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LLD Filter

a guest
Dec 7th, 2018
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  1. #===============================================================================================================
  2. # GDBobby's Filter for LLD inspired by NeverSink's Indepth Loot Filter - for Path of Exile
  3. #===============================================================================================================
  4. # VERSION: 1.0 [6.34]
  5. # TYPE: LLD
  7. # AUTHOR: Owusup
  8. # BUILDNOTES: This is heavily modified from Neverink's normal filter for Delve
  9. #
  10. #------------------------------------
  12. #------------------------------------
  13. #
  14. # Forum Post with all the related info at
  15. # How did you even get this filter without visiting the forum post anyways
  16. #
  17. #------------------------------------
  19. #------------------------------------
  20. #
  21. # 0) It's recommended to check for updates once a month or at least before new leagues, to receive economy finetuning and new features!
  22. # 1) Paste this file into the following folder: %userprofile%/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile
  23. # 2) INGAME: Escape -> Options -> UI -> Scroll down -> Select the filter from the Dropdown box
  24. #
  25. #------------------------------------
  26. # CONTACT - if you want to get notifications about updates or just get in touch:
  27. #------------------------------------
  29. # Add Owusup in game
  30. # You can also post on the forum page or send me a message on the forums, but I won't check it as often.
  32. #===============================================================================================================
  34. #===============================================================================================================
  35. #
  36. # [[0100]] OVERRIDE AREA 1 - Override ALL rules here
  38. # [[0200]] 6 LINKS -- REMOVED (6l can't drop until il 50)
  39. # [[0300]] SHAPER ITEMS -- REMOVED
  40. # [[0400]] ELDER ITEMS -- REMOVED
  42. # [[0500]] Explicit Mod filtering
  43. # [0501] League-Specific Magic Items
  45. # [[0600]] Explicit Mod filtering - REMOVED
  47. # [[0700]] Recipes, Magic and Normal items (endgame!) -- Heavily Modified
  48. # [0701] Overqualitied Items
  49. # [0702] 5-Linked items
  50. # [0704] Exclusive bases: Stygian Vise
  51. # [0705] Abyss Jewels (Rare and Magic)
  52. # [0707] Exclusive bases: Trinkets -- Talismans only remaining
  53. # [0709] Corrupted Amulets
  54. # [0710] Chancing items
  55. # [0712] Add your own crafting rules here
  56. # [0716] LLD Crafting Bases
  57. # [0718] Fishing Rod
  58. # [0720] Chromatic recipe items ("RGB Recipe")
  59. # [0723] W-soc offhand weapons
  60. # [[0800]] HIDE LAYER 1 - MAGIC AND NORMAL ITEMS -- probably going to be modified
  61. # [[0900]] Currency - PART 1 - Common currency
  62. # [[1000]] OVERRIDE AREA 2 - Override the default rare rulesets here
  68. # [[1400]] OVERRIDE AREA 3 - Override Map, Gem and Flask drops here -- EMPTY
  69. # [[1500]] Gems
  70. # [1501] Special Gems
  71. # [1502] Top Gems
  72. # [1503] Quality Gems
  73. # [1504] Leveled Gems
  74. # [1505] Other gems
  75. # [[1600]] UTILITY FLASKS (Levelling Rules)
  76. # [[1700]] HIDE LAYER 3: Random Endgame Flasks
  77. # [[1800]] Maps, fragments and labyrinth items -- Heavily Modified
  78. # [1802] Labyrinth items, Offerings
  79. # [1808] Map fragments
  80. # [[1900]] Currency - PART 2 - Rare currency
  81. # [1901] Regular Rare Currency
  82. # [1902] Harbinger Currency
  83. # [1903] Incursion Currency
  84. # [1904] Delve Currency - Resonators
  85. # [1905] Delve Currency - Fossil
  86. # [1906] Bestiary Currency
  87. # [1907] Top Currency
  88. # [1908] Essence Tier List
  89. # [1909] Perandus
  90. # [1910] Breach
  91. # [1911] Others
  92. # [[2000]] Currency - PART 3 - Divination cards (yes the strange sorting is intended)
  93. # [2001] Exceptions to prevent ident. mistakes
  94. # [2002] T1 - Top tier cards
  95. # [2003] T2 - Great cards
  96. # [2004] T3 - Decent cards
  97. # [2005] Special - Special Currency Cards
  98. # [2006] T5 - Format trash tier cards... before
  99. # [2007] T4 - ...showing the remaining cards
  100. # [[2100]] Currency - PART 4 - remaining items
  101. # [[2200]] Leaguestones - Tierlists
  102. # [[2300]] Uniques!
  103. # [2301] Exceptions
  104. # [2302] Harbinger - Pieces
  105. # [2303] Tier 1 uniques
  106. # [2304] Tier 2 uniques
  107. # [2305] Multi-Unique bases.
  108. # [2306] Special Unique Searches
  109. # [2307] Prophecy-Material Uniques
  110. # [2308] Random Uniques
  111. # [[2400]] Quest Items and Shaper Orbs
  112. # [[2500]] OVERRIDE AREA 4 - Insert your custom Leveling adjustments here
  113. # [[2600]] Flasks -- MODIFIED
  114. # [2601] Hide Unusable Flask
  115. # [2602] Usable Flasks
  116. # [2605] Show Quality and Utility flasks
  117. # [[2700]] Leveling - Merged Rules -- REMOVED
  118. # [[2800]] Leveling - RGB Recipes
  119. # [[2900]] Leveling - RARES -- Heavily Adjusted
  121. # [[3000]] Leveling - Useful items -- REMOVED
  122. # [[3100]] Leveling - normal and magic item progression -- REMOVED
  123. # [[3200]] HIDE LAYER 5 - Remaining Items
  124. # [[3300]] CATCHALL - if you see pink items - send me a mail please - should never happen
  125. # [[3400]] Special thanks to!
  127. #===============================================================================================================
  128. # [[0100]] OVERRIDE AREA 1 - Override ALL rules here
  129. #===============================================================================================================
  131. #===============================================================================================================
  132. # [[0500]] Explicit Mod filtering
  133. #===============================================================================================================
  135. #------------------------------------
  136. # [0501] League-Specific Magic Items
  137. #------------------------------------
  139. Show # Veiled Mods in LLD
  140. Identified True
  141. DropLevel <= 28
  142. HasExplicitMod "Veil"
  143. SetFontSize 45
  144. SetBorderColor 190 0 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: LLD Base
  145. SetBackgroundColor 60 105 60 255
  146. PlayAlertSound 2 300
  147. MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon
  148. PlayEffect White Temp
  150. Show # Safety Entry - just to test if there's unided veiled items
  151. DropLevel <= 28
  152. HasExplicitMod "Veil"
  153. SetFontSize 45
  154. SetTextColor 255 190 150
  155. SetBorderColor 190 0 190 240 #BORDERCOLOR: LLD Base
  156. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  157. MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon
  158. PlayEffect White Temp
  160. Show # Delve Mod Items Usable in LLD
  161. Identified True
  162. HasExplicitMod "of Crafting" "of Spellcraft" "of Weaponcraft" "of the Underground" "Subterranean"
  163. DropLevel <= 28
  164. SetFontSize 50
  165. SetTextColor 255 190 150 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+ + LLD
  166. SetBorderColor 190 0 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: LLD Base
  167. SetBackgroundColor 60 105 60 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1 + LLD
  168. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  169. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  170. PlayEffect Blue
  172. Show # Incursion Mod Items Usable in LLD
  173. Identified True
  174. HasExplicitMod "Tacati" "Citaqualotl" "Matatl" "Topotante" "Xopec" "Guatelitzi" "Puhuarte"
  175. DropLevel <= 28
  176. SetFontSize 50
  177. SetTextColor 255 190 150 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+ + LLD
  178. SetBorderColor 190 0 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: LLD Base
  179. SetBackgroundColor 30 75 30 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1 + LLD
  180. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  181. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  182. PlayEffect Blue
  184. Show # Warband Mod Items Usable in LLD
  185. Identified True
  186. HasExplicitMod "Brinerot" "Mutewind" "Redblade"
  187. DropLevel <= 28
  188. SetFontSize 50
  189. SetTextColor 255 190 150 240 # TEXTCOLOR: Special + LLD
  190. SetBorderColor 190 0 190 255 # BORDERCOLOR: LLD Base
  191. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  192. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  193. PlayEffect Blue
  195. Show # Delve Mod Items - Poor %D3
  196. Identified True
  197. HasExplicitMod "of Crafting" "of Spellcraft" "of Weaponcraft"
  198. SetFontSize 40
  199. SetTextColor 255 190 0 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+
  200. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  202. Show # Delve Mod Items - Expensive
  203. Identified True
  204. HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean"
  205. SetFontSize 45
  206. SetTextColor 255 190 0 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+
  207. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  208. SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1
  209. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  210. PlayEffect Blue
  212. Show # Stupid Beast Mod Items
  213. Identified True
  214. HasExplicitMod "of Farrul" "of Craiceann" "of Fenumus" "of Saqawal"
  215. SetFontSize 45
  216. SetTextColor 255 190 0 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+
  217. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  218. SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1
  219. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  220. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  221. PlayEffect Blue
  223. Show # Incursion Mod Items
  224. Identified True
  225. Rarity Rare
  226. HasExplicitMod "Tacati" "Citaqualotl" "Matatl" "Topotante" "Xopec" "Guatelitzi" "Puhuarte"
  227. SetFontSize 45
  228. SetTextColor 255 190 0 # TEXTCOLOR: Rare 75+
  229. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  230. SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1
  231. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  232. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  233. PlayEffect Blue
  235. Show # Incursion Mod Items
  236. Identified True
  237. Rarity Magic
  238. HasExplicitMod "Tacati" "Citaqualotl" "Matatl" "Topotante" "Xopec" "Guatelitzi" "Puhuarte"
  239. SetFontSize 45
  240. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  241. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  242. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  243. PlayEffect Blue
  245. Show # Warband Mod Items
  246. Identified True
  247. HasExplicitMod "Brinerot" "Mutewind" "Redblade" "Betrayer's" "Deceiver's" "Turncoat's"
  248. SetFontSize 45
  249. SetTextColor 0 240 190 240 # TEXTCOLOR: Special
  250. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  251. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  252. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  253. PlayEffect Blue
  256. #===============================================================================================================
  257. # [[0700]] Recipes, Magic and Normal items (endgame!)
  258. #===============================================================================================================
  260. #------------------------------------
  261. # [0701] Overqualitied Items
  262. #------------------------------------
  264. Show
  265. Corrupted False
  266. Quality >= 25
  267. ItemLevel = 36
  268. SetFontSize 45
  269. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  270. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  271. PlayEffect Blue
  273. #------------------------------------
  274. # [0702] 5-Linked items
  275. #------------------------------------
  276. # Very useful at the start of the league. Otherwise often trash. Still, highlight material.
  277. # Thereโ€™s a lot of exceptions we can introduce here, such as 6S, high value bases, but this
  278. # Is a rare occurrence, so we wonโ€™t be doing it for performance reasons.
  280. Show # $linked->5L $lvl %D5
  281. LinkedSockets 5
  282. ItemLevel = 36
  283. Rarity < Unique
  284. SetFontSize 45
  285. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  286. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  287. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  288. MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
  289. PlayEffect White
  291. #------------------------------------
  292. # [0703] 6-Socket Items
  293. #------------------------------------
  294. # Can be sold for 7 jeweller orbs. We also highlight the ilvl83/84 ones that are OK for crafting.
  295. # Chances are high that people will want to buy those.
  297. #------------------------------------
  298. # [0704] Exclusive bases: Stygian Vise
  299. #------------------------------------
  301. Show # $rare $x->Abyss->Stygian $EGC->86 %TB-Vise
  302. ItemLevel >= 86
  303. Rarity <= Rare
  304. BaseType "Stygian Vise"
  305. SetFontSize 45
  306. SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
  307. SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T1 highlight
  308. SetBackgroundColor 255 125 0 255 # BACKGROUND: SpecialBase T1
  309. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  310. MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond
  311. PlayEffect Blue
  313. Show # $Rare->Regal $Rare->tiny $x->Abyss->Stygian %TB-Vise
  314. ItemLevel >= 75
  315. Rarity <= Rare
  316. BaseType "Stygian Vise"
  317. SetFontSize 45
  318. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  319. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  320. SetBackgroundColor 170 225 70 255 # BACKGROUND: Trinket T1
  321. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  322. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  323. PlayEffect Blue Temp
  325. Show # $Rare->tiny $x->Abyss->Stygian %TB-Vise %H5
  326. BaseType "Stygian Vise"
  327. SetFontSize 45
  328. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  329. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  330. SetBackgroundColor 170 225 70 255 # BACKGROUND: Trinket T1
  331. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  332. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  333. PlayEffect Blue Temp
  335. #------------------------------------
  336. # [0705] Abyss Jewels (Rare and Magic)
  337. #------------------------------------
  339. Show # $EGC->82 $x->Abyss->Jewel $Jewels->Rare
  340. ItemLevel >= 82
  341. Rarity = Rare
  342. Class "Abyss Jewel"
  343. SetFontSize 45
  344. SetTextColor 255 255 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Text
  345. SetBorderColor 220 0 0 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect High Potential
  346. SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 # BACKGROUND: Rare Jewel
  347. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  348. MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond
  349. PlayEffect Blue
  351. Show # $EGC->82 $x->Abyss->Jewel $Jewels->Magic
  352. ItemLevel >= 82
  353. Rarity <= Magic
  354. Class "Abyss Jewel"
  355. SetFontSize 45
  356. SetTextColor 0 100 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Magic
  357. SetBorderColor 220 0 0 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect High Potential
  358. SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 # BACKGROUND: Jewel Magic
  359. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  360. MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond
  361. PlayEffect Blue
  363. Show # $x->Abyss->Jewel $Jewels->Rare
  364. Rarity = Rare
  365. Class "Abyss Jewel"
  366. SetFontSize 45
  367. SetTextColor 255 255 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Text
  368. SetBorderColor 200 200 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect: 83plus
  369. SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 # BACKGROUND: Rare Jewel
  370. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  371. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  372. PlayEffect Blue Temp
  374. Show # $x->Abyss->Jewel $Jewels->Magic %H4
  375. Rarity <= Magic
  376. Class "Abyss Jewel"
  377. SetFontSize 45
  378. SetTextColor 0 100 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Magic
  379. SetBorderColor 0 75 250 # BORDERCOLOR: Magic Jewel
  380. SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 # BACKGROUND: Jewel Magic
  382. Show # $Jewels->Rare %TC-Rare-Jewels
  383. Rarity Rare
  384. Class Jewel
  385. SetFontSize 45
  386. SetTextColor 255 255 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Text
  387. SetBorderColor 200 200 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect: 83plus
  388. SetBackgroundColor 120 120 0 225 # BACKGROUND: Rare Jewel
  389. MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
  391. #------------------------------------
  392. # [0706] Exclusive bases: Top Value
  393. #------------------------------------
  394. # These bases are valuable crafting due to their rarity and strong implicit.
  396. #------------------------------------
  397. # [0707] Exclusive bases: Trinkets
  398. #------------------------------------
  399. # These bases are valuable crafting due to their rarity and strong implicit.
  401. Show # $x->Talismans %TB-Talisman
  402. Rarity < Unique
  403. Class Amulets
  404. BaseType "Talisman"
  405. SetFontSize 45
  406. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  407. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  409. #------------------------------------
  410. # [0709] Corrupted Amulets
  411. #------------------------------------
  412. # Corrupted amulets for rare lab shrines (to turn them rare)
  414. # Show
  415. # Corrupted True
  416. # Class Amulet Belt
  417. # Rarity = Normal
  418. # SetFontSize 36
  419. # SetBorderColor 255 125 0 255
  421. #------------------------------------
  422. # [0710] Chancing items
  423. #------------------------------------
  424. # You can add your own items here. The items in this section have a dropsound
  427. # Agate Amulet - ANARCHY ONLY - can be chance to voll's in anarchy maps
  428. # Leather belt - NEMESIS only - can be chanced into a headhunter belt!
  431. # Prophecy wand - Void Battery
  432. # Judgement Staff - Hegemony's/Pledge of Hands
  435. # Example, to add Agate amulet:
  436. # BaseType "Sorcerer Boots"
  438. #Show
  439. # BaseType "Glorious Plate" "Close Helmet" "Occultist's Vestment"
  440. # Rarity Normal
  441. # SetFontSize 38
  442. # SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
  443. # SetBorderColor 0 210 0 210
  444. # PlayAlertSound 7 300
  445. # Corrupted False
  447. Show # $Chancing %TB-T2-Chancing %D3
  448. Corrupted False
  449. Rarity Normal
  450. BaseType "Leather Belt"
  451. SetFontSize 36
  452. SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
  453. SetBorderColor 0 150 0 150 # BORDERCOLOR: T2 Chancing
  455. Show # $Chancing %TB-T2-Chancing %D2
  456. Corrupted False
  457. Rarity Normal
  458. BaseType "Sadist Garb" "Glorious Plate" "Gold Amulet" "Sapphire Flask" "Imperial Bow"
  459. SetFontSize 36
  460. SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
  461. SetBorderColor 0 150 0 150 # BORDERCOLOR: T2 Chancing
  463. #------------------------------------
  464. # [0712] Add your own crafting rules here
  465. #------------------------------------
  466. # Please use ItemLevel >= 65if you DON'T want your rules to affect Leveling progression.
  467. # Example: To highlight all white "Vaal Claw" and "Gemini Claw" in the endgame, uncomment the following section (remove the '#')
  469. # Show
  470. # BaseType "Gemini Claw" "Vaal Claw"
  471. # ItemLevel >= 65
  472. # Rarity = Normal
  473. # SetBorderColor 0 255 255 255
  474. # SetFontSize 40
  476. #------------------------------------
  477. # [0715] 60+ Crafting rules for 60++ trinkets
  478. #------------------------------------
  479. # This section handles the crafting bases for the entry level endgame
  481. Show # $Jewels->Magic %H2
  482. Rarity <= Magic
  483. Class Jewel
  484. SetFontSize 40
  485. SetTextColor 0 100 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Jewel Magic
  486. SetBorderColor 0 75 250 # BORDERCOLOR: Magic Jewel
  487. SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255 # BACKGROUND: Jewel Magic
  489. #------------------------------------
  490. # [0716] LLD crafting bases
  491. #------------------------------------
  492. # This section handles LLD crafting bases.
  494. #Accessories - RARE
  495. Show # %REMS1 %D4
  496. Rarity Rare
  497. Class "Rings" "Amulets" "Belts"
  498. ItemLevel <= 36
  499. DropLevel <= 28
  500. SetFontSize 45
  501. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  502. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  503. SetBackgroundColor 170 225 70 255 # BACKGROUND: Trinket T1
  504. PlayAlertSound 12 300 # DROPSOUND: Underrated Leveling Sound
  506. #Accessories
  507. Show
  508. Class "Rings" "Amulets" "Belts"
  509. ItemLevel = 36
  510. DropLevel <= 28
  511. SetFontSize 45
  513. #Armour Bases
  514. Show
  515. ItemLevel = 36
  516. BaseType "Full Plate" "Close Helmet" "Bronze Gauntlets" "Plated Greaves" "Copper Tower Shield"
  517. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  518. SetBackgroundColor 150 0 0 200
  520. #Evasion Bases
  521. Show
  522. ItemLevel = 36
  523. BaseType "Full Leather" "Leather Hood" "Deerskin Gloves" "Deerskin Boots"
  524. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  525. SetBackgroundColor 0 150 0 200
  527. #Energy Shield Bases
  528. Show
  529. ItemLevel = 36
  530. BaseType "Mage's Vestment" "Tribal Circlet" "Silk Gloves" "Silk Slippers" "Jingling Spirit Shield"
  531. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  532. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 150 200
  534. #Armour/Evasion Base
  535. Show
  536. ItemLevel = 36
  537. BaseType "Full Scale Armour" "Visored Sallet" "Bronzescale Gauntlets" "Ironscale Boots"
  538. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  539. SetBackgroundColor 150 150 0 200
  541. #Armour/Energy Shield Base
  542. Show
  543. ItemLevel = 36
  544. BaseType "Full Ringmail" "Great Helmet" "Ringmail Gloves" "Mesh Boots"
  545. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  546. SetBackgroundColor 150 0 150 200
  548. #Evasion/Energy Shield Base
  549. Show
  550. ItemLevel = 36
  551. BaseType "Scarlet Raiment" "Festival Mask" "Strapped Mitts" "Clasped Boots"
  552. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  553. SetBackgroundColor 0 150 150 200
  555. #One Handed Melee Weapons
  556. Show
  557. ItemLevel = 36
  558. BaseType "Elegant Sword" "Arming Axe" "Ceremonial Mace" "Ritual Sceptre" "Timeworn Claw" "Skean"
  559. SetBorderColor 200 150 150
  561. #Two Handed Melee Weapons
  562. Show
  563. ItemLevel = 36
  564. BaseType "Ornate Sword" "Gilded Axe" "Brass Maul" "Royal Staff"
  565. SetBorderColor 200 0 0
  567. #Ranged Weapons
  568. Show
  569. ItemLevel = 36
  570. BaseType "Royal Bow" "Spiraled Wand"
  571. SetBorderColor 0 200 0
  573. #Quartz Weapons
  574. Show
  575. ItemLevel = 36
  576. BaseType "Quartz Sceptre" "Quartz Wand" "Copper Kris"
  577. SetBorderColor 0 0 200
  579. ## SHIELDS
  581. #Spell Dodge (Ev ES)
  582. Show
  583. ItemLevel = 36
  584. BaseType "Alloyed Spiked Shield"
  585. SetBorderColor 0 200 200
  586. SetBackgroundColor 0 150 150 200
  588. #Dodge (Ev ES)
  589. Show
  590. ItemLevel = 36
  591. BaseType "Burnished Spiked Shield"
  592. SetBorderColor 0 200 200
  593. SetBackgroundColor 0 150 150 200
  595. #Spell Damage Shield - Border for weapon type
  596. Show
  597. ItemLevel = 36
  598. BaseType "Bone Spirit Shield"
  599. SetBorderColor 100 100 200
  600. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 200 200
  602. #------------------------------------
  603. # [0718] Fishing Rod
  604. #------------------------------------
  606. # Give a man a fish and he won't be hungry for a day, teach a man to fish and GGG will ban you for disclosing fishing secrets.
  608. Show # $x->Fish %TC-Secret
  609. Class "Fishing Rod"
  610. SetFontSize 45
  611. SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
  612. SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
  613. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  614. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  615. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  616. PlayEffect Red
  618. #------------------------------------
  619. # [0720] Chromatic recipe items ("RGB Recipe")
  620. #------------------------------------
  621. # These items have a RGB link and sell for a chromatic orb each.
  623. Show # %H2 $Recipe->RGB->Small
  624. Width <= 2
  625. Height <= 2
  626. ItemLevel >= 65
  627. Rarity < Rare
  628. SocketGroup RGB
  629. SetFontSize 36
  630. SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  631. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  633. Show # %H2 $Recipe->RGB->Small
  634. Width <= 1
  635. Height <= 3
  636. ItemLevel >= 65
  637. Rarity < Rare
  638. SocketGroup RGB
  639. SetFontSize 36
  640. SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  641. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  643. Show # %H1 $Recipe->RGB->Large
  644. Width >= 2
  645. Height >= 4
  646. ItemLevel >= 65
  647. Rarity < Rare
  648. SocketGroup RGB
  649. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  650. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  652. Show # %H1 $Recipe->RGB
  653. ItemLevel >= 65
  654. Rarity < Rare
  655. SocketGroup RGB
  656. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  657. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  659. #------------------------------------
  660. # [0723] W-soc offhand weapons
  661. #------------------------------------
  662. # Useful for gem Leveling.
  664. Show # $x->WhiteSoc %D5 %TC-Offslot-Gem-Leveling
  665. Sockets >= 3
  666. Rarity <= Rare
  667. Class Wands Daggers One Hand Shields Thrusting Sceptre Claws
  668. SocketGroup WWW
  669. SetFontSize 40
  670. SetBorderColor 0 240 190 240 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
  672. Show # $x->WhiteSoc %D1 %TC-Offslot-Gem-Leveling
  673. Sockets >= 3
  674. Rarity < Rare
  675. Class Wands Daggers One Hand Shields Thrusting Sceptre Claws
  676. SocketGroup W
  677. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  678. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 185 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T3
  680. #===============================================================================================================
  682. #===============================================================================================================
  684. Hide # Minimize junk instead of hiding (if "Show") %TC-Junkable
  685. ItemLevel >= 65
  686. Rarity < Rare
  687. Class "Two Hand" "Bows" "One Hand" "Wand" "Sceptre" "Staves" "Claws" "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Helmets" "Quivers" "Daggers" "Shields" "Belts" "Rings" "Amulets"
  688. SetFontSize 18
  689. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 100 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T4
  690. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 75 # BACKGROUND: Hidden
  694. #===============================================================================================================
  695. # [[0900]] Currency - PART 1 - Common currency
  696. #===============================================================================================================
  697. # We'll keep this section up here to boost the performance.
  699. Show # $Currency->Low->T1 %H5 %TB-Currency-SilverCoin
  700. Class Currency
  701. BaseType "Silver Coin"
  702. SetFontSize 45
  703. SetTextColor 45 50 130 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Silver Coin
  704. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  705. SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T5
  707. Show # $Currency->Low->T1 %H4 %TB-Currency-T4
  708. Class Currency
  709. BaseType "Orb of Chance" "Orb of Alteration" "Chromatic Orb" "Jeweller's Orb" "Glassblower's Bauble"
  710. SetFontSize 45
  711. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  712. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 200 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T2
  713. SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T5
  715. Show # $Currency->Low->T2 %H4 %TB-Currency-T5
  716. Class Currency
  717. BaseType "Orb of Transmutation" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Alchemy Shard"
  718. SetFontSize 45
  719. SetTextColor 170 158 130 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic
  720. SetBorderColor 190 178 135 180 # BORDERCOLOR: Transmutation
  721. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  723. Show # $Currency->Scroll->Portal %RF1 %H3 %TB-Currency-T7
  724. Class Currency
  725. BaseType "Portal Scroll"
  726. SetFontSize 40
  727. SetTextColor 170 158 130 220 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic 2
  728. SetBorderColor 30 50 100 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Portal
  729. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  731. Show # $Currency->Low->T3 %H2 %TB-Currency-T6
  732. Class Currency
  733. BaseType "Armourer's Scrap" "Orb of Augmentation" "Transmutation Shard" "Alteration Shard"
  734. SetFontSize 40
  735. SetTextColor 170 158 130 220 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic 2
  736. SetBorderColor 75 75 75 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Currency Augment
  737. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  739. Show # $Currency->Scroll->Wisdoms
  740. Class Currency
  741. BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom"
  742. StackSize > 1
  743. SetFontSize 45
  744. SetTextColor 170 158 130 220 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic 2
  745. SetBorderColor 100 50 30 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Wisdom
  746. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  748. Show # $Currency->Scroll->Wisdom %RF1 %H2 %TB-Currency-T8
  749. Class Currency
  750. BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom"
  751. SetFontSize 40
  752. SetTextColor 170 158 130 220 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic 2
  753. SetBorderColor 100 50 30 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Wisdom
  754. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  756. #===============================================================================================================
  757. # [[1000]] OVERRIDE AREA 2 - Override the default rare rulesets here
  758. #===============================================================================================================
  760. # Example: This section displays 20% quality rares (between lvl 60 and 74), it's disabled by default, remove
  761. # The #'s in front of the next lines to enable it and show the items with a Cyan border.
  763. # Show
  764. # Rarity Rare
  765. # Quality = 20
  766. # Class "Two Hand" "Bows" "One Hand" "Wand" "Sceptre" "Staves" "Claws" "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Helmets" "Quivers" "Daggers" "Shields" "Belts" "Rings" "Amulets"
  767. # ItemLevel >= 60
  768. # SetFontSize 42
  769. # SetBorderColor 0 255 255 255
  770. # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
  772. #===============================================================================================================
  774. #===============================================================================================================
  777. #------------------------------------
  778. # [1205] Other Conditions
  779. #------------------------------------
  781. Show # %D3 %UP $Recipe->RGB->Small
  782. Width <= 2
  783. Height <= 2
  784. ItemLevel >= 75
  785. Rarity = Rare
  786. SocketGroup RGB
  787. SetFontSize 36
  788. SetTextColor 255 190 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Rares - Level - 75+
  789. SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  790. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  792. Show
  793. Width <= 2
  794. Height <= 2
  795. ItemLevel >= 65
  796. Rarity = Rare
  797. SocketGroup RGB
  798. SetFontSize 36
  799. SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T2 Rare
  800. SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  801. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  803. Show # %D3 %UP $Recipe->RGB->Small
  804. Width <= 1
  805. Height <= 3
  806. ItemLevel >= 75
  807. Rarity = Rare
  808. SocketGroup RGB
  809. SetFontSize 36
  810. SetTextColor 255 190 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Rares - Level - 75+
  811. SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  812. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  814. Show
  815. Width <= 1
  816. Height <= 3
  817. ItemLevel >= 65
  818. Rarity = Rare
  819. SocketGroup RGB
  820. SetFontSize 36
  821. SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T2 Rare
  822. SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  823. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  825. Show # %D1 %UP $Recipe->RGB->Large
  826. ItemLevel >= 75
  827. Rarity = Rare
  828. SocketGroup RGB
  829. SetTextColor 255 190 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Rares - Level - 75+
  830. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  831. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  833. Show
  834. ItemLevel >= 65
  835. Rarity = Rare
  836. SocketGroup RGB
  837. SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T2 Rare
  838. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  839. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  841. #===============================================================================================================
  842. # [[1500]] Gems
  843. #===============================================================================================================
  845. #------------------------------------
  846. # [1501] Special Gems
  847. #------------------------------------
  849. Show # $Gem->T1->Qual %TB-Qual-Top-Gem
  850. Class Gems
  851. BaseType "Empower" "Enlighten" "Enhance"
  852. GemLevel >= 2
  853. SetFontSize 45
  854. SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
  855. SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T1
  856. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  857. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  858. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  859. PlayEffect Red
  861. Show # $Gem->T1->Qual %TB-Qual-Top-Gem
  862. Corrupted False
  863. Quality >= 15
  864. Class Gems
  865. BaseType "Empower" "Enlighten"
  866. SetFontSize 45
  867. SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
  868. SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T1
  869. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  870. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  871. MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
  872. PlayEffect Red
  874. Show # $Gem->T1 %TB-Top-Gem
  875. Class Gems
  876. BaseType "Portal" "Empower" "Enlighten" "Vaal Haste" "Vaal Grace" "Item Quantity" "Vaal Breach"
  877. SetFontSize 45
  878. SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
  879. SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T1
  880. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  881. MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Triangle
  882. PlayEffect White
  884. #------------------------------------
  885. # [1502] Top Gems
  886. #------------------------------------
  888. Show # $Gem->Qual->20
  889. Class Gems
  890. GemLevel >= 20
  891. SetFontSize 45
  892. SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
  893. SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T1
  894. SetBackgroundColor 6 0 60 # BACKGROUND: 20QualGem
  895. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  896. MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Triangle
  897. PlayEffect Yellow
  899. Show # $Gem->Qual->20
  900. Quality >= 20
  901. Class Gems
  902. SetFontSize 45
  903. SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
  904. SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T1
  905. SetBackgroundColor 6 0 60 # BACKGROUND: 20QualGem
  906. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  907. MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Triangle
  908. PlayEffect Yellow
  910. #------------------------------------
  911. # [1503] Quality Gems
  912. #------------------------------------
  914. Show # $Gem->Qual->15
  915. Quality >= 14
  916. Class Gems
  917. SetFontSize 45
  918. SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
  919. SetBorderColor 30 200 200 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T2
  920. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  921. MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
  922. PlayEffect White Temp
  924. Show # $Gem->Qual %D4
  925. Quality >= 1
  926. Class Gems
  927. SetFontSize 40
  928. SetBorderColor 30 150 180 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T3
  930. #------------------------------------
  931. # [1504] Leveled Gems
  932. #------------------------------------
  934. Show # $Gem->Level-19 %D4
  935. Class Gems
  936. GemLevel >= 18
  937. SetFontSize 40
  938. SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
  939. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  941. Show # $Gem->Level-19 %D3
  942. Class Gems
  943. GemLevel >= 10
  944. SetFontSize 40
  945. SetTextColor 30 200 200 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Gem High
  946. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  948. Show # $Gem->T2 %TB-DropOnly-Gem %D4
  949. Class Gems
  950. BaseType "Detonate Mines" "Added Chaos Damage" "Vaal" "Enhance"
  951. SetFontSize 40
  952. SetBorderColor 30 150 180 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Gem T3
  954. #------------------------------------
  955. # [1505] Other gems
  956. #------------------------------------
  958. Show # $Gem %H2
  959. Class Gems
  960. DropLevel <= 28
  961. SetFontSize 36
  962. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  964. #===============================================================================================================
  965. # [[1600]] UTILITY FLASKS (Levelling Rules)
  966. #===============================================================================================================
  968. Show # $lvl $flasks->utility %TB-T1-Leveling-Flask %REMS1
  969. Quality >= 1
  970. DropLevel <= 28
  971. Rarity <= Magic
  972. BaseType "Stibnite Flask" "Quicksilver Flask" "Silver Flask" "Bismuth Flask" "Basalt Flask" "Granite Flask" "Diamond Flask" "Jade Flask" "Ruby Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Topaz Flask"
  973. SetFontSize 45
  974. SetBorderColor 50 200 125 # BORDERCOLOR: Flask
  975. SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 # BACKGROUND: Flasks
  976. PlayAlertSound 12 300 # DROPSOUND: Underrated Leveling Sound
  978. Show # $lvl $flasks->utility %TB-T1-Leveling-Flask %REMS1
  979. DropLevel <= 28
  980. Rarity <= Magic
  981. BaseType "Stibnite Flask" "Quicksilver Flask" "Silver Flask" "Bismuth Flask" "Basalt Flask" "Granite Flask" "Diamond Flask" "Jade Flask" "Ruby Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Topaz Flask"
  982. SetFontSize 45
  983. SetBorderColor 50 200 125 # BORDERCOLOR: Flask
  984. SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 # BACKGROUND: Flasks
  985. PlayAlertSound 12 300 # DROPSOUND: Underrated Leveling Sound
  987. #===============================================================================================================
  988. # [[1700]] HIDE LAYER 3: Random Endgame Flasks
  989. #===============================================================================================================
  991. #===============================================================================================================
  992. # [[1800]] Maps, fragments and labyrinth items
  993. #===============================================================================================================
  995. #------------------------------------
  996. # [1802] Labyrinth items, Offerings
  997. #------------------------------------
  999. Show # $frag->%TB-OfferingToTheGoddess
  1000. BaseType "Offering to the Goddess"
  1001. SetFontSize 45
  1002. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1003. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1004. SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
  1005. PlayAlertSound 4 300 # DROPSOUND: Map Sound
  1006. MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Square
  1007. PlayEffect Yellow
  1009. Show #
  1010. Class "Labyrinth"
  1011. SetFontSize 45
  1012. SetTextColor 74 230 58 # TEXTCOLOR: Quest
  1013. SetBorderColor 74 230 58 # BORDERCOLOR: Quest Item
  1014. MinimapIcon 1 Green Hexagon
  1015. PlayEffect Green Temp
  1017. #------------------------------------
  1018. # [1808] Map fragments
  1019. #------------------------------------
  1021. Show # $x->Legacy->AncientRelicKey
  1022. Class "Misc Map Items"
  1023. BaseType "Ancient Reliquary Key" "Timeworn Reliquary Key"
  1024. SetFontSize 45
  1025. SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
  1026. SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
  1027. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  1028. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1029. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  1030. PlayEffect Red
  1032. Show # $x->Legacy->AncientRelicKey
  1033. Class "Misc Map Items"
  1034. SetFontSize 45
  1035. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1036. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1037. SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
  1038. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1039. MinimapIcon 0 Blue Triangle
  1040. PlayEffect Blue
  1042. Show # $Fragments->T1 $x->Fragments->Mortal %TB-Fragments-T1
  1043. Class "Map Fragments"
  1044. BaseType "Mortal Hope" "Mortal Ignorance"
  1045. SetFontSize 45
  1046. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1047. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1048. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  1049. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1050. MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
  1051. PlayEffect Red
  1053. Show # $Fragments->T2 %TB-Fragments-T2
  1054. Class "Map Fragments"
  1055. BaseType "Mortal" "Eber's Key" "Yriel's Key" "Inya's Key" "Volkuur's Key" "Sacrifice at Midnight" "Fragment of the Phoenix" "Fragment of the Minotaur" "Fragment of the Chimera" "Fragment of the Hydra" "Breachstone"
  1056. SetFontSize 45
  1057. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1058. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1059. SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
  1060. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1061. MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Triangle
  1062. PlayEffect Yellow
  1064. Show # $Fragments->Vessel %TB-Fragments-Vessel
  1065. Class "Map Fragments"
  1066. BaseType "Divine Vessel"
  1067. SetFontSize 45
  1068. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1069. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1070. SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
  1071. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1072. MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
  1073. PlayEffect White
  1075. Show # $Fragments
  1076. Class "Map Fragments"
  1077. SetFontSize 45
  1078. SetTextColor 159 15 213 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Fragment
  1079. SetBorderColor 159 15 213 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Map Fragment
  1080. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  1081. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1082. MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
  1083. PlayEffect White
  1085. Show # $Fragments->Vessel
  1086. Class "Pantheon Soul"
  1087. SetFontSize 45
  1088. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1089. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1090. SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
  1091. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1092. MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
  1093. PlayEffect White
  1095. #===============================================================================================================
  1096. # [[1900]] Currency - PART 2 - Rare currency
  1097. #===============================================================================================================
  1099. #------------------------------------
  1100. # [1901] Regular Rare Currency
  1101. #------------------------------------
  1103. Show # $Currency->High-T1 %TB-Currency-T1.5
  1104. Class Currency
  1105. BaseType "Master Cartographer's Sextant" "Journeyman Cartographer's Sextant"
  1106. SetFontSize 45
  1107. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1108. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1109. SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T2
  1110. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1111. DisableDropSound True
  1112. MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle
  1113. PlayEffect Yellow
  1115. Show # $Currency->High-T2 %TB-Currency-T2
  1116. Class Currency
  1117. BaseType "Regal Orb" "Orb of Regret" "Chaos Orb" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Stacked Deck" "Apprentice Cartographer's Sextant"
  1118. SetFontSize 45
  1119. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1120. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1121. SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T3
  1122. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1123. DisableDropSound True
  1124. MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
  1125. PlayEffect White
  1127. Show # $Currency->High-T3 %TB-Currency-T3
  1128. Class Currency
  1129. BaseType "Blessed Orb" "Orb of Fusing" "Orb of Alchemy" "Cartographer's Chisel" "Engineer's Orb" "Orb of Horizons" "Orb of Binding" "Bestiary Orb" "Orb of Scouring" "Vaal Orb"
  1130. SetFontSize 45
  1131. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1132. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  1133. SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T4
  1134. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1135. DisableDropSound True
  1136. MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
  1137. PlayEffect White
  1139. #------------------------------------
  1140. # [1902] Harbinger Currency
  1141. #------------------------------------
  1143. Show # $Currency->Harbinger->T1 %TB-Currency-Harbinger-ShardsT1
  1144. Class Currency
  1145. BaseType "Annulment Shard" "Harbinger's Shard" "Ancient Shard" "Exalted Shard"
  1146. SetFontSize 45
  1147. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1148. SetBorderColor 40 220 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Harbinger Currency
  1149. SetBackgroundColor 80 95 210 255 # BACKGROUND: Shard T1
  1150. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1151. MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
  1152. PlayEffect White
  1154. Show # $Currency->Harbinger->T2 %TB-Currency-Harbinger-ShardsT2 %H4
  1155. Class Currency
  1156. BaseType "Horizon Shard" "Engineer's Shard" "Binding Shard" "Regal Shard" "Chaos Shard"
  1157. SetFontSize 40
  1158. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1159. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  1160. SetBackgroundColor 135 140 100 255 # BACKGROUND: Shard T2
  1162. #------------------------------------
  1163. # [1903] Incursion Currency
  1164. #------------------------------------
  1166. Show # $Currency->Incursion->Vial
  1167. Class Currency
  1168. BaseType "Vial of Awakening" "Vial of Sacrifice" "Vial of the Ghost"
  1169. SetFontSize 45
  1170. SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
  1171. SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
  1172. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  1173. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1174. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  1175. PlayEffect Red
  1177. Show # $Currency->Incursion->Vial
  1178. Class Currency
  1179. BaseType "Vial of Transcendence" "Vial of Summoning" "Vial of the Ritual" "Vial of Fate" "Vial of Consequence" "Vial of Dominance"
  1180. SetFontSize 45
  1181. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1182. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1183. SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
  1184. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1185. MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
  1186. PlayEffect White
  1188. #------------------------------------
  1189. # [1904] Delve Currency - Resonators
  1190. #------------------------------------
  1192. Show # $Currency->Reso-T1 %TB-Currency-T1.5
  1193. Class "Delve Socketable Currency"
  1194. BaseType "Prime Alchemical Resonator" "Prime Chaotic Resonator"
  1195. SetFontSize 45
  1196. SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
  1197. SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
  1198. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  1199. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1200. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  1201. PlayEffect Red
  1203. Show # $Currency->Reso-T2->Chaos
  1204. Class "Delve Socketable Currency"
  1205. BaseType "Potent Chaotic Resonator" "Powerful Chaotic Resonator" "Primitive Chaotic Resonator"
  1206. SetFontSize 45
  1207. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1208. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  1209. SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T4
  1210. PlayAlertSound 2 100 # DROPSOUND: Splinter Sound
  1211. DisableDropSound True
  1212. MinimapIcon 2 White Diamond
  1213. PlayEffect White
  1215. Show # $Currency->Reso-T2->Alchemy
  1216. Class "Delve Socketable Currency"
  1217. BaseType "Powerful Alchemical Resonator" "Potent Alchemical Resonator" "Primitive Alchemical Resonator"
  1218. SetFontSize 45
  1219. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1220. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 200 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T2
  1221. SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T5
  1222. PlayAlertSound 2 100 # DROPSOUND: Splinter Sound
  1223. DisableDropSound True
  1224. MinimapIcon 2 White Diamond
  1225. PlayEffect White
  1227. #------------------------------------
  1228. # [1905] Delve Currency - Fossil
  1229. #------------------------------------
  1231. Show # $Currency->Fossil->T1 %TB-Currency-Fossil-T1
  1232. Class Currency
  1233. BaseType "Faceted Fossil" "Fractured Fossil" "Hollow Fossil" "Glyphic Fossil" "Shuddering Fossil"
  1234. SetFontSize 45
  1235. SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
  1236. SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
  1237. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  1238. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1239. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  1240. PlayEffect Red
  1242. Show # $Currency->Fossil->T2 %TB-Currency-Fossil-T2
  1243. Class Currency
  1244. BaseType "Bloodstained Fossil" "Tangled Fossil" "Gilded Fossil" "Sanctified Fossil" "Lucent Fossil"
  1245. SetFontSize 45
  1246. SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
  1247. SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T1 highlight
  1248. SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T2
  1249. PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
  1250. DisableDropSound True
  1251. MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
  1252. PlayEffect Red
  1254. Show # $Currency->Fossil->T4 %H4
  1255. Class Currency
  1256. BaseType "Frigid Fossil" "Scorched Fossil" "Aberrant Fossil"
  1257. SetFontSize 45
  1258. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1259. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 200 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T2
  1260. SetBackgroundColor 210 178 135 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T5
  1262. Show # $Currency->Fossil->T3
  1263. Class Currency
  1264. BaseType "Fossil"
  1265. SetFontSize 45
  1266. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1267. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1268. SetBackgroundColor 249 150 25 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T3
  1269. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1270. DisableDropSound True
  1271. MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Circle
  1272. PlayEffect Yellow
  1274. #------------------------------------
  1275. # [1906] Bestiary Currency
  1276. #------------------------------------
  1278. # You shall be missed Einhar... Stupid Beast
  1280. #Show
  1281. # Class Currency
  1282. # BaseType "Necromancy Net"
  1283. # SetFontSize 45
  1284. # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
  1285. # SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  1286. # SetBackgroundColor 213 159 0 255
  1287. # PlayAlertSound 2 300
  1289. #Show
  1290. # Class Currency
  1291. # BaseType "Thaumaturgical Net"
  1292. # SetFontSize 45
  1293. # SetTextColor 155 210 135 255
  1294. # SetBorderColor 0 255 36 255
  1295. # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
  1296. # DisableDropSound True
  1298. #Show
  1299. # Class Currency
  1300. # BaseType "Strong Steel Net"
  1301. # SetFontSize 45
  1302. # SetTextColor 155 210 135 255
  1303. # SetBorderColor 0 120 16 255
  1304. # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
  1305. # DisableDropSound True
  1307. #Show
  1308. # Class Currency
  1309. # BaseType "Simple Iron Net" "Reinforced Iron Net" "Strong Iron Net" "Simple Steel Net" "Reinforced Steel Net"
  1310. # SetFontSize 40
  1311. # SetTextColor 155 210 135 255
  1312. # SetBorderColor 110 110 110 255
  1313. # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
  1314. # DisableDropSound True
  1316. #Show
  1317. # Class Currency
  1318. # BaseType "Simple Rope Net" "Reinforced Rope Net" "Strong Rope Net"
  1319. # SetFontSize 40
  1320. # SetTextColor 155 210 135 255
  1321. # SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  1322. # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
  1323. # DisableDropSound True
  1325. #------------------------------------
  1326. # [1907] Top Currency
  1327. #------------------------------------
  1329. Show # $Currency->Harbinger->Top %TB-Currency-T1-higher
  1330. Class Currency
  1331. BaseType "Mirror of Kalandra" "Exalted Orb" "Mirror Shard" "Eternal Orb" "Albino Rhoa Feather"
  1332. SetFontSize 45
  1333. SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: T0 Item
  1334. SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T0 Item
  1335. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  1336. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1337. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  1338. PlayEffect Red
  1340. Show # $Currency->Harbinger->Top %TB-Currency-T1-lower
  1341. Class Currency
  1342. BaseType "Divine Orb" "Orb of Annulment" "Harbinger's Orb" "Ancient Orb"
  1343. SetFontSize 45
  1344. SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
  1345. SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T1 highlight
  1346. SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 255 # BACKGROUND: Currency T2
  1347. PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
  1348. DisableDropSound True
  1349. MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
  1350. PlayEffect Red
  1352. #------------------------------------
  1353. # [1908] Essence Tier List
  1354. #------------------------------------
  1356. Show # $Currency->Ess->T1 %TB-Essence-T1
  1357. Class Currency
  1358. BaseType "Shrieking Essence of" "Essence of Hysteria" "Essence of Insanity" "Essence of Horror" "Essence of Delirium" "Deafening Essence of" "Remnant of Corruption"
  1359. SetFontSize 45
  1360. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1361. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1362. SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
  1363. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1364. MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
  1365. PlayEffect Yellow
  1367. Show # $Currency->Ess->T2
  1368. Class Currency
  1369. BaseType "Screaming Essence of"
  1370. SetFontSize 45
  1371. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1372. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1373. SetBackgroundColor 15 180 200 255 # BACKGROUND: Ess T2
  1374. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1375. MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
  1376. PlayEffect White
  1378. Show # $Currency->Ess->T3
  1379. Class Currency
  1380. BaseType "Wailing Essence of"
  1381. SetFontSize 40
  1382. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1383. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1384. SetBackgroundColor 30 159 200 255 # BACKGROUND: Ess T3
  1385. MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
  1386. PlayEffect White Temp
  1388. Show # $Currency->Ess->T4
  1389. Class Currency
  1390. BaseType "Weeping Essence of"
  1391. SetFontSize 40
  1392. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1393. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1394. SetBackgroundColor 30 159 200 225 # BACKGROUND: Ess T4
  1395. MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
  1396. PlayEffect White Temp
  1398. Show # $Currency->Ess->T5
  1399. Class Currency
  1400. BaseType "Muttering Essence of"
  1401. SetFontSize 40
  1402. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1403. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1404. SetBackgroundColor 30 159 200 200 # BACKGROUND: Ess T5
  1406. Show #$Currency->Ess->T6
  1407. Class Currency
  1408. BaseType "Whispering Essence of"
  1409. SetFontSize 40
  1410. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1411. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1412. SetBackgroundColor 30 159 200 175 # BACKGROUND: Ess T6
  1414. #------------------------------------
  1415. # [1909] Perandus
  1416. #------------------------------------
  1418. Show # $x->PerandusCoin $Currency->Special
  1419. Class Currency
  1420. BaseType "Perandus Coin"
  1421. StackSize >= 15
  1422. SetFontSize 45
  1423. SetTextColor 255 178 135 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Perandus Coin
  1424. SetBorderColor 255 178 135 135 # BORDERCOLOR: Perandus Coin
  1425. PlayEffect White Temp
  1427. Show # $x->PerandusCoin $Currency->Special %H3
  1428. Class Currency
  1429. BaseType "Perandus Coin"
  1430. StackSize < 4
  1431. SetFontSize 36
  1432. SetTextColor 255 178 135 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Perandus Coin
  1433. SetBorderColor 255 178 135 135 # BORDERCOLOR: Perandus Coin
  1435. Show # $x->PerandusCoin $Currency->Special
  1436. Class Currency
  1437. BaseType "Perandus Coin"
  1438. SetFontSize 40
  1439. SetTextColor 255 178 135 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Perandus Coin
  1440. SetBorderColor 255 178 135 135 # BORDERCOLOR: Perandus Coin
  1442. #------------------------------------
  1443. # [1910] Breach
  1444. #------------------------------------
  1446. Show # $x->Breach->Blessing->T1
  1447. Class Currency
  1448. BaseType "Blessing of Chayula"
  1449. SetFontSize 45
  1450. SetTextColor 130 25 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Blessing
  1451. SetBorderColor 130 25 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Breach
  1452. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  1453. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1454. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  1455. PlayEffect Red
  1457. Show # $x->Breach->Blessing->T2
  1458. Class Currency
  1459. BaseType "Blessing of Xoph" "Blessing of Esh" "Blessing of Tul" "Blessing of Uul-Netol"
  1460. SetFontSize 45
  1461. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1462. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1463. SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
  1464. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1465. MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
  1466. PlayEffect Yellow
  1468. Show # $x->Breach->Splinter->T1
  1469. Class Currency
  1470. BaseType "Splinter of Chayula"
  1471. SetFontSize 45
  1472. SetTextColor 255 235 235 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Splinter
  1473. SetBorderColor 210 20 210 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Chayula
  1474. SetBackgroundColor 65 20 80 # BACKGROUND: Breach
  1475. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1476. MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond
  1477. PlayEffect White
  1479. Show # $x->Breach->Splinter->T2 %HS5
  1480. Class Currency
  1481. BaseType "Splinter of Xoph" "Splinter of Esh" "Splinter of Tul" "Splinter of Uul-Netol"
  1482. SetFontSize 45
  1483. SetTextColor 255 235 235 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Splinter
  1484. SetBorderColor 130 25 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Breach
  1485. SetBackgroundColor 65 20 80 # BACKGROUND: Breach
  1486. PlayAlertSound 2 100 # DROPSOUND: Splinter Sound
  1487. MinimapIcon 2 White Diamond
  1489. #------------------------------------
  1490. # [1911] Others
  1491. #------------------------------------
  1493. Show # $Currency->Special %TB-Currency-NonDrop1
  1494. Class Currency
  1495. BaseType "Unshaping Orb" "Cartographer's Seal" "Prophecy" "Imprint" "Vial of"
  1496. SetFontSize 45
  1497. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1498. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1499. SetBackgroundColor 159 15 213 255 # BACKGROUND: Special
  1500. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1501. MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
  1502. PlayEffect White
  1504. #===============================================================================================================
  1505. # [[2000]] Currency - PART 3 - Divination cards (yes the strange sorting is intended)
  1506. #===============================================================================================================
  1508. #------------------------------------
  1509. # [2001] Exceptions to prevent ident. mistakes
  1510. #------------------------------------
  1512. Show # $Div->T4 %TB-Divination-Exception
  1513. Class "Divination"
  1514. BaseType "The Wolf's Shadow"
  1515. SetFontSize 45
  1516. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1517. SetBorderColor 0 100 150 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Divi T4
  1518. SetBackgroundColor 145 215 230 225 # BACKGROUND: Divi T4
  1519. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1521. #------------------------------------
  1522. # [2002] T1 - Top tier cards
  1523. #------------------------------------
  1525. Show # $Div->T1 %TB-Divination-T1
  1526. Class "Divination"
  1527. BaseType "Abandoned Wealth" "Beauty Through Death" "House of Mirrors" "Hunter's Reward" "Immortal Resolve" "Mawr Blaidd" "Polymath" "Pride Before the Fall" "Spark and the Flame" "The Artist" "The Celestial Stone" "The Doctor" "The Dragon's Heart" "The Endless Darkness" "The Fiend" "The Hunger" "The Immortal" "The Iron Bard" "The King's Heart" "The Master" "The Mayor" "The Professor" "The Queen" "The Saint's Treasure" "The Samurai's Eye" "The Spark and the Flame" "The Wind" "The Wolf" "The Wolven King's Bite" "Wealth and Power"
  1528. SetFontSize 45
  1529. SetTextColor 0 0 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Divi T1
  1530. SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Divi T1
  1531. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  1532. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1533. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  1534. PlayEffect Red
  1536. #------------------------------------
  1537. # [2003] T2 - Great cards
  1538. #------------------------------------
  1540. Show # $Div->T2 %TB-Divination-T2
  1541. Class "Divination"
  1542. BaseType "Boon of the First Ones" "Chaotic Disposition" "Heterochromia" "Last Hope" "Perfection" "Saint's Treasure" "The Breach" "The Cartographer" "The Celestial Justicar" "The Enlightened" "The Hoarder" "The Last One Standing" "The Offering" "The Sephirot" "The Undaunted" "The Valkyrie" "The Valley of Steel Boxes" "The Vast" "The Void"
  1543. SetFontSize 45
  1544. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1545. SetBorderColor 200 200 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect: 83plus
  1546. SetBackgroundColor 100 250 250 245 # BACKGROUND: Divi T2
  1547. PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
  1548. MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
  1549. PlayEffect Red
  1551. #------------------------------------
  1552. # [2004] T3 - Decent cards
  1553. #------------------------------------
  1555. Show # $Div->T3 %TB-Divination-T3
  1556. Class "Divination"
  1557. BaseType "Atziri's Arsenal" "Bowyer's Dream" "Emperor of Purity" "Gemcutter's Promise" "Glimmer of Hope" "Harmony of Souls" "Hope" "Hubris" "Humility" "Jack in the Box" "Left to Fate" "Lingering Remnants" "Lucky Connections" "Lucky Deck" "No Traces" "Rebirth" "Scholar of the Seas" "Standoff" "The Admirer" "The Aesthete" "The Beast" "The Body" "The Brittle Emperor" "The Cacophony" "The Chains that Bind" "The Cursed King" "The Dapper Prodigy" "The Dark Mage" "The Darkest Dream" "The Dreamer" "The Dreamland" "The Encroaching Darkness" "The Ethereal" "The Fletcher" "The Formless Sea" "The Gladiator" "The Hale Heart" "The Innocent" "The Inventor" "The Jester" "The Jeweller's Boon" "The Lion" "The Obscured" "The Penitent" "The Polymath" "The Porcupine" "The Price of Protection" "The Risk" "The Soul" "The Standoff" "The Surveyor" "The Sword King's Salute" "The Thaumaturgist" "The Throne" "The Trial" "The Twilight Moon" "The Undisputed" "The Warlord" "The Wilted Rose" "The World Eater" "The Wretched" "Time-Lost Relic" "Valley of Steel Boxes"
  1558. SetFontSize 45
  1559. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1560. SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Divi T1
  1561. SetBackgroundColor 50 220 240 235 # BACKGROUND: Divi T3
  1562. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1563. MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Triangle
  1564. PlayEffect Yellow
  1566. #------------------------------------
  1567. # [2005] Special - Special Currency Cards
  1568. #------------------------------------
  1570. Show # $Div->T4Currency %HS5 %TB-Divination-T4Currency
  1571. Class "Divination"
  1572. BaseType "Coveted Possession" "Emperor's Luck" "Loyalty" "The Catalyst" "The Gemcutter" "The Survivalist" "The Union" "The Wrath" "Three Faces in the Dark" "Three Voices" "Vinia's Token"
  1573. SetFontSize 45
  1574. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1575. SetBorderColor 0 100 150 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Divi T4
  1576. SetBackgroundColor 145 215 230 225 # BACKGROUND: Divi T4
  1577. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1578. MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
  1579. PlayEffect White
  1581. Show # $Div->T5Currency %H4 %TB-Divination-T5Currency
  1582. Class "Divination"
  1583. BaseType "Rain of Chaos" "The Puzzle" "The Scholar"
  1584. SetFontSize 45
  1585. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1586. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  1587. SetBackgroundColor 175 215 230 180 # BACKGROUND: Divi T5
  1589. #------------------------------------
  1590. # [2006] T5 - Format trash tier cards... before
  1591. #------------------------------------
  1593. Show # $Div->T5 %H3 %TB-Divination-T5
  1594. Class "Divination"
  1595. BaseType "A Mother's Parting Gift" "Anarchy's Price" "Audacity" "Birth of the Three" "Carrion Crow" "Cartographer's Delight" "Death" "Destined to Crumble" "Doedre's Madness" "Dying Anguish" "Hermit" "King's Blade" "Lantador's Lost Love" "Light and Truth" "Metalsmith's Gift" "Might is Right" "Other Cheek" "Prosperity" "Rain of Chaos" "Rain Tempter" "Struck by Lightning" "The Army of Blood" "The Betrayal" "The Coming Storm" "The Conduit" "The Eye of the Dragon" "The Feast" "The Incantation" "The Inoculated" "The Lich" "The Lover" "The Lunaris Priestess" "The Metalsmith's Gift" "The Oath" "The Rabid Rhoa" "The Ruthless Ceinture" "The Scarred Meadow" "The Scholar" "The Sigil" "The Siren" "The Surgeon" "The Tower" "The Twins" "The Warden" "The Wolverine" "Thunderous Skies" "Volatile Power"
  1596. SetFontSize 36
  1597. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1598. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  1599. SetBackgroundColor 175 215 230 180 # BACKGROUND: Divi T5
  1601. #------------------------------------
  1602. # [2007] T4 - ...showing the remaining cards
  1603. #------------------------------------
  1605. Show # $Div->T4 %HS4
  1606. Class "Divination"
  1607. SetFontSize 45
  1608. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1609. SetBorderColor 0 100 150 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Divi T4
  1610. SetBackgroundColor 145 215 230 225 # BACKGROUND: Divi T4
  1611. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1612. MinimapIcon 2 White Triangle
  1613. PlayEffect White Temp
  1615. #===============================================================================================================
  1616. # [[2100]] Currency - PART 4 - remaining items
  1617. #===============================================================================================================
  1619. Show # %H2 %TB-Currency-T8
  1620. Class Currency
  1621. BaseType "Scroll Fragment"
  1622. SetFontSize 28
  1623. SetTextColor 170 158 130 165 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic 3
  1624. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  1626. Show # %H3
  1627. Class Currency
  1628. SetFontSize 36
  1629. SetTextColor 170 158 130 # TEXTCOLOR: Currency Cosmetic
  1630. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1632. #===============================================================================================================
  1633. # [[2200]] Leaguestones - Tierlists
  1634. #===============================================================================================================
  1636. #Show
  1637. # ItemLevel >= 67
  1638. # Class Leaguestone
  1639. # BaseType "Perandus" "Breach" "Nemesis" "Bloodline" "Beyond" "Onslaught" "Domination"
  1640. # Rarity = Magic
  1641. # SetFontSize 45
  1642. # SetTextColor 50 0 100 255
  1643. # SetBorderColor 50 0 100 255
  1644. # SetBackgroundColor 90 240 140 255
  1645. # PlayAlertSound 2 300
  1647. #Show
  1648. # Class Leaguestone
  1649. # Rarity >= Magic
  1650. # SetFontSize 45
  1651. # SetTextColor 50 0 100 255
  1652. # SetBorderColor 50 0 100 255
  1653. # SetBackgroundColor 100 220 145 255
  1654. # PlayAlertSound 2 300
  1656. #Show
  1657. # ItemLevel >= 67
  1658. # Class Leaguestone
  1659. # BaseType "Perandus" "Breach" "Nemesis" "Bloodline" "Beyond" "Onslaught" "Domination"
  1660. # Rarity = Normal
  1661. # SetFontSize 45
  1662. # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
  1663. # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
  1664. # SetBackgroundColor 100 220 145 255
  1665. # PlayAlertSound 2 300
  1667. #Show
  1668. # Class Leaguestone
  1669. # Rarity = Normal
  1670. # SetFontSize 40
  1671. # SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
  1672. # SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
  1673. # SetBackgroundColor 70 160 100 230
  1674. # PlayAlertSound 2 300
  1676. #===============================================================================================================
  1677. # [[2300]] Uniques!
  1678. #===============================================================================================================
  1680. #------------------------------------
  1681. # [2301] Exceptions
  1682. #------------------------------------
  1684. Show # $uniques->T2
  1685. Rarity Unique
  1686. BaseType "Simple Robe"
  1687. SocketGroup WWWWWW
  1688. SetFontSize 45
  1689. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1690. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1691. SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T2
  1692. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1693. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  1694. PlayEffect Red
  1696. Show # $uniques->T1
  1697. LinkedSockets 6
  1698. Rarity Unique
  1699. SetFontSize 45
  1700. SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Unique
  1701. SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect Unique
  1702. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  1703. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1704. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  1705. PlayEffect Red
  1707. #------------------------------------
  1708. # [2302] Harbinger - Pieces
  1709. #------------------------------------
  1711. Show # $uniques->Harbinger
  1712. Class Piece
  1713. SetFontSize 45
  1714. SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Cosmetic White
  1715. SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T1 highlight
  1716. SetBackgroundColor 37 105 175 255 # BACKGROUND: Harbinger Piece
  1717. PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
  1718. MinimapIcon 0 Blue Star
  1719. PlayEffect Blue
  1721. #------------------------------------
  1722. # [2303] Tier 1 uniques
  1723. #------------------------------------
  1725. Show # $uniques->T1 %TB-Uniques-T1
  1726. Rarity Unique
  1727. BaseType "Ambush Mitts" "Assassin's Boots" "Callous Mask" "Clutching Talisman" "Crusader Boots" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Glorious Plate" "Grand Mana Flask" "Greatwolf Talisman" "Harlequin Mask" "Legion Gloves" "Occultist's Vestment" "Prismatic Jewel" "Prophecy Wand" "Rawhide Boots" "Rawhide Tower Shield" "Rotfeather Talisman" "Royal Axe" "Ruby Flask" "Sanctified Life Flask" "Sanctified Mana Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Wereclaw Talisman"
  1728. SetFontSize 45
  1729. SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Unique
  1730. SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect Unique
  1731. SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 # BACKGROUND: T0 Drop
  1732. PlayAlertSound 6 300 # DROPSOUND: T0 Drop
  1733. MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
  1734. PlayEffect Red
  1736. #------------------------------------
  1737. # [2304] Tier 2 uniques
  1738. #------------------------------------
  1740. Show # $uniques->T2 %TB-Uniques-T2
  1741. Rarity Unique
  1742. BaseType "Arcanist Gloves" "Bismuth Flask" "Black Maw Talisman" "Blood Raiment" "Carnal Boots" "Carnal Sceptre" "Citadel Bow" "Cutlass" "Destiny Leather" "Full Wyrmscale" "Gemstone Sword" "Hydrascale Boots" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Magistrate Crown" "Nightmare Mace" "Nubuck Boots" "Ritual Sceptre" "Riveted Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Sacrificial Garb" "Savant's Robe" "Siege Axe" "Topaz Flask" "Vaal Mask" "Vaal Spirit Shield"
  1743. SetFontSize 45
  1744. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1745. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1746. SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T2
  1747. PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
  1748. MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
  1749. PlayEffect Yellow
  1751. Show # $uniques->T2
  1752. LinkedSockets = 5
  1753. Rarity Unique
  1754. SetFontSize 45
  1755. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1756. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1757. SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T2
  1758. PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
  1759. MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
  1760. PlayEffect Yellow
  1762. #------------------------------------
  1763. # [2305] Multi-Unique bases.
  1764. #------------------------------------
  1765. # These bases have multiple uniques. One of the uniques, is a high value one
  1766. # While others are cheap. We give them a high quality display, while making a normal unique
  1767. # Sound to prevent false excitement.
  1769. Show # $uniques->MultiBase %TB-Uniques-T2-MultiBase-League
  1770. Rarity Unique
  1771. BaseType "Amber Amulet" "Exquisite Leather" "Lapis Amulet" "Leather Belt" "Onyx Amulet" "Titan Greaves" "Topaz Ring"
  1772. SetFontSize 45
  1773. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1774. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1775. SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T2
  1776. PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
  1777. MinimapIcon 0 Blue Star
  1778. PlayEffect Blue
  1780. Show # $uniques->MultiBase %TB-Uniques-T2-MultiBase-Special
  1781. Rarity Unique
  1782. BaseType "Carved Wand" "Citrine Amulet" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Goathide Boots" "Gold Amulet" "Gold Ring" "Granite Flask" "Hubris Circlet" "Imperial Bow" "Imperial Staff" "Murder Boots" "Paua Ring" "Sadist Garb" "Sorcerer Boots" "Stibnite Flask" "Terror Claw" "Tornado Wand" "Two-Stone Ring" "Unset Ring" "Vaal Sceptre"
  1783. SetFontSize 45
  1784. SetTextColor 0 0 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: High Special Base
  1785. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1786. SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T2
  1787. PlayAlertSound 1 300 # DROPSOUND: T1 Dropsound
  1788. MinimapIcon 0 Blue Star
  1789. PlayEffect Blue
  1791. #------------------------------------
  1792. # [2306] Special Unique Searches
  1793. #------------------------------------
  1795. #Show
  1796. # ItemLevel >= 85
  1797. # Class "Rings"
  1798. # Rarity Unique
  1799. # SetTextColor 175 96 37 255
  1800. # SetBorderColor 255 0 0
  1801. # SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255
  1802. # PlayAlertSound 3 300
  1804. #Show
  1805. # Class "Rings"
  1806. # Rarity Unique
  1807. # SetTextColor 175 96 37 255
  1808. # SetBorderColor 255 0 0
  1809. # SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255
  1810. # PlayAlertSound 3 300
  1812. #------------------------------------
  1813. # [2307] Prophecy-Material Uniques
  1814. #------------------------------------
  1816. Show # $uniques->Prophecy %TB-Uniques-Fated
  1817. Rarity Unique
  1818. BaseType "Coral Amulet" "Coral Ring" "Crude Bow" "Death Bow" "Fire Arrow Quiver" "Gavel" "Gilded Sallet" "Gnarled Branch" "Goathide Gloves" "Golden Buckler" "Iron Hat" "Iron Ring" "Iron Staff" "Jade Amulet" "Jade Hatchet" "Jagged Maul" "Long Bow" "Ornate Sword" "Painted Buckler" "Plank Kite Shield" "Plate Vest" "Reaver Sword" "Reinforced Greaves" "Royal Bow" "Royal Staff" "Scholar Boots" "Serrated Arrow Quiver" "Sledgehammer" "Spiraled Wand" "Studded Belt" "Velvet Gloves" "Velvet Slippers" "Vine Circlet" "War Buckler" "Wild Leather" "Woodsplitter"
  1819. SetFontSize 45
  1820. SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Unique
  1821. SetBorderColor 100 37 255 200 # BORDERCOLOR: Prophecy Unique
  1822. SetBackgroundColor 31 9 46 255 # BACKGROUND: Prophecy
  1823. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  1824. MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star
  1825. PlayEffect Brown
  1827. #------------------------------------
  1828. # [2308] Random Uniques
  1829. #------------------------------------
  1831. Show # $uniques T3
  1832. Rarity Unique
  1833. SetFontSize 45
  1834. SetTextColor 175 96 37 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Unique
  1835. SetBorderColor 175 96 37 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect Unique
  1836. SetBackgroundColor 53 13 13 255 # BACKGROUND: Unique T3
  1837. PlayAlertSound 3 300 # DROPSOUND: Unique
  1838. MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star
  1839. PlayEffect Brown
  1841. #===============================================================================================================
  1842. # [[2400]] Quest Items and Shaper Orbs
  1843. #===============================================================================================================
  1845. Show # $quest
  1846. Class "Incursion Item"
  1847. SetFontSize 45
  1848. SetTextColor 74 230 58 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Quest
  1849. SetBorderColor 74 230 58 # BORDERCOLOR: Quest Item
  1850. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1851. MinimapIcon 1 Green Hexagon
  1852. PlayEffect Green
  1854. Show # $quest
  1855. Class Quest
  1856. BaseType "Shaper's Orb" "Elder's Orb"
  1857. SetFontSize 45
  1858. SetBorderColor 74 230 58 # BORDERCOLOR: Quest Item
  1859. PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
  1860. MinimapIcon 1 Green Hexagon
  1861. PlayEffect Green Temp
  1863. Show # $quest
  1864. Class Quest
  1865. SetFontSize 45
  1866. SetBorderColor 74 230 58 # BORDERCOLOR: Quest Item
  1867. MinimapIcon 1 Green Hexagon
  1868. PlayEffect Green Temp
  1870. #===============================================================================================================
  1871. # [[2500]] OVERRIDE AREA 4 - Insert your custom Leveling adjustments here
  1872. #===============================================================================================================
  1874. #===============================================================================================================
  1875. # [[2600]] Leveling - Flasks
  1876. #===============================================================================================================
  1878. #------------------------------------
  1879. # [2601] Hide unusable flasks
  1880. #------------------------------------
  1882. Hide # lvl
  1883. Quality = 0
  1884. Class "Life Flask" "Mana Flask"
  1885. BaseType Small Medium Large Greater Grand Colossal Sacred
  1886. SetFontSize 20
  1887. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  1889. #------------------------------------
  1890. # [2602] Show Usable flasks (normal)
  1891. #------------------------------------
  1893. Show # %D4
  1894. ItemLevel <= 40
  1895. Class "Hybrid Flask"
  1896. BaseType "Medium"
  1897. SetFontSize 40
  1898. SetBorderColor 100 0 100 # BORDERCOLOR: Hybrid
  1899. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  1901. # Maybe hide later? Medium hyrbid is a shit flask for LLD
  1903. Show # %D5
  1904. ItemLevel <= 40
  1905. ItemLevel >= 24
  1906. Class "Life Flasks"
  1907. BaseType "Giant"
  1908. SetFontSize 40
  1909. SetBorderColor 120 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect Life Flask
  1910. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  1912. Show # %D5
  1913. ItemLevel <= 40
  1914. ItemLevel >= 24
  1915. Class "Mana Flasks"
  1916. BaseType "Giant"
  1917. SetFontSize 40
  1918. SetBorderColor 0 0 120 # BORDERCOLOR: Aspect: Mana Flask
  1919. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Neutral T2
  1921. #------------------------------------
  1922. # [2605] Show Quality/Utility flasks
  1923. #------------------------------------
  1925. Show # %D4
  1926. Quality = 20
  1927. ItemLevel <= 65
  1928. Rarity <= Magic
  1929. BaseType "Flask"
  1930. SetFontSize 40
  1931. SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: T1 highlight
  1932. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  1934. Show # %D3
  1935. Quality >= 15
  1936. ItemLevel <= 65
  1937. Rarity <= Magic
  1938. BaseType "Flask"
  1939. SetFontSize 40
  1940. SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1941. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  1943. Show # %D2
  1944. Quality > 5
  1945. ItemLevel <= 65
  1946. Rarity <= Magic
  1947. BaseType "Flask"
  1948. SetFontSize 36
  1949. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  1950. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  1952. Show # %D3
  1953. ItemLevel <= 65
  1954. DropLevel <= 28
  1955. Rarity <= Magic
  1956. Class "Utility Flasks"
  1957. SetFontSize 36
  1958. SetBorderColor 50 200 125 # BORDERCOLOR: Flask
  1959. SetBackgroundColor 25 100 75 # BACKGROUND: Flasks
  1961. #===============================================================================================================
  1962. # [[2800]] Leveling - RGB Recipes
  1963. #===============================================================================================================
  1965. Show # %D3
  1966. Width <= 2
  1967. Height <= 2
  1968. SocketGroup RGB
  1969. SetFontSize 45
  1970. SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1971. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  1973. Show # %D3
  1974. Width <= 1
  1975. Height <= 3
  1976. SocketGroup RGB
  1977. SetFontSize 45
  1978. SetBorderColor 150 150 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1
  1979. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  1981. Show # %D2
  1982. Width >= 2
  1983. Height >= 4
  1984. SocketGroup RGB
  1985. SetFontSize 36
  1986. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  1987. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  1989. Show # %D2
  1990. Height <= 3
  1991. SocketGroup RGB
  1992. SetFontSize 36
  1993. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T1.5
  1994. SetBackgroundColor 75 75 75 255 # BACKGROUND: Recipe T2
  1997. #===============================================================================================================
  1998. # [[3200]] HIDE LAYER 5 - Remaining Items
  1999. #===============================================================================================================
  2001. Hide # Minimize junk instead of hiding (if "Show") %TC-Junkable
  2002. ItemLevel <= 42
  2003. Class "Two Hand" "Bows" "One Hand" "Wand" "Sceptre" "Staves" "Claws" "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Helmets" "Quivers" "Flask" "Daggers" "Shields" "Belts" "Rings" "Amulets" "Jewel"
  2004. SetFontSize 18
  2005. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T3
  2006. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 75 # BACKGROUND: Hidden
  2008. Hide
  2009. DropLevel >= 28
  2010. Class Gems
  2011. SetFontSize 18
  2012. SetBorderColor 0 0 0 150 # BORDERCOLOR: Neutral T3
  2013. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 75 # BACKGROUND: Hidden
  2015. #===============================================================================================================
  2016. # [[3300]] CATCHALL - if you see pink items YOU ARE USING THE FILTER OUTSIDE OF LLD AREAS
  2017. #===============================================================================================================
  2019. Show # SafetyLine!
  2020. SetFontSize 45
  2021. SetTextColor 255 0 255 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Error
  2022. SetBorderColor 255 0 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Error
  2024. #===============================================================================================================
  2025. # [[3400]] Special thanks to!
  2026. #===============================================================================================================
  2028. #Neversink, I basically just ripped up his standard filter and put in section 716 and modified flask.
  2029. #If for some strange reason you're using this filter but still not familiar with his filters, visit
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