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Jul 15th, 2020
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  1. You don't have to wait very long at the door to the salon, and to your surprise it's Lynette herself that lets you in. She seems to brighten at the return of her favourite customer and grabs your hand with hers as she eagerly bumps you to the front of the line, lip curled in a small but genuine smile[if approval is high]. [if apprioval is low] She turns on her bare feet and saunters back in to tend to an unruly seeming cowgirl and you make your way to the stone waiting bench. You recline back and look up at the cave ceiling, noticing the bright alchemical lights that hang to give the little shop it's cozy atmosphere. Clearly somebody in this family knows a fair bit about alchemy, you decide.
  3. As they mill about you notice the variety of her daughters, all the various fashions and bright hair making you think of a rainbow. But they all seem to share their mother's sheer fertile form, and you unabashedly drink in the show of plump green tits and ass. Several catch you looking and wink at you, with one daring girl even outbright approaching you and palming your [testicles and balls] over your pants with her delicate green hands. "Back again, buddy?"[if repeat] "Mhmmm, love some new stud meat!"[if first visit] she coos, blowing you a kiss and slinking away with an almost exaggerated sway of her hips.
  5. You're at half mast already from it all when you hear Lynette call your name, pushing yourself up and hurrying over to take a seat in those odd looking chairs. You hear the small whirring of gears as she adjusts it to be just perfect for your height, and as you lay back into the comfy chair you see her pull up a stool to lean over you. "So what'll it be?"[approval low]/"So how can I help my favourite stud today, hmmmm?"[if approval is high].
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