1-lower
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Divine Orb" "Orb of Annulment" "Harbinger's Orb" "Ancient Orb"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
- SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T1 highlight
- SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T2
- PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
- DisableDropSound True
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
- PlayEffect Red
- #------------------------------------
- # [1908] Essence Tier List
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Currency->Ess->T1 %TB-Essence-T1
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Shrieking Essence of" "Essence of Hysteria" "Essence of Insanity" "Essence of Horror" "Essence of Delirium" "Deafening Essence of" "Remnant of Corruption"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
- PlayEffect Yellow
- Show # $Currency->Ess->T2
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Screaming Essence of"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 15 180 200 255 # BACKGROUND: Ess T2
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
- PlayEffect White
- Show # $Currency->Ess->T3
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Wailing Essence of"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 30 159 200 255 # BACKGROUND: Ess T3
- MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
- PlayEffect White Temp
- Show # $Currency->Ess->T4
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Weeping Essence of"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 30 159 200 225 # BACKGROUND: Ess T4
- MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
- PlayEffect White Temp
- Show # $Currency->Ess->T5
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Muttering Essence of"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 30 159 200 200 # BACKGROUND: Ess T5
- Show #$Currency->Ess->T6
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Whispering Essence of"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 30 159 200 175 # BACKGROUND: Ess T6
- #------------------------------------
- # [1909] Perandus
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $x->PerandusCoin $Currency->Special
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Perandus Coin"
- StackSize >= 15
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 178 135 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Perandus Coin
- SetBorderColor 255 178 135 135 # BORDERCOLOR: Perandus Coin
- PlayEffect White Temp
- Show # $x->PerandusCoin $Currency->Special %H3
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Perandus Coin"
- StackSize < 4
- SetFontSize 36
- SetTextColor 255 178 135 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Perandus Coin
- SetBorderColor 255 178 135 135 # BORDERCOLOR: Perandus Coin
- Show # $x->PerandusCoin $Currency->Special
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Perandus Coin"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetTextColor 255 178 135 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Perandus Coin
- SetBorderColor 255 178 135 135 # BORDERCOLOR: Perandus Coin
- #------------------------------------
- # [1910] Breach
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $x->Breach->Blessing->T1
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Blessing of Chayula"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 130 25 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Blessing
- SetBorderColor 130 25 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Breach
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $x->Breach->Blessing->T2
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Blessing of Xoph" "Blessing of Esh" "Blessing of Tul" "Blessing of Uul-Netol"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
- PlayEffect Yellow
- Show # $x->Breach->Splinter->T1
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Splinter of Chayula"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 235 235 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Splinter
- SetBorderColor 210 20 210 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Chayula
- SetBackgroundColor 65 20 80 # BACKGROUND: Breach
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond
- PlayEffect White
- Show # $x->Breach->Splinter->T2 %HS5
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Splinter of Xoph" "Splinter of Esh" "Splinter of Tul" "Splinter of Uul-Netol"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 235 235 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Splinter
- SetBorderColor 130 25 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Breach
- SetBackgroundColor 65 20 80 # BACKGROUND: Breach
- PlayAlertSound 2 100 # DROPSOUND: Splinter Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Diamond
- #------------------------------------
- # [1911] Others
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Currency->Special %TB-Currency-NonDrop1
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Unshaping Orb" "Cartographer's Seal" "Prophecy" "Imprint" "Vial of"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
- PlayEffect White
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[2000]] Currency - PART 3 - Divination cards (yes the strange sorting is intended)
- #===============================================================================================================
- #------------------------------------
- # [2001] Exceptions to prevent ident. mistakes
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Div->T4 %TB-Divination-Exception
- Class "Divination"
- BaseType "The Wolf's Shadow"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 100 150 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Divi T4
- SetBackgroundColor 145 215 230 225 # BACKGROUND: Divi T4
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- #------------------------------------
- # [2002] T1 - Top tier cards
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Div->T1 %TB-Divination-T1
- Class "Divination"
- BaseType "Abandoned Wealth" "Beauty Through Death" "House of Mirrors" "Hunter's Reward" "Immortal Resolve" "Mawr Blaidd" "Polymath" "Pride Before the Fall" "Spark and the Flame" "The Artist" "The Celestial Stone" "The Doctor" "The Dragon's Heart" "The Endless Darkness" "The Fiend" "The Hunger" "The Immortal" "The Iron Bard" "The King's Heart" "The Master" "The Mayor" "The Professor" "The Queen" "The Saint's Treasure" "The Samurai's Eye" "The Spark and the Flame" "The Wind" "The Wolf" "The Wolven King's Bite" "Wealth and Power"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Divi T1
- SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Divi T1
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- #------------------------------------
- # [2003] T2 - Great cards
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Div->T2 %TB-Divination-T2
- Class "Divination"
- BaseType "Boon of the First Ones" "Chaotic Disposition" "Heterochromia" "Last Hope" "Perfection" "Saint's Treasure" "The Breach" "The Cartographer" "The Celestial Justicar" "The Enlightened" "The Hoarder" "The Last One Standing" "The Offering" "The Sephirot" "The Undaunted" "The Valkyrie" "The Valley of Steel Boxes" "The Vast" "The Void"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 200 200 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect: 83plus
- SetBackgroundColor 100 250 250 245 # BACKGROUND: Divi T2
- PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
- PlayEffect Red
- #------------------------------------
- # [2004] T3 - Decent cards
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Div->T3 %TB-Divination-T3
- Class "Divination"
- BaseType "Atziri's Arsenal" "Bowyer's Dream" "Emperor of Purity" "Gemcutter's Promise" "Glimmer of Hope" "Harmony of Souls" "Hope" "Hubris" "Humility" "Jack in the Box" "Left to Fate" "Lingering Remnants" "Lucky Connections" "Lucky Deck" "No Traces" "Rebirth" "Scholar of the Seas" "Standoff" "The Admirer" "The Aesthete" "The Beast" "The Body" "The Brittle Emperor" "The Cacophony" "The Chains that Bind" "The Cursed King" "The Dapper Prodigy" "The Dark Mage" "The Darkest Dream" "The Dreamer" "The Dreamland" "The Encroaching Darkness" "The Ethereal" "The Fletcher" "The Formless Sea" "The Gladiator" "The Hale Heart" "The Innocent" "The Inventor" "The Jester" "The Jeweller's Boon" "The Lion" "The Obscured" "The Penitent" "The Polymath" "The Porcupine" "The Price of Protection" "The Risk" "The Soul" "The Standoff" "The Surveyor" "The Sword King's Salute" "The Thaumaturgist" "The Throne" "The Trial" "The Twilight Moon" "The Undisputed" "The Warlord" "The Wilted Rose" "The World Eater" "The Wretched" "Time-Lost Relic" "Valley of Steel Boxes"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Divi T1
- SetBackgroundColor 50 220 240 235 # BACKGROUND: Divi T3
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Triangle
- PlayEffect Yellow
- #------------------------------------
- # [2005] Special - Special Currency Cards
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Div->T4Currency %HS5 %TB-Divination-T4Currency
- Class "Divination"
- BaseType "Coveted Possession" "Emperor's Luck" "Loyalty" "The Catalyst" "The Gemcutter" "The Survivalist" "The Union" "The Wrath" "Three Faces in the Dark" "Three Voices" "Vinia's Token"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 100 150 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Divi T4
- SetBackgroundColor 145 215 230 225 # BACKGROUND: Divi T4
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
- PlayEffect White
- Show # $Div->T5Currency %H4 %TB-Divination-T5Currency
- Class "Divination"
- BaseType "Rain of Chaos" "The Puzzle" "The Scholar"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 175 215 230 180 # BACKGROUND: Divi T5
- #------------------------------------
- # [2006] T5 - Format trash tier cards... before
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Div->T5 %H3 %TB-Divination-T5
- Class "Divination"
- BaseType "A Mother's Parting Gift" "Anarchy's Price" "Audacity" "Birth of the Three" "Carrion Crow" "Cartographer's Delight" "Death" "Destined to Crumble" "Doedre's Madness" "Dying Anguish" "Hermit" "King's Blade" "Lantador's Lost Love" "Light and Truth" "Metalsmith's Gift" "Might is Right" "Other Cheek" "Prosperity" "Rain of Chaos" "Rain Tempter" "Struck by Lightning" "The Army of Blood" "The Betrayal" "The Coming Storm" "The Conduit" "The Eye of the Dragon" "The Feast" "The Incantation" "The Inoculated" "The Lich" "The Lover" "The Lunaris Priestess" "The Metalsmith's Gift" "The Oath" "The Rabid Rhoa" "The Ruthless Ceinture" "The Scarred Meadow" "The Scholar" "The Sigil" "The Siren" "The Surgeon" "The Tower" "The Twins" "The Warden" "The Wolverine" "Thunderous Skies" "Volatile Power"
- SetFontSize 36
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 175 215 230 180 # BACKGROUND: Divi T5
- #------------------------------------
- # [2007] T4 - ...showing the remaining cards
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $Div->T4 %HS4
- Class "Divination"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 100 150 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Divi T4
- SetBackgroundColor 145 215 230 225 # BACKGROUND: Divi T4
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
- PlayEffect White Temp
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[2100]] Currency - PART 4 - remaining items
- #===============================================================================================================
- Show # %H2 %TB-Currency-T8
- Class Currency
- BaseType "Scroll Fragment"
- SetFontSize 28
- SetTextColor 170 158 130 165 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic 3
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- Show # %H3
- Class Currency
- SetFontSize 36
- SetTextColor 170 158 130 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[2200]] Leaguestones - Tierlists
- #===============================================================================================================
- #Show
- # ItemLevel >= 67
- # Class Leaguestone
- # BaseType "Perandus" "Breach" "Nemesis" "Bloodline" "Beyond" "Onslaught" "Domination"
- # Rarity = Magic
- # SetFontSize 45
- # SetTextColor 50 0 100 255
- # SetBorderColor 50 0 100 255
- # SetBackgroundColor 90 240 140 255
- # PlayAlertSound 2 300
- #Show
- # Class Leaguestone
- # Rarity >= Magic
- # SetFontSize 45
- # SetTextColor 50 0 100 255
- # SetBorderColor 50 0 100 255
- # SetBackgroundColor 100 220 145 255
- # PlayAlertSound 2 300
- #Show
- # ItemLevel >= 67
- # Class Leaguestone
- # BaseType "Perandus" "Breach" "Nemesis" "Bloodline" "Beyond" "Onslaught" "Domination"
- # Rarity = Normal
- # SetFontSize 45
- # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
- # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
- # SetBackgroundColor 100 220 145 255
- # PlayAlertSound 2 300
- #Show
- # Class Leaguestone
- # Rarity = Normal
- # SetFontSize 40
- # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
- # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
- # SetBackgroundColor 70 160 100 230
- # PlayAlertSound 2 300
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[2300]] Uniques!
- #===============================================================================================================
- #------------------------------------
- # [2301] Exceptions
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $uniques->T2
- Rarity Unique
- BaseType "Simple Robe"
- SocketGroup WWWWWW
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T2
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- Show # $uniques->T1
- LinkedSockets 6
- Rarity Unique
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Unique
- SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect Unique
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- #------------------------------------
- # [2302] Harbinger - Pieces
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $uniques->Harbinger
- Class Piece
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
- SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T1 highlight
- SetBackgroundColor 37 105 175 255 # BACKGROUND: Harbinger Piece
- PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
- MinimapIcon 0 Blue Star
- PlayEffect Blue
- #------------------------------------
- # [2303] Tier 1 uniques
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $uniques->T1 %TB-Uniques-T1
- Rarity Unique
- BaseType "Ambush Mitts" "Assassin's Boots" "Callous Mask" "Clutching Talisman" "Crusader Boots" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Glorious Plate" "Grand Mana Flask" "Greatwolf Talisman" "Harlequin Mask" "Legion Gloves" "Occultist's Vestment" "Prismatic Jewel" "Prophecy Wand" "Rawhide Boots" "Rawhide Tower Shield" "Rotfeather Talisman" "Royal Axe" "Ruby Flask" "Sanctified Life Flask" "Sanctified Mana Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Wereclaw Talisman"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Unique
- SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect Unique
- SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
- PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
- MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
- PlayEffect Red
- #------------------------------------
- # [2304] Tier 2 uniques
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $uniques->T2 %TB-Uniques-T2
- Rarity Unique
- BaseType "Arcanist Gloves" "Bismuth Flask" "Black Maw Talisman" "Blood Raiment" "Carnal Boots" "Carnal Sceptre" "Citadel Bow" "Cutlass" "Destiny Leather" "Full Wyrmscale" "Gemstone Sword" "Hydrascale Boots" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Magistrate Crown" "Nightmare Mace" "Nubuck Boots" "Ritual Sceptre" "Riveted Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Sacrificial Garb" "Savant's Robe" "Siege Axe" "Topaz Flask" "Vaal Mask" "Vaal Spirit Shield"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T2
- PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
- MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
- PlayEffect Yellow
- Show # $uniques->T2
- LinkedSockets = 5
- Rarity Unique
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T2
- PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
- MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
- PlayEffect Yellow
- #------------------------------------
- # [2305] Multi-Unique bases.
- #------------------------------------
- # These bases have multiple uniques. One of the uniques, is a high value one
- # While others are cheap. We give them a high quality display, while making a normal unique
- # Sound to prevent false excitement.
- Show # $uniques->MultiBase %TB-Uniques-T2-MultiBase-League
- Rarity Unique
- BaseType "Amber Amulet" "Exquisite Leather" "Lapis Amulet" "Leather Belt" "Onyx Amulet" "Titan Greaves" "Topaz Ring"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T2
- PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
- MinimapIcon 0 Blue Star
- PlayEffect Blue
- Show # $uniques->MultiBase %TB-Uniques-T2-MultiBase-Special
- Rarity Unique
- BaseType "Carved Wand" "Citrine Amulet" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Goathide Boots" "Gold Amulet" "Gold Ring" "Granite Flask" "Hubris Circlet" "Imperial Bow" "Imperial Staff" "Murder Boots" "Paua Ring" "Sadist Garb" "Sorcerer Boots" "Stibnite Flask" "Terror Claw" "Tornado Wand" "Two-Stone Ring" "Unset Ring" "Vaal Sceptre"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T2
- PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
- MinimapIcon 0 Blue Star
- PlayEffect Blue
- #------------------------------------
- # [2306] Special Unique Searches
- #------------------------------------
- #Show
- # ItemLevel >= 85
- # Class "Rings"
- # Rarity Unique
- # SetTextColor 175 96 37 255
- # SetBorderColor 255 0 0
- # SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255
- # PlayAlertSound 3 300
- #Show
- # Class "Rings"
- # Rarity Unique
- # SetTextColor 175 96 37 255
- # SetBorderColor 255 0 0
- # SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255
- # PlayAlertSound 3 300
- #------------------------------------
- # [2307] Prophecy-Material Uniques
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $uniques->Prophecy %TB-Uniques-Fated
- Rarity Unique
- BaseType "Coral Amulet" "Coral Ring" "Crude Bow" "Death Bow" "Fire Arrow Quiver" "Gavel" "Gilded Sallet" "Gnarled Branch" "Goathide Gloves" "Golden Buckler" "Iron Hat" "Iron Ring" "Iron Staff" "Jade Amulet" "Jade Hatchet" "Jagged Maul" "Long Bow" "Ornate Sword" "Painted Buckler" "Plank Kite Shield" "Plate Vest" "Reaver Sword" "Reinforced Greaves" "Royal Bow" "Royal Staff" "Scholar Boots" "Serrated Arrow Quiver" "Sledgehammer" "Spiraled Wand" "Studded Belt" "Velvet Gloves" "Velvet Slippers" "Vine Circlet" "War Buckler" "Wild Leather" "Woodsplitter"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Unique
- SetBorderColor 100 37 255 200 # BORDERCOLOR: Prophecy Unique
- SetBackgroundColor 31 9 46 255 # BACKGROUND: Prophecy
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star
- PlayEffect Brown
- #------------------------------------
- # [2308] Random Uniques
- #------------------------------------
- Show # $uniques T3
- Rarity Unique
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Unique
- SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect Unique
- SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T3
- PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
- MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star
- PlayEffect Brown
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[2400]] Quest Items and Shaper Orbs
- #===============================================================================================================
- Show # $quest
- Class "Incursion Item"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 74 230 58 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Quest
- SetBorderColor 74 230 58 # BORDERCOLOR: Quest Item
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 1 Green Hexagon
- PlayEffect Green
- Show # $quest
- Class Quest
- BaseType "Shaper's Orb" "Elder's Orb"
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 74 230 58 # BORDERCOLOR: Quest Item
- PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
- MinimapIcon 1 Green Hexagon
- PlayEffect Green Temp
- Show # $quest
- Class Quest
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 74 230 58 # BORDERCOLOR: Quest Item
- MinimapIcon 1 Green Hexagon
- PlayEffect Green Temp
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[2500]] OVERRIDE AREA 4 - Insert your custom Leveling adjustments here
- #===============================================================================================================
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[2600]] Leveling - Flasks
- #===============================================================================================================
- #------------------------------------
- # [2601] Hide unusable flasks
- #------------------------------------
- Hide # lvl
- Quality = 0
- Class "Life Flask" "Mana Flask"
- BaseType Small Medium Large Greater Grand Colossal Sacred
- SetFontSize 20
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- #------------------------------------
- # [2602] Show Usable flasks (normal)
- #------------------------------------
- Show # %D4
- ItemLevel <= 40
- Class "Hybrid Flask"
- BaseType "Medium"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetBorderColor 100 0 100 # BORDERCOLOR: Hybrid
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- # Maybe hide later? Medium hyrbid is a shit flask for LLD
- Show # %D5
- ItemLevel <= 40
- ItemLevel >= 24
- Class "Life Flasks"
- BaseType "Giant"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetBorderColor 120 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect Life Flask
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- Show # %D5
- ItemLevel <= 40
- ItemLevel >= 24
- Class "Mana Flasks"
- BaseType "Giant"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetBorderColor 0 0 120 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect: Mana Flask
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
- #------------------------------------
- # [2605] Show Quality/Utility flasks
- #------------------------------------
- Show # %D4
- Quality = 20
- ItemLevel <= 65
- Rarity <= Magic
- BaseType "Flask"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T1 highlight
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %D3
- Quality >= 15
- ItemLevel <= 65
- Rarity <= Magic
- BaseType "Flask"
- SetFontSize 40
- SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %D2
- Quality > 5
- ItemLevel <= 65
- Rarity <= Magic
- BaseType "Flask"
- SetFontSize 36
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %D3
- ItemLevel <= 65
- DropLevel <= 28
- Rarity <= Magic
- Class "Utility Flasks"
- SetFontSize 36
- SetBorderColor 50 200 125 # BORDERCOLOR: Flask
- SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 # BACKGROUND: Flasks
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[2800]] Leveling - RGB Recipes
- #===============================================================================================================
- Show # %D3
- Width <= 2
- Height <= 2
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %D3
- Width <= 1
- Height <= 3
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetFontSize 45
- SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %D2
- Width >= 2
- Height >= 4
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetFontSize 36
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- Show # %D2
- Height <= 3
- SocketGroup RGB
- SetFontSize 36
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
- SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[3200]] HIDE LAYER 5 - Remaining Items
- #===============================================================================================================
- Hide # Minimize junk instead of hiding (if "Show") %TC-Junkable
- ItemLevel <= 42
- Class "Two Hand" "Bows" "One Hand" "Wand" "Sceptre" "Staves" "Claws" "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Helmets" "Quivers" "Flask" "Daggers" "Shields" "Belts" "Rings" "Amulets" "Jewel"
- SetFontSize 18
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T3
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 75 # BACKGROUND: Hidden
- Hide
- DropLevel >= 28
- Class Gems
- SetFontSize 18
- SetBorderColor 0 0 0 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T3
- SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 75 # BACKGROUND: Hidden
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[3300]] CATCHALL - if you see pink items YOU ARE USING THE FILTER OUTSIDE OF LLD AREAS
- #===============================================================================================================
- Show # SafetyLine!
- SetFontSize 45
- SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Error
- SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Error
- #===============================================================================================================
- # [[3400]] Special thanks to!
- #===============================================================================================================
- #Neversink, I basically just ripped up his standard filter and put in section 716 and modified flask.
- #If for some strange reason you're using this filter but still not familiar with his filters, visit
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