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Nov 11th, 2019
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  1. >Anon lived a normal life.
  2. >Normal birth, normal childhood, normal upbringing etc etc etc
  3. >He was rational when it came to problem solving but tended to stay away from problems if it didn't involved him in any shape whatsoever
  4. >He wasn't the worst in school but he was far from the best
  5. >Only C's and average test scores for him which was good but good enough
  6. >This ended up in him getting a job as a gas station attendant.
  7. >It ain't much but it's certainly something.
  8. >The job as an attendant was pretty alright.
  9. >Some asshole-ish customers from time to time. Not common enough to be a huge problem though.
  10. >One night, it was a slow shift.
  11. >Only 2 people stopped for gas
  12. >Anon was bored out of his mind and had his hand up to cheek to prop his head
  13. >He was dozing off to sleep
  14. >But just before anon could get some shut-eye his hand slips and sends his head crashing down on the edge of the gas station's counter
  15. >Cracking his head open
  16. >Anon found himself in hell with spiltting headache
  17. >He soon sees the mayhem and carnage around him
  18. >Anon wondered why he ended up in hell in the first place.
  19. >He didn't steal, murder, rape, assaulted or do anything that bad to people during his lifetime
  20. >Then it dawned on him...he never got baptised for one reason or another
  21. >The ensuing swear fest that was anon venting his frustrations could've been probably heard across the entirety of the literal hellscape
  22. >So starts the journey of Not-baptisedanon
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