
Orcs Drift

Aug 4th, 2021
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  1. "Lord Wittington
  2. I am writing to you to report on the destruction of the 2nd column of the 12th punitive/expeditionary force by the slopes of the mountain known locally as 'Elessidanwana'. Our forces were met by a large host of Orcs who enfiladed and destroyed our force with their superior numbers. The route for a potential invasion and strike into the heart of the annexed lands and colonies is open. We can only hope the enemy does not try"
  3. >I am Lt. Mathew 'Matty' Crofter, commanding HRM 8th Platoon Rifles or the 3rd Division 12th P/E
  4. >Or at least I was. For now, I am in charge of the garrison at the missionary outpost of Orcs Drift
  5. >Its not much, a stone house and church and a small animal enclosure and a garden with a low stone wall connecting the three and looping round to form a yard
  6. >And my 'Garrison' consists of two platoons totalling 80 men, plus support personnel, a small detachment of Kommando mercenaries and some native allies, Orcs mostly, and the wounded and sick
  7. >Its not much really, but our job is to maintain a supply base for the main column
  8. >Right now they are off leading a patrol into Orulu land, the principal Orc tribe in the area
  9. >I stand from my chair and look around
  10. >The sun is beating down fiercely and the men who are not working are lazing about in the shade
  11. >I step out and look about
  12. >The preacher is giving another sermon in the church, but the doors are open to get some air flowing
  13. >No electricity this far out
  14. >Some of the Kommando's are drinking around the firepit they made
  15. >Uncouth louts and ill disciplined, but they are a very efficient irregular force for all that
  16. >The Orcs are... I dont know, they seem to be lazing about too. Cant blame them really
  17. >A lookout cries out
  18. >I look up and see dust, riders approaching from the South
  19. >They are riding hard and fast and it doesnt take them long to reach us
  20. >The riders dismount, several are wounded and have to be helped out of the saddle
  21. >The horses are likewise worn out from their run and several sport wounds
  22. >The men rush to help and the doctor and his orderlies rush from the makeshift hospital in the supply barn
  23. >The riders are easily recognisable, the local Natal Horse, an allied Elvish unit that was advancing with the main column
  24. >I push through, looking for the leader
  25. >and find her, a slim elven woman ho could pass for about 20 in Human eyes but is really much older
  26. >Elves dont age like we do
  27. >She looks round as I approach, pulling her bushhat off
  28. >Her blonde hair spills down her back in braids, contrasting with her nut brown skin
  29. >"What is this" I ask "What happened"
  30. >"Ill tell you" she spits back "The green bastards thats what"
  31. >"But the main column"
  32. >"Gone. We were lucky to get away"
  33. >I grow aware of the men looking at us
  34. >"This way"
  35. >I lead the elf into my office, really a repurposed part of the supply barn that the preacher is letting us use
  36. >One there I close the door then turn to her
  37. >"What the hell do you mean 'gone"?
  38. >"Are you stupid human?!" she gives me an exhausted look "Dead. Killed. They were wiped out, I was lucky to get my riders clear"
  39. >I cant believe my ears
  40. >"But thats impossible, there were over 3000 men-"
  41. >"Dead"
  42. >I look her in the eye
  43. >"How?"
  44. >She laughs and slumps down in a chair
  45. >"You sent 3000 and the Orcs had.... Oh i dont know, must have been over 10000. They sent in a strong centre as a distraction whilst their flanks closed around the mountains and surprised us from the rear. There was no way out"
  46. >"And yet here you are" I reply
  47. >She snorts "Yeah, only because I saw the trap closing. We broke through the joint in their lines before they could strengthen it"
  48. >I sit down hard, barely hearing the sounds from outside
  49. >The entire column
  50. >Dead
  51. >Over 3000 men killed just like that
  52. >Save those few elves who made it back here
  53. >She brings me back to reality
  54. >"Soooo.... What do you intend to do?"
  55. >I look back at her
  56. >Her dirt streaked features
  57. >Her slightly crazed look
  58. >Staring at me
  59. >What do I intend to do?
  60. >I was charged by my superiors to maintain a supply line but those men are dead
  61. >All that is left is me
  62. >Me and the men
  63. >Me and then men... And our duty
  64. >If we flee here the way will be open for an invasion deep into British lands
  65. >Millions of innocents will be in the path of the rampaging orcs
  66. >And besides, we have wounded and no motor transport
  67. >Either we leave them to die or we get caught and killed
  68. >I look back at the elf
  69. >Matching her stare
  70. >"We make our stand here"
  71. >She blinks, seemingly not able to comprehend hat I just said
  72. >Then she shakes her head and rubs her pointy ears
  73. >"Im sorry, what?"
  74. >I repeat "We make our stand here"
  75. >"Didnt you hear me?! There are over 10000 Orcs and they are going to come this way"
  76. >I search my papers, finding the map
  77. >"Here" i slap it down and point at our location "is where we are. And here" I point at a town further down the road "Is Chalice, a town with little over 80000 residents. The only thing between those Orcs and that town is us"
  78. >"And?! Screw them their just some hu-" she catches herself "Just some civilians. They can run"
  79. >"Can they" I ask "Are you sure about that? 80000 people, few cars or trucks, and an Orc horde after them"
  80. >She shrugs
  81. >We make our stand here" I repeat "How many of your company are left?"
  82. >Her ears twitch and she picks up "Hey, wait a minute what do you mean"
  83. >"Your company. How many?"
  84. >"Your not dragging US into your suicidal venture" she snaps back and starts to rise
  85. >"Actually, I am, by order of rank"
  86. >She pauses
  87. >I continue "As the rest of the officers are dead the command of the column and its component units falls to me as next in command. You and your riders are part of that column, you are under British command and payed with British coin. You will stand with us. Besides, I need the cavalry, you know how the Orulus feel about horses"
  88. >She spits on the floor then squints at me
  89. >"My riders are tired. We have fought one battle already, our ammunition is running low, and we have our own homes to worry about"
  90. >"Stop the Orcs here and your homes are safe. We should have some ammo for your carbines. Now shut up, I need to organise our defence"
  91. >I rise and walk past the protesting elf and into the light of day
  92. >The horses have been taken to the pen and the injured elves are being carried to the hospital
  93. >The rest have slumped don the floor, being attended to by some of my men
  94. >As I step out everyones heads swivel to look at me
  95. >"Sergeant Mckenzie"
  96. >"Sir!" a smartly dressed sergeant with a bushy moustache steps forwards
  97. >"Organise the men. I want two work parties - Take the meal bags from the store room and shore up the stone walls. Use the carts and any other parts you can find to make barricades, and put lookouts on the hill to our West, they should have a good view over the entire valley from there"
  98. >"Very good sah!"
  99. >As Mckenzie gets the men organised and into action I turn to the Kommandos
  100. >The leader is some weirdo called 'Fox'
  101. >He wears Rhodesian uniform though, cant go wrong with a Rhodie lover
  102. >"Fox, take your men and advance out into the valley. Set as many traps as you can. we have explosives in the stores, make good use of them"
  103. >Fox grins "Gotcha mate" and starts kicking his men into action
  104. >"Officer?"
  105. >I turn to see the short form of Father Oharris behind me, looking worried
  106. >"I heard what happened, what are you doing"
  107. >"Preparing father, we need to be ready when they come"
  108. >"But this is madness, there are thousands of them"
  109. >"Yes" I reply, "And yes. But meet them we must"
  110. >"Bu-but but"
  111. >I hold a hand up
  112. >"Father there is something I need you to do"
  113. >He looks at me with a worried expression
  114. >"What is it?"
  115. >"Take your daughter and ride for Chalice. Warn them. The garrison has a radio, they will be able to call HQ for aid. If nothing else, we will buy them time to prepare"
  116. >He sputters "But what of your men? What of the wounded?"
  117. >"We took an oath when we joined up. Besides, we cannot spare the carts nor the time"
  118. >"But officer, please, have mercy"
  119. >"Mercy is a luxury we cannot afford" I reply
  120. >"Bit of a hardass aint you"
  121. >The elf leader stalks over to us "At least let the wounded live"
  122. >"They will live or die by our efforts here" I reply
  123. >"Please lass, talk him from this madness" the preacher turns to the elf
  124. >"I tried" she shrugs "And failed. At least hes not making you stay"
  125. >Oharris turns to me aghast "Your making them?!"
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