Guest User


a guest
May 31st, 2017
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text 3.66 KB | None | 0 0
  1. version = 2.8.6
  2. auto_save = 1
  3. auto_save_url = 0
  4. away_auto_unmark = 0
  5. away_reason = Sono occupato
  6. away_show_message = 0
  7. away_show_once = 1
  8. away_size_max = 300
  9. away_timeout = 60
  10. away_track = 1
  11. completion_amount = 5
  12. completion_auto = 0
  13. completion_sort = 0
  14. completion_suffix = ,
  15. completion_cinsens = 0
  16. dcc_auto_chat = 0
  17. dcc_auto_resume = 1
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  24. dcc_global_max_send_cps = 0
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  28. dcc_max_send_cps = 0
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  31. dcc_port_last = 0
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  34. dcc_send_fillspaces = 0
  35. dcc_stall_timeout = 60
  36. dcc_timeout = 180
  37. dnsprogram = host
  38. flood_ctcp_num = 5
  39. flood_ctcp_time = 30
  40. flood_msg_num = 5
  41. flood_msg_time = 30
  42. gui_auto_open_chat = 1
  43. gui_auto_open_dialog = 1
  44. gui_auto_open_recv = 1
  45. gui_auto_open_send = 1
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  57. gui_pane_right_size = 180
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  64. gui_tray_flags = 0
  65. gui_tweaks = 0
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  67. gui_ulist_doubleclick = QUOTE WHOIS %s %s
  68. gui_ulist_hide = 0
  69. gui_ulist_left = 0
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  81. gui_win_top = 24
  82. gui_win_width = 1024
  83. input_balloon_chans = 0
  84. input_balloon_hilight = 0
  85. input_balloon_priv = 0
  86. input_beep_chans = 0
  87. input_beep_hilight = 0
  88. input_beep_msg = 0
  89. input_command_char = /
  90. input_filter_beep = 0
  91. input_flash_chans = 0
  92. input_flash_hilight = 1
  93. input_flash_priv = 1
  94. input_perc_ascii = 0
  95. input_perc_color = 0
  96. input_tray_chans = 0
  97. input_tray_hilight = 1
  98. input_tray_priv = 1
  99. irc_auto_rejoin = 0
  100. irc_ban_type = 2
  101. irc_conf_mode = 0
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  107. irc_join_delay = 3
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  109. irc_logmask = %n-%c.log
  110. irc_nick1 = Steeler
  111. irc_nick2 = steeler_
  112. irc_nick3 = steeler__
  113. irc_nick_hilight =
  114. irc_no_hilight = NickServ,ChanServ
  115. irc_part_reason = Sto andando via
  116. irc_quit_reason = Sto andando via
  117. irc_raw_modes = 0
  118. irc_real_name = steeler
  119. irc_servernotice = 0
  120. irc_skip_motd = 0
  121. irc_user_name = steeler
  122. irc_wallops = 0
  123. irc_who_join = 1
  124. irc_whois_front = 0
  125. net_auto_reconnect = 1
  126. net_auto_reconnectonfail = 0
  127. net_bind_host =
  128. net_ping_timeout = 0
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  130. net_proxy_host =
  131. net_proxy_pass =
  132. net_proxy_port = 0
  133. net_proxy_type = 0
  134. net_proxy_use = 0
  135. net_proxy_user =
  136. net_reconnect_delay = 10
  137. net_throttle = 1
  138. notify_timeout = 15
  139. notify_whois_online = 0
  140. perl_warnings = 0
  141. sound_command =
  142. sound_dir = /home/steeler/.xchat2/sounds
  143. stamp_log = 1
  144. stamp_log_format = %b %d %H:%M:%S
  145. stamp_text = 1
  146. stamp_text_format = [%H:%M]
  147. tab_chans = 1
  148. tab_dialogs = 1
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  152. tab_pos = 6
  153. tab_position = 2
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  155. tab_small = 0
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  157. tab_trunc = 20
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  159. text_background =
  160. text_color_nicks = 0
  161. text_font = DejaVu Sans Mono 11
  162. text_indent = 1
  163. text_max_indent = 256
  164. text_max_lines = 500
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  166. text_show_marker = 1
  167. text_show_sep = 1
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  169. text_thin_sep = 1
  170. text_tint_blue = 195
  171. text_tint_green = 195
  172. text_tint_red = 195
  173. text_transparent = 1
  174. text_wordwrap = 1
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