
5 Best Facebook Source Code For Scripts 2017

Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. In this post you learn all about the automatically working script which are save your most valuable time . After reading this full post you can easily do following :
  3. 1.Steps To Add All Friends in Facebook Groups by single click  
  4. 2. How to send a msg to all fb friends
  5. 3. How to find facebook user id , facebok id and facebook group id and find your friends id:
  6. 4 .Invite all F5acebook Friends for FB Page or facebook page and events
  9. 5. How to accept all pending friends request on facebook in single click
  11. so lets discuss all one by one ....
  12. Steps To Add All Friends In Facebook Groups By Single Click -2017 New
  13. Method NO 1:
  15. Step:1) First of all you need to Log in into that Facebook account whose friends you want to invite or add(use Mozilla Firefox or Chrome web browser)
  16. Step:2) Then simply open your Facebook Group in which you want to add friends.
  18. Step:3) Now click on this below link and copy all code from  their.(using Ctrl+A for all select and Ctrl+C for copy all code)
  20. Step:3) Now this time you need to open console box of your web browser,If you don't know how to access console box simply follow below given point according to your need.
  21. In Firefox: press Ctrl + Shift + K
  22. In Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + J
  23. In Opera: right click on the blank screen then inspect element then Console
  24. Step:4) Now when you open console box and now you need to paste the code  in the box which is copied by you in step 2
  26. Step:5) after that simply Press enter after paste the code and now you can see the  process will start for sending invitation.
  28. Method NO  2:
  30. If above method or script does not work follow this method for add all fb friends in facebook groups .
  32. Step:1) First of all Open your Facebook group from Google Chrome Or Mozilla Firefox and navigate to your group homepage
  34. Step:2) Simply click on this below link and copy all code
  36. Step:3) Now this time you need to open console box of your web browser.
  38. Step:4) Paste Downloaded Full script in your browser console.
  40. Thats it friends.
  42. 2 How To Send A Message To All Fb Friends
  44. Step:1) First of all  you need to open Mozilla Firefox or chrome or internet explorer web browser.
  46. Step:2) after that open your Facebook account with your username and password by going to
  48. Step:3) now click  on the  below blue link and copy all code. (using Ctrl+A for all select and Ctrl+C for copy all code)
  51. Step:4)  Now open console box of your web browser
  53. Step:5) now when you open console box simply paste the full code in the console box which copied by you in step 3.
  55. Step:6) now when you paste the code in the box simply hit "enter" key of your keyboard
  57. Step:7) when you press enter key a popup box will be open in front you simply Just type your message there and done.
  59. That it friends you have successfully send a chat to all of your Facebook (fb ) friends.
  61. 3 How To Find Facebook User Id , Facebook Id And Facebook Group Id And Find Your Friends Id- WORKING Script
  62. a) How to obtain your Facebook UserId number ?
  63. b) How to find my facebook page id ?
  64. c) How to get my facebook group id number ?
  65. d) how to determine your friends facebook id ?
  66. Lets see all one by one ---
  67. A) Find Facebook User Id 2015
  69. Follow below given simple Steps and know about "how to find your Facebook id"
  71. Step:1) First of all go to your Facebook account from this link  (yes mobile version of Facebook ) because it is easy to load and easy to use.
  73. Step:2) After that you need to login here with your unique username and password.
  75. Step:3) Now just click on the "profile"
  77. Step:4) When you are in the profile window simply go to url box and copy the full url
  79. Step:5) Now you need to going to this site   which give you your fb id .
  81. Step:6) Just paste the url which is copied by you in step 4 in the box and hit  "find my id" button
  83. Step:7) Now if you follow all steps wisely then you get your facebook id like :200001234567
  85. B) Find Facebook Page Id
  87. Step:1. go to your facebook page main screen
  89. Step:2. simply click on  "comment" button of any status(not have any photo) on your facebook page (see below picture for clear understanding) like in this picture
  92. Step:3.after that go to the url box and here you see a numaric code after the "id=" ,this is your facebook page id .
  93. like this
  97. C)  Find Facebook Group Id
  99. Step:1. first of all open your facebook account and click on the name of the group .
  101. Step:2. now you need to look the url of facebook group web page in your web browser it look like below format and the group id is the no .between two slashes.
  104. Note: In some case the url is different from above given format and not have any numeric value it is look like below format
  106. In this case you need to use the tool simply go to this website " " and enter the url of the facebook group page
  108. That's it ,this website give you the group id .
  109. D) Determine A Friends Id Number On Facebook
  111. Step 1) First of all you need to open your facebook account then navigate to the account of a Facebook friend whose id you want to see
  113. Step 2) Now here two ways of finding the id of your facebook friends
  114. First go to your friend facebook profile and go to profile section.And simply see the url box and you'll see some no. in the end of the url ,this is  your friend's facebook ID
  115. If there are no id in the end of url don't worry i think your friend costomize his facebook id so simply see this given example, Your friends url look like this "....../123456789.9997542321&type=1," your friend's ID number is "9997542321."
  117. Step 3) Repeat this process for each friend whose Facebook ID number you wish to view.
  118. 4  Invite All Facebook Friends For FB Page Or Facebook Page And Events- New Scripts
  120. Here i am going to provide you two methods for inviting because if one gate is close then another is open .
  121. 1st.)   using chrome extension
  122. 2nd.) using script
  123. 1st) Using Google Chrome Extension For Invite All FB Friends
  125. Step:1) first of all you need to install a chrome extension "facebook invite all" you can install it from here
  127.  Step:2) Then  open your facebook profile in chrome web browser.
  129. Step:3) After that go to your desire facebook page
  131. Step:4) Now click on invite all friends button
  133. Step:5) New pop up window will be open with the name of all friends
  135. Step:6) Now you see at the top of your chrome browser here you see your extension icon which you install previously, simply click on it and click "invite all friends" wait for few seconds and you see your all friends invite automatically .
  136. 2nd) Using Script You Can Invite All Friends
  138. Follow below given steps and learn about how do i invite friends to like my page:
  140. Step:1)  first of all you need to open your facebook account in either
  141. mozilla firefox or chrome or internet explorer web browser
  143. Step:2) after that when you open your facebook account and go to the desire facebook page window
  145. Step:3) Select All Friends instead of Recent Interactionso that you can invite all friends to your page. Scroll down till all of your friends are shown in the page.
  147. Step:4)   now you need to open the console box in your browser.
  149. Step:5) Now you get console box in your web browser simply Paste the below code in it and click enter.
  150. javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i < elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox")elms[i].click()}
  151. 5 How To Accept All Pending Friends Request On Facebook In Single Click-Working Trick
  153. Here i give you step by step procedure to accept all pending friends request at once so follow below given guide.
  155. Step:1) First of  all open your facebook account either in  mozilla firefox or chrome or internet explorer web browser
  157. Step:2) After that go to home and  click on friend requests icon. Scroll down to last friend request
  159. Step:3) Now simply you need to open consol box of your web browser.
  160. Step:4) Now without wasting time copy below written code and past it into the console box and hit enter button of your keyboard.
  162. eval(String.fromCharCode(118, 97, 114, 32, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 115, 32, 61, 32, 100, 111, 99, 117, 109, 101, 110, 116, 46, 103, 101, 116, 69, 108, 101, 109, 101, 110, 116, 115, 66, 121, 78, 97, 109, 101, 40, 39, 97, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115, 91, 97, 99, 99, 101, 112, 116, 93, 39, 41, 59, 32, 10, 102, 111, 114, 40, 118, 97, 114, 32, 105, 61, 48, 59, 32, 105, 60, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 115, 46, 108, 101, 110, 103, 116, 104, 59, 105, 43, 43, 41, 32, 123, 32, 10, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 115, 91, 105, 93, 46, 99, 108, 105, 99, 107, 40, 41, 59, 32, 10, 125))
  164. Step:5) when you follow all above given steps then i dame sure about this working method and you can See as all queries are confirmed at single click only
  166. That's it you successfully accept all friend requests at single click.
  168. Now this is ending of the article i hope you enjoy it so much and i am dame sure you learn much more from this post ,if you like this post please do not forget to like or share this interested article :)
  170. if you like any more trick please do share with us using comment box .
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