

Mar 16th, 2019
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  1. @rem Minimal_Plugins.bat "$Revision: 1396 $" "$Date: 2019-03-16 12:57:46 +0200 (la, 16 maalis 2019) $"
  2. @rem
  3. @rem See PluginEnablerOrDisablerPlugin.cs for additonal notes and customizations!
  4. @rem
  5. @goto :prepare_minimal
  6. :copy_minimal
  7. rem
  8. rem Draws circle on Minimap for normal and resplendent chests.
  9. rem
  10. call :copyfile Actors\ChestPlugin.cs
  11. rem
  12. rem Draws circle and label on Minimap for cursed event chests.
  13. rem
  14. call :copyfile Actors\CursedEventPlugin.cs
  15. rem
  16. rem Draws round marker on Minimap for rift progression orbs and power globes.
  17. rem
  18. call :copyfile Actors\GlobePlugin.cs
  19. rem
  20. rem Draws label on Minimap for portals (level entry points).
  21. rem
  22. call :copyfile Actors\PortalPlugin.cs
  23. rem
  24. rem Draws markers and labels for shrines, healing  wells and pylons on Minimap.
  25. rem
  26. call :copyfile Actors\ShrinePlugin.cs
  27. rem
  28. rem Press F6 to see bounties state summary.
  29. rem
  30. call :copyfile BountyTablePlugin.cs
  31. rem
  32. rem Shows blood shard amoount using green, yellow or red label on bottom skillbar.
  33. rem
  34. call :copyfile Inventory\BloodShardPlugin.cs
  35. rem
  36. rem Enchances item display, in our case draws "A" or "P" marker on item.
  37. rem
  38. call :copyfile Inventory\InventoryAndStashPlugin.cs
  39. rem
  40. rem Shows item description for "equipped" Canai's Cube items on Inventory header.
  41. rem
  42. call :copyfile Inventory\InventoryKanaiCubedItemsPlugin.cs
  43. rem
  44. rem Shows material counts on Inventory bottom.
  45. rem
  46. call :copyfile Inventory\InventoryMaterialCountPlugin.cs
  47. rem
  48. rem Draws marker and label for cosmetic items on Minimap.
  49. rem
  50. call :copyfile Items\CosmeticItemsPlugin.cs
  51. rem
  52. rem Customized to show only ancient and primal items, hide item labels.
  53. rem
  54. call :copyfile Items\ItemsPlugin.cs
  55. rem
  56. rem Shows pickup range indicator (filled circle) under player. Disabled now.
  57. rem
  58. call :copyfile Items\PickupRangePlugin.cs
  59. rem
  60. rem Show POI markers on Map. For example for bounty names or keywarden names.
  61. rem
  62. call :copyfile Minimap\MarkerPlugin.cs
  63. rem
  64. rem Shows rift progression value in colors for monsters during rifts on Minimap.
  65. rem This is customized to show less colors for clarity.
  66. rem - yellow for elites that can drop rift orbs,
  67. rem - blue   for monsters with good progression value,
  68. rem - green  for monsters with some progression value,
  69. rem - gray   for monsters with little progression value.
  70. rem Check for details about rift progression values.
  71. rem
  72. call :copyfile Monsters\MonsterRiftProgressionColoringPlugin.cs
  73. rem
  74. rem Shows monsters in different colors on Minimap.
  75. rem
  76. call :copyfile Monsters\StandardMonsterPlugin.cs
  77. rem
  78. rem Shows those minion like actors on Minimap that layer can spawn to fight/help for him/her.
  79. rem
  80. call :copyfile Players\PlayerSkillPlugin.cs
  81. rem
  82. rem Shows health and class specific numbers over corresponding UI "globes" on bottom skillbar.
  83. rem
  84. call :copyfile ResourceOverGlobePlugin.cs
  85. rem
  86. rem Shows health potion cooldown over it. Sometimes show garbage numbers (in town).
  87. rem
  88. call :copyfile SkillBars\OriginalHealthPotionSkillPlugin.cs
  89. rem
  90. rem Shows more info about skill duration and cooldown etc. over them in skillbar.
  91. rem
  92. call :copyfile SkillBars\OriginalSkillBarPlugin.cs
  93. rem
  94. rem Shows special events bounties on Act Map.
  95. rem
  96. call :copyfile WaypointQuestsPlugin.cs
  97. echo.
  98. echo Done
  99. popd
  100. pause
  101. goto :eof
  103. :copyfile
  104. set filename=%1
  105. copy .\plugins.bak\Default\%filename% .\plugins\Default\%filename%  >nul 2>&1
  106. if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (
  107.     echo file copy ok    %filename%
  108. ) ELSE (
  109.     echo file copy ERROR %ERRORLEVEL% %filename%
  110. )
  111. goto :eof
  113. :copydir
  114. set dirname=%1
  115. copy .\plugins.bak\Default\%dirname% .\plugins\Default\%dirname%  >nul 2>&1
  116. if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (
  117.     echo dir  copy ERROR %ERRORLEVEL% %dirname%
  118. )
  119. goto :eof
  121. :prepare_minimal
  122. @echo off
  123. pushd ..\..
  124. echo Current directory
  125. cd
  126. echo.
  127. rem
  128. rem Move everything from plugins\Default to backup folder for clean start.
  129. rem
  130. robocopy plugins\Default plugins.bak\Default *.* /S /MOVE /R:0 /W:0
  131. rem
  132. rem Create required plugins folder structure.
  133. rem
  134. mkdir .\plugins\Default\Actors  >nul 2>&1
  135. mkdir .\plugins\Default\BasePlugin  >nul 2>&1
  136. mkdir .\plugins\Default\BuffLists  >nul 2>&1
  137. mkdir .\plugins\Default\BuffLists\Painter  >nul 2>&1
  138. mkdir .\plugins\Default\Decorators  >nul 2>&1
  139. mkdir .\plugins\Default\Extensions  >nul 2>&1
  140. mkdir .\plugins\Default\Faders  >nul 2>&1
  141. mkdir .\plugins\Default\ItemRenderers  >nul 2>&1
  142. mkdir .\plugins\Default\Inventory  >nul 2>&1
  143. mkdir .\plugins\Default\Items  >nul 2>&1
  144. mkdir .\plugins\Default\LabelLists  >nul 2>&1
  145. mkdir .\plugins\Default\LabelLists\TopLabelList  >nul 2>&1
  146. mkdir .\plugins\Default\Minimap  >nul 2>&1
  147. mkdir .\plugins\Default\Monsters  >nul 2>&1
  148. mkdir .\plugins\Default\Players  >nul 2>&1
  149. mkdir .\plugins\Default\RadiusTransformators  >nul 2>&1
  150. mkdir .\plugins\Default\RotationTransformators  >nul 2>&1
  151. mkdir .\plugins\Default\ShapePainters  >nul 2>&1
  152. mkdir .\plugins\Default\SkillBars  >nul 2>&1
  153. mkdir .\plugins\Default\SkillBars\Painter  >nul 2>&1
  154. mkdir .\plugins\Default\WorldShapePainters  >nul 2>&1
  155. rem
  156. rem These are needed for plugin infrastructure.
  157. rem
  158. call :copydir BasePlugin
  159. call :copydir BuffLists\Painter
  160. call :copydir Decorators
  161. call :copydir Extensions
  162. call :copydir Faders
  163. call :copydir ItemRenderers
  164. call :copydir LabelLists\TopLabelList
  165. call :copydir RadiusTransformators
  166. call :copydir RotationTransformators
  167. call :copydir ShapePainters
  168. call :copydir SkillBars\Painter
  169. call :copydir WorldShapePainters
  170. goto :copy_minimal
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