
i need an adult

Aug 28th, 2014
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  1. [16:32] <@Chronamut> morning!
  2. [16:33] <@Chronamut> look at allll dose voiced users
  3. [16:33] <+SubliminalVirus> morning chrony
  4. [16:33] <@Chronamut> moooorniiiing
  5. [16:33] <@Chronamut> it's a beautiful day out!
  6. [16:34] <+SubliminalVirus> no it's too hot... wake me up when winter begins...
  7. [16:34] <@Chronamut> and my hair smells like richard from being on the pillow
  8. [16:34] <@Chronamut> not here
  9. [16:34] <@Chronamut> perfect weather in canada
  10. [16:34] <+SubliminalVirus> no this is canada AND IT'S TOO DAMN HOT
  11. [16:34] <@Chronamut> where are you in canadda>?
  12. [16:34] <@Chronamut> *canada
  13. [16:34] <@Chronamut> its like 21 degrees here
  14. [16:35] <+SubliminalVirus> alberta...
  15. [16:35] <@Chronamut> ah thats why
  16. [16:35] <@Chronamut> "not" ontario
  17. [16:35] <@Chronamut> :P
  18. [16:35] <@Chronamut> *that's
  19. [16:35] <+SubliminalVirus> wake me up when winter arrives....
  20. [16:35] <+SubliminalVirus> so that I can complain about the cold....
  21. [16:35] <@Chronamut> you mean the next polar vortex?
  22. [16:35] * @Chronamut shudders
  23. [16:36] <+eyefinger> I couldn't sleep very well
  24. [16:36] <+SubliminalVirus> hey at least when it's cold you can put more cloths on....
  25. [16:36] <+eyefinger> today I get to hear whether I get the job or not
  26. [16:36] <+SubliminalVirus> oo what job?
  27. [16:37] <+eyefinger> IT job, something with migrating databases
  28. [16:38] * Keefer ( has joined
  29. [16:38] <@Chronamut> there were no amt of clothes to put on tha t was good enough last winter
  30. [16:38] <@Chronamut> at least I cna jump in a lake when it's hot
  31. [16:38] <@Chronamut> lol
  32. [16:38] * Keefer takes all shawns clothes away
  33. [16:38] <@Chronamut> key keefie poo
  34. [16:39] * @Chronamut allows this
  35. [16:39] <Keefer> hey soul mate.
  36. [16:39] * @Chronamut then proceeds to fuck Keefer_
  37. [16:39] * @Chronamut nuzzles Keefer_ lovingly
  38. [16:39] <Keefer> NO!
  39. [16:39] <@Chronamut> too late
  40. [16:39] <Keefer> im sore.
  41. [16:39] <@Chronamut> I am inside you
  42. [16:39] <@Chronamut> aww
  43. [16:39] <@Chronamut> too much andy fucking?
  44. [16:39] <+eyefinger> RAPE!
  45. [16:39] <Keefer> Oh no. sore from boxing.
  46. [16:39] <@Chronamut> ic
  47. [16:39] * +SubliminalVirus sells the footage on the internet for some $......
  48. [16:40] <@Chronamut> well your hole im sure isnt sore
  49. [16:40] <Keefer> im still on a topping spree. i dont want nothing up my butt as of late.
  50. [16:40] <@Chronamut> im sorry but we still have an agreement
  51. [16:40] <Keefer> lol its not forever.
  52. [16:40] <@Chronamut> it better not be
  53. [16:40] <Keefer> i just go thru moods.
  54. [16:40] <@Chronamut> mm.
  55. [16:40] <@Chronamut> me its top all the time
  56. [16:40] <@Chronamut> top top top
  57. [16:40] <Keefer> LAME
  58. [16:40] <Keefer> variety is the spice of life.
  59. [16:40] <@Chronamut> eh I did my bottoming years ago
  60. [16:41] <@Chronamut> nowadays my ass is too compromised to do that shit nemore
  61. [16:41] <@Chronamut> damn fissures
  62. [16:41] <Keefer> if my prostate didn’t love being bumped so much i wouldn’t be into it.
  63. [16:41] <@Chronamut> lol
  64. [16:42] <Keefer> seriously. its like a geiser. it turns me on when it happens.
  65. [16:42] <Keefer> its the most bizarre climax ever. it kinda fascinated me.
  66. [16:42] <@Chronamut> haha
  67. [16:42] <@Chronamut> yeah ive been there
  68. [16:42] <Keefer> facinates*
  69. [16:42] <@Chronamut> each bump raises like a pressure guage
  70. [16:42] <Keefer> w/e it does. I LIKES!
  71. [16:43] <@Chronamut> ill be sure to do it a lot
  72. [16:43] <@Chronamut> :P
  73. [16:43] <Keefer> U BETTER!
  74. [16:43] <@Chronamut> k
  75. [16:43] <Xyzzy> k
  76. [16:43] <@Chronamut> lol
  77. [16:43] * +Twiminy ( Quit (Quit)
  78. [16:43] <Keefer> Xyzzy will you give me a good prostate message?
  79. [16:43] <@Chronamut> no smoking around me tho.. it appears I am more allergic to cigarettes than I previously thought
  80. [16:43] <@Chronamut> hes not on
  81. [16:43] <@Chronamut> you must talk to him in pm or turn him on
  82. [16:43] <Keefer> oh.
  83. [16:43] <Keefer> nvm then.
  84. [16:43] <@Chronamut> he says k regardless of whether hes turned on or not
  85. [16:43] <@Chronamut> lol
  86. [16:44] <Keefer> ah gotchya.
  87. [16:44] <@Chronamut> but yes no ciggies please
  88. [16:44] <@Chronamut> cant even have the taste on the tongue
  89. [16:44] <@Chronamut> makes me sick
  90. [16:44] <@Chronamut> literally
  91. [16:44] <Keefer> I dont smoke indoors & i have a terrace for that. so no worries there.
  92. [16:45] <@Chronamut> richard smoked outdoors too but wehen he went to kiss me it was on his tongue and I could taste it
  93. [16:45] <@Chronamut> apparently that was enough to set me off
  94. [16:45] <+SubliminalVirus> black
  95. [16:45] <+SubliminalVirus> fuzzy
  96. [16:45] <@Chronamut> TONGUE
  97. [16:45] <+SubliminalVirus> tongue?
  98. [16:45] <+SubliminalVirus> DAMMI
  99. [16:45] <+SubliminalVirus> T
  100. [16:45] <@Chronamut> yeah its a condition
  101. [16:45] <@Chronamut> actually its black hairy tongue
  102. [16:45] <Keefer> ill get to qutting. ive funny quit tobacco from my weed smoking & just do oil or vape. so im on my way.
  103. [16:45] <+SubliminalVirus> I enjoyed looking at a gallery of pictures of these unque tongues...
  104. [16:45] <Keefer> fully*
  105. [16:46] <@Chronamut> good :)
  106. [16:46] <@Chronamut> id rather taste a man through a kiss then what he smokes
  107. [16:46] <Keefer> I do miss a good blunt while im driving. but since ive already had cancer a few times im being really foolish LOL
  108. [16:46] <@Chronamut> yeahhh lol
  109. [16:47] <@Chronamut> I don't wanna loose my soulmate
  110. -left because fuck this-
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