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Factorio log - RFP - Bob's mod incompatibility 1.1

a guest
Aug 2nd, 2021
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  1. 0.000 2021-08-02 22:53:29; Factorio 1.1.36 (build 58829, win64, steam)
  2. 0.000 Operating system: Windows 10 (build 19043)
  3. 0.001 Program arguments: "D:\Game Library\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" "--wait-to-close" "11776"
  4. 0.001 Read data path: D:/Game Library/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
  5. 0.001 Write data path: C:/Users/xboxc/AppData/Roaming/Factorio [15201/242920MB]
  6. 0.001 Binaries path: D:/Game Library/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
  7. 0.008 System info: [CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 4600H with Radeon Graphics, 12 cores, RAM: 10263/15741 MB, page: 16983/28029 MB, virtual: 4331/134217727 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
  8. 0.008 Display options: [FullScreen: 0] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: automatic (100.0%)] [Native DPI: 1] [Screen: 255] [Special: lmw] [Lang: en]
  9. 0.012 Available displays: 1
  10. 0.013 [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics {0x80005, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 120Hz}
  11. 0.060 [Direct3D11] Display: 0, Output: 0, DisplayAdapter: 0, RenderingAdapter: 0; d3dcompiler_47.dll
  12. 0.255 Initialised Direct3D[0]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti; id: 10de-1f95; driver: nvldumdx.dll
  13. 0.255 D3D Feature Level: 11.1, DXGI 1.5+, SwapChain: 3,flip-discard,-,-,-,none
  14. 0.255 [Local Video Memory] Budget: 3367MB, CurrentUsage: 3MB, Reservation: 0/1782MB
  15. 0.255 [Non-Local Vid.Mem.] Budget: 7221MB, CurrentUsage: 0MB, Reservation: 0/3738MB
  16. 0.255 Tiled resources: Tier 2
  17. 0.255 Unified Memory Architecture: No
  18. 0.255 BGR 565 Supported: Yes
  19. 0.255 MaximumFrameLatency: 3, GPUThreadPriority: 0
  20. 0.255 Graphics settings preset: very-high
  21. 0.255 Dedicated video memory size 3962 MB
  22. 0.296 Desktop composition is active.
  23. 0.296 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: all] [DXT: high-quality] [Color: 32bit]
  24. 0.296 [Max threads (load/render): 32/8] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: 0] [Rotation quality: normal] [Other: STDCWt] [B:0,C:0,S:100]
  25. 0.324 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
  26. 0.324 [Audio] Backend:default; Depth:16, Channel:2, Frequency:44100; MixerQuality:linear
  27. 0.325 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=15308
  28. 0.561 Loading mod settings boblibrary 1.1.4 (settings.lua)
  29. 0.561 Loading mod settings bobpower 1.1.3 (settings.lua)
  30. 0.562 Loading mod settings RealisticFusionPower 1.6.7 (settings.lua)
  31. 0.563 Loading mod settings RealisticFusionPower 1.6.7 (settings-updates.lua)
  32. 0.564 Loading mod settings RealisticFusionPower 1.6.7 (settings-final-fixes.lua)
  33. 0.567 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
  34. 0.670 Loading mod base 1.1.36 (data.lua)
  35. 1.000 Loading mod boblibrary 1.1.4 (data.lua)
  36. 1.160 Loading mod bobpower 1.1.3 (data.lua)
  37. 1.341 Loading mod RealisticFusionPower 1.6.7 (data.lua)
  38. 1.523 Loading mod base 1.1.36 (data-updates.lua)
  39. 1.702 Loading mod bobpower 1.1.3 (data-updates.lua)
  40. 1.870 Loading mod RealisticFusionPower 1.6.7 (data-updates.lua)
  41. 2.041 Loading mod boblibrary 1.1.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  42. 2.044 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:996: Running technology prerequisite cleanup...
  43. 2.049 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:697: Running recipe ingredients cleanup...
  44. 2.057 Script @__boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: stack traceback:
  45. __boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: in function 'ingredient'
  46. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:654: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check'
  47. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:679: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check_full'
  48. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:699: in function 'ingredients_cleanup'
  49. __boblibrary__/data-final-fixes.lua:5: in main chunk
  50. 2.057 Script @__boblibrary__/error-functions.lua:88: not a valid item of any type.
  51. 2.057 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:665: Invalid item found on recipe rfp-d-d-heating-4.
  52. 2.057 Script @__boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: stack traceback:
  53. __boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: in function 'ingredient'
  54. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:654: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check'
  55. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:679: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check_full'
  56. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:699: in function 'ingredients_cleanup'
  57. __boblibrary__/data-final-fixes.lua:5: in main chunk
  58. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/error-functions.lua:88: not a valid item of any type.
  59. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:665: Invalid item found on recipe rfp-d-d-heating-3.
  60. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: stack traceback:
  61. __boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: in function 'ingredient'
  62. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:654: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check'
  63. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:679: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check_full'
  64. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:699: in function 'ingredients_cleanup'
  65. __boblibrary__/data-final-fixes.lua:5: in main chunk
  66. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/error-functions.lua:88: not a valid item of any type.
  67. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:665: Invalid item found on recipe rfp-d-d-heating-2.
  68. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: stack traceback:
  69. __boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: in function 'ingredient'
  70. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:654: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check'
  71. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:679: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check_full'
  72. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:699: in function 'ingredients_cleanup'
  73. __boblibrary__/data-final-fixes.lua:5: in main chunk
  74. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/error-functions.lua:88: not a valid item of any type.
  75. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:665: Invalid item found on recipe rfp-d-d-heating-1.
  76. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: stack traceback:
  77. __boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: in function 'ingredient'
  78. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:654: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check'
  79. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:679: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check_full'
  80. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:699: in function 'ingredients_cleanup'
  81. __boblibrary__/data-final-fixes.lua:5: in main chunk
  82. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/error-functions.lua:88: not a valid item of any type.
  83. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:665: Invalid item found on recipe rfp-d-d-heating-0.
  84. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: stack traceback:
  85. __boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: in function 'ingredient'
  86. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:654: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check'
  87. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:679: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check_full'
  88. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:699: in function 'ingredients_cleanup'
  89. __boblibrary__/data-final-fixes.lua:5: in main chunk
  90. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/error-functions.lua:88: not a valid item of any type.
  91. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:665: Invalid item found on recipe rfp-d-t-mixing.
  92. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: stack traceback:
  93. __boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: in function 'ingredient'
  94. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:654: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check'
  95. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:679: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check_full'
  96. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:699: in function 'ingredients_cleanup'
  97. __boblibrary__/data-final-fixes.lua:5: in main chunk
  98. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/error-functions.lua:88: not a valid item of any type.
  99. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:665: Invalid item found on recipe rfp-d-he3-mixing.
  100. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: stack traceback:
  101. __boblibrary__/item-functions.lua:130: in function 'ingredient'
  102. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:654: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check'
  103. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:679: in function 'duplicate_ingredient_check_full'
  104. __boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:699: in function 'ingredients_cleanup'
  105. __boblibrary__/data-final-fixes.lua:5: in main chunk
  106. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/error-functions.lua:88: not a valid item of any type.
  107. 2.058 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:665: Invalid item found on recipe rfp-electrolysis.
  108. 2.223 Loading mod RealisticFusionPower 1.6.7 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  109. 2.388 Checksum for core: 3137115070
  110. 2.388 Checksum of base: 566950823
  111. 2.388 Checksum of boblibrary: 3098192701
  112. 2.388 Checksum of bobpower: 2510565031
  113. 2.388 Checksum of RealisticFusionPower: 41878976
  114. 2.569 Error ModManager.cpp:1574: Error in assignID: fluid with name 'heavy-water' does not exist.
  116. Source: rfp-water-purification (recipe).
  117. 2.678 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
  118. 2.679 Created atlas bitmap 2048x640 [icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
  119. 2.685 Texture processor created (2048). GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
  120. 2.708 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 11)
  121. 2.778 Sprites loaded
  122. 2.791 Generated mipmaps (5) for atlas [0] of size 2048x640
  123. 2.791 Custom mipmaps uploaded.
  124. 2.796 Factorio initialised
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