

May 12th, 2015
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  1. 19:18:06 <CarlKindle> ((in nico's breast pocket))
  2. 19:18:11 <InkDream46> {{ okay. }}
  3. 19:18:13 ** freemorley has left * connection closed
  4. 19:18:25 <GhostlyInsomniac> Leonid: <What did you do what did you do to him!?> *rips open Nico's coat, revealing an entire lining of syringes*
  5. 19:18:32 <CarlKindle> (([link] thisi s what's happening))
  6. 19:18:41 <Piranhaqueen> ((if it were ferdinand it would be season 4 ahs intro))
  7. 19:18:43 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: *Grabs him by the throat* <At least buy me DINNER first, Little Mosquito!>
  8. 19:18:50 <GhostlyInsomniac> Leonid: <DON'T CALL ME THAT!!>
  9. 19:19:06 ** freemorley has joined *
  10. 19:19:09 <CarlKindle> Carl: Uh....*jump's on Nico's back*
  11. 19:19:36 <CarlKindle> Carl: *holding on with his one good arm*
  12. 19:19:48 ** freemorley has left * connection closed
  13. 19:19:51 <InkDream46> *Olivia looks at Kain, then looks at Nico and tilts her head to the side, considering. Her left hand curls into a fist. Carl, that was stupid.*
  14. 19:19:56 ** freemorley has joined *
  15. 19:20:23 <CarlKindle> Carl: *probably*
  16. 19:20:50 ** freemorley has left * connection closed
  17. 19:21:03 ** freemorley has joined *
  18. 19:21:37 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: ... *elbows Carl in the face*
  19. 19:22:08 <CarlKindle> Carl: Gah! *still hangs on , his right arms clawing at the mask*
  20. 19:22:41 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: <Get OFF ME!> *drops Leonid and claws at Carl's hands*
  21. 19:22:54 <GhostlyInsomniac> Leonid: *tries to reach into the syringes and instead is kicked in the face again*
  22. 19:23:19 <CarlKindle> *anywhere to bit? Just fabric damn*
  23. 19:23:53 <CarlKindle> Carl: *the right arm comes on easy butthe left on is doing it's best.*
  24. 19:24:44 <CarlKindle> Kain: *come on Carl you're embarrassing me*
  25. 19:24:55 ** freemorley has left * connection closed
  26. 19:25:05 ** freemorley has joined *
  27. 19:25:10 <InkDream46> *Olivia flinches. A small, thin puddle of dark liquid starts forming on the floor. A tendril lashes out and grabs onto Nico's ankle and yanks, trying to trip him.*
  28. 19:26:00 <Piranhaqueen> ((YESSS OLIVIA,,GOOOOO . yay olivia))
  29. 19:26:02 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: !!? *tries to get his ground again, trying to toss Carl off of him*
  30. 19:26:57 <InkDream46> *The tendril yanks again, growing up his leg like vines.*
  31. 19:27:09 <InkDream46> *or, a vine. It's just one right now.*
  32. 19:27:16 <CarlKindle> Carl: *his left arm comes lose but he grabs for the mask one last time *
  33. 19:27:16 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: *lets himself be tripped, grabbing his sword and slicing at the vine*
  34. 19:27:21 <Piranhaqueen> ))Ferdinand: *Doesn't even care there's heresy as long as nico's gonna die he's fine* ))
  35. 19:28:06 <InkDream46> *The tendril slices easily and dissapates. Two others form, one grabbing for his sword wrist and another grabbing for a syringe on the inside of his coat.*
  36. 19:28:35 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: *trembles* <Ooh extraordinary...>
  37. 19:28:51 <CarlKindle> Carl: *now that he's firmly held he does grab and yank off the mask*
  38. 19:29:10 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: *elbows Carl again and slices with the sword, cutting the tendrils* <Give me that you little brat!>
  39. 19:29:41 <CarlKindle> Carl: Oof..*backs back* Nope!
  40. 19:29:52 ** gallifluffy has joined *
  41. 19:30:02 <CarlKindle> ((welcome to the party))
  42. 19:30:14 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: *lifts the sword and buttons his coat* <The audacity of this city!> *lifts his foot and stomps on Carl's chest*
  43. 19:30:24 <InkDream46> *The syringe falls, and a surge of liquid catches it in softness enough to keep it from breaking. A tendril forms around it and slithers off across the ground forwards Kain.*
  44. 19:30:29 <CarlKindle> Carl: *scream*
  45. 19:30:52 <InkDream46> *Olivia yells then, and a larger tendril forms, rising up to wrap around Nico's neck and pull him backwards.*
  46. 19:30:54 <Piranhaqueen> ((how do people not complain about noises))
  47. 19:31:00 <CarlKindle> Kain: *takes it before rushing Nico himself now*
  48. 19:31:14 <CarlKindle> ((they're use to it. and the only people living ther eare also heretics))
  49. 19:31:15 <InkDream46> Surly: *WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON* *DRINKING VERY HEAVILY.*
  50. 19:31:27 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: *lifts his foot and drives it into Kain's throat*
  51. 19:31:28 ** topic set by gallifluffy *
  52. 19:31:48 <CarlKindle> Kain:*does not even flinch a little*
  53. 19:31:51 <InkDream46> {{ Olivia: Sorry not sorry. }}
  54. 19:32:00 <CarlKindle> Kain: *calmly removes it*
  55. 19:32:09 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: <What!?>
  56. 19:32:15 <gallifluffy> ((Get Andres on the line.))
  57. 19:32:20 <InkDream46> Surly: *I need another fucking whiskey*
  58. 19:32:28 <InkDream46> Surly: *Is this a halucination*
  59. 19:32:51 <CarlKindle> ((this is going to be bad...just a warning))
  60. 19:32:59 <CarlKindle> ((no hanniable stuff but..stil))
  61. 19:33:10 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: <DEATH BEFORE DECIET!>
  62. 19:33:22 <CarlKindle> Kain: So be it
  63. 19:33:25 <CarlKindle> Kain: *grabs his hair pulling it back before driving the needle into Nico's eye*
  64. 19:33:37 <GhostlyInsomniac> Leonid: *drives the broken sword into Kain's side*
  65. 19:33:48 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: *screams*
  66. 19:33:54 <Piranhaqueen> ((YESSSSS))
  67. 19:33:54 <CarlKindle> Kain: *does flinch then. * Excuse me...
  68. 19:33:57 <Piranhaqueen> ((YESSSSSSSS))
  69. 19:34:03 <CarlKindle> Carl: W-wwait!
  70. 19:34:08 <GhostlyInsomniac> Leonid: *pulls out the sword and stabs him again and again*
  71. 19:34:12 <Piranhaqueen> ((no yell out htat nobody blinded him!)
  72. 19:34:25 <CarlKindle> Carl: *rolls to his side trying to grab Leonid*
  73. 19:34:28 <GhostlyInsomniac> Leonid: *his expression has gone glazed and stoic* *just stabbing the fuck out of him*
  74. 19:34:40 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: *trying to yell, but is instead slurring and drooling*
  75. 19:34:41 <CarlKindle> ((well this exsculated quickly))
  76. 19:34:42 <InkDream46> Surly: *retches and spits whiskey, then hurriedly turns away and runs out the back. Okay fuck this shit.*
  77. 19:34:44 <Piranhaqueen> ((stabbing party))
  78. 19:34:51 <InkDream46> {{ uhhh is Leonid actually stabbing Kain? }}
  79. 19:34:58 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( he's being brainwashed))
  80. 19:35:00 <CarlKindle> ((triger word i take it))
  81. 19:35:09 <InkDream46> {{ The eye shit. }}
  82. 19:35:11 <Piranhaqueen> ((ohhhhh. fuck i thought he was stabbing nico))
  83. 19:35:14 <CarlKindle> Kain: *and guess what? He dissolves into mush*
  84. 19:35:20 <CarlKindle> *like..mush*
  85. 19:35:24 <CarlKindle> Carl: ???
  86. 19:35:30 <CarlKindle> Carl: ??!!!!!!?!?!??!?!?!
  87. 19:35:34 <InkDream46> Olivia: *gets up and heads for Carl, grabbing his wrist.*
  88. 19:35:41 <CarlKindle> Carl: But...
  89. 19:35:42 <GhostlyInsomniac> Nicodemus: *grabs his eye with the syringe sticking out of it* *grabs Leonid and flees*
  90. 19:35:50 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: RRLFF! *falls over*
  91. 19:35:57 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: NRRLLL!
  92. 19:35:58 <Piranhaqueen> ((So many people have stabbed nico in the eye ))
  93. 19:36:02 <CarlKindle> Carl: But G-grigori!
  94. 19:36:43 <InkDream46> Olivia: *Stands still for a moment, then relaxes, letting go of Carl. No need to Blink.*
  95. 19:36:51 <CarlKindle> Kain? : *is mush still*
  96. 19:37:02 <CarlKindle> Carl: What just h-happened!?
  97. 19:37:12 <GhostlyInsomniac> *A moment later, the lights go out in the bar.*
  98. 19:37:25 <CarlKindle> ((Andres is going to be so pissed))
  99. 19:37:48 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( so's Ferdinand ))
  100. 19:37:51 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( I am excited for that ))
  101. 19:37:55 <CarlKindle> Carl: *still holding onto the mask*
  102. 19:37:58 <InkDream46> {{ I am not certain if Surly drank enough to forget this or not. }}
  103. 19:38:09 <CarlKindle> ((oh he can forget. we make sure of it ))
  104. 19:38:14 <InkDream46> {{ For the fact that if he didn't he will go to the abbey, I will say he did. }}
  105. 19:38:15 <gallifluffy> ((I am so glad I'm not involved in this.))
  106. 19:38:18 <CarlKindle> (Andres: *rubs hands together*))
  107. 19:38:25 <InkDream46> {{ yeah be glad }}
  108. 19:38:32 <Piranhaqueen> ((ho shit oh shit))
  109. 19:38:46 <CarlKindle> Carl: We should leave...
  110. 19:38:56 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: *I can't fucking move*
  111. 19:38:56 <Piranhaqueen> ((ferdinand will be extremely pissed off))
  112. 19:39:05 <Piranhaqueen> ((i recommend not getting in his way ))
  113. 19:39:15 <InkDream46> Olivia: *looks up at the ceiling, then nods and looks at Grigori. Points at him with a questioning look towards Carl.*
  114. 19:39:30 <CarlKindle> Carl: We n-need to get him back to the abbey
  115. 19:39:33 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: *my mentor is going to strike back with a vengance and my brother is under the same mental triggers that I was*
  116. 19:39:44 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: *on the plus side he's probably blind in one eye now*
  117. 19:39:46 <CarlKindle> ((Andres: Tea for everyone!))
  118. 19:39:46 <InkDream46> Olivia: *grimaces, holds up her left hand.* Only so far.
  119. 19:39:53 <CarlKindle> Carl: I understand
  120. 19:39:58 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: *nothing my brother can't fuckING FIX UP I WONDER*
  121. 19:40:11 <CarlKindle> Carl: Just I can f-find help
  122. 19:40:20 <Piranhaqueen> ((Ferdinand: "As your so called son i will murder this man." ))
  123. 19:40:27 <CarlKindle> ((who is on the roof?))
  124. 19:40:30 <InkDream46> Olivia: *nods* Short trips. Roofs best.
  125. 19:41:00 <CarlKindle> Carl: *nods*
  126. 19:41:22 <CarlKindle> ((*sings* I just wanted Nico and Kain to talk then it all went wrong*))
  127. 19:41:32 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( I'm sorry X3))
  128. 19:41:36 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: *uh hello*
  129. 19:41:57 <InkDream46> *Olivia heads over to Grigori, crouching down and lifting his arm over her shoulder and wrapping her arms around him as much as she can. Tiny child trying to carry a huge paralyzed man. Not really, but it's enough.*
  130. 19:41:58 <CarlKindle> Carl: *my ribs hurt I can not help much with that*
  131. 19:42:20 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: *oh Holger you won't be able to lift me...*
  132. 19:42:30 <CarlKindle> ((are ther any other forces in or near the pub i should know about?))
  133. 19:42:37 <InkDream46> Olivia: *fucking watch me.* *looks at Carl. You coming?*
  134. 19:42:42 <Hannisballs> ((heh))
  135. 19:42:56 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Nicholas, Eydis' Son, is watching. ))
  136. 19:42:58 <CarlKindle> Carl: Uh..*amzaned and shuffles on*
  137. 19:43:05 <CarlKindle> ((is he a bad guy?))
  138. 19:43:11 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Chaotic neutral )
  139. 19:43:19 <CarlKindle> ((ok is he with Nico?))
  140. 19:43:29 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Nico promised him something good if he helps him get Sigdad back ))
  141. 19:43:36 <CarlKindle> ((damn))
  142. 19:43:43 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( he's the one who cut hte lights ))
  143. 19:43:52 <CarlKindle> ((so no more toga assistance for now)
  144. 19:43:57 <Piranhaqueen> ((nooooooooooooo)
  145. 19:44:00 <CarlKindle> ((not unless Carl gets hurt again))
  146. 19:44:03 <Piranhaqueen> ((augh my feelings))
  147. 19:44:12 <InkDream46> *Olivia waits until Carl has made contact with her, then grits her teeth. Blue light forms around the three of them and the next moment they're standing on the rooftop of the pub.*
  148. 19:44:14 <Piranhaqueen> ((ferdinand will literally be willing to die for sigdad))
  149. 19:44:48 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: *don't even fucking give a damn*
  150. 19:45:21 <Piranhaqueen> ((someone will try to get sigdad and he'll be like, F"Fuck not this again." then try to murder anyone who gets him))
  151. 19:45:49 <CarlKindle> Carl: *not use to that still. * Gah
  152. 19:45:53 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Clearly we must bring Ferd in ))
  153. 19:46:32 <CarlKindle> ((Carl doesn't want this to get everywhere))
  154. 19:46:34 <Piranhaqueen> ((obviously ))
  155. 19:46:49 <Piranhaqueen> ((bring in the most unstable one))
  156. 19:46:52 <InkDream46> Olivia: *adjusts her grip on Grigori and looks at Carl, making sure he's alright. She waits a few seconds before blinking to the next rooftop. The trip back to the alleyways around Clavering with take awhile, but it's faster and easier than walking.*
  157. 19:46:53 <CarlKindle> (espcailly when tonight the real Kain shows up all happy and preppy and ready to fill out paperwork))
  158. 19:47:09 ** GhostlyInsomniac has left * connection closed
  159. 19:47:25 <CarlKindle> Carl: *still not over how you can hold him*
  160. 19:47:33 ** GhostlyInsomniac has joined *
  161. 19:48:19 <CarlKindle> ((cause as we saw. Kain was not a person but a humanculous. if you stab the bartendera lot he'd do the same))
  162. 19:48:30 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Nice ))
  163. 19:48:34 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *in the meantime is in the Abbey making flower crowns*
  164. 19:48:56 <InkDream46> Olivia: *The secret is that I'm actually not. Just enough to be able to Blink him.*
  165. 19:49:04 <CarlKindle> Carl: *also i'm keeoing his mask. will ti help me?*
  166. 19:49:07 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *WEaring the flower crowns*
  167. 19:49:10 <Piranhaqueen> ((BRB OHLD ON))
  168. 19:49:27 <CarlKindle> (damn i need to do the dishes real fast))
  169. 19:49:36 <CarlKindle> ((back as soon as i can))
  170. 19:50:02 <InkDream46> {{ We'll set them down in an alleyway near Clavering when you return. }}
  171. 19:50:05 <Piranhaqueen> ((okay back))
  172. 19:50:16 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *wearing the flower crowns sigdad is making, feeling happy.*
  173. 19:50:42 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *humming gently as he puts on his crown*
  174. 19:50:50 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <Look, i'm a prince!>
  175. 19:51:02 ** GhostlyInsomniac has left * connection closed
  176. 19:51:08 ** GhostlyInsomniac has joined *
  177. 19:51:14 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *giggles when he points that out*
  178. 19:51:21 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *smiles*
  179. 19:51:26 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: <"I want to be a prince too."> *Smiling*
  180. 19:51:31 <InkDream46> {{bah, I'm behind schedule. }}
  181. 19:51:37 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <You can be.>
  182. 19:51:48 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <I don't know my father... maybe he was a king!>
  183. 19:52:31 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *frowns* <...Lord Nicodemus is the closest I have to a father.>
  184. 19:52:34 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: <"Grigori says he's my father. I think he's joking though.">
  185. 19:53:08 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *points to gross roach that's dead on the concrete* <"That bug is like Lord Nicodemus. He's a roach.">
  186. 19:53:17 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: <"soon he'll be dead. Like that roach."?
  187. 19:54:25 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *smiles gently*
  188. 19:54:32 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *nestles up to him*
  189. 19:54:34 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *braiding two white flowers, and making them into a crown.*
  190. 19:54:39 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *blushes a little*
  191. 19:55:07 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *Gently pats his head and smiles*
  192. 19:55:54 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <Thank you...>
  193. 19:56:21 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( rbb ))
  194. 19:56:23 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( brb ))
  195. 19:56:36 <Piranhaqueen> ((*thumbs up* ))
  196. 19:56:53 ** GhostlyInsomniac has left * connection closed
  197. 20:02:10 ** gallifluffy has left * connection closed
  198. 20:02:16 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  199. 20:05:17 <CarlKindle> ((ok back))
  200. 20:05:51 <CarlKindle> (and with plans...but Greeks needs to be back for it)
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