
Sling Hoof Visit 12/31/14

Dec 31st, 2014
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  1. 3[23:08] * @GreenHoof goes over to the couch and plops onto it, sighing. The forced genial expression on his face melted away to somthing more troubled and anxious.
  2. 03[23:09] * Sling_Swivel looks to Hoof, quirking a brow, "What's up, dude? You wanted to talk to me?" he asks, looking a touch concerned.
  3. 03[23:12] * @GreenHoof nods. "We have to talk about you. And your situation."
  4. [23:15] <14Sling_Swivel> "What'd'you mean, my situation? This have something to do with that talk Ti had with you?"
  5. 03[23:20] * @GreenHoof nods. "Partly." Hoof adjusts himself on the couch. "I'll cut to the chase. This could be a dangerous situation, Sling. We don't know what's going on with you and your body."
  6. 14[23:20] * Curiosity ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  7. 03[23:21] * Sling_Swivel offers his friend a confused look, "What do you mean, Hoof? I haven't noticed anything weird..."
  8. 01[23:25] <03@GreenHoof> "The Equestrians that hit you with the magic scanner said you were off the charts. The witches hinted that some part of Dim is still inside you. your body was that Silver mare's that transformed into you."
  9. 03[23:26] * Sling_Swivel stares at Hoof for a long moment... "Wha..." he mumbles... unable to find the words... "That can't... I'm the Least magical thing you ever saw... I... he can't... didn't he... get out of there?" he stammers...
  10. 01[23:28] <03@GreenHoof> "They said something like he'd live on... in you. He was swallowed up in Exweizy, Sling. He never came out."
  11. [23:29] <14Sling_Swivel> "What? No, man... I told him to get out... he told me to touch her horn and think of home and friends and... I told him, man... I told him to get himself out... he didn't...?"
  12. 14[23:29] * Mary_ONette ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  13. 14[23:30] * Nova_Out is now known as Nova_Flux[Dry_Cold]
  14. 03[23:32] * @GreenHoof shakes his head. "No. If he's here, it's in you."
  15. 14[23:32] * Nova_Flux[Dry_Cold] is now known as Nova_Raider
  16. [23:33] <14Sling_Swivel> "That's just..." Sling shivers... "He can't be..."
  17. 03[23:39] * @GreenHoof sighs. "Can I tell you a story?"
  18. [23:40] <14Sling_Swivel> "I... I guess, if you want..." Sling replies, looking quite unsettled.
  19. 3[23:50] * @GreenHoof adjusts himself on the sofa, leaning back against it's soft back. "I'll keep it short." He takes a deep breath, letting his mind drift back to the past. "So... about six months ago, I had a friend named Phoenix Down. He was the Guard Captain. Really close friend for a while. There was a lot going on, and I'll spare you the details. But one day, he had to trade himself to save the life of a foal. Dim had the foal. Phoenix willingly gave himself up in exchange to have the foal brought back to town. He was taken to the Kavsher manor and ended up dying there. A few weeks later, I went with a rescue party to infiltrate the house to try to rescue him." Hoof wriggles where he sits on the couch, his eyes narrowing a bit. "We got in there and fought someone that looked like him. I killed him and it turned out to be a cultist in disguise. Then we found what we thought was the real Phoenix and took him to town. It... it seemed like him. But th-there was good reason to believe it wasn't him since they had shapeshifting abilities, and he couldn't remember much besides a few of us, including me. I-I knew that there was something wrong. But I convinced them to let him out of his restraints in the clinic under the condition I would stay with him at all times. H-he went about business like normal for a couple of days. Other than amnesia, he seemed like the real Phoenix. Then we went to the Vault. And..." Hoof pauses for a long moment. "It turned out to be a mare witch in disguise. She took me and a guard hostage. She almost killed me, b-but," he shakes his head, "She slit the guard's throat." Hoof's gaze falls down to his lap, his voice going barely above a whisper. "And now he's dead."
  20. 01[23:51] <03@GreenHoof> "My personal feelings and emotions got someone killed. I wanted to believe Phoenix was alive so bad that I sacrificed someone's life for it."
  21. 02[23:52] * Mary_ONette ( Quit (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
  22. 14[23:54] * Mary_ONette ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  23. [23:55] <14Sling_Swivel> "W-wait... Dim Light did that? But... he saved me... he went in there and saved me... Over... all the others... for some reason... look... I guess I never told you all of what happened in here... I... wait... do you think I'm not me or something?"
  24. 03[23:56] * @GreenHoof shakes his head. "I don't think you're not you. Relax."
  25. 01[23:59] <03@GreenHoof> "Dim was not the one who killed Phoenix, either. He didn't intend for him to die. Doesn't change what happened, but that's not the point."
  26. 03[23:59] * Sling_Swivel takes a need breath and nods slowly, "O-okay..."
  27. Session Time: Wed Dec 31 00:00:00 2014
  28. 01[00:02] <03@GreenHoof> "So now we have you. Captured and absorbed by a Kavsher. The witch's dead body transformed into you, possibly with some remnant of Dim inside of you." Hoof looks up from his lap to Sling. "We don't know what exactly, but there's something abnormal with you. Perhaps inconsequential at best, but something dangerous to yourself and those around you at worst. We just don't know."
  29. [00:05] <14Sling_Swivel> "I-I haven't noticed anything... nothing man... I mean... I dunno all of what happened when I, uh, came back... but I really haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary..."
  30. 03[00:07] * @GreenHoof nods. "Fair enough. But Sling... you understand the gravity of the situation, don't you?"
  31. 03[00:08] * Sling_Swivel grimaces, hears ears lying back, "I-I guess..? But there's nothing I can really do about it... unless,,, we can get back in touch with those Witches... or something..." he replies, sighing.
  32. 3[00:10] * @GreenHoof looks back down to his lap, his muscles tensing up. "Titus told you about our conversation the other day. About your... 'interactions' with Able and concern about the Vault and you."
  33. [00:10] <12Titus> (Titus didn't say shit)
  34. 01[00:11] <03@GreenHoof> [Wait, what?]
  35. 01[00:11] <03@GreenHoof> [I thought you said you talked to Able and stuff...]
  36. [00:11] <12Titus> (He just said he had a private conversation)
  37. [00:11] <12Titus> (To sling, he didn't say anything to Sling)
  38. 01[00:11] <03@GreenHoof> [Oh. I was gonna say. I'm tired as fuck right now, so my memory is spotty]
  39. [00:12] <14Sling_Swivel> [Yar, Ti never told Sling what they discussed]
  40. 01[00:13] <03@GreenHoof> [alright, let's continue then]
  41. 03[00:14] * Sling_Swivel bites his lip a bit, "Er, he said... you had a conversation... that was private... And, yeah, I talked to Able, breifly on the bridge the other night... he was pissed at Ti about something... But worse was... he knew. He hinted that he knew, Hoof... that means the Vault know..."
  42. [00:14] <14Sling_Swivel> knows*
  43. 03[00:16] * @GreenHoof adjusts on the couch to face more towards Sling. "Ok look. Calm down, alright? It's not as bad as you're making it out to be."
  44. [00:16] <14Sling_Swivel> "No, he knows, man. That means Vault knows. That means I'm marked..." Sling rambles, shaking his head.
  45. 03[00:18] * @GreenHoof sighs and rubs his temples. "Listen to yourself man. you act like you've got a hit on you. Please, just..." Hoof leans back against the couch, taking a deep breath. "The Vault is not gonna come kidnap you and do shit to you, understand? I talked to Able."
  46. 03[00:20] * Sling_Swivel shakes his head and groans, "Why would you dooo that? Of course he'd say they're not after me! You said I was all magical or something... they'll want to know why... so they can find out some way to turn it to their advantage. That's what they're all about, Hoof. Power. Knowledge is power."
  47. 14[00:21] * Strong_Metal (~Waveform@2604:6000:1401:e035:f503:95a5:7ee8:bb62) has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  48. 03[00:23] * @GreenHoof closes his eyes for a moment, collecting his thoughts before responding. His voice is clear and patient. "Sling. I know Able. I've known him for almost two years now, since the very beginning of this town's existence."
  49. [00:25] <14Sling_Swivel> "W-well... I'm talked to him, myself... he's a sketchy dude... and you know the Vault's no good, Hoof..." Slling replies, ears still lying flat.
  50. 01[00:29] <03@GreenHoof> "There're things I don't like about the Vault. And I've had periods of friction with Able... But I've also fought by his side, lived alongside him, and he's my neighbor. But sometimes, Sling, you've got to look at the facts and the situation in front of you. There's something we need to do about this."
  51. 3[00:30] * Sling_Swivel shakes his head, "We gotta go to the Witches, man... that's the only way..."
  52. 03[00:37] * @GreenHoof sighs. "One: the witches are gone. Said they were leaving the region as Dim's last orders. you saw the Will. Other than maybe two of them, we were advised *by* Dim not to associate with or trust them. We don't know where they went. Two: The witches have, in cases intentionally and not, *caused* horrible things to happen, including the situation we're in right now. Working with them to defeat Exweizy and save you was done out of practicality and because of time constraints. Are they our enemies? No. And despite everything, they've even extended the hand of friendship to us. But this, Sling..." Hoof shakes his head, "This is something we can't deal with them on."
  53. 02[00:37] * Mary_ONette ( Quit (Quit: Walking the dreamscape)
  54. [00:39] <14Sling_Swivel> "Then... there's no one else... I don't think anything wrong with... I swear I'd know something if there was... If I'm really a danger or something, I'll... deal with it myself... But there are no other options at this point... you know that," he replies, gesturing with a foreleg.
  55. [00:40] <14Sling_Swivel> anything's*
  56. 03[00:42] * @GreenHoof 's expression falls to something even more serious than before, looking Sling in the eye. "Sling. I'm just gonna come right out and say it. We need to have you checked on by ponies from the vault."
  57. [00:44] <14Sling_Swivel> "That is unacceptable, Hoof," Sling snaps, making a sweeping gesture with his foreleg, "Even if they don't cut me up or sell me to the Equestrians... they might still benefit from something they learn..."
  58. 02[00:50] * Strong_Metal (~Waveform@2604:6000:1401:e035:f503:95a5:7ee8:bb62) Quit (Read error: No route to host)
  59. 03[00:50] * @GreenHoof sighs, having expected that response. "I need you to listen to me, Sling. They wouldn't hurt you. This shit, 'cutting you up or selling you to the Equestrians'... it's tinfoil, Sling. There is no inkling of a reason to believe that would happen. The vault learning something about you isn't gonna hurt you or anyone else." Hoof's voice goes quieter, and he leans his head forward towards Sling. "This might save your life. It might prevent other lives from being lost..." Hoof goes quiet for a few moments. "Do you know why I told you about what happened with Phoenix?"
  60. 03[00:53] * Sling_Swivel sighs, "Look, I get that, but I have a feeling... and my life's not worth empowering them anymore," he replies, shaking his head and then continuing, "To prove you've dealt with this before... but on that note, wouldn't taking me to the Vault be the exact opposite thing you oughta do?"
  61. 01[01:05] <03@GreenHoof> "In this case, Sling, going to the vault *is* the right thing to do. You wouldn't be cut open, and nothing would harm you. I'm not *taking* you to the vault. I'm not going to force you to do anything. But... if I'd not done what I did with the fake Phoenix, if I'd have let what was supposed to happen happen, there'd be one man still walking that was brutally murdered because of me. The vault wouldn't be the clusterfuck of security measures and regulations there is today." Hoof stands up onto the floor, and then with some effort, stands onto his two hindlegs, his belly and chest exposed to Sling, with various lacerations, scars, and marks, "I wouldn't be looking like a tin can that went through a pulverizor that should've been dead long ago." Hoof falls back to all four legs and sits back on the couch. "I told you. This situation is dangerous. We don't know what could happen, but there's reasonable suspicion that something could. And we have to stop it. I'm on your side, Sling. I don't want anything to happen to you, and I don't want anything to happen to anyone else. I'm not telling you you have to do the right thing. I'm telling *you* to *do* the right thing."
  62. 3[01:11] * Sling_Swivel maintains a hardened expression as Hoof begins, "They're still dangerous, Hoof... the Vault and the Equestrians are the biggest threats to this town..." he trails off as Hoof stands up, revealing his scars... Sling winces and half-looks away... "Ugh..."
  63. 14[01:11] * Curiosity is now known as GMC
  64. [01:12] <14Sling_Swivel> "I just... I can't trust them, Hoof... Who knows what they might learn or do... If that Dim fellow... is alive... they might hurt him... With all that security... there's nothing to stop them if they want to do something..."
  65. [01:13] <14GMC> *As focused and nervous as he is while speaking, the blue stallion barely notices how some of the fur on his chest loses color. Hoof sees this clearly, and knows is no illusion...
  66. [01:13] <14GMC> [Sling, make a willsave]
  67. 01[01:14] <03@GreenHoof> "I'm not asking them to trust them. I'm-" Hoof cuts off, his eyebrows raising when he notices Sling's chest.
  68. [01:15] <14Sling_Swivel> !roll 1d20+3
  69. [01:15] <14GameServ> Sling_Swivel rolled 1d20: 7 <Total: 7(+3) = 10>
  70. [01:15] <14Sling_Swivel> "What?"
  71. [01:15] <14GMC> !roll 1d20+6
  72. [01:15] <14GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 2 <Total: 2(+6) = 8>
  73. 01[01:15] <03@GreenHoof> [I see kek is being a shit to everyone tonight]
  74. [01:16] <14Sling_Swivel> "What? Who?" Sling asks, looking around the room, and not at Hoof...
  75. [01:16] <14GMC> *Before he notices, Sling's chest stops shifting, but some spots on his fur are clearly of a silvery white...*
  76. 01[01:16] <03@GreenHoof> [oh shi-]
  77. [01:16] <14GMC> !roll 1d20+10
  78. [01:16] <14GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 16 <Total: 16(+10) = 26>
  79. [01:17] <14GMC> [make another willsave,Sling]
  80. 03[01:17] * @GreenHoof watches Sling with a grim expression, his mouth curving down into a frown when he sees the silvery-white fur.
  81. [01:17] <14Sling_Swivel> !roll 1d20+3
  82. [01:17] <14GameServ> Sling_Swivel rolled 1d20: 18 <Total: 18(+3) = 21>
  83. [01:18] <14GMC> !roll 1d20+6
  84. [01:18] <14GameServ> GMC rolled 1d20: 2 <Total: 2(+6) = 8>
  85. [01:18] <14Sling_Swivel> "Eehh..." Sling murmurs incoherently...
  86. 14[01:18] * Aurora[mobile] (~androirc@2600:1004:b055:1bb6:51a5:2831:9cae:ecc5) has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  87. 03[01:19] * @GreenHoof stands up, going over to Sling with a worried expression. "S-sling?!"
  88. [01:20] <12Titus> (Goddamnit Cury let us have some peace :p)
  89. [01:21] <14GMC> [hahahaha]
  90. [01:21] <14GMC> [never >.3]
  91. [01:22] <14GMC> *The small patches of silvery white are no more than six, scattered around the stallion's chest forming some sort of cross right on the middle. Sling enters some kind of brief trance, and the circles are still there when he returns to conseciousness*
  92. 3[01:23] * @GreenHoof holds Sling up with his front hooves, looking over his chest and wincing when he sees the final product. "Fuuuuck..."
  93. 03[01:23] * Sling_Swivel wobbles on his haunches, one foreleg held out, his eyes staring straight through the wall and into space...
  94. [01:24] <14Sling_Swivel> "I-I don't understand..." he mutters, still staring into space... "Can we save you?"
  95. 03[01:24] * @GreenHoof leans Sling back on the chair, putting a hoof to his forehead. "Sling? Sli-" Hoof cuts off when Sling speaks, his heart sinking in his stomach. "Wh-what? Sling are you okay?"
  96. [01:25] <12Titus> (Aw shit he's talking to Dim)
  97. [01:26] <14Sling_Swivel> "Her Form? My Form? Your Form?" Sling mutters, "Not... not what..?" he asks, speaking to the wall, speaking to no one... As Hoof seats him, his eyes slowly lose their glaze and he blinks several times...
  98. 03[01:27] * @GreenHoof grits his teeth, keeping his hooves on Sling as he listens, looking down at the stallion with frantic, wide eyes.
  99. 03[01:28] * Sling_Swivel shivers and blinks, taking a few deep breaths and looking around a bit... his gaze finally meets Hoof's own... "He..." Sling mumbles... uncertain of what to say.
  100. 04[01:28] * Titus whistles as he cheerily trots towards Green's house. He had finished cooking, and Sling was taking a while...
  101. 03[01:30] * @GreenHoof looks down at Sling, rubbing his hooves over his forehead and patting his chest. "He what? He what, Sling?"
  102. [01:30] <14Sling_Swivel> "Talked... to me... Dim... I think," he replies, in a bit of a daze... "I-I don't know..."
  103. 04[01:32] * Titus has a bit of a hop to his trot as he pushes through the gate, now on the approach to Greenhoof's front door.
  104. 03[01:32] * @GreenHoof bites his bottom lip. His fears now confirmed, he closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath to calm himself. "Okay... Are you feeling alright, Sling? Just relax. Try to let it come back to you."
  105. 04[01:33] * Titus reaches Green's porch and climbs up, his massive hooves making a fair a bit of noise.
  106. 03[01:33] * Sling_Swivel lies back against the chair, taking a few deep breaths, "I..." he stops abruptly at t he knock upon the door.
  107. 03[01:35] * @GreenHoof stands up straight at the knock, his ears twitching and flickering. He heads over to the door, glancing back to Sling. "J-just relax. Take a deep breath." Hoof opens the door, stepping back a bit when he sees Titus, 1,1almost mistaking him for High Tide at first~."T-Titus! Come in! S-Sling had a... I think Dim spoke to him..."
  108. 03[01:36] * Titus tilts his head. He didn't even knock on the door! "Wow, 'yer spry- What now? Dim spoke 'ta him? Bloody hell..."
  109. 03[01:36] * Titus trots in, looking at Sling.
  110. 03[01:36] * Sling_Swivel curl up upon the chair a bit, then raises his head, hearing Ti's voice... "Ti?"
  111. 03[01:36] * Titus gives him a small smile, trotting over. "You okay, lad? Everything alright?"
  112. 03[01:36] * @GreenHoof shuts the door behind Titus and goes back over to the chair. "H-hang on... I'll get you a mug of water, Sling." Hoof trots off to the kitchen.
  113. 03[01:39] * Sling_Swivel looks to Hoof, nodding, then to Titus, "I-I dunno... he spoke to me... he told me... " he trails off, thinking hard for a moment... "He was still alive and... gathering himself? He said I'd have to... choose... That we were... our bodies were unstable?" he replies, trying to peice things together.
  114. 03[01:40] * Titus just nods as he speaks... "Unstable? What d' 'ya mean by that, lad?"
  115. 3[01:40] * @GreenHoof comes back in, having been listening from the kitchen. He takes the mug of water and places it on the table next to Sling, listening intently.
  116. 01[01:45] <03@GreenHoof> [S-Sling?]
  117. [01:46] <14Sling_Swivel> "W-well..." he pauses, carefully reaching for the mug and taking a sip, swallowing it down and then taking a deep breath... "He said that... our bodies weren't stable... that I'd have to chose at the... right time... I think..."
  118. [01:46] <12Titus> "That's... Bloody hell..." The unicorn stallion just shakes his head. "And t' think I came here thinking you two'd be having a tea party or summat."
  119. 02[01:47] * GMC ( Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  120. 03[01:47] * Sling_Swivel frowns sadly, shaking his head...
  121. 01[01:47] <03@GreenHoof> "Choose what? Between bodies?"
  122. [01:48] <14Sling_Swivel> "I-I don't know... I think?" he says.. looking to Hoof and biting his lip...
  123. 04[01:49] <12Titus> "...Fuckin' hell. What'd I miss, Green?;'
  124. [01:49] <14Sling_Swivel> "Kept saying I... we... I wasn't stable..."
  125. 03[01:49] * @GreenHoof frowns and purses his lips, sighing through his nose and looking down at Sling. "Now do you see where I'm coming from?"
  126. 03[01:50] * Sling_Swivel grits his teeth and looks to Hoof for a long silent moment before... nodding slowly.
  127. 03[01:53] * @GreenHoof sits on his haunches and runs his hooves through his mane, taking a deep breath. "I was explaining to Sling the gravity of our situation... I don't think I have to explain anymore."
  128. [01:54] <12Titus> "...This is... I... fackin' hell... I just..."
  129. 03[01:54] * Sling_Swivel looks between Titus and Hoof, frowning sadly...
  130. [01:54] <14Sling_Swivel> "I'm so sorry I brought all of this onto you guys..."
  131. [01:56] <12Titus> "Shut up with tha', Sling! You didn't bring shit on anyone! This ain't your bloody fault... God fucking damnit..."
  132. 03[01:56] * Titus paces around the room, a troubled look on his face.
  133. 03[01:57] * Sling_Swivel shrinks away from Titus a he shouts, curling into a little blue ball.
  134. 03[01:58] * @GreenHoof stands up and looks down at Sling, putting on a serious face, but his voice is soft and reassuring as he puts a hoof on his shoulder. "Sling, this isn't your fault. We care about you."
  135. 01[01:58] <03@GreenHoof> "you have nothing to be sorry for."
  136. 04[01:59] * Titus takes a deep breath, then sighs. "Aye, what Green said."
  137. 03[02:00] * Sling_Swivel uncurls and looks up, nodding, "I gotcha, guys... I do... I just... yeah... it's hard to process..."
  138. 01[02:02] <03@GreenHoof> "Look... right now, just try to relax. You're gonna get through this, and you're gonna be fine. Tonight, just take it easy. Let your brain rest and process things."
  139. 03[02:04] * Sling_Swivel nods slowly, "Yeah... yeah... I just gotta... relax... I just," he pauses, thinking, "Dim really is alive... you were right..." he says, puting a hoof to his chest and looking at the strange splotches of color in confusion.
  140. 03[02:05] * Titus just sits down, trying to calm himself. "...Fffffuck..."
  141. 3[02:07] * @GreenHoof 's eyes drift down to the splotches on his chest, putting an effort into not grimacing, instead giving the best reassuring smile he can muster. "Everything's gonna work out, Sling. Don't worry too much."
  142. 03[02:08] * Sling_Swivel makes a series of pained and uncormfortable faces, looking between Hoof and Titus, "You... you think the Vault would hurt Dim?"
  143. 03[02:09] * Titus sighs... "Dim... that glorious, crazed son of a bitch, Dim. I owe that fucker a shit-ton. An' I ain't letting th' goddamn Vault so much as look in his direction."
  144. 02[02:09] * Liven ( Quit
  145. 03[02:09] * Sling_Swivel gestures to Titus, while looking at Hoof.
  146. 03[02:10] * @GreenHoof shakes his head. "No. I really don't. The objective ain't to hurt anyone."
  147. [02:11] <14Sling_Swivel> "You don't think they might have a score to settle?"
  148. 01[02:13] <03@GreenHoof> "Not at all. Hell, that yellow vault fella was just over there talkin' to Dim for gifts and shit not long before me and Titus went."
  149. [02:14] <14Sling_Swivel> "Yellow Vault Fella?"
  150. 03[02:14] * @GreenHoof nods. "Point is, no. Don't worry about that."
  151. 03[02:15] * Sling_Swivel looks down at the splotches once more, "Well... if he can be saved, I want to try... He saved me... for nothing."
  152. 03[02:19] * @GreenHoof stands up, going back over to the couch and taking a seat. "Then looks like you know what you should do."
  153. 01[02:21] <03@GreenHoof> [I'm gettin' pretty tired...]
  154. [02:21] <14Sling_Swivel> [Gotcha.]
  155. 03[02:22] * Sling_Swivel frowns, thinking, "Go home and sleep? And then... tomorrow... see where to go from there?"
  156. 03[02:23] * @GreenHoof nods. "Sounds good to me. Don't worry about it tonight. Just get some sleep."
  157. 03[02:24] * Sling_Swivel nods once more, clutching the mug in his forehooves and taking a sip, "That's the plan then... Ti? What do you think?"
  158. 03[02:24] * Titus looks out the window, before groaning. "...It's damn late..."
  159. 04[02:24] <12Titus> "Hey, Greenhoof, got any guest bedrooms?"
  160. [02:24] <14Sling_Swivel> "I think it's taken, Ti. The Lights are over."
  161. [02:25] <12Titus> "Well... fuck."
  162. 01[02:26] <03@GreenHoof> "Rain's gone, so I'd be the only one in my bedroom. y'all are free to use it if you want and I'll sleep on the couch, I really don't mind at all. There's only one bed in there though." Hoof wiggles a bit on the plushy couch. "The damn couch might actually be more comfy than the bed, actually..."
  163. 03[02:27] * Sling_Swivel looks to Ti, "I-I'd hate to put Hoof out... what do you want to do, Ti?"
  164. 01[02:28] <03@GreenHoof> "you wouldn't be putting me out at all, and it's a long walk to yall's place."
  165. [02:28] <14Sling_Swivel> "This true..."
  166. 4[02:29] * Titus looks at Green, then at Sling... Then back to Green. "...I guess. I mean, it's not like Sling uses the guest bedroom anyways." He sticks his tongue out at the little blue stallion, obviously teasing him.
  167. 03[02:30] * Sling_Swivel blushes and swallows hard, hiding his muzzle in the mug for another drink...
  168. 03[02:30] * @GreenHoof smirks. "So take my bed. I kinda wanna sleep out here anyway."
  169. [02:31] <14Sling_Swivel> "Y-you got blankets?" Sling asks, relenting.
  170. 01[02:31] <03@GreenHoof> "There's blankets on the bed."
  171. 01[02:31] <03@GreenHoof> "It's uh... unmade though. Rain usually does that..."
  172. [02:32] <14Sling_Swivel> "I meant for you out here, but it'll be fine, don't worry, Hoofster," Sling replies, smiling faintly.
  173. 01[02:33] <03@GreenHoof> "Oh! yeah, I keep one under the cushion here." Hoof reaches under one of the cushions and takes out a neatly folded blanket. "See?"
  174. 03[02:33] * Titus rolls his eyes. "Always prepared. Got a blunderbuss behind th' couch, too, do 'ya?"
  175. 03[02:34] * @GreenHoof huffs. "I wish..."
  176. 03[02:34] * Sling_Swivel nods to Hoof, "Good, good," hesays, before looking to Ti, "I actually was going to talk to Hoof about that very topic before this... all started..."
  177. 03[02:35] * @GreenHoof yawns. "Well... we're gonna have to do it some other time. I think my brain is about done for the night."
  178. 03[02:37] * Sling_Swivel nods and sets his mug down on the table, "Right, right..." he says, carefully stepping down from the chair and moving over to Hoof, "Well... you sleep well and... thanks for all this," he says, offering a hug.
  179. 03[02:38] * Titus is just sitting there silently, in thought.
  180. 03[02:39] * @GreenHoof gives Sling a small smile, returning the hug gently. "No problem. I got your back, Sling."
  181. 03[02:40] * Sling_Swivel nods, looking a touch teary-eyed, "Thanks, man... You know I'm here for you, too... if you need me."
  182. 03[02:40] * @GreenHoof pats Sling's back in the hug before releasing it, looking up at him with a nod. "I know. Thanks."
  183. 03[02:43] * Sling_Swivel closes his eyes for a moment, then releases his grip, waddling back upon his haunches for a moment, "Least I can do for one of my best friends in this whol messed up world."
  184. 03[02:45] * @GreenHoof unfurls the covers and lays out on the couch, bringing the blanket over him and yawning. "Welp, bedroom's the one with the door open in the back. y'all make yourselves comfortable."
  185. 03[02:46] * Sling_Swivel nods one final time, "Sleep well, Hoofster," he says, before moving over to Ti and nuzzling up against his side a bit, "You okay, dude?"
  186. 03[02:46] * Titus sighs and nods. "Aye, 'm fine, laddy. Let's get some sleep>"
  187. 14[02:47] * CrystalShine (~quassel@2607:5300:100:200::4bf) has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  188. [02:47] <14Sling_Swivel> "Yeah... let's... I'm gonna need it," he says, pressing his side up against the big Stallion.
  189. 03[02:55] * Titus trots upstairs, expecting the smaller buck to trail behind him
  190. 03[02:56] * Sling_Swivel sticks right up next to Ti's side, maintaining contactn as they go.
  191. 03[03:00] * Titus leans over and nuzzles him, reaching the top and heading for the master bedroom
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