

Aug 18th, 2014
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  1. Jesus christ, I want to ban the word "toxic" for how much of a buzzword it's become. Right now I'm too tired to make a long post so I'm going to skip the explantion as to why the context it keeps being used in is incredibly inappropriate and focus on the actual topic at hand.
  3. First of all I think you're incredibly wrong in that it it shouldn't be a continous behaviour, as hostility directed towards an appropriate post is nothing that I can see as negative. You seem to be under the impression that it's to add a "fun" twist to the sentence, when it's clearly to show a strong dislike towards that post. Being against people being direct is simply promoting passive-aggressiveness between users, and it would be much better for a poster to act straightforward rather than dance around the issue in an attempt to not insult the other party. To put it in simpler terms; That sort of mentality is a fucking joke, and I'm having difficulty seeing why anyone would want it to be that way in a forum made for a game that's 18+. No, putting restrictions on what's premitted to be said just because the language used is viewed upon as "childish" is not mature, it's downright stupid.
  5. Insulting someone personally has never been an issue unless it's in a racial manner or such. Someone calls you a fucking nigger and you complain? Fine, warning him. Someone calls you a fucking dumbass and you complain? Then I'm going to tell you to get some thicker skin, because it's downright pathetic to think of personal insults as anything but a weak argument. When someone uses it and nothing else, then you can just call them out on having no argument, it's not exactly that hard. If someone does it after you've not bothered to counter any of their points, then you deserve it, and there's no fucking way that I can see an 18+ community justifying anything else.
  7. The way of thinking which you've described is exactly what the problem is. Mods with the shitty mentality like yours is the main reason why these rules are so goddamn safe, it shouldn't exactly be that hard to make a judgment based off each person being able to take some shit. Haven't exactly talked to you before, but goddamn I'd be curious to see some of the bans and warnings you've handed out, since if they're for shit as minor as that then I have to wonder why anyone hasn't called you out on it before.
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